Priest and political activist: Ivan Kostetskyi in Russophile movement of the late XIX-th and early XX-th centuries

The biography of Ivan Kostetskyi - a priest, public and political figure, one of the leaders of the Russophile movement. Election of spiritual rank and political orientation. Disclosure of activities Ivan Kostetskyi as chairman of the Russophile society.

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Oldcourses were afraid that the authority could close Russophile communities activity [28, c. 509] and delegated to Vienna deputation consisting of I. Kostetskyi, V Davydiak, T. Zaiats, L. Pavenetskyi, M. Herasymovych, with loyal statements [29]. This led to a conflict with newcourses who criticized oldruthenians for loyal statements. oldcourses remembered that their loyalty declarations to the authority and recognition of Greek-Catholic faith completely coincided with the statements that newcourses claimed at the Bendasiuk trial (the absence of anti-state and anti-union agitation). They warned newcourses that protests against the authorities would lead to Russophile communities closure [30] and accused them of the union with Ukrainophiles [31]. Instead newcourses accused the deputation than instead of slanders about newcourses they received 6000 korones from metropolitan Sheptytskyi for “Russke Slovo” (Rus Word) [31]. The delegation members hoped that the authority would fulfill their requirements [32] and would not liquidate Russophile communities, but their expectations did not come true and with the start of The First World War Russophile communities activity was suspended [28, c. 509].

Concluding I. Kostetskyi's pre-war activity as the head of Narodnyi Dim, it is necessary to say that thanks to his efforts the construction of the Church of Transfiguration was completed. After that he started constructing a big five-storey building for the seminary on Kurkova Street. The witnesses of the seminary construction told that f. I. Kostetskyi visited the building site every day and “.. .was heartily happy seeing rising walls” [5. c. 74]. As soon as the construction of the seminary for boys was finished in 1907, f. I. Kostetskyi started building a boarder for girls.

As the head of Narodnyi Dim I. Kostetskyi was bothered by legal uncertainty about his status. There was a struggle around this issue between Russophiles and Ukrainophiles [33, c. 347-350]. On 12 January 1909 Deputy M. Bobzhynskyi approved K. Badenia's order [34], where in 1890 he supported narodovtsi in their intention to grant Narodnyi Dim with the foundation status, which spread the authority control, and later to give Narodnyi Dim to Ukrainophiles. Narodnyi Dim board protests led by I. Kostetskyi were declined. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs decision, Galician municipality was supposed to create and implement into action a foundation, in particular to confirm the board and pass the property. Russophile board decided to uphold the right to own Narodnyi Dim property in court [35]. All courts dismissed the lawsuit [36, cnp. 6]. In the decision of 8 November 1912 Galician municipality demanded tha Narodnyi Dim board to make a foundation charter draft. As the head of Narodnyi Dim I. Kostetskyi appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Galician municipality presidium with the request for deferral [37, c. 7].

Regarding legal status uncertainty and threat to lose Narodnyi Dim property at any time, on 4 December 1912 the amendment into the Narodnyi Dim charter was inserted, which foresaw all property transfer to the Stauropegion Institute in case of the community liquidation [37, с. 7]. In the adopted foundation charter draft the board offered to pass into the foundation property only initial plot of land where there was Narodnyi Dim building and the church of Transfiguration, further property growth was seen as their property [38, с. 6]. Galician municipality declined this draft and on 24 June 1914 handed the case for consideration to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, offering to liquidate Narodnyi Dim community [5, с. 75].

The First World War events became a turning point in f. I. Kostetskyi's socialpolitical activity, who with his opponents newcourses supported Russian authority in Galicia.

With Russian troops coming Russophile activity was renewed. I. Kostetskyi became a member of “Narodnyi Sovit” (Folk Council), “Rus national organization” (further RNO) executive body, restored on 9 (22) September 1914 led by newcourses representative Dudykevych. Before the start of war RNO belonged to newcourses. I. Kostetskyi became a member of “Narodnyi Sovit” RNO executive body and headed one of five commissions, formed in its structure, namely dealing with providing help to the injured. On 9 (22) September 1914 I. Kostetskyi was a member of the delegation convened on Dudykevych iniative that visited the military general-governor of Galicia H. Bobrynskyi and expressed their loyal statements about gratitude on behalf of “Red Rus” for release and joining to “State Rus” (Russia) and thus finishing collecting “Rus lands” [39 ].

Instead of the loyal position Russian authorities gave Russophiles back their communities that were taken away or closed by Austrian authorities. In the person of Lviv governor colonel S. Sheremetiev on 22 August 1914 Russian authorities issued an order to return Narodnyi Dim management to the former Russophile staff. On 24 October 1914 Russian government representatives conducted formal property transference. From 1 November 1914 to 21 October 1916 Narodnyi Dim Russophile management led by I. Kostetskyi conducted 18 meetings. The analysis of the meetings protocols of the board shows that mainly there were discussed financial-economic issues [40, с. 276].

As a lot of Russophile priests and activists I. Kostetskyi declared his belonging to the Greek-Catholic church and during the war when Russian authorities came, claimed his sympathy to Orthodoxy. Rightly noticed “Dilo” newspaper: Moskvophile leadership externally formally belonged to Greek-Catholic church but at the same time look closely at Orthodoxy [41]. In November 1914 I. Kostetskyi was a member of the delegation to the orthodox bishop Eulogius led by V Dudykevych who expressed a phrase that the most completely characterizes Russophiles world view in the issue of religious affiliation: “Galician-Rus people always concerned themselves as orthodox, as they did not consciously accepted the union” [42]. As the head of Narodnyi Dim I. Kostetskyi as the sign of loyalty to the Russian government wanted to give the both

Narodnyi Dim churches (of Transfiguration and of Conception) for orthodox services. Instead the institute received all Ukrainian gymnasium facilities in order to create “first Rus gymnasium” in its place [43].

Unlike Church hierarchy Russian military government in Galicia took a more moderate position on freedom of religion and did not allow forced Greek-Catholics convey into Orthodoxy [44]. This made I. Kostetskyi at Narodnyi Dim management council meeting on 27 March (9 April) 1915 issue the permission for a Greek-Catholic priest to serve in the church of Conception, and in the record of 4 (17) April it was stated that Greek-Catholic priests would serve in the church of Conception for the future without any obstacles [45].

As the head of Narodnyi Dim and RNO member I. Kostetskyi supported Russian authorities and RNO initiative to organize the Russian language courses for intellectuals in Narodnyi Dim [46]. On 30 April 1915 Narodnyi Dim for free provided rooms in its building for Russian language courses and since 1 May 1915 there was foreseen renting fee [36, спр. 585].

On 13 January 1915 as the head of “Rus teachers' union” I. Kostetskyi pretended its renovation and requested opening two private subordinated to the community seminaries, male and female ones. The first honorary member of this community was elected count V. Bobrynskyi [47].

Later I. Kostetskyi having moved to Kyiv with retreating Russian military government organized the Russian language courses for refugees affiliated to Oleksandr gymnasium, and later requested opening “Galician-Rus gymnasium”. For this reason twice he went to Petrohrad to the Ministry of education. It was possible to implement this idea only in Rostov-on-Don, where f. I. Kostetskyi worked at gymnasium and seminary for youth.

As a lot of Russophiles f. I. Kostetskyi came back to Lviv. He became a member of “Rus Executive Commitee” that was formed on 24 November 1918 in response to formation of West Ukrainian People's Republic on 1 November 1918 by Ukrainian national-democratic forces [48, a 63]. Russophiles were offended that pro Ukrainian parties had ignored them as a political force and had no invited them to take part in WUPR formation.

At the end of 1919 he went to Warsaw, where he requested renovation of Russophile institutions. He said to H. Malets: “I will die peacefully when Rus institutes will be returned to Rus arms” [5, a 75].

After Poland started ruling in West Ukraine Russophiles managed to renovate their organization at the congress on 1. November 1923. “Rus people's Council” became RNO executive body, which appointed men of trust to every political district and separate location with “Rus” population. Former head of Narodnyi Dim I. Kostetskyi was elected an honorable member of the organization.

To rule Narodnyi Dim in 1921 Polish government appointed temporary board in the person of Russophile commissar I. Liskovatskyi [40, a 279]. I. Kostetskyi was trying to take back Narodnyi Dim to its prewar members. i. E. Russophiles. Later the government entrusted Narodnyi Dim management to the committee that consisted of former Narodnyi Dim members, led by I. Kostetskyi. In 1924 he appealed to Polish government for giving Narodnyi Dim to the newly formed committee, but unsuccessfully [36, спр. 28]. Commissioners form of government was attached in Narodnyi Dim throughout the interwar period.

Kostetskyi was a typical representative of Russophile movement of the 19-th century, whose activists combined their priest service with political activity. As the head of Narodnyi Dim f. I. Kostetskyi completed construction of the church of Transfiguration, built gymnasium premises, founded scholarship funds, etc. After Russophile movement split into oldcourses and newcourses he led the first ones. During the First World War he cooperated with Russian authorities and became a newly formed Russophile institutions member, where newcourses prevailed. He stayed earnest Russophile movement defender, namely in the interwar period he actively fought for Russophile institutions renovation.


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    презентация [509,2 K], добавлен 11.04.2015

  • History of Royal dynasties. The early Plantagenets (Angeving kings): Henry II, Richard I Coeur de Lion, John Lackland. The last Plantagenets: Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, Edward III, Richard II.

    курсовая работа [26,6 K], добавлен 17.04.2003

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