Multidisciplinary research dedicated to the late bronze age from the space between the Carpathians and Prut (Romania)
A review of the multidisciplinary approaches applied to late Bronze Age sites and discoveries from the East Carpathian region. The use of various methods of studying the culture of Nua to form a complete picture of the life and customs of this ethnos.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.06.2020 |
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Multidisciplinary research dedicated to the late bronze age from the space between the Carpathians and Prut (Romania)
V. Diaconu, A. Gafincu
The current tendencies in the archaeological research involve a multidisciplinary approach on the old human communities, so that one can understand different socio-economic patterns, behaviors or relationships (beyond the study of artifacts). The environmental conditions influenced each human civilization, just as any community has had a certain impact on the hinterland in which it lived. The understanding of this connection is absolutely necessary in order to apprehend, as accurately as possible the cultural features of some prehistoric population, who lived in a certain geographic area, in a well-defined chronological sequence.
Our study aims to review the multidisciplinary approaches applied to the Late Bronze Age sites and discoveries from the East Carpathian area. The space between the Carpathian Mountains and the Prut River was inhabited during the 15th-12th/ 11th centuries BC by the bearers of the Noua Culture. The so called Noua Culture is a part of the Noua-Sabatinovka-Coslogeni cultural complex, which spread over a large territory in the Northwestern Pontic area.
Unfortunately, the multidisciplinary research of the Bronze Age in Romania does not have a very long history and things are even less satisfactorily when it comes to the Late Bronze Age; therefore the results are modest, and in some cases we have to deal with an acute lack of information.
For the above mentioned chronological segment, the multidisciplinary research consisted, for a long period of time, of studies of anthropology and archaeo-zoology. Taking into account that in the recent decades efforts have been made to study other issues related to the material remains of the Late Bronze Age communities from the Eastern Carpathian region, our goal is to emphasize these approaches in order to illustrate the current state of the research.
In the field of geoarchaeology can be counted very few contributions so far, most of them very recently. It is worth mentioning here the sedimentological analysis of some fragments of burnt clay discovered in a dwelling belonging to the Noua settlement from Topolita (Neamt County)1. Also, in the field of petrography a number of researches were carried out regarding lithic artifacts, significant being the Raman analyzes on stone axes, which highlighted the most probable sources of raw material used to manufacture such artifacts2.
Figure 1. The map of the sites mentioned in text
Although the Noua Culture communities had a strong territorial dynamic, there are very few GIS studies; such an analysis has recently been made for a narrow geographic area corresponding to an important segment of the Suceava Plateau3. In this respect we can also mention the analysis regarding the relation between the Late Bronze Age communities and the existing salt sources in the northern sub-Carpathian area of Moldova4.
When it comes to bio-archeology contributions, the archaeo- zoological studies for the Late Bronze Age presented a constant interest; there were analyzed paleo-faunistic materials from different archaeological sites of the area studied by us. Although in the area between the Carpathians and the Prut are known more than 900 settlements attributed to the Noua Culture, only 10 of them were targeted by the archaeo-zoological researches. The information provided by this analysis do not offer the most accurate picture of the husbandry and the hunt for wild animals in the Late Bronze Age. So far, paleo-faunistic remains could be analyzed from the following sites: Piatra Neamt (Neamt County)5, Dochia (Neamt County)6, Crasnaleuca (Boto§ani County)7, Valea Lupului (Ia§i County)8, Barlad (Vaslui County)9, Cavadinesti (Galati County)10, Garbovat (Galati County)11, Rate§u Cuzei (Ia§i County)12, Po§ta-Elan (Vaslui County)13, Drage§ti (Vaslui County)14. While over time different amounts of archaeo-zoological remains have been analyzed, the analysis were never exhaustive for a particular site, nor differentiated on archaeological complexes, yet, some coordinates have been established regarding the Late Bronze Age economic strategies in livestock breeding or hunting. It was highlighted that the domestic mammals have the most important share, the cattle being the best represented in the studied groups. Unfortunately, a re-evaluation of the osteological material from these sites is no longer possible, which implies the acceptance, with some reserves, of the global observations published so far.
We can also retain some data on the osseous materials artifacts, although so far, for the geographic area that we are interested in, such approaches are still modestly represented15. As far as we know, there are not so many pieces that have been researched, and the majority of them come mainly from the southern part of Moldova.
Anthropological studies dedicated to the Late Bronze Age were realized only for the cemeteries and the groups of graves from TruSeSti (Boto§ani County)16, Piatra Neamt (Neamt County)17, Doina (Neamt County)18, Letcani (Ia§i County)19, Holboca (Ia§i County)20, Balinte§ti (Galati County)21, Braie§ti (Boto§ani County)22 and Crasnaleuca (Boto§ani County). From the Late Bronze Age necropolises mentioned above, the most representative group of human skeletal remains comes from TruSeSti (103 individuals), while some of the funerary spaces listed above did not provide, considering only a partial research, more than 40 individuals.
Some of the sites of the Noua Culture located East of the Carpathians provided several artifacts which were studied through physico-chemical methods in order to identify the manufacturing technologies, the characteristics of the raw materials or their origin, etc.
Besides, the first physico-chemical analyzes of ceramic materials have been made only in the last few years and the researched artifacts came from the settlements from Save§ti (Neamt County)23 and Cumparatura (Suceava County)24. The results offered a series of indications on how the ceramic pots were build, their porosity, the temper and the temperature of burning.
In the same register we can count the metallographic analyzes of some bronze objects, coming from deposits, archaeological sites or chance discoveries. Unfortunately, although the first such investigations have been done more than a century ago, less than 20 artifacts coming from our area of interest have been studied so far, given that the Late Bronze Age metallurgy has generated important quantities of artifacts.
We mention the metallographic analyzes of some artifacts from the deposits of Mo§na (Ia§i County)25, Cotnari (Ia§i County)26, Ulmi (Ia§i County)27, as well as artifacts discovered in settlements or by chance, such as those from Mogo§e§ti (Ia§i County)28, Mihoveni (Suceava County)29 and Tibucani (Neamt County)30.
One last domain of interdisciplinarity is chronoarchaeology, which allows the establishment of certain temporal sequences concerning the evolution of the Noua Culture in the sites located East of the Carpathian Mountains.
Values for establishing an absolute dating come currently only from the settlement from Crasnaleuca (BotoSani County). There were taken four samples from the above mentioned location, of which only three formed a coherent series (3250±50 BP, 3240±40 BP and 3190±45 BP)31.
From the information presented, we note that some fields of research, especially those of bioarchaeology, have the best representation in the literature for the cultural stage we are discussing. Besides, until two-three decades ago, the studies of archeo-zoology and anthropology dominated the interdisciplinary landscape applied in archeology. The new directions of research, lately approached for our area of interest and the temporal segment considered, focus on prehistoric technologies or the spatial dynamics of human settlements.
bronze culture nua carpathian
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36. Карышковский П.О. О монетах.- С. 73.
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38. Сон Н.А. Тира римского времени. - К., 1993. - С. 26, 27, 28.
39. Сапрыкин С.Ю. Тира и фракийские цари. - С. 54.
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