Analisis of the entrepreneurial activity Russia at the end of XIX – at the beginning of XX centuries from the orthodox perspective

The study of the economic history of Russia in the late XIX - XX centuries. The Russian financial system and the influence of the Crimean and Russian-Turkish wars on it. The activities of Alexander III regarding the restoration of the budget balance.

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Analisis of the entrepreneurial activity Russia at the end of XIX - at the beginning of XX centuries from the orthodox perspective

Olga Vladimirovna Fidchenko

Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia

Russia at the end of XIX - at the beginning of XX centuries was the country with the highest rate of economic growth. Russian financial system is deeply shocked by the Crimean (1853 - 1856) and the Russian-Turkish (1877 - 1878) Wars, was in a very difficult position. However, by a reasonable cost savings the government of Emperor Alexander III restore budget balance, and then followed the already large annual surplus of income over expenditure. The resulting savings were directed to economic enterprises, which contributed to the rise of economic activity. The development of the railway network and device ports led to the development of industry and streamlined both domestic and international exchange of goods, and this opened new sources of increasing government revenue.

Amount of national savings for some 13.5 years reign of Alexander III (from 1881 to August 1, 1894) has increased by 33 times! [3, p. 34]

During the reign of Emperor Nicholas II in Russia economically and culturally yet reached greater success. Autocratic power supported the development of not only the public but also private enterprise. Thanks to the efforts of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhaylovich Romanov, who was considered the patron saint of the highest technical affairs in Russia, a country before World War II had an impressive merchant fleet. [9] Our trading steamers have gone beyond the coastal seas, learning transoceanic lines. For the management of the sector in 1903 was created General Directorate of Merchant Shipping, which then became part of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. It was organized by a whole system of training navigators and engineers. On January 1, 1915 Russia had 1,120 commercial steamers. [4] Almost doubled the tonnage of the merchant fleet: in 1894 it amounted to 492 thousand units of tonnage, in 1914 - 783 thousand tons. [3, p. 37] economic financial war history

On the eve of the revolution the peasants owned the property on the basis of all arable land area in Asia and Russia on the basis of the property and rent - 90% of the total in European Russia. [3, p. 35]

As for the serfdom of peasants - the overwhelming majority of the population of our country abroad XIX - XX centuries, from which the lion's share of entrepreneurs, the government patronized them and worry about their economic situation. According to estimates, A.B. Goryanin [2], the liberation of the serfs in 1861 came to only 28% of the peasant population, while other farmers have already received personal freedom during the reign of Nicholay I and earlier. [6, p. 47]

The amount of deposits in savings banks, which have focused mainly surplus few wealthier classes of the population, with 300 million rubles. in 1894 grew by 1913 to 2 billion rubles. (An increase of 570%), and by 1917 the city - up to 5 billion 225 million rubles. (An increase of 1700%). [3, p. 39]

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear conclusion V.F. Ivanov that the cause of Russian riot was not material poverty and spiritual poverty. [3, p. 46]

According to the results of the First All-Russian population census in Russia in 1897 were living with family members 281,179 merchants. [10, p. 16-17] In the commercial credit and public institutions for the empire as a whole employed 19,774 men and 1,427 women, and among the members of their families were 13,402 men and 27,641 women. [10, p. 30-31] Of these, the number of self in the world of work: Poles - 1,886 men and 69 women; Germans - 1,642 men and 53 women; Genocide - 1,541 men and 19 women, Jews - 2,137 men and 90 women; Tatars and Kirghiz - 139 men and 3 women. [10. 30-31] According to our calculations it turns out that of all the people, clearly indicating his studies at the census of 1897, 0.224% of the total population of Russia were merchants and their families, 0.05% (including family members) of the population was employed in the credit public and commercial institutions. Of the latter was 0.23% Tatars and Kyrgyz, Armenian 2.5%, 2.72% of Germans, Poles, 3.14%, 3.58% Jews.

Based on the calculation of interest, in our opinion, it appears that at the end of XIX century in business activities were mainly involved members of other than the listed people, classes, since, in total, merchants and those who worked in the field of credit and public commercial establishments were only 0.274% of the total population. Especially because, according to our calculations, those who do not have membership of a caste or not consider themselves to either of them, it was no more than 0.9% of Russia's population at the time. [11, p. 3]

Christianity in general and Christianity in particular, will never condemn or reject wealth itself. Moreover, it is known that some of the great preachers of Orthodoxy were rich. An example is the life of St. Ioann Kronshtadtsky (1829 - 1908), who had a vast fortune, estimated at around 7 million pre-revolutionary rubles, and only in the last 35 years of his life hands out needs not less than 300-400 thousand rubles. Of course, part of the wealth he had inherited from their parents, while others were transferred to the wealthy citizens - factory owners, manufacturers and merchants. These people are seen in Fr. Ioann of the mediator, who knows better how to handle your money with the greatest benefit for the suffering or insufficient.

But there were spiteful critics, who, despite the unprecedented generosity of Fr. Ioann rebuked him, deliberately disbanded derogatory rumors about him. So when he died, at his home were quick to appear, many reporters Petersburg - notebooks of his detractors. They expected that much now, then bring him to clean water: to tell the world in which he lived Amber Room! Under what treasures! [1, p. 8-9]

And what is seen sensation seekers? .. Taken aback, they do not even have uncovered their camera as decidedly did not find a reason for the sensational reportage - Flat Fr. Ioann Kronshtadtsky was a very devout ascetic cell-non-possessors! The houses of these gentlemen newsmen closet of their workers might seem princely chambers in comparison to housing capital archpriest, the other day who has handed out a few thousandths no hitting jackpots! [1, p. 9]

Therefore, the subject matter of the attitude of Orthodoxy to wealth is a way of life and the fruits of that wealth can bring its owner.

So, what is the wealth according to Orthodoxy? Award chosen, given to him over for special services, or, on the contrary, the difficult test that not everyone on the shoulder? It's a blessing or extra chores? Freedom or slavery?

On the one hand, Christ in the parable of the talents, [5, Ch. 25, Art. 14-30] requires not bury their own, including commercial talents. However, the enterprise has another side.

"It's hard rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" - says Christ from the pages of the Gospel. [5, Ch. 19, art. 23] It is in this conversation was the result of Christ with the rich young man who had the desire to escape, but could not find the strength to give up their own state in order to follow the Divine Master. In this case, the love of money is in the soul of the young men outweighed the prospect of eternal life, not just in Paradise, and in the kingdom of heaven, where few of Paradise and the fall ... Greed - the fruit that most often brings wealth. And therefore it is called the root of all evil. [12, Ch. 6, Art. 10]

The correct behavior model of a rich man locked in the Old Testament, "gives to the poor has no lack, but he who closes his eyes shall have many a curse." [7, Ch. 28, Art. 27] As a wise man, King Solomon knew that to anything, including for wealth, can not bind your heart.

In the New Testament, Christ openly calls to collect a point of not earthly (material) treasure, and the heavenly (spiritual), "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." [5, Ch. 6, Art. 21]

In pre-revolutionary Russian society confessed appropriate spiritual values that had attitude to wealth. They have survived to the present day, not only in the form of quotations from Scripture, but came to life as proverbs and sayings: wither over with gold, is to live - the sky smoke, live and let live, do not live as you want, but as God commands; people living body on earth, the spirit is in heaven with him to the grave did not carry away, nor will the wealth in the day of wrath; born naked, naked and die. [1, p. 10]

The notion that wealth - it is not something that a person has earned his intelligence, work and good fortune, but the gift received from God, and He demands the return or - as owners - those who are deprived of material goods, for centuries remained at Russia. [1, p. 50]

V.O. Klyuchevsky in the "Historical Portraits" writes that the charity, the charity regarded as the second performance of the two basic commandments of the Gospel: “Love your neighbor.” ”"To love your neighbor - is, first of all, to feed the hungry, drink to the thirsty, visit the imprisoned. Philanthropy in fact meant love for the poor. Charity was not so much the aid of social improvement as a necessary means of personal moral health: she no longer needed the most the man, who love for the poor than a beggar <...> "In paradise includes holy charity - say in the old, poor feed the rich, and the rich poor prayer saved"”. [1, p. 51]

In the tradition of the Church is customary phrase "servant of God", and it's many meanings. The word "slave" - cognate with the word "work". Therefore the slave - a person who participates in God's work in God's work. And depending on the degree of his zeal, he - or servant, or employee, or (the highest state) - co-worker of God, His purposes and accessory cases, the heir of all his possessions. [8, p. 105]

God has a mix of co-working with God's grace and human free will. Such a connection to Orthodoxy by the term "synergy", which in Greek means "acting together." According to Ven. Ioann Cassian the Roman, synergy - a necessary condition for the salvation of man, his deification, the restoration of the fallen state. [8, p. 105-106]

Russian businessman, banker Vladimir Pavlovich Riabushinsky, in his book “The Moscow merchants” wrote that until the beginning of the nineteenth century, there were persistent representation of the specific sins of the host, which specifically asked for confession. And especially serious among them were considered: non-payment of wages, deception and oppression of workers. [8, p. 171]

Judging by the works of charity and philanthropy, all of these simple truths were deeply internalized and manifested in the life of Russian businessmen at the end of XIX - at the beginning of XX centuries. As: P.M. and S.M. Tretyakovs, brothers Bakhrushins, merchants G. Solodovnikov Alekseevs, Golofteevs, Smirnovs, Khludovs, Ryabushinskys, Soldatenkovs, Botkins, Krasheninnikovs Prokhorovs, pubic and many others whose names were called hospitals, museums and other institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia.


1. Chepyzhova E.I. Who easier ... rich or poor? The spiritual perspective on poverty, wealth and sources of success. Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate, 2010.

2. Goryanin A.B. The spirit of the nation and the myths about Russia. Moscow, 2001.

3. Ivanov V.F. Russian intelligentsia and Freemasonry: from Peter I to the present day. Moscow: Moscow, 2001.

4. Kantrovsky V. Merchant Navy in the history of Russia // [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 18.07.2013).

5. Matthew // New Testament.

6. Medinsky V.R. About Russian drunkenness, laziness and cruelty. Ed. 2nd, revised. Moscow: Olma Media Group, 2009.

7. Proverbs // Old Testament.

8. Sharapov, S., Ulybysheva M. Poverty and wealth. Orthodox ethics of business. M.: The Ark, 2011.

9. State Archive of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - GA RF), f. 645, Op. 1, file 571.

10. The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire, 1897 / Ed. N.A. Troynitsky. Brief general reference for the Empire. Population by Home estates, religion, mother tongue, and according to some studies. St. Petersburg., Steam Tipo-lithography N.L. Nyrkin, Izmailovo Regiment, 7 rota, house number 13, 1905.

11. The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire, 1897 / Ed. N.A. Troynitsky. A common set of results for the empire develop these first general census of the population, produced 28 January 1897 Volume 1. St. Petersburg. 1905.

12. Timothy St.. St. Paul // New Testament.

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