Relations between the Turkish Empire, Zaporozhye Cossacks and the Crimean khanate in the first half of the 17th century

Directions of cooperation between the Crimean khanate and Zaporozhye Cossacks at the beginning of the XVII century. Analysis of relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean khanate, as well as between the Polish Kingdom and the Cossacks.

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The Cossacks appointed Taras Triasylo as their Ataman just in the Crimea after Doroshenko's death in the last battle in 1628. Meanwhile, another ataman - Hryhory Chorny emerged under the authority of Poland. After Taras removed Hryhory by integrating the Cossacks bound to him, he launched a revolt against Poland. It is claimed that that last revolt was different from the former ones considerably, because of the peasants constituting the majority of the attendants, rather than the Cossacks being native insurgents [22, p. 68]. It is seen that the Cossacks became a social power, and they reached the level of representing the southern Ukrainian population at that stage. Hrushevsky is in the opinion of the said public movement, that began under the leadership of Taras, was a new and important stage in the Ukrainian history [13, p. 262].

Poland constantly needed the Cossacks badly, especially for the two following reasons: it was not possible for them to struggle against the Turks and Moskovites without a support from the Cossacks [9, p. 212]. Poland was violently suppressing the Cossacks rebellions, killing its leaders, due to the Ottoman pressure. Another reason for Poland having implemented a high level of violence against the rebels was, that the rebels threatened Poland itself. Sulima was one of the atamans who was killed in this way [40, p. 167]. This kind of contradictions were among the elements making necessary the Cossacks-Crimean alliance. There is an information in sources, that this kind of alliance continued at the time of Pavliuk's atamanship proclaimed after Sulima's [9, p. 224].

The revolts carried out under the leadership of atamans like Pavliuk (1637) and Ostrianyn (1638) were severely suppressed. The suppression of these revolts made Poland looking stronger, but it weakened that country socially. The events, carried out under the national identity of Ukraine, were impossible to be controlled with the help of the traditional policies of Poland. Consequently, Ukrainian independence movement emerged under the leadership of Bohdan Khemilnitsky.

Bohdan Khemilnitsky, too, started his negotiations with the Ottomans, but turned towards Moscow finally. In fact, the movement initiated by Khemilnitsky in 1648 and transformed by the Treaty of Pereyaslav (1654) to the vassality of Moskow was the same, as the one which was started in the time of Vishnevetsky. The political structure of Ukrainian population had been an undisputable necessity, since the end of the Kievan Period. The Ukrainian population did not have the geographical opportunities, which were available when the great empires came into existence. But the leaders, having estimated the conjuncture in the course of history, saw their permanent task in founding autonomous political bodies similar to Wallachia or Moldavia.

This aspect, from the point of view of the Crimean Khanate, had the same characteristics, the Cossacks problem had. The Crimean Khanate was in a perpetual struggle to change its status relatively the Ottomans in a more autonomous direction, than the one that Mehmet II designed according to the vassalage concept. The effort to represent the political heritage of the Golden Horde was always suppressed by decisive measures undertaken by the Ottoman central authorities. The period of the Cossacks-Crimean cooperation, which is the subject of our presentation, constitutes the time when the said social dynamics more clearly exposed itself.

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