Honoring the memory of Taras Shevchenko as the basis of patriotic education and development of national self-identification in Cherkasy region in 1991-2001 years

The honoring the memory of the prominent Ukrainian poet, writer, artist and public figure T.H. Shevchenko in Cherkasy region in 1991—2001 years. Directions of the patriotic education and development of national self-identification of Ukrainians.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 08.10.2020
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Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chornobyl of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine


Spirkina O.O.,

Candidate of Historical Sciences,

Associate Professor of Foreign Languages


shevchenko honoring memory cherkasy

The article is devoted to the honoring the memory of the prominent Ukrainian poet, writer, artist and public figure T. H. Shevchenko in Cherkasy region in 1991--2001 years. The goal of the article is to show that the honoring the memory of the representative of the Ukrainian creative intellectuals is the basis of the patriotic education and development of national self-identification of Ukrainians. The direct task is to find out how inhabitants of Cherkasy region honor the memory of their countryman, how it educates patriotism and assists the strengthening of the national identity of Ukrainians. On the basis of the appliance of the general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, description, explanation) the goal was achieved and planned tasks were realized. The article can be useful for further study the history of Ukraine and the history of Ukrainian culture.

Keywords: poet, writer, artist, patriotic education, national self-identification, national identity.


Стаття присвячена вшануванню пам'яті видатного українського поета, письменника, художника та громадського діяча Т. Г. Шевченка в Черкаській області у 1991--2001 рр. Метою статті є показати, що вшанування пам'яті представника творчої інтелігенції України є основою патріотичного виховання та розвитку національної самосвідомості українців. Безпосереднім завданням є висвітлити як вшановують пам'ять свого земляка мешканці Черкащини, як це виховує патріотизм та сприяє утвердженню національної ідентичності українців. На основі застосування загальнонаукових методів (аналіз, синтез, опис, пояснення) була досягнута мета та реалізовані заплановані завдання. Матеріали статті можуть бути корисними для подальшого вивчення історії України та історії української культури.

Ключові слова: поет, письменник, художник, патріотичне виховання, національна самосвідомість, національна ідентичність.

The main text

Cherkasy region is often called the heart of Ukraine: and this is not only because of its location but because it was the motherland of a great number of prominent personalities who influenced the history of Ukraine. The most well-known and respected among them is Taras Shevchenko. The whole world knows his name. That is why it is not strange that Cherkasy region is sometimes called as Shevchenko's land.

Among the issues connected with the local history researches the discovery of such an important factor as the development of the national self-identification and formation of patriotic education of Ukrainian people through traditional celebrations in honor of Taras Shevchenko especially in his motherland - Cherkasy region - have become topical nowadays.

Many Ukrainian historians wrote scientific articles on this issue. Basically, they researched the traditions of memorializing of T. Shevchenko by Ukrainians in different regions and the periods of the history of the country and also in Russia. Thus, in the scientific published works scientists N. Ivanova and V. Rozumei- ko [1], N. Lemeshenko [2], A. Shevchenko [3] showed how arranged celebrations in honor of T. Shevchenko in Donetsk region; on the basis of the materials of the State Archive of Sumy Region O. Klyuyeva [4] reported about Days Dedicated to Shevchenko in Sumy region; T. Fedina [5] disclosed the first attempts of Ukrainians to memorialize T. Shevchenko in Kuban (Russia) in the pre-revolutionary period; D. Bily and V Futuluichuk [6] researched how memorialized T. Shevchenko in Kuban and Lviv regions in the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries. But the scientific works of V. Melnychenko [7] attracted special interest because he researched the memorializing of T. Shevchenko in Cherkasy region but his researches didn't touch the period of the first decade of the state independence of Ukraine.

Thus, till this time honoring of Taras Shevchenko as the basis of patriotic education and development of national self-identification in Cherkasy region in 1991-2001 years has been overlooked by scientists. So, this investigation is actual and useful for studying memorializing of Taras Shevchenko in a separate region of Ukraine of these chronological frames.

The leading approach of this article is an interdisciplinary one.

The conceptual apparatus of this scientific work is characterized by the usage of terms and categories both traditionally historical and borrowed from other contiguous sciences (historical psychology, culture study and others).

The author sets the problem to reveal that honoring the memory of Taras Shevchenko is the basis of patriotic education and development of self-identification in Cherkasy region in 1991-2001 years.

The purpose of the article is to explain how memorializing of a prominent personality can influence and form national self-identification of Ukrainians and to show the importance of arranging celebrations in honor of Taras Shevchenko in Cherkasy region in the first decade of the state independence of Ukraine for forming patriotic education among the citizens of the country.

Annually Ukrainian people celebrate the anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birthday, death and reburial. The majority of cultural events of world and all-Ukrainian importance traditionally took place in Cherkasy region in the Shevchenko National Reserve (Kaniv) and in the State Historical and Cultural Park «Homeland of Taras Shevchenko» (Zvenyhorodka district) (since 2006 National Park) [8]. So, shortly before the declaration of the independence of Ukraine on May 18-22, 1991 the cultural events dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Kobzar's reburial took place in Kaniv and in the villages of Moryntsi and Shevchenkove of Zvenyhorodka district. Besides this, on May 20-22, 1991 the final stage of the memorial march dedicated to the 130th transportation of T. Shevchenko's body from Russia to Ukraine took place in Cherkasy region. The members of «Ukrainian brotherhood of Taras Shevchenko's admirers» led by Yu. L. Danylenko began this march on May 8 from Leningrad, Russia (now S. Petersburg) [9].

Besides, cultural intellectuals from Cherkasy region celebrated the anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birthday in their own way. For instance, in 1993 the concert «Melodies of Shevchenko's Land» as a part of all-Ukrainian Festivals of regeneration and national revival of Ukrainian Art «Your talents, Ukraine» took place here. The most famous Ukrainian single dancers and singers and also groups by then such as Cherkasy People's Choir, trio «Verbena», Chapel of Bandura Players of the Cherkasy Department of Culture, company «Rosava», People's Artist of Ukraine V Ya. Sav- vopulo, Honored Artist of Ukraine V. S. Chornodub, Honored Artist of Ukraine V O. Svityuk and others took part in that concert. The artists donated the earned money from the concert to the State Historical and Cultural Park «Homeland of Taras Shevchenko» [10]. In 1994 Ukrainian people celebrated the 180th anniversary of Kobzar's birthday. Since then in Kamyanka district the Regional Festival of Amateur Theatrical Art «Precious Stones of Kobzar's Land» originated. According to O. M. Martynenko, this festival became one of the best ones in Ukraine [11].

The most popular form of cultural events always were festivals, in particular, folkloric ones, because they united all types and genres of folklore. Among the feasts of the world and all-Ukrainian importance dedicated to Taras Shevchenko a special attention is paid to such literary and artistic festivals as «In a Free and New Family...» and «A Cherry Garden near the House» [12].

The Regional Artistic Festival «A Cherry Garden near the House» (Gorodyshche) was put into practice in 1989 [13]. For three years the festival took place in the Mliyiv Research Gardening Station named after L. P. Symyrenko. The sponsor of this festival was Institute of Gardening and its director Academician M. M. Avramenko. With the lapse of time the festival became of the world importance. The artistic groups from Poland, Germany, Moldova, Russia and the Baltic States took part in it and the place of its home became the town of Gorodyshche. Also in the 1990s in Zvenyhorodka district the Regional Literary and Artistic Festival «Wreath to Kobzar» as a part of the International Literary and Artistic Festival «In a Free and New Family.» was held.

Besides, in 1991-2001 years cultural intellectuals of Cherkasy region immortalized the memory of the prominent person born in their motherland with their works of art. For instance, in 1994 to the 180th anniversary of Kobzar's birthday a stationary exposition of Shevchenko's «Kobzar» of different publications and copies of his diaries took place in the Cherkasy Regional Local History Museum [14]. On this occasion the artist V. I. Klymenko painted the picture «T. Shevchenko and P. Symyrenko in Mliyiv». It must be underlined that the first exposition of the works of art of the masters of the people's art of Cherkasy region was opened on February 4, 1994 in Cherkasy [15]. In 1999 during the Shevchenko's festivals I. V. Fizer held the personal exposition dedicated to the anniversary of Kobzar's birthday in the Museum of T. H. Shevchenko (Kyiv) [16].

The Cherkasy Regional Affiliate of the Union of the Writers of Ukraine started the poetical contest for children and teenagers «By Taras's Ways». For the first time it was held in 1994 in Zvenyhorodka district and since then it became traditional.

In the first decade of the state independence of Ukraine recitations of Shevchenko's poems, literary and artistic evenings, reader's conferences, expositions of the works of imitative arts and arts and crafts and so on dedicated to the memorializing of Taras Shevchenko took place. In 1999 the festival of songs and the contest of poems about Kobzar «Love your Ukraine» dedicated to the 185th anniversary of T. Shevchenko's birthday were organized.

Thus, in Cherkasy region where T. H. Shevchenko was born and spent his childhood traditionally in 1991-2001 both professional artists and amateurs memorialized the Great Kobzar with their works of art. Annually they took part in different festivals, literary and artistic evenings, expositions of the works of imitative arts and arts and crafts, contests of poems and so on. Natives of Cherkasy region are proud of their world known fellow countryman and they call proudly their region as Taras's land.

Consequently, celebrations in honor of Taras Shevchenko in Cherkasy region are the guarantee of the formation of the national self-identification, patriotic education and the revival of Ukrainian people's self-respect.

Список використаних джерел

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