Органы специальной юстиции Советского государства как инструмент защиты власти
В статье рассматривается формирование специальной юстиции в СССР в 1920-1950-е гг. Органы специальной юстиции характеризовались автономным положением; отсутствием четко определенной компетенции; вмешательством в их работу органов госбезопасности.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 24.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 44,7 K |
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9. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1931b) Ob organizatsii tovarishcheskikh sudov pri zhilishchnykh i zhilishchno-arendnykh kooperativnykh tovarishchestvakh i pri domovykh trestakh i o likvidatsii primiritel'no-konfliktnykh komissiy po zhilishchnym delam: postanovlenie VTsIK i SNK RSFSR ot 30 iyunya 1931 [On the organization of fellowship courts at housing and housing-rental cooperative partnerships and at house trusts and on the liquidation of conciliation and conflict commissions on housing matters: Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and SNK RSFSR of June 30, 1931]. SU RSFSR. 36. Art. 295.
10. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1933) Ob izmeneniyakh zakonodatel'stva RSFSR v svyazi s utverzhdeniem Polozheniya o kochevykh obshchestvennykh sudakh: postanovlenie SNK RSFSR ot 20 noyabrya 1933 [On changes in the legislation of the RSFSR in connection with the approval of the Regulation on nomadic public courts: Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of November 20, 1933]. SU RSFSR. 58. Art. 271.
11. Kodintsev, A. Ya. (2008) Gosudarstvennaya politika v sfere yustitsii v SSSR v 30-50-e gody XX v. [State policy in the field of justice in the USSR in the 1930-1950s]. Kurtamysh: Kurtamyshskaya tipogrfiya.
12. Solomon, P. (2008) Sovetskaya yustitsiya pri Staline [Soviet Criminal Justice under Stalin]. Translated from English by L. Maksimenkov. Moscow: Rosspen.
13. Conquest, R. (ed.) (1969) Justice and the legal system in the USSR. New York; Washington: Bodley Head.
14. Epifanov, A.E. (2017) Organizatsionnye i pravovye osnovy nakazaniy gitlerovskikh voennykh prestupnikov i ikh posobnikov v SSSR [Organizational and legal foundations of punishment of Hitler war criminals and their accomplices in the USSR]. Moscow: Unity.
15. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1917) O sude: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 24 noyabrya 1917 [On the court: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of November 24, 1917]. SU RSFSR. 4. Art. 50.
16. Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. (1917a) O revolyutsionnom tribunale, ego sostave, delakh, podlezhashchikh ego vedeniyu, nalagaemykh im naka- zaniyakh i o poryadke vedeniya ego zasedaniy: instruktsiya NKYu ot 19 dekabrya 1917 [On the revolutionary tribunal, its composition, cases subject to its jurisdiction, the penalties imposed by it and the procedure for conducting its meetings: instruction of the Ministry of Justice of December 19, 1917]. SU RSFSR. 12. Art. 170.
17. Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. (1917b) O revolyutsionnom tribunale pechati: postanovlenie NKYu ot 18 dekabrya 1917 [On the revolutionary tribunal of the press: Decision of the Ministry of Justice of December 18, 1917]. SU RSFSR. 10. Art. 156.
18. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1918b) O revolyutsionnom tribunale pechati: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 28 yanvarya 1918 [On the revolutionary tribunal of the press: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of January 28, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 28. Art. 362.
19. Lezov, I.L. (1998) Sovetskiy sud v 1917-1940 gg. [Soviet court in 1917-1940]. Law Cand. Diss. Moscow.
20. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1918a) O treteyskom sude: dekret VTsIK ot 16 fevralya 1918 [On the Arbitration Court: Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of February 16, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 28. Art. 366.
21. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1918c) O revolyutsionnykh tribunalakh: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 4 maya 1918 [On the revolutionary tribunals: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of May 4, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 35. Art. 471.
22. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1918b) O Revolyutsionnom Tribunale pri VTsIK: dekret VTsIK ot 29 maya 1918 [On the Revolutionary Tribunal of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee: Decree of the Central Executive Committee of May 29, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 41. Art. 520.
23. Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. (1918a) Ob otmene vsekh donyne izdannykh tsirkulyarov o revolyutsionnykh tribunalakh: postanovlenie NKYu 16 iyunya 1918 [On the abolition of all formerly issued circulars on the revolutionary tribunals: Resolution of the Ministry of Justice on June 16, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 44. Art. 533.
24. Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. (1918b) Ob organizatsii i deystvii mestnykh narodnykh sudov (instruktsiya): postanovlenie NKYu ot 23 iyulya 1918 [On the organization and operation of local people's courts (instruction): Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of July 23, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 53. Art. 597.
25. The People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of the RSFSR. (1918a) O frontovykh polkovykh (otryadnykh) mestnykh sudakh (Polozhenie): prikaz Narodnogo Komissariata po voennym delam RSFSR ot 23.07.1918 [On front-line regimental (detachment) local courts (Regulations): Order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of the RSFSR of July 23, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 55. Art. 612.
26. The People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of the RSFSR. (1918b) O rotnykh tovarishcheskikh sudakh (Polozhenie): prikaz Narodnogo Komissariata po voennym delam RSFSR ot 23.07.1918 [On company fellowship courts (Regulations): Order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of the RSFSR of July 23, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 55. Art. 613.
27. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1918c) Ot kassatsionnogo otdela VTsIK Sovetov: tsirkulyar kassatsionnogo otdela VTsIK [From the cassation department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets: Circular of the cassation department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee]. Izvestiya. 6th October.
28. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1918d) O narodnom sude RSFSR (Polozhenie): dekret VTsIK ot 30 noyabrya 1918 [On the people's court of the RSFSR (Regulation): Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 30, 1918]. SU RSFSR. 85. Art. 889.
29. Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. (1919) Ob otdelakh yustitsii gubernskikh ispolnitel'nykh komitetov: postanovlenie NKYu ot 30.01.1919 [On the Departments of Justice of the provincial executive committees: Resolution of the Ministry of Justice dated January 30, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 2. Art. 29.
30. The Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR. (1919) O revolyutsionnykh voennykh tribunalakh (Polozhenie): postanovlenie Revvoensoveta RSFSR ot 04.02.1919 [On the revolutionary military tribunals (Regulations): Resolution of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR of February 4, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 13. Art. 131.
31. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1919a) O Vserossiyskoy Chrezvychaynoy komissii: postanovlenie VTsIK ot 17 fevralya 1919 [On the All-Russian Emergency Commission: Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of February 17, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 12. Art. 130.
32. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1919b) O revolyutsionnykh tribunalakh (Polozhenie): dekret VTsIK ot 12 aprelya 1919 [On the revolutionary tribunals (Regulations): decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of April 12, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 13. Art. 132.
33. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1919a) Ob utverzhdenii i vvedenii v deystvie polozheniya o polkovykh sudakh: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 10 iyulya 1919 [On approval and implementation of the provision on regimental courts: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of July 10, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 31-32. Art. 326.
34. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1919b) O vvedenii v deystvie "Polozheniya o polkovykh sudakh" v chastyakh Krasnoy Armii, vkhodyashchikh v sostav okrugov Vserossiyskogo Glavnogo shtaba, i o vozlozhenii funktsiy polkovykh sudov na revolyutsionnye voennye tribunaly na frontakh i okrugakh, podchinennye Revolyutsionnym voennym sovetam: postanovlenie SNK RSFSR ot 23 dekabrya 1919 [On the enactment of the Provision on Regimental Courts in the units of the Red Army that are part of the districts of the All-Russian General Staff, and on assigning the functions of regimental courts to revolutionary military tribunals on fronts and districts subordinated to the Revolutionary Military Councils: Resolution of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of the RSFSR of December 23, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 65. Art. 588.
35. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1919b) Polozhenie o revolyutsionnykh voennykh tribunalakh: dekret VTsIK ot 20 noyabrya 1919 [The position of the revolutionary military tribunals: Decree of the Central Executive Committee on November 20, 1919]. SU RSFSR. 58. Art. 549.
36. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1920) O peredache lits, obvinyaemykh v banditizme sudu Voenno-revolyutsionnogo tribunala: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 19 fevralya 1920 [On the transfer of persons accused of banditry to the court of the Military Revolutionary Tribunal: Decree ofthe Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of February 19, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 11. Art. 71.
37. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1920a) O revolyutsionnykh tribunalakh (Polozhenie): dekret VTsIK ot 18 marta 1920 [On the revolutionary tribunals (Regulations): Decree of the Central Executive Committee of March 18, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 22-23. Art. 115.
38. Pyanova, O.A. (2002) Revolyutsionnye tribunaly Zapadnoy Sibiri konets 1917 - nachalo 1923 gg. [Revolutionary Tribunals of Western Siberia, the end of 1917 - early 1923]. History Cand. Diss. Omsk. pp. 142, 143, 150
39. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1920b) O revolyutsionnykh voennykh zheleznodorozhnykh tribunalakh (polozhenie): dekret VTsIK ot 18 marta 1920 [On the revolutionary military railway tribunals (provisions): Decree of the Central Executive Committee of March 18, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 21. Art. 112
40. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR. (1924) Ob uprazdnenii voenno-transportnykh tribunalov: dekret TsIK SSSR ot 23 noyabrya 1923 [On the abolition of military transport tribunals: Decree of the CEC of the USSR on November 23, 1923]. SU RSFSR. 13. Art. 119.
41. The Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR. (1920a) O vvedenii v deystvie "Polozheniya o RVT": prikaz Revvoensoveta Respubliki ot 4 maya
1920 [On the enactment of the "Regulations on the Revolutionary Military Tribunals": Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of May 4, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 54. Art. 236.
42. The Council of Labor and Defense. (1920) O vvedenii voennogo polozheniya na vodnykh putyakh Sovetskoy Respubliki: postanovlenie STO ot 12 maya 1920 [On the introduction of martial law on the waterways of the Soviet Republic: Resolution of the The Council of Labor and Defense of May 12, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 44. Art. 198.
43. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1920c) O poryadke privedeniya v ispolnenie gubernskimi revolyutsionnymi tribunalami prigovorov k VMN v mestnostyakh, ob"yavlennykh na voennom polozhenii, a takzhe v mestnostyakh, na koi rasprostranyaetsya vlast' RVS frontov: dekret VTsIK ot 19 maya 1920 [On the execution by the provincial revolutionary tribunals of capital punishment in areas under martial law, as well as in areas subject to the authority of the Revolutionary Military Council of Fronts: Decree of the Central Executive Committee of May 19, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 48. Art. 214.
44. Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. (1920) Ob osobykh sessiyakh narodnogo suda i dezhurnykh kamerakh: postanovlenie NKYu ot 16 sentyabrya 1920
[On special sessions of the People's Court and Duty Chambers: Resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR dated September 16, 1920]. SU RSFSR. 100. Art. 541.
45. The Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR. (1920b) O reorganizatsii RVT voysk vnutrenney sluzhby: prikaz RVS Respubliki, Narodnogo komissariata vnutrennikh del i Revolyutsionnogo voennogo tribunala respubliki ot 25 noyabrya 1920 № 2611 [On the reorganization of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal Troops of the Internal Service: Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the Revolutionary Military Tribunal of the Republic of November 25, 1920 No. 2611]. Sbornik prikazov RVSR. 14. p. 111
46. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1921a) Ob ob"edinenii vsekh revolyutsionnykh tribunalov respubliki: dekret VTsIK ot 23 iyunya 1921 [On the unification of all the revolutionary tribunals of the Republic: Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of June 23, 1921]. SU RSFSR. 51. Art. 294.
47. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1921b) Ob organizatsii vysshikh sudebnykh tsentrov dlya isklyuchitel'nykh sudov (revolyutsionnykh tribunalov) v nezavisimykh sovetskikh respublikakh, nezavisimykh dogovornykh sovetskikh respublikakh, avtonomnykh respublikakh i avtonom- nykh oblastyakh: dekret VTsIK ot 25 avgusta 1921 g. [On the organization of the highest judicial centers for exclusive courts (revolutionary tribunals) in the independent Soviet republics, the independent contractual Soviet republics, autonomous republics and autonomous regions: Decree of the Central Executive Committee of August 25, 1921]. SU RSFSR. 62. Art. 442.
48. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1921a) O prestupleniyakh i prostupkakh, sovershennykh na sudakh, plavayushchikh pod ros- siyskim flagom: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 5 sentyabrya 1921 [On crimes and offenses committed on vessels flying the Russian flag: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of September 5, 1921]. SU RSFSR. 64. Art. 471.
49. The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. (1921b) Instruktsiya po primeneniyu postanovleniya Soveta Narodnykh komissarov ot 15 iyulya
1921 g. "Ob otvetstvennosti za narushenie dekretov o natural'nykh nalogakh i ob obmene" i o poryadke vozbuzhdeniya i napravleniya del ob etikh narusheniyakh: dekret SNK RSFSR ot 3 oktyabrya 1921 [Instructions for the application of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of July 15, 1921 "On liability for violation of the decrees on in-kind taxes and exchange" and on the procedure for initiating and directing cases on these violations: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of October 3, 1921]. SU RSFSR. 21. Art. 557.
50. The All-Russian Congress of Soviets. (1922) O VChK: rezolyutsiya IX Vserossiyskogo s"ezda Sovetov, opublikovannaya v "Izvestiyakh" 30 dek- abrya 1921 [On the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission: Resolution of the 9th All-Russian Congress of Soviets, published in "Izvestia" on December 30, 1921]. SU RSFSR. 4. Art. 42.
51. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1922a) Ob Ugolovno-Protsessual'nom Kodekse (vmeste s Ugolovno-Protsessual'nym Kodeksom RSFSR): postanovlenie VTsIK ot 25 maya 1922 [On the Code of Criminal Procedure (together with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR): Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of May 25, 1922]. SU RSFSR. 20-21. Art. 230.
52. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. (1922b) O vvedenii v deystvie Polozheniya o sudoustroystve RSFSR: postanovlenie VTsIK ot 11 noy- abrya 1922 [On the introduction of the Regulation on the Judicial Organization of the RSFSR: Resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 11, 1922]. SU RSFSR. 69. Art. 902.
53. The USSR. (1923) Osnovnoy Zakon (Konstitutsiya) Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik [The Basic Law (Constitution) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]. SU RSFSR. 81. Art. 782
54. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR. (1924a) Polozhenie o Verkhovnom sude SSSR: dekret TsIK SSSR ot 23 noyabrya 1923 [Regulations on the Supreme Court of the USSR: Decree of the CEC of the USSR of November 23, 1923]. SU RSFSR. 29-30. Art. 278.
55. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR. (1924b) Nakaz Verkhovnomu sudu SSSR: postanovlenie TsIK SSSR ot 14 iyulya 1924 [Order of the USSR Supreme Court: Resolution of the USSR Central Executive Committee of July 14, 1924]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 2. Art. 25.
56. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR. (1924c) O militarizatsii Voennoy kollegii Verkhovnogo suda SSSR: postanovlenie TsIK i SNK SSSR ot 1 avgusta 1924 [On the militarization of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR: Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of August 1, 1924]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 4. Art. 49.
57. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR. (1924d) Osnovy sudoustroystva SSSR i Soyuznykh respublik: postanovlenie TsIK SSSR ot 29 ok- tyabrya 1924 [Fundamentals of the judicial system of the USSR and the Union Republics: Decree of the CEC of the USSR of October 29, 1924]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 23. Art. 203.
58. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (1926) Polozhenie o voennykh tribunalakh i voennoy prokurature: postanovlenie TsIK i SNK SSSR ot 20 avgusta 1926 [The Regulation on Military Tribunals and the Military Prosecutor's Office: Decree of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of August 20, 1926]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 57. Art. 413.
59. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR. (1927) Ob uprazdnenii voenno-transportnoy kollegii Verkhovnogo suda SSSR: postanovlenie Prezid- iuma TsIK SSSR ot 3 dekabrya 1926 [On the abolition of the military transport board of the Supreme Court of the USSR: Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Election Commission of the USSR of December 3, 1926]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 20. Art. 222.
60. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (1929) Polozhenie o Verkhovnom sude SSSR i Proku- rature VS SSSR: postanovlenie TsIK i SNK SSSR ot 24 iyulya 1929 [Regulations on the Supreme Court of the USSR and the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR Supreme Council: Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of July 24, 1929]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 50. Art. 445.
61. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (1930) O zheleznodorozhnykh lineynykh sudakh: postanovlenie TsIK SSSR, SNK SSSR ot 27.11.1930 [On railway linear courts: Decree of the CEC of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated November 37, 1930]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 57. Art. 601.
62. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (1934) Ob organizatsii vodnykh transportnykh sudov i vodnoy transportnoy prokuratury: postanovlenie TsIK SSSR, SNK SSSR ot 07 iyunya 1934 [On the organization of water transport courts and water transport prosecutor's office: Decree of the CEC of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 07, 1934]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 33. Art. 251.
63. The State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF). Fund 9492. List 6. File 15.
64. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (1933) O peredache zheleznodorozhnykh lineynykh sudov i transportnoy prokuratury zheleznykh dorog iz sistemy NKYu Soyuznykh respublik v sistemu Verkhovnogo suda SSSR i Prokuratury SSSR: postanovlenie TsIK i SNK SSSR ot 27 avgusta 1933 [On the transfer of railway linear courts and transport prosecutor's office of railways from the system of the Ministry of Justice of the Union Republics to the system of the Supreme Court of the USSR and the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR: Resolution of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 27, 1933]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 55. Art. 324.
65. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. (1936) O peredache vsekh vodnykh transportnykh sudov i vsey vodnoy transportnoy prokuratury v neposredstvennoe podchinenie VS SSSR i Prokuratury SSSR: postanovlenie TsIK i SNK SSSR ot 7 aprelya 1936 [On the transfer of all water transport courts and the entire water transport prosecutor's office into direct subordination to the USSR Armed Forces and the USSR Prosecutor's Office: Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of April 7, 1936]. SZ SSSR - Legislative Bulletin of the USSR. 18. Art. 150.
66. The USSR. (1936a) Konstitutsiya (Osnovnoy Zakon) Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik (utv. Postanovleniem Chrezvychaynogo VIII S"ezda Sovetov SSSR ot 05.12.1936) [The Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (approved by Decree of the Extraordinary 8th Congress of the Soviets of the USSR of May 12, 1936)]. Izvestiya TsIK SSSR i VTsIK. 283. p. 1.
67. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR. (1938) O sudoustroystve SSSR, Soyuznykh i Avtonomnykh respublik: zakon ot 16 avgusta 1938 [On the judicial system ofthe USSR, the Union and Autonomous Republics: Law of August 16, 1938]. Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR. 11. pp. 3.
68. Tyazin, E.N. (2012) Problemy ukrepleniya zakonnosti v SSSR i deyatel'nost' spetsial'nykh sudebnykh kollegiy kraevykh, oblastnykh sudov i verkhovnykh sudov avtonomnykh respublik v 1937-1938 gg. (na materialakh Mordovskoy ASSR) [Problems of strengthening the rule of law in the USSR and the activities of special judicial boards of regional and regional courts and the supreme courts of autonomous republics in 1937-1938 (a case study of the Mordovian ASSR)]. Sotsial'no-politicheskie nauki - Sociopolitical Sciences. 1. pp. 69, 70.
69. The State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF). Fund 9492. List 6. File 15.
70. Ivanova, G.M. (2004) Lagernaya yustitsiya v SSSR. 1944-1954 [Camp Justice in the USSR. 1944-1954]. Trudy Instituta rossiyskoy istorii. 4. p. 287.
71. The State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF). Fund 7523. List 45. File 76.
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реферат [40,6 K], добавлен 10.08.2009Рассмотрение компетенции, структуры и порядка функционирования Верховного Совета и Совета министров СССР. Ознакомление с обязанностями и задачами высших органов государственной власти. Основные аспекты управления союзной и автономной республикой.
курсовая работа [32,7 K], добавлен 03.03.2011I Всеукраинский съезд Советов, содержание и юридическая сила его решений. Советский государственный аппарат на Украине 1917-1920 гг. Советские судовые и правоохранительные органы, создание органов ЧК. Характеристика источников права Советской Украины.
реферат [64,5 K], добавлен 26.11.2013Складывание однопартийной системы и трансформация советского общества с 1917 по 1920 годы. Формирование тоталитарного политического режима и развитие общества с конца 1920-го по 1950-й годы. Характеристика общества в период "застоя" и "перестройки".
курсовая работа [37,1 K], добавлен 29.12.2015Становление органов социальной защиты населения в дореволюционный и советский периоды. Казенные палаты, приюты для бедных, больных, прокаженных. Становление органов социальной защиты населения в 90-е годы XX в. Краевые и местные органы социальной защиты.
курсовая работа [71,3 K], добавлен 30.04.2014Краткий биографический очерк и направления деятельности Гоголева С.Ф. Социально-политическое и экономическое положение молодой Республики в 1920–1930-е годы. С.Ф. Гоголев как нарком юстиции и Прокуратур Республики, его достижения на данном посту.
реферат [38,9 K], добавлен 14.03.2017Предпосылки антирелигиозной политики государства. Государственная законодательная база церковной политики и практика ее осуществления. Организация, характер и последствия репрессивных мер, деятельность карательных органов советской власти против церкви.
дипломная работа [80,5 K], добавлен 19.11.2009Структурные преобразования органов государственной безопасности Советского Союза, их основные функции и деятельность в тылу в начале войны. Особенности деятельности органов государственной безопасности СССР на фронте и оккупированных территориях.
реферат [37,5 K], добавлен 31.07.2011Система высших органов государственной власти: великий князь, рада, вальный сейм. Особенности местной системы самоуправления и органы управления в городах с Магдебургским правом. Устройство и органы судебной системы Великого княжества Литовского.
курсовая работа [44,6 K], добавлен 02.12.2014Общая характеристика государственно-правовой политики большевиков в 1917-1953 гг. Октябрьский переворот в России 1917 г. Тенденции развития Советского государства. Карательные органы советского режима. Конституционные проекты российской белоэмиграции.
контрольная работа [44,9 K], добавлен 22.06.2015Слом временного буржуазного государственного аппарата. Создание советского государственного аппарата. Местные органы власти и управления. Создание всероссийской чрезвычайной комиссии. Завершение формирования советского государственного аппарата.
реферат [36,6 K], добавлен 20.11.2008Изучение государственно-политической системы СССР в 1941-1945 гг. а также изменений, которые в ней произошли в сравнении с мирным временем. Конституционные и судебно-прокурорские органы Советского государства. Вооруженные силы, партизанское движение.
реферат [52,5 K], добавлен 28.10.2010Усиление значения высшего, императорского управления. Получение Сенатом статуса института административной юстиции, прокуратуры и суда. Контроль за деятельностью органов коронного управления. Реформа системы центрального управления, создание министерств.
презентация [4,2 M], добавлен 17.01.2015Приращение территории и формирование новых границ в различных регионах Российской империи. Строительство и совершенствование системы охраны и защиты границы империи в 1725–1827 гг., принципы и этапы организации специальной службы и ее полномочия.
курсовая работа [55,4 K], добавлен 07.01.2014Изучение местных органов государственной власти Великого княжества Литовского, их компетенции, порядка формирования и назначения, особенностей деятельности. Управление в воеводствах. Штат помощников воеводы. Державцы в имениях. Городское самоуправление.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 10.09.2014