Первое (старое) статистическое обозрение Шотландии как источник демографических данных о населении Шотландии конца XVIII в.

Рассмотрение населения Шотландии конца XVIII в., а также того, какие демографические сведения можно получить из первого статистического обозрения Шотландии, проведенного под руководством Синклера в 1790-1799 г. Оценка рождаемости, брачности и смертности.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. I. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1791. xii+518 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XVI. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1795. vii+643 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. II. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1791. xi+581 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. X. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1794. viii+637 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. III. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1792. xvi+612 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. IV. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1792. vii+579 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. VIII. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1793. v+650 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. IX. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1793. vi+640 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XII. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1794. v+622 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XIV. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1795. v+653 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XV. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1795. v+643 p.

Leeming F.A. Social accounting and the old statistical account // Scottish Geographical Magazine. 1963. Vol. 79, № 1. Р. 34-48.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. V. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1793. vi+591 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. VII. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1793. vi+625 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XI. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1794. v+627 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XIII. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1794. vi+664 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XVII. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1796. viii+650 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. VI. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1793. vii+629 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XVIII. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1796. v+662 p.

The Statistical Account of Scotland. Vol. XIX. Edinburgh : Printed and sold by William Creech, 1797. vi+631+14 p.


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Moody, D. (1988) Scottish Family History. London: B.T. Batsford.

Kyd, J.G. (ed.) (1952) Scottish Population Statistics including Webstrer's Analysis of Population 1755. Edinburgh: Scottish History Society.

Smout, T.C. (1969) A history of Scottish People, 1560--1830. London: Collin.

Devine, T.M. (1999) The Scottish Nation 1700-2000. London; Allen Lane: The Penguin Press.

Bumsted, J.M. (1982) The People's Clearance. Highland Emigration to British North America. 1770--1815. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, The University of Manitoba Press.

Withers, Ch.W.J. (1998) Urban Highlanders: Highland-Lowland Migration and Urban Gaelic Culture, 1700--1900. East Linton: Tuckwell Press.

Richards, E.A. (1982) History of the Highland Clearances. Vol. 1: Agrarian Transformation and the Evictions 1746-1886. London: Croom Helm.

Richards, E.A. (1985) History of the Highland Clearances. Vol. 2: Emigration, Protest, Reasons. London: Croom Helm.

Plackett, R.L. (1986) The Old Statistical Account. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General). 149(3). pp. 247-251.

Pritchard, Ch. (1992) The Contributions of Four Scots to the Early Development of Statistics. The Mathematical Gazette. 76(475): The Use of the History of Mathematics in the Teaching of Mathematics. pp. 61-68.

Martin, M. (1703) A description of the Western Islands of Scotland: Containing a full account of their situation, extent, soils, product, harbours, bays, tides, anchoring places, and fisheries. The ancient and modern government, religion and customs of the inhabitants, particularly of their druids, heathen temples, monasteries, churches, chappels, antiquities, monuments, forts, caves, and other curiosities of art and nature. Of their admirable and expeditious way of curing most diseases by simples of their own product. A particular account of the second sight, or faculty of forseeing things to come, by way of vision, so common among them. A brief hint of methods to improve trade in that country, both by sea and land. With a new map of the whole, describing the harbours, anchoring places, and dangerous rocks, for the benefit of sailers. To which is added a brief description of the Isles of Orkney, and Schetland. London: Printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhill, near Stocks-Market.

Martin, M. (1884) A voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of the Hebrides or Western Isles of Scotland: giving An Account of the very remarkable Inhabitants of that place, their Beauty and singular Chastity (Fornication and Adultery being unknown among them); their Genius for Poetry, Music, Dancing; their surprising Dexterity in climbing the rocks, and Walls of Houses; Diversion, Habit, Food, Language, Diseases and Methods of Cure; their extensive Charity; their Contempt of Gold and Silver, as below the Dignity ofHuman Nature; their Religious Ceremonies, Notion of Spirits and Visions, &c. &c.. London: D. Browne and L. Davis.

Monro, D. (1884) Description of the Western Isles of Scotland called Hybrides. With the Genealogies of the Chief Clans of the Isles by Sir Donald Monro High Dean of the Isles who travelled through most of them in the year 1549. Glasgow: Thomas D. Morison; London: Hamilton, Adams & Co.

Pennant, Th. (1790) A tour in Scotland and voyage to the Hebrides: MDCCLXXII. Part 1. London: Benjamin White.

Pennant, Th. (1790) A tour in Scotland and voyage to the Hebrides: MDCCLXXII. Part 2. London: Benjamin White.

Boswell, J. (1936) The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. New York: The Viking Press.

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Walker, J. (1808) An Economical History of the Hebrides and Highlands of Scotland. Vol. I. Edinburgh: Printed at the University Press.

Walker, J. (1808) An Economical History of the Hebrides and Highlands of Scotland. Vol. II. Edinburgh: Printed at the University Press.

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Rosenbaum, S. (1984) The growth of the Royal Statistical Society. Journal of Royal Statistical Association. Series A (General). 147(2): The 150th Anniversary of the Royal Statistical Society. pp. 375-388.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1791) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.I. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1795) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XVI. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1791) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.II. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1794) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.X. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1792) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.III. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1792) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.IV. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1793) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.VIII. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1793) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.IX. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1794) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XII. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1795) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XIV. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1795) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XV. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Leeming, F.A. (1963) Social accounting and the old statistical account. Scottish Geographical Magazine. 79(1). pp. 34-48.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1793) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.V. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1793) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.VII. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1794) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XI. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1794) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XIII. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1796) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XVII. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1793) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.VI. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1796) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XVIII. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

Creech,W.(ed.)(1797) TheStatistical Account of Scotland. Vol.XIX. Edinburgh: Printed and sold by William Creech.

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