The contribution of Ahmad Donish to diplomatic relations

Description of the practical views of Ahmad Donish on the diplomatic practice of the emirate, the choice of ambassadors and the organization of their work. The history of diplomatic relations of Bukhara Emirate in the second half of the XIX century.

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The contribution of Ahmad Donish to diplomatic relations

Zhumaev R.G.

Жумаев Р.Г. Бухарский государственный университет

Аннотация. В статье «Вклад Ахмада Дониша в дипломатические отношения» рассказывается о вкладе просветителя Ахмада Дониша в дипломатические отношения Бухары и России и о его поездках в Россию в качестве члена посольства. В статье также представлены теоретические и практические взгляды Ахмада Дониша на дипломатическую практику эмирата, выбор послов и организацию их работы.

Ключевые слова: дипломатия, эмир, император, посол, глава посольства, секретарь, переговоры, политическая элита, кадровая политика

Annotation. The article is about the contribution of the enlightener Ahmad Donish to the diplomatic relations of Bukhara and Russia and his travels to Russia as a member of embassy. The theoretical and practical views of Ahmad Donish on the diplomatic practice of Emirate, the selection of ambassadors and the organization of their work are also presented in the article.

Keywords: diplomacy, emir, emperor, ambassador, the head of embassy, secretary, negotiations, political elite, the policy of cadres

History shows that the states located in the territory of Central Asia have established commercial, cultural and diplomatic relations with neighbouring and foreign countries for many centuries in the national interests based on unanimity and bilateral co cooperation. The civilization of Central Asia made an enormous contribution to the education and development of international relations and international law. Without the achievements of this period of Renaissance it is impossible to imagine the theory of international relations and direction of contemporary development of international law. Realizing these historical processes we understand that present day requires studying economic and diplomatic relations in our history. The modern view of history which is forming in our republic is directed to fair and truthful coverage of our history.

The history of diplomatic relations of Bukhara Emirate in the second half of the XIX century differed from others with its multifacetedness and uniqueness of sociopolitical processes. Studying the history of diplomatic relations of the Emirate with neighboring states particularly with Russia from this point of view is considered to be a separate object of research. The truthful, fair and unique manuscripts written by our ancestor historians and diplomatic correspondence

between two countries are of enormous importance.

A great contribution and place of Ahmad Donish in the history of diplomatic relations between Bukhara and Russia are widely studied in the period which is being studied. The enlightener not only participated in diplomatic relations and was a member of Embassy, but also he expressed his invaluable progressive scientific ideas in this field. His that were related to the diplomatic practice of Emirate, to the selection of Ambassadors and organization of their work, to the process of training Abmbassadors serve as theoretical basis for inernational relations of the present day.

It is necessary to underline the fact that Ahmad Donish has been among the Ambassadors of Bukhara Emirate for three times-in 1857, 1869 and 1873-74. He has been in Russia and during these trips he has written a special brochure [2] about his impressions of Sait Petersburg and Moscow. The first visit of Ahmad Donish to St. Peterburg lasted from November 9, 1857 to january 12,1858. At that time the delegation of Bukhara Emirate had to deliver the notice about the victory of Emir Nasrulla over Kitab, Shahrisabz and Uratepa, offer condolences on the demise of Nickolas I and hand in the letter of congratulation on the occasion that Alaxander II was throned.

The delegation had to negotiate on the development of commercial relations between Bukhara and Russia and the creation of favourable condition for Bukharian merchants. This delegation consisted of 40 people at the head of which was Mullojonibn Ashurjon [7]. 30-year-old Ahmad Donish carry out the responsibilities of a mirza, the secretary. Besides this the Emir of Bukhara charged him to study the life and the system of state administration of Russia. After some time Ahmad Donish wrote the following: I was charged with the following: to study the internal order of this state, to pay attention to the governmental establishments and report to the Emir. Because we hear about the affairs in the neighbouring countries through merchants and travellers” [2].

In Petersburg Ahmad Donish met with ministers and higher officials of the state (political elite) and negotiated with them, saw the sights and visited historical places. Upon arrival in Bukhara Ahmad Donish wrote a thorough report about what he had seen in Russia. He gave a deep analytical information about the structure of the state apparatus and its positive features. But reformatory ideas of the enlightener were in vain. The propaganda of positive features of developed European countries did not yield under the system of governmental administration of that time. In spite of this the scholar continued his reformatory ideas and filled the content of his works with them. As a result his democratic ideas served as an ideaological basis and the source of Dajadidism movement and the Enlightenment that formed later. donish ambassador diplomatic

In 1869 under the circumstances Emir Muzaffar sent the Ambassador to Petersburg again. The mission of the ambassadors was to negotiate on the returning of Tashkent, Samarkand and Jizzakh, the cities conquered by Russia. Ahmad Donish was chosen as a secretary of this embassy this time also. According to Afzal Pirmastiya, during the reign of Emir Muzaffar Ahmad Donish was sent to Russia as a plenipotentiary representative, because he was the highest official of his time.

Some documents, books and newspapers from Russian archival fund prove this. For example, in the archival documents related to the first trip of the enlightener to Petersburg there is information about about his name, surname and position of Ahmad Donish. The sumnames of the members of Emir's Embassy are listed there and among them there is a name of Ahmad Donish “a secretary of the Embassy Mir Ahmad Mirzo Mir-Nasirov”. It is possible that he was known as Mir Ahmad in Bukhara and among Russian officials. Ahmad Donish wrote about his own name in his work “Navodirulvaqoe” as following : “I am from Bukhara and I am the son of Nosir Ahmad who was the descendant of Abu Bakr” [1]. In many cases Ahmad Donish simply called himself as Mir Ahmad. His friends, his students and particularly a poet Hayrat (1878-1902) did not deny this. In 1869 Ahmad Donish arrived in Petersburg as secretary of the Embassy. The head of the Ambassadors was Abdulkosimbiy, the relative of Emir. He had no idea about diplomatic rules. Among the members of the Embassy there was Said Abdul Fattoh, a son of Emir. On this occasion there was written the following message in the Russian press. “On the 18th (October, 1896) Abdul Fattoh, the third son of Bukharian Emir (they call him here Turajon) arrived in Orenburg. His old grandfather - the father of his mother, a secretary and several Bukharians accompanied him”. We may suppose that this secretary was Ahmad Donish.

In his book “Puteshestvie v Bukharurusskoi missii v 1870 godu” Russian general, diplomat and the connoisseur of the eastern military affairs L. F. Kostenko writes the following about Ahmad Donish: On the 7th of June 1870 emir (emir Muzaffar-R. J) sent to Russian mission, under the supervision of colonel Nosovich, his trusted man whose name was Mir Ahmad (Ahmad Donish-R. J) who was the secretary with the Embassy of Abdulfatohhon, the last stood out with his insight and intellect, he was the son of “ordinary people”[4].

Ahmad Donish conducted negotiations with Russian officials on behalf of emir and paid attention to some factors that contradict our national traditions. Mir Ahmad brought a response letter to the letter of Russian agency, that had been sent to kushbegi, and that was passed to emir subsequently. Emir agreed to the conditions of Russian government in 8 directions.

Owing to his diplomatic talent as a result of the negotiations, Ahmad Donish could persuade the members of the mission not to ride on the horse in holy places of Bukhara. This proves that the enlightener respected the traditions of Bukharian people. Together with this the enligtener conducted negotiations on the military and political situation of Emirate and on the modernization of this oblast and presented several programs: firstly, the establishment of friendly and cooperative relations, secondly, to rise the degree and qualifications of the army, thirdly, sending Russian military personnel for training Bukharians to cast metal, to prodice modern weaponry and for the exchange of military experience with soldiers and commanders [4]. Ahmad Donish presented these proposals to emir as well [3]. In 1896-1870 Ahmad Donish became popular among Russian intellidentsia as a clever and brilliant Bukharian.

At the end of 1873 Ahmad Donish travelled to Russia with the memebers of Bukharian Embassy for the third time. In January-March, 1874 he was in Saint Petersburg and returned. The members of emir's embassy arrived in Russia with gifts on the occasion of the wedding of Maria, the daughter of Alexander II and prince Alfred. Another purpose of their visit was to congratulate on the occasion of the victory of Russsian Army over Khivan Khanate. The head of the delegation was Abdukadir Dodhoh and Ahmad Donish was his deputy. The embassadors, the members of the delegation arrived in Saint Petersburg on January 6, 1874 and stayed in this city until February of that year and met met with the Emperor Alexander II. In February and March of 1874 the ideas that praise the degree of Mir Ahmad's knowledge as a connosseur of politics were published in newspapers «Golos» and «Novoyevremya» [6]. Besides this the political scientists and enlighteners of that time gave the work of Ahmad Donish a high and independent grade. Ahmad Donish conducted correspondence on scientific matters with Kozimbek, the employee of the Ministry of of Foreign Affairs and they had common views on many issues. It is necessary to say that Ahmad Donish made a very good impression on the political leaders and political elite of Rusian with his sociopolitical, philosophical and scientific views. The administration of Bukharian Emirate was surprised at seeing the respect of the workers of Russian administrative apparatus towards Ahmad Donish. Delightedly in his memoirs “Posolstvo Abdukodira i opisaniye torjestvennikh ruskikh prazdnikov”.

As is was said above the enlightener presented hi theoretical and practical conclusions about diplomatic practice of Emirate, about the organization of their work. Writing about a person who would be chosen as an Ambassador he underlined that «let the person who has a power of the word and the conscious mind be selected as an Ambassador». If the padishah wishes to send the ambassador to a foreign country, that ambassador must have a sharp tongue, bright mind, soft docile character and fluent speech. At the same time he must say each word pertinently. He must understand religion and the culture of the place he is going as an

Ambassador. Because the ambassadors are like the tongue of the king who is sending them. On hearing the softness of speech the hearts will be softer [1]. «... From this point of view, political views of Ahmad Donish are characterized with a great number of critical ideas referring to the leading personnel of Bukharian Emirate. This critique prevents the problems that may occur in future. In his works the enlightener openly wrote his critical ideas. Including, the head of the Embassy (Abdul kosimbiy-R. J) was mentally deficient and old. His throat dried up when he talked, he was always drunk as he took narcotics a lot and he was always busy with himself. He walked along the edge of the road and he did not care about other people. If someone asked him a question he would say» «Go and ask the prince». And prince in his turn replied «Grandfather knows, go to him». But is somebody brought something as a present the ambassador would say: «It is for me [2]», but the prince would say that it was for him no matter whom the presents were addressed to. Others would have arguments over having at least some part of the present.

Despite the fact that Ahmad Donish had explained to ambassadors the rules of diplomacy on how to behave in front of the ruler, they did not follow them and as a result they could not achieve good results. «Indeed, if at that time the Ambassador had spoken sensibly, the ruler would have issued the order about returning some oblasts, which he had appropriated from us. Even if he had been silent in the honor that the prince himself was there, the minister would not have refused the return of some oblasts. Or we could acquire the signed and confirmed agreement on Friendship for 100» [3]. Here we can quote the views of the great scholar Nizomul Mulk, the supporter of justice and integrity who had been a vizier for 30 years: «In case if there is hostility and disagreement between the rulers the ambassadors will come and work according to the order, but they (rulers) will never be angry with them and they will never refuse them kindness. OTe... The ambassador must be the person who had served to rulers, who can lead conversations bravely, the one who has a broad world outlook and googme meory, the one who is wise and handsome. Internal world and reflection of the ambassador is the proof of the ruler's intelect» [5].

Summing up the diplomatic relations of Bukhara and Russia, we consider that Ahmad Donish made an invaluable contribution to the development of these relations. It is important to underline that it would be expedient to analyze diplomatic relations of Bukharian Emirate in the last century not only from the point of view, but also from the point of view of the social atmosphere of that time. Owing to the conducted external policy, the Emirate did not fall under the influence of the Russian Empire completely. The following factors served as a basis forust o come to this conclusion:

firsly, Ahmad Donish could skillfully and openly express his ideas to the Russian Emperor and to the authoritative state officials. Heals o stood out among other administrative personnel of the emir with his intelligence and wit;

secondly, inspite of dissentions among the local population and aggravation of internal conflicts between khanates Bukharian Emirate paid a special attention to the diplomatic relations with Russia.

thirdly, the enlightener said that if emir had appointed those people about the quality of whose he wrote, it would have been possible to sign an agreement on peace with Russia for 50 or 100 years. As a result the external policy of the Emirate with Russia and other states had a great significance;

fourthly, diplomatic practice of Emirate, the views of Ahmad Donish on the selection of Ambassadors and the organization of their work serve as theoretical basis for international relations of the present day;

Summing up the above written facts we can say that Ahmad Donish has achieved certain results in embassy. Foe example, he conducted negotiations on free commerce of Bukharian merchants in the territory of Russia, on decreasing the amount of duties, on the pilgrimage of Bukharian people to Haj through the territory of Russia, on providing the safety of caravans, on the distribution of water between Samarkand and Bukharain equal amounts and about other social economic and military political matters beneficial to the country. The theory of diplomatic relations and the views in the sphere of external policy, personnel policy, tolerance, creativity admired by Ahmad Donish found its reflection in enormous success achieved by the Republic of Uzbekistan.


1. Axmad Donish. Navodir ul-vaqoe. (Redkosti proisshestvie) - T.: “Nauka”, 1964. - S. 33. 2.

2. Axmad Donish. Puteshestvie iz Buxari v Peterburg. Stalinabad, Izbrannoe, 1960. - S. 61. 3.

3. Axmad Donish. “Risola” ili kratkaya istoriya mangitskix gosudarey”. (nauzbekskomyazke). Perevod, predislovie i primechaniya K. Yo'ldoshev. - T.: Izdatelstvo “O'zbekistonMilliyentsiklopediyasi”, 2014. - S. 126.

4. Kostenko L. F. Puteshestvie v Buxarurusskoy missii v 1870 godu. S marshrutom ot Tashkenta do Buxara. S. Peterburg: Bortievskogo, 1871. - S. 72. 5.

5. Nizam al-mulk. Siasat-name. «Siyaru-l- muluk». (nauzbekskomyazke). Izdatelstvo “Yangiasravlodi”, - T.: 2008 g. - S. 94-97. 6.

6. HaqqulI brohim. Taqdirvatafakkur: Esselarva adabiy-tanqidiy maqolalar. - T.: Sharq, 2007. - S. 217. 7.

7. Xodizoda R. Ahmadi Donish. - D.: Maorif, 1967. - S. 36.

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