Short chronology of ancient Egypt
The establishment chronology of Ancient Egypt, the study of its binding to the historical processes of the surrounding ancient states and the definition of geographical regions included in the zone of existence of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
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Short chronology of ancient Egypt
Kubarev V.V.
doctor of history, professor Orthodox Russian Academy
The history of Ancient Egypt generated in XIX century, every day finds out all greater discrepancy to modern realities both the newest archeological and tool data, including results of DNA researches of mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs. The chronology of Egypt as whole is considered well investigated and however it has been created for substantiation of an antiquity of Jewish people, instead of for scientific description of one of most ancient terrestrial civilizations. Author's reconstruction of chronology of Ancient Egypt has found out time shift at rate 1780 years in depth of centuries from true dating events. Key words: chronology, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Pharaohs, Tutankhamen, DNA-Genealogy.
Кубарев В.В.
доктор исторических наук, профессор Православная Русская Академия
Короткая хронология древнего египта
История Древнего Египта, сформированная в XIX веке, с каждым днем обнаруживает всё большее несоответствие современным реалиям, новейшим археологическим и инструментальным данным, в том числе результатам ДНК исследований мумий египетских фараонов. Хронология Египта, в целом, считается хорошо изученной, однако она была создана для обоснования античности еврейского народа, а не для научного описания одной из древнейших земных цивилизаций. Авторская реконструкция хронологии Древнего Египта обнаружила временной сдвиг в размере 1780 лет в глубину веков от истинных датировок событий. Ключевые слова: хронология, Древний Египет, Древний Рим, фараоны, Тутанха- мон, ДНК-генеалогия. ancient egypt ancient state
Statement of problem: Modern researches of Egypt specify that average speed of natural destruction of pyramids and ancient monuments of Egypt does not corresponding to dates of an origin of these. Dendera's Zodiac is not entered in dating official chronology of Egypt. In burial places of pharaohs, including Tutankhamen, artifacts of the Arabian origin, and also a fabric and subjects from the Volga region are found out. DNA-Researches of mummies of pharaohs have attributed governors of Egypt to Germanic, Haplogroup R1b. Localization of Lower Egypt in mouth of Nile does not find due acknowledgement in the found out artifacts. Besides archeological researches of territory of Israel under the direction of the General archeologist of Israel Ze'ev Herzog have shown, that in Palestine is not found any artifact, ancient then I centuries. All these facts speak about lying paradigms of chronology of Ancient Egypt.
Постановка проблемы: Современные исследования Египта указывают, что средняя скорость естественного разрушения пирамид и древних памятников Египта не соответствует датам происхождения оных. Зодиаки Дендера не вписываются в датировки официальной хронологии Египта. В захоронениях фараонов, в том числе Тутанхамона, обнаружены артефакты арабского происхождения, а также ткани и предметы из Поволжья. ДНК- исследования мумий фараонов отнесли правителей Египта к германцам, гаплогруппа R1b. Локализация Нижнего Египта в устье Нила не находит должного подтверждения в обнаруженных артефактах. Кроме того, археологические исследования территории Израиля под руководством Главного археолога Израиля Зеэва Херцога показали, что в Палестине не найдено ни одного артефакта, древнее I века нашей эры. Все эти факты говорят о ложности парадигмы хронологии Древнего Египта.
The analysis of the last of research and publications: Publications on chronology of ancient Egypt becomes less, ostensibly on the basis of good this level of scrutiny. However on this background appears more and more information, entering in the contradiction with an official historiography of Egypt. For example, more than hundred mummies of pharaohs have been investigated with help by DNA technologies. All of them appeared the German origin is ethnos Haplogroup R1b. Egyptologists are not capable to explain the similar facts.
Анализ последних исследования и публикаций: Публикаций по хронологии древнего Египта становится меньше, якобы на основании хорошей изученности оной. Однако на этом фоне появляется все больше информации, вступающей в противоречие с официальной историографией Египта. Например, более ста мумий фараонов были исследованы с помощью ДНК технологий. Все они оказались германского происхождения, этнос гаплогруппа R1b. Египтологи не в состоянии объяснить подобные факты.
Allocation unresolved before parts of the general problem: As whole the traditional chronology of Ancient Egypt is not authentic and is based on adjustment of real historical events to false time scale and the narrowed geographical frameworks.
Выделение нерешенных ранее частей общей проблемы: В целом традиционная хронология Древнего Египта не является достоверной и основана на подгонке реальных исторических событий к ложной шкале времени и зауженным географическим рамкам.
The purpose of clause: The purpose of the present research is the establishment of true chronology of Ancient Egypt, a binding of it to historical processes of the surrounding antique states and definition of the geographical regions included in a zone of existence civilization of Ancient Egypt.
Цель статьи: Целью настоящего исследования является установление истинной хронологии Древнего Египта, привязка оной к историческим процессам окружающих античных государств и определение географических регионов, включенных в зону существования древнеегипетской цивилизации.
The basic material: For the decision of task, in view we shall use a paradigm of occurrence of a modern human civilization in the Volga region about 5500 years ago. For the first time such hypothesis was put forward by Maria Gimbutas in 1956 [1-4]. In author's researches in 2009, we have confirmed the specified theory having adhered her to an outline of historical events of the past [5]. According to our calculations, in chronology of Ancient Egypt chronological shift on 1790 years is found out by page 90-91 [5]. The further researches of the author have shown that the figure is overestimated to 10 years and it is necessary to correct the average chronological shift on 1780 years.
Let's assume that the chronological intervals of board of separate Pharaohs established by historians up to the end of the New Kingdom of Egypt are true. A starting point of restoration of dynastic lines we shall take the information from Abydos King List of Ancient Egypt, cut on wall of temple of Seti I in Abydos. It totals 76 cartouches the Egyptian tsars, since Menes and finishing Seti I [6]. We shall notice, that the Egyptian list contains only names of Pharaohs, dates of board in it are not present. We know only time of creation of these lists within board of Pharaohs of Seti I and Ramesses II is end V and the beginning of VI century of our era, page 117-119 [5].
The list of Pharaohs heads Menes or Meni. We identify it with the known Bible and historical character. Some scientists assert, that Menes has invented writing, actually Egyptian hieroglyphs, that is, that he is an author of idea to represent speaking figures. We shall look on cartouche at number of 1 Pharaoh Menes in Abydos List. On the vertical tablet three figures are represented from top to down: a rectangular with vertical strip on the top party, wavy snake and sign similar on oar or rudder of the ship. These signs are translated as "mn" and "j". We believe that the name of Pharaoh Menes bears in itself the exhaustive information on his origin. We think that the sign "mn" means Flood, Noah Ark and his inhabitants. The sign "j" means a name of Pharaoh Menes - Mizraim. We believe that the figurative cartouche Menes designates Helmsman of peoples.
According to our reconstruction of history of page 44-45 [5], the Flood has happened about 1250-1200 BC. The tragedy precisely corresponds to dating and consequences of Accident of the Bronze age in 1206 BC [7].
Menes was born in the city Tinis (like Egyptian), and actually - in the known city Tanais that stood on place of a mouth of the river Don. The configuration of the Seas and Oceans of that time essentially differed from modern outlines, page 127 [5] (look Figure No. 1 below). On our hypothesis of page 128 [5], Menes/Meni it is identified with the leader of Trojans Aeneas who also was born in the city Tanais on Don. After defeat in Trojan War in 1184 BC (Trojan War it agrees Eratosthenes is dated 1194-1184 BC), refugees were directed to Africa in the country on Nile (later the Upper Egypt) which have successfully won. In view of our researches leaves, that Aeneas and Menes is the same person. He had also other names: Bible name Mizraim, Egyptian name Narmer. According to mythology Ae- neas-Menes was the descendant of Dardanus, the ancestor of people Dardanus in northwest of Asia Minor. Menes in the Egyptian history has received name Narmer. Probably Narmer was the Pharaoh of the African state on Nile, which was prostrate conqueror Me- nes-Aeneas.
After victory, having left in Egypt small garrison, Trojans have moved further, - on the ancestral home - in the Volga region. Their route ran through a passage connected in the past Mediterranean Sea with Indian Ocean (on a place of modern Suez Canal), further - through Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf. After that they have got in passage, (located on territory of modern Iran) which connected Indian Ocean to Caspian Sea. Further ships Aeneas was floating on the north of Caspian Sea, and has moored in mouth of Volga. Thus, after long navigation, Aeneas and Trojans again arrived on the ancestral home where the nature began to heal the wounds put to it by the Flood.
According to a hypothesis of the author, Aeneas was the ethnic European / German, Haplogroup R1b. On this basis we can assert, that the first tsars of Alba Longa and Pharaohs of Egypt were ethnic Germen, as well as a part of elite of Rome. Ancestors of Ugrian and Germen initially lived in the Volga region and Southern Ural. The part from them before the Flood has moved in area of Dardanelles, having based an advanced post.
During this historical period in Bulgarian the annals German peoples II volume are mentioned, page 11 - Cimmeriams which were association of four German-speaking tribes (Bulgarian named them "dout" - "four", or "Camirci") - ancestors of some German peoples (it is Goths, Cimbri, Teutons, etc.). Besides according to II vol., page 64 [8] the name "Cimmeriam" occurs from old Bulgarian nicknames of Hittites the "Cumar" - "yellow or a lucid mind", and "Teutones" - from another Bulgarian nicknames Hittites "dout ion" is "four tribes". The author believes, that people Dardanus was a part of Cimmeriams tribes from Kuban and Don.
On Herodotus, Menes has built the big embankment, has rejected current of the huge river, that is Volga (Bulgarian name Ra or Itil/Atil), and has directed water in old channel. On the extracted area between sleeves of Volga the Pharaoh has constructed a fortress the Inbu-Hedj (literally White walls, subsequently the Memphis), becoming an imperial residence. Names the Inbu-Hedj and Alba Longa are isomorphic. To the south from a wall the sanctuary of local god Ptah (Ptah- to-south-from-wall-his) which remained the god - patron of this city during all his ancient and long history has been built.
Let's note that mouth of Volga this unique place in the world where the ancient rests of the hydraulic engineering construction largest on the ground - man-made island Akhtuba (White Hill) with channels were kept. Length of Island about 450 km, width from 5 up to 10 km, the general area - more than 20 thousand sq. km, the area of arable lands - 7 thousand sq. km. We shall notice, that prior to the beginning of XX century in mouth of Volga - Akhtuba crocodiles were found.
However on Volga there are no pyramids, but there are huge barrows and sanctuaries of a bronze age, for example, Mamayev Kurgan (Tumulus) in height of 102 m and Sanctuary Trekhostrovskoe of a cult of fire in diameter of 150 m (XIII-VII century BC). Is Sanctuary we identically as Roman Vesta Temple. Egyptian analogue of Vesta is the goddess of home Bastet, later Hathor. Names Bastet and Vesta are isomorphic. In Greece Vesta named Hestia. On our hypothesis Mamayev Kurgan at place of bifurcation of Volga (Ra, Itil) on two channels - Ra and Akhtuba it is pyramid Me- nes-Aeneas. For three thousand years the Kurgan has decreased in sizes up to modern height of 102 m. Distance between Mamayev Kurgan and Sanctuary of Vesta is few tens kilometers only. The Sanctuary at place of antique ship channel between Volga and Don with direct output from Volga through Don, Azov and Black Sea in the Mediterranean is located. Distance between the rivers here 52 km. The channel can extend from the Mamaev Kurgan on the West to the Don on the route of the Volgodon-2: Yerzovka-Gracci-Pan- sino (next to the Sanctuary of Vesta). Near to the Sanctuary there is a Rumyn-Hill. The name of Rome on Bulgarian is Rum, therefore mountain refers to Roman. Besides in the same place there is mountain from limestone Mare's head. Outlines of mountain remind the Sphinx. So, constructions in thousand years of have collapsed. We believe that all these artifacts of an antiquity - Mamayev (Aeneas) Kurgan, Sanctuary of Vesta, Rumyn Hill and Mare's head Hill are certificates of existence on Volga and Don ancient Roman and Egyptian civilizations.
Not without reason Ovid in Metamorphoses wrote about Rome: “Here proceeding, the river on equal shares parts; the Island on it is named; from both parties it is identical Tiber has extended Equal two sleeves, the ground embrace..We believe that the question is the river Akhtuba and Island Akhtuba in the Volga region, instead of tiny patch the grounds on Tiber in Italy.
In delta of Nile there are no hints on existence of such structure. Therefore the Lower Egypt settled down in a lower reaches of current of Volga, on northern Caspian Sea, and the Upper Egypt was in Northern Africa and Nile lay along a watercourse. What that time after a Flood the Upper and Lower Egypt incorporated Sea artery through Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Then on place of the dried up natural channel the overland road has been laid. The second Sea way between two states was through the channel from Volga to Don, Pontus - Black Sea, Bosporus, Marmara and Mediterranean Sea. Because of remoteness of the Lower Egypt Pharaohs many centuries have been compelled to contain huge fleet. The elite of the state carried out winter on Nile in Africa, and summer - on Volga. In due course contours of the Seas have changed, passages have disappeared, and the Sea way from the Lower Egypt to the Upper Egypt on Volga has stopped existence. This event happened to beginning V century BC, That has coincided with the beginning of republican board in Rome and has ended with exile of Pharaohs to the African Egypt.
Near to a fortress the Inbu-Hedj or Alba Longa in 753 BC have been incorporated the huge city of RomeMemphis. Consider that the first name Memphis has appeared in annals only in XXIII century BC that is at the account of the chronological shift received by us on 1780 years, in VII century BC. Probably, this name occurs from name Meryre Pepi I, a funeral complex of the Pharaoh of VI dynasty Pepi I. In Egypt Memphis was known also under name Anh Taui (Life of two grounds), or Yti Taui (Uniting two ground), that as if emphasized his strategic position on border between the Upper and Lower Egypt. Actually the city simply lay between two grounds divided by current of Volga, the river Ra named in the past. Ancient toponym the Akhtuba (Akh Tuba, White Hill) is isomorphic to Egyptian name Anh Taui.
According to our reconstruction [5], we localize the place of erection of fortress Alba Longa - Inbu- Hedj in the Island Akhtuba opposite the village Selitrennoe. Alternative localization of a fortress is Mamaev Kurgan. In 753 BC on the mainland and island side of Akhtuba was built Rome-Memphis. In the Bulgarian Chronicles [8] it was called Itil or Ulak Urum (Rum). After the decline of Rome and Egypt and migration to Europe, the city of Itil became the capital of the Khazaria, and then the Golden Horde called Sarai Batu. More than 600 thousand people lived in the city for many thousands years. Ivan Terrible destroyed the walls of the city, which had a length of 12 km and a depth of 6 km sector on the island and 18 km and a depth of 8 km sector in the mainland. According to Egyptologist Francis Aleksandrs Balodis the total area of the city was 36 sq. km.
Now dating of board of Pharaohs of Egypt strongly varies. We begin to be guided by chronological data Jьrgen von Beckerath [9] and the average data on several Egyptologists. During the New Kingdom of Egypt we shall use also chronology on E. Hornung [10] and to R. Parker. It agrees background Jьrgen von Beckerath, Menes rules Egypt per 2999-2952 BC. We shall take into account displacement of chronology of Egypt received by us on 1780 years downwards and we shall receive true value of years of board Menes 12191172 BC. The flood has happened on the Earth for some ten years before reign Meni. Thus we know, that Aeneas has gone to a campaign from Troy in 1184 BC and, on our hypothesis, the same year has grasped the state in northern Africa in delta of Nile. We understand, that dating of events in so remote past can differ from true values however as a whole they will give the true description of a history. Besides board Menes, Aunts and Iti carry to one period. It is logical to address to dating board Aeneas under the Roman chronicles - Aeneas/Menes reigned till 1176 BC, therefore the period of board of Pharaohs Teti and Iti concerns to range of 1172-1149 BC or on the Roman sources 1176-1138 BC. Dating of board of tsars of Alba Longa and Rome coincide with dating reign of Pharaohs of the Inbu-Hedj and Memphis, however the quantity of tsars differs. Probably, Bulgarian the name of Volga - Itil goes on behalf name of second Pharaoh Iti.
All data known to us on Pharaohs we shall reduce in the Table No. 1, consisting of several columns. The first column is a serial number of the Pharaoh even if it has not got in the official list, but the data on it were kept in a history. The second column is number of the Pharaoh on Abydos Table. Then we shall result a name of the Pharaoh, the following column is a well-known name of the Pharaoh if it exist. In the fifth column we shall note the Roman name of the Pharaoh or tsar. In the sixth column we shall specify the information on the known historical events happened within board of the given Pharaoh. We shall close the table column with dates of board of Pharaohs. If years of their board decrease, means, we deal with BC epoch. At increase of years, - that is years our era. Board dates are always determined by the reduction of official dates by 1780 years. Explanatories to acts and years of board of Pharaohs and them attribution with the Roman Emperors and tsars will be given below.
Table 1.
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.
No. |
Cartouche No. |
Personal Name |
Throne Name |
Roman Name |
Events |
Board Dates |
1 |
1 |
Menes, Meni |
Menes, Narmer |
Aeneas |
Trojan War 1184, Aeneas Tumulus |
1219 1172 |
2 |
2 |
Teti |
Teti I, Atothis I |
? - 1172 |
3 |
3 |
Iti, Djer |
Atothis II |
Ascanius, Iulus |
Alba Longa, Inbu- Hedj |
? - 1172 |
4 |
4 |
Itia, Djet |
Atothis III |
1172 1149 |
5 |
5 |
Septi |
Den |
? |
6 |
6 |
Meribiap |
Anedjib |
Silvius |
1145 1100 |
7 |
7 |
Semsu |
Semerkhet |
1100 1090 |
8 |
8 |
Qebeh |
Qa'a |
1090? |
9 |
9 |
Bedjau |
Hotepsekhemwy |
Aeneas Silvius |
Board of 30 years |
1090 1060 |
10 |
10 |
Kakau, Nebre |
Raneb |
Latinus Silvius |
Board of 39 years |
1060 1020 |
11 |
11 |
Banetjer |
Ninetjer |
Alba Silvius |
Board of 47 years |
1020 973 |
12 |
12 |
Wadjnas |
Weneg |
Atys Silvius |
Aegyptus by Eusebius |
987-960 |
13 |
13 |
Sendi |
Senedj |
Capys Silvius |
Board of 41 year |
971-930 |
14 |
14 |
Djadjay |
Khasekhemwy |
Agrippa Silvius |
Board of 30 years |
936-906 |
15 |
15 |
Nebka |
Sanakht |
Romulus Silvius |
906-888 |
16 |
16 |
Djeser-za |
Djoser |
Aventius Silvius |
855-831 |
17 |
17 |
Teti |
Sekhemkhet |
831-823 |
18 |
18 |
Sedjes |
Khaba |
823-819 |
19 |
19 |
Neferkara |
Huni |
Board of 25 years |
819-795 |
20 |
20 |
Senefer |
Sneferu |
833-809 |
21 |
21 |
Khufu |
Khufu, Cheops |
Proca Silvius |
The Pyramid of Giza |
824-801 |
22 |
22 |
Djedefre |
Radjedef, Ratoises |
Numitos Silvius |
801-792 |
23 |
23 |
Khafra |
Khefren |
Amulius Silvius |
The Pyramid of Giza |
782-766 |
24 |
24 |
Menkaura |
Mykerinos |
The basis of Rome (753) |
765-731 |
25 |
25 |
Shepseskaf |
Sebercheres |
731-726 |
26 |
26 |
Userkaf |
Quserkaf |
Romulus |
733-726 |
27 |
27 |
Sahure |
Sephres |
726-713 |
28 |
28 |
Kakai |
Neferirkare |
Numa Pompil- ius |
Sanctuary of Vesta |
703-683 |
29 |
29 |
Neferefre |
Ranefer, Cheres |
Tullus Hostilius |
680-678 |
30 |
30 |
Neuserre |
Ini |
678-642 |
31 |
31 |
Menkauhor |
Mencheres, Kaiu |
Ancus Marcius |
642-634 |
32 |
32 |
Djedkare |
Isesi |
Lucius Tarquin- ius Priscus |
Board of 38 years |
634-595 |
33 |
33 |
Unis |
Unas |
Servius Tullius |
595-565 |
34 |
34 |
Teti |
Athath |
Board of 10 years |
565-555 |
35 |
35 |
Userkare |
Woserkare |
555-553 |
36 |
36 |
Meryre |
Pepi I Meryre |
Lucius Tarquin- ius Superbus |
Exile of Pharaohs from the Volga region |
553-505 |
37 |
37 |
Merenre |
Nemtyemsaf I |
505-499 |
38 |
38 |
Neferkare |
Pepi II |
Board of 60 years |
499-439 |
39 |
39 |
Merenre Saemsaf |
Merenre II |
439-438 |
40 |
40 |
Netjerikare |
436-434 |
41 |
41 |
Menkare |
? |
42 |
42 |
Neferkare |
Neferkare II |
? |
43 |
43 |
Neferkare |
Neby |
? |
44 |
44 |
Djedkare |
Schemai |
? |
45 |
45 |
Neferkare |
Khendu |
? |
46 |
46 |
Merenhor |
? |
47 |
47 |
Neferkamin |
Sneferka |
? |
48 |
48 |
Nikare |
Nikare I |
? |
49 |
49 |
Neferkare Tereru |
Neferkare V |
? |
50 |
50 |
Neferkafor |
? |
51 |
51 |
Neferkare Pep- iseneb |
Neferkare VI |
? |
52 |
52 |
Neferkamin |
Sneferka Anu |
? |
53 |
53 |
Kaukara |
Qakare Ibi |
? |
54 |
54 |
Neferkaure |
Neferkaure |
? |
55 |
55 |
Neferkauhor |
Neferkauhor Khuwihapi |
The Persian conquest of Egypt by "Hittites" |
? |
56 |
56 |
Neferirkare |
Neferirkare II |
? |
57 |
Wahankh |
Intef II |
Ptolemy I Soter |
323-275 |
58 |
Intef III |
283-275 |
59 |
57 |
Nebhepetre |
Mentuhotep II |
Ptolemy II Phil- adelphus |
Ptolemaic Dynasty |
275-224 |
60 |
58 |
Sankhkare |
Mentuhotep III |
Ptolemy III Eu- ergetes |
224-212 |
61 |
Mentuhotep IV |
PtolemyIV Philopator |
Board of 7 years |
212-205 |
62 |
59 |
Sehetepibre |
Amenemhat I |
PtolemyV Epiphanes |
211-182 |
63 |
60 |
Kheperkare |
Senusret I |
PtolemyVI Philometor |
182-131 |
64 |
61 |
Nubkaure |
Amenemhat II |
Ptolemy X Alexander I |
Alexandria (basis of city) |
134-96 |
65 |
62 |
Khakheperre |
Senusret II |
Ptolemy IX Soter II |
102-92 |
66 |
63 |
Khakaure |
Senusret III |
PtolemyXII Neos Dionysos |
Board of 19 years |
92-73 |
67 |
64 |
Nimaatre |
Amenemhat III |
Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator |
73-27 |
68 |
65 |
Maakherure |
Amenemhat IV |
PtolemyXV Caesarion |
The Roman occupation of Egypt, "Hyksos" |
27-18 |
69 |
Sobekneferu |
Neferusobek |
Cleopatra Selenium II |
18-14 |
70 |
Intef VII |
Lucius Coss. Marullus |
Proconsul 198/199 |
209-212 |
71 |
Senakhterne |
Tao I |
Cossonius Scipio Orfi. |
212-216 |
72 |
Seqenenre |
Tao II |
GordianusI (159-238) |
Emperor 238 |
221-236 |
73 |
Kamose |
GordianusII (192-238) |
Emperor 238 |
236-240 |
74 |
66 |
Nebpehtira |
Ahmose I |
Gordian.III (225-265) |
Emperor(238 244) |
240-265 |
75 |
67 |
Djeserkare |
Amenhotep I |
265-286 |
76 |
68 |
Aakheperkara |
Thutmose I |
286-298 |
77 |
69 |
Aakheperenra |
Thutmose II |
298-301 |
78 |
Hatshepsut |
301-322 |
79 |
70 |
Menkheperra |
Thutmose III |
The basis of Constantinople (330) |
Capture of Rome on Volga in 324 |
301/322 - 354 |
80 |
71 |
Aakheperura |
Amenhotep II |
Board of 25 years |
354-378 |
81 |
72 |
Menkheperura |
Thutmose IV |
Exodus Moses |
378-390 |
82 |
73 |
Nebmaatre |
Amenhotep III |
Board of 35 years |
390-425 |
83 |
Akhenaten |
Amenhotep IV (Aten cult) |
Monotheism introduction |
425-442 |
84 |
Smenkhkare |
442-445 |
85 |
Tutankhamen |
Exodus Joshua |
445-455 |
86 |
Ay |
455-459 |
87 |
74 |
Djeserkheperura |
Horemheb |
Monotheism cancellation |
459-486 |
88 |
75 |
Menpehtira |
Ramesses I |
486-488 |
89 |
76 |
Menmaatra |
Seti I |
Abydos Table |
488-500 |
90 |
Ramesses II |
Dendera Zodiac (540) |
500-566 |
91 |
Merneptah |
Dendera Zodiac (568) |
566-586 |
92 |
Amenmesse |
586-590 |
93 |
Seti II |
590-596 |
94 |
Siptah |
596-602 |
95 |
Twosret (Queen) |
602-604 |
96 |
Setnakhte |
604-606 |
97 |
Ramesses III |
Great Israel=Great Bulgaria |
606-637 |
98 |
Ramesses IV |
637-644 |
99 |
Ramesses V |
644-648 |
100 |
Ramesses VI |
648-655 |
101 |
Ramesses VII |
655-661 |
102 |
Ramesses VII |
661-663 |
103 |
Ramesses IX |
Capture of Egypt by Arabs Umayyad Caliphate |
663-681 |
104 |
Ramesses X |
681-691 |
105 |
Ramesses XI |
691-712 |
106 |
Smendes, Nome Tanis |
710-736 |
107 |
Amenemnisu |
736-740 |
108 |
Psusennes I |
Abbasid Caliphate |
741-787 |
109 |
Amenemope |
787-796 |
110 |
Osorkon and Si- amun |
796-802 |
111 |
Psusennes II |
820-835 |
112 |
Shoshenq I |
837-858 |
113 |
Osorkon I |
856-891 |
114 |
Shoshenq II |
890 |
115 |
Takelot I |
875-913 |
116 |
Osorkon II |
908-943 |
117 |
Takelot II |
940-963 |
118 |
Shoshenq III |
943-982 |
119 |
Pedubastis I |
Fatimid Caliphate |
963-987 |
120 |
Osorkon III |
985 1013 |
121 |
Takelot III |
1013 1025 |
Let's note the moment of occurrence of the name of the state Egypt in honor of one of Pharaohs. In beginning I millennium BC tsar Atys Silvius of Alba Longa rule. His name on Ovid is Alba Silvius Epitus, and agrees on Eusebius is Egypt (Aegyptus). To him we corresponds Pharaoh Weneg (cartouche 12).
We believe that for chronological binding of Pharaohs IV and V dynasties well approach dating Egyptologist Donald Redford [11]. We take terms of board of Pharaohs from dating of Manetho [12]. We shall note that Manetho veins during Ptolemy epoch in first half of III centuries BC, therefore his data on duration of board of Pharaohs come to end on XI dynasty which corresponds to Ptolemy's. Later notes of Manetho are a fake.
The first tsars of Egypt and Alba Longa were ethnic Germen, Haplogroup R1b. However with the advent of Rome and the Roman tsars in 753 BC Pharaohs became ethnic Ugrian, Haplogroup N1. The first Ugric on throne of Egypt began Romulus, the founder of Rome. To him there corresponds Pharaoh Userkaf (733-726 BC). Chronicles of Egypt directly inform [13], that Userkaf were one of three twins who have been given birth Raddjedet, the sister of priest, from the god of Sun is Ra. On a legend the twin became the new Pharaoh. In the other source the question is two tsars - twins. Besides tsar Userkaf before accession was familiar with Pharaohs Khafra, Menkaura and Shepseskaf.
The legend about Romulus (771-716 bC) and Remus (771-754 BC) is well-known. Twins were chthonic children of Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia from god Ares (Mars) and grandsons of Zeus (Jupiter). The myth proves to be true a legend Bulgarian chronicles about the tsar who has been brought up she-wolf [8]. Events of the period of the termination of board Khafra and the Roman chronicles are isomorphic and coincide on time frameworks (board Userkaf 733-726 BC). The name of mother Rhea - Raddjedet also coincides.
In days of board of Pharaoh Kakai, it is tsar Numa Pompilius, in the beginning of VII century BC, in Rome became popular a Vesta cult of fire. Near to place of division of Volga and Akhtuba the unique Sanctuary Trekhostrovskoe (Three-Island), by diameter 150-200 m (with fosse), devoted to home and cult of fire and dated XIII-VII centuries BC now was kept. In the center of the Sanctuary was special to bake with inextinguishable fire in diameter of 40 m.
The period of the Roman tsars and Pharaohs of Ugric origin comes to an end board Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. It has been turned out by Romans in 509 BC and has died in exile in 494 BC. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus there correspond to Pharaoh Pepi I (553-505 BC). The relations between two removed regions of Egypt completely have stopped in V century BC owing to political and geophysical factors (drying of Sea passages in Suez and Persia).
After these events to the Volga region, authority of the Egyptian Pharaohs has remained only in Africa. The name of the lost region in Europe (Volga region) appears in toponyms of delta of Nile, further bringing mess in geographical treatments. The ethnic accessory of Pharaohs VIII-X of dynasties is unknown. Equi- probably they were Germen or Ugrian.
According to our reconstruction of a history [14], after a gain and the unit the Roman breeding leaders of Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, India and the North of Africa carried of an official history by an epoch Alexander the Great, Ptolemaic dynasty a rule Egypt in IV-I centuries BC.
Reign of Ptolemaic in view of shift on 1780 years, fully complies with the Middle Kingdom of Egypt [15]. Dating of board and names of Pharaohs in it the period are exposed numerous edit of official Egyptologists, that mix-up a true history of Egypt and Roman-Hel- lenistic essence of the Supreme authority of the state of the end of the first millennium BC.
The most exact dating of the Middle Kingdom 2056/2046-1798/1797 BC. On Jьrgen von Beckerath , E. Hornung [10], R. Krauss and D. Warburton correspond to 275-14 BC our reconstruction.
Ptolemy I Soter are identical to the Pharaoh of the Second Intermediate Period - Intef II Wahankh (21032054 BC [9], actually 323-275 BC). The official history carries board Ptolemy to 323/305-282 BC when originally it served as the satrap of Egypt. Then the transition period connected to board of senior children of Ptolemy and transition of authority to the first official Pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom from Ptolemaic dynasty - Ptolemy II Philadelphus (275-224 BC) which started to reign up during lifetime of the father.
Further conformity of board of Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom with 57 up to 65 cartouche Abydos King List [6] with Ptolemaic tsars becomes obvious [14], the data are resulted in the Table No. 2 below.
Table 2.
Attribution Ptolemaic with Middle Kingdom of Egypt Pharaohs.
No. |
Latin Name |
Board, BC. |
Name of the Pharaohs |
Board, BC. |
1 |
Ptolemy I Soter |
322/305 283/282 |
Intef II (Inter-mediate period) |
323-275 |
2 |
Ptolemy II Philadelphus |
285/282 246/245 |
Mentuhotep II, Cartouche 57 |
275-224 |
3 |
Ptolemy III Euergetes |
246-222 |
Mentuhotep III, Cartouche 58 |
224-212 |
4 |
Ptolemy IV Philopator |
222-205 |
Mentuhotep IV |
212-205 |
5 |
Ptolemy V Epiphanes |
205-180 |
Amenemhat I, Cartouche 59 |
211-182 |
6 |
Ptolemy VI Philometor |
180-145 |
Senusret I, Cartouche 60 |
182-131 |
7 |
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator |
Did not reign |
8 |
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) |
170-116 |
9 |
Cleopatra II Philometora Soteira |
131-127 |
10 |
Cleopatra III Philometor Ptolemy IX, Ptolemy X |
116-107 |
11 |
Ptolemy IX Soter II |
116-107, 89-81 |
Senusret II, Cartouche 62 |
92-82 |
12 |
Ptolemy X Alexander I |
107-88 |
Amenemhat II, Cartouche 61 |
134-96 |
13 |
Berenice III Philopator |
81-80 |
14 |
Ptolemy XI Alexander II |
80 |
15 |
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos |
80-51 |
Senusret III, Cartouche 63 |
92-73 |
16 |
Cleopatra VI /V Tryphaena |
58-57 |
17 |
Cleopatra VII Philopator |
69-30 |
18 |
Arsinoe IV |
48-47 |
19 |
Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator |
51-47 |
Amenemhat III, Cartouche 64 |
73-27 |
20 |
Ptolemy XIV |
47-44 |
21 |
Ptolemy XV Caesarion |
44-30 |
Amenemhat IV, Cartouche 65 |
28-18 |
22 |
Cleopatra Selene II |
Neferusobek |
18-14 |
The following interesting moment of our reconstruction is an identification of woman - Pharaoh Neferusobek (1798-1794 BC, actually 18-14 BC) with Cleopatra Selene II - the daughter of the world famous queen Cleopatra VII. Under the official version of a history, Cleopatra VII of rule together with brothers Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV about 22 years also has died of poisoning with poison. It turns out, that co-ruler of Cleopatra VII was Pharaohs Amenemhat III and Ame- nemhat IV.
On our hypothesis, Ptolemaic is ethnic Ugrian, Haplogroup N1. Genetic tests of mummies of Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom can confirm or deny this version.
Reign Ptolemaic has ended with occupation of Egypt by Romans, and the Middle Kingdom of Egypt has come to the end with capture Egypt by Hyksos. Therefore Hyksos it is Romans. Occupation of Egypt by Romans - Hyksos proceeded more than 250 years. Only at Ahmose I, it is the Roman Emperor Gordian III with the African origin, in 238 Egypt again became the independent state. Gordianus were not Egyptians on birth, this dynasty - branch of sort of Latin tsars / German origin from Rome, Haplogroup R1b1. Distinctive feature of dynasty Gordianus and their descendants as Pharaohs, - the huge size of auricles. In 238 the epoch of dynasty of tsars on the Egyptian ground managed again to return to Egypt lost possession in MemphisRome, in territory of the Volga region began. The Latin dynasty tsars have died away in Egypt with the termination of the New Kingdom of Egypt in VII century. Then Pharaohs of Egypt got on throne as a result of political intrigues court noble and overseas conquerors. Greatness of Egypt gradually died away, in the middle of VII century the great Empire has collapsed on splinters, and to the beginning of IX century completely degraded, Egypt became easy extraction for overseas aggressors - Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid.
Let's stop in detail on chronological binding of the Egyptian history to a world history. It is based on the facts of our reconstruction [5].
The epoch of Hyksos corresponds, under the official version of history, 1715-1554 BC [9-11], but actually 55 BC - 226. Consider that Hyksos are “tsars - shepherds”. Actually, they are Volga region nomads from Ancient Rome, and it is mix of different peoples - Germen, Goths, Turks, Ugrian and Mongols - Slavs. They have attacked Egypt at Emperor August in end of I century BC. The board Hyksos last more than 200 years, down to 238. Romans have introduced to Egypt the new weapon and an armor, deities and words of Turkic and Semitic origin. Names of Pharaohs - Hyk- sos correspond to names of the Proconsuls appointed by Rome.
One of them from Severan Dynasty was Sep- temius Severus, it was born in Africa, in Leptis Magna (Emperor 193-211), historians believe that it has constructed Hannibal mausoleum, and became the Roman Emperor, though itself from the soldier. Septemius has died in 211. After him has come to power Caracalla (211-217), which killed brother Geta (211-212) and became unique Emperor. Since time of gain August of Egypt this country was in especially deprived of civil rights position. Septemius Severus has returned to Pharaohs visibility of self-management, and Caracalla not only has given to them the right to borrow the state posts in Rome, but also for the first time has entered the Egyptian into the senate. After Caracalla to authority in Rome there has come Emperor with Semitic name He- liogabalus (218-222) - from a caste of priests, but soon it has been replaced with his cousin Alexander Severus (222-235). Last was lost from hands the soldier near to Mainz in 235. At this time the Roman deputy has come to power in Egypt.
Intef VII (Antef VII) Nubkheperre rules as was considered, in 1571-1560th BC, and actually in 209212. After him the chapter of the Egyptian province and the proconsul of Rome became his son - Tao I.
Tao I, rules as considered, in 1578/15551573/1554 BC, actually in 212-216. Wife Tetisheri has birth the son Tao II Seqenenre (Brave).
Tao II Seqenenre (Brave) reign, as consider in 1569-1554 BC, and actually in 221-236.
Tao II Brave has lifted revolt against the Roman invaders in 232, this date coincides with official dating the beginning of revolt in the African province of Roman Empire against Severan dynasty which in the Egyptian sources name Apepi (Apophis) board 15851545 BC, actually Severan board 193-235, is the last Hyksos in Egypt.
At comparison of the Roman and Egyptian sources it is found out, that Tao II Brave is identical to proconsul Gordianus I in Egypt, which has lifted revolt to separate Egypt from Roman Empire. It is known, that after numerous bloody collisions the authority in Egypt has remained with grandson Gordianus. Means after Tao II Brave was reign by his son Kamos.
Origin Gordianus is covered with secret. On our hypothesis his father is Lucius Cossonius Eggius Marullus, in 198/199 the proconsul of Africa. At Lucius the son is legate Cossonius Scipio Orfitus was also.
Kamos was considered, that rules in 1555-1552 BC, actually in 235-238, corresponds to Gordianus II. It actively was at war against Romans - Hyksos, lost in fight. After him to authority has come Ahmose I, still the young man.
Ahmose I, rules in 1552-1527 BC, actually 238263, the brother or son of Kamos and the son or grandson Tao II Brave, on the Roman sources is identical to Gordianus III.
Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus - the Roman Emperor notable origins (descendant of Gracchi). Was the rich and educated person, was fond of poetry and itself wrote verses (in youth has written Antoninias in 30 books, singing both Antonius - Pius and Aurelius). When in 238 in Tisdra (El Djem) the procurator of Emperor Maximinus Thrax, inhabitants have been killed, be like afraid punishments, have proclaimed Gordianus as Emperor. The Roman senate has confirmed this election, having declared hated with all Maximinus, former then in Panno- nia, the enemy of fatherland. The 80-years Gordianus reigned together with son Gordianus II, only 36 which days to have proclaimed August. In struggle against Moorish deputy Capellanus the son was lost, and father in despair itself has deprived with itself life, having hung up.
Ancestors of Gordianus were Gracchi (Gracchus) - ancient Rome notable family [16], a branch of new Optimatus aristocracy, skin of Sempronii. In Russian nickname Gracchi sounds as Rooks. The first Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus was in II century BC two times the consul and once the censor.
Son of Gordian African is Gordianus II, except for noble origin, differed erudition and beauty. His library totaled about 60 thousand books. It began military service at Heliogabalus, at Alexander Severe acted praetor, and at once after this has received also consulate. At Maximinus it has been sent legate - to Africa to the father - proconsul.
Gordianus III (Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius; 225-244) is the Roman Emperor in 238. Son of Gordi- anus II or, that is more probable, - the son of daughter of Gordianus I (in the latter case the name of his father is not known, as well as name which it carried before acceptance of an imperial title in honor of the grandfather). Gordianus was born on January 20, 225. After murder of his trustees - co-rulers Pupienus an...
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