Necessity of implementing new administration system in Kazakhstan by Russian empire

In the article there are analysis of Russia’s attitude to the governing Kazakh steppe and implementing in Orenburg territory "Temporal decree about administrating steppe regions" 1868 year. Materials on history of political system in Kazakhstan.

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Abenov Daulet

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, (Kazakhstan Republic, Aktobe) Abenova Bibigul candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, (Kazakhstan Republic, Aktobe)


In the article there are analysis of Russia's attitude to the governing Kazakh steppe and implementing in Orenburg territory “Temporal decree about administrating steppe regions” 1868 year. On the base of conceptual principles of objective research and using archives materials there revealed necessity in Kazakh steppe new system of governing and colonial essence of administrative reforms. For researching scientific problem historic sources of State Archives funds in Orenburg territory of Russian Federation and Central State Archives of Kazakhstan Republic were used.

Key words. Russian Empire, Western Kazakhstan, Kazakhs, Orenburg territory, administrative reforms, “Temporal decree”, administrative system, Russianization, ccolonial policy.

At the stage of free civilization development we should mention about renewing and further improving national spiritual wealth, by recollecting and analyzing own history. One of the most important problems is objective and many sided scientific analysis of religious policy implemented by Tsar's Russia in Kazakhstan. Russian Empire started to isolate Kazakh people from political power and to turn Kazakh land into their own colony in 1960 XIX century. With the aim of conquering Central Asian tsarism began to make Kazakh land their own which was solid base for solving not only economic tasks but strategic ones as well. It could be achieved only by means of administrative reforms in Kazakh steppe.

In the middle of 1960s Russia turned almost all Central Asian into their possession. New order of specific administration was developed and came into force now for Kazakhstan and other national regions of empire. These were administrative reforms of 1867, 1868 years, and legislation according to which Kazakh lands became colonies of Russian Empire.

Main part.

Implementing new system of management and improvement of colonization Kazakh territory by Tsar's Russia was realized in several stages.

At the end of XVIII and early XIX century Kazakhstan was recognized by Russia as a frontier territory and in the middle of XIX century it was turned into internal part of Empire. At that period Kazakh steppe was within two general - governors' jurisdiction: subordinating to Western Siberian and Orenburg general governoships. This proccess was realized on the base of a great number of measures and legislative acts about governing kazakh lands, adopted by Tsar's government. Decree of 1822 “About Siberian Kirghiz” (kazakhs - B.A.) and 1824 “About Orenburg Kirghiz” in Kazakhstan put an end to Khan's power. According to this decree trarism began to rule Middle Zhuz by means of district orders. At the head of orders there was “older sultan” chosen by sultans. The erritory of Young zhuz was divided by tsar government into Western,Central and Eastern parts, and there was authority of older sultans.

To the middle of XIX century tsarism was not satisfied with the order of governing kazakh people. Beginning with 50s a great number of measures were accepted, directed on improving administrative rules in accordance with Russian interests. The decree “About governing by Orenburg Kirghiz” of 14 June 1844 was extended till accepting new Decree [1].

On 19 May 1854 new type of governing Kazakh people Siberian departmant inaccordance with common laws of Russian Empire and territory was divided into “Oblast of siberian kirghiz” and Semipalatinsk oblast. In this connection Omsk frontier administration was changed into “Oblast management of siberian kirghiz” and position of chief was substituted by the position of military governor.

Special department was created in Semipalatinsk oblast which was headed by military governor [2]. According to Senate's order of 9 December 1859, on Orenburg territory in stead of Border commission was created “Oblast governing by orenburg kirghiz”. So, during the proccess of colonization tsar's bodies began to control and govern Kazakh steppe, they were no more “frontiers” and gradually conquered Kazakh lands. As a result of innovations sultans' power was cancelled and in Bokeyev orde khan's power was abolished. (2 February 1847). In Young zhuz there was domination of officials over local authorities.

In the middle of XIX century fvourable conditions were created for turning kazakh lands into internal regions of Russian Empire. More over management of Orenburg territory of 24 March 1859 with a support of Ministry Cabinet was passed by Ministry of foreign affairs to Ministry of domestic affairs [3]. With the help of this act Russian state intented to show all lands of Orenburg territory were “internal” possession of Russia and Kazakh people from political point of view were citizens of Russian state and in this connection all political actions on Kazakh land were “internal” policy of Russian state. Thus Russia justified military punitive measures from point of view of international law. Now they had a chance to solve their economical and political tasks on the territory of Central Asian.

In the middle of 60-s XIX century tsarism took also a power on the lands of South Kazakhstan. From that period government with the aim of full and final turning kazakh lands into colonies, began to create in Kazakhstan centralized apparatus of state management. This task reflected in administrative reforms of governing kazakh steppe which began to be realized in 1867, 1868 years.

According to reform documents necessity of implementing new administrative system was caused that “Kirghiz steppe of Orenburg and Siberian department was governed by two systems, which sharply differed from each other. Such dual nature of managing one and another people had favourable consequences for developing citizenship in semibarbarian population and corresponded to types of government” [4].

But the fact was that main goals of implementing new administrative reforms had another, hidden sense.

Main goal of this reform was to change law status of kazakh lands in Russian Empire, namely final turning it into colony. By means of strict governing kazakh steppe tsarism tried to provide full subordination, bondage of kazakh people from tsar administration.

Russian deeply understood that strengthening political rule created conditions for speeding spiritual and economic conquering of Kazakhstan, as it was known economic “conquer” of the territory could be successful and unlimited only in case of consolidating its political conquest.

One of the main tasks of new reforms was weakening political influence of Kazakh aristocracy. With the aim of realizing this task tsar government planned to change system of local management and territorial structure, weaken tribal base and restrict power of local population, attracting them only in lower level of state apparatus in volost governing.

Thus, it was considered that by means of alienating the Kazakh from political power to limit their law and implement full political domination over Kazakh people.

Moreover, with the aim of strengthening its social base in conducting colonial policy in Kazakh steppe tsarism tried to “buy” influential elder of clan, making them “gifts” and appointing lower position of administrative apparatus. These were steps, directed on internal demarcation of Kazakh society: it is well known that it is easy to control uncoordinated people.

Tsar government with a help of new administrative reforms intended to form military bureaucratic mechanism which had to serve for controlling territory in the interests of Russia. For effective implementing outlined aims only Russian officers should operate who were supposed to get privilege and salary. Local people were to pay salary for these officers.

Introducing administrative reforms 1867-1868 years coincided with strengthening capitalist'sinteractions in Russian economy. For young swift developing capitalism domestic market was not enough. European markets were closed for Russian plants products because of low quality of goods and at the same time high price for it. Russian producers needed new markets, rich sources of raw material and cheap labour forces. Orenburg general - governor, general - adjutant N.A. Kryzhanovskii told on the ceremony of opening Orenburg branch of Russian Imperial Geographic society in 1868 that “in spite of sad state of kirghiz steppe in the meaning of future civilization for Russia it was not only good but in all cases it was necessary; if we did not possess because of some reasons more economic than political we were to conquer it” [5], he clearly showed his colonial point of view.

General - governor expressed colonial intention of Russian imperialism to attract Kazakh territory to Russian economic system, to rob richness of steppe krai. For realizing that intention, for turning Kazakh steppe into market of production and sources of raw material, tsar government should reinforce its political domination by means of introduction new administrative system on Kazakh land.

By means of introducing administrative reforms Tsar Russia decided to force colonization of Kazakh lands. Commission on developing “Temporal decree” showed that “in solving land question government should accept such measures which on the one hand met present day requirements of people without destroying its mode way of life and on the other hand it should profitable for Russia [6].

Thanks to reforms, tsar government took measures which were the base for conducting robbery, colonial agrarian policy. Local people's interests were not considered, more over colonists intended to take fertile lands, water resources and pushed them to desert, dry territory, to give their lands for Russian settlements and Cossack army. It was unreasonable policy, which led to destroying traditional way of using meadows, free moving Kazakh for wintering and summer meadows and full attachment to nomad camp.

New division of Kazakh steppe caused not only breaking traditional order of using meadows but splitting up big clans which was the reason weakening influence of leading clans. Later inspector of Turkestan territory K.K. Palen gave argument which was used by tsar government in artificial division of Kazakh steppe: “it was legislative eliminated division of kirghiz on the base of clan relations, these measures were taken because uniting big clan under one forefather hampered maintaining calmness in the steppe” [7]. New division of the krai was realized according to territory methods and was depended on tsar's interests in solving political and military tasks.

One of the main tasks of tsar government in conducting administrative reforms was a change of tax policy in Kazakh steppe. Having analyzed types of taxes collected from Kazakh of Orenburg krai, Commission came to a conclusion that “in essence nomad tent's collection did not reach that sum which was necessary for state treasury” [8]. Accordingly, tsarism started to strengthen fiscal policy with the aim of “essential increasing treasures' income”. It was planned to increase nomad tent's tax to fill list of duties and other responsibilities. So tsar authority did not consider people's needs and interests. For further strengthening dishonest robbery of local people there was marked improving administrative - territorial division with accurate definition of borders of newly built auls, volosts, uyezd, regions and these measures were directed for improving orders of collecting taxes.

By means of introducing new order into structure and activity of colonial administration tsarism intended to strengthen Russsification policy. Tsar government strived for russificating Kazakh people by force, depriving national peculiarities and more over to make them speak Russian. There was an aim to russianize management apparatus, relatively, it was decided to hire only Russian officers for administrative position.

Beside it there were profitable conditions for deep penetration of Christian religious in Kazakh society and on the contrary to hamper spreading Muslim. In Commission documents were noted that “it was time to put end mullah's influence, to protect kirghiz youth because from it depended weakening Mahometanism in the steppe and to some extent success of making kirghiz be close to Russian” [9]. These were tsar's measures which were taken not only for political economical conquer but spiritual enslaving of Kazakh people.

Heads of Orenburg krai considered that main goal of any Christian government according to Muslims was to weaken Mahometan fanaticism with its harmful signs, to elevate mental development, to spread sensible notions and gradually made Kazakh people join ruling nationality” [10].

Tsar administration was worried because of spreading Islam among Kazakh population. That is why up to XIX century government had a course for using Muslim religious influencing on mentality and strengthening Russia' influence in Kazakh steppe. Certainly tsarism needed Islam as a mean of reaching its intentions, but not as a religion in itself. In some time Islam had negative direction for colonial. N.Chernavskii wrote in his “Exploration” with regret: “This policy of tolerance and even patronage of Islam was necessary for getting political profits in Katherine the Great, this policy had a bad effect on kirghiz whom we wanted to attract through Islam to Russia but we failed to do it. We ourselves made kirghiz - half savage heathen believe Islam during long time to protect them from favorable impact of Christian and Russian culture” [11].

That is why Orenburg administration worried such position and began to take measures for hampering spreading Islam: according to administrative reform of 1868 year it was prohibited to erect mosques; was settled matter with appointing mullah; it was prohibited for tatar, Bashkir and especially Central Asiatic mullahs to live on this territory.

In the middle of XIX century a new Central Asiatic policy Of Russian state began. Russia actively realized foreign political policy, except south territory of Kazakhstan, had domination over Tashkent and Samarkand. Gradually empire winning of Central Asian territory “which absorb attention not only Russia but Europe as well, joining this new land and with forming Turkestan general - governor, trans-Ural steppe, its nomads became closer to European Russia” [12].

Now tsarism put a goal of turning Kazakh territory into internal region of Empire and an important place on the way of introducing to Central Asia. N.A. Kryzhanovskii in his “Notes about administrative structure of Turkestan region and Orenburg krai” indicated conquered krai brought more profit to Russia, that is why Administration of Orenburg “should use everything in favor of our motherland to get from Kazakh lands to Russian as much as possible” [13].

One of the important directions of new governing system was broad spreading common laws of Russian Empire on this territory. With the help of these reforms tsar government planned to create court system providing increase of colonial administration role. In stead of it there was a plan to restrict influence of bii court (arbitrator), who had a great influence among people making fair decision reasonably controlled law interactions in Kazakh steppe. At the same time Commission expressed an idea that “government should not deny joining this nation; people court should be kept until gradual success of citizenship in kirghiz nation would on the same level with the rest population of Russia” [14]. It is obvious, law makers did not worry about keeping bii's court but they tried to adopt it to function under new conditions which did not contradict colonial tasks of government.

These aims and tasks of full colonization of Kazakhstan by implementing administrative reforms 1867, 1868 years were hidden by tsarism about necessity of “citizenship's development” among Kazakhs.

Lands of north-western Kazakhstan up to reforms of 1868 years were included into “Oblast of Orenburg kirghiz” with a territory approximately 900 thousand of square kilometers. Population in 60s XIX century was about 750 thousand. District bordered on the west with Caspian sea, on the east with “Oblast of Siberian kirghiz”, on the south with Kokand and Khivin khanates and on the north with the territory of Astrakhan, Saratov and Orengurg provinces but district's territory was crossed by huge Kazakh rivers Ural, Amba, Syrdariya and Tobol.

Orenburg krai had significant military strategic meaning for expanding Tsar Russia on east lands. This krai occupying western part of Kazakhstan was considered by Russian government as a bridge leading to Central Asia and to southern, eastern lands of Kazakh steppes. At that period Orenburg steppe found itself in the circle of fortress which became a base for deep invading of Tsar Government Kazakh steppes. Orenburg (1845), Uralsk (1845), Novopetrov (1846), Raimsk (1847), Karabutak (1848) and Emba (1862) fortresses played a great role in military-strategic plans in Russia.

According to documents of Administrative, Orenburg city was built by tsarism as political and trade center, as a link of all spheres in local administration and also in its turn was built for protection from “nomads on other side of Ural in Russian” [15]

For Russian empire Orenburg krai was important not only for natural resources but as a caravan way joining with khanates of Central Asia. N.A. Kryzhanovskii wrote that “Orenburg krai to Russia, as a part to whole, Russia did not exist for Orenburg, and Orenburg for Russia, that our krai with all its internal resources and riches, should live and serve for benefit of Russia, even scarifying own local interests” [16].

Necessity of colonial development of eastern territory, importance of Orenburg krai for realizing by tsar government political, strategic, tactic aims in this direction and profit got from colonization of Kazakh lands all these demanded from Russian government working out and strengthening administrative system in Kazakhstan.

Duality in controlling Kazakh lands given to Orenburg and Western Siberian by general governor, caused difficulties in realizing targeted aims. In the report, “District management of Orenburg Kirgiz” to general governor (12 December 1864 year) was told that main direction “in the matter of controlling Kirgiz was not improving current system of managing but creating new system according to common laws of empire”. This system should meet Economic and political status, entrusted “Horde”.

More over, old system is not suitable, carelessness of district administration, similar administrative decisions, lack of people, difference in methods of implementing colonial policy, ineffective and low efficiency of administrative control, all these facts hampered realizing colonial policy.

That is why tsarism started to prepare reforms directed on turning krai into legislative empire colony and to deprive Kazakh people of independence and freedom.

Conducted reforms with the aims of improving system, these reforms widen spheres of colonial administration and became a base for creating parts of state apparatus of Russian Empire.

Tsar government concentrated administrative power in its hands, finally pushed Kazakh people aside from political power.

As a result Kazakh people as well as their neighbors became victims of colonial policy of Russian Empire.

kazakh administrating political governing


1. Kraft 1.1. Collection of laws about Kirgiz of steppe. - Orenburg, 1898. -532 p. - p.209.

2. Materials on history of political system in Kazakhstan. - V.1. -Alma - Ata: Issue. AS Kaz SSR, I960. -442 p. - p.186.

3. Kraft I.I. Collection of laws about Kirgiz of steppe. - Orenburg, 1898. - p.250.

4. Central State Archives of Kazakhstan Republic (CSAKR). Fund 4. List 1. Matter 490. Page 1.

5. Notes of Orenburg Department of Imperial Russian Geographical Society (IRGS) - Issue1. - Orenburg, 1870. -p.21.

6. CSAKR. Fund.4. List.1. Matter 490. Page.40.

7. Abenova B. Regional policy of Russian Empire in Orenburg krai. - Gamburg: LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. -231 p. -p.34.

8. CSAKR. Fund 4. List 1. Matter 90. Page 32.

9. CSAKR. Fund 4. List 1. Matter 490. Page 54.

10. State Archives of Orenburg district (Russian Federation). Fund 6. List 6. Matter 4005. Page 30.

11. Works OUAK. - V.7.... - p123.

12. CSAKR. Fund 4. List 1. Matter 277. Page12.

13. CSAKR. Fund 5. List 3. Matter 13. Page 6.

14. Notes of Orenburg Department of Imperial Russian Geographical Society. - Issue 1. -P.29.

15. CSAKR.. ®.4. On.1. A.4067. H.10.

16. Notes of Orenburg Department of Imperial Russian Geographical Society. - issue 1. -P.18.

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