The Caucasian policy of the imperial branches of power during the first Russian revolution

Analysis of the main activities of the central government of the Russian Empire in relation to the Caucasus in 1905-1907. Fight against nationalism and terrorism. Preservation of the institution of governorship, caucasian representation in parliament.

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Other Armenian-Gregorian dioceses came into criticism as well. In Astrakhan diocese new primary classes were opened that prepared for entering a non-existent theological seminary, later a new school for girls was opened. The Spiritual Consistory in defense of its actions referred to the Imperial Edict from 1 August 1905 regarding the restoration of the confiscated property to the Armenian Church. The logic of the civil servants from the capital was clear.

The Church encouraged revolutionary movement, interfered in the prerogatives of the government and, most importantly, stimulated the development of national education. Blatant fault-finding with the church policy can be found in the text of the official letter from the Minister to the governor-general. For example, students of Armenian religious seminary in Nakhichevan-on-Don (now part of Rostov-on-Don) demanded that “one student of the 4th class, who had been expelled for making a speech in church during the funeral of his fellow student in which he mainly raised a question of the harm of living in a boarding school to seminarians, be admitted again” [Perepiska s Sovetom ministrov ob armjano-tatarskih stolknovenijah., l. 42]. If such incidents drew the attention of the minister, it's no wonder that Vorontsov-Dashkov had a negative perception Stolypin's policy towards the Caucasus.

“The circumstances described above clearly show Patriarch-Catholicos Mkrtich's unsuitability for a high position of the head of the Armenian-Gregorian Church at present and his inability to govern it in accordance with the law”. It was also mentioned in the letter that “taking any exceptional measures with regard to the Catholicos is currently extremely undesirable” [Perepiska s Sovetom ministrov ob armjano-tatarskih stolknovenijah, l. 42]. However, P. A. Stolypin believed that the government had to demonstrate firmness. “In the first place it's necessary to recommend Patriarch-Catholicos Mkrtich, on account of his sick condition and old age, to retire, allowing him to reside in Etchmiadzin monastery, and to provide him with an adequate pension but on condition of his total exclusion from any affairs”

Ad interim the Church was supposed to be headed by the Synod., P. A. Stolypin suggested introducing a new regulation concerning the Armenian-Gregorian church. This had to be modelled “in accordance with regulations on governing other Churches without giving the exceptional independence which it now enjoys against the interest of the state” [Perepiska s Sovetom ministrov ob armjano-tatarskih stolknovenijah..., l. 43]. The clergy disloyal to the authorities were to be removed from the Patriarch's circle. The Minister urged the governor-general to notify him of any changes which had occurred in the composition of the Synod over the last two years.

The reply was sent a month later: 29 January 1907. Vorontsov-Dashkov wrote: “It is unlikely to expect the Patriarch to retire himself, and I do not know whether such is permissible according to the canons of the Armenian-Gregorian Church”. The fact that Etchmiadzin Synod governed ecclesiastical matters contradicted Russian legislation. “The Patriarch has the full cooperation of the Etchmiadzin Synod; however, never will the Patriarch give up the prerogatives of his rank, neither to the Synod, or to any other institution, nor to a representative of the state” [Perepiska s Sovetom ministrov ob armjano-tatarskih stolknovenijah., ll. 44-44 ob.]

The namestnik considered it impossible to put pressure on the head of the Armenian Church. The Catholicos was 90 years old. He had been Patriarch since 1893 and enjoyed an immense popularity among Armenians. He embodied the religious and national unity for the worshippers. “If confiscating church and school properties some time ago revolutionized the Armenian people, who had not been interested in politics before, and who are only now returning to their prior normal state, it is unrealistic not to envisage a surge of public outcry in the case of exerting any coercion on the head of the Armenian church”, wrote viceroy Vorontsov-Dashkov. He did not want to stir up he moderate sections of Armenian society. He stated: “Not denying the existence in Etchmiadzin of some persons belonging to the revolutionary party who influence the elderly Patriarch, I can't but admit a certain extent of loyalty in Catholicos Mkrtich himself” [Perepiska s Sovetom ministrov ob armjano-tatarskih stolknovenijah., ll. 44 ob. -- 45].

The patriarch thanked the governor-general who brought the all-Armenian convention in Etchmiadzin to an end. In his kontakion, the Patriarch suspended the creation of a new Armenian settlement with the assistance of foreign subjects of Armenian origin. The governor-general might have been critical of the reform of the Armenian-Gregorian church. He asked Stolypin to give proposals concerning these matters, which had been handed over to Saint Petersburg by the former commander of civil administration in the Caucasus in December 1903, back to the local administration for further debate.

The namestnik's views on the issue of emancipation of Muslim population in the Caucasus were no less “liberal”. In 1906 a meeting of the Muslim representatives of Kuban and Terek districts was held where a document about establishing an independent community administration of Muslims in Northern Caucasus was drawn up. Th relatively loyal behaviour of Muslim officials and fears of a rise of Islamism forced the government to make concessions to the local йlite. In 1913 an institute of conciliators appointed by a military governor from among Russian civil servants and local landlords was initiated in Dagestan. [Khlynina, Urushadze 2011, p. 97].

The orthodox clergy in Georgia, as well as the nobility, by and large preferred to cooperate with authorities, submitting petitions and proposals to change the situation. For example, a general request of representatives of the Georgian clergy for restoration of autocephaly seemed to be quite moderate, though one of the petitions contained threats to make a Church union with the Pope in default [Volhonskij etc. 2013, p. 156]. Nikolas the Exarch of Georgia wrote with regards to the petition of all bishops, except for the bishop of Sukhumi, about “the monarch's granting autocephaly to the Church of Georgia”: “I humbly petition to come to Saint Petersburg and report this crucial matter personally” [O snoshenijah s raznymi mestami i licami, l. 5]. It is doubtful that the authorities would have agreed to implement the reform given the absence of the independence of the Russian Orthodox Church. There was no reply to the letter...

On the whole, we fully agree with the statement that the “viceroyalty became a regional embodiment of strong centralized power having large prerogatives but at the same time.. .being close to the governed territories and, therefore, more pragmatic and flexible” [Agasbekova 2011, p. 11]. After the convocation of the first State Duma, deputes directed a barrage of criticism at the Council of Ministers. From 15 June to 23 June 1906 there followed inquiries from the Duma, unpleasant to the authorities, about the trial by court martial in Tiflis of 27 soldiers from the Mingrel regiment; about sending a punitive expedition to Svanetia; about an anticipated pogrom in Batumi; about unlawful arrest without charge [Perepiska s Sovetom ministrov ob armjano-tatarskih stolknovenijah..., l. 29]. Inquiries were initiated by deputes on the basis of information sent from the local areas, and addressed to both I. L. Goremykin and specialized ministers, namely the Minister of War and Minister of Justice. As far as inquiries about dispatching troops to Svanetia and a threat of pogroms in Batumi were concerned, the Duma received no response from the government.

New principles of the regional policy were developed by the Committee of Ministers on the basis of the decree from December 12, 1904. Under the pressure of the revolution Nicolas II agreed to administrative de-centralization. We can suggest several reasons for his decision: his personal trust in Vorontsov-Dashkov, weakening positions in central structures and uncoordinated actions of ministers in the fight against revolution in the Caucasus. The program of “pacification” of the Caucasus through the liberal administrative and political reforms associated with the name of Vorontsov-Dashkov proved to be successful in the long run. However, his hyper-independent policy resulted in multiple conflicts with civil servants in Saint Petersburg and the State Duma. These struggles hindered the implementation of the changes during the first Russian revolution. A personal factor is also worth taking into account: Vorontsov-Dashkov had awkward dealings with some members of the government, especially with P. A. Stolypin who came to the fore after 1906. In our opinion, local йlites of the region (first of all, of Transcaucasia) contributed much to the incomplete character of the reforms. Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani political representatives, having quite wide-scale and radical programs of reforms (due to the standards of the passive authorities of the Empire) tried to gain maximum capitulations from the government in the shortest possible time, demonstrating explicit and implicit support of revolutionary circles (Georgian social-democrats demonstrated the most aggressive behavior).

Revolutionaries were ready to support them as long as their voluntary defenders blocked the security actions of central authorities. The imperial authorities, in their turn, were willing to cooperate upon condition their prerogatives were not questioned. Having chosen the language of slogans and massive pressure on Tsarist administration, the delegates eliminated the possibility of satisfying their voters' expectations. At the same time they deliberately played the roles of background actors in settling regional conflicts without overcoming a set of local identities and positivistic approach. In conclusion, the viceroyalty was the most effective institution against the background of the First Russian revolution though it remained an interim and emergency structure. Only H. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov had enough prerogatives and the subtle understanding of the situation. However, the limitations embedded within its essence eliminated the possibility of the drastic resolution of the problems, many of which still torment the Caucasus.


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  • Предпосылки возникновения русской революции, ее развитие весной и летом 1905 г. Манифест 17 октября. Революционное движение в армии. Декабрьское вооруженное восстание в Москве, обстановка в стране после его поражения. Главные итоги революции 1905-1907 г.

    курсовая работа [37,6 K], добавлен 08.04.2009

  • Анализ основных событий и идей революции 1905-1907 годов, рассматриваемой как проявление системного кризиса властных и социальных отношений, политических институтов. Причины и предпосылки революционного взрыва. Характер и движущие силы, итог революции.

    реферат [34,0 K], добавлен 23.11.2011

  • Внутриполитическая ситуация в Российской империи в начале ХХ века как экономические, политические и социальные предпосылки событий Первой Русской Революции 1905-1907 гг. Этапы, роль и итоги революции: учреждение Государственной Думы, аграрная реформа.

    курсовая работа [2,6 M], добавлен 24.09.2014

  • Экономическое и политическое положение Беларуси накануне первой Российской революции. Обострение противоречий и национального вопроса. Основные события революции 1905-1907 гг. в стране. I и II Государственные Думы. Белорусское национальное движение.

    контрольная работа [24,2 K], добавлен 25.02.2011

  • How thе rеvolutіon wаs lost. Thе two rеvolutіons, cіvіl wаr. From sovіеt powеr to Bolshеvіk dіctаtorshіp. Kronstаdt аnd thе Nеw Еconomіc Polіcy. Thе pаrty, thе stаtе аnd thе workіng clаss 1921-28. Thе dіvіsіons іn thе pаrty 1921-29. Thе Lеft Opposіtіon.

    реферат [72,5 K], добавлен 20.06.2010

  • Буржуазно-демократическая революция 1905-1907 гг. в России. Образование Советов рабочих, солдатских, матросских и крестьянских депутатов. Изменения в государственном строе Российской империи. Создание Российской социал-демократической рабочей партии.

    контрольная работа [27,4 K], добавлен 08.06.2010

  • Russian history: the first Duke of Russia; the adoption of Christianity Rus; the period of fragmentation; battle on the Neva River with Sweden and Lithuania; the battle against the Golden Horde; the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the Romanov dynasty.

    презентация [347,0 K], добавлен 26.04.2012

  • Анализ революции 1905-1907 годов как проявления системного кризиса властных и социальных отношений, политических институтов на этапе ранней модернизации аграрного общества в индустриальное. Предпосылки возникновения революционной ситуации в России.

    контрольная работа [20,6 K], добавлен 07.05.2009

  • Boris Godunov (about 1552 - 1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; came to power in the time of "oprichnina"; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich's wife's brother and actually rulled the state instead of him.

    реферат [15,0 K], добавлен 15.04.2006

  • Соціально-економічний розвиток України на початку ХХ ст. Створення і діяльність українських політичних партій на початку XX ст. Україна в роки революції 1905-1907 рр. Громадсько-політичний рух в роки революції 1905 -1907 рр. Земельна реформа П. Столипіна.

    лекция [27,3 K], добавлен 29.04.2009

  • События первой русской революции 1905-1907 гг. Революционные события во Владивостоке, волнения солдат и матросов. Вооруженные столкновения восставших с частями казаков и солдат. Восстание в крепости Чныррах. Владивостокские восстания этого периода.

    реферат [35,6 K], добавлен 10.02.2012

  • Причины и задачи революции 1905–1907 гг. Движущие силы, характер, особенности, этапы революции. "Кровавое воскресенье" как начало революции. Ход и события революции. Наступление реакции. Возникновение легальных политических партий, их программы и тактика.

    реферат [75,3 K], добавлен 13.11.2009

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