Prelude to revolution in the church: diocesan congresses of parish clergy

Recent scholarship has significantly enhanced our knowledge of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917, including the role of diocesan congresses of clergy and laity (eparkhial’nye s”ezdy dukhovenstva i mirian) in first months after the February Revolution.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 18.06.2021
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Babkin M. A. The Clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church and the February's Revolution of 1917. Moscow, GYY Publ., 2002, 52 p. (In Russian)

Babkin M. A. Parish Clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Overthrow of the Monarchy in 1917. Voprosy istorii, 2003, no. 6, pp. 53-70. (In Russian)

Beglov A. L. State Duma and the Project of Organizing an Orthodox Parish in 1911. Rossiiskaia istoriia, 2016, no. 5, pp. 87-92. (In Russian)

Beglov A. I. The Orthodox Parish of the Russian Empire as an Object of Fiscal Policy of Secular and Ecclesiastical Authorities in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Vestnik PSTGU. II: Istoriia, 2014, iss. 3 (37), pp. 56-81. (In Russian)

Evtuhov C. The Church's Revolutionary Moment: Diocesan Congresses and Grassroots Politics in 1917. Russian Culture in War and Revolution, 1914-1922. Eds M. Frame, B. Kolonitskii, S. G. Marks, M. Stock- dale, Bloomington, 2014, vol. 1, pp. 377-402.

Firsov S. L. The Revolution of 1917 and Attempts to “Democratize” the Russian Church. Tserkovno-obsh- chestvennyi vestnik, 2000, no. 6/7, pp. 196-208. (In Russian)

Freeze G. L. Priests and Revolution: The Parish Clergy of Vladimir in 1905. Rethinking the Russian Revolution of 1905 in Transcultural Perspective. Eds F. Fischer von Weikersthal et al. Bloomington, 2013,

pp. 1-20.

Freeze G. L. The Parish Clergy in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Crisis, Reform, Counter-Reform. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1983, 507 p.

Freeze G. L. “Gubitel'noe blagochestie”. Rossiiskaia tserkov' i padenie imperii. Sbornik statei. St. Petersburg, European University Press in St. Petersburg, 2019, 352 p. (In Russian)

Freeze G. L. War and Reform: Russian Orthodox Church during the First World War, 1914-1917. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2015, iss. 1, pp. 90-116. (In Russian)

Freeze G. L. “Vladimirskaia eparkhiia: ot tserkovnoi k prikhodskoi revoliutsii.” Konfessionalnaia politika sovetskogo gosudarstva v 1920-1950egody. Moscow, ROSSPEN Publ., 2019, pp. 6-16. (In Russian) Freeze G. L. “Votserkovlenie 1917 goda: Tserkovnyi krizis i prikhodskaia revoliiutsiia,” Gosudarstvo, tserkov', religiia v Rossii i zarubezhom, 2019, no. 1-2, pp. 30-57. (In Russian)

Kail' M. V. “Revolution in the Church”: Discussions on Church Reform and the Smolensk Diocesan's Clergy and Laity in 1917. Tserkovno-istoricheskii vestnik, 2007, no. 14, pp. 163-173. (In Russian)

Leont'ev P. Ya. Revolution in the Church: Congresses of Clergy and Laity in 1917. Tserkov' v istorii Rossii, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 214-248. (In Russian)

Leont'eva T. G. Faith and Progress: Orthodox Rural Clergy of Russia in the Second Half of the 19th Century -- early 20th centuries. Moscow, Novii khronograf Publ., 2002, 266 p. (In Russian)

Mironov B. N. Social History of Imperial Russia 1700-1917. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Boulder, Westview Press, 2000, 562 p.

Pavlenko T. A. Protest Movement of Orthodox Seminaries during the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907.

Diss. ... kand. ist. nauk. St. Petersburg, 2009, 414 p. (In Russian)

Pisiotis A. K. Orthodoxy versus Autocracy: The Orthodox Church and Clerical Political Dissent in Late Imperial Russia, 1905-1914. PhD. diss. Georgetown University, 2000.

Plamper J. The Russian Orthodox Episcopate, 1721-1917: A Prosopography. Journal of Social History, 2000, vol. 34, pp. 5-34.

Rogoznyi P. G. “Church Revolution” and the Election of Bishops in 1917. Istoricheskie zapiski, 2004, vol. 7(125), pp. 275-322. (In Russian)

Rogoznyi P. G. Tserkovnaia Smuta v Orlovskoi Eparkhii v 1917 g. Riurik, 2004, no. 4, pp. 17-33. (In Russian) Rogoznyi P. G. Church Revolution in the Tver Diocese in 1917 (to Study the Social and Political Struggle in the Russian Orthodox Church). Provintsial'noe dukhovenstvo dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 92-106. (In Russian)

Smirnova I. E. Diocesan Congresses. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Seriia: Istoriia, 2012, no. 1, pp. 111-119. (In Russian)

Vasilev A. The First Phenomenon of the Resurrection of Collegiality: Riga Diocesan Cathedral September 29 -- October 6, 1905. Pravoslavnaia obshchina, 1998, no. 44, pp. 88-108. (In Russian)

Werth P The Tsar's Foreign Faiths. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, 288 p.

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