Recent Western Historiography of the Time of Troubles in Russia
Consideration of some works on the Time of Troubles, published in English and French from the end of World War II to the present. Comprehensive study of the topic of imposture. Bolotnikov's uprising as the first battle in a series of "peasant wars".
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Дата добавления | 21.06.2021 |
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In spite of the length and detail of Dunning's background chapters, there are some curious omissions. His comparative material does not include any discussion of the many pretenders in early modern Europe whose claims preceded those of the First False Dmi- trii and may have served as a model for him: he makes no mention, for example, of the false Don Sebastians, who were seen by Dmitrii's contemporaries in Poland, and by Pope Clement VIII, as prototypes for the Russian pretender. Indeed, Dunning's narrative of 16th century events deals almost entirely with domestic Russian developments, largely ignoring foreign affairs and the broader European context: he does not consider the Counter-Reformation and the Union of Brest that created the Uniate Church, nor does he explain events in Poland-Lithuania and on the Baltic. Because of these omissions, a non-specialist reader would find it difficult to understand the attitudes of the elites in the Rzeczpospolita and of the Catholic hierarchy towards the appearance of the pretender at Brahin.
The most striking feature of Dunning's book is the highly positive picture he presents of the First False Dmitrii. Dunning is not convinced by the evidence that the pretender was Grishka Otrepev, but he offers no alternative explanation of his identity, other than to suggest that he might actually have been the real Tsarevich Dmitrii of Uglich. Dunning (like Philip Barbour and others) believes that “Dmitrii” was not a conscious impostor, but was genuinely convinced that he was the tsarevich Ibid. P. 131-132.. He was not the tool of the Jesuits or the Poles: his secret conversion to Catholicism was merely “a necessary political ploy” to obtain support in Poland, as was his promise of the concession of Russian territory to Jerzy Mniszech Ibid. P. 135-136.. When he came to the throne, Dmitrii proved to be no revolutionary: he may have behaved as an unconventional, Westernised ruler, but his policies were traditional ones, in line with those of his predecessors, including Boris Godunov Ibid. P 202-204.. Nevertheless, Dunning suggests, Dmitrii was an exceptional figure, whose “unique and remarkable story” set the precedent for all subsequent pretenders in Russian history Ibid. P 119-122, 479..
If many of the books we have considered so far place aspects of the Time of Troubles in the context of broader themes that concerned Western historians in the decades following the Second World War -- such as comparative history, peasant studies, and the history of rebellions and revolutions -- then a more recent work by a member of the younger generation of American historians derives from a different agenda. In the Preface to his book on the Orthodox Church during the Time of Troubles, Isaiah Gruber (b.1977) states that he became interested in the topic because of the resurgent role of religion in the post-Soviet period -- Russia's “new Time of Troubles” Gruber I. Orthodox Russia in Crisis: Church and Nation in the Time of Troubles. DeKalb (IL), 2012.
P IX.; he draws attention to the revival of interest in the period in Russia itself, and to the creation in 2005 of the new public holiday of the “Day of National Unity” on 4 November, commemorating the liberation of Moscow in 1612 and the supposed role in the victory of the Kazan' icon of the Mother of God Ibid. P 11-12..
Gruber deals with the history of the Church in the early 17th century in more or less chronological order, but he identifies four main themes which he pursues throughout his narrative. The first of these is the representation of Russia as “New Israel”. As the author recognises, Christians of virtually all denominations share the view that they have replaced the Jews as God's “chosen people”, but Gruber argues that the New Israel idea acquired a distinctive form in Russia after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453, when Muscovy became the world's only independent Orthodox state, claiming to preserve the true Christian faith. The idea of Muscovy as the New Israel, Gruber suggests, was more influential in 16th century Russia than the similar notion of Moscow as the Third Rome; and its significance developed further during the Time of Troubles, when Orthodox churchmen compared the sufferings of the Russian people to the afflictions of the Jews during their Babylonian captivity and Roman exile. While the concept of New Israel increased in prominence during the Troubles, the idea of the Third Rome declined: perhaps, the author suggests, because of Russians' identification of Rome with the Polish-Lithuanian Catholic invaders Ibid. P. 23-50, 181-184..
Gruber's second theme -- for which he made use of some archival materials -- is the role of the monasteries during the Time of Troubles. He concludes that the monasteries were primarily great economic corporations, rather than spiritual institutions, and that their main preoccupation was the pursuit of profit, whichever regime was in power. Only in the later stages of the Troubles, when their profits were threatened, did they participate in initiatives to restore political stability Ibid. P. 51-74, 163-172, 184-186.. The third theme of Gruber's book -- and the one in which he arguably makes the greatest contribution to our understanding -- concerns the role of Orthodox churchmen in developing new concepts of monarchical legitimacy following the dynastic crisis of 1598. In order to justify Boris Godunov's succession, the old hereditary criteria were replaced by three new principles, which Gruber identifies as vox Dei, voxpopuli and vox feminae. The first of these, the “voice of God”, took the form of approval of the new ruler by the Patriarch and other Orthodox hierarchs; the “voice of the people” was expressed by the Assembly of the Land; and the “voice of the woman” was that of Tsaritsa Irina, who sanctioned the transfer of power from her husband, Tsar Fedor, to her brother, Boris Godunov. The “voice of the woman” continued to be heard throughout the Troubles, when the dowager Tsaritsa Maria Nagaia acknowledged the First False Dmitrii as her son, and Marina Mniszech “recognised” the Second Dmitrii as her husband Ibid. P. 75-96, 186-190.. Finally, as his fourth theme, Gruber argues that Orthodoxy became fragmented during the Time of Troubles, as the Church leadership lost credibility with believers because of its constant shifts of allegiance amongst tsars who were presented as legitimate rulers one day, and as usurpers or impostors the next. The habits of independent thought acquired by the critics of official Orthodoxy during the Troubles, Gruber suggests, may have contributed to the similar independence of thought vis-а-vis the Church hierarchy that was displayed by the Old Believers later in the 17th century Ibid. P. 152-163, 180-181, 190-196..
Gruber's book falls short of the author's aim of providing a comprehensive history of the Church during the Troubles -- and indeed, as he himself recognises, the fragmentary nature of the surviving sources makes such an aim a difficult one to achieve Ibid. P. 18-21.. Nevertheless, his account represents an enterprising attempt to deal with a topic which -- as the author rightly maintains -- has considerable relevance for present-day Russia Ibid. P. 11-13, 197., and he successfully demythologises some of the more grandiose claims made for the role of the Orthodox Church in saving the country from disaster.
* * *
It will be evident from this review that there are no distinct “schools” of Western scholarship on the Time of Troubles: indeed, there are surprisingly few serious studies that deal with the period Perhaps the preoccupation of so many Western historians with the nature of the Russian state has led them to avoid this puzzling period of virtual statelessness.. The works we have considered are very much the products of individuals who have been attracted to aspects of the Troubles from very different starting points. We can however detect a number of main themes. Samozvantsy have of course been a popular and intriguing subject ever since the 17th century. Philip Barbour makes a lively contribution to the debate about the identity, personality and policies of the First False Dmitrii; and new approaches to cultural history, such as semiotics and the study of mentalitйs, have led to a reappraisal of the phenomenon of pretendership and the popular attitudes associated with it (Bercй, Perrie). Broader intellectual trends in Western historiography since the Second World War, such as comparative history, have influenced approaches to the social movements of the Time of Troubles (Mousnier, Dunning). Finally, the eternal search for relevance and topicality in relation to present-day concerns has influenced some historians. Paul Avrich found in the Bolotnikov uprising a precedent for the role of peasants and the urban poor in 20th century revolutions; while Isaiah Gruber sees parallels between the 17th century Time of Troubles and Russia's post-Soviet difficulties.
1. Avrich P. Russian Rebels, 1600-1800. London, Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1973, 309 p. (first published -- New York, Schocken Books, 1972).
2. Barbour P.L. Dimitry, Called the Pretender. Tsar and Great Prince of All Russia, 1605-1606. London, Macmillan, 1967, xxvii + 387 p. (first published -- Boston (MA), Houghton Mifflin Publ., 1966).
3. Bercй Y.-M. Le roi cachй. Sauveurs et imposteurs. Mythes politiques populaires dans l'Europe moderne. [Paris], Fayard Publ., 1990, 483 p.
4. Bercй Y.-M. Rйvoltes et rйvolutions dans l'Europe moderne (XVIe -- XVIIIe siиcles). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1980, 263 p.
5. Bercй Y.-M. Revolt and Revolution in Early Modern Europe. An Essay on the History of Political Violence.
6. Transl. by Joseph Bergin. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1987, xii + 236 p.
7. Berthold-Ignace de Sainte-Anne, Rйvйrend Pиre. Histoire de l'Йtablissement de la Mission de Perse par les Pиres Carmes-Dйchaussйes (de l'annйe1604 а 1612). Brussels, Sociйtй Belge de Librairie Publ., 1885, lix + 372 p.
8. Chistov K.V. Russkie narodnye sotsial'no-utopicheskie legendy XVII-XIX vv. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1967, 341 p. (In Russian).
9. Crummey R.O. Muscovy and the “General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century”. Journal of Early Modern History, vol. 2, 1998, pp. 156-180.
10. Discussion of H.R. Trevor-Roper: “The General Crisis of the 17th Century”. Past and Present, no. 18, November, 1960, pp. 8-42.
11. Dunning C.S.L. Russia's First Civil War. The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty.
12. University Park PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001, xiii + 657 p.
13. Florencio del Nino Jesus, P.Fr. A Persia (1604-1609). (Biblioteca Carmelitano-Teresiana de Misiones, t. II). Pamplona, Bengaray Publ., 1929, 158 p.
14. Florencio del Nino Jesus, P. Fr. En Persia (1608-1624). (Biblioteca Carmelitano-Teresiana de Misiones, t. III). Pamplona, Bengaray Publ., 1930, 144 p.
15. Goldstone J.A. Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern World. London, University of California Press, 1991, xxix + 608 p.
16. Grey I. Boris Godunov: the Tragic Tsar. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1973, 188 p.
17. Gruber I. Orthodox Russia in Crisis: Church and Nation in the Time of Troubles. DeKalb (IL), Northern Illinois University Press, 2012, xi + 299 p.
18. Hobsbawm E.J. The General Crisis of the European Economy in the 17th Century. Past and Present, 1954a, no. 5, May 1, pp. 33-53.
19. Hobsbawm E.J. The Crisis of the 17th Century -- II. Past and Present, 1954b, no. 6, November, pp. 44-65.
20. Hobsbawm E.J. Primitive Rebels. Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1959, vii + 208 p.
21. Hobsbawm E.J. Bandits. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1972, 160 p. (first published -London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson Publ., 1969).
22. Longworth P. The Pretender Phenomenon in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Past and Present, 1975, no. 66, February, pp. 61-83.
23. Margeret J. The Russian Empire and Grand Duchy of Muscovy. A 17th Century French Account. Transl. and ed. by Chester S.L. Dunning. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1983, xxxvi + 216 p.
24. Mousnier R. Fureurs paysannes: Les paysans dans les rйvoltes du XVIIe siиcle (France, Russie, Chine). Paris, Calmann-Lйvy Publ., 1967, 354 p.
25. Mousnier R. Peasant Uprisings in 17th Century France, Russia and China. Transl. from the French by Brian Pearce. London, George Allen and Unwin Publ., 1971, xx + 358 p.
26. Perrie M. Jerome Horsey's Account of the Events of May 1591. Oxford Slavonic Papers. New Series, 1980, vol. XIII, pp. 28-49.
27. Perrie M. `Popular Socio-Utopian Legends' in the Time of Troubles. Slavonic and East European Review, 1982, vol. 60, no. 2, April, pp. 221-243.
28. Perrie M. Pretenders in the Name of the Tsar: Cossack `Tsareviches' in Seventeenth-Century Russia. Von Moskau nach St. Petersburg. Das russische Reich im 17. Jahrhundert (Forschungen zur osteuropдischen Geschichte, Bd. 56). Hrsg. von Hans-Joachim Torke. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2000, Ss. 243-256.
29. Perrie M. Pretenders and Popular Monarchism in Early Modern Russia: the False Tsars of the Time of Troubles. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995, xvii + 269 p.
30. Perrie M. `Royal Marks': Reading the Bodies of Russian Pretenders, 17th -- 19th Centuries. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, New Series, 2010, vol. 11, no.3, Summer, pp. 535-561.
31. Perri [Perrie] M. Samozvantsy XVII v. i vopros o legitimnosti praviashchego tsaria. Samozvantsy i samozvanchestvo v Moskovii. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo seminara (25 maia 2009 g, Budapesht). Ed. by Diula Svak. Budapest, Russica Pannonicana Publ., 2010, pp. 66-88. (In Russian).
32. Platonov S.F. Boris Godunov. Petrograd, Ogni Publ., 1921, 157 p. (In Russian).
33. Platonov S.F. Boris Godunov, Tsar of Russia. Transl. by Rex T. Pyles. With an introductory essay, `S.F. Platonov: Eminence and Obscurity', by John T. Alexander. Gulf Breeze (FL), Academic International Press, 1973, xlii + 230 p.
34. Platonov S.F. Smutnoe vremia: ocherk istorii vnutrennego krizisa i obshchestvennoi bor'by v Moskovskom gosudarstveXVI iXVII vekov. Peterburg, Vremia Publ., 1923, 166 p. (In Russian).
35. Platonov S.F. The Time of Troubles: a Historical Study of the Internal Crisis and Social Struggle in 16th -- and 17th Century Muscovy. Transl. by John T. Alexander. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 1970, 216 p.
36. Rudй G. The Crowd in History. A Study of Popular Disturbances in France and England, 1739-1848. London, Wiley Publ., 1964, ix + 281 p.
37. Skrynnikov R.G. Boris Godunov. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1978, 192 p. (In Russian).
38. Skrynnikov R.G. Boris Godunov. Ed. and transl. by Hugh F. Graham. Gulf Breeze (FL), Academic International Press, 1982, xx + 177 pp.
39. Skrynnikov R.G. Minin i Pozharskii: khronika smutnogo vremeni. Moscow, Molodaia gvardiia Publ., 1981, 328 p. (In Russian).
40. Skrynnikov R.G. Rossiia v nachaleXVII v. “Smuta”. Moscow, Mysl' Publ., 1988b, 283 p. (In Russian).
41. Skrynnikov R.G. Smuta v Rossii v nachale XVII v Ivan Bolotnikov. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1988c, 256 p. (In Russian).
42. Skrynnikov R.G. The Civil War in Russia at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century (1603-1607): its Character and Motive Forces. Transl. by Maureen Perrie. New Perspectives on Muscovite History. Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990. Ed. by Lindsey Hughes. Houndmills, Macmillan Publ., 1993, pp. 61-79.
43. Skrynnikov R.G. The Time of Troubles. Russia in Crisis, 1604-1618. Ed. and transl. by Hugh F. Graham. Gulf Breeze FL, Academic International Press, 1988a, xvi + 337 p.
44. Smirnov I.I. Vosstanie Bolotnikova 1606-1607. Leningrad, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo politicheskoi liter- atury Publ., 1951, 588 p. (In Russian).
45. Solov'ev S.M. Istoriia Rossii s drevneishikh vremen, kniga IV (t. 7-8). Moscow, Izdatel'stvo sotsial'no-eko- nomicheskoi literatury, 1960, 778 p. (In Russian).
46. Soloviev S.M. The Time of Troubles. Boris Godunov and False Dmitry (History of Russia, vol. 14). Ed. and transl. by G. Edward Orchard. Gulf Breeze (FL), Academic International Press, 1988, xviii + 172 p.
47. Soloviev S.M. The Time of Troubles. Tsar Vasily Shuisky and the Interregnum, 1606-1613 (History of Russia, vol. 15). Ed., transl. and with an introduction by G. Edward Orchard. Gulf Breeze (FL), Academic International Press, 1989, xxii + 377 p.
48. Stanislavskii A.L. Grazhdanskaia voina vRossiiXVII v Kazachestvo naperelome istorii. Moscow, Mysl' Publ., 1990, 272 p. (In Russian).
49. Suvorin A.S. O Dimitrii Samozvantse. Kriticheskie ocherki. St Petersburg, Izdanie A.S. Suvorina, 1906, viii + 223 p. (In Russian).
50. Trevor-Roper H.R. The General Crisis of the 17th Century. Past and Present, 1959, no. 16, November, pp. 31-64.
51. Uspenskii B.A. Tsar' i samozvanets: samozvanchestvo v Rossii kak kul'turno-istoricheskii fenomen. Khudozhestvennyi iazyk srednevekov'ia. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1982, pp. 201-235. (In Russian).
52. Wolf E.R. Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century. New York, Harper and Row Publ., 1969. xv + 328 p.
53. Yaresh L. The `Peasant Wars' in Soviet Historiography. American Slavic and East European Review, 1957, vol. 16, no. 3, October, pp. 241-259.
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