Archives and politics in Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries

The relationship between state policy and the state of archival affairs in Ukraine is analyzed. The forms of activity of archives are characterized. The stages of development of archival institutions of Ukraine are given on the basis of legislative acts

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 17.08.2021
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At the state level, there is a lack of proper understanding of the need to provide citizens with genuine archival services and, at the same time, the need to protect and preserve archives from their premature loss, physical aging of documents, their damageand destruction.

We need effective programs for the development of the archival industry, the creation of digital archives, supported by appropriate mechanisms for financial and technical assistance. All this is a manifestation and evidence of the neglect of archives by the state, for which archival problems are less valuable. To this is added the fact that there are people among the management of archives without proper training and education, without the practice of archival work, without understanding the historical, political and cultural significance of archival heritage (Чабарай, 2018).

Modern management of the archival industry is trying to make progress in this direction.

Although relics of the old political system and the latest political struggle in Ukraine are still subjects to relapse, these were precisely the phenomena that were political, essentially "quota", principles for appointing the leaders of the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine. So, in September 2006 A.P. Ginzburg was appointed a chairman of the State Archive. She did not have a historical or archival education, and her professional career was very remote from the archival sphere: she was a mechanical engineer by training, she was a party member in the Communist Party, worked as deputy director of an industrial enterprise, then as a deputy of Ukraine of two convocations, a nominee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship. Her work caused a lot of objections among experts. No less scandalous was the defense of A.P. Ginzburg Ph.D. thesis, which resonated among historians, given the low professional quality of the work performed and its mismatch with qualification criteria.

But there are signs of a system recovery. In 2019, a competition was held for the first time to occupy the post of chairman of the State Archival Service of Ukraine. The government in this position approved a professional historian A.V Khromov, in the past - an employee of the State Archive of Odessa Region, and later of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, deputy director of the State Security Branch of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

Predecessors in this high position have done a lot of nationally important in the archival system of Ukraine. In particular, R. Ya. Pyrig - a highly respected historian-archivist, a deep researcher of the history of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 and life and work of M. S. Hrushevsky, the first director of the Central State Archive of Public Associations of Ukraine, the head of the Board of Directors of the Central State Archives of Ukraine, one of the founders of the professional organization of the Union of Archivists of Ukraine and the initiator of the professional holiday of the Day of Archival Institutions of Ukraine (December 24).

Significant achievements also belong to G.V Boryak, one of the initiators of the creation of the M. S. Grushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, deputy director for scientific work of this institute, initiator of a number of projects for integrating Ukrainian archives into the world archival community, and a developer of the national information archive system, the author of famous works on archaeographic Ukrainian studies.

A huge breakthrough in the study of national history of the XXth century ensured the opening of the Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraineto users. By a government decree of December 21, 2016, there has been established a separate civil state institution - the Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory - to which the media of repressive bodies for 1917-1991 will be transferred. All these are manifestations and consequences of qualitative political changes in the Ukrainian state, invaluable steps towards the democratization of society, ensuring the irreversibility of its development. Thus, archives in modern Ukraine are a factor of real and positive change in society.

And yet, the relics of the old political system are often beyond the archive subsystem, so they are difficult to overcome with rapid administrative measures.

Thus, despite the great idea of creating the Union of Archivists of Ukraine, this union was actively rebuilt in the 90s of the twentieth century, but could not develop into a real independent, effective, mass public-professional organization that would fight for the interests of archivists and users of archival heritage. It remains largely a professional and public attribute and an auxiliary lever of the state archival system of Ukraine. The fact that Ukrainian archivists participate in international forums thanks to this union, despite the positive experience gained, shows how episodic such contacts are and how insignificant their professional resonance is. Also the trade union archive system continues to functionin the Soviet templates, giving little to workers and remaining occasionally the "necessary" resource for archive managers. Trade unions have not become an effective mechanism for the effective organization of labor and social protection of archive workers. These manifestations cannot be considered a special disease of the archival system, they are a reflection of the incompleteness of the political transformations of the entire Ukrainian society in transit from a totalitarian society to a civil one.

Thus, the documentary history of Ukraine, and especially the history of the political struggle for Ukrainian national statehood, depended on the state power and the political force that determined it. For almost the entire twentieth century, this was the dictates of the Communist Party, and the monopoly of this government on historical truth hampered historical research.

Restrictions on access to archives, controlled "products" of the historian were the algorithms of the Soviet political system. The built system of state archives ensured the political stagnation of the Soviet system.

Independence of Ukraine provided an opportunity to reform the archival industry.

We see the source of success in qualitative changes in the state-political system, the formation of civil society, the revival and development of Ukrainian national traditions. The successes of the archival sphere are manifested by democratization and depoliticization, the creation of modern legal and scientific and technical bases, the expansion of access to archival documents, the expansion of scientific research in the field of archival and document management, the organization of archival institutions on new principles of management, etc. (History and Present, 2020). It's hard to disagree. These successes are encouraging!

Thus, the history of archival affairs in Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries demonstrates the integral connection between it and state-political and social transformations. The Soviet political system ideologized the archival industry, burdened the archives with the maintenance of political interests, demanded that they confirm political myths, and restricted creative initiative. The dismantling of this system has become a factor of real changes in society and the archival industry in particular. The archives have shown their ability to effectively promote these positive changes.

Acknowledgments. The author express their sincere gratitude to editorial board for their attention to the content of the article and helpful recommendations on text improvements.


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  • Albert Einstein - the theoretical physicist, humanist, the founder of modern theoretical physics, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. The Life and scientific activity of Einstein, discovery of Theories of Relativity, the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

    презентация [948,9 K], добавлен 22.04.2013

  • Revolts and revolutions often occur in the course of history, however, revolutions are considered to be a more recent development. The Frondes and a revolt. The French revolution. The comparison of a revolution and a revolt.

    реферат [8,9 K], добавлен 09.12.2004

  • The problem of the backwardness of the Eastern countries in the development of material production, its main causes. Three periods of colonial expansion and its results: the revolution of prices in Europe and the destruction of civilization in the East.

    презентация [79,1 K], добавлен 15.05.2012

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