Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin: historic portrait against a backdrop of the epoch

The need for uniform coverage of Karazin's biography, which reflects the previously insufficiently studied pages of his life. Comprehensive characterization of Karazin's socio-political views, expansion of the range of studied aspects of his worldview.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 09.09.2021
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1. Abashnik, V.A. (2012). Filosofsko-pravovye vzghliady V.N. Karazina (1773 - 1842) [Philosophical and legal views of V.N. Karazina (1773 - 1842)]. Hrani, 6 (86), 21-24. [in Russian].

2. Abramov, Ya.V. (1891). V.N. Karazin. Ego zhizn i obshchestvennaia deiatelnost [V N. Karazin. Self-life and social activity]. St. Petersburg, 96 p. [in Russian].

3. Bereziuk, N.M. (2003). Slid dobryi i vichnyi na zemli Slobozhanskii: (Ivan Nazarovych Karazin ta yoho nashchadky) [A good and eternal trace on the Slobozhanska land (Ivan Nazarovich Karazin and his descendants)]. Universytety-Universitates, 2, 26-33. [in Ukrainian].

4. Berkovych, Z.S., Hurevych L.Y. & Stashevskyi, V.L. (Comps.) (1953). V.N. Karazin 1773-1842: Biobibliohrafiia [V.N. Karazing 1773-1842: Biobibliography]. Kharkov, 76-77. [in Russian] Bieliaiev, M. (1998). V.N. Karazin: storinky zhyttia ta diialnosti [V.N. Karazin: pages of life and work]. Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin v otsinkakh suchasnykiv i nashchadkiv. Kharkiv, 11. [in Ukrainian] Bolebrukh, A. H. (1987). Do kharakterystyky svitohliadu V. N. Karazina [To characterize the V.N. Karazin's worldview]. Ukrainskyi istorychnyi zhurnal, 8, 85-95. [in Ukrainian].

5. Bolebrukh, A.H., Kudelko, S.M. & Khridochkin, A.V. (2005). Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin (1773-1842): monohrafiia [Vasyl Nazarovich Karazin (1773-1842): monograph]. Kharkiv: Vydavnytstvo “Avto-Enerhiia”, 348 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Danylevskyi. H.P. (1860). Vasylyi Nazarovych Karazyn: materyaly dlia biohrafii [Vasily Nazarovich Karazin: materials for a biography]. Severnaiapchela, 24-26, 29, 30. [in Russian].

7. Denysenko, A. (2007). Zlety ta padinnia Vasylia Karazina [The Vasily Karazin's rise and fall]. Pamiatstolit, 4-5, 195-213. [in Ukrainian].

8. Honcharuk, T.H. (2012) V.N. Karazin (1773-1842 rr.) ta Odesa: do istorii zviazkiv zasnovnyka Kharkivskoho universytetu ta “Novoi Palmiry” [V.N. Karazin (1773-1842) and Odessa: to the history of relations between the founder of Kharkiv University and “Novaya Palmyra”]. Intelihentsiia i vlada. Seriia: Istoriia, 26, 148-158. [in Ukrainian].

9. Karazin, V.N. (1910). Sochinenyia, pisma i bumagi V.N. Karazina: sobrannye i redaktirovannye prof. D. Bagaliem [Essays, letters and papers of V.N. Karazin: collected and edited by prof. D. Bagaliy]. Kharkov: Tip. Zylberberh i synovia, 947 p. [in Russian].

10. Khridochkin, A.V. (2001). Istoriko-politicheskie predstavlenyia V.N. Karazyna [Historical and political views of V.N. Karazin]. Hrani, 4 (18), 54-58. [in Russian].

11. Khridochkin, A.V. (2001a). Zhyttia ta diialnist V.N. Karazina [Life and work of V.N. Karazin]. Humanitarnyi zhurnal, 7, 110-115. [in Ukrainian].

12. Khridochkin, A.V. (2001b) Krestianskii vopros v traktovke V.N. Karazina [The Peasant Question in V.N. Karazin's interpretation]. Hrani, 5-6 (19-20), 73-77. [in Russian].

13. Kozlovskyi, V.I. (1963). Pytannia rozvytku vitchyznianoi promyslovosti v pohliadakh V.N. Karazina [Issues of domestic industry in the V.N. Karazin's views]. Pytannia sotsialistychnoi ekonomiky i yii narodnoho hospodarstva, 242-260. [in Ukrainian].

14. Kudelko, S.M. & Vovk, O.I. (2013). Vasyl Karazin bilia vytokiv formuvannia ukrainskoi naukovo-tekhnichnoi intelihentsii [Vasyl Karazin at the origins of the formation of the Ukrainian scientific and technical intelligentsia]. Ukrainoznavchyi almanakh, 14, 190-193. [in Ukrainian].

15. Lavrinenko, Yu. (1975). Vasyl Karazin. Arkhitektura vidrodzhennia: Materialy i dumky do 200-littia z dnia narodzhennia. 1773-1973 [Vasily Karazin. Revival Architecture: Materials and Thoughts for the 200th Anniversary ofHis Birth. 1773-1973]. Miunkhen, 192 p. [in Ukrainian] Loshchenkov, V. (1887) V.N. Karazin kak pomeshchik sela Kruchik [V.N. Karazin as landowner of the village Kruchik]. Kharkovskyi sbornik, 53-64. [in Russian].

16. Losyevskyi, Y. (1993). Russkaia lira Ukrainy: Russkie pisateli Ukrainy pervoi chetverti XIX v. [Russian literature of Ukraine: Russian writers of Ukraine in the first quarter of the XIX century]. Kharkov, 200 p. [in Russian].

17. Lysiak-Rudnytskni, I. (1993). Karazin i pochatky ukrainskoho vidrodzhennia [Karazin and the beginnings of the Ukrainian revival]. Istorychni ese. In 2 vol. Kyiv, Vol. 1, 530 p. [in Ukrainian].

18. Maistruk, O.N. (2014). Soderzhanie i osnovnye napravleniia nauchno-prosvetitelskoi i upravlencheskoi deiatelnosti V.N. Karazyna (1773-1842) [The content and main directions of scientific-educational and managerial activities of V N. Karazin (1773-1842)]. Zhurnal nauchnykh publikatsyi aspyrantov i doktorantov, 6 (96), 135-138. [in Russian].

19. Nikolaienko, N.O. (2004). Derzhavnytski kontseptsii V.N. Karazina [The V.N. Karazin's state concepts]. Suchasna ukrainska polityka: Polityky i politolohy pro nei. Kyiv-Mykolaiv, 100-104. [in Ukrainian].

20. Posokhov, S.Y. (2015). “Neponiatnyi” vs “neponiatyi” V.N. Karazin: kommentarii, remarki, apologia [“Incomprehensible” vs “incomprehensible” V.N. Karazin: comments, remarks, apology]. Dialog so vremenem: almanakh intellektualnoi istorii, 51, 64-93. [in Russian].

21. Pyrih, P.V. (2014). Velykyi uchenyi i reformator Vasyl Karazin (do 240-richchia vid dnia narodzhennia) [The great scientist and reformer Vasyl Karazin (to the 240th anniversary of his birth)]. Siverianskyi litopys, 1-3 (115-117), 184-187. [in Ukrainian].

22. Semevskyi, V.Y. (1888). Krestianskyi vopros v Rossii v XVIII - v Ipolovine XIX vv. [The peasant question in Russia in the eighteenth - in the first half of the nineteenth centuries]: in 2 vol. S.-Peterburg, Vol. 1, 517 p. [in Russian].

23. Sliusarskyi, A.H. (1955). V.N. Karazin. Ego zhizn i obshchestvennaia deiatelnost [V.N. Karazin. His life and social activity]. Kharkov, 159 p. [in Russian].

24. Stanchev, M.H. (2005). Proiskhozhdenie V.N. Karazina: problem istoriohrafii i istochnikovedeniia [The origin of V.N. Karazin: problems of historiography and source studies]. Bulgarian Historical Review: Research Quarterly. Organ of the Inst. Of History at the Bulg. Acad. Of Sciences, 3-4, 203-215. [in Russian].

25. Trefilev, E.P. (1910). V ssylke: k biohrafii Vasiliia Nazarovicha Karazina [In exile: To the biography of Vasily Nazarovich Karazin]. Kharkov. 85 p. [in Russian].

26. Tykhoi, N. (1905). Politicheskie vozzreniia V.N. Karazina [The V.N. Karazin's political views]. Kharkov, 186 p. [in Russian].

27. Uzbek, O.A. (2002). Vasyl Karazin z rodu Karadzhi [Vasyl Karazin from the Karaji family]. Kharkiv: Maidan, 132 p. [in Ukrainian].

28. Venhlovskyi, S. (1990). Try areshty Karazina [Three arrests of Karazin]. Nauka i kultura. Shchorichnyk, 24, 86. [in Ukrainian].

29. Vovk, O.I. (2016). Postat Vasylia Karazina v istoriohrafii [The figure of Vasily Karazin in historiography]. Kharkiv: KhNU imeni V N. Karazina, 328 p. [in Ukrainian].

30. Vovk, O.I. & Kudelko, S.M. (2015). V.N. Karazin. Dialohy u chasi y prostori (doslidzhennia i materialy) [V N. Karazin. Dialogues in time and space (research and materials)]. Kharkiv: KhNU imeni V.N. Karazina, 272 p. [in Ukrainian].

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