Correlation of cultural-chronological groups at the end of the 2nd Millennium - the beginning of the 1st Millennium BC in the Prut-Dniester region

The problem of the ratio of cultural groups of the final stage of the Late Bronze Age, early Hallstatt in the historiography of the XX century. Existence of connection in the choice of place of residence, topography of settlements, architecture, ritual.

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Correlation of cultural-chronological groups at the end of the 2nd Millennium the beginning of the 1st Millennium BC in the Prut-Dniester region

I. Niculita

Based on the analysis of mainly unpublished materials from previously studied settlements and from recently discovered sites this paper attempts to identify the main link in the chain of evolution of the material culture of the Prut-Dniester interfluve population during the final phase of the late Bronze Age and the early Iron Age.

Keywords: Prut-Dniester interfluve, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, settlement, necropolis, ceramic.

СПІВВІДНОШЕННЯ КУЛЬТУРНОХРОНОЛОГІЧНИХ ГРУП КІНЦЯ II -- початку I тис. до н. е. в пруто-дністровському регіоні

І. Нікуліце

Проблема співвідношення культурних груп фінального етапу пізньобронзового віку і раннього Гальштату була предметом численних дискусій в історіографії XX ст, залишаючись такою і понині. В ході цих дебатів чітко визначилися два напрямки. Одні дослідники вважають, що в матеріальній культурі пізньобронзового віку і раннього залізного віку чітко спостерігається певний хронологічний розрив.

Інші дотримуються протилежної думки, вказуючи на існування генетичного зв'язку у виборі місця проживання, топографії поселень, архітектоніки житлових і господарських споруд, поховальному ритуалі, в використанні певних типів посуду, так само як і в практикуванні схожого орнаменту.

Дійсно, в ході дослідження встановлено, що близько 37 % поселень ранньозалізного часу перекривають селища пізньобронзового віку. Велика подібність спостерігається в будівництві жител. У поховальному обряді в обох відрізках часу широко застосовується бірітуалізм. Здавалося, що все це вказує на генетичний зв'язок культур кінця бронзового віку і раннього заліза. Разом з тим, виявлений в закритих комплексах матеріал з досить чітким датуванням XII--XI ст. до н. е., вказує на те, що посудини, прикрашені прокресленим декором, які добре відомі на завершальному етапі пізньобронзового віку, характерні і для культур Холеркань-Ханська ранньогальштатского часу.

У закритому комплексі на поселенні Суручень знайдений керамічний матеріал, характерний для обох періодів. Аналогічна ситуація і на поселенні Ханська. Ці та інші пам'ятки представляють сполучну ланку між двома історичними епохами -- бронзовим і залізним віками Однак, це явище не слід розглядати як обов'язкове для всього зазначеного регіону. Цей історичний процес відбувався, по всій ймовірності, різночасно на всьому зазначеному просторі.

Ключові слова: Пруто-Дністровскьке межріччя , пізня бронзова доба, ранній залізний вік, поселення, могильники, кераміка.


cultural bronze historiography topography

The processes that took place at the junction of the Bronze and Iron Ages in the Balkan-Carpathian-Pontic region always have a sustainable priority in the research of the specialists. Both the archaeological and the interdisciplinary investigations carried out mainly from the second half of the 20th century to the present time have made available materials, the analysis of which allows to more adequately explain some phenomena, such as the «ash lenses» well-known in both periods (Сава, Кайзер 2011, с. 45--458) and the succession of some cultural groups (Morintz 1978; Балагури 2001, с. 323--336), which contributed substantially to the process of creating and evolving the main archeological facies or cultural levels during the transition period and the beginning of the Iron Age (Levitki 1994b, p. 219--256; Nicic 2008, p. 124--132; Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 40--45, 337--380). Noteworthy the significant importance of archaeological materials and interdisciplinary data collected in recent years during field studies at a number of sites of the final phase of the Late Bronze Age and the first stage of the Iron Age. In spite of these achievements, the differences regarding the correlation of the final stage of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, widely discussed in historiography in the second half of the 20th century, so remained unresolved. The dissensions are largely related to the perception system characteristic of the mentality of the past century, which is still practiced today: that the substrate should retain the main features of the upper stratum. In fact, even if there is continuity, a complete similarity of the main aspects of material culture is hard to follow. And the idea of a sudden change of population in the 11th--10th centuries BC (Смирнова 1969, с. 26--32; Morintz 1970, p. 729--731) is not only not convincing (Мелюкова 1979, с. 14--89), but also completely obsolete thanks to the new discoveries (Sava 2014, p. 77--105; Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 375--396).

An analysis, whether brief, of the available informational materials, allows seeing essential similarities between civilization in the final phase of the Bronze Age and in the first stage of the Iron Age, which is manifested through:

• Practicing of the bi-ritualism in the funeral rite both in the Noua culture and in some of the early Iron Age cemeteries;

• The predominance of incineration in urns, the rite used in the final phase of the Bronze Age and in the first stage of the Iron Age;

• Topography of the settlements;

• Architectonics and method of construction of dwellings and household structures;

• The range of pottery, the use of certain forms of vessels and types of decor;

• Some types of plastic art and ornamentation system.

These peculiarities seem to indicate the idea of continuity between both cultural groups. But the logic of research is not always in full consistency with historical realities. The funeral rite, one of the most conservative aspects of spirituality, practiced in both eras, seems to be a real argument in favor of the existence of continuity during the transition period. But both bi-ritualism and the use of incineration in urns, or burial in cists of stone slabs or rings of stone pieces (Кашуба 2000, с. 270--292; Niculita, Arnaut 2010, p. 185--189, fig. 1--6) is common in different regions of southeastern Europe (Стоянов 1997, с. 1--120) at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC.

The study of the settlements of the final phase of the Bronze Age shows that unlike previous periods, they become larger and more stable. This transformation, according to some experts, can be explained by «...a more pronounced sedentary activity». The argument in this regard would serve «...The osteological remnants that make up 40-- 50 %, while in the previous period the percentage reached 60--65 %». However, the same authors do not exclude that «... the change of the type of settlement and the new elements that appear in the pottery finds are determined by the contact with the Hallstatt civilization crystallized in the zone outside the area of spreading the Noua culture»» (Florescu, Capitanu 1968, p. 45--46).

The absence of cultural hiatuses and chronological deviations has led to the idea of existence in the evolution of the Noua culture of «... the third stage with which its development ends» (Florescu, Capitanu 1968, p. 46). Analysis of topography of sites at the end of the Bronze Age and the first period of the Iron Age shows that in the most frequent cases the location is the same. Moreover, it has now been found that 37 % of early Iron Age sites overlap the settlements of the final phase of the Bronze Age, some of which have direct links with each other. Constant similarity can be observed between the types of dwellings and household annexes. From the above it can be seen that the continuity of material culture at the turn of the two millennia BC is beyond doubt. However, this is where the disagreements begin.

The location of settlements, even the overlapping of some of them, and the architectonics of the common buildings in both eras can testify a coincidence and not necessarily a cultural unity. Due to the fact that the population in the first stage of the Iron Age was sedentary communities of farmers and cattle breeders, they occupy the same areas, widely used in previous periods, being more accessible and more convenient to their way of life. The same criteria can be used in relation to the similarity between certain forms of pots and the types of relief decorations: in the form of belts with oblique cuts, belts with rows of alveoli, or incisions characteristic of the pottery used in both eras (Levitki 1994b, p. 221--256; Nicic 2008, p. 132; Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 40--140). The analysis of materials, currently available, does not allow for a clear boundary between the final phase of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age. This led to the idea of “... a third stage” (Florescu, Capitanu 1968, p. 46) after the Noua culture. However, since the sites attributed to this facies cannot be accurately attributed to the Noua culture, it seems more appropriate that they belonged to the stage of early Hallstatt (Sava 2014, p. 10).

The evolution of culture of the final phase of the Late Bronze Age and the beginnings of the Iron Age in the northwest (Балагури 2001, с. 243-- 322), southwest (Guma 1993, p. 148--242) and east of the Carpathians (Laszlo 1994, p. 148--242; Levitki 1994a, p. 51--156; Nicic 2008, p. 23--132; Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 40--140) was thoroughly and professionally analyzed on the basis of the certain materials found in all the areas of the Balkan-Carpathian-Pontic region. These and other works based on the results of investigations led to the conclusion that «... the early Hallstatt... evolved from the cultural complexes ... which can be distinguished from the archaeological point of view, especially their specific pottery with fluted ornamentation, respectively incised and imprinted...» (Istoria... 2010, p. 301). The conclusion is rather a finding determined by the significance and level of current information sources available. This finding results from:

• still insufficient research of sites of the end of the Bronze Age and the first period of the Iron Age;

• partial, and therefore ineffective publication of materials from the already researched archaeological settlements and necropolises;

• inappropriate perception of the concept of evolutionary process, based on the mandatory existence/presence of a complex system of similarities between the eras. The lack of one or several segments in this system would undoubtedly demonstrate demographic hiatuses caused by migrations. In the process of studying the correlation of the content of the material culture of the cultural and chronological groups, the specific character of the transition period is completely ignored, when by virtue of the evolution process there are radical changes, not only in economy or social relations, but also in material culture, which can not always be explained. It is necessary to be aware that the changes that have taken place could be dictated by different circumstances: economic necessities, cultural evolution, and fashion reflected in the ceramic assortment through the extensive use of the relief decor, incision, stamping, known but less used in the late Bronze Age.

In this context, the archaeological situation seen at the settlements of Suruceni, Hansca, Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii, Petru§eni III «La Cigoreanu», and others is interesting.

The archaeological investigations carried out in 1975--1976 at the settlement located south-east of the Suruceni commune (Ialoveni District, the Republic of Moldova) revealed in the cultural layer and in closed complexes materials that certainly can be attributed to the final phase of the Noua culture, and also a set of ceramic objects, the attribution of which to the beginning of the Iron Age is beyond doubt. Among the closed complexes there is structure-dugout 2 found at a depth of 0.4 m from the modern ground surface. The structure was oval in plan, with a diameter of 3.20 x 2.80 m, deepened into the sterile layer up to 1.8 m (fig. 1: 15). The filling is brown soil characteristic of the prehistoric layer. Pottery, for the most part quite significant, indicating the specifics of the period of its use, was found in the structure-dugout. Among the discovered objects there are:

* Pots-jars with the cylindrical body and the lip bent outwards, ornamented in the upper part with a relief in the form of a belt (fig. 2: 13, 14, 25) or without ornament;

Fig. 1 Suruceni, construction 2, pottery

• Pots-jars with rounded body and the lip bent outwards (fig. 2: 1, 4). Both types of pots have wide analogies in the ceramic assortment at the end of the Noua culture, especially among the objects collected at the settlements of Petru§eni III «La Cigoreanu», Miciurin-Odaia (Sava 2014, p. 81, fig. 39: 8; p. 89, fig. 47: 13; p. 155, fig. 103: 3), Hansca (Каврук 1985, с. 87, рис. 2: 8, 10), etc.

• Fragments of handles of various types: with the crest (fig. 2: 10), cylindrical knob (fig. 2: 12) or in the form of a band (fig. 2: 8, 11), well known at the sites of the Noua culture (Sava 2014, p. 159, fig. 107: 7, 8) and the first period of the Iron Age (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 286, fig. 71: 13--17; Niculita, Zanoci, Arnaut 2008, p. 302, fig. 84: 1--4).'

Together with these objects, the belonging of which to the end of the Bronze Age can not be denied, in the ceramic assemblage from structuredugout 2 there were fragments of various forms of vessels, some of which can be restored graphically, which constitute a particular category of pottery which can not be included in the ceramic assortment of the final phase of the Noua culture. Of these objects, interest shows:

• High-necked cylindrical vessels with the lip bent outwards, ornamented at the junction with the body by a number of alveoli (fig. 1: 1). Similar specimens are known by the discoveries at Pogrebea (Levitki 1994b, p. 246, fig. 7: 22), Saharna Mica (Niculita, Zanoci, Arnaut 2008, p. 22, fig. 4: 5) attributed chronologically to the period of the 12th--11th centuries BC (Levitki 1994b, p. 230; Nicic 2008, p. 126; Niculita, Zanoci, Arnaut 2008, p. 49).

• Vessels with trumpet-shaped neck and spheroid body. The area of junction of the neck with the body is ornamented with parallel incised horizontal lines and the body is provided with flattened segmental knobs surrounded by incised lines at its maximum diameter (fig. 1: 2, 7). Similar objects were found in structure 1 at Saharna Mica, Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii (Niculita, Zanoci, Arnaut 2008, p. 222, fig. 4: 1--4; p. 292, fig. 75: 1--3), Saharna-Tiglau (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 250, fig. 35: 4, 5), Hansca (Никулицэ 1981, с. 82, рис. 6: 1, 2), etc. of the 12th--11th centuries BC.

• Bowls with truncated conical body and the lip bent inward. Some specimens are ornamented with parallel lines incised below the lip and flattened knobs below the shoulder of the vessel, others without decoration (fig. 1: 10, 14). This type of bowls is similar to the objects discovered in the closed complex at Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii of the 12th--11th century BC (Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 41, fig. 23: 8), SaharnaTiglau (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 270, fig. 61: 8) and others.

Graphically restorable cups are the most representative objects of the pottery discovered in structure-dugout 2 at the Suruceni settlement.

• Ladle-shaped cups (fig. 1: 8, 9, 12) with rounded body and raised handle. In some cases, the base of the handle is ornamented inside with incised decoration consisted of parallel lines (fig. 1: 4) or with angled «herringbone» lines (fig. 1: 11) often seen as decoration in various types of cups of the first period of Iron Age (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 105).

• S-shaped cups with the maximum diameter at the bottom of the body, ornamented with strips of incised lines in different combinations. The almost vertical top is ornamented with two incised lines, placed horizontally, marking the junction of the neck with the body (fig. 1: 13). Vessels similar by shape and decor were discovered at the settlement of Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii (Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 58, fig. 36: 7; p. 140, fig. 91: 9).

• S-shaped cups with the maximum diameter at the top of the body. The shoulder of the bowl is covered with a decoration made up of oblique notches (fig. 2: 23). Similar items were found at the following sites: Saharna Mica (Niculita, Zanoci, Bat 2016, p. 258, fig. 176: 8), Saharna-Tiglau (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 284, fig. 69: 3), Hansca (Никулицэ 1981, с. 78, рис. 3: 4), etc.

• Cups with a rounded body ornamented with vertical grooves (fig. 2: 28). Fragments of similar cups were found at the Hansca settlement (Никулицэ 1981, с. 84, рис. 4: 2).

Cups in the form of a ladle with raised handle were descried at the Radovanu settlement of the end of the Coslogeni culture, or at Tru§e§ti of the end of Noua culture (Morintz 1978, p. 145, fig. 4: 3; 153: 1). More widespread these types of vessels were in the 12th--11th centuries BC and during the Cozia-Saharna period of the 10th--9th centuries BC (Кашуба 2000, с. 302, рис. ХУШ: 1, 2).

Ladle cups remain part of the pottery of the Granice§ti group of Gava-Holigrady culture presented by the discoveries from Granice§ti (Laszlo 1994, p. 255, fig. 35: 1, 2) and the Chi§inauCorlateni culture descried at Cotu Morii (Laszlo 1994, p. 292, fig. 72: 2; p. 293, fig. 73: 4), Chisinau, Luca§euca, Mandre§ti, Coste§ti, etc. (Levitki 1994a, p. 187, fig. 10: 1; p. 194, fig. 17: 18; p. 204, fig. 27: 4, 6, 7). The indisputable components of the early Iron Age pottery are high-necked vessels with the lip projected outward (Laszlo 1994, p. 248, fig. 28: 1--6) or with the trumpet-shaped neck (Levitki 1994a, p. 205, fig. 28: 1), as well as the truncated conical bowls with or without ornamentation (Laszlo 1994, p. 275, fig. 55: 2; Levitki 1994a, p. 204, fig. 27: 2; p. 205, fig. 28: 13).

These similarities show that the main types of pots used in the final phase of the late Bronze Age continued to be used in the early period of the Iron Age.

On the basis of these facts, it can be concluded that the closed complex at Suruceni contained, almost to the same extent, materials characteristic of the late Bronze Age and objects of the first period of the Iron Age. This suggests that structure-dugout 2 and the settlement in corpore functioned during the formation of «the incised pottery horizon» characteristic of the HolercaniHansca-Saharna culture.

A similar situation was found at the Petru§eni III «La Cigoreanu» settlement, where research, having been limited to archaeological prospection, provided less significant materials. Still, the analysis of the collected artifacts shows us that the cultural layer contained both material from the end of Noua culture and the first period of the Iron Age. Of interest is a bronze needle (Osennadel) with the mushroom-shaped protome with an eyelet (Levitsckii, Sava 1993, p. 126, 129, fig. 3: 9; Sava 2014, p. 78, 91, fig. 49: 12), which is a chronological indicator of the 13th--12th centuries BC -- the time of the transition from the final period of the Bronze Age to the «the incised pottery» cultural horizon.

At the Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii settlement, in addition to the materials from the «incised pottery» cultural layer, a closed complex was also excavated -- pit 177. The pit had a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 1.9 m and a depth of 1.1 m. In it there were fragments of pots-jars and cups with the maximum diameter at the bottom of the body, with incised ornamentation, and a bronze needle with the protome and eyelet similar to those of Petru§eni III «La Cigoreanu» and Rotbav (Bra§ov) dated the 13th--12th centuries BC (Dietrich, Dietrich 2008, p. 90, Taf. II: 2; Dietrich 2014, p. 142, Taf. 26: 386--394). Analysis of the needle (Osennadel) and the pottery shows that the period of functioning of the site did not exceed the 12th--11th centuries BC. Thus, the settlements of Suruceni, Petru§eni III «La Cigoreanu», Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii, Saharna Mica (early period) and Hansca completely fit into the transition period, forming a cultural level known as the Holercani-Hansca-Saharna culture, presenting the link between the Bronze and Iron Ages.

Fig. 2 Suruceni, construction 2, pottery

During the same period, research was continued at the Hansca-La «Matca» settlement, where the remains of a surface construction were fully identified. There are a platform of pieces of burnt clay and fragments of pottery. The pieces of clay of different sizes were subjected to intense burning, which made them hard adobe. This agglomeration was rectangular in shape, stretching from southeast to northwest on a length of 11 m, with a width of about 5 m (fig. 3). In the middle of the platform there is a more intense concentration of burnt clay pieces located transversely from east to west, with a width of between 0.8--0.85 m. The agglomeration seems to be the remains of a wall that divided the construction into two rooms. The northern room was 6.5 x 5.0 m in size and the southern one of about 4.7--5.0 m. In the northwest corner of the northern room the remains of the hearth destroyed in prehistoric time were found. Several pieces of burnt clay from the hearth platform have been preserved. The remains of the hearth were found in the middle of a pit, oval in plan, with the diameters of 0.90 x 2.40 m and the depth of 1 m. It was a pile of pieces of burnt clay, the diameter of which is 0.80 m and the height is 0.70 m (fig. 3).

In the middle of the southern room there was a platform of limestone pieces, oval in shape, with the diameters of 0.9 x 0.7 m. Most of the stones had traces of burning (fig. 3). Thus, it can be concluded that these are the ruins of a building with two rooms that were heated by hearths, and then looked like a dwelling. From the surface dwelling, along with the pieces of burnt clay, a rich ceramic material was preserved, the study of which allowed the distinguishing of several forms of pots. It should be noted that most of the fragments, including graphically restorable, belong to rudimentary ceramics made of clay with chamotte ingredients. Among the graphically restorable fragments of interest are:

Fig. 3

• Bag-shaped vessels with the lip slightly bent outwards, ornamented with the incised belt with oblique alveoli (fig. 4: 4, 6). Similar objects are known for the late Bronze Age, being found at Ulmu, Sultana (Morintz 1978, p. 130, fig. 68: 12; p. 138, fig. 76: 12), Cobalea (Sava 2014, p. 231, fig. 152: 1, 5) and other sites attributed to the complex of Noua-Sabatinovka-Coslogeni dated the 16th--13th centuries BC (Sava 2002, p. 213-- 220; Sava 2014, p. 522).

• Jar-shaped vessels with vertical rounded lip. Some specimens have a perforation under the lip (fig. 4: 8). This type of vessel is widespread in the sites of the late Bronze Age and the 1st millennium BC.

• Vessels with trumpet-shaped neck and globular body. The well-shaped neck is ornamented with a decoration consisting of 5--8 incised horizontal lines (fig. 4: 2, 7, 10). The shoulder of a vessel or the area of maximum diameter of its body

• in some cases are decorated with four symmetrically flattened knobs (fig. 4: 7, 10), in other cases under the strip of horizontally incised lines there is a decoration consisting of double angles (fig. 4: 2). Specimens similar by shape and decor were also found at this settlement (Никулицэ 1981, с. 80, рис. 4: 2). Vessels with trumpet-shaped neck decorated with incised lines, but also with a rich ornament on the line of the maximum diameter of the body are characteristic of the Ticvanul Mare-Karaburma III group of «...the period of transition from the Bronze Age to the first period of the Iron Age, the middle of the 12th -- the end of the 11th century BC» (Guma 1993, p. 179, pl. XXV: 2). Similar specimens are also known by the discoveries at Praje§ti, Epureni and other sites characteristic of the Gava-Holigrady and CorlateniChi§inau cultures (Laszlo 1994, p. 282, fig. 62: 7, 8; p. 291, fig. 71).

• Vessels with corrugated lip (fig. 4: 9). Artifacts of this type are known by the discoveries at Saharna Mica (Niculita, Zanoci, Arnaut 2008, p. 222, fig. 4: 3), Saharna-Tiglau (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 250, fig. 35: 3), Granice§ti (Laszlo 1994, p. 249, fig. 29: 1) of the second half of the 12th century BC (Laszlo 1994, p. 162).

• Cups with vertical neck, rounded body with maximum diameter at the top, and the raised handle (fig. 4: 1). A similar specimen before the identification was found in the burial complex at Hansca (Levitki 1994b, p. 245, pl. 6: 8). Cups with the maximum diameter at the top of the body were still used by the communities of the late Bronze

Age, which are known by the specimens found at the Coslogeni type settlement at Radovanu (Morintz 1978, p. 144, fig. 83: 1, 11; fig. 84: 1). Similar objects with the raised handle, the lower end of which is located in the area of the maximum diameter of the body, have been found at the early Iron Age settlement of Saharna-Tiglau (Niculita, Nicic 2014, p. 284, fig. 69: 8), the Alcedar necropolis (Кашуба 2000, с. 391, рис. LXVII: 7, 8), and at other sites of the Middle Dniester region.

The analysis of the materials collected at the closed complexes of the settlements of Suruceni, Hansca «La Matca», Petru§eni III «La Cigoreanu», Saharna Mare / Dealul Manastirii, Saharna Mica, Saharna-Tiglau seems to show the existence of a link between the material cultures of the final stage the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age. However, this does not mean that the evolutionary processes that have taken place in certain micro-zones must necessarily coincide with the cultural-chronological situation in the surrounding areas. Processes similar to those of Suruceni, Hansca, Saharna Mare / Dealul

Fig. 4 Hansca «La Matca», pottery


Manastirii were also descried at other sites, but in different variants. The Saharna Mica settlement, which was actively developing in the XII-- XI centuries BC, was abandoned at the beginning of the X century BC, and then again inhabited in the second half of the VIII century BC. The Saharna «La §ant» settlement was founded and existed since the X--IX centuries BC, as well as the settlement of Glinjeni, and so on. In this context, we believe that it is counterproductive to put forward the idea that the evolutionary process was the same for the entire area under consideration and occurred in the same chronological period. It is worth noting that the theories of indigenism and migrationism -- this constantly dominant disease in the historiography of the 20th century -- require new approaches associated with reliable statistical calculations, including detailed characteristics and classifications, as well as a thorough analysis of placement and topography of the sites, of all categories of artifacts, rituals and funeral rites, objects of art and religious worship.


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18. Levitsckii, O. G., Sava, E. N. 1993. Nouvelles recherches des etablissements de la culture Noua la zone comprise entre le Prout et le Nistru. Culture et civilisation au Bas Danube, 10, p. 125-157.

19. Morintz, S. 1970. Autour de l'origine et de revolution de Hallstatt ancien en Roumanie. In: Actes du VII-e Congres International de Sciences Prehistoriques. Praha, p. 729-732.

20. Morintz, S. 1978. Contributii arheologice la istoria tracilor timpurii. Bucure§ti.

21. Nicic, A. 2008. Interferente cultural-cronologice in nordvestul Pontului Euxin la finele mileniului I a. Chr. Chisinau: Bons Offices.

22. Niculita, I., Teodor, S., Zanoci, A. 2002. Butuceni. Monografie arheologica. Bucure§ti.

23. Niculita, I., Zanoci, A., Arnaut, T. 2008. Habitatul din mileniul I a. Chr. in regiunea Nistrului Mijlociu (siturile din zona Saharna). Chisinau: Bons Offices.

24. Niculita, I., Arnaut, T. 2010. L'inventaire funeraire -- une source informative ou / et indice social et symbole religieux (Base sur les materiels des necropoles du I millenaire av. J. C. de l'est des Carpates). Istros, XVI, p. 185-206.

25. Niculita, I., Nicic, A. 2014. A§ezarea §i necropola dinprima epoca a fierului Saharna-Tiglau. Chisinau: Bons Offices.

26. Niculita, I., Zanoci, A., Bat, M. 2016. Evolutia habitatului din microzona Saharna in epoca fierului. Chisinau: Bons Offices.

27. Sava, E. 2002. Die Bestattungen der Noua-Kultur. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung spatbronzezeitlicher Bestattungsriten zwischen Dnestr und Westkarpaten. Kiel.

28. Sava, E. 2014. A§ezari dinperioada tarzie a epocii bronzului in spatiul pruto-nistrean (Noua-Sabatinovka). Chisinau: Bons Offices.

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