The military historical collections in the context of the Ukrainian museum network formation and development the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth centuries

Characteristics of the main reasons for the emergence of military history museums. Analysis of the peculiarities of military-historical collections in the context of the formation and development of the museum network of Ukraine of the XIX-XX centuries.

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The military historical collections in the context of the Ukrainian museum network formation and development the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth centuries

Vadym Mashtalir PhD hab. (History), Docent, Honored inventor of Ukraine, General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Nadiia Ryzheva PhD hab. (History), Professor, Head of the History Department at V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv


The purpose of the study is to analyze the causes of the first museums ' emergence and development in Ukraine at the turn of the XIXth - at beginning of the XXth centuries based on the military historical collections. The methodology of the research is based on the principles set and the cognition methods usage, the application of which was carried out with the reliance on the interdisciplinary approaches in order to discover the purpose of the research. The historical genetic, historical comparative, historical typological and historical systemic methods of the historical cognition were applied, as the scientific and source base of the article were developed on their basis. The scientific novelty is that for the first time a number of the political, socio-economic and cultural factors of the first museums ' emergence on the territory of Ukraine on the basis of the military historical collections were investigated, due to a wide range of published and unpublished archival documents. It is established that most of these military historical collections do not quite correspond to the content of the scientific term “collecting”, but they have become the basis of purposeful and systematic collection of objects of the museum importance, which preceded the military historical museums ' emergence. It is proved that these military historical collections were diverse, they presented the military paraphernalia, awards, portrait collections, family archives, book collections, things of daily use and, etc. The Conclusions. The amateur gathering at the turn ofthe XVIIIth-XIXth centuries in the field of traditional culture, it evolved into a scientific-based collection gradually. In the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth centuries a rather large museums ' network emerged andfunctioned, owing mainly to the private initiative of individuals and numerous scientific, cultural, educational and church societies, committees, commissions, educational institutions, local self-government bodies.

Key words: military relics, museum, military historical collections, collectibles.


Воєнно-історичні колекції у контексті формування й розвитку музейної мережі України ХІХ - початку ХХ ст.

Вадим Машталір доктор історичних наук, доцент, заслужений винахідник України, Генеральний штаб Збройних Сил України

Надія Рижева докторка історичних наук, професорка, завідувачка кафедри історії, Миколаївський національний університет ім. В. О. Сухомлинського

Мета дослідження - проаналізувати причини виникнення й розвиток в Україні на межі XIX - поч. XX ст. перших музеїв на основі воєнно-історичні колекції. Методологія дослідження вибудовувалася на підставі використання сукупності принципів і методів пізнання, застосування яких здійснювалося з опорою на міждисциплінарні підходи до розкриття мети дослідження. Базовими були такі методи історичного пізнання, як історико-генетичний, історико-порівняльний, історико-типологічний та історико-системний, на основі яких опрацьовано наукову та джерельну базу статті. Наукова новизна: на основі широкого кола опублікованих і неопублікованих архівних документів досліджено низку чинників як політичного, соціально-економічного, так і культурного характеру, появи на території України перших музеїв на основі воєнно-історичні колекції. Встановлено, що більшість цих воєнно-історичних колекцій не зовсім відповідають змісту наукового терміна “колекціонування”, але саме вони стали основою цілеспрямованого й систематичного збирання предметів музейного значення, яке передувало виникненню військово-історичних музеїв. Доведено, що ці воєнно-історичні колекції були різноплановими, у них були представлені військова атрибутика, нагороди, портретні збірки, родинні архіви, книгозбірні, речі повсякденного вжитку тощо.

Висновки. Аматорське збиральництво на межі XVIII - XIX ст. у сфері традиційної культури поступово переростало в колекціонування, що ґрунтувалося на наукових засадах. У XIX - на початку XX ст. виникла й функціонувала доволі численна мережа музеїв, завдячуючи переважно приватній ініціативі окремих осіб та численних наукових, культурно-освітніх і церковних товариств, комітетів, комісій, навчальних закладів, органів місцевого самоврядування, у віданні яких вони перебували.

Ключові слова: військові реліквії, музей, воєнно-історичні колекції, колекціонування.

military historical museum

The Problem Statement. The museums' network emergence and rapid expansion in the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth century was due to a number of the political, socioeconomic and cultural factors, which were a reflection of the common European process of society capitalist development, the democratization of all forms of spiritual life and the National Liberation Movements strengthening. The National Liberation Movements were widely spread and evident in Ukraine, whose people did not have their own statehood, being the part of two empires - the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire (since 1868 - the Austro-Hungarian Empire). The educational intelligentsia was the main driving force, which instigated the national and cultural revival processes.

The paramount peculiarity of this process in the Dnieper Ukraine (Naddnipryanshchyna) was observed in the Russian imperial government openly repressive policy towards the national minorities, the suppression of any ideas of the political independence, cultural and speech identity of the peoples that were the part of the Empire. The national and cultural upsurge process in Western Ukraine gained momentum, especially after the Revolution, which took place in 1848, and was called the “Spring of the Nations”.

The Analysis of Sources and Recent Researches. According to the topic's scientific development analysis carried out in the article, we make a conclusion that it was studied in fragments. Furthermore, there are no special complex thorough works devoted to the study of selection, the military artifacts preservation and use in family collections and the Ukrainian Cossack's elite collections nowadays. Hence, there is relevance and novelty of this article.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the first museums' emergence and development causes in Ukraine at the turn of the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth centuries based on the military history collections.

The Statement of the Basic Material. Due to the education's development, the national history, ethnography, language, folklore scientific research; the local lore movement, numerous historical and cultural monuments collection and other factors, which caused an objective public need to create museum institutions as the multifunctional institutions, a kind of accumulator, researchers and promoters of the historical and cultural heritage, the strongholds of national, cultural and local lore movement on places (Piskova, 2005, pp. 6-9).

At the beginning of the XIXth century, the whole epoch of the university museums began, which kept in their funds, among the others, the military relics (Svintsitskyi, 1920, p. 89). In particular, Kyiv University Museum of Antiquities (eventually the Archaeological Museum) included, among other exhibits, Kievan Rus wartime monuments, discovered during excavations in the Old Town, including the Tithe Church and the Golden Gate. K. Lokhvytskyi, the archaeologist, obtained the materials during excavations in the historic center of the city and donated them to the university on the day of its grand opening, as a result, the materials were the basis of its funds. The archeologist was also the first head of the museum. Later on, the museum collection was replenished with the archaeological finds from other parts of the Dnieper region, where university professors conducted research (Federova, 1992, pp. 82-85).

According to V. Antonovych, the University Museum of Antiquities Head since 1873, M. Maksymovych's collection of antiquities was received, purchased from his descendants, who was the first rector of the university. It included a collection of the bronze arrowheads (272 units), which served as a scientific material for the first in Russian archeology systematic description of the types of such weapons (Antonovych, 1884, pp. 73-74). However, the museum did not complete the special military historical collections. Kharkiv University Cabinet of Antiquities collection was similar, which dates back to 1807 (now the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Sloboda Ukraine at V. Karazin Kharkiv National University), and the collections of other museums at educational institutions.

The military historical materials collections were in many museums of the Dnieper Ukraine (Naddnipryanshchyna) in the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth centuries, regardless of their subordination. For example, in the Kyiv Art, Industry and Science Museum, which was opened in 1899, they were part of the archeological department headed by archaeologist V. Khvoyka. It was his archeological collection, which was previously exhibited in his private museum in Kyiv, in the amount of 4000 items that was purchased and donated to the city museum by patron N. Tereshchenko. The archeological department was later supplemented by materials from the private collections of numerous renowned figures: V Antonovych, M. Bilyashivskyi, O. Bobrynskyi, V Hiza, E. Znosko-Borovskyi, F. Kunderevych, V Tarnovskyi and M. Tarnovskyi, J. Khainovsky, B. Khanenko, and others. Among the archeological exhibits were monuments of the military history. In addition, other museum's departments also kept such monuments. The historical department presented the weapons of later times, the Ukrainian officers' portraits, the Cossack's life objects etc. (Fedorova, 2013, pp. 125, 140-141, 143).

As museum collections were completed and the museum expositions of the period under study were built mainly on a systematic rather than thematic method, there were no separate collections and expositions on military history in Ukraine. This also applies to the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities Museum (founded in 1839) (Solodova B, 2004) and other museum institutions. According to some estimates, as at the beginning of the XXth century in Ukraine (together with the western Ukrainian lands as part of Austria-Hungary) there were more than 140 museums and museum-type institutions (Piskova & Fedorova, 2010, p. 119).

The museum's institutions profile specifics, their specialization in the content and thematic nature of collections and activities begin to be outlined as early as the second half of the XIXth century. The main part of the museum network was, using the modern museum studies' terminology, the general history and local lore profiles institutions. We are talking about the presence of collections that corresponded to a complex of sciences of various profiles and forms of human activity (history, archeology, ethnography, fine arts, literature, etc.). The historical museums also did not exist “in its purest form”. Those museums that have their history from the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth centuries, having a significant collection of monuments of the national history, in the future formed the basis of the leading historical museums, including the military history museums (Piskova, 2005, pp. 22-23).

Moreover, the museums' formation and development issue in the domestic historical retrospect cannot be considered, without taking into account that it was the private collecting that preceded the organization of museum work in Ukraine. Numerous museums and museum collections were formed primarily on the basis of the large private collections.

The private collecting in the Dnieper Ukraine (Naddnipryanshchyna) during the XIXth - XXth centuries. acquired a high level of development. It should be noted that it was the private collectors, who formed the military historical character collections, which became the basis of several large Ukrainian museums' collections. The vast majority of such collections were materials from the Cossacks and the Hetmanate times (Fedorova, 2015, p. 72).

In 1902, according to the will, a museum was opened on the basis of V. Tarnovskyi's collection, which was named the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities (nowadays V. Tarnovskyi Chernihiv Historical Museum) (Fedorova, 2015, pp. 75-76, 78-83).

Another prominent collector of the national antiquities, O. Pol (1832/90), who came from the well-known Poletyk and Polubotkiv families in the Ukrainian history. During the 1850 - 1880-ies, he collected Zaporizhzhya Sich relics, antiquities and books related to the history of Katerynoslavshchyna and Ukraine. His collections included unique archeological finds of the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages (mostly from Katerynoslavska Hubernia (Province)), from the ancient cities of the Southern Black Sea Coast (mainly from Kerch and Chersonesos Tavriya); the Scythian antiquities; Kievan Rus period monuments; the Zaporozhian Cossacks weapons and household items including the Cossack's sword of the XVIIIth century with the image of power signs - crossed maces and pennants and a symbolic inscription: “loyalty to the land and legends”; valuable mineralogical, numismatic and ethnographic collections; collection of old prints.

The Zaporizhzhya Sich monuments' collection numbered 281 items and was considered to be one of the best in Ukraine. It consisted of weapons, clothing, equipment, jewels, cradles, various utensils and more. Some of them were inherited from the ancestors, who belonged to the well-known Cossack noble families (Poletyky, Polubotky, Savychi, Malamy). O. Pol, the renowned collector, found most of the Zaporozhian antiquity objects during the archeological excavations or purchased them. In 1887, when Katerynoslav (nowadays Dnipro city) was celebrating its 100th anniversary, O. Pol opened a historical and archeological museum in a separate wing of his estate, which consisted of seven departments. When the collector was free from work, he even himself conducted tours in it.

O. Pol bequeathed his collection to Katerynoslav in order it to be exhibited and kept at the Museum of Antiquities, noting 522 objects, which dated back to the Stone Age, 84 objects - the Bronze Age, 632 objects originated from the ancient Greek colonies, 356 objecs - the Scythian period, 322 objects - Kyiv Knyaz' times, 242 of various weapons, and 276 items relating to ethnography, 281 items of Zaporozhian and Cossack antiquity and 2,060 coins of different times, peoples and civilizations.

Moreover, in 1893 O. Pol's private collection of antiquities catalog was published in Kyiv. Its compiler K. Melnyk-Antonovych provided a detailed description of 4,774 subjects, conditionally systematizing the research into nine sections. In the preface to the publication, she noted that, in addition to the objects described in this catalog, the museum included a large collection of art objects: paintings, engravings, antique porcelain, enamel, bronze, cameos, gems and the others. There were numerous collection of rare documents, ancient maps, collections of paintings, engravings and drawings kept works of many famous artists, manuscripts and autographs of famous writers, poets, statesmen and public figures, who came from Russia and Ukraine in the unique owner's library. They were supposed to be described in the second issue of the catalog.

In 1905 - 1906, the collector's wife, fulfilling his will, transferred the collection to the Katerinoslav O. Pol Regional Museum, which was founded in 1902 on the initiative of the Katerinoslav Scientific Society (nowadays the Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after D. Yavornytskyi) (Nikolaieva, 2011 , pp. 183-190; Mashtalir, 2018, p. 16).

It should be noted the great merit in the museum's organization and replenishment of its collections D. Yavornytskyi, who, as a professor at Moscow University, moved in 1905 from Moscow to Katerynoslav and devoted his entire life to the museum. By this time, the museum already had the archeological collections, which were donated by Yavornytskyi, as well as V. Antonovych, K. Melnyk-Antonovych and the others. In 1905 the museum was replenished with some ethnographic and archeological collections collected for the exhibition prepared for the XIIIth Archaeological Congress in Katerynoslav. Most of the items came from the private collections.

According to the researchers, its funds continued to be replenished with various groups of museum objects, including the military-historical ones. There were forged guns of the XVth century, weapons and military clothing of the XVIIth - XVIIIth centuries among them (Kovalskyi, 1993, p. 106).

It is vital to mention a number of collectors' names, who had the military collections in their private collections and were involved in the collections' establishment, formation and activities of many Ukrainian museums in the XIXth - at the beginning of the XXth centuries. Count O. Bobrynskyi (1852 - 1927) was among them. Furthermore, he was engaged in archeological excavations. The Count researched about 1 000 mounds, mostly in Ukraine. The materials of these excavations formed the basis of a private museum organized by him in Smila, Kyiv region (nowadays Cherkasy region), where the Bobrynskyi family estate was located. Among the 6 000 monuments of this museum were the military historical materials, which dated back to the Bronze and Iron Ages, the Scythian and Cossack eras. O. Bobrynskyi donated individual monuments and collections to the scientific societies and museum institutions several times. In particular, in 1899 he donated to the Kyiv Art, Industry and Science Museum more than 600 archaeological finds (nowadays the National Museum of History of Ukraine) (Piskova, 2005, pp. 82-83). In 1918, his Smilyan museum collection was requisitioned, part of it went to the Cherkasy T. Shevchenko Historical and Pedagogical Museum (nowadays Cherkasy Regional Museum of Local Lore).

One more leading figure, K. Skarzhynska (1852 - 1932) also collected the military historical relics. She built a separate house for the collection in her estate, located in Kruhlyk village (nowadays within the town of Lubny, Poltava region; the museum premises were not preserved). F. Kaminskyi, the famous Lubny archaeologist was the first head and curator of the museum (since 1882), who passed the results of his own archaeological research of the region to the museum.

The Cossack past was presented in almost all sections of the museum, built on a systematic (collection) principle. Weapons, household items, original portraits from the Rodzianok family, seven portraits of the Ukrainian Hetmans, a handwritten sample of the Cossack chronicle, sets of documents of family archives, etc. K. Skarzhynska's collections were presented at exhibitions during the Vlth and VIIIth Archaeological Congresses, the International Exhibition of Costumes and Weapons in St. Petersburg in 1902. The latter exhibited ethnographic materials, 164 samples of weapons and household items of the XVIIIth - XIXth centuries.

In 1906 K. Skarzhynska presented her own collections to the Natural History Museum, which are still exhibited in Poltava museums (Vantsak & Suprunenko, 1995, pp. 41-70).

Due to K. Sarzhynska's collection, Poltava Museum became the best museum in Ukraine immediately. In 1915 the museum's funds were replenished by the collection of the Poltava Diocesan Antiquary. The Cossack's antiquities collections of the Natural History Museum formed in this way were systematized into the following sections: 1. The Kleinody. 2. The Weapons (firearms and cold steel). 3. The Household items. 4. The Clothing. 5. The Documents. 6. The Paintings. 7. The Things of Church Use.

In addition, there were a silver top to the mace of Nizhyn Colonel S. Kochubey; Hetman K. Rozumovskyi's letter addressed to Maxim Znachko in 1754 on his appointment as a military comrade; five squids of the XVIIth - XVIIIth centuries among them. There was a large group of weapons, which is almost completely preserved to this day. It included guns, mortars, pistols, rifles, sabers, scimitars, keleps. One of the guns, dated 1645, was cast in the foundries of the Tsardom of Russia (the Tsardom ofMuscovy). P. Tysarevskyi donated the bronze mortar from the village of Storozheva (nowadays Chuhuiv district), the cast iron mortar from the village of Hryhorivka was presented by V. Zhuchenko. One of the keleps of the XVIth century was found at the site of the last S. Nalyvayko's battle in the Solonytsia tract near Luben city. One of the bone powder kegs has an exact date - July 27, 1727.

The Ukrainian clothing of the XVIIth - XVIIIth centuries was presented in the museum only in copies, which were made by K. Skarzhynska's order and the provincial museum. After 1917, the authentic shirt and robe of General Judge V Kochubey arrived, a handkerchief, which was placed under the head of Hetman D. Apostol during his burial in 1834 in the church of Velyki Sorochintsi. Today, the museum preserves several original belts of the XVIIth- XVIIIth centuries.

The collections received from the Poltava Diocesan Ancient Repository were of great historical value. They contained monuments, mostly donated to the temples by the Cossack officers. Among them are documents of the Cossack era, in particular tsarski charters for I. Mazepa's and A. Gamalia's estates' possession. The book collection includes such relics as the Gospel, on which Hetman B. Khmelnytskyi sworn in January 1654 at the Pereyaslav Council; The Peresopnytsia Gospel of 1557 with the contribution of Hetman I. Mazepa dated April 16, 1701.

The Collection of the Ukrainian Hetmans and Cossack officers of the XVIIth - XVIIIth centuries portraits enlisted almost 40 units (but only 10 survived). A significant part belonged to K. Skarzhynska's collection, a part was collected in the villages and landed estates of Poltava Hubernia (province).

It should be noted that much of the Ukrainian Cossack's antiquities collection was lost as a result of the Bolsheviks' museum defeat, the evacuation, the Nazi's export, and etc. Some of the monuments were taken to the United States by the director of the museum K. Moshchenko, nowadays they are stored in the Bound Brook Museum (Moklyak, 2005, pp. 115-126).

The Russian imperial authorities paid considerable attention to the study on the military past since the beginning of the XIXth century. The demonstration of the power, steadfastness and armed force of the empire was formed into a kind of the ideological concept in which the Orthodox Church played a key role. Thus, during the first half of the XIXth century services dedicated to the Battle of Poltava, the war between France and Russia in 1812, etc., became a common event in the churches and temples.

We consider it expedient to refer to the history of military collections in Western Ukraine, which was after the last Rzeczpospolita partition (the Commonwealth) in 1795 as part of Austria-Hungary (Transcarpathia, Galicia (Halychyna) with part of Western Podolia and Bukovina). The private collections of museum significance and museum collections formed in the period under study became the basis of modern Western Ukrainian museum institutions.

In 1892, Lviv Historical Museum was founded, which was part of the city archival complex (archive, library, museum) and was subordinated to the commune of the city. From 1901 the director of the archive and its institutions, in 1906 - 1931 the director of the city museums was the well-known archivist and historian O. Cholovskyi. The museum was given the antiquities' collection, which was stored in the archives from the XVIIIth century and was even accounted for. Among the relics of the magistrate and Lviv shops, military historical monuments, including ancient cannons, were presented in it. According to the “Appeal” of December 22, 1892, signed by the President of Lviv, requested that the museum be given all the monuments related to the life of the city at different times. The list of such valuables also included weapons, uniforms and weapons of the old police and guards. Among the first founders of the museum were the following private individuals, who donated military monuments: J. Makan - a bourgeois sword of the XVIth century, a Tatar sword and a ganja (a wide Tatar dagger), excavated in Lviv; J. Grabinsky - a fragment of a cast iron cannon, found during the construction of the canal, and others. (Krutous, 2005, p. 175). Hence, in 1894 the museum took part in Lviv Regional Exhibition. 26 monuments of the XVIth - XIXth centuries were presented in the sections the “Municipal, guild, fraternal monuments” and the “Weapons”. The weapons, armaments and uniforms were completed as a separate stock group. The archive, library and museum organized jointly exhibitions on various topics, including military history, which included other museum and private collections. For instance, the military exhibition, which was held in 1916 on the occasion of the city liberation anniversary; exhibition “Defense of Lviv 1918/19” in 1935; exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the November Uprising of 1830/31, etc. (Fedorova, 1995, pp. 96, 98).

Due to Lviv intellectuals and patrons help, one of the largest collections of weapons in Lviv was completed by King Jan III National Museum. The museum was opened in 1908. O. Cholovskyi presented the museum with its own collections, in particular, 24 portraits and 150 samples of weapons and military equipment of different times. Hence, he was the first one, who established the museum's collection of weapons. The museum's collection was constantly growing due to the subventions from the Austrian government, which were used to purchase items from individuals, as well as donations and gifts from the patrons, citizens and Lviv organizations. Thus, at the end of 1911, King Jan III National Museum purchased 15 samples of weapons, which dated back to the XVth - XIXth centuries and 33 samples of weapons of the XVIth - XIXth centuries; in 1912 - 1913 - the Polish portraits, which dated back to the XVIth - XIXth centuries, a collection of 33 paintings dedicated to the Polish army in 1807 - 1831, 99 old weapons, coins and medals (Petryk, 2016, pp. 93-94).

In 1914, the collection was supplemented by monuments from the collection of Lviv historian and art critic V Lozynskyi, who bequeathed his collections (including the weapons, as well as the equipment of a horseman of the XVIth - XVIIIth centuries) to Lviv city of; as well as some items, which belonged to Professor V. Lukashevych (Petryk, 2014, p. 26) and others.

In 1915, a renowned collector, B. Orzechowicz, Doctor of Law at Lviv University donated his collections to Lviv Commune (Gmina), in which a collection of weapons was of utmost importance (Krutous, 1997, pp. 5-6). The collector created a private museum in the village of Kalnykiv, Mostyska Povit (County) in the the Orzechowicz's family ancestral estate. In 1915, when the Russian troops offensive took place during World War I, the village was in the confrontation zone. As a result, Orzechowicz's collection was under the threat of destruction. O. Cholovskyi, the director of the Archive and Lviv museums, carried out work on its rescue and transportation to Lviv personally (Petryk, 2014, pp. 24-25; Prokip, 2006, p. 120).

The transfer agreement was signed in 1919, thus, the owner of the museum collection donated it to Lviv commune (gmina). According to the agreement, B. Ozhekhovych gave the city magistrate for his maintenance all his collections: the art gallery, engravings, sculptures, miniatures, museum furniture, a collection of ancient weapons, collection of glass and porcelain. One of the conditions of the contract stipulated that the entire collection was to be stored and exhibited forever as a single and inseparable and be called the “Boleslaw Orzechowicz Collection”. At the donator's personal request, the collection's supervision and management was entrusted to O. Cholovskyi, the director of the Archive and King Jan III National Museum (Senkiv, 2007, p. 95).

It should be mentioned that the collection numbered 998 antiques, including 454 weapons at the time of transfer. According to the inventory, which was compiled by King Jan III National Museum employees in 1925 - 1926, there were already 563 weapons and armaments in the collection. However, B. Orzechowicz carried on replenishing the collection throughout his life (Terskyi, 2006, pp. 13-19; Prokip, 2006, p. 120).

According to B. Orzechowicz's will, made in 1927, his main successor was the Polish Scientific Society in Lviv. Today, most of the samples of ancient weapons from this collection are stored and exhibited in the Lviv Historical Museum and its branch - the Arsenal Museum.

Among the melee weapons there are:

the 15th-century belt sword made by the gunsmiths of the city of Passau in Bavaria;

a large two-handed sword “flamberg”, made in Italy at the end of the XVth - at the beginning of the XVIth century;

sabers and court swords, which dated back to the XVIth-XVIIth centuries;

swords, battle axes, cleavers, knives and daggers from Iran, which dated back to the XVIII century, dagger-kukri from East India of the XVIIIth century, Indonesian dagger-cross of the XVIIIth century;

helmets, hauberks, cuirass, spears, crossbows, etc.

Valuable items of B. Orzechowicz's firearms collection include:

Marietta revolver pistol;

a pistol, made by master Johann Andreas I Kuchenreiter;

a pair of duel pistols, made by master F. Christian Schilling;

rifles and cannons (Prokip, 2006, pp. 122-123).

During the 1940-ies, after the Soviet power establishment in Western Ukraine, King Jan III National Museum, the Lviv Historical Museum and the Lubomyrskykh Knyaz Museum were united into a single institution, which was called Lviv Historical Museum, which operates till the present days. (Krutous, 1996, p. 5; Melnyk, 2004, pp. 50-52).

The Conclusions. Taking everything into consideration, the systematic military historical collections (e.g, the weapons) and thematic historical collections (in particular, the Cossacks' history) were completed in many private collections and museums of different subordination in this period. The weapons, which dated back to different periods were presented in the archaeological collections of educational institutions, including Kyiv and Kharkiv Universities. The military history monuments were exhibited in the science museums and monument protection societies: in the Kyiv Art, Industry and Science Museum, the Odesa Society History and Antiquities Museum, etc. The basis of their first stock collections were the private collections and gifts from the patrons.


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