The figure of Vasyl Stefanyk through the prism of Ukrainian pedagogical biographical studies

Analysis of the life and work, creative heritage of V. Stefanyk through the prism of pedagogical biography, Characteristics of the educational environment that surrounded him for over twenty years and shaped him as a writer, public and educational figure.

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The figure of Vasyl Stefanyk through the prism of Ukrainian pedagogical biographical studies

Halyna Bilavych, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education; Iryna Didukh, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian NationalUniversity; Oksana Blavt, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University


Постать Василя Стефаника крізь призму української педагогічної біографістики

Галина Білавич, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти; Ірина Дідух, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри соціальної педагогіки та соціальної роботи, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника; Оксана Блавт, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри фізичного виховання, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»

14 травня 2021 року виповнилося 150 років з дня народження Василя Стефаника - класика української літератури, громадсько-політичного діяча, однієї зі знакових постатей культурного й соціально-політичного життя України. Низка тематичних заходів відбулася в Прикарпатському національному університеті імені Василя Стефаника, що засвідчує про великий інтерес науковців, літературознавців, педагогів, громадськості України та світу до постаті В. Стефаника.

Мета статті - проаналізувати життєдіяльність і творчий спадок Василя Стефаника крізь призму української педагогічної біографістики. Педагогічна біографістика - маловивчений і новий в українській науці напрям. Один із аспектів вивчення педагогічної біографістики є аналіз освітнього середовища письменника, яке спричинилося до формування його як особистості. У статті стисло проаналізовано життя і діяльність, творчу спадщину В. Стефаника крізь призму педагогічної біографістики, подано характеристику освітнього середовища, яке оточувало В. Стефаника впродовж понад двадцять років та формувало його як літератора, громадсько-просвітницького діяча.

У його життєвому шляху автори чітко простежують певні етапи, пов'язані зі здобуттям освіти: початкова освіта, яку дістав хлопець у Русові (трикласна народна школа (1878-1880)) та в Снятині (виділова, тобто вища початкова школа) (1880-1883)); гімназійна освіта (Коломийська державна гімназія (1883-1890), Дрогобицька державна гімназія імені

Франца Йосифа I (1891-1892)); університетські студії (медичний факультет Ягеллонського університету (1892-1900)); та самоосвіта, яка тривала впродовж усього життя. 1900 р. В. Стефаник залишає Ягеллонський університет і цілком оформлюється як письменник, просвітник, громадський діяч. Зроблено висновок про вплив освітнього середовища на формування В. Стефаника.

Ключові слова: педагогічна біографістика, Василь Стефаник, життя, творчість, гімназія, університет, навчання.


May 14, 2021 marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk - a classic of Ukrainian literature, public and political figure, one of the iconic figures of cultural and socio-political life of Ukraine. A number of thematic events took place at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Pedagogical biographical studies are a little-studied and new direction in Ukrainian science. The purpose of the article is to analyze the life and creative heritage of V. Stefanyk through the prism of Ukrainian pedagogical biography.

In research the following research methods are used: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, classification, generalization), which allow to argue and justify the experience of studying the figure of Vasyl Stefanyk from the standpoint of pedagogical biographical studies; search and bibliographic for systematization of research sources; comparative and descriptive - to characterize the social and educational activities of the writer; special biographical (biographical, biographical reconstruction, etc.) - determine the methods, techniques of studying various aspects of life and work of Vasyl Stefanyk; etc.

One aspect of the study of personalistics is the analysis of the writer's educational environment, which led to their formation as a person. The establishing of V. Stefanyk as a writer, public and educational figure was influenced by a number of factors, including the educational environment. In his life we clearly trace certain stages associated with the acquisition of education: primary education, which he received in Rusiv (three-grade public school (1878-1880)) and in Sniatyn (special, is higher primary school) (1880-1883); gymnasium education (Kolomyia State Gymnasium (1883-1890), Drohobych State Gymnasium named after Franz Joseph I (1891-1892)); university studies (medical faculty of Jagiellonian University (18921900)); and lifelong self-education. In 1900, V. Stefanyk left the Jagiellonian University and fully registered as a writer, educator, and public figure.

Keywords: pedagogical biographical studies, Vasyl Stefanyk, life, creativity, gymnasium, university, education.

stefanyk pedagogical educational


The problem formulation. Ukrainian pedagogical science is going through a difficult stage of its development and search for new scientific paradigms. It is due to reforms in the system of education and upbringing of Ukraine and its course of integration into the international cultural and educational space. All this requires an in-depth study of the history of education development, theory and practice of teaching and education. The need in establishing theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical biographical studies, the formation of historiography of Ukrainian pedagogical science, which is a relatively new promising scientific field that at the beginning of the XXI century undergoes complex contradictory processes of its formation.

Pedagogical biographical studies are a little-studied and new direction in Ukrainian science. On the one hand, there are important developments in the study of certain aspects of the problem (the works of authoritative scientists: O. Valevskyi, V. Menzhulin, I. Bielienkii, V. Chyshko, K. Karpinskyi, N. Lohinova, M. Rybnikov, O. Holovii, L. Holubnycha, N. Hupan, E. Dnieprov, T. Zavhorodnya, I. Strazhnikova, O. Petrenko, N. Pobirchenko, H. Trotsko, T. Usatenko, M. Chepil, L. Berezivska, N. Dichek, M. Yevtukh, I. Zaichenko, N. Nychkalo, O. Sukhomlynska, M. Yarmachenko, etc.); on the other hand, the theoretical and methodological principles of pedagogical biographical studies, the conceptual and categorical apparatus of this field of knowledge, the methodology of research of pedagogical biographical studies are insufficiently developed.

The study of scientific and pedagogical activities of prominent representatives of Ukrainian education, science, culture, literature (in our study, it is the figure of Vasyl Stefanyk) is relevant. Thorough study and critical comprehension of the creative achievements of literary, public and educational figures of Ukraine will allow contemporaries to realize their fruitful ideas and positive experiences from the standpoint of today, as well as warn against mistakes they made.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Despite the fact that the figure of V. Stefanyk was the subject of deep and thorough research of Ukrainian literary critics, in particular, a real scientific Stefanykiana was created, the Ivano- Frankivsk center of which is concentrated at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (scientists Ye. Baran, V. Poliek, S. Protsyuk, R. Pikhmanets, S. Khorob, etc.), this personality has not been comprehensively and completely studied in the aspect outlined in the title of the article.

The aim and Research Tasks

The purpose of the article is to analyze the life and creative heritage of V. Stefanyk through the prism of Ukrainian pedagogical biography.

Research methods

In research the following research methods are used: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, classification, generalization), which allow to argue and justify the experience of studying the figure of Vasyl Stefanyk from the standpoint of pedagogical biographical studies; search and bibliographic for systematization of research sources; comparative and descriptive - to characterize the social and educational activities of the writer; special biographical (biographical, biographical reconstruction, etc.) - determine the methods, techniques of studying various aspects of life and work of Vasyl Stefanyk; etc.

Results of the research

Authoritative Ukrainian scholars (L. Berezivska, V. Popyk, O. Sukhomlynska, etc.) interpret the concept of “pedagogical biographical studies” as a component of historical and pedagogical science about the creation of scientific biographies of teachers and educators, the compilation of relevant biographical dictionaries and reference books, various types of biographical and biobibliographic products, the formation of electronic resources of biographical information, etc. (Berezivska, 2015, p. 284).

According to Academician O. Sukhomlynska, “the biographical approach in the history of pedagogy is such a way of elaboration, analysis of sources, in which the biography, the personality of the teacher is, on the one hand, a determining factor of his work, and on the other - reflects the era or is its creator. The biographical approach helps to find the reasons for the emergence and development of pedagogical ideas in various facts of the biography, to reveal the essential, “significant” moments behind them, to see certain patterns of accumulation of empirical facts” (Sukhomlynska, 2003, p. 44).

One aspect of the study of personalistics is the analysis of the writer's educational environment, which led to their formation as a person (Rozman, 2019). In our article we will briefly analyze the life and work, creative heritage of V. Stefanyk through the prism of pedagogical biography, give a description of the educational environment that surrounded him for over twenty years and shaped him as a writer, public educator.

May 14, 2021 marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk - a classic of Ukrainian literature, public and political figure, one of the iconic figures of cultural and socio-political life of Ukraine. Given the artist's significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian literature, culture, and the spirituality of Ukrainians in general, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution on the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of V. Stefanyk (Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada, 2020). A number of thematic events took place at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. In particular, on May 14-15, 2021 - the International Scientific Congress “Vasyl Stefanyk and World Culture”. Among the organizers of the event were not only the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, but also Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine, The National Writers' Union of Ukraine, The National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine, The Rusiv Literary Memorial Museum of Vasyl Stefanyk (International Scientific Congress, 2021), which testifies to the great interest of scientists, literary critics, teachers, the public of Ukraine and the world in the figure of V. Stefanyk.

Also, on April 21-22, 2021, the All-Ukrainian scientific practical conference “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of Vasyl Stefanyk's work” was held online. It was organized by the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The conference was attended by teachers, students, educators, representatives of public organizations, famous writers from many higher education institutions of Ukraine. This scientific forum testified that the influence of such prominent iconic figures as Vasyl Stefanyk in Ukrainian history, science, culture, and literature is growing every year. And the creative heritage, life and work of the writer are perceived by Ukrainian pupils and students, children and adults as a factor in the formation of national consciousness, education of new generations of Ukrainians as patriots, citizens (All-Ukrainian scientific practical conference, 2021).

In the life of V. Stefanyk we clearly trace the following stages associated with education:

1. Vasyl Stefanyk's family environment (factors of education were folk pedagogical means: work, oral folk art, the example of seniors, etc.).

2. Primary education received in Rusiv (three-grade public school (1878-1880)) and Sniatyn (special, ie higher primary school) (1880-1883)).

3. Gymnasium education of Vasyl Stefanyk (Kolomyia State Gymnasium (1883-1890), Franz Joseph I Drohobych State Gymnasium (1891-1892)).

4. University education of Vasyl Stefanyk (Jagiellonian University (1892-1900)).

5. Self-education, which lasted throughout the life of the writer.

We will briefly analyze these periods to trace the process of V. Stefanyk's formation as a writer, a great educator, a man who worked on himself during his life.

The family environment gave a start to V. Stefanyk's education. In the family, the boy was quite comfortable under the care of his loving mother Oksana, beloved sister Maria, despite the severity of his father Semen, a very wealthy farmer and a good landlord. The upbringing in the Stefanyk family was based on words, one's own example, humane relations (V. Stefanyk wrote: “.. at home my parents never beat me”) (Stefanyk, 1927) and had an impact on the formation of the future writer's personality.

For three years (1878-1880), Vasyl, like all school-age children, studied at the local public (primary school). The father saw that his son was willing to study, had the ability to study, and in 1880 he took Vasyl to Sniatyn, where he was enrolled in the second grade of the special school. At that time, only this type of educational institution gave the opportunity to study in high school. Here, for the first time, the boy was made fun of by teachers and sons of lords (“I was beaten here”, V. Stefanyk recalled in his autobiography (Stefanyk, 1927)). So, thanks to his father, Vasyl received a complete primary education, which gave him the opportunity to continue his studies.

Studying at the Kolomyia Gymnasium (1883-1890) became an important stage in V. Stefanyk's life. The formation of the worldview, the personality of Stefanyk, a high school student, also took place outside the school. As you know, education in high schools was conducted in Polish and German. The young high school student begins to engage in self-education and self-development: he reads works by H. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, Panas Myrnyi, Marko Vovchok, and Russian writers. T. Shevchenko's Kobzar became his favorite book; he did not part with it until the end of his life. An important factor in the formation of V. Stefanyk was the gymnasium environment and the environment of Kolomyia as an important cultural and educational center of Pokuttya. He met A. Pavlyk, an activist of the Ukrainian women's movement in Halychyna, and her brother, M. Pavlyk, a well-known public educator, politician (radical), and publicist in Halychyna. Kolomyia grammar school students - friends of V. Stefanyk: Les Martovych, Ivan Semanyuk (Marko Cheremshyna), Lev Bachynskyi and others were fascinated by radical views and service to the native people of both Pavlyks.

Thus, this so-called non-formal education, participation in a secret circle, educational activities in the villages of Pokuttya, organization of reading rooms (libraries) had an important impact on the formation of V. Stefanyk as a public educator who dedicated his life to serving the peasants (Vasyl Stefanyk in criticism and memoirs, 1970).

We believe that thanks to progressive teachers of the gymnasium, V. Stefanyk developed his creative personality. These are T. Hrushkevych (1846-1916), a member of the Prosvita society, the Russian Pedagogical Society (later the Ukrainian Pedagogical Society (UPT) “Ridna Shkola”), the editor of the Uchytel magazine (1890-1892), and the director of the 1st gymnasium UPT in Yavoriv (1909-1912), compiler of “Taras Shevchenko's Kobzar” for children (1891), translator into Ukrainian of “History of Pedagogy” by L. Kellner (1895), compiler of “Bukvar” for the 2nd grade of secondary schools, professor of classical philology in Kolomyia Gymnasium, who was the first to pay attention to the work “Rudal” by Les Martovych and Vasyl Stefanyk. T. Hrushkevych, after reading it, advised his students to continue to engage in literary work. At one time T. Hrushkevych taught Ivan Franko at the Drohobych Gymnasium.

The same role in the life of Stefanyk was played by teacher R. Yarosevych, one of the leaders of the Academic Community in Krakow, doctor of philosophy (1885, Vienna), doctor of medicine (1894, Krakow), public and political figure, diplomat, co-founder and a leading figure of the Russian-Ukrainian (later Ukrainian) Radical Party, chairman of the Ukrainian faction of the Austrian parliament from the Radical Party (1897-1900). V. Stefanyk wrote about R. Yarosevych: “I was happy to agree with this smart and wonderful professor of the gymnasium. For us, the study of the Ukrainian language was the most pleasant and useful. Such a great teacher” (Stefanyk, 1927; Vasyl Stefanyk in criticism and memoirs, 1970).

At the Franz Joseph I Gymnasium in Drohobych (1891-1892), the young radical plunged back into social and cultural work. The ideas of M. Drahomanov, M. Pavlyk, I. Franko, personal acquaintance with Ivan Franko, with whom he maintained “the most friendly relations all his life” and who was “the only one of the great Ukrainian writers he loved the most” (Stefanyk, 1927). However, we assume that the educational environment of Drohobych gymnasium had no less influence on the development of V. Stefanyk's personality. In 1892, the young man successfully passed the final exams (“matura”), which opened the way for him to university education. V. Stefanyk writes with sympathy about the director of the gymnasium, a famous Ukrainian figure of the 80s of the XIX century. O. Borkovskyi. We pay attention to the teaching staff of Drohobych Gymnasium, in particular, teachers of philology, who contributed to the literary and linguistic development of the gymnasium. This is a famous Galician naturalist, teacher, linguist, folklorist, author of about 200 publications that laid the foundations of Ukrainian scientific terminology, writer I. Verkhratskyi, who after graduating from Lviv University in 1868 began teaching Ukrainian and German at Drohobych Gymnasium, where his student was also I. Franko. Professor V. Birchak, teacher of Greek and Ukrainian languages, Ukrainian writer, literary critic, also contributed to literary and language education and general development of Stefanyk as a high school student.

One of the most important periods in the life of V. Stefanyk - the one he spent in Krakow (1892-1900). In 1892, a 21-year-old entered the medical faculty of the Jagiellonian University, the second most prestigious educational institution in Central Europe. V. Stefanyk was not interested in medicine: he plunged headlong into the literary, artistic and social- educational environment of the city of Krakow and the university (active participation in the student society “Academic Community”). He became known in Galicia and in the Polish intellectual and artistic circles as a writer, and in 1900 he dropped out of the medical faculty and devoted himself entirely to literature and socio-political and educational work.

In our opinion, the Krakow art and literary bohemia, which gathered in the society “Young Poland”, participation in Ukrainian and Polish associations, friendship with young artists I. Trush, M. Boychuk, acquaintance and close contacts with B. Lepkyi, friendship with the Morachevski family, communication with famous intellectuals S. Pshybyshevskyi, V. Orkan, S. Vyspyanskyi, Ya. Kasprovych, K. Tetmayer and others, who opened the new “way into the world” for V. Stefanyk, etc. - all this led to the fact that V. Stefanyk left medicine and established himself as a writer. It is in Krakow that the creative phenomenon of V. Stefanyk as a novelist acquires authentic features.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

The establishing of V. Stefanyk as a writer, public and educational figure was influenced by a number of factors, including the educational environment. In his life we clearly trace certain stages associated with the acquisition of education: primary education, which he received in Rusiv (three-grade public school (1878-1880)) and in Sniatyn (special, ie higher primary school) (1880-1883); gymnasium education (Kolomyia State Gymnasium (1883-1890), Drohobych State Gymnasium named after Franz Joseph I (1891-1892)); university studies (medical faculty of Jagiellonian University (1892-1900)); and lifelong self-education. In 1900, V. Stefanyk left the Jagiellonian University and fully registered as a writer, educator, and public figure.

The analysis of Vasyl Stefanyk's studies at the Medical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University and his activities as a member of the society “Academic Community” requires further research.


1. Berezivska, L. (2015). Derzhavna naukovo-pedahohichna biblioteka Ukrainy imeni V. O. Sukhomlynskoho yak intehrator i poshyriuvach pedahohichnoho biohrafichnoho znannia [State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine named after VO Sukhomlynsky as an integrator and disseminator of pedagogical biographical knowledge]. Pedahohichna biohrafistyka,12, 283-295 [in Ukrainian].

2. Vseukrainska naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia “Psykholoho-pedahohichni aspekty tvorchosti Vasylia Stefanyka” [All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of Vasyl Stefanyk's work”]. (2021).

3. Mizhnarodnyi naukovyi konhres “Vasyl Stefanyk i svitova kultura” [International Scientific Congress “Vasyl Stefanyk and World Culture”]. (2021).

4. Postanova Verkhovnoi Rady “Pro vidznachennia 150-richchia z dnia narodzhennia Vasylia Stefanyka” [Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada “On the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk']. (2020).

5. Stefanyk, V. (1927). Avtobiohrafiia [Autobiography].

6. Sukhomlynska, O. V. (2003). Personaliia v istoryko-pedahohichnomu dyskursi [Personality in historical and pedagogical discourse]. Istoryko- pedahohichnyi protses: novi pidkhody do zahalnykh problem. Kyiv: APN Ukrainy, 36-46 [in Ukrainian].

7. Vasyl Stefanyk u krytytsi ta spohadakh [Vasyl Stefanyk in criticism and memoirs]. (1970). Kyiv: Dnipro [in Ukrainian].

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    презентация [930,6 K], добавлен 10.12.2014

  • Biography of Barack Hussein Obama II action (20 January 2009) 44th President of the United States of America, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. Childhood, education, early career of the president. The election campaign and acting as president-elect.

    презентация [968,0 K], добавлен 13.11.2014

  • History Semipalatinsk Medical University. The cost of training, specialty and duration of education. Internship and research activities. Student life. Residency - a form of obtaining an in-depth postgraduate medical education in clinical specialties.

    презентация [509,2 K], добавлен 11.04.2015

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