Social-political activity and national sofia of Vasyl Stefanyk as the basis of state ideology
Vasyl Stefanyk, his civic position, role in the formation of Ukrainian national education. Activities of a publicist in matters of education, social struggle, political confrontation. His involvement in the rapid development of Ukrainian journalism.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 14,9 K |
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Social-political activity and national sofia of Vasyl Stefanyk as the basis of state ideology
Maria Bagriy
vasyl stefanyk ukrainian national education
Стаття присвячена Василеві Стефанику, який не тільки вписав яскраву сторінку в історію вітчизняної літератури, репрезентувавши літературний процес її західного регіону, а й вагомо спричинився до становлення української національної просвіти. Питання освіти, громадської боротьби, політичних протистоянь письменник активно порушував у своїй творчості та озвучував на сторінках тогочасних періодичних видань, розширював творчі контакти з українською періодикою, активізував свою діяльність як публіцист, чим фактично спричинився до бурхливого розвитку української журналістики, яка за тодішніх умов несла на собі відбиток педагогізації: відображала проблеми розвитку української школи, порушувала актуальні питання національного виховання, уміщувала твори сучасних авторів та літераторів минулого, які висвітлювали героїко-патріотичну тему, тобто українська періодика виконала свою суспільну функцію - будила до національного життя людність регіону, утверджувала національні ідеали у свідомості дітей, юнацтва та дорослих, «просвічувала» їх тощо. Ці праці Стефаника були тісно пов'язані і спричинені їхньою активною громадянською позицією. У статті представлено термін «націософія», який упровадив до наукового лексикону в 1930-х рр. український соціолог, політолог і етнолог польсько-литовського походження О.-І. Бочковський. Виокремивши націологію як «чисту науку», до компетенції останньої О. Бочковський зараховував і філософію нації, яку назвав «націософією». Вона повинна стати «методою соціологічної типології і характерології» націй. На думку вченого, до компетенції націософії належить з'ясування проблематики нації з ідеологічного та філософського боку, отже, наукове освітлення таких питань, як нація і людство, космополітизм, інтернаціоналізм та націоналізм.
Ключові слова: Василь Стефаник, націософія, громадська діяльність, політична діяльність, митець.
SOCIAL-POLITICAL ACTIVITY AND NATIONAL SOFIA of vasyl stefanyk as the basis of state ideology
Maria Bagriy,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Teacher of the Highest Category,
Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College Carpathian national Vasyl Stefanyk University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
The article is dedicated to Vasyl Stefanyk, who not only wrote a bright page in the history of national literature, representing the literary process of its western region, but also significantly contributed to the formation of Ukrainian national education.
The writer actively raised issues of education, social struggle, and political confrontations in his work and voiced them in the pages of contemporary periodicals, expanded his creative contacts with Ukrainian periodicals, intensified his activities as a publicist, which actually contributed to the rapid development of Ukrainian journalism. imprint of pedagogization: reflected the problems of development of the Ukrainian school, raised topical issues of national education, included works of modern authors and writers of the past, covering the heroic and patriotic theme, ie Ukrainian periodicals fulfilled its social function - to awaken the people of the region. consciousness of children, youth and adults, «enlightened» them, and so on. These works of Stefanyk were closely connected and caused by their active civil position.
The article presents the term «national philosophy», which was introduced into the scientific lexicon in the 1930s by the Ukrainian sociologist, political scientist and ethnologist of Polish-Lithuanian origin O.-I. Bochkovsky. Having singled out nationalism as «pure science», O. Bochkovsky also included the philosophy of the nation, which he called «national philosophy», in the competence of the latter. It must become a «method of sociological typology and characterology» of nations. According to the scientist, the competence of national philosophy «includes the clarification of the problems of the nation from the ideological and philosophical point of view, therefore, the scientific coverage of issues such as nation and humanity, cosmopolitanism, internationalism and nationalism. Vasyl Stefanyk's socio-political achievements became more accessible to people through Ukrainian periodicals, served as a means of educating national consciousness, patriotism, love for the native land, opened a treasury of oral folk art, formed a sense of pride in belonging to the great "Russian people". This journalism even served as a didactic material for educational initiatives of Ukrainian public societies in the field of adult education.
Keywords: Vasyl Stefanyk, national philosophy, public activity, political activity, artist.
The problem formulation. His public and educational path was not easy. In 1890, Stefanyk was forced to leave his studies in Kolomyia and continue his studies at the Drohobych Gymnasium due to accusations of illegal social and cultural work, where he took part in public life, became a member of a secret youth group, and met Frank in person. which then maintained friendly relations.
After graduating from high school, Stefanyk entered the medical faculty of the University of Krakow, however, according to the writer, this study was useless. Instead of studying medicine, he immersed himself in the literary and social life of Krakow, where there was a society of Ukrainian students "Academic Community". Stefanyk joined the majority, which reached out to the Radical Party. During his student years he read a lot, closely followed modern literature, became close to Polish writers.
In Krakow, which at that time was the center of Polish modernism, he became acquainted with the latest European artistic trends, which affected the formation of Stefanyk as an artist - he began his career with the modernist genre of poetry in prose. In Krakow he wrote short stories "Fireplace Cross", "Evening Hour", "Road", "Paliy" and other works (Avramento, Pakharenko, 2010, р.181-193). Stefanyk took an active part in the political struggle: he spoke at peasant rallies, exposed the anti-national character of state institutions, for which he was arrested in 1895.
A characteristic feature of the literary process of the Stefanyk era is that the writer belonged not only to certain literary associations, but also to numerous Ukrainian public societies and institutions, educational or cultural-educational societies, and sometimes to several, which reflected on the subject matter and the ideological orientation of his work.
In addition to his interest in the life of Krakow, the artist takes an active part in the public life of his native Pokuttya, expands his creative contacts with Ukrainian periodicals, and intensifies his activity as a publicist. After publication in 1890. of the first article - "Stomachs of our working people and reading rooms", writes and publishes in the organs of the radical party "People", "Farmer", "Public Voice" and "Literary and Scientific Bulletin" a number of articles: "Chamber of Masurian peasants in Krakow", "Masurian Chamber in Rzeszуw","Men and Performance","Book for peasant food","Young priests","For children","Poets and intellectuals".
Stefanyk took an active part in the political struggle - he spoke at peasant rallies, exposed the anti-national character of state institutions, for which in 1895 he was arrested. Nevertheless, Stefanyk continued his political activity, in particular, in 1897 he devoted much energy to the election campaign in Galicia, campaigning for the "peasant ambassador" Ivan Franko, witnessed brutal repression of disobedient peasants, and himself was persecuted. Actively engaged in public and political activities, as well as publishing their own journalistic articles and works of art.
The ideas of M. Drahomanov, I. Franko and M. Pavlyk had a significant influence on the formation of the future writer's worldview at that time. The so-called "awakeners" were united by nationally conscious intellectual youth, who declared a vital and creative goal - to work for the good of the people. Their merit lies in the fact that, studying and collecting, recording oral folklore, history of the native land, the Ukrainian people, creating artistic and journalistic and scientific national-patriotic texts, translating works of Slavic "awakeners", members of the "Pokut Trinity" (Stefanyk was expelled from Kolomyia Gymnasium for participating in the Pokut Trinity, a secret creative association of spiritually close fellow artists, which also included Les Martovych and Marko Cheremshyna.) And a new generation of their young sympathizers affirmed the idea of self-sufficiency of Ruthenians (Ukrainians) as a nation, its separation from the Polish, German or any other ethnic group, the importance of Ukrainian folklore in the spiritual life, folk language, rich, melodious, which has the right to become the language of literature, culture, education, and finally , the realization that the Ruthenians of Galicia, Transcarpathia and Bukovina are part of the great Ukrainian people, which has an original and glorious history culture, language, traditions, etc. (Bagriy, 2020, р. 251).
The analysis of recent research
Modern scientific discourse is important for the development of the terminological system of our research (M. Bitter, S. Zenkin, M. Naenko, L.Natochiy, T. Popova, and others. ), for example, on the definition of such basic categories as "generation", "cultural and educational activities", "literature of modernism", etc. Given the multiplicity of definitions, we searched for the most optimal interpretations of concepts and categories of research.
Some problems associated with the development of historical and pedagogical science have found a comprehensive understanding in the modern scientific discourse of O. Adamenko, S. Bobryshov, G. Bilavich, L. Vakhovsky, S. Goncharenko, N. Gupan, T. Zavgorodnaya, I. Strazhnikova , O. Sukhomlynska, E. Khrykova, V. Vykhrushcha, O. Vyshnevsky.
Research METHODS. Modern scientific and methodological approaches (hermeneutic, synergetic, phenomenological, etc.) have designed the basic strategy, logic of the analysis of the research base and the key characteristics of its individual components. This work is organically complemented by developments on operational general scientific, disciplinary and interdisciplinary research methods and technologies, which were also developed by specialists in various fields of knowledge (O. Adamenko, S. Arkhipova, V. Ivanov, O. Manaev and others). They determine the tactics of implementation of the methodological program of research, approaches to solving specific research problems, provide reliable knowledge, formulation of objectively determined characteristics and balanced evaluation characteristics.
Research results
Exploring the national-philosophical features and ideological foundations of the national worldview as a holistic and at the same time evolutionarily changing system, we see that Vasyl Stefanyk has a special, leading role in depicting the problem of national socio-psychological feeling, irrational sense of individuality, originality and individuality. others, rational understanding of the core problems of national existence and the national ideal of political and philosophical categories. In other words, Stefanyk's knowledge of the nation grows from the level of worldview to the level of worldview, from historical empiricism to theoretical generalizations.
It is worth noting that Stefanyk's literary and journalistic national philosophy is organically combined, containing the achievements of creative self-realization and its various textualizations.
Stefanyk's creative heritage has great cognitive, ideological-aesthetic and historical-literary significance. He was an innovator in literature, the creator and unsurpassed master of a concise, dramatic in content and deeply lyrical in sound socio-psychological novel. The artist introduced expressionism in Ukrainian literature, this style involves the depiction of the inner through the outer, interest in deep psychological processes. Drawing on thematic material from a village well known to him, the writer did not see the essence of his work in descriptions of peasant life or the violation of social issues. For him, the main thing in showing the "peasant rift" were not domestic and not political, but universal aspects of human life.
The events of the First World War became a new impetus to creative activity: since 1916 he wrote a number of short stories - "Children's Adventure", "She-Earth", "Maria", "Sons", which reflected the bloody tragedy, raised acute problems of national fate of Ukrainians. In 1919 the book "Stories" was published in Kyiv, in 1924 the most complete collection of short stories "Maple Leaves" appeared in Kharkiv, in 1925. the book "Stories" was published, and in 1926 the last collection "Earth", "Selected Works" (1927), "Works" (1927), and "Selected Stories" (1930) were published.
From the mid-1920s, the writer took a direct part in the literary and art magazines "Pluzhanin", "Life and Revolution" and others, publishing his new works in them. The last works were already dictated by the seriously ill writer in 1933, when his new book "Works" was being prepared for publication, which included the rest of his works published in magazines. The second period of his work lasted from 1916 to 1933. In all, he wrote 23 short stories. and several autobiographical memoirs.
From the point of view of art forms in Stefanyk's work, after a 14-year break nothing has changed; the new in the second period of creativity appears only in the subject, as well as a noticeable return to the lyrical and autobiographical patterns from which he began his work. In addition, Stefanyk left a huge correspondence, which is no less literary than short stories. The most complete edition of the writer's work is the "Complete Collection of Works" in 3 volumes (1949-1954).
Stefanyk builds plots not on the development of external events, but on changes in feelings and experiences. There are no author's explanations and interpretations in the writer's works - the characters themselves speak and think. Therefore, his works are based on monologues and dialogues. The writer wanted every word in his short stories to sound loud, deeply colorful, like a bunch of human pain, like a folk song. The author of the "Blue Book" drew attention to himself by showing the tragedy of the peasantry. The short stories "Katrusya" and "News" are among the most amazing works of Stefanyk by the power of artistic truth. They stand next to his later masterpieces, such as Maple Leaves, Children's Adventure, Mother, and others. Stefanyk skillfully portrayed tragic human destinies in these works. In the last years of his life, Stefanyk also wrote autobiographical short stories, fictionalized memoirs. These include such works as "Thread", "Brothers", "Heart", "Wolf", "Glory to Jesus", "Lyudmila", "Stonemasons".
Thus, nationalism is a specific scientific discipline, which focuses on theoretical and empirical problems of specific historical existence of nations (theory of nations), and national philosophy - a philosophical discipline (philosophy of the nation), centered around general, universal» (Bochkovsky, 1991-1992, p. 99).
In his journalistic works, Stefanyk often touched on various problems of national existence, however, not all of these appeals were of a nationalist nature. Many of them concerned specific episodes, personalities or details of the daily life of the people and their individual representatives and did not rise above the level of everyday empiricism to philosophical generalizations. These reflexes of national reality have their historical value and should not be devalued.
Conclusion and prospects for further research
Thus, the national philosophy of Vasyl Stefanyk is also the core of his life-creating strategy and an important component of his worldview and creativity as a writer-thinker. It (national philosophy) was organically separated from specific socio-historical circumstances, own intellectual research and life experience. Stefanyk's literary intuition usually preceded the reflections of a scholar and publicist and, at the present stage, is of considerable scientific interest and can serve as a guide for modern political thought and the basis of the concept of Ukrainian national education.
Thus, Vasyl Stefanyk's socio-political achievements became more accessible to people through Ukrainian periodicals, served as a means of educating national consciousness, patriotism, love for the native land, opened a treasury of oral folk art, formed a sense of pride in belonging to the great "Russian people". This journalism even served as a didactic material for educational initiatives of Ukrainian public societies in the field of adult education.
1Avramenko, O. M., Pakharenko, V. I. (2010). Vasyl Stefanyk. Ukrayinska literatura: Pidruchn. dlya 10 kl. zahalnoosvitn. navch. zakl.Vasily Stefanyk [Ukrainian literature: Textbook. for 10 classes. general education textbook lock (standard level, academic level)]. Kyiv: Gramota. pp. 181-193.
2Bochkovsky, O. I. (1991-1992). Vstup do natsiolohiyi [Introduction to nationalism]. Munich: UTGI.
3Bagriy, M. A. (2020) Pedahohichna ideyi i prosvitnytska diyalnist ukrayinskykh pysmennykiv Zakhidnoyi Ukrayiny (kinets XVIII - 30-ti roky XX storichchya) [Pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers of Western Ukraine (late XVIII - 30th years of the twentieth century)]: monograph / for general. ed. Ph.D., prof. G. Bilavich. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR.
4Vasyl' Stefanyk: Zhyttya i tvorchist [Vasyl Stefanyk: Life and work]. (1991). Kyiv.
5Stefanyk Vasyl Semenovych [Stefanik Vasil Semenovich]. (2015). Shevchenkos encyclopedia: Vol. 5: PeS: in 6 volumes / Vol. ed. MG Zhulinsky. Kyiv: Institute of Literature. TG Shevchenko. pp. 948-950.
6Stepan Protsyuk pro Vasylya Stefanyka, Karla-Hustava Yunha, Volodymyra Vynnychenka, Arkhypa Teslenka, Niku Turbina [Stepan Protsyuk about Vasyl Stefanyk, Karl-Gustav Jung, Volodymyr Vynnychenko, Arkhip Teslenko, Nika Turbina]. (2008). Kyiv: Grani-T.
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