National education of Ukrainian girls by means of school subjects in the period of Austrian (Austrian and Hungarian)
Analysis Ukrainian textbooks, their didactical and educational potential. The role of the prominent pedagogues, local clergy and intelligentsia in women's national education, formation of universal values and national consciousness of Ukrainian girls.
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National education of Ukrainian girls by means of school subjects in the period of Austrian (Austrian and Hungarian)
Halyna Sivkovych, PhD in Pedagogics Associate professor at the department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Ivano-Frankivsk
The article reveals the problem of national education of Ukrainian girls by means of school subjects in different types of women's educational establishments during the period of Austrian (Austrian and Hungarian) Empire; analyses Ukrainian textbooks as the main source of learning in native language, shows their didactical and educational potential. Special attention is paid to the role of the prominent Ukrainian pedagogues, local clergy and intelligentsia in women's national education, formation of universal values and national consciousness of Ukrainian girls.
Key words: national education of girls, curricula and programs, school subjects of Ukrainian orientation, learning in mother tongue, school textbooks, women's educational establishments of different type.
The organization and content of educational procedures in different types of establishments for women, as well as their foundation and development, are regulated by the state, regional and land legislative and normative acts. On the territories of the Austrian state they were equal for all the lands of the Empire, possessed almost the same amount of subjects and school hours for their study: they were focused on the concentration of children's attention and development of their memory; characterized by German, religious tendencies in the content of education, with poor access to schools and textbooks for women [9, p. 1011; 3, p.20].
Women's education during the period of Austrian and Hungarian is characterized by a differentiation in aspects of the content of education of the female representatives, with the same applying to the language of education and its domination (in Galicia- Polish, Transcarpatia-Hungarian, Bukovina- Romanian); elaboration of special curricula and programs for the establishments of different levels of women's education for each land, more vivid presence of "female" subjects (women's handicraft, household, hygiene); supply of educational process with textbooks by West Ukrainian authors; establishment of distinct forms of national, patriotic, religious, moral, ethics, physical education ofgirls [17; 16, p. 72; 15, p. 181].
That's why Ukrainian pedagogues, who were forced to work under the foreign regime, paid special attention to the subjects of national character, such as: Ukrainian Writing and Reading, Ukrainian Language and Literature, History and Geography of Native Land.
There is no doubt to say, that Ukrainian textbooks - primers, readers and grammars played a very important role in the educational procedures at regional elementary schools of the period under investigation. They were created by the prominent Ukrainian religious, cultural and educational figures. For example, the first in Eastern Galicia Ukrainian grammar was published in 1829 by the founder and headmaster of the first in Western Ukraine male cantors' and teachers' training institute the Greek and Catholic priest Ivan Mohylnytsky [14, p. 84].
An important contribution to the textbook writing was made by the participants of the progressive Lviv literary association "Ruska Triytsya" ("Russian Trinity") Markian Shashkevych and Yakiv Holovatsky. "The Reader for Little Children" [12] by M. Shashkevych became a new word in the Ukrainian textbook creation. It was published by Y Holovatsky in 1850 and consisted of six parts which contained texts of natural and geographical character, some abstracts from the Bible, as well as stories of moral and ethical content.
A very important role in the process of native language learning played the primer published in 1842 by the founder of the Narodny Dim (Public House) in the town of Kolomya the Greek and Catholic priest Y. Kobrynsky. The peculiarity of the textbook laid in the fact that its author was the first person on West-Ukrainian land who had offered the phonetical method of language learning.
In the end of the 19th century East Ukrainian elementary school teachers used the reader "Shkola Narodna" ("Public School"). It helped Ukrainian boys and girls improve their native language reading skills and consisted of three parts which had been composed in accordance with the demands of that time. The book included many texts of moral, scientific and popular content, connected with 4 seasons of the year and the calendar [13, p.81]. Nevertheless its texts gave young learners some interesting information about their native land: "Galicia and Its Inhabitants", "About Galician Mountains, Hills and Valleys", "About Galician Rivers", etc.
There were some historical abstracts in the reader, too. They gave Ukrainian pupils some knowledge of the brightest events from native history [13, p. 82].
Sorry to say, the textbooks for reading which had been used in Ukrainian elementary schools of Eastern Galicia, didn't contain literary works by prominent Ukrainian writers which could encourage little Ukrainians to change their attitude to their surrounding and get good education [13, p.8 2].
One of the first Ukrainian textbooks for public schools in Bukovina was the reader published in Vienna in 1848. Alongside with the religious texts, it contained some facts about Austrian state, its forms of ruling, the duties of its citizens, and the structure of the state school system. It told the pupils about their environment, the flora and the fauna of the land, the simplest minerals, and the most important laws of nature, physical and chemical phenomena. It's worth mentioning, that some of its material revealed such problems as healthy way of life, healthy and useful food, personal hygiene, etc. [7, p. 61].
Speaking about national education of Ukrainian girls in Bukovina, one can't but mention the works by a famous Ukrainian pedagogue O.Popovych, whose "Primer for public schools" was published in 1884. Its characteristic features were simplicity, clear structure of each unit and brightly expressed national direction [10].
In the end of the 19th century the content of education in Ukrainian schools of Bukovina was enriched by the following textbooks and manuals by O. Popovych: "Reader and Grammar for Public Schools" (1894), "How to Teach Reading and Grammar in the 2-d School Year" (1894), "Methods of Teaching in Public Schools" (1899), etc. [10].
The establishment of national elementary education in Transcarpatia is closely connected with pedagogical activity of O. Dukhnovych and his "Reader for the beginners". Its second edition, published in 1850, was completely Ukrainian. The textbook consisted of 15 articles, eight of which were devoted to learning letters, studying reading techniques, and doing some simple exercises.
The book contained many poems for reading, the content of which followed not only didactical but educational aims as well: by means of very simple and interesting poetry, the author told little pupils how to behave in church, at home, in public, taught them to respect hardworking people and the basics of personal hygiene [2, p. 32-34].
A thorough analysis of the textbooks which had been used in Ukrainian public schools, intended for teaching children of both genders, shows that their didactical and educational potential has met the aim and task of this type of schools; alongside with elementary knowledge it formed the notion of universal values and national identity of little Ukrainians.
More clearly this tendency can be seen in the content of education of girls in Ukrainian incomplete secondary schools, which was focused on learning native language.
One can't deny the fact, that learning native language occupied a central place in the educational process of Ukrainian girls. Naturally, that under the foreign regimes, the subject was not given proper attention. Those were Ukrainian teachers who made up educational programs and curricula, created textbooks and manuals for mastering this discipline. For example, the author of the program for Ukrainian language and literature in T. Shevchenko incomplete secondary school (organized in Lviv in 1898), was its schoolmistress K. Malytska. According to K. Malytska, the teachers' aim was to give their pupils some basic knowledge of native language, taught them some facts from the history of Ukrainian Literature, its most brilliant representatives and their most famous works [11, 3]. The pedagogue also worked out her own variant of readers for women's incomplete secondary schools. The readers by K. Malytska contained poetic and prose woks by Ukrainian writers, some abstracts from the history and geography of Ukraine and Galicia, some facts about personal hygiene, flora and fauna of the land, etc. [6, p. 6-7].
The pupils of the first Ukrainian gymnasium for women established in Lviv by the nun's association of sisters of St. Basil in 1906, learnt Ukrainian by the official curriculum, published in 1893 [8]. While studying, the girls used the textbooks by prominent Ukrainian Galician pedagogues V. Kotsovsky and I. Ohonovsky [4], A. Krushelnytsky [8, p. 3-4], K. Luchakivsky [5], O. Barvinsky [1] and others. The aim of the authors was to give young learners profound knowledge of native language and literature, develop their aesthetic, national and patriotic feelings. For example, the reader by A.Krushelnytsky, published in 1911, contained 138 literary works of different genres: tales, historical novels and poems, fables, stories, lyrical poetry by L. Hlibov, B. Hrinchenko, U. Kravchenko, B. Lepky, O. Makovey, Olena Pchilka, Lesya Ukrainka, I. Franko, T. Shevchenko and others.
A thorough analysis of educational documents of the period under investigation shows, that History of Native Land also played a very important role in intellectual development and national and patriotic education of the Ukrainian female youth. The basis for mastering this subject in Galician gymnasiums was the educational curriculum of 1909. The pupils of the first Ukrainian gymnasium for girls in Lviv used the textbook "Some stories from Native Histories" by B. Barvinsky, published in 1911 [1]. It contained much interesting information about our national heroes: Volodymyr the Great, Yaroslav the Wise, P Doroshenko, I. Mazepa, P Sahaydachny and others, which strengthened the girls' patriotism and love of native land.
ukrainian girl textbook pedagogue
The results of our investigation let us argue that in the period of Austrian (Austrian and Hungarian) school subjects, such as Ukrainian Writing and Reading, Ukrainian Language and Literature, History and Geography of Native Land were the main source for Ukrainian girls to get profound knowledge in native language and good patriotic and national education.
1. Barvinskyi B. Opovidania z ridnoi istoryi / Bohdan Barvinskyi. - Zhovkva, 1911. - 191 s.
2. Fizeshi O.Y. Vyhovna spriamovanist zmistu bukvariv v ukrajinskyh shkolah Zakarpattia (druha polovyna XIX - kinets XX stolittia): dys. kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.01 / Fizeshi Oktavia Yosypivna. - Uzhorod, 2004. - 272 s.
3. Ihnat A.M. Zahal'noosvitnia shkola na Zakarpatti v XIX - poch. XX st.: [konspekt lektsii iz spetskursu "Istorychne krajezavstvo"] / A.M. Ihnat. - Uzhorod, 1971. - 69 p.
4 . Kotsovsky V. Metodychna hramatyka ruskoi movy dlia IV. Kliasy shkil 5- i 6-kliasovyh / Kotsovsky V, Ohonovsky I. - Lvov: Nakl. ts. k. Vyd. knyzhok shkilnyh, 1894. - 97 s.: s.
5. Luchakovsky K. Vzory poezii I prozy. Dlia 5-oi kliasy shkil serednyh. - [2- e vyd.] / K. Luchakovskyy. - Lviv: Nakl. fondu krajevoho, 1909. - 469 s.
6. Malytska K. Kil'ka zamitok pro nauku ukrainskoi movy v divochyh shkolah vydilovyh / K. Malytska // Zvit shkil Ruskoho Tovarystva Pedagogichnoho za shkilnyi rik 1911/12. - Lviv: Nakladom Ruskoho Tovarystva Pedagogichnoho, 1912. - S. 3-12.
7. Peni shkevych O. I. Zmi st i metodychne zabezpechennia shkilnoi ocvity na Bukovyni (XVIII-pochatok XX stolittia): [n avchal'nyi posibnyk] / O. I. Penishkevych. - Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2001. - 2019 s.
8. Plan nauki jezyka ruskiego w gimnazyach galicijskich i instrukcyja dla nauczycieli tego przdmiotu. - Lwow, 1893.
9. Politische Verfassung der deutschen Volksschulen fur die k. k. osterreichischen Provinzen mit Ausnahme von Ungarn, Lombardie, Venedich und Dalmatien. - 9. Aufl. - Wien, 1844. - 384 /9/ s.
10. Popovych O. Metodyka nauky v shkoli narodnii. - Ch. 1: Nauka chytannia I pysannia / Omelian Popovych. - [2-he vyd., popr.]. - Chernivtsi: Ruska rada, 1899. - 40 s.
11. Rosporiazhenie Rady shkolnoi krajevoi z dnia 25. Februaria 1871 ch. 1740, kotorym oholoshaesia provizorichnyi statut dlia semynarii uchytel'skyh // Uchytel. - 1871. - Ch. 16. - S. 63-64; Ch. 17. - S. 6768.
12. Shashkevych M. Chytanka dlia malyh dietiei do shkol'noho I domashnoho upotrieblienia / M. Shashkievych . - Vo L'vovie: Tipom Instytuta Stavropyhiavskoho, 1850. - 91 s.
13. Shkola narodna. - Ch. III. - Lvov: Nakl. ts. k. vyd. Ruskyh knyzhok shkilnyh, 1897. - 188 s.: 1 karta.
14. Stuparyk B. M. Natsional'na shkola: vytoky, stanovlennia / Bohdan Mykhailovych Stuparyk. - K.: IZMN, 1998. - 336 s.
15. Suchan E. Historyczny zarys organizacji szkolnictwa elementarnego w Polsce od Kom. Ed. Nar. po dobe obecna / Edward Suchan. - Brzesc nad Bugiem, 1938. - 231 s.
16. Zbirka zakoniv i rozporiadkiv naivazhnijshyh dlia narodnyh shkil na Bukovyni. - Chernivtsi: Nakladom t-va "Ruska shkola", 1902. - 92 s.
17. 1868. evi XXXVIII. torvenycikk a nepiskolai kozoktatas targyaban
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