Leisure Management at the Educational Institutions of the Labour Reserves System During the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine (1945-1950)

The fostering future young workers under the requests of the state - one of the main tasks of the labour reserve system. The leisure organization of students in the post-war period, that play an important pedagogical role in the modern education.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 27.05.2022
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39. Spravki po Proverke Sostojanija Vospitatel'noj i Kul'tumo-Massovoj Rabote v Uchebnyh Zavedenijah Trudovyh Rezervov Ukrainy [Verification Statements Concerning the Educational and Mass Culture Work at Educational Institutions of Labour Reserves of Ukraine] (1948). (F. 4609, op. 1, spr. 92). Central State Archives of Supreme Authorities and Governments of Ukraine, Kyiv (in Russ.).

40. Stenogramma Pervoj Nauchno-Pedagogicheskoj Konferencii Rabotnikov Trudovyh Rezervov Voroshilovgradskoj Oblasti [Transcript of the First Scientific and Pedagogical Conference of the Labour Reserves Employees of Voroshylovgrad Region] (1949). (F. R-2419, op. 1, spr. 16). State Archive of Lugansk Region, Severodonetsk (in Russ.).

41. Tkachuk, Yu. (2015). Kultumo-dozvillievi Praktyky iak Sotsiokul'turne Iavysche: Kontseptual'ni Zasady Vyvchennia [Cultural and Leisure Activities as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon: Principles of Study]. Relihiia ta Sotsium [Religion andSocium], 4, 128-133 (in Ukr.).

42. Tsipursky, G. (2016). Socialist Fun: Youth, Consumption, and State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1945-1970. Pittsburg: University of Pittsburgh Press.

43. Yankovska, O. (2014). Sotsial'no-Pobutova Sfera Zhyttia Hromadian URSR iak Vidbytok Priorytetiv Derzhavy vid Pochatku Povoiennoi Vidbudovy do Kintsia "Vidlyhy" [Social and Everyday Life of the USSR Citizens as a Reflection of State Priorities from the Post-War Reconstruction beginning to the "Thaw" End]. UkrainaXXst.: Kul'tura, Ideolohiia, Polityka [Ukraine in theXXCentury: Culture, Ideology, Politics], 19, 20-53 (in Ukr.).

44. Yevstratov, D. (1948). Poet-Kovpakivets' P. Voron'ko v Putyvli [Poet and Kovpak Follower P. Voronko in Putivl]. Bil'shovyts'ka Zbroia [BolshevikArms], 117, 4 (in Ukr.).

45. Zajda, J. I. (2014). Education in the USSR: International Studies in Education and Social Change. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

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