Trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus: historical discourse (1991—2020)

The study of trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Belarus, the agreement and legal basis of bilateral cooperation, the dynamics of foreign trade turnover. Tendencies and forms of production cooperation in the context of modern challenges.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.06.2022
Размер файла 30,3 K

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1. Betlii, O., Preiherman, Ye. (2016). Audytzovnishnoi polityky Ukrainy: Ukraina - Bilorus. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

2. Chekalenko, L., Feduniak, S. (2010). Zovnishniapolityka Ukrainy (viddavnikh chasiv do nashykh dniv). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

3. Demichev, D.M. (2000). Torgovo-ekonomicheskie otnosheniya Respubliki Belarus i Ukrainy. Ekonomicheskij zhurnal, 4, 75-83. [in Russian].

4. Maksak, G. (2010). Belarus - Ukraina: novye aktsenty - otkrytye vozmozhnosti. Nashe mnenie. [in Russian].

5. Maksak, G. (2016). Ukraina i Belarus v novykh realiyakh: mezhdu bezopasnostyu i ekonomikoj. Analitychnyi dokument Rady zovnishnoipolitiki “Ukrainskaprizma” [in Russian].

6. Maksak, G., Yurchak, D. (2014). SotrndnichestvoRespublikiBelarus і Ukrainy v novykhgeopoliticheskikh usloviyakh. Minsk. [in Russian].

7. Polovyi, T. (2015). Ukraina - Respublika Bilorus: osoblyvosti mizhderzhavnoho dialohu na suchasnomu etapi. Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu: Seriia «Filosofiia. Sotsiolohiia. Politolohiia», 1, 160-168. [in Ukrainian].

8. Prejgerman, E., Maksak, G. (2020). Belorussko-ukra.inskieotnosheniya vkontekste vnutripoliticheskogokrizisa vBelarusi. Kiev. [in Russian].

9. Slyshova, S. (2002). Osnovni dominanty ta osoblyvosti pohlyblennia ekonomichnykh zviazkiv mizh Ukrainoiu і Respublikoiu Bilorus.

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10. Tikhomirov, A. (2010). Belorussko-ukrainskie otnosheniya v 1991-2009 gg. Trudy fakulteta mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenij, 1, 43-46. [in Russian].

11. Valion, O. (2015). Dubrovychchyna - Rivnenshchyna - Brestchyna v konteksti prykordonnoho spivrobitnytstva mizh Ukrainoiu i Respublikoiu Bilorus (2000-i rr.). Ukraina - Yevropa - Svit, 16(ch.1), 34-43. Ternopil. [in Ukrainian].

12. Vasylyshyn, S. (2019). Ukrainsko-biloruski vidnosyny (1991-2014 rr.). (Candidate's thesis). Ternopil. [in Ukrainian].

13. Yurchak, D. (2012). Belarus - Ukraina: 20 let mezhgosudarstvennykh otnoshenij. Vitebsk. [in Russian].

14. Yurchak, D. (2018). Belorussko-ukrainskie otnosheniya v 1991-2017 gg. Postsovetskie issledovaniya, 1, 79-89. [in Russian].

15. Zosymenko, T. (2021). Ukraina - Bilorus. AnalitychnyidokumentRady zovnishnoipolityky „Ukrainskapryzma [in Ukrainian].

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