How was the army of the Alash state built

The role of the Kazakh leader in the formation of the national army, which was completely legal. Assessment of the process of creating a legal national army of the population of Kazakhstan and the political legalization of the Autonomous State of Alash.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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In February 1919, during the negotiations with the Omsk government led by Admiral Kolchak, the Premier-Minister of Alash-Orda, A.N. Bukeikhan announced the successes of his army: «Our militia is an army. It already exists: 700 of our dzhigits are on the front in Semirechye, 540 at Troitsk, 2000 in Urals oblast. When you read messages regarding the successes on the Semirechye front, bear in mind that these successes are owed to our brigades…». It is necessary to briefly mention that uniforms were designed and sewn for the army of the Alash state, different for the command officers and the enlisted personnel, several hymns (marching songs) were written… [25]

All for one sacred goal - to assert the right of his nation for self-governance, to achieve recognition and political legalization of the Autonomous State of Alash on the territory of nine oblasts, Bukey Horde of the Astrakhan guberniya and the adjacent Kazakh volosts of the Altay guberniya, between 1917 and 1920 Alikhan Bukeikhan acted according to the age-old principle «politics is the art of the possible». While creating the Alash army, Bukeikhan was not preparing for war - not with the Bolsheviks nor with anyone else, but was striving for asserting the national autonomy and preserve the fragile peace. «The militia is acutely needed simply due to the fact that now only those who are strong, armed and mounted can survive. «He wrote in yet another one of his articles. It became evident that at the height of the civil war in Russia, there was no other choice but to conclude an alliance with one of the warring sides in order to withstand the other, or vice versa.

No matter the choice, there was a chance for the salvation and recognition of the legitimacy of the young Kazakh state. Directly after the relocation of the National Council (government) of Alash-Orda to the city of Alash in March 1918, Bukeikhan attempted to establish communication - first - with the leaders of the Soviet power (negotiations with V. Lenin and J. Stalin via telephone were led by A. Ermekuly and Kh. Gabbasuly - his deputies). For the sake of political legalization of the state of Alash, the name Alash-Orda carries precisely that meaning, for the sake of preservation of the fragile peace and the relative stability in the region, the leader of the Kazakhs was prepared to make peace even with the devil himself. However, having been informed of the conditions of Alash-Orda regarding the acknowledgement of the Soviet power, the leaders of the Bolsheviks undertook to give their final answer in the nearest future and then went silent for a long time. Bukeikhan was forced to seek recognition and an ally in the opposing side, where, one self-declared All-Russian government replaced another every few months. The leader of Alash-Orda, Bukeikhan consistently and convincingly went before each new All-Russian government to assert the right of the Kazakh people to those lands and territories, declaring that, «The Alash Autonomy brings together the 6 million strong Kazakh - Kyrgyz population of the Kazakh Territory which has never been part of Siberia and the Turkestan oblasts; the Alash Autonomy… occupies a territory which is almost round in shape (!) and with its population of 10 million, forms a large political entity».


Thus, all for one sacred goal - to assert the right of his nation for self-governance, to achieve recognition and political legalization of the Autonomous State of Alash on the territory of nine oblasts. Alikhan Bukeikhan acted according to the age-old principle «politics is the art of the possible». While creating the Alash army, Bukeikhan was not preparing for war - not with the Bolsheviks nor with anyone else, but was striving for asserting the national autonomy and preserve the fragile peace. For the sake of political legalization ofthe state of Alash, the name Alash-Orda carries precisely that meaning, for the sake of preservation of the fragile peace and the relative stability in the region, the leader of the Kazakhs was prepared to make peace even with the devil himself. The former leaders of Alash-Orda did not abandon their goal to create a national army, even after the establishment of the Soviet regime in Kazakhstan. Turar Ryskululy (Ryskulov) wrote his famous letter to Joseph Stalin, proposed to the government of the republic to form a Kazakh national… Red Army under the command of Kazakh officers, referring to the regulations of VTsIK (All-Russian Executive Committee). However, the leaders of the Soviet power feared the Alash-Orda even more than the Tsarist autocracy did.


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[10] Bokeikhan, S. (1996). Ialekengning omiri. Zhuldyz, 3, 102-125.

[11] Bokeikhanov, K. (1917). Torghay. «Qazaq» Gazeti, 225, 147-153.

[12] Balasy, Q. (1917). Zemstvo. Orenburg: Nauka.

[13] Glazunov, M.M., & Mitrofanov, B.A. (1980). Pered Osobym prisutstviem. Moscow: ROSSMEN.

[14] Bukeikhanov, A., Dulatov, M., & Almasov, O. (1992). Protokol chastnogo soveshchania kazakhov ob ushcherbe, prichinennom selskomu khoziaistvu mobilizatsiei muzhchin na tylovye raboty. Almaty: Minor Publishing House «Ayqap».

[15] Bukeikhanov, A., Tynyshpaev, M., & Gabbasov, Kh. (1992). Zakonodatelnyepostanovleniia Alash-Ordy ot 11-24 iiunia 1918 g.: Ob obrazovanii voennogo soveta pri Alash-Orde. Alash-Orda: Sbornik dokumentov. Almaty: Minor Publishing House Ayqap.

[16] Bukeikhan, A.N., & Kostelianskiy, A.N. (2018). Kirgizy. Formy natsionalnogo dvizheniya v sovremennykh gosudarstvakh. Astana: Public fund «Alashorda»

[17] Bukeikhanov, A.N. (2009). Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Astana: Publishing House Saryarka.

[18] Khan, G. (1917). Men kadetpartiyasynan nege shyqtym? Orenburg: Nauka.

[19] Polyakova, L.G., & Balanyuk, L.L. (2018). The black sea province in the first world war: A historiographical review. Bylye Gody, 48 (2), 838-849.

[20] Gurianov, P.A. (2020). Ransom of private railways in the Russian Empire during the era of Emperor Alexander III. Voprosy Istorii, 2020 (9), 17-34.

[21] Ermachkov, I.A., Vidishcheva, E.V., Mineeva, E.K., & Balanyuk, L.L. (2021). The temporary regulation on military censorship as a historical source. Bylye Gody, 16 (2), 1008-1015.

[22] Alikhan. (1991). Zametki chitatelia (popovodu Ustava o voinskoipovinnosti). St. Petersburg: Nauka.

[23] Yensenov, K.A., Karasayev, G.M., Dyusen, S.Z., Naimanbayev, B.R., & Islamov, M.K. (2019). The model of interethnic accord in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-2018): Historical research aspect. Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie, 35 (1), 79-92.

[24] Pervyy Sibirskiy oblastnoy syezd. (1917). Retrieved from

[25] Karasayev, G.M., Yensenov, K.A., Aldabergenov, K.M., Zhumagulov, B.S., & Aminov, T.M. (2019). From the history of international economic, industrial and political relations between Kazakhstan and Russian Federation (1991-1998). Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 10 (5), 1434-1437.

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