Classical university education in Western Ukraine: history review
Analysis of the history of the development of university education in the Western Ukrainian lands in the second half. Justification of the process of development of classical university education in Western Ukraine and selection of the main stages.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,5 K |
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Classical university education in Western Ukraine: history review
Kugai K.B., Senior Lecturer
Key words: brotherhood, enlightenment, brethren schools, printing office, literacy, cultural traditions, historical and pedagogical process.
The article deals with an analysis of the history of higher education development on the Western Ukrainian lands in second half of 17th - early 20th centuries. It is an attempt to substantiate the process of formation and development of classical university education in Western Ukraine and to highlight the main stages.
Despite rather broad chronological boundaries of the research, in modern literature the topic of classical university education formation in Western Ukraine is not sufficiently discussed. This demonstrates the need to cover the issues and the relevance of the article's topic.
Each nation in its historical development for many centuries has created and accumulated its main capital - moral and spiritual values as the basis for culture formation. But the culture of a nation appears and develops as a part of universal culture. Everything that was developed by mankind before the twentieth century served as a basis for the creation of a new higher education system. Knowledge of its history will allow a deeper analysis of the processes that took place during its development, and select the most valuable that will further develop the modern education system.
The higher education development history is the object of historical and pedagogical research. Moreover, these studies are needed to create a new model of higher education in Ukraine in the new century.
The study of the pedagogical heritage of the past with its achievements and omissions allows scientists to summarize the real picture in the development of domestic pedagogical thought as a holistic multifaceted phenomenon, to identify national conceptual discussions and analyze them in accordance with modern requirements.
The science development with the emergence of university education was closely connected with the general cultural processes that Ukrainian society experienced during that period. The radical turn to the West was marked by new qualitative changes in all spheres of educational and scientific life of Ukrainian people.
Класична університетська освіта в Західній Україні: історичний огляд
Кугай К.Б. старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
Ключові слова: братство, просвітництво, братські школи, друкарня, письменність, культурні традиції, історико- педагогічний процес.
Стаття є аналізом історії розвитку університетської освіти саме на західноукраїнських землях у другій половині XVII - на початку XX ст., спробою обґрунтувати процес становлення та розвитку класичної університетської освіти в Західній Україні і виділити основні етапи.
Незважаючи на досить широкі хронологічні межі дослідження, у сучасній літературі тема становлення класичної університетської освіти саме в Західній Україні розкрита недостатньо. Це свідчить про потребу у висвітленні цих питань та актуальність вибору теми статті.
Кожен народ у своєму історичному розвитку впродовж багатьох століть створював і акумулював свій головний капітал - морально-духовні цінності як основу формування культури. Але культура того чи іншого народу постає й розвивається як частина загальнолюдської культури. Усе, що було напрацьовано людством до ХХ ст., слугувало певною базою для створення нової системи вищої освіти. Знання її історії дасть змогу більш глибоко проаналізувати перебіг процесів, що відбувалися в процесі її розвитку, і відібрати те найцінніше, що дасть можливість надалі розвивати сучасну систему освіти.
Історія розвитку вищої школи є об'єктом історико-педагогічних досліджень. Більше того, ці дослідження необхідні для створення нової моделі вищої освіти в Україні в новому столітті.
Вивчення педагогічної спадщини минулого з її досягненнями й упущеннями дає можливість ученим узагальнити реальну картину розвитку вітчизняної педагогічної думки як цілісного багатогранного явища, виокремити національні концептуальні дискусії та проаналізувати їх відповідно до сучасних вимог.
Розвиток науки у період зародження університетської освіти був тісно пов'язаний із тими загальнокультурними процесами, які переживало українське суспільство у цей період. Радикальний поворот до Заходу позначився новими якісними зрушеннями в усіх сферах освітньо- наукового життя українського народу.
Problem statement. The emergence of classical university education in Western Ukraine is rather complex, long and multifaceted process, which was preceded by a number of social, economic, political, scientific, organizational events and transformations.
Classical university education formation was preceded by the activities of primary and secondary levels educational institutions. The brotherhoods and printing houses activities had a significant impact on the development of university education, as well as the activities of scientists, educators, and patrons of the time. In Ukraine, the first higher educational institutions akin to European classical university were Ostroh higher school and Kyiv Brotherhood (Mohyla) Collegium. Traditionally, classical university education was based on natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.
The formation of higher university education in Ukraine, as a socio-historical process, is closely related to the events of the state historical development and correlates with the process of university education formation in other countries.
It should be noted that the study of higher university education formation in Ukraine is insufficiently comprehensive, researched and scientifically substantiated in pedagogical, historical and journalistic literature. Some issues are revealed more deeply, others - less deeply. In particular, the vast majority of sources that reveal the problem of classical university education formation in Ukraine do not focus on the western regions. Also, researchers have not covered the problem of the stages in university education formation in Western Ukraine. Therefore, this issue remains open.
Recent research and publications analysis. The matter of Ukrainian university education formation and development was considered in the works of A.M. Aleksiuk, T.V. Bohatyrova, O.V. Hluzman, N. M. Demianenko, H.H. Yefymenko, V.M. Krasnykov, O. O. Liubar, V.K. Maiboroda, A.N. Novomyn- skyi, M.H. Stelmakhovych, Ye.P. Stepanovych, D.T. Fedorenko and other scientists. In particular, the study of N.M. Demianenko is dedicated to the pedagogical paradigm of higher education in Ukraine. Peculiarities of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine and the history of Ukrainian pedagogy were studied by V.K. Mayboroda and D.T. Fedorenko.
The activities of brotherhoods and their contribution to the formation and development of higher education were studied by such scholars as B. Hod, L. Koba, Ya. Isaievych, K. Kharlampovych and others.
Among the special historical research is the work of S. Siropolko “History of education in Ukraine”, where the author pays attention to the formation and development of classical universities in Ukraine, starting from the first classical higher education institutions in the sixteenth century and to the Soviet reorganization of university education in the 1930s, and also reveals the peculiarities of their activities.
The purpose of research is to analyze the process of formation and development of classical university education in Western Ukraine (second half of 17th - early 20th centuries). To achieve this goal the following tasks were set: to study the state of development of the problem of classical university education formation in the Western Ukrainian lands in the scientific and pedagogical literature; to identify the prerequisites for the formation and development of classical university education in Western Ukraine.
university education western ukrainian
Basic material
In the history of our country the 16th-17th centuries was a period of complex economic transformations and political events. The Russian state strengthened and developed. In Ukraine there was a struggle of the masses against feudal, Polish noble enslavement and Catholicism.
The emergence of classical university education in Western Ukraine was preceded by a number of religious-type reasons (enforcement of Catholicism in Ukrainian Orthodoxy), the activity of brotherhoods (as organizations that promoted cultural, religious and national liberation movement against Poloniza- tion, catholicization, cultural Polonization, etc.), as well as cultural, historical, economic and social conditions of the period.
At the end of the 16th and in the 17th centuries, the conflict between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, according to D. Chyzhevskyi, created “the ground for the formation of two phenomena - religious controversy and national school”. According to him, both “religious controversy necessarily required theological studies” and the public school, which appeared and spread through the efforts of religious and national organizations - brotherhoods, “led to the organization of higher education with religious colour” [1, p. 24].
There are diametrically opposed views on the process of coexistence of Catholic and Orthodox educational institutions in Ukraine in the 16th - early 18th centuries: from the idea of beneficial influence of that time higher European culture on Ukrainian one through catholic (Latin) education to the interpretation of this phenomenon as a cultural genocide by Polish Catholic colonizers. The result of this coexistence was undoubtedly a period of prosperity of education, science and culture. According to Ivan Ohiienko, the 17th century is the golden age of Ukrainian culture [10].
The process of coexistence of Catholic and Orthodox education was turbulent and full of contradictions, but it is impossible to deny its end result - maturity of Ukrainian pedagogy, a variety of school types in the 16th-18th centuries. This period is called the era of the Ukrainian Renaissance.
Political, national, religious situation in Ukraine in the 16th -17th centuries led to the development of two areas of education [5]:
- Orthodox (brethren schools; schools founded by rural communities where deacons taught; schools at Orthodox churches and monasteries; Sich and Cossack schools);
- Catholic (schools of Catholic orders - Jesuits, Basilians, Dominicans, Piarists). There were also Uniate schools established on the basis of the Orthodox ones after the Union of Brest in 1596; schools of Protestant communities; national schools of different peoples who lived in Ukraine.
Brotherhoods played an important role in the spread of education (first schools and later higher education). These were national-religious public organizations of Ukrainian and Belarusian Orthodox bourgeoisie in the 16th-18th centuries. These organizations of urban population, primarily artisans and merchants, united to fight against the Poloniza- tion and catholicization of the Ukrainian population [2, p. 87-90]. Brotherhood is a unique phenomenon in the national history of Ukrainian people in terms of the role they have played in consolidating the nation on the ideological basis of Orthodoxy and through work among all segments of the population. Archival sources [4] characterize brotherhoods as special communities within churches that have been of great help in the struggle for Orthodoxy.
Brotherhoods were quite common in Europe. Even in the Middle Ages, free groups were created for religious and charitable professional activities. In Ukraine, the activities of brotherhoods were also aimed at education [6, p. 5].
Brethren schools are Ukrainian religious and national educational institutions of Orthodox patrons, which were created with the support of brotherhoods and the Orthodox Church [2, p. 87-90].
The most important brotherhood's task was spreading education among the Ukrainian population, protecting the Ukrainian nation, and at the same time defending Orthodoxy from Catholicism. The brotherhoods acquired their religious character exactly under the influence of the struggle against Protestantism and Catholicism. Eventually, they guarded national needs, creating schools and printing-offices.
Researchers unanimously emphasize the positive role of brotherhoods in the purification of religious and church life, in the development of education and culture. Ivan Ohiienko, characterizing the educational activities of brethren schools, noted that they “...realized early that a good education is the best weapon to defend the father's faith” [9, p. 140-141].
Under pressure from the progressive forces of Ukraine, King of Poland Stephen Bathory allowed the Vilna brotherhood to open schools. In 1585 this right extended to all brotherhoods of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Galicia. In the same year, the first enrolment of students at Lviv brethren school took place [3, p. 56-61].
Brethren schools did not provide higher education, but provided a fairly decent level of knowledge, which was enough for people to protect themselves from enslavement policy and protect the country from decline.
According to the latest scientific research [8], the following main stages of Ukrainian university education formation and development are distinguished:
- origin and formation of university education (17th-18th centuries);
- transformation of universities into educational centres (since 1803);
- formation of university education in Ukraine after the October Socialist Revolution;
- formation of university education in Ukraine after the Great Patriotic War;
- renewal of university education after 1991 in an independent state.
After the annexation of Galicia to the Austrian Empire, which was at the height of its heyday at the time (1772), the level of education in Western Ukraine began to improve due to reforms - schools were built, teaching methods were modernized.
There was a short period of improvement in the state of Ukrainian education associated with the bourgeois-democratic revolution in 1848 (the ban on teaching the Ukrainian language in schools was lifted, private Ukrainian schools were organized). The policy of national oppression continued, especially in education. After 1867, the Polish language was the leading language at Lviv University and all vocational schools and gymnasiums.
General imperial system of education was introduced in the lands of Eastern Galicia and Bukovyna. Primary education was carried out in parochial (church), later - trivial (public) and main primary schools. Sometimes Ukrainian language was studied in Latin script. From 1867 the study of Polish language became obligatory. In the second half of the 19th century a new type of primary bilingual school emerges - the Utraquist school, where the main subjects were taught in Polish and the rest in Ukrainian. All primary schools were divided into rural and urban. The curriculum in the rural school was primitive, did not provide opportunities for further education. [11].
After a short period of improvement in the state of Ukrainian education associated with the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1848 (the ban on teaching the Ukrainian language in schools was lifted, private Ukrainian schools were organized), the policy of national oppression continued, especially in education. After 1867, the Polish language was the leading language at Lviv University and all vocational schools and gymnasiums.
Secondary education was represented by classical gymnasiums and real schools with Polish as the language of instruction. The Ukrainian Church, which opposed education Germanization and Polonization, played an important role. A reading book, a catechism, and an ABC book are currently published for parochial schools. In the second half of the 19th century the Ukrainian clergy are fighting for the right to supervise schools.
The Polonization of education provoked active opposition from the Ukrainian intellectuals. The achievement was the establishment of Ukrainian Language Department (1851) and Ukrainian History Department at Lviv University, headed by M. Hru- shevskyi (1898).
At the beginning of the 17th century a significant part of Ukrainian youth studied in Catholic schools. To raise the level of Catholic schools and Catholicism in general, the episcopate called on the Jesuits in Poland. Since then, the Jesuits began to establish schools also in the Belarusian-Ukrainian lands.
On January 20, 1661, King John II Casimir signed a diploma, which awarded the Jesuit College in Lviv “academy dignity and university title” with the right to teach all university disciplines of the time, awarding bachelor's, licentiate, master's and doctoral degrees. However, immediately after signing the diploma, the establishment of the academy met with strong opposition from the University of Krakow and some influential people in the state who supported it. Despite the obstacles, training at Lviv University followed the example of other European academies [7, p. 261].
In 1868, the Bukovyna Seim raised the question of founding a law academy in Chernivtsi. And in 1872 the deputy of the region Dr. Kostiantyn Tomashchuk at a meeting on November 28, 1872 put forward and justified the proposal to establish a university in Chernivtsi.
By the decree of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph of March 31, 1875, the University of Chernivtsi was established, including the Greek Orthodox faculty of theology, the only Orthodox faculty in the Austrian Empire. October 4, 1875 was the grand opening of the university - Chernivtsi University named after Franz Joseph.
The history of higher education development shows that higher education system is a kind of model of socio-cultural conditions that have emerged in society at a certain historical stage. That is why it is the object of historical and pedagogical research. Moreover, these studies are needed to create a new model of higher education in Ukraine in the current century.
Achievements of university education in Ukraine allow us to say that the system of national university education has deep historical roots, a solid scientific basis and a unique national tradition.
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