Literary activity of writers of Pidkarpatska Rus as a considerable factor in the development of the content of school humanitarian education and cultural development of the population at the beginning of the XX century

Research of the problem of development of literary activity of writers of Subcarpathian Rus in the period of Czechoslovakia as a factor in the development of the content of school humanitarian education and cultural development of the population.

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Literary activity of writers of Pidkarpatska Rus as a considerable factor in the development of the content of school humanitarian education and cultural development of the population at the beginning of the XX century

Depchynska Ivetta Attilivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education


In the article the author reveals the problem of the development of literary work of writers, teachers in Pidkarpatska Rus in the period of Czechoslovakia as an important factor in the development of the content of school humanitarian education at the beginning of the XX century. The concept of humanitarian education reflects the level of social development, the system of basic humanitarian values: the value of the individual, the value of human life, moral and spiritual values, ideas about which give philosophical generalizations, psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. And as a system of knowledge, this concept reflects the totality of knowledge in the field of social sciences and related skills.

In our opinion, among the disciplines of the humanities, literature is of particular importance as the art of speech, a way of forming a general human culture, its moral orientations, values, key educational competencies. In this context, the experience of building a democratic society in Transcarpathia in the interwar period (1919-1939), as well as the development of education at that time is very relevant.

Thus, the works of such famous Transcarpathian-Ukrainian writers, teachers of the early twentieth century as O. Markush, V. Grendzha-Donskyi, Y. Borshosh- Kumiatskyi, A. Karabelesh, A. Voloshin and others became the main subject of our study. These authors reflected their vision of the world, of people's life in the interwar period. Their literary activity became an integral part of the content of newspapers, magazines, textbooks for reading at school.

A review of the content of a few school textbooks on reading gives grounds to claim that students have studied Ukrainian literature in a wide range, in its historical development. Stories, poems, articles were contributed to the awakening of national consciousness, dignity, culture of the younger generation and of adults, contributed to the development of the content of school humanities education as well.

The themes of the native land are intertwined in the content of many literary works of Y. Borshosh-Kumiatskyi, V. Grendzha-Donskyi, M. Horniak, A. Karabelesh, and contributed to the formation of readers' sense of beauty of natural phenomena, aesthetic tastes, moral consciousness, humanitarian values which are relevant today.

Therefore, the study and actualization of the creative heritage of previous generations, important historical events, works of Ukrainian writers, teachers, educators, difficulties faced by Transcarpathians in the early twentieth century can ensure the unity and continuity of historical and pedagogical process. The acquaintance with literary works of writers of the researched period will enrich students' outlook about native land, its history, will develop love and respect for the people, its culture, traditions, promotes development of general cultural and communicative competences, and cultural development of the population in general. The inclusion of such literary works into the school programs on the Ukrainian literature will improve pupils' literary education.

Keywords: literature, Pidkarpatska Rus, humanitarian education, cultural development, the content of school humanitarian education.

Депчинська Іветта Аттілівна кафедри Педагогіки та психології, ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент

Закарпатський угорський інститут


Анотація. У статті автор розкриває проблему розвитку літературної діяльності письменників Підкарпатської Русі в період Чехословаччини як важливого чинника розвитку змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти та культурного розвитку населення на початку ХХ ст. Поняття гуманітарної освіти відображає рівень розвитку суспільства, систему основних гуманітарних цінностей: цінність особистості, людського життя, культури, морально-духовні цінності, уявлення про які дають філософські узагальнення, психолого- педагогічна теорія і практика. І як система знань це поняття відображає сукупність знань у галузі суспільних наук та пов'язаних з ними навичок. czechoslovakia subcarpathian rus literature

На нашу думку, серед гуманітарних дисциплін особливе значення має література як мистецтво слова, спосіб формування загальної культури людини, її моральних орієнтацій, цінностей, ключових освітніх компетентностей. У цьому контексті дуже актуальним є досвід розбудови демократичного суспільства на Закарпатті у міжвоєнний період (1919-1939 рр.), розвиток освіти того часу, літературної діяльності письменників, викладацької та методичної роботи педагогів.

Тому творчість таких відомих закарпатсько-українських письменників, педагогів початку ХХ століття, як О. Маркуш, В. Гренджа-Донський, Ю. Боршош-Кум'яцький, А. Карабелеш, А. Волошин та ін. стала предметом нашого дослідження. Ці автори відображали своє бачення світу, життя людей у міжвоєнний період. Їхня літературна діяльність стала невід'ємною частиною змісту газет, журналів, підручників для читання в школі.

Огляд змісту шкільних підручників з читання початку ХХ століття дає підстави стверджувати, що учні вивчали українську літературу в широкому діапазоні, в її історичному розвитку. Оповідання, вірші, статті сприяли пробудженню національної свідомості, гідності, культури підростаючого покоління та дорослих, сприяли розвитку змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти зокрема. Теми рідного краю впліталися у зміст багатьох літературних творів Ю. Боршоша-Кум'яцького, В. Гренджі-Донського, М. Горняка, А. Карабелеша, сприяли формуванню у читачів почуття краси природних явищ, естетичних смаків, моральної свідомості, гуманітарних цінностей, які є актуальними і сьогодні.

Тож, вивчення та актуалізація творчої спадщини попередніх поколінь, важливих історичних подій, праць українських письменників, педагогів, освітніх діячів, труднощів, з якими закарпатці зіткнулися на початку ХХ століття дозволяють забезпечити єдність і наступність історико-педагогічного процесу. Ознайомлення з літературними працями письменників досліджуваного періоду збагатить кругозір школярів про рідний край, його історію, розвиватиме любов і повагу до свого народу, його культури, традицій, сприяє розвитку загальнокультурних та комунікативних компетентностей, а включення їх до шкільних програм з української літератури буде служити удосконаленням змісту літературної освіти, структури шкільного курсу літератури, шкільних програм з літературного краєзнавства.

Ключові слова: література, Підкарпатська Русь, гуманітарна освіта, культурний розвиток, зміст шкільної гуманітарної освіти.

Formulation of the problem

At the current stage of educational development, the introduction of new standards, the transition to new tools, methods and techniques of teaching, the introduction of effective technologies for assessing student knowledge, the innovative research of teachers testifies to the success of Ukrainian schools, bringing education closer to world standards. One of the important directions of the Ukrainian school is the humanities, which provides spiritual, cultural and moral development of students.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The analysis of historical and pedagogical researches gives grounds to claim that various aspects of educational problems in educational institutions of the early twentieth century are reflected in the works of scientists: M. Hrytsenko, M. Yevtukh, I. Zaichenko, I. Kurhak, N. Pobirchenko, O. Savchenko, T. Samoplavska, M. Sobchynska, O. Sukhomlynska, M. Yarmachenko and others.

Questions about the history of the development of education in Transcarpathia were reflected in the scientific research of V. Gomonnay, I. Granchak, D. Danyliuk, I. Depchynska, M. Kliap, L. Maliar, P. Magochi, and others. N. Bibik, M. Vashulenko, O. Kornilova, L. Masol, O. Savchenko, V. Tymenko and O. Fizeshi were interested in the development and formation of the content of primary education.

Some aspects of the development of literature in the region are reflected in the works of V. Zadorozhnyi, V. Gomonnay, N. Marfinets, P. Khodanych, I. Khlanta, M. Zymomria, M. Talapkanych and others.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of our publication is to reveal the literary activity of writers of Pidkarpatska Rus in the early twentieth century as an important component of the content of school humanitarian education, of cultural development of the population, clarify the meaning of «humanitarian education», «humanitarianism», to reveal the classification of subjects into humanities and social ones.

Based on this, the subject of our scientific attention - the works of famous Transcarpathian-Ukrainian writers, teachers of the early twentieth century A. Voloshyn, O. Markush, V. Grendzha-Donskyi, Y. Borshosh-Kumiatskyi, A. Karabelesh, etc., in which are reflected their worldview, views on the system of contemporary knowledge, skills, educational norms that students had to learn at that time and which became an integral part of the content of newspapers, magazines, textbooks for reading in the early twentieth century and the content of humanities education in particular. The rich historical and literary experience of Transcarpathians laid a solid foundation for the emergence of educational theory, school and pedagogy, for cultural development of the population in Transcarpathia.

To reveal the purpose of the study, we used the following research methods: historical and pedagogical (definition of the subject, purpose, objectives of the study); theoretical search (analysis of historical and pedagogical, literary, normative documents); structural (to identify the state of development and prospects of the study); bibliographic (study of archival funds, bibliographic publications); historical and retrospective (analysis of the source base); structural and functional analysis of the content of textbooks, manuals; comparative (in the process of substantiating the possibilities of using the experience of the past in the modern educational environment); analytical-synthetic (generalization and systematization of materials; formulation of generalized conclusions).

The main content of the article

As a cultural phenomenon, the concept of humanitarian education reflects the level of social development, the system of basic humanitarian values, first of all, «value of personality», «value of human life», «moral and spiritual values», ideas of philosophical generalizations, psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. As a system of knowledge, this concept reflects

the totality of knowledge in the field of social sciences and related skills (philological: languages and literature, including foreign; social: history, civic education, philosophy; humanities: singing, drawing, handicrafts).

V. Andrushchenko notes that «humanitarianism, humanitarian thinking, humanities - all these concepts are related to the concept of humanism as one of the areas of humanitarian worldview and humanitarian activities, through the assimilation, development, use of humanitarian knowledge as a means of education, human upbringing... » [1, p. 9].

The researcher I. Depchynska, analyzing different approaches to the division of educational subjects, divides them into humanitarian and social. The humanities include: language, literature, art, handicrafts, music, choreography, physical education, psychology, valeology. The social ones include: philosophy, history, sociology, political science, archeology, local lore [3, p. 91]. It should also be noted that although in the period under study the division into humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, in the usual format for us, was not carried out, but the disciplines were combined around the idea of comprehensive development of the student's personality.

In our opinion, among the disciplines of the humanities, literature is of particular importance as the art of speech, a way of forming a general human culture, its moral orientations, values, key educational competencies. In this context, the experience of building a democratic society in Transcarpathia in the interwar period (1919-1939), the development of education at that time is very relevant. Its analysis makes it possible to reveal the valuable achievements of the past in the content of education on the basis of the ideas of humanism, democracy, cultural dialogue and multiculturalism.

The coup, namely the withdrawal of Pidkarpatska Rus and the Carpatho- Ruskyis from Hungarian rule and joining the Czechoslovak state was an act of political significance and had a deep cultural and national meaning. After the First World War, when the Russian printed word completely disappeared from the territory of the Russian settlement in Hungary, and the Russian book was the cause of political persecution, the time came for a young Slavic state based on democracy, freedom of literary activity and publications. The Prosvita Society and the O. Dukhnovych Society published a total of 250 books, but only about 10 of them, which defined a new artistic creativity, gave the names of new or old artists of the word. Almost everything published in the press was aimed at national awareness, to give a starting point for new creativity, and at the same time to connect with a rich, cultural and national tradition. Some of these publications were funded by the state [9].

With a large number of periodicals, writers in the early twentieth century themselves took care of the publication of their books. Patronage in the field of publications was absent. Not enough effort has been made to motivate and encourage young writers, paving the way for them to publish their work. It should be noted the important role of such famous writers, teachers as A. Voloshin, O. Markush, V. Grendzha-Donskyi, Y. Borshosh-Kumiatskyi, A. Karabelesh in the development

of school humanitarian education in the region and its content in particular. Books published in Uzhhorod, Lviv, Prague, textbooks used in schools, newspapers and magazines, in which writers, teachers, prominent educators, etc. published their works, helped Transcarpathian students to get acquainted with Ukrainian literature. Since literature occupied a prominent place in the educational process of public, urban, secondary schools and in the development of the content of school humanities education in the region, we consider the literary activities of writers of Pidkarpatska Rus in the early twentieth century in more detail.

After the coup, literary, cultural and national creativity took two paths in Pidkarpatska Rus, namely both the Russian side with its traditions, and the Ukrainian side. The two movements were forced to compete, which would imply increased support on both sides of the new artistic and literary work, as the basis of all spiritual life in general. The facts indicate that if a lot has been done in the field of polemical journalism in this regard, they were not interested in literature at all. This fact indicates that, at first, the controversy itself was superficial; secondly, that the Ukrainian-Russian contradiction itself was conducted only as needed; thirdly, that all this contradiction passed by all new creativity. Therefore, from the Russian literary language and through a dozen dialects, spelling, grammar and to the Ukrainian literary language, it gave examples of the Carpatho-Ruskyi language of that time.

The first Carpatho-Ruskyi poet after the coup (and the Ukrainian trend in particular) was Vasyl Grendzha-Donskyi. Before the coup he was already a conscious man, a typical populist. He took part in local uprisings and wars for his native land, which gave him a theme for lifelong creativity. Thus appeared his interest to the past, and the following themes, which he conveyed in his lyrical songs, lyrical and epic poems. V. Grendzha-Donskyi began with the lyrical motifs of the Carpathian song, and moving on to the epic themes of his time and of the past. The author tried not to use usual phrases, expressions. V. Grendzha-Donskyi's poems are a return to the past, a kind of romantic realism that was not experienced by the «Hungarian Russia», and, as a result, was of interest both in the content of what was happening and in its original Carpatho-Ruskyi novelty.

The author persistently strives to realize the epic theme in the form of a pastoral tragedy («Verkhovyna»), then in the form of historical legends («Prince Laborets», «Princess of Hutsulia», «Red Rock»). The following books of poems were published as well: «Keys with a Thorn» (1922), «Golden Keys» (1923), «By the Way of the Thorns» (1924), «Bunch of Flowers» (1925), «Thorny Flowers from the Mountains» (1928). The drama «The Hundred of Mocharenko» was written in verse. Separate editions were also published «Stories from the Carpathian Mountains» (1925), «Meeting the Freedom» (1928), «No Ammunition» (Kharkov, 1928), the novels «Ilko Lipey - the Carpathian Robber» (Lviv, 1936), «Petro Petrovych» (Uzhhorod, 1937), «Petryk» (1973) and others.

The education of Transcarpathia in the 1920s and 1930s was enriched by the works of the talented Ukrainian teacher and writer Yurii Borshosh-Kumiatskyi, who was a teacher of public schools in many villages, an organizer of educational

development and an author of books for schools. The author has published the following books: «Spring Flowers» (1928), «From My Land» (1929), «Wonderland» (1934), «Dawn in the Carpathians» (1935) and others. Such collections as «Two Fates», «On the High Plain», «In the Eagle's flight», «Crimson Chords», «Silk Flower», «Late Beauty», «Red Viburnum» and others were also very popular among the people. Some works have been published in textbooks for public schools: «Congratulations», «Spring Flood», «Winter on the Verkhovyna», etc. As we can see, the themes of the native land are intertwined in the content of most of Borshosh-Kumiatskyi's works, and contribute to the formation of readers' sense of beauty of natural phenomena, aesthetic tastes, moral consciousness of pupils, humanitarian values in general.

It should be noted the works of writers devoted to the development of the regional aspect of the content of humanitarian education in the early twentieth century, because they nurtured students' love for their homeland, enriched their knowledge about Transcarpathia, as well as about the educational process in general: A. Voloshin «Native House», «Family», «Why I love Pidkarpatska Rus», «My homeland (about Kelechyn)», «Love your own!», «Native land»; poetry by B. Lepky - «Native roof»; O. Dukhnovych - «I was a Rusyn», «Pidkarpatska Rusyns...», «My last song»; works by V. Grendzha-Donskyi - «Native language», «Love your native language», «Love your native land»; Olena Pchilka - «Native Word»; O. Pavlovych - «In a foreign country», «Patriotic love of the Pidkarpatska Ruthenians», «Carpathian region», «I am the son of the Beskids», «Native land»; M. Popovych - «Testaments of ancestors», «Native land» (according to Runeberg and Emvolov); I. Vorobkevych - «These are our dear, high Carpathians»; Luka Demian - «Storm in the meadow», «Winter nature in Verkhovyna»; poetic miniatures - M. Bozhuk - «My soul rushes there»; I. Nevytska - «Verkhovyna»;

S. Vorobkevych - «Verkhovyna»; Mariyka Pidhiryanka - «Green Verkhovyna», «To Alexander Dukhnovych»; Y. Borshosh-Kumiatskyi - «Kisses of beauty-meadows», «I love you, native land», «Winter on the Verkhovyna», etc. [3, p. 48]

Zoreslav was a representative of pure lyric poetry of the early twentieth century. His first book «With a heart in the hands» (1933) showed that the author pays great attention to the diversity of topics. Another collection of poems was «The sun and the azure» (1936), which included 45 works and received positive reviews from readers. During the period under study, translations of Ukrainian Zoreslav's poems into Czech, Slovak and Hungarian appeared as examples of modern poetry and because Transcarpathia was a polyethnic region, translations have become an integral part of the region's cultural development [9, p. 132].

The Ruskiy trend in poetry after the coup began and was established by the Transcarpathian pedagogue and poet A.V. Karabelesh, who began publishing in 1924. In 1928 he published the book «Selected Poems», and in 1929 he published a large volume of poems «In the Rays of Dawn». The publication received positive reviews, although it noted in some works the influence of Ruskiy (Ukrainian) poets.

The works of A.V. Karabelesh were imbued with love for the native Carpathians, with pain for the hard life of the mountaineers and faith in their best destiny.

Some works by A. Karabelesh (poems «I am the Carpathian Mountains», «Mountains, soul...»), M. Popovych («May». Free translation), P. Fedor («On the fair in Humennoe» from the novel by P.S. Fedor ), A. Makovychanin (the story «Rural Master»), E. Baletsky («Today is God») were published by the Society O. Dukhnovych in the newspaper «Carpathian World» («Karpatskyi Svit») (Fig. 1). The lines of the published works are full of love for the Motherland, native land, nature, which, in turn, contributed to the formation of civic and patriotic values, knowledge of folk and traditional culture, harmonious development of readers' personality, development of humanitarian values [4].

Fig. 1. Карпатскій Світ. 1938. № 1.

Luka Demian's literary activity should be noted as well. His first folklore recordings were published in the Budapest weekly «Nedilja» («Sunday») in 1911. His collected folk poetry was published in many local periodicals, such as «Nauka» («Science»), «Pidkarpatska Rus», «Literary Sunday», in various calendars and readers etc. The author also published the following books: «The Devil at the Wedding» (1920) and «The Witch» (1924), published by Prosvita. His works were written in dialect, were widely used folk views, beliefs which were close to the people, contributing to their cultural and educational uplift.

A Ukrainian writer and public figure Iryna Nevytska was one of the brightest figures among the founders of the women's organization. Her first works were published in the journals «Science», «Sunday». The author published the historical novel «Truth has won» (1924), the collection «Gift» (1929), etc. Iryna Nevytska was the founder of the women's section of the Prosvita Society, a member of the First Ruskiy Central Council, and the head of the Women's Union. Her journalistic work «To Ruskiy (Ukrainian) Women» revealed the social problems of Carpathian women. She also wrote articles on folk culture, women, fairy tales and poetry. In the editions of that time I. Nevytska also published mainly under a pseudonym: «Rusyn Sunday», «Ruskiy (Ukrainian) word», «Our native land», «Literary leaflet». Nevytska's plays include «Christmas Gift», «Fire», «Hopeless», «Fate», «Prince Fedor Koryatovych» and others. The lyrical heroes of her poetic works quite naturally intertwined in the outline of those days Transcarpathian literature. Inexhaustible imagination, kindness of heart, sharp mind, cleverness, ability of the main characters to get along with different people, evoke compassion and mercy, the desire to break the wall of alienation, as well as the desire to do good deeds.

But one of the most talented writers of this era was O. Markush, whose stories were collected in the book «Measured the Earth... and other stories» (1925). The author has written more than twenty textbooks: «The ABC» (1923), geography: «On the native land» (co-authored with M. Spitzer), «Local History», «World», «Fatherland»; biology: «In all the kingdoms of nature» (1932); grammars «Living Word», «Conversation», «Native Word»; textbooks on geography and history «New Europe», «Far World», «Foreign lands - foreign people» (1932), «Ancient castles of Pidkarpattya» etc., which were often used by teachers during the lessons. He also published a textbook of the Ukrainian language for Hungarian schools «Ruska Besida» (1932). Together with the well-known Ukrainian educational and political figure of the region, the future Prime Minister of the Carpathian Ukraine Julian Revay, O. Markush compiled a Ukrainian-Hungarian terminological dictionary called «Rusko-Hungarian terminology», also participated in the compilation of a textbook for Romanian schools and wrote up to 150 scientific studies in this field.

O. Markush's first collection «Measuring the Earth» was published in 1925. He was also a methodologist of pedagogy as the science of teaching and education. Many of his articles were published in pedagogical newspapers: «Teacher», «People's School», «Our School» [6, 7]. Markush's pedagogical work is important in terms of enriching the content of school humanitarian education in Transcarpathia in the early twentieth century, the main vector of research of which was aimed at comprehensive development of personality, methodological assistance to teachers in teaching many subjects, providing textbooks, visual aids. (Fig. 2, 3)

Fig. 2. Маркуш А. Про наглядность при обученіи географіи. Народна школа. № 1-2, Ужгород: Уніо-Миравчик.1940/41.

Fig. 3. Маркуш А. О учебникахь. Учитель. 1921. С. 49-52.

Undoubtedly, there should be mentioned other authors who contributed to the development of literature in the early twentieth century, and in the content of humanitarian education in particular, helped to acquaint readers with the best literary achievements, such as Andriy Voron, educator, writer, journalist and translator. His stories of 1936 «Vasilko is Expelled», «Mortal Train», «Mary the Shepherdess», published in the «Almanac of Pidkarpatski Ukrainian Writers» are well-known. The names of Dmytro Popovych, Petro Mihovk, Oleksandr Dzhumurat, Marko Barabolia are also worth mentioning. Their names and activities have made a significant contribution to the culturally education of the people of Pidkarpatska Rus.

In 1923, in connection with the adoption of the «Learning Basis for the public schools of Pidkarpatska Rus» - the language of study in the public schools was divided into separate subjects: a) conversation; b) reading; c) grammar and spelling; d) style. Teachers had the main tasks: to teach children to learn about the beauty, richness and spirit of the native language on the examples of literary texts; be able to properly express their opinion orally and in written form; read clearly; to develop interest in fiction; to cultivate love and respect for the native language [3, p. 125].

The work of writers is clearly reflected in the content of textbooks for reading Augustyn Voloshin for folk, urban schools of Pidkarpatska Rus in the early twentieth century.

Thus, we should note some of the texts that were included in the reading books for students of 2-3 school years of public schools on selected thematic blocks:

1. from the life of the children: «Our House», «Church», «Our Family», «Father», «Mother», «Grandfather», «Grandmother»;

2. school life topics: «Our teacher», «Native school», «Blackboard, chalk», «Learn»;

3. oral folk art (fairy tales, riddles): «Little Duck», «Fox and Crow»;

4. world of nature: «Last summer», «Winter and ravine», «Winter nature on the Verhovyna», «First swallow», «Bird», «Domestic animals», «Eagles», «Wolves», «Rain», «Water», «River», «Storm in the meadow», «Forest»;

5. historical information, significant events: «How Pidkarpatska Rus was liberated», «Freedom Day», «Who am I», «I was a Rusyn», «Alexander Dukhnovych», «Voyevoda Petro Petrovych», «Two roads of President Masaryk», «Czech national anthem», «Czech national anthem», «Slovak anthem», «Prince Oleg», «Prince Koriatovych», «Prince Laborets»;

6. health care: «Cleanliness at school», «Keep clean»;

7. ethnography: «Christmas», «Carol», «Easter», «Christ is risen», «Easter eggs», etc. [3, p. 127].

Such topics enriched the content of the school humanitarian education, gave the students of public and secondary schools to join the spiritual culture of the native people, learn about society at different stages of history, learn to distinguish good from evil, and help to develop better spiritual and moral qualities.

In urban (incomplete secondary) schools of Pidkarpatska Rus of the studied period of special importance for the implementation of the content of humanitarian education belonged to the following subjects: Ruska (Ukrainian) language (conversation, grammar, reading, style), urban science, drawing, singing, boys' handicrafts and women's handicrafts. The humanitarian aspect of these school subjects in the interwar period was aimed at educating the morality, spirituality and humanity of students. These qualities are relevant today as well.

According to the «Programs for urban schools for the 1935-1936 school year» in the subject «Reading» (1-3 forms) for students were offered works of art by Ukrainian, Slavic, local authors for textual study. The humanitarian aspect is reflected in the following blocks of textbooks: 1) historical topics - «Crossing the Carpathians», «Oleg of Novgorod», «On the first printing houses in Pidkarpatska Rus», «Ivan Vyshenskyi», «The Tale of Dovbush», «From the President's Thoughts», «Pidkarpatska Rus in Antiquity», «Rusky grain-growers of the Princely Era», «To Masaryk»; 2) oral folk art and ethnography - «Easter eggs», «St. Yurii in the Hutsul region», Hare and the hedgehog», «Legend of St. Nicholas», «Carolers», «New Year»; 3) patriotic, moral and ethical themes - «Love of the Fatherland», «The Song of Igor's Campaign», «Cry of Yaroslavna», «Zahar Berkut», «King and Craft» and others. The programs also focused on the study of literary theory: lyric poetry, genres of poetry, epic, novel, short story, fairy tale, fable, legend, ballad, parable, riddle, idyll, anecdote, etc. [3, p. 130]

The works of many writers of the region have found its place in textbooks for reading, in particular in the textbook «Fatherland: a reader for 3-4 school years of public schools» by O. Markush, Y. Revay: O. Dukhnovych «Ruskyi March», «Ox and Frog», «I was a Ruthenian»), S. Bochek («The Crow Flew», «Bunny»), M. Pidhiryanka («My Path», «Prince Laborets», «Endless Tales»), Y. Borshosh-Kumiatskyi («Congratulations», «Spring Flood», «Winter in Verkhovyna»), Luka Demian («Winter Nature in Verkhovyna»), etc. (Fig. 4). The humanitarian aspect of the textbook was aimed at mastering the universal, patriotic and national-oriented values of students [8].

Fig. 4. Маркуш А., Ревай Ю. Отчина: читанка для 3-4 школьного року народних шкіл. Прага: накладом державного видавництва. 1931.

In A. Voloshyn's «Reader for the Ruskyi Youth» we can see the following works: V. Grendzha-Donskyi («The Orphan», «Across the valleys and Home», «The Stonemason»), Zoreslav («How Evening Bells Ring»), Yu. Fedjkovych («St. Yurii»), O. Dukhnovych («Swan Song», «Happiness of Life»), V. Birchak («Clock», «Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow») and others. (Fig. 5) Voloshyn's works of Ukrainian literature [2], offered for study, are filled with national-patriotic and civic content, which, in turn, was an important means of forming the consciousness of the citizens of Pidkarpatska Rus and developing the content of school humanitarian education.

Fig. 5. Волошин А. Читанка для руської молоді. Ч. 3. Ужгород: типографія «Школьной помощи». 1932.

A review of the content of some reading textbooks [2, 10] gives grounds to claim that students studied Ukrainian literature on a large scale and in its historical development. The works contributed to the awakening of the younger generation of national consciousness, dignity, contributed to the development of the content of school humanities education in particular. (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6. Фотул Е., Заклинський Б. Зоря. Читанка для 2 і 3 шкільного року народних шкіл. Прага: державне видавництво. 1925

Students and teachers could also learn about the literary achievements of the Ukrainian people from the Prosvita magazine, the Prosvita calendar, and local governments such as Svoboda, Nauka, Nasha Zemlya, Ukrainske Slovo, and others. In school libraries, students could choose books with works of art, and write a summary of the book. Students even competed over who could read more books and discussed their content in class.


Today, in the context of reforming the modern secondary school, the historically accumulated literary and pedagogical experience of the early twentieth century is relevant, as in the context of European and world unity, the importance of preserving the national identity of Ukrainians is growing. Studying and actualizing the creative heritage of previous generations, important historical events, works of Ukrainian writers, teachers, educators, difficulties faced by Transcarpathians in the early twentieth century can ensure the unity and continuity of the historical and pedagogical process. The acquaintance with the literary works of writers of the period under study will enrich students' outlook on the native land, its history, develop love and respect for their people, culture, traditions and customs, cultural and communicative competencies. Their inclusion into the school programs of the Ukrainian literature will serve to improve the content of literary education, the structure of the school literature course.


1. Andrushchenko, V. P. (2005). Humanizm i humanitaryzm: spilne i spetsyfichne [Humanism and humanitarianism: common and specific]. Vyshcha osvita, 4, 5-12 [in Ukrainian].

2. Voloshyn, A. (1932). Chytanka dlia ruskoi molodi [Reading book for Rusky youth], Uzhhorod: typohrafiia «Shkolnoi pomoshchy», 3, 288 [in Ukrainian].

3. Depchyns'ka, I. A. (2019). Rozvytok zmistu shkil'noyi humanitarnoyi osvity na Zakarpatti v period 1919-1939 rr. [Development of the content of school humanitarian education in Transcarpathia during the 1919-1939]. Candidate's thesis. Rivne: Rivnen. derzh. humanitar. un-t [in Ukrainian].

4. Karpatskii Svit (1938). [Carpathian world]. № 1. Retrieved from https://rusyns- [in Ukrainian].

5. Markush, O. (1925). Zornytsya: persha knyzhochka do chytannya dlya rus'kykh ditey [Zornitsa: the first book to read for Russian children], Uzhhorod, 128 [in Ukrainian].

6. Markush, A. (1921). O uchebnykakh [About textbooks]. Uchytel'- Teacher, 49-52 [in Ukrainian].

7. Markush, A. (1940-1941). Pro nahliadnost pry obucheniy heohrafiy [On clarity in the study of geography]. Narodna shkola - Public school, 1-2, Uzhhorod: Unio-Myravchyk.

8. Markush, O., Revay, U. (1931). Otchyna. Chytanka dlya 3 i 4 shkil'noho roku narodnykh shkil [Motherland. Reading bookfor the 3rd and 4th school years ofpublic schools], Praga, 198 [in Ukrainian].

9. Nedzelskyi, Y. (2007) Literatura i vydavnycha sprava na Pidkarpatskii Rusi [Literature and publishing in Pidkarpatska Rus.] Podkarpatskaia Rus za hody 1919-1936, (рр. 131-136). Uzhhorod: PE «Povch R.M.» Publishing House [in Ukrainian].

10. Fotul, E., Zaklynskyi, B. (1925). Zoria. Chytanka dlia 2 i 3 shkilnoho roku narodnykh shkil [Star. Reading book for the 2nd and 3rd school year of public schools], Praha: derzhavne vydavnytstvo, 176 [in Ukrainian].


1. Андрущенко В. П. Гуманізм і гуманітаризм: спільне і специфічне / В. П. Андрущенко // Вища освіта. №4. 2005. С. 5-12.

2. Волошин А. Читанка для руської молоді. Ч. ІІІ. Ужгород: типографія «Школьной помощи». 1932. 288 с.

3. Депчинська І. А. Розвиток змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти на Закарпатті в період 1919-1939 рр. : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01 / Депчинська Іветта Аттілівна. Рівнен. держ. гуманітар. ун-т. 2019. 340 c.

4. Карпатскій Світ. 1938. № 1.

5. Маркуш О. Зорниця: перша книжочка до читання для руських дітей. Ужгород, 1925. 128 с.

6. Маркуш А. О учебникахь / А. Маркуш // Учитель. 1921. С. 49-52.

7. Маркуш А. Про наглядность при обученіи географіи / А. Маркуш // Народна школа. № 1-2, Ужгород: Уніо-Миравчик. 1940-41.

8. Маркуш О., Ревай Ю. Отчина. Читанка для 3 і 4 шкільного року народних шкіл. Прага, 1931. 198 с.

9. Недзельський Є. Література і видавнича справа на Підкарпатській Русі. Подкарпатская Русь за годы 1919-1936. Ужгород: вид. НН «Повч Р.М.». С. 131-136.

10. Фотул Е., Заклинський Б. Зоря. Читанка для 2 і 3 шкільного року народних шкіл. Прага: державне видавництво. 1925. 176 с.

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