German portraits of Mariupol Azov Sea region (second half of XIX - beginning of the XX с)
Representatives of the German ethnic group, who left a very noticeable mark in the fields of education, implementation of nature transformation projects in the Mariupol Nadazov region. Introduction of elements of social and intellectual relations.
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Дата добавления | 19.08.2022 |
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German portraits of Mariupol Azov Sea region (second half of XIX - beginning of the XX c)
S. Novikova, V. Korobka, J. Korobka
Mikola Korff, Victor von Graff, Karl Ludwig Henry Bark, Friedrich Gamper, Sergiy Gamper, Adolf Rothstein, Otto Schonveld, Peter Regir, Victor Nielsen, the representatives of the Germanic ethnic group, subjects of the Russian Empire, as well as subjects-foreigners of the German Empire, during the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, left a very notable trace in the spheres of medicine, education and business, the implementation of environmental projects, as well as engineering design in the Mariupol above Azov sea area.
Key words: Germans, Azov sea region, second half ofXIX beginning of the XX c, Mikola Korff, Victor von Graff, Karl Ludwig Henry Bark, Friedrich Gamper, Sergiy Gamper, Adolf Rothstein, Otto Schonveld, Peter Regir, Victor Nielsen.
С. Новікова, В. Коробка, Ю. Коробка
Немецькі портрети маріупольського надазов'я (ДРУГА ПОЛОВИНА ХІХ - ПОЧАТОК ХХ ст.)
Представники німецького етносу - піддані Російської імперії, а також іноземці - піддані німецьких держав - протягом другої половини ХІХ - початку ХХ ст. залишили дуже помітний слід у сферах медицини, освіти та бізнесу, реалізації проектів перетворення природи, а також інженерно-технічній справі в Маріупольському Надазов'ї. Так, М. Корф зробив діяльні заходи щодо створення і розвитку в Маріупольському повіті початкової освіти. Віктор фон Графф поклав початок степовому лісорозведенню, внаслідок його діяльності постав Великоанадольський ліс, чим було доведено можливість створення штучних лісів у степу - безлісому рівнинному просторі у зоні сухого клімату. Його здобутки вдосконалював Карл Людвиг Генрих Барк у якості завідувача Великоанадольського зразкового степового лісництва.
Значний внесок у розвиток охорони здоров 'я в Маріуполі та його повіті внесли батько і син Фрідріх та Сергій Гампери - земські лікарі та громадські діячі. Петро Регір за 20 років на власні кошти створив одну з найбільших судноплавних компаній у Російській імперії, що посіла серед імперських пароплавств на початку ХХ ст. п'яте місце за тоннажем суден. Адольф Ротштейн був одним із засновників «Нікополь- Маріупольського гірничого і металургійного акціонерного товариства» з капіталом 6,75 млн руб., у результаті чого в Маріуполі був змонтований і почав видавати продукцію металургійний завод під назвою «Нікополь». Підприємство Отто Шенвельда виробляло кольорову цементну плитку, яка не мала конкурентів на всьому півдні європейської частини імперії.
Завдяки старанням Віктора Нільсена, в 1911 р. у Маріуполі завершилося влаштування міського водопроводу. Всі ці помітні постаті були носіями елементів західноєвропейських суспільно-інтелектуальних відносин, того особливого сприйняття навколишнього світу, етичних і побутових звичаїв, властивих західним християнським конфесіям, які, не в останню чергу, були гарантією успішності їх діяльності.
З-поміж іншого, діяльність А. Ротштейна, О. Шенвельда, П. Регіра та В. Нільсена була пов'язана з поширенням досягнень промислового перевороту - одного з найважливіших явищ в історії людства, який дозволяв вступити в смугу швидкого розвитку продуктивних сил.
На окрему оцінку заслуговують долі П. Рігера та В. Нільсена, чиї життєві обставини простежуються вже в роки радянської влади. Перший став жертвою класової ненависті, а другий зазнав необгрунтованих звинувачень у період початку росту в СРСР підозрілості та шпигуноманії. Їхні долі були своєрідним знаком масових репресій проти радянських німців.
Ключові слова: німці, Надазов'я, друга половина XIX - початок XX ст., Микола Корф, Віктор фон Графф, Карл Людвіг Генрих Барк, Фрідріх Гампер, Сергій Гампер, Адольф Ротштейн, Отто Шенвельд, Петро Регір, Віктор Нільсен.
The Germans in the South-East of Ukraine in general and in Mariupol district in particular played an outstanding role in local history in the second half of the XIX and in the beginning of the XX centuries. They were the colonists and Ostseeys' descendants as well as foreigners who saw Mariupol as a place of opportunities for their self-realization in our region. Their achievements in the agricultural sector, scientific, cultural, and business spheres, as well as engineering and technical businesses were largely inspired by Protestant ethics, associated with such values as the labor righteousness, the need to work honestly and diligently. At the same time the wealth was considered as a measure of diligence and labor conscientiousness. It was this worldview that became the basis of the economic success of the Western world.
Modern European aspirations of Ukrainian citizens, their desire to live as Europeans, on the one hand, and, objective data about a low level of today's work ethics of Ukrainians, positive historical examples of success, diligence, and professional skills (after decades of neglect), on the other hand, cause the need of rethinking and re-evaluation as against the background of these combinations.
Among other things, the theme topicality is connected with the awakening of public interest to the historical events which took place in social, economic and cultural life, and where people were not mentioned by Soviet historiography. At the same time, to date, it is important to rehabilitate historic personalities, whose reputation was unfairly stained by the USSR for the sake of the class paradigm of socialist historiography.
The role of famous Germans in the history of Mariupol uyezd (an administrative unit in pre-revolutionary Russia) was studied but fragmentary in the second half of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth centuries. Some information dedicated to individual personalities may be found in scattered articles. Mikola Korff, a teacher, a journalist, an uyezd activist, enjoyed the greatest attention of researchers. The tradition of enlightening his German origin dates back to M. Peskovsky [33]. The activities of V. von Graff [37], S. Gamper [15], P. Regir [25; 45], V. Nielsen [12] in the Azov sea region were described in various publications.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the role of German nationality persons in the history of the Ukrainian Azov Sea area.
Selfless labour of two engineers of the forester's corps, Victor von Graff (1820-1867) and Carl Ludwig Heinrich Bark (1835-1882), was of great importance for the development of agriculture in the Azov region. In the waterless steppes of the Azov region, they grew the first artificial forest in the Russian Empire - the Velikoanadolsky Forest (1843). At the same time, V. Von Graff founded the first Velikoanadolsky lower school of forest administrative staff, designed to train specialists in steppe afforestation [44].
V. von Graff was born in the town of Ovruch, Volyn Province. His father was a native German from Courland and his mother was an Italian. He got education at the St. Petersburg Forest and Land Survey Institute (1834 -1841). In 1843 he was appointed forester's assistant and sent to Yekaterinoslav province. Here V. von Graff developed a whole range of agrotechnical methods for growing forests in the steppes, initiated the cultivation of fifty-five sorts of trees and bushes in our region, discovered many new plants, founded two permanent arboreta, as well as temporary schools of forest trees, permanent schools of fruit trees, the garden of pharmaceutical plants, the flower garden, the park and much more in the Velikonanadolsky forest area.
More than 1.7 million seedlings were dispensed, mainly free of charge, among the population of the region during 1847 - 1866. V. von Graff collected many books for a library and founded a forestry museum. He had gathered a large herbarium of the Velikoanadolsk steppe plants, which was demonstrated at the All-Russian Industrial Exhibition of 1872 in Moscow. In 1850-1852 a meteorological observatory, equipped with a complete set of necessary instruments, was built in the forest area. K. Bark, V. von Graff's successor, obtained an increase from the Forest Department to fund the forestry, as a result of which forest area was increased and other foresties of the Yekaterinoslav province became involved into the process of afforestation. V. von Graff and C. Bark were granted numerous state awards and titles for their really selfless work [16].
Mikola Oleksandrovich Korff (1834-1883), a representative of a famous Korff family, contributed greatly into the development of primary education, first in Alexandrovsky and then in Mariupol uyezd, as well as throughout the empire. His family became famous due to their service for the court of the Courland duchess (later Russian Empress) Anna Ioannovna. M. Korff was born in Kharkiv. He spent his childhood at the Neskuchnoye estate near the Big Yanisol village. M. Korff got education at the Aleksandrovsky (former Tsarskoselsky) Lyceum, which he graduated in 1854. He served for some time in the Ministry of Justice, but soon retired, returned to Neskuchnoye estate where he was actively involved in social activities until the end of his life (he was elected an uyezd councilor, a member of vocational council, he was the guardian of a number of schools, an honorary Justice of the Peace first in Alexandrovsky, and, after its partition, in Mariupol uyezd [9].
A network of elementary public schools was established in a short period of time due to the energetic activity of M. Korff in Mariupol uyezd. Korff is rightly considered to be the founder of the Sunday Repeater School with a class for three years of instruction, the initiator of the first libraries in the villages. The activity of M. Korff as a methodologist was outstanding. It was M. Korff who developed the method of conducting a lesson when a teacher was working with several classes concurrently. He gave demonstration lessons himself, sharing his pedagogical skills with teachers.
He published five textbooks which had many thousands circulation and which were reprinted dozens of times. M. Korff also published such teaching books as The Primary Spelling, The Book of Written Mathematical Issues, The Sample Exercises for Explaining the Meaning of Scale and Training in Drawing Plans, The guidence for Sunday Repeater Schools, etc., which were used in the educational process by most local teachers of publich schools [14; 17, p. 185].
M. Korff was the organizer of congresses-courses for teachers of public schools, he considered such courses as one of the methods of self-education. With the same purpose, he published The Vocational Council Reports ofAlexandrovsky (and later Mariupol) Uyezd which summarized teaching experience of public schools.
M. Korff often spoke at the meetings of Mariupol zemstvo (elective district council in pre-revolutionary Russia), analyzing the prospects and proposing new forms and methods of population education in the uyezd. Most of his proposals were tested by him personally or under his leadership. The measures proposed by him were successfully implemented by the Mariupol zemstvo and by the beginning of the 20th century these measures yielded tangible results. Thus, according to the information of “One-day census'” of 1911, Mariupol uyezd took the first place among the thirty uyezds of four provinces, which belonged to Odessa school district in terms of percentage data (the ratio of the number of students to the total population of the district). These readings exceeded the readings of other districts in two-three times, bringing Mariupol with its public schools to the first place among the districts of the European part of the Russian empire [42].
M. Korffs words about the fact that Mariupol district is the cradle and the model of public school in the empire can be considered entirely justified. On October 6, 1884, a year after M. Korffs death, at the 16th session of the Mariupol uyezd assembly, one of the questions at a hearing was about the setting up of school named after M. Korff, and the next day, the petition was supplied from the teachers with the request to give permission of having M. Korffs portrait in public schools [10, p.12].
Economic life of Mariupol of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries had a lot of bright and talented entrepreneurs who, in terms of the scale of their activities, went far beyond the city limits and brought their business not only to the national, but also to the international level. New transport opportunities of Mariupol, which appeared in the 1880th (the building of railways between the city and the Donbass, the construction of a modern seaport by the standards of that time), began to attract investment from rich foreign entrepreneurs. Thus, in 1896, the German (likely of Jewish origin) Adolf Rothstein and the American Edmund Smith founded the Nikopol-Mariupol Mining and Metallurgical Joint-Stock Company with the capital of 6.75 million rubles [27]. The same year, they began the construction of a metallurgical industrial enterprise near the city. The industrial processes were mechanized there. An entire factory was bought in Seattle, dismantled and transported by ships to Mariupol. In February 1897 a pipewelding shop began to function at the enterprise [41].
And in 1899, all the components of this enterprise have been already operating: blastfurnace and open-hearth shops, foundry and mechanical productions, rolling mills. Various brands of cast iron, high-grade iron and pipes were produced at Nikopol. The plant was equipped to the highest international standards of the time and was the only metallurgical enterprise of the Russian Empire which had a certificate for the production of sheet iron for Lloyd shipbuilding company. Nikopol was considered one of the best metallurgical enterprises in the country. American engineer Henry Loud was the enterprise manager (director) in the first years after the commissioning [41, pp. 293-294].
The Gampers family made a significant contribution to the development of public health and medicine in Mariupol and its uyezds. Friedrich Vilhelmovich Gamper served as a city doctor, he was a member of the City Council. After the death of F.V. Gamper, Mariupol Zemstvo decided to issue a lifelong annual cash allowance in the amount of 300 rubles to his daughter with the wording: “in memory of her father, who made much for zemstvo”. And according to the desire of some members of the town council to honor the memory of F. W. Gamper, the meeting unanimously decided to hang his portrait in the office of the district council. A. Serafimovich, a correspondent of the Priazovsky Krai newspaper, reported in his article about the decision of a general meeting of Mariupol zemstvo, published in the issue from the third of November, 1897 [34].
Sergiy Fedorovich Gamper (1859 - 1911) graduated in 1882 from the medical department of Kharkov University, in 1890 received the degree of doctor of medicine. From 1884 to 1911 he worked as a doctor at Mariupol Hospital, as well as a doctor at Mariupol Alexandrovskaya Male Gymnasium, had a private practice and was popular and respected among Mariupol residents. He performed the duties of a councillor at public duma (Council), was a trustee of the Gogol Primary School in the district of Slobodka.
The resident of Mariupol, an ethnic German, Peter Regir (1851 - 1919) founded at his own expenses one of the largest shipping companies in the Russian Empire in the course of twenty years. This company ranked the fifth place in vessel tonnage at the beginning of the twentieth century. P. Regir earned his initial capital, like majority of local entrepreneurs, in the grain business. The funds were invested in a profitable business - the shipping company. It began with a purchase in the 1880th a wheeled steam tug "Uspekh" (Success). In 1889, P. Regir purchased the freight ship “Natford” in Great Britain, renamed it as “Progress”, and rented the steamer “Engineer Avdakov” for three years from a large Mariupol entrepreneur, David Haradzhayev. These vessels were intended for coal shipment from Mariupol to the ports of the Black Sea and to Istanbul. Thus P. Regir's shipping company was founded. Its central office was located in St. Petersburg. In 1891, P. Regir was counted among the merchants of the first guild, which made it possible to infer that the development of his shipping company had a great success [2].
The participation in the coal trade and business ties with the director of Rutchenkovsky Mining Company, Chairman of the Council of Mining Industrialists of the Southern Russia Nikolay Avdakov, promoted a rapid growth of the shipping company. According to our calculations, the shipping company of P. Regir had a fleet, the number of which from 1880 till the beginning of the twentieth century gradually increased from one to fifteen ships (thirteen steamers, a tugboat and a sailboat). However, in the early 1900th, two worn ships were sold [25, p. 11].
Regir's ships annually delivered up to 100,000 tons of Donetsk coal to the Baltic ports of Kronstadt, Libau, Revel, Riga and St. Petersburg. They also shipped Russian timber and grain to the ports of Western Europe and the Mediterranean. The shipping company had its own docker's artel for loading foreign ships [26; 38; 39].
In 1912, on the basis of the charter from December 30, 1911, in order to provide passenger and freight traffic between the Russian and foreign ports, P. Regir, together with the shipping company owners Photius Zvorno and Emmanuel di Pollone, founded the stock company “Russian commercial Shipping Company” and gave it four of its best steamers: “Bilorossia”, “Great Russia”, “Novorossiya” and “Export”. P. Regir owned a controlling stake and headed the company's board. His son, Peter Regir junior, was the managing director of the company. The main office of the company was located in Odessa, and the administrative headquarter was in St. Petersburg [35].
In addition to entrepreneurial activity, P. Regir took part in the public life of Mariupol. He was a member of the Port Presence, and also the Director of the Uyezd Department of the Provincial Prison Committee [1]. P. Regir junior played a significant role in the shipping company business, therefore from 1914, the company was called “P. Regir and son” [18, p. 39].
The years of the First World War were difficult for Regir's shipping company. The steamers Bessarabia, Great Russia, Engineer Avdakov, Littlerossia and the steam tugboat Protector were mobilized into the Black Sea Transport Fleet, and Maria Regir and Russia were sold respectively in 1913 and 1915. Export was sunk by a German submarine in 1917 [45, p. 84].
In anticipation of the revolutionary events, a significant part of his capital, P. Regir transferred abroad, his children emigrated. In 1919, when irregular detachments of Bolsheviks captured Mariupol, they broke into private farmsteads, raided shops and often treated local residents very badly. They, among other things, extorted "indemnity" from P. Regir. Since the banks had already left Mariupol by that time, it was not possible to pay this “indemnity” and “defaulters”, such as Regir, were arrested and put in jails, where many of them were tortured. Eventually, a well-known businessman was executed by shooting [46].
P. Regir junior moved the company to London, where it was registered under the name Regir's Shipping Company. It consisted of two subsidiaries: Starlight Steam Shipping Company (existed until 1924) and Angle Commercial Shipping Company (existed until 1927). Gradually, the Regir's heirs withdrew from business, sold the vessels to different companies and moved to Switzerland [45, p. 85].
Otto Schonveld, German subject, deserves mentioning among other entrepreneurs of Mariupol, who worked in the rapidly developing construction business of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1898 (in 1900 according to other data), he set up a large cement factory in the city, twenty workers were employed and the goods were produced with a total amount of 20,000 rubles a year. In 1904 the number of workers was increased to forty people, and the production reached 60,000 rubles a year. This enterprise produced colored cement tiles and had no competitors in the entire southern European part of the empire [43, p. 290].
Until 1911 Mariupol residents were supplied with water from a natural source "Big Fountain" in Malofontnaya street. A stone water-collecting structure was erected over it. From this fountain the water was delivered to consumers in containers on wheelbarrows. However, such a primitive way of water supply could not satisfy the citizens.
At the end of XIX century Mariupol City Duma formulates several programs of its activities in a more or less distant perspectives. One of them is the construction of urban water supply. The arrival in 1900 of a twenty-nine year old civil engineer Victor Alexandrovich Nielsen, among other things, made it possible to fulfil the plan. He was a russified German, Lutheran, son of a Lutheran pastor in Mariupol, who came for a permanent residence [36, ark. 98-99]. Victor Aleksandrovich's relocation to our city was not an accidental event. Obviously, the architect received the proposal from Mariupol authorities to occupy the vacancy of the city architect. The city administration probably would not be able to cope with the range of responsibilities which were relied upon it without an experienced specialist in the domain of urban constructions. The approval of plans and facades of private buildings and permits for reconstructions, as well as monitoring the construction proper were among his responsibilities.
According to the cost estimates for 1900, which was adopted by the Mariupol Duma, it was presupposed that a typical annual salary in the amount of 1000 rubles would be paid for fulfilling the duties on this position in towns of provinces [5, p. 89]. It should be noted that private practice was not forbidden either. In addition, the head of Mariupol community Ivan Popov could offer V. Nielsen the participation in interesting municipal projects. And first of all, participation in the arrangement of urban water supply was offered.
How could such a young engineer interest the city administration? First and foremost, he had a unique in the empire higher technical school, the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineers, which was behind him [36, ark. 98-99]. The diploma of a graduate from this educational institution served as an evidence of a thorough preparation in the field of architectural and construction spheres. Moreover, the architect had already the experience of drafting the project and estimates for it, as well as the beginning of a successful implementation of the urban water supply project in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl province.
However, even after relocation of such an experienced engineer, the installation of the water supply system in Mariupol progressed with impressive slowness. Only in May 24, 1906, the Duma decided to borrow the necessary amount of money from one of the lending institutions or a private person for the installation of water supply network [7, p. 122].
In accordance with the law, the aforementioned Mariupol Duma's decision about the loan was approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs. Thus the "green light" was given for the activation of all works on the urban water supply installation.
Meanwhile, a civil engineer V. Nielsen has undoubtedly won the respect among the richest and socially active citizens, at least those who had the opportunity to participate in city elections, among those who knew about the project of water supply or, very likely, used the services of an architect as a specialist. So on November 23 - 24, 1906, V. Nielsen was elected as a city counsellor at the regular elections to the Mariupol Duma for the four-year period starting from 1907 [13, p. 89].
Although, in accordance with the law, a formal reason which allowed Viktor Oleksandrovich to become a member of the City Duma was not the respect of voters, but his possession of a real estate in Mariupol, which was estimated at 600 rubles [36, ark. 97-98]. And certainly the engineer enjoyed a great prestige too. The fact that proves it lies in the evidence that he was the only counsellor, who was not a dweller of Mariupol, while other members of the Duma in the vast majority were the city natives. It can be presupposed that Mariupol people might be impressed by the traditional German diligence and conscientiousness, which were inherent feature of Nielsen.
On May 27, 1909, the City Duma approved the decision to place an announcement in the newspapers with the invitation of the executors wishing to take responsibility for the construction of the water supply system in Mariupol. The company "The First Rostov Society of Building and Concrete Works" offered the most favorable terms as a result.
At the same time, from September 15 till October 8, 1909 under the head of V. Nielsen in the process of water pumping, it was found out that the average daily flow (capacity) of the "Big Fountain" is 193,000 buckets (1 bucket = 12,299 liters) or 2374 m3. Based on this data, the City Duma came to the conclusion that such an amount of water is sufficient for the city's population "not only at the present time but also in future".
As can be seen from the article of the newspaper Mariupol Life on April 6, 1910, the head of the construction of the water supply system was assigned to engineers G. Zaam and V. Nielsen. However, in later sources we find information that V. Nielsen alone headed the project.
In April 1910 the announcement, concerning new actions of the water supply board, appeared in the news review of Mariupol Life. The board sent its members A. Karamanov and G. Zaam to Rostov, as well as I. Popov and V. Nielsen to Mykolaiv to get acquaintance with the installation of water pipes and water meters there.
At the meeting in May 28, 1910, on the basis of the estimated cost, the City Duma charged city dwellers a payment for water: 25 kopecks for 100 buckets, and a kopeck per capita for watering cattle. Water should be supplied from the water-borne booths through the pipelines to households. It was planned that the water would be free if to drink it on the spot from the waterbooth. At the same meeting, in order to attract bigger number of clients, the Duma decided to put in force by July 1, 1911 the decision to build a pipeline from the streets to the households at the city's expenses. Distance between them shouldn't be more than 5 sazhens (measure of length equal to 2.134 metres). Later, the validity of this privilege was prolonged.
Meanwhile, the building of water pipeline along the streets has been carrying out in the city since April 1910 [13, p. 90]. In July of 1910 the company's office "D.E. Sternman & C" appeared in the city. It provided plumbing services to householders among which were assembly operations, installation of bathrooms and closets [13, p. 91]. It was a sign of the completion of water supply system that was not yet known in the city. But on September, 7 the city newspaper reported that among the householders "there is no strong desire to join the water supply system" [20].
Further measures of municipal self-government concerning the water supply matters were connected with the staff of a new municipal enterprise. The stumbling block in the case was a vacancy of a head of the water supply network. There was an opinion among the city counselors to invite a special engineer to be in charge of a thorough maintenance and to ensure a safe operation of the water supply system. But the prevailing opinion was that the technical management of the water supply should be rested on V. Nielsen as an experienced specialist with a higher technical education and a diligent employee who, being the author and the head of the project, knows all the details of the local water supply network. Finally, on January 24, 1911, the Duma approved the decision concerning the staff of the city water networks and by the majority of votes city architect V. Nielsen was appointed the manager of it for a period of one year as an experiment. Not the least role in this appointment played the fact that the salary in the amount of 1500 rubles would be paid for a part-time work to a city architect, while a special engineer should be provided a wage up to 2500 - 3000 rubles.
In general, the construction of the water supply system was completed in 1910, but water was not suitable for consumption because of dirty pipes. Therefore the startup of the water supply as the main source of urban water system was postponed till the next 1911. Obviously, the pipes needed the purge with running tap water.
The installation of water-meters started in February 28, 1911, and charging the clients for water usage began. On March 12, 1911, water was supplied for the fee from seven existing water-booths (three ones were not ready). At the same time the natural source "Big Fountain" was closed for the city dwellers [13, p. 91]. The inaccessibility to the groundwater forced the water carriers and a significant part of the city dwellers to use tap water, which should be paid.
It was March 12 that the announcement of the City Duma was placed in the newspaper Mariupol Life, in which Mariupol residents were notified that from March 12, 1911 water would be discharged from water-borne booths at a rate of % kopecks from a bucket, and one kopeck per capita to water cattle. To drink water from special taps using the cups was free. As we see, with the beginning of the water supply operation the previously planned terms for the water discharge from the municipal water network were not changed. Thus March 12, 1911 can be conventionally recognized as the birthday of Mariupol water supply system.
Despite the completion of the installation of the water supply system in Mariupol, apparently due to the difficulties and problems of water supply equipment maintenance, V. Nielsen was not voted for at the new election to the Mariupol City Duma, which took place on February 25, 1911 [21; 22].
Getting back to the general characteristics of the Mariupol city water supply system, let's dwell upon such an important facility as a water tower. The height of the tower, built of red bricks, was 33 - 35 meters according to various sources, and this height made the tower an architectural dominant among the surrounding buildings.
According to N. Pugacheva's opinion, an art history expert, the spatial arrangement and the interconnection of the components of the tower embody the characteristic features of structures of this type: an octagonal in a horizontal projection, a four-storied, crowned with an eight-folded tent with a viewing tower. The parapet surrounding the tower was likely used to view the city's landscape. Each facet of the tent had a decorative turret.
The combination of the artistic design features of the tower look can be characterized in the following ways: it is created in the forms of eclecticism (the trend in the architecture of the second half of the XIX century), that is, it combines the elements of different styles, which are manifested in Romanesque and Gothic motifs of window slits and in details of the facade decorative system. The walls of the building are divided into three parts (the first, the second- third, and the fourth floors) with the help of inter-cornices. The second and third floors are visually perceived as a single unit due to the decoration of each facet with flat decorative columns (pilasters). Each facet of the fourth tower floor is cut by two groups of windows. The artistic image of the structure is successfully complemented by a color decision: the facing of the ground floor walls, pilasters, cornices, the framed door and window slits are made of white silicate bricks, which clearly contrast with the red ones [13, p. 91-92]. A cylindrical iron riveted reservoir, designed for 15,000 water buckets (184.5 m3), was in the middle of the tower fourth floor [4, p. 175].
Further pages of life and activities of Victor Nielsen are extremely fragmentary. We are informed that in the 1930th he worked as a design engineer at the construction of the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works (Mariupol) and was allegedly involved in the intelligence organization of the German special services. This information is related to the falsified documents which were published in our times by the biased investigators about the German spy network functioning in Mariupol and about the sabotage existence under the cover of the German company's subsidiaries “Kontrol K°” [5]. In fact, the whole operation was carried out to make the “Control K°” more tractable in the question of the price for Soviet grain sales abroad and the prevention of its work in the USSR [40].
The following events in the life of Nielsen indicate that attempts to blame an engineer have suffered an entire failure. In general, even in the context of the Stalin's terroristic dictatorship, the falsification of cases in the GPU (body for the protection of state security in 1922-1923), he remained alive and intact. We know that during the German-Soviet War V. Nielsen was in the city of Dushanbe, the capital of the Tajik SSR, as an evacuated person, where he rested forever and was buried in 1949 [12, p. 16 - 17].
Thus, in the course of the second half of the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth centuries, such representatives of the German ethnos in the Ukrainian Azov sea region as Mikola Korff, Victor von Graff, Karl Ludwig Heinrich Bark, Friedrich Gamper, Sergey Gamper, Adolf Rothstein, Otto Schonveld, Peter Regir, Victor Nielsen left a very noticeable footprint in the domains of education and business, implementation of environmental projects, and in engineering sphere. These Germans were the carriers of elements of Western European social and intellectual features, a special way of world perception, ethical and everyday practices inherent in Western Christian religions, and these elements in many respects were the basis of their successful activities.
Among other things, the activities of A. Rotshtein, O. Schonveld, P. Regir and V. Nielsen are associated with the spread of industrial revolution achievements which allowed us a rapid development of productive forces and put an end to the economic backwardness.
The fate of P. Regir and V. Nielsen deserved a separate assessment, their life events can be traced in the years of Soviet power. The former became a victim of class hatred, and the latter suffered falsified charges during the period when suspicion and espionage in the USSR began to grow. Their destinies were a kind of omen of mass repressions against the Soviet Germans.
german ethnicity mariupol
1. Адрес-календарь на 1916 год [Электронный ресурс] // Старый Мариуполь. История Мариуполя. - Режим доступа: god---11/; Adres-kalendar na 1916 god [Elektronnyy resurs] // Staryy Mariupol. Istoriya Mariupolya. - Rezhim dostupa:
2. Балтийский торговый флот в 1907 г. // Русское Судоходство. - 1908. - № 4. - С. 38 - 47, 52; Baltiyskiy torgovyy flot v 1907 g. // Russkoe Sudokhodstvo. - 1908. - № 4. - S. 38- 47, 52
3. Барышников М. Н. Деловой мир России: Историко-биографический справочник [Электронный ресурс] / М. Н. Барышников. - Санкт-Петербург: Искусство-СПБ, Logos, 1998. - 448 с. - Режим доступа:; Baryshnikov M. N. Delovoy mir Rossii: Istoriko-biograficheskiy spravochnik [Elektronnyy resurs] / M.N. Baryshnikov. - Sankt-Peterburg: Iskusstvo-SPB, Logos, 1998. - 448 s. - Rezhim dostupa:
4. Водопроводы русских городов краткое описание, составлен. по данным, собран. в 1910 г. Постоян. Бюро рус. водопроводн. съездов / сост. Ф. А. Данилов. - Москва, 1913.- Вып. 2. - 274 с.; Vodoprovody russkikh gorodov kratkoe opisanie, sostavlen. po dannym, sobran. v 1910 g. Postoyan. Byuro rus. vodoprovodn. sezdov / sost. F. A. Danilov. - Moskva, 1913. - Vyp. 2. - 274 s.
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6. Доходы, расходы, специальные капиталы и задолженность городских поселений на 1912 год. / сост. Стат. отд.; М-во фин. Деп. оклад. сборов. - Петроград: тип. т-ва п/ф "Электро-тип. Н.Я. Стойковой", 1917. - 532 с.; Dokhody, raskhody, spetsialnye kapitaly i zadolzhennost gorodskikh poseleniy na 1912 god. / sost. Stat. otd.; M-vo fin. Dep. oklad. sborov. - Petrograd: tip. t-va p/f "Elektro-tip. N.Ya. Stoykovoy", 1917. - 532 s.
7. Журналы очередных и чрезвычайных заседаний Мариупольской городской думы за 1906 г. - Мариуполь, 1907. - 295 с.; Zhurnaly ocherednykh i chrezvychaynykh zasedaniy Mariupolskoy gorodskoy dumy za 1906 g. - Mariupol, 1907. - 295 s.
8. Журналы очередных и чрезвычайных заседаний Мариупольской городской думы за 1908 г. - Мариуполь, 1909. - 383 с.; Zhurnaly ocherednykh i chrezvychaynykh zasedaniy Mariupolskoy gorodskoy dumy za 1908 g. - Mariupol, 1909. - 383 s.
9. Каптерев П. Ф. Общечеловеческие идеалы в народной школе. Барон H.A. Корф / П. Ф. Каптерев // Педагогика. - 1995. - № 2. - С. 72-77; Kapterev P. F. Obshchechelovecheskie idealy v narodnoy shkole. Baron H. A. Korf / P. F. Kapterev // Pedagogika. - 1995. - № 2. - S. 72-77.
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11. Коробка В. Архитектор Нильсен и его водонапорная башня, ставшая символом Мариуполя / В. Коробка // Приазовский рабочий. - 2008 - 15 октября; Korobka V. Arkhitektor Nilsen i ego vodonapornaya bashnya, stavshaya simvolom Mariupolya / V. Korobka // Priazovskiy rabochiy. - 2008 - 15 oktyabrya
12. Коробка В. М. Цивільний інженер Віктор Нільсен / В. М. Коробка, Ю. В. Коробка // Європейський Донбас: внесок німців у розвиток Донецького Приазов'я (кінець XVIII - початок ХХ ст.) й уроки для сьогодення: матер. Круглого столу, м. Маріуполь, 19 жовтня 2018 р. / за ред. С. Пахоменка. - Маріуполь, 2018 - С. 14-17; Korobka V. M. Tsyvilnyi inzhener Viktor Nilsen / V. M. Korobka, Yu.V. Korobka // Yevropeiskyi Donbas: vnesok nimtsiv u rozvytok Donetskoho Pryazovia (kinets XVIII - pochatok ХХ st.) y uroky dlia sohodennia: mater. Kruhloho stolu, m. Mariupol, 19 zhovtnia 2018 r. / za red. S. Pakhomenka. - Mariupol, 2018 - S. 14-17.
13. Коробка В. М. Заходи громадського управління Маріуполя із влаштування міського водопроводу / В. М. Коробка // Грані. - 2013. - № 3. - С. 88-93; Korobka V.M. Zakhody hromadskoho upravlinnia Mariupolia iz vlashtuvannia miskoho vodoprovodu / V. M. Korobka // Hrani. - 2013. - № 3. - S. 88-93
15. Корф Н. А. Первоначальное правописание / Н. А. Корф. - Санкт-Петербург: Тип. д-ра М. А. Хана, 1882. - 48 с.; Korf N. A. Pervonachalnoe pravopisanie / N. A. Korf. - Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. d-ra M. A. Khana, 1882. - 48 s.
16. Криворотько Т. Добрая память о докторе Гампере / Т. Криворотько // Приазовский рабочий. -1992. - 12 августа; Krivorotko T. Dobraya pamyat o doktore Gampere / T. Krivorotko // Priazovskiy rabochiy. -1992. - 12 avgusta.
17. Лисовенко Н. Подпоручик корпуса лесничих [Электронный ресурс] / Н. Лисовенко. - Режим доступа:; Lisovenko N. Podporuchik korpusa lesnichikh [Elektronnyy resurs] / N. Lisovenko. - Rezhim dostupa:
18. Лісниковська І. С. М. О. Корф і розвиток освіти в Наддніпрянській Україні (60- 80-і роки ХІХ ст.) / І. С. Лісниковська // Наддніпрянська Україна: історичні процеси, події, постаті: зб. наук. пр. - 2007. - Вип. 5. - С. 184-190; Lisnykovska I. S. M. O. Korf i rozvytok osvity v Naddniprianskii Ukraini (60-80 i roky ХІХ st.) / I.S. Lisnykovska // Naddniprianska Ukraina: istorychni protsesy, podii, postati: zb. nauk. pr. - 2007. - Vyp. 5. - S. 184-190.
19. Людин П. Мариупольский судовладелец Петр Регир / П. Людин // Азовский морской Альманах. - Мариуполь, 1996. - С. 38-40; Lyudin P. Mariupolskiy sudovladelets Petr Regir / P. Lyudin // Azovskiy morskoy Almanakh. - Mariupol, 1996. - S. 38-40
20. Мариуполь и его окрестности. - Мариуполь, 1892. - 461 с.; Mariupol i ego okrestnosti. - Mariupol, 1892. - 461 s.
21. Мариупольская жизнь. - 1910. - 7 сентября; Mariupolskaya zhizn. - 1910. - 7 sentyabrya.
22. Мариупольская жизнь. - 1911. - 26 февраля; Mariupolskaya zhizn. - 1911. -
23. Мариупольская жизнь. - 1911. - 27 февраля; Mariupolskaya zhizn. - 1911. -
24. Мариупольская жизнь. - 1911. - 12 марта; Mariupolskaya zhizn. - 1911. -
25. Мариупольские известия. - 1919. - 23 февраля; Mariupolskie izvestiya. - 1919. - 23 fevralya.
26. Новікова С. Німецькі промисловці та інженери в економічному розвитку Маріуполя (друга пол. ХІХ - початок ХХ ст.) / С. Новікова // Європейський Донбас: внесок німців у розвиток Донецького Приазов'я (кінець XVIII - початок ХХ ст.) й уроки для сьогодення: матер. Круглого столу, м. Маріуполь, 19 жовтня 2018 р. / за ред. С. Пахоменка. - Маріуполь, 2018 - С. 10-14; Novikova S. Nimetski promyslovtsi ta inzhenery v ekonomichnomu rozvytku Mariupolia (druha pol^K - pochatok ХХ st.) / S. Novikova // Yevropeiskyi Donbas: vnesok nimtsiv u rozvytok Donetskoho Pryazovia (kinets XVIII - pochatok ХХ st.) y uroky dlia sohodennia: mater. Kruhloho stolu, m. Mariupol, 19 zhovtnia 2018 r. / za red. S. Pakhomenka. - Mariupol, 2018 - S. 10-14.
27. О товариществе пароходных предприятий на Дальнем Востоке // Русское Судоходство. - 1909. - № 9. - С. 68-81; O tovarishchestve parokhodnykh predpriyatiy na Dalnem Vostoke // Russkoe Sudokhodstvo. - 1909. - № 9. - S. 68-81
28. Об утверждении устава Никополь-Мариупольского горного и металлургического Общества. // Горный журнал. - 1896. - № 07 (июль, август, сентябрь). - С.151-152; Ob utverzhdenii ustava Nikopol-Mariupolskogo gornogo i metallurgicheskogo Obshchestva. // Gornyy zhurnal. - 1896. - № 07 (iyul, avgust, sentyabr). - S.151-152.
29. Обзор Екатеринославской губернии за 1909 год. - Екатеринослав, 1910. - 88 с.; Obzor Yekaterinoslavskoy gubernii za 1909 god. - Yekaterinoslav, 1910. - 88 s
30. Обзор Екатеринославской губернии за 1910 год. - Екатеринослав, 1911. - 85 c.; Obzor Yekaterinoslavskoy gubernii za 1910 god. - Yekaterinoslav, 1911. - 85 c.
31. Обзор Екатеринославской губернии за 1911 год. - Екатеринослав, 1912. - 85 с.; Obzor Yekaterinoslavskoy gubernii za 1911 god. - Yekaterinoslav, 1912. - 85 s.
32. Обзор Екатеринославской губернии за 1914 год. - Екатеринослав, 1915. - 85 с.; Obzor Yekaterinoslavskoy gubernii za 1914 god. - Yekaterinoslav, 1915. - 85 s.
33. Отчет Мариупольской городской управы о приходе и расходе городских сумм с приложениями за 1906 г. - Мариуполь, 1907. - 139 с.; Otchet Mariupolskoy gorodskoy upravy o prikhode i raskhode gorodskikh summ s prilozheniyami za 1906 g. - Mariupol, 1907.
- 139 s.
34. Песковский М. Л. Барон Н. А. Корф, его жизнь и общественная деятельность / М. Л. Песковский. - Санкт-Петербург: Общественная польза, 1893. - 95 с.; Peskovskiy M. L. Baron N. A. Korf, ego zhizn i obshchestvennaya deyatelnost / M. L. Peskovskiy. - Sankt-Peterburg: Obshchestvennaya polza, 1893. - 95 s.
35. Приазовский край. - 1897. - 3 ноября; Priazovskiy kray. - 1897. - 3 noyabrya.
36. РДІА. Ф. 108. Русское общество коммерческого пароходства (1912 - 1917 гг.), оп.1. - Спр.1. Журнал Правления (1912 - 1913 гг.); Спр. 2. Протоколы заседаний Правления (1912 - 1914 гг.); Спр. 9. Главная книга Правления Русского общества коммерческого пароходства (1912 - 1913 гг.); RDIA. F. Russkoe obshchestvo kommercheskogo parokhodstva (1912 - 1917 gg.), op.1. - Spr.1. Zhurnal Pravleniya (1912 - 1913 gg.); Spr. 2. Protokoly zasedaniy Pravleniya (1912 - 1914 gg.); Spr. 9. Glavnaya kniga Pravleniya Russkogo obshchestva kommercheskogo parokhodstva (1912 - 1913 gg.).
37. Російський державний історичний архів (далі РДІА). - Ф. 1288. - Оп. 5 (1900).
- Спр. 158; Rosiiskyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv (dali RDIA). - F. 1288. - Op. 5 (1900).- Spr. 158.
38. Редько Г. И. Полковник корпуса лесничих / Г. И. Редько. - Киев: Министерство лесного хозяйства Украины, 1994. - 500 с.; Redko G. I. Polkovnik korpusa lesnichikh / G. I. Redko. - Kiev: Ministerstvo lesnogo khozyaystva Ukrainy, 1994. - 500 s.
39. Сведения о плавании балтийских судов за апрель // Русское Судоходство. - 1908.
- № 6. - С. 174-175; Svedeniya o plavanii baltiyskikh sudov za aprel // Russkoe Sudokhodstvo.- 1908. - № 6. - S. 174-175.
40. Сведения о плавании балтийских судов за февраль - март // Русское Судоходство. - 1908. - № 4. - С. 147-148; Svedeniya o plavanii baltiyskikh sudov za fevral- mart // Russkoe Sudokhodstvo. - 1908. - № 4. - S. 147-148.
41. Соколов Б. В. Сто великих тайн Первой мировой [Электронный ресурс]
/ Б. В. Соколов. - Режим доступа: _Sto_velikih_tayn_ Pervoy_mirovoy.html; Sokolov B. V. Sto velikikh tayn Pervoy mirovoy [Elektronnyy resurs] / B. V. Sokolov. - Rezhim dostupa: www.e- Pervoy_mirovoy.html
42. Тиме И. А. Современное состояние техники на южно-русских горных заводах и рудниках / И. А. Тиме // Горный журнал. - 1897. - № 1 (январь). - С. 291-422; Time I. A. Sovremennoe sostoyanie tekhniki na yuzhno-russkikh gornykh zavodakh i rudnikakh /I. A. Time // Gornyy zhurnal. - 1897. - № 1 (yanvar). - S. 291-422.
43. Успехи грамотности в Мариупольском уезде // Приазовский край. - 1891. - 14 ноября; Uspekhi gramotnosti v Mariupolskom uezde // Priazovskiy kray. - 1891. - 14 noyabrya.
44. Фабрики, заводы и рудники: справочная книга Екатеринославской губернии на 1903 г. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - Екатеринослав, 1903. - 402 с.; Fabriki, zavody i rudniki: spravochnaya kniga Yekaterinoslavskoy gubernii na 1903 g. - 2 e izd., ispr. i dop. - Yekaterinoslav, 1903. - 402 s.
45. Фон Графф Виктор Егорович [Электронный ресурс] // Жизнеописание выдающихся деятелей лесного хозяйства России. Век девятнадцатый. - Режим доступа:; Fon Graff Viktor Yegorovich [Elektronnyy resurs] // Zhizneopisanie vydayushchikhsya deyateley lesnogo khozyaystva Rossii. Vek devyatnadtsatyy. - Rezhim dostupa:
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47. The Daily Colonist. - 1919. - 29 August.
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презентация [2,9 M], добавлен 07.04.2015The Spanish Empire as one of the largest empires in world history and the first of global extent. Seaborne trade. Broken Spain and England's relations. The main reasons of war. Some main facts about the Spanish Armada. The first colony of England.
творческая работа [8,9 M], добавлен 13.01.2016