The concept of pedagogical biographistics: the experience of Germany

An attempt to substantiate the theoretical-methodological foundations of biographical historical-pedagogical studies in Germany. Study of the problem of building a real picture of the historical and pedagogical process that took place in German society.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

The concept of pedagogical biographistics: the experience of Germany

N.O. Fedchyshyn

N.I. Yelahina


The article attempts to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of biographical historical and pedagogical studies in Germany, based on developments in the field of pedagogical, psychological biographistics. The problem of constructing a real picture of the historical and pedagogical process that took place in German society is actualized. The leading task of biographistics, German researchers identified the return of the names of cultural and educational figures who contributed to the creation and development of the national German school and pedagogy, but due to certain gaps, prohibitions did not receive adequate coverage and were not studied. The significance of addressing the origins of German science and culture through the microhistory of an individual to create a complete history of pedagogical progress of the German ethnic group is substantiated.

Key words: biographistics; biographics; historical and pedagogical biography; biographical approach.

Н.О. Федчишин, Н.І. Єлагіна

Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України

Концепт педагогічної біографістики: досвід Німеччини


historical pedagogical biographical society

У статті зроблено спробу обґрунтувати теоретико-методологічні засади виконання біографічних історико-педагогічних студій у Німеччині, виходячи з напрацювань у галузі педагогічної, психологічної біографістики. Актуалізовано проблему побудови реальної картини історико-педагогічного процесу, що відбувався у німецькому суспільстві. Провідним завданням біографістики німецькі дослідники визначили повернення імен культурно-освітніх діячів, які зробили внесок у створення й розвиток національної німецької школи і педагогіки, проте через певні прогалини, заборони не були належно висвітлеш та вивчені. Обґрунтовано значущість звернення до витоків німецької науки і культури через мікроісторію окремої особи для створення повної історії педагогічного поступу німецького етносу.

Ключові слова: біографістика; біографіка; історико-педагогічна біографія; біографічний підхід.


The relevance of the study of the development of pedagogical biographistics in Ukraine is determined by a number of scientific, educational and socio-cultural factors. Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science has accumulated a significant amount of scientific, educational, popular science literature about the lives of prominent teachers and educators. This process is accompanied by the publication of numerous reference books, the development of biobibliography. Considering this background, the need to clarify the role and place of pedagogical biographistics in the system of humanities, in particular philosophy, psychology, sociology, literary studies, historical science, pedagogy, etc., is expressed and actualized. Each of these sciences has its own achievements in conducting biographical research, which can be useful for developing methodological foundations, research tools of pedagogical biographistics. Nowadays, biographistics has established itself in the European humanities as a subdiscipline with general theoretical positions (biographical interviews as a source of analysis in historical epochs). On the other hand, the study of biography in psychology and pedagogy still remains insufficiently recognized.

The aim - to analyze the main tasks of biographical studies of German researchers to return the names of cultural and educational figures, their contribution to the formation and development of the national German school and return to the origins of German science and culture.

Scientific and theoretical basis for solving these problems provides an analysis of biographical research, accumulated by representatives of various branches of the humanities, including psychology (B. Ananiev, N. Loginova, S. Rubinstein), philosophy (O. Valevsky, I. Golubovich,), history (P. Popyk, V. Chishko), sociology (W. Fischer, W. Rosenthal, W. Fuchs-Heinritz), etc. It requires comprehensive understanding and creative use in the study of pedagogical personalities, given the context of scientific discourse on the substantiation of Ukrainian scientists methodological principles of Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science, in particular pedagogical biography (O. Adamenko, S. Goncharenko, N. Dichek, T. Zavgorodnya, O. Sukhomlynska, H. Krueger, W. Marotzki). Regarding the emergence of historical and pedagogical works based on the materials of pedagogical personalities, especially those that have long been silenced or forgotten (G. Vashchenko, J. Herbart, P. Peterson, S. Rusova, J. Chepiga), this phenomenon is a logical component of the general historical process of rethinking the past and separating biographical research into a separate branch of historical knowledge, which is observed in Ukrainian historical science. The actualization of the appeal to the origins of national science and culture objectively requires the filling of «white spots» in the historical process, a rethinking of the role of the individual in history.

Theoretical framework

Biographical research, as a source and method of historical, psychological, historical-pedagogical, literary, etc. cognition, is an extremely common tool in world science for actualizing the humanistic vector of civilization. Foreign biographical research, focusing on the study of personal life, their place in the socio-cultural environment, experiences, views and contribution to culture or science, set different scientific goals, but necessarily reflect the picture of a person's life as a whole, take into account and highlight the relationship individual history with the history of society, make certain culturological generalizations and conclusions.

In the 20s of the twentieth century the biographical method developed in the Chicago Department of Sociological Research due to the initiative of Ernest W. Burgess and Robert E. Park. Motivated by the understanding of the need to “get inside the author's point of view”, the researchers recognized the benefits of a biographical case to reflect the subjective prospects for the development of various sciences.

Since the 1970s, sociology has increasingly returned to the work of the Chicago School. This led to a real boom in the study of interpretive biography - especially in German-speaking sociology, as well as in international sociology. The first anthology of biographical studies was published in 1978 by Martin Kohli [17, p. 116]. With his programmatic and empirical work, Kohli made a significant contribution to the institutionalization of biographical research in German sociology [12, 18]. To this day, this area of research is expanding in various humanities.

In sociology in the early 1980s there was a division between studies of the way of life using quantitative methods and studies of biography using qualitative methods. Although the study of life relates to “actual” events, while the study of biography is based on the facts that determine the content, biographical constructions of the biography itself. Researchers of biography formulate empirical questions on the basis of theoretical assumptions. On the basis of theoretical generalizations it is possible to make psychological, sociological or even historical researches of the biography. Individual human history and the history of society, subjective and social realities always permeate each other. The history of life always consists both in its development and in the modern interpretive retrospective of biographers either the individual or the social product.

Pedagogy has also rediscovered the concept of biography in recent years; however, with little perception of research in pedagogical biography so far. In the Federal Republic of Germany, special mention should be made of the works of Gerd Jutteman, who edited two anthologies together with H. Thomae [27]. With his concept of comparative casuistry, G. Juettemann [16] calls to study the development of pedagogical phenomena, to understand and explain them in the context of their origin and causation. At the international level, the works of J. Bruner [11], G. Rosenwald, R. Ochberg [24] have led to a return to understanding pedagogy and, first of all, to the study of biography using narrative methods.

According to the German scientist W. FuchsHeinritz, in the late 70's of last century in many humanities simultaneously (synchronously in France, Canada, Italy and other countries) they showed interest in the biographical method, and research interests from very different theoretical traditions intersected and now represent a developed and internationally widespread field of biographical research [14, p. 16].

Pedagogical personalities in the status of scientists- theorists, teachers-practitioners, educators, who were the creators of pedagogical theories, concepts, ideas, so they always as specific individuals had their followers and critics. Pedagogical personalities implement pedagogical technologies in practice, producing experience that allows them to support or deny, improve, introduce innovations. They are the organizers of science, educational process, providing management and leadership of the development of education and schooling. Finally, a separate important variety of pedagogical systems are the author's pedagogical systems (J.-G. Bazedov, J.-F. Herbart, A. Disterweg, M. Montessori, J.-G. Pestalozzi, etc.), which form the foundation and determine development of pedagogical thought and all pedagogy as a separate phenomenon of social life in the humanities [1, 4].

These clear postulates affirm the important role and functions of pedagogical biography in the development of pedagogical knowledge. It is possible to understand the patterns of its development only through the elucidation of the genesis and constant transformation, modernization of pedagogical ideas and constructs, which are always personalized. And to achieve this, in turn, it is necessary to study and understand their carriers i.e. pedagogical personalities in all the variety of manifestations of their activities. Pedagogical biographistics is called to fulfill this mission.

N. Dichek, one of the first in Ukrainian pedagogical science, based on the “mass appearance of historical and pedagogical works” devoted to the life of pedagogical personalities declared the need to separate biographical research in its “separate field”. Arguing this position, the scientist relied on the experience of both Ukrainian historical science and foreign biographical research, which set different scientific goals in studying the life of the individual, its place in the socio-cultural environment, experiences, views and contribution to science or culture, reflect the picture of a person's life as a whole, take into account and highlight the relationship of “individual history of society”, make important culturological generalizations and conclusions [3, p. 16].

Coordinating the conceptual apparatus and methodological principles of historical science on the “related historical and pedagogical subject area” and taking into consideration the specifics of the latter, N. Dichek, first, actually introduced into scientific circulation the very concept of “pedagogical biographistics”, which later, unfortunately, as we noted above, was “lost” and supplanted by the somewhat artificial notion of “pedagogical personalism”. Secondly, the scientist proposed its interpretation as a sphere of science, the object of which is the person of a teacher (educator, teacher, socio-cultural figure, scientist, head of education, etc.), as a phenomenon of history in its various relations with society and sometimes, in its spiritual development, activity manifestations in the educational and cultural space. Thirdly, important aspects and guidelines (scientific approaches, methods, sources, functions, etc.) of the development of biographistics as a direction of research in the history of pedagogy were identified [3, p. 17-19].

Based on the humanistic principles of broad thematization of subjectivity in historical processes, which leads to a paradoxical, at first glance, the conclusion about individuality as a historically new form of socialization (H.-G. Brose, Germany), Western scholars interpret events in the life of the individual and not as purely accidental, and not as a result of the embodiment of purely subjective ideas [ibid.], i.e. confidently advancing through the synergistic individualization of research into human history [10, p. 4].

National scholars, limited by ideological and ideological frameworks for a long time, were practically forced to abandon interpretive approaches based on the priority of the role of the individual in history.

We proceed from the conceptual position that complementarity is one of the main theoretical and methodological provisions of the study of the phenomenon of biography in the humanities. We approach its clarification in pedagogical biographistics not from “traditional-textbook” positions, which provide for the display of common lines of intersection of different sciences with a projection to take into account interdisciplinary links in the educational process, but in the scientific and methodological plane, given its subj ect and task. The point is that there can be no “parity of mutual borrowing” between pedagogical biography, on the one hand, and the biographical tradition in philosophy, psychology, literary criticism, history, sociology, on the other. The first one in relation to others is the “younger sister”, it began to form later, so first of all it must “study”, “borrow the experience” of the “older sisters”, taking into account their special needs and tasks [19, p. 12].

We distinguish three main aspects of such borrowings: a) scientific constructs (concepts, theories, ideas, views), which contribute to a thorough understanding of the general problems of life of teachers; b) scientific tools that ensure the development of scientific and methodological foundations of pedagogical science; c) practical experience of biographical research in various fields of knowledge.

Acquaintance with philosophical ideas and scientific-theoretical constructs concerning comprehension of a role of the person in history, culture of development of humanitarian knowledge, allows to define the most optimum, acceptable approaches, reflections which can serve as productive tools for development of scientific and methodological bases and carrying out concrete pedagogical activities. biographies.

Reliable guidelines in this aspect are the postulates of the German philosopher and culturologist W. Dilthey (1811-1933) “sciences of the spirit” (to which he attributed primarily history) and “philosophy of life”, which substantiate the idea of self-reflection of life (“life interprets life”), ie its “internal autobiography”: life can be understood only through the use of special methods of cognition, based on the study of mental aspects of the person [8]. The experience of V. Dilthey as a brilliant biographer is valuable and instructive for the history of pedagogy. He proposed interesting original models of scientific reconstruction of the biographies of prominent figures and scientists and developed theoretical models of biographies in this perspective.

An important methodological guideline for conducting research on pedagogical biographistics is the conceptual provisions of the phenomenological and existential tradition set out by philosophers. It's worth noting the well-founded idea of “internal historicity” of the individual developed by German scientist K. Jaspers (1883-1969). He claims that beingness and culture are considered not so much as a natural- historical process, but as a “personified” (embodied) reality. According to the researcher, a person as a whole is not objectified, because he as a subject “never is himself”. Therefore, the real own existence of a person is an existence that is not conditioned by anything external, but only by his own individuality [13, p. 152].

The philosophy of existentialism particularly as one of the fundamental concepts of the philosophy of pedagogy, allows us to plan the reconstruction (discourse) of biography through a typology of existential personal roles that reflect the “calling”, “mission” of a man and his real, not fictional “role”, “meaning”, “contribution” to social, cultural, scientific progress.

It should be noted the universal importance of scientific knowledge in psychology for the development of pedagogical biographies and emphasized two aspects of this problem - general theoretical and research instrumental. In both cases, we consider it through the prism of certain branches of theoretical psychology, which has accumulated a large array of knowledge about the peculiarities of the psyche of the creative personality.

Thus, general psychology gives an idea of the basic patterns of its development; the history of psychology shows a retrospective, the stages of understanding this process by representatives of various scientific schools and areas; genetic psychology reveals the development of the psyche in ontogenesis, i.e. during the life of an individual; social psychology studies mental phenomena in the process of human interaction in large and small groups (interpersonal relationships in creative environments, professional teams; the influence of “intellectual leaders”; the impact of social, family and other relationships on creative and professional activities, etc.); comparative psychology studies the phylogenetic forms of mental life, which allows us to determine the influence of heredity on the developing and formation of personality; differential psychology studies the individual psychological features of the person's psyche, taking into account the age level of development and mechanisms of its functioning, it helps to determine the role of innate and acquired talents, abilities of the individual in his creative work; psychophysiology reveals the physiological mechanisms of brain function and higher nervous activity and the mechanisms of mental and cognitive activity of the individual and so on. Thus, knowledge of theoretical psychology focuses on understanding the pedagogical personality as a holistic education and a system of mental properties that has its own structure and internal connections that reflect the relationship with different environments [22, p. 146].

The experience of the biographical approach developed in psychology has considerable scientific-theoretical and research-instrumental potential. Scientists identify three main components: biological and biographical (study of objective living conditions, environmental events and human behavior); history of experiences (evolution of the inner world of man); history of human creativity [14, 16]. In this perspective, we note a fairly productive idea for pedagogical biography, according to which the study of the phenomenon of creativity must take into account “the whole spectrum of individual manifestations of personality”, i. e. not limited to “exclusively the criterion of social value”, because its result can be individually significant, acting as a motivating factor for a kind of exceptional personal development of the creator [23, p. 158].

One of the methods of interpretive research of a biography is a biographical narrative interview. In order to be able to reconstruct life history or individual areas and stages of life, biographical and narrative interviews are usually conducted. F. Schьtze [26, p. 163] presented this type of interview and text-analytical assessment of life events in the 70s of the twentieth century. Since then, the procedure of “narrative interview” has been further developed (cf. G. Rosenthal) [23, p. 186-188].

In a narrative interview first of all it is suggested to tell in detail about the history of life or the stages and spheres of life. The main story that emerges from this query is not interrupted by questions of detail. Only in the second phase of the conversation the questions that give rise to a narrative (on the interview technique, see W. Fischer-Rosenthal, G. Rosenthal [13, p. 417] are asked. The fact that conversation partners are initially motivated to share a longer narrative of their own experiences may relate to memory processes, biographers may focus on relevance, and it becomes clear in what context they are building their explorations. We pay attention to cognitions, feelings or motives detached from the plot line, but on the contrary, they are embedded in the history of biographical research. In contrast to arguments and descriptions, stories of personal experience also have the advantage that they are closer to specific actions and, therefore, also experience the past of the described situations. Arguments, on the other hand, that we can easily deal with questions like “Why are you ...?” or “Why did you choose ...?” can cause drafting rather in terms of social desirability.

Reconstructions of biographical case. In addition to the analysis of the text presented by F. Schuetze [25], a number of modifications or connections with other interpretive methods were established, in particular with the structural hermeneutics of U. Oevermann [15, 21, 28].

Conclusions and prospects for research

Therefore, the logical reconstruction of the historical situation (in which a person lived and worked) as well as the analysis of socio-economic, scientific, ideological factors that determined his professional activity and influenced life and worldview are extremely important. At this stage, the history of German society and ideas is an equal object of study and a subject of biography along with the individual. Proper disclosure and interpretation of historical and individual situation, which cannot be understood by contemporaries is an important component of historical and pedagogical knowledge. The process of finding and determining the maximum set of direct and related sources is the most important component of the initial, i.e. empirical, stage of biographical research.

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