Comparative analysis of sports practice as means of socialization of Kharkov and Lwiw citizens in the 20s - 30s of XXth century
Consideration of the impact of physical culture and sports on socialization and socio-cultural development of a person in the specified period. Determining the differences between the physical culture and sports movement of Galicia and the Soviet Union.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 30,5 K |
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Размещено на
Saltan N.
Saltan O.
Semenova Y.
Orlenko O.
Goncharov G.
Saltan N., candidate in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture.
Saltan O., candidate in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Teacher of history of the Kharkiv State Gymnasium-Boarding School with enhanced military and physical training «Cadet Corps.
Semenova Y., candidate in Philosophy, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
Orlenko O., candidate in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture.
Goncharov G., candidate in Philosophy, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture.
The article aims to analyze the impact of physical culture and sports on the socialization and sociocultural development of the individual in the 1920s - early 1930s. Research methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of data; historical, logical, problem-searching. Due to a large-scale propaganda campaign, there have been systemic changes in the organization of forms of physical activity of citizens and the broad involvement of young people in material culture. In the USSR, under the influence of Soviet propaganda, military-applied sports became popular, and the military nature of the activities of some sports associations in Lviv was associated with the national liberation struggle. If in the Soviet Union the initiative came from the state, the events in the physical culture and sports movement in Galicia were amateur and based on the activities of sports clubs and societies, were the result of public demand. Mostly young people and children took part in active sports, and the fan movement covered all age groups. Playing sports had a positive effect on the formation of personality, instilling a sense of patriotism, strong-willed traits, selfdiscipline, and values of collectivism. Sports training has improved the health of citizens. The sports movement acted as a way to the emancipation of women. Involving people with hearing impairments in sports practices helped them overcome social exclusion. Exercise and sports served as a substitute for socially unacceptable behaviours.
Keywords: sports, physical culture, socialization, Kharkiv residents, Lviv residents.
Салтан Н., кандидат історичних наук, доцент. Доцент кафедри гуманітарних дисциплін Харківської державної академії фізичної культури.
Салтан О., кандидат історичних наук, доцент. Учитель історії Харківської державної гімназії-інтернату з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою «Кадетський корпус».
Семенова Ю., кандидат філософських наук, доцент. Професор кафедри гуманітарних дисциплін Харківської державної академії фізичної культури
Орленко О., кандидат історичних наук, доцент. доцент кафедри гуманітарних дисциплін Харківської державної академії фізичної культури.
Гончаров Г., кандидат філософських наук, доцент. доцент кафедри гуманітарних дисциплін Харківської державної академії фізичної культури.
Метою статті є аналіз впливу фізичної культури та спорту на соціалізацію та соціокультурний розвиток особи в 1920-х - на поч. 1930-х рр. Методи дослідження: аналіз, узагальнення та систематизація даних; історичний, логічний, проблемно-пошуковий. Завдяки масштабній пропагандистській кампанії відбулися системні зрушення в організації форм фізичної активності громадян та широке залучення молоді до фізкультурної діяльності. В УРСР під впливом радянської пропаганди набули популярності військово-прикладні види спорту, мілітарний характер діяльності деяких спортивних товариств Львова був пов'язаний з національно-визвольною боротьбою. Якщо на теренах Радянського Союзу ініціатива виходила з боку держави, то події у фізкультурно-спортивному русі в Галичині носили самодіяльний характер та базувалися на діяльності спортивних клубів і товариств, виступили наслідком суспільного запиту. До активних занять спортом долучались переважно молоді люди та діти, а вболівальницький рух охопив всі вікові категорії громадян. Заняття спортом позитивно впливали на формування особистості, прищеплюючи почуття патріотизму, вольові риси характеру, самодисципліну, цінності колективізму. Спортивні тренування покращували стан здоров'я містян. Спортивний рух виступав як шлях до емансипації жіноцтва. Залучення осіб з порушенням слуху до спортивних практик допомагало їм подолати соціальну відчуженість. Заняття фізичною культурою та спортом виступали в якості замінника соціально неприйнятних форм поведінки.
Ключові слова: спорт, фізична культура, соціалізація, харків'яни, львів'яни.
Historical science covers a wide range of research interests. The field of sports is one of the minor studied topics in national history due to the interdisciplinary status of the problem. Traditionally, the history of physical culture and sports was considered within the history of pedagogy, which contributed to the preliminary study of such aspects of the problem as the impact of sports on the socialization of the individual and the development of sports as a leisure culture etc. The little historical work on sports has determined the need for this publication, which aims to identify the impact of physical culture and marks on the formation of values and increase the social mobility of Kharkiv and Lviv during the 20s - 30s of the twentieth century.
The term sports practices refer to activities related to physical culture and sports. Such a broad interpretation of the subject is due to the specifics of this chronological period. Uncertainty about the content of sports activities, the lack of a group of people who played sports professionally, trained athletes and competitions give grounds to define sports as a popular area of leisure among the inhabitants of these cities and consider the problem within the history of everyday life.
Ukrainian researcher O. Vatseba, having carried out a bibliographic analysis of scientific research in physical education and sports, notes the limitations of Soviet sports historiography [3]. The lack of distinction between material culture and sport in the literature of the 1920s was due to sharp criticism of the Soviet leadership's competitive aspect as the main characteristic of Soviet sport [4; 14]. Research of the Soviet period was characterized by coverage of the process of institutionalization of sports; emphasis was made on issues of sports management and the sporting achievements of Ukrainian athletes [6].
Modern researchers are trying to rethink the historical heritage. As part of the latest approaches to the study of Ukrainian history, K. A. Kob- chenko: gender aspect [7], E. Butakova: sports holidays as an object of gerontology [2], Yulia Tymoshenko: features of the spread of certain sports [17], B. Matulkin: the history of everyday life [9; 10]. M. O. Oliynyk and Y. I. Grot [13],
O. Noga [12], I. Yaremko [18] reveal the history of the formation of the physical culture and sports system through the activities of its various parts. Issues of formation and development of sports become interdisciplinary. Thus, the historical and functional analysis of the sports press of Galicia and the study of the structure, problem-thematic aspects, features of coverage and reproduction of sporting events became the goal for dissertation research for the degree of candidate of philological sciences V. O. Kovpak [8].
Purpose of the study. The primary purpose of the work is to analyze the impact of physical culture and sports on the socialization and socio-cultural development of the individual in the 1920s - early 1930s.
The research material is specialized scientific literature, periodicals, and archival materials that cover the state of development of physical culture and sports in the 1920s - 1930s in the Ukrainian lands, sports practices and their impact on the individual. Research methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of data; historical, logical, problem-searching.
For the western Ukrainian lands of the 20s - 30s of the XX century.
The intensification of national liberation processes influenced them by membership in Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. Forces led by the ideas of Ukrainian statehood united under the flags of sports societies. Therefore, the military character has become one of the characteristics of several sports, gymnastics-fire, sich, reservoir, and tourist associations. B. Trofimyak quite rightly considers sports organizations as a military personnel school of the national liberation struggles of Galicians in the first half of the twentieth century. Due to the massive involvement of Ukrainian youth in these organizations, sports have become an integral part of their lives. According to B. Savchuk, in the 1920s and 1930s, there were about 70 different Ukrainian cultural, educational, professional, and sports institutions in Galicia. They included about 45% of young people aged 18 to 25 years. Students led it, 90% of whom were public and political association members [16, s. 26-27]. The leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Roman Shukhevych, was the winner of the Zaporizhzhya Swimming Games in 1923 (a kind of national Olympiad which was periodically held in Galicia). One of the national liberation movement leaders of the 40s of the twentieth century Mikhail Soroka participated in the 1936 Gymnastics Olympics in Berlin.
This chronological period of the history of the Ukrainian lands in the USSR was characterized by a significant degree of the ideologization of all spheres of public life. The main task of the Soviet propaganda machine was to promote mass involvement of the population in physical culture and sports, improve the skills of Ukrainian athletes, use this socio-cultural phenomenon to educate young people, strengthen the health of workers, prepare them for work and defend their homeland. The goal of the Soviet system of physical education, which was actively promoted, was aimed at improving the physical resource and depriving of the national basis - traditions. It contributed to establishing the dominant ideology and Russification of the youth environment.
Radio, the press, sports installations, etc., became the means of forming the population's interest in the sports movement.
Mass sports and gymnastics performances accompanied almost every holiday of socio-political nature. In addition, more than a hundred sports festivals of various scales were held in Kharkiv during the 1920s and early 1930s. Sports holidays were also popular in Lviv. Thus, to spread the idea of Ukrainian sports, the Ukrainian Sports Union annually organized the «Day of the Ukrainian Athlete» on May 23. All sports associations of the region took part. Every year such competitions become more massive. In 1933, 165 people participated in the sports parade; in 1934 - 200, and 1935 - 280 [5, s. 4]. The peculiarity of life in Lviv at that time was numerous theatrical and carnival holidays, theatrical and sports evenings, etc. We agree with E. Butakova, who analyzed the evidence recorded in the photographs and concluded that Soviet sports holidays had several forms: sports parades, demonstrations of physical education systems, mass festivities, performances and sports competitions [2, s. 208-209]. It should be noted that the same forms were typical for Galicia, as well as that the holidays were not crucial for sports, but contributed to the mass involvement of the population in physical culture and sports.
In 1924, the Kharkiv radio station began to be broadcast, and citizens also had the opportunity to listen to radio programs of the Moscow and Leningrad editions, which rebroadcast reviews of sports life of all-Union republican or local significance. Concepts related to physical culture and sports were discussed on the pages of special publications. Various kinds of sports information appeared in ordinary newspapers and magazines. Thus, the newspaper «Kharkiv Proletarian», in addition to information about the sports life of the region, had a separate section on a popular, at that time, kind of sports - chess. Its author was the brother of the famous chess player Alexander Alekhine - Alexei Alekhine.
During this period, there were 14 sports magazines in Galicia. Eleven publications in Galicia were published under the auspices of two influential sports institutions: «Sokil-Batko» (5) and the «Ukrainian Sports Union» (6). After analyzing the content of the sports press, Ukrainian researcher V. O. Kovpak identified the main areas of the problem-thematic range of issues. These are materials on the origin, dissemination and development of physical education, the process of its organization and optimization, cultivation of sports, the history of world sports, the state of material culture in some countries, the course of events and events of local importance and international scale, formation, dissemination and pulsation of Olympic movement [8].
Also, in interwar Galicia, the publishing project «Woman and Sport» was implemented, which functioned as a fashion supplement to the magazine «New House». One of the tasks of the application was to integrate Ukrainian women into the world of physical culture and sports. According to the authors of the magazine, fashion for sports was dictated by the lack of attention of women to physical activity. World fashion for sports has influenced women's style, which has become more straightforward, and this, in turn, has forced women to look after themselves, paying attention to physical culture and sports. The pages of the publication also contained many illustrative materials with clothing models offered to readers for various purposes [primarily for physical education], which, in addition to the actual drawings and editorial comments, as evidenced by the names of thematically grouped pages: «All in White» (for tennis), «On the water», «Amazon on a motorcycle», «Rukhanka - walks - tourism», «Dance» and others. Sports style became typical in Lviv for the fashion ofthe 1930s. Lviv art critic O. Noga explains this phenomenon by the massive involvement of the general public in physical culture and sports [12, s. 340].
While in Soviet Ukraine, the church was declared archaic and did not affect the lives of Kharkiv youth, in Galicia, the opposite process took place. The vast majority of churches of different denominations (Catholic, Greek Catholic, Protestant, Judaic, etc.) were very optimistic about developing sports in the region. The UGCC took care of the tourist route to the holy places coming from Lviv; it actively organized Ukrainian sports workers' societies, clubs, and sections. Also, in Galicia in the early `30s of the twentieth century the Christian Apostolic Movement «Catholic Action of Ukrainian Youth» (KAUY), a kind of Christian Plast, was spread. On March 20, 1937, the organization was registered in the Lviv Voivodeship Office as the «Orly» - KAUY Society. Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky himself supported sports and strata societies in every possible way. The Metropolitan also significantly influenced the development of the Ukrainian gymnastics and sports movement through the organizational and financial support of such youth organizations and societies as «Sokil», «Plast», «Luh», KAUY «Orly», and others. Christian youth actively participated in the sports movement in Lviv. sport socialization galicia soviet union
Under the influence of mass propaganda, the average citizen formed certain cultural ideals. Soviet artists emphasized the idea of masculine beauty. «There is no more beautiful clothing in the world than bronze muscles and freshness of the skin», - wrote V. Mayakovsky [11, s. 194]. In a poem-parody of the popular urban romance of the same name, «Marusya was poisoned», the author contrasted the variety of fashionable clothes with the beauty of a healthy human body. In the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century. The Soviet sports poster became popular. The sensual images of a beautiful slender girl and a heroic athlete - a man served the ideas of propaganda of the socialist way of life.
Leading cultural figures have united around sports clubs in Galicia. All of them glorified sports in their books or on the pages of periodicals. Sports themes were also presented in sculpture, works of fine art, painting, painting, stained glass, graphics, music, theatre and photography. Sport became a factor in the formation of Ukrainian culture. Until the 1940s, the tradition of holding sports awards ceremonies at cafes, theatre lounges, etc., continued. All this allowed for to popularisation of sports life in Lviv. Thus, citizens were indirectly involved in sports practices through the media and art.
Sport has become an integral part of the leisure of city dwellers, which has manifested itself in the formation of fan culture and the direct involvement of the population in physical culture and sports.
The undisputed leader of the audience among all sports was football. Football battles were a popular topic for everyday conversations and numerous articles in the press of both regions. There were even cases when holding football matches disrupted production processes.
Sports activity was where society (Galicia) or the state (USSR) implemented specific values. Analyzing the current documentation of sports associations in Galicia, Ukrainian historian B. Matulkin emphasizes the importance of collectivism, which sports associations promoted. The charter of the Ukrainian sports association «Sokil-Father» formulates the goals of its daily activities: «to educate members in gymnastics through joint activities, joint walks - as well as firefighting, shooting targets, horseback riding and horseback riding, swimming, rowing, fencing, singing and music». This quote clearly shows the efforts of ideologues of sports life to attract people to it through joint exercises, which often had the character of a spectacle and thus acquired socio-cultural characteristics [9, s. 155]. As one of the fundamental principles of Soviet ideology, collectivism was actively promoted in Soviet sports.
The main motives for including individuals in sports were the desire for self-improvement, self-expression and self-affirmation, social guidelines, and satisfaction with spiritual and material needs. It is worth noting that most Kharkiv residents were engaged in physical culture in various sports sections. The most extensive selection operated in the city in the early 20s of the twentieth century - «Society of Physical Culture. Balabanova» numbered 430 people, a third of whom were women [14, s. 23]. In addition to it, there were sports societies «Spartak», «Sluzhbovets», «Society of Sports Fans», «Union», and «Darbs», a sports club at the Artem Communist University and others. At the end of 1922, more than 80 sports clubs in the city involved more than 12.5 thousand people [15, s. 4]. The most numerous were the circles created at the place of work or study of citizens.
Beginning as an amateur, the sports movement in Lviv gained a remarkable rise in the 1920s and 1930s, when sports clubs began to be created and actively developed. A characteristic feature of Ukrainian clubs was the desire to attract the most significant number of young people to sports and interest them in many new types of exercise. The leaders of the Ukrainian sports movement saw the main thing not the records of one or two athletes but the mass and comprehensiveness of sports work, considering sport one of the essential elements of national culture and national revival. Sports organizations of the city were represented not only by national sports associations (Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, German, Czech, Hungarian), But also by single-profile sports associations, technical and sports associations, workers' and artisans' work clubs, sports associations at educational organizations, sections and circles of sports associations. The most numerous Ukrainian sports associations were «Sokil», «Sich», and «Luh», and the most numerous among Jewish societies was the «Record Sports Association».
In addition to women's clubs of the above organizations in the city, there were sports clubs at the sports society «Ukraine» and «Sports Club of Ukrainian Girls», a specialized girls' club at the Ukrainian State Gymnasium in Lviv, founded in 1913 by I. Bobersky «Ukrainian Women's Sports Club at the Girls' Gymnasium in Lviv». Sports such as athletics, skiing, some games (tennis, basketball, volleyball, handball), and swimming became the most popular among women in the interwar period. The activity of women in the sports life of Lviv was much lower than that of men, which was due to a kind of resistance from the conservative environment.
Agreeing with K. A. Kobchenko's opinion on the sports movement as a way to the emancipation of women, it should be noted that it did not acquire a mass form, giving way to vocational education and social activities in the USSR and Polish Galicia [7, s. 61-62].
During the 1920s, the sporting preferences of citizens in Soviet Ukraine changed. If in the early 1920s, the sole undisputed leader was football, at the end of the decade, militarily applied forms of physical activity became popular: water, horse, ski, hiking, shooting, cycling and motorcycle racing skydiving and others. With the introduction in 1931 - 1932 of the All-Union sports complex «Prepared for work and defence», combining sports and military components of physical training gained considerable popularity among Soviet youth. A cult of a strong man who could stand up for the protection of state interests at any time was created in society.
The popularity of various sports in the western Ukrainian lands was due to national traditions and the spectacle of sports activities. Popular sports in Galicia were football, hockey, skiing, athletics, tennis, chess, boxing, cycling, tourism, volleyball and basketball.
Becoming a sport as a separate social institution involves creating a group of people who are professionally engaged in training and competitive processes. Usually, athletes join the process of transferring experience to refereeing after completing their careers. But in the almost complete absence of specialists in the first half of the 1920s, sports activists themselves acted as sports managers, judges, and coaches.
Exercise testified to the emancipation processes in society. At the competitions, Lviv athletes could perform under pseudonyms (for example, Stefa, Bomba, Orysia, etc.), but warning the organizers was necessary. This was quite democratic because it created an opportunity for equal competition among people with different social statuses.
Playing sports requires athletes to be very self-disciplined, self-organized, and persistent in achieving the goal. There was no regular training for the athletes themselves because they were preparing for competitions in their free time. Due to the lack of established training methods and qualified trainers, they often had to choose sets of physical exercises and determine training schedules. The work of Lviv organizations was usually built, taking into account the progressive achievements of European physical education systems. Thus, the activities of the Czech Myroslav Tirsch and the German Friedrich Jan were the impetus for developing the Ukrainian «Sokil». The methodological basis helped the athletes organize the sports training process and much depended on the young people themselves. Almost all of them played sports in their free time from work or study.
Thanks to the voluntary initiative of members of various sports associations, the sports infrastructure of Kharkiv changed during the 1920s. Dozens of sports grounds were built and equipped by volunteers themselves. These included sports grounds «Red Railway» and «Textile» named after K. Marx, etc. Petrovsky, the site of the House of Proletarian Students, etc. Patrons and sports associations of Lviv gave money for the construction or paid for the lease of sports infrastructure. Thus, Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky personally ensured that the Ukrainian sports association «Orly» had its own sports ground. The active social position of citizens was the result of internalization, i.e. inclusion in the inner world of man, the idea of the value of sports for their physical improvement, and full disclosure of their individual qualities.
Physical activity has become a factor in improving the health of young people. In 1926, a report at the Second Scientific Conference on Physical Culture published data stating that the percentage of unfit for service in the Red Army was 50% lower among those conscripts who regularly engaged in physical culture. It should be noted that the main contingent of those who played sports were young people who were future servicemen in the armies of the USSR, UPA units and others. Analyzing the sports press in Galicia and the «women's issue», Ukrainian researcher Vadym Kovpak concluded that the speeches of most authors in this context sounded an important leitmotif (albeit in different words) that caring for the average health and fitness of women increase the nation's strength [8].
Physical education and sports helped certain social groups to overcome social exclusion. At this time, the beginnings of the Paralympic sport appeared, which aimed to show that citizens with disabilities could also participate in such forms of physical activity as healthy people. For example, the mass fascination with football has influenced the formation of teams of deaf and deaf-numb players. Representatives of the Lviv Club of the Deaf and Dumb demonstrated good results at various competitions. At that time, Poland held the All-Polish Athletics Competition for people with hearing impairments.
The positive consequences of physical culture and sports include that they distract citizens from marginal forms of activity. According to the memoirs of one of the organizers of the sports movement in Kharkiv, Semyon Privis, sports radically changed the conditions of leisure for young people: «... Not to fight, hooliganism or play cards young people from our area went in free time from work, and on a sports ground - to be engaged in physical culture» [15, s. 4]. Sport has become an area where it can show leadership qualities and release the aggression accumulated in the human soul in socially acceptable ways.
All this contributed to the popularity of this field of leisure among young people and adolescents.
Although the sport was not free of deviant forms of behaviour [drunkenness, playing cards, rude behaviour of fans and athletes], the USSR authorities or NGOs in the USSR and Galicia have done much to introduce the principles of sports ethics in Ukrainian society. As public figures, athletes formed the image of a man, which focused on hundreds of thousands of young people. The case of disqualification of players of two football teams as a result of an incident during the game between the Moscow national team and Odessa «Petrovets» in early 1927 was significant [4, s. 18]. This indicated the unacceptable forms of behaviour and created a behavioural model of the Soviet man. Statutes and internal correspondence of sports associations of the Lviv region give an unequivocal negative assessment of such manifestations of non-sports behaviour of its members.
In the sports sphere, the actual intersection of human and state interests occurred. The average citizen could quickly join physical education classes if they wished. First, it did not require significant material costs. Most sports clubs and centers in Kharkiv did not charge for attendance, and the low level of welfare of the population led to mass neglect in the use of sports uniforms and equipment. In Galicia, there were also cases when, due to the lack of a special uniform, participants in sports competitions were dressed in shirts (Lviv version - in embroidered shirts), football players could play with simple shoes, and skaters clung to the same shoes with blades, and so on. Although sports clubs mostly had their own branded clothes for competitions, parades, etc. Secondly, sports training, especially in games, was fascinating- citizens perceived it as an exciting type of leisure.
The Soviet government, by involving the most non-disabled people in sports, implemented the ideas of socialism to the masses, linking sports with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, preparation for the defence of their homeland and the struggle for socialist ideals. Therefore, sports during the 20's - the beginning of the 30s of the twentieth century played an important role in uniting the Ukrainian Soviet community. In the western Ukrainian lands, the driving force behind sports was public opinion, which was formed by the active population of Galicia. It combined the idea of national struggle (so that he could defend his land well) with the idea of a healthy lifestyle and sports as a guarantee of success and an important element of modern life.
Physical culture and sports have become popular pastimes for city dwellers. This is evidenced by the increase in the number of people attending sports sections and sports infrastructure development in cities. The sphere of sports preferences has expanded. In Galicia, sport as a means of public association gained national reading, and the paramilitary nature of many such organizations provided attention to military sports. In both regions, a sport performed the functions of social integration and socialization of the individual. In physical culture and sports, citizens acquired social values associated with character education, sports ethics, and patriotism. Involving less mobile categories of citizens in sports practices helped them to overcome social exclusion. In addition, this type of physical activity was a substitute for socially unacceptable forms of behaviour. The practical significance of the research results is that their results expand the knowledge about the life of the citizens of the interwar period and can be used in scientific and educational activities. The materials of the article can be helpful for further research on the history of everyday life and historical regionalism; in the educational process as an auxiliary for textbooks and lectures on historical and pedagogical disciplines, and as local lore for the creation of thematic excursions. Further prospects of the research are connected with a detailed study of the motives that determined the participation of citizens in the physical culture movement, the formation of fan traditions, etc.
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