Pedagogical and artistic ideas of Modest Levytskyi
Study of the life and creative path of M. Levytskyi. Consideration of the innovative pedagogical achievements of the actor, which became the key to the education of future generations of Ukrainian youth and have not lost their relevance to this day.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.01.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,5 K |
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N.M. Bovsunivska
«God willing, you love Ukraine as much, as we did» (Olena Pchilka).
The article is dedicated to the outstanding public figure, doctor, patriot, writer and composer Modest Levytskyi. Without exaggeration, his activity became a service to the people of Ukraine. Paradoxically, but dialectically, society (and pedagogy in particular) mostly turns its attention to titans, those who have left dozens of volumes of works behind. They were praised for years, and the inheritance became the subject of careful and scrupulous analysis. Nevertheless, the history of the state is rich in the names of those whose selfless work has become the key to educating generations of young people by Ukrainians. They had no place in the Soviet pantheon of education, because they were located in territories that fell under the jurisdiction of other states. Modest Levytskyi lived and worked in Volyn. And this territory was under Polish rule for many years. He was a Ukrainian, but he could not fully feel like one, because those who were not polonized after hundreds of years of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth were disparagingly called «lower rank». The processed literature gives an idea of the events of the beginning of the last century: constant wars, revolutions, coups. All these cataclysms swept across the land on which Levytskyi lived. He was well aware of the danger of assimilation of Ukrainians on his own native, but captured land.
Although Modest was called «father ...» «and grandfather of Volyn» during his lifetime, sometimes it seems that for modern science (literature, medicine, pedagogy, art) he is a representative of those who were called «shadows of forgotten ancestors». Nevertheless, it is within our reach to tell the public about this unique personality. Now the nuclear globalized era gives us heroes for one day, but Modest did not give us an inheritance in hard coins.
One of the writers wrote that human life becomes hell and torment there where two days, two cultures, two religions intersect. In front of Modest, the nineteenth century replaced the twentieth, the First World War took place, several coups, and the bloodiest tyrants in the history of mankind rushed to power. And only a few hundred intellectuals had hope for the independence of Ukraine in their hearts. This is probably a feat to defend the dream of reviving a nation that has been trampled
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD in Pedagogy), Docent (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State into oblivion for centuries, when it seemed like he whole world was against it. And the memory of a courageous and honest person, teacher, artist, even if not in thick luxurious folios, is in the quiet truth, and in this mention of the life given to Ukraine.
Key words: Volyn, pedagogy, education, upbringing, medicine, social activity, patriotism, personality, art.
Н.М. Бовсунівська.
Статтю присвячено видатному громадському діячу, лікарю, патріоту, письменнику і композитору Модесту Пилиповичу Левицькому. Його діяльність без перебільшення стала служінням народу України. Парадокс, але діалектично суспільство (і педагогіка, зокрема) здебільшого звертає свою увагу на титанів, тих, хто по собі залишив десятки томів праць. Їх роками возвеличували, а насліддя стало предметом ретельного і скрупульозного розбору. Проте, історія держави багата іменами тих, чия подвижницька праця стала запорукою виховання поколінь молоді українцями. Їм не було місця в радянському пантеоні освіти, бо перебували вони на територіях, які підпали під юрисдикцію інших держав. Модест Левицький жив і творив на Волині. А ця територія довгі роки перебувала під польським пануванням. Він був українцем, але не міг у повній мірі почувати себе ним, бо тих, хто не ополячився після сотень років Речі Посполитої, зневажливо називали «нижчим рангом». Опрацьована література дає уявлення про події початку минулого століття: постійні війни, революції, перевороти. Всі ці катаклізми прокочувалися по землі, на якій жив Левицький. Він чудово розумів небезпеку асимілювання українців на своїй же рідній, проте загарбаній землі.
Хоча Модеста Пилиповича називали «батьком ...» і «дідусем Волині» ще за життя, інколи складається враження, що він для сучасної науки (літератури, медицини педагогіки, мистецтва) є представником тих, кого називали «тіні забутих предків». Проте, в наших силах розповісти загалу про цю унікальну особистість. Зараз нуклеарна глобалізована ера дає нам героїв на один день, але Модест Пилипович дав нам спадок не в дзвінких монетах.
Один із письменників писав, що людське життя стає пеклом і мукою там, де перетинаються дві доби, дві культури, дві релігії. На очах Модеста Пилиповича дев'ятнадцяте століття змінило двадцяте, відбулася Перша світова війна, декілька переворотів, до влади рвалися найкривавіші тирани в історії людства. І тільки в декількох сотень інтелігентів в серці зароджувалася і жевріла надія на незалежність України. Відстоювати мрію про відродження віками втоптуваної в небуття нації, коли, здавалося б, весь світ проти напевно, що це і є подвигом. І пам'ять про мужню і чесну людину, педагога, митця, хай і не в товстих розкішних фоліантах. Вона в тихій правді, і в цій згадці про життя, віддане Україні.
Ключові слова: Волинь, педагогіка, освіта, виховання, медицина, громадська діяльність, патріотизм, особистість, мистецтво.
Introduction of the issue
Modern Ukrainian pedagogical science has long been famous for its outstanding names. However, even in the modern globalizing world, there are still practically unknown figures of those who created national pedagogy during the turbulent years of the liberation struggle of Ukraine for independence in a difficult duel with Bolshevism. Those who had no place in the Soviet pantheon of teachers. Those whose selfless work will be the key to the revival of national dignity at the end of the twentieth century. Such figures include the personality of the patriot, doctor, writer, teacher and diplomat Modest Levytskyi. Despite a wide range of studies about him, the pedagogical community of Polissia is not very familiar with his literary and educational achievements. Therefore, the local history aspect of this work is of particular interest: Modest Levytskyi lived and worked in Volyn for a long time, in particular, in the Lutsk Ukrainian gymnasium, which now bears his name.
Current state of the issue.
M. Levytskyi's creative achievements have only recently become known to the general public thanks to research of scientists (so far, mostly of Volyn ones). His literary heritage was the object of interest of Y. Hromyk, T. DanyliukTereshchuk, T. Lukanovska, T. Naidiuk, S. Romanov. O. Demianiuk, R. Yoltukhovskyi, L. Olander, L. Tokaruk introduced us Levyrskyi as a public figure and politician. His pedagogical (including artistic) achievements were studied by N. Karabin, O. Koretska, N. Pushkar, N. hernetska.
V. Skochynskyi, V. Yukalo told in their works about his medical knowledge and skills.
In general, the personality and activity of M. Levytskyi attracted the attention of Bondarenko, A. Klymchuk, P. Oleshko.
The outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. It should be noted the importance of understanding the personality of M. Levytskyi as a representative of the then elite, who lived and worked at the threshold of two epochs, two authorities, two worlds. His example will give an understanding of the situation of the Ukrainian intelligentsia in a partly hostile society, because for a long time the territory of Volhynia was torn apart by Russia and the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. And, finally, the personality of this person is a clear evidence that human life is woven from semitones: the artist's reflections on political topics make it clear that often you can find an enemy among your friends and a friend among your enemies.
Aim of research. To present to the general public of Polissia the life and creative path of Modest Levytskyi, to point out his innovative pedagogical achievements, which became the key to educating future generations of Ukrainian youth and have not lost their relevance to this day.
Results and discussion
In general, it is difficult to say who Modest was: his work as a teacher, doctor, diplomat, writer was equally highly valued by his contemporaries. Among his acquaintances and friends are E. Chykalenko, V. Vynnychenko, S. Yefremov, the Kosach family, I. Lypa, G. Stepura, B. Grynchenko, M. Lysenko.
«Father of Volyn». «Mr. Levitsky, ... <...> I officially propose on behalf of our party to put up your candidacy for ambassador of the Polish Sejm. You are honored by the Ukrainian community here, you speak both Polish and Jewish fluently. levytskyi innovative pedagogical achievement
«You can't take that away», Wojciech muttered. And also German, French, Greek, after all, there are probably a dozen languages. <...>.
Gentlemen, I have lost everything in my life that I had most precious: my wife, prosperity, native places, Homeland. I have nothing left now but the last thing National Honor. I will not give it up» [1: 9-11]. Birth and upbringing in a noble family made itself felt: Modest spoke a dozen languages: in addition to translation, he used them in everyday life after all, Volhyn has always been a multiethnic region. Therefore, quite often the doctor Levytskyi communicated with the patient in Yiddish or Polish, wrote prescriptions in Latin, and in the diplomatic mission in Greece at receptions proved the need to support Ukraine's struggle for the right to be a sovereign and independent state in French, Greek, German, and Czech. In the positions that Modest held throughout his life, he did everything possible (and sometimes impossible) for the people of Ukraine: for example, thanks to his efforts, connections and authority even in the Polish authorities he and like-minded people achieved the right of Ukrainian graduates of the Lutsk Ukrainian gymnasium to enter higher education institutions. He and likeminded people have achieved a ban on the closure of the Rivne Ukrainian gymnasium. He constantly helped in court cases, when priests, teachers, and workers who were being wronged turned to him for help.
«Muzhytdkyu dokhtur» (Doctor for the people.) «It became clear that Modest was a doctor not only of the body, but also of the soul, and it was a question which doctor prevailed in him». The young man «came» to medicine after realizing that he was not very attracted to the pedagogical field. Actually, «was not very attracted» is not entirely honest in justifying the reason for the change of profession: he simply saw and understood that teaching in the Russian Empire has long turned into a guardian of autocracy. Therefore, I preferred the Medical Faculty of the University of St. Volodymyr to get to know life. And life has fully spilled out natural and unpredictable dimensions of existence. After graduating from the faculty, the young Levytskyi couple decided to come to their first place of work in Volyn. Then a new medical concept consumption just entered everyday life. The young Aesculapius' son and wife were in very poor health. Especially the wife, who will later pass away due to consumption. In his new place of residence, M. Levytskyi will have to be a universal doctor: a general practitioner, a pulmanologist, an obstetrician, and even a dentist. He came to our region with an open heart, so Polissia opened its soul to Poddillia resident: «He treated tuberculosis at a time when there were no drugs for this disease. Now there is a CT scan. But the computer does not always see the source of infection. <...>. Once he was called to an emergency with a young girl who lost consciousness right during the service in the church. At the patient's house, he noticed the green color of her room. And he told the girl that it wasn't very good for her recovery. The girl replied that green is the color of our forests and groves. Later Modest Levytskyi found out that it was Lesya Ukrainka. Subsequently, he will become the family doctor of the Kosach-Dragomanov family for many years to come. It was in Polessia that Levytskyi, having understood the nature of consumption, began to promote sanitation, prevention and health protection among the common people. This was facilitated by his work as a doctor during catastrophic epidemics.
«Grandfather of Volyn». «You must know what kind of land you are walking on». «and why do you need to play the role of a Ukrainian instigator here, in the Polish city of Lutsk? What prevents you from becoming, like many of the educated modern Ukrainians, a true Polish patriot? <.>.
- But what do you mean by «instigator»?
- That bandurist club, dramatic performances, plastuns, Shevchenko evenings. All this somehow divides people, and there should be one people, one Polish state, one land, one Borders. It seems to me that you still don't believe that this is forever. And it was decided not today or yesterday, but in the year 1651, near Berestechko» [Ibidem: 6-7].
Despite a certain disappointment in the teaching profession during his studies at the Faculty of history and philology, M. Levytskyi declared himself as a thoughtful and talented novelist. His works are pain about the fate of Ukraine, humor on rather censored political topics, pictures from Ukrainian everyday life. Note that the Ukrainian Diaspora published Levytskyi's works and memoirs of Levytskyi in impressive print runs, which were quickly sold out overseas (Despite the fact that in the XIX century in our lands, his works were not reprinted). During the time of the UPR, he dreamed of publishing seven volumes of his works it is obvious that the writer's chest was rich. However, modern Ukrainian literature, for objective reasons, turned to the literary heritage of Modest relatively recently [2]. Now we often demagogically proclaim slogans about the love of our native language. Levytskyi did it simply and simply did it: his linguistic heritage, although created more than a hundred years ago, still amazes stylists, lexicographers, and phonetics. (From the author: now it is fashionable to compare the spelling of the same words in Russian, Ukrainian, Czech or Polish. It became a real internet meme. However, it is in the outstanding work «Grammar of the Ukrainian language», created in the early twentieth century the reader can see three columns with comparisons). Note that in the Levytskyi family there were two main types of disputes with his wife: money and translation of G. Sienkiewicz's works. As a man who had a medical profession and was also an experienced and intelligent doctor, Modest had a little money. But he gave exactly half of it to his wife, and spent the rest on medicines for those in need. As for the literary heritage of the outstanding Polish writer, here he had his own point of view: «Khmelnitskyi is a minor drunkard, and we are all somehow so so, tramps and robbers. <...> . The prize is a prize (we are talking about the Nobel Prize in literature, which G. Sienkiewicz was awarded in 1905). However, in 1908, after the claim of students of Lviv University, the Vienna court sided with the rebellious Ukrainian youth, and awarded the Nobel laureate 30 days of arrest with the right to replace a fine of 300 kronor for insulting honor and dignity [3]. You know that Ivan Franko has already written about this. And the Polish thinking intelligentsia did not share such anger. Remember Ozheshko, Prus, Sventokhovskyi and Kachkovskyi [1].
Recall that the attitude of Ukrainian society to the work of G. Sienkiewicz for decades was determined by the article by V. Antonovych «Polish-Russian relations». However, even the professional historian Antonovych could not help but note that in the work («Fire and sword») there are practically no deviations from the historical fact and description, and the author unwittingly, despite the hostile attitude towards the Ukrainian Cossacks, contributed to the popularization of its history and deeds [4].
It is necessary to make a few notes about the artistic admiration of M. Levytskyi. The impetus for the creative flight was the high appreciation of Olena Pchilka and Lesya Ukrainka, with whom Modest was friends and was their family doctor. The poetess's mother (in fact, the most brilliant artist) generally expressed regret about Levytskyi's excessive employment in medical practice, which prevented him from practicing art. And Lesya herself wrote in a letter about beautiful notes on the words of Shevchenko [5]. Later (1925-1926), the artist will head the Bandura school (founded by Vasily Yemets in Czechoslovakia) under the Kobzar society [6]. And not only will he lead it he and his friends will take instrument lessons. It is usually almost impossible to become a virtuoso in a few months, but the love for the instrument remained for life. In the future, Modest will create a bandurist club at the Lutsk Ukrainian gymnasium, teach the instrument himself (he also had a good command of guitar and piano), and buy two banduras for himself and his grandson from master Schnidel. Often with the instrument surrounded by a crowd of colleagues and students he could be seen in the courtyard of the gymnasium. Anna Bilohub, head of the women's Bursa for junior students, adopted music science from Levytskyi and became a brilliant solo artist [7].
«Graduates». «By their fruits you will know them... « [Mt. 7. Holy Scripture]. Modest saw that his pupils never became angry with those who, along with the Ukrainians, lived in that fertile and unhappy land and also suffered from their nobles-fellow countrymen. He believed that young people would come out of the gymnasium as Christians, who would not look at someone else's things, but would protect them from war. He believed that young people would not look away and say «we are local» when asked about their national identity, but would become Ukrainian. And there are no important or unimportant cases for this, for this he organized theaters, museums, bandurist clubs, edited gymnasium magazines. He firmly believed that in addition to Berestechko, Ukrainians would remember the battles of Orsha, Zhovti Vody, and Batih...
In the meantime, in Moscow, the «land collector» was smoking his pipe in the face of the world, and look at the back of a small corporal who shouted about the great Reich in pubs in Munich and was preparing to come to power. But the doctor-poet, polyglot-artist did not see this anymore. Nevertheless, his students passed the exam of skill with honor, and some of them passed civic courage: they will take the student ranks of European universities, Tamara Vishnevska will open movie screens, Volodymyr Rykhtovskyi will be thrown to Australia by fate, where he will be a soloist of the National Choir for many years, and together with his wife will lead choreographic groups in Britain and the United States. Eduard Gaken (a student of an excellent teacher, a graduate of the Zhytomyr gymnasium Dmytro Levytskyi) will become a star of the European opera scene. He will remember his first roles with warmth in particular, the role of Mr. Voznyi in the gymnasium production of M. Lysenko's opera «Natalka-Poltavka» (which Modest also helped stage) [8; 9]. The library of Volyn University has been replenished with a dozen books handed over by Irina Shved-Fedorenko, a graduate of the gymnasium from the United States. Due to the persecution of the Soviet government, the name of actor Vasil Zelenov remains practically unknown to the general public.
The millstones of war ground the peoples of Europe. Bogdan and Yurii Koch were both in concentration camps. In Auschwitz, Yurii will remain in one of the crematorium furnaces, Bogdan will remain alive among two hundred and eleven of the twenty-five thousand slaves. Further, for participating in the performance during the Nazi occupation, during which the blue and yellow flag was unfurled on the stage, Bogdan Koch will serve another seven years in a Soviet camp. After rehabilitation, he will graduate from the Kyiv conservatory and serve Melpomene at the M. Zankovetska theater for the next forty years.
Conclusions and research perspectives
All of the above does not exhaust the rich legacy that Modest Levytskyi left behind. Despite the fact that he lived and worked at the intersection of the last and penultimate centuries, he had a direct influence on the development of Bandura art in Volyn, his medical advice is still used by doctors, and literary opuses are gradually included in the programs of educational institutions. Modest, through his political and diplomatic activities, proved that mutual understanding and moderation in relations between different ethnic groups in society are possible. His charitable support for his students, comrades and patients is also evidence of the ancient axiom that you should love your homeland not only to the depth of your heart, but also to the depth of your pocket. It should be noted once again that the name of this person is practically unknown in Zhytomyr Polissia (to a lesser extent in the Rivne region). Therefore, the promotion of its educational and pedagogical activities in these lands will significantly strengthen the local history component in the educational programs of educational institutions at all levels. On a moral example, you should educate Patriots of your state. And comprehensive education, multiplied by active support and promotion of Ukrainian art, should become a standard for future generations. And not just for those who strive to be a teacher. Also, the presented results can be used directly in classes on the history of pedagogy, literary studies, for certain local history topics, and extracurricular activities.
References (Translated & transliterated)
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5. Chernetska, N. (2016). Vnesok Modesta Levytskoho v zarodzhennia bandurnoho mystetstva na Volyni [Modest Levitsky's contribution to the birth of bandura art in Volyn]. Mynule i suchasne Volyni ta Polissia. Modest Levytskyi v istorii Ukrainy i Volyni ta problemy formuvannia intelektualnoi elity Past and present of Volyn and Polissya. Modest Levitsky in the history of Ukraine and Volyn and the problems of forming an intellectual elite: nauk. zb. Materialiv Vseukr. nauk. istoryko-kraieznavchoi konf., prysviachenoi 150-richchiu vid dnia narodzhennia vidomoho ukrainskoho pysmennyka, pedahoha, derzhavnoho i hromadskoho diiacha Modesta Levytskoho (1866-1932) / uporiad. A. Syliuk. Lutsk, vyp. 60, 61-64 [in Ukrainian].
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презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 28.07.2012A. Nikitin as the russian traveler, writer. Peculiarities of the russian traveler trips. An abundance of factual material Nikitin as a valuable source of information about India at that time. Characteristics of records "Journey beyond three seas".
презентация [671,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2013Farmers and monument builders. The foundation of St. Andrew`s University. Mary the Queen of Scots. Political and cultural life after merger of Scotland and England. The Jacobite Rebellions. The main characteristics of Scotland in the modern era.
курсовая работа [69,4 K], добавлен 20.09.2013Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting and turbulent times in English History. Major historical events which occurred during the period from 1066-1485. Kings of the medieval England. The Wars of The Roses. The study of culture of the Middle Ages.
реферат [23,0 K], добавлен 18.12.2010Biographical information about the life of Soviet and Azerbaijani state, party and political figure Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev. Becoming a political career and work as Russian President Vladimir Putin. Angela Dorothea Merkel is a German politician.
реферат [24,6 K], добавлен 20.10.2014Biography of Barack Hussein Obama II action (20 January 2009) 44th President of the United States of America, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. Childhood, education, early career of the president. The election campaign and acting as president-elect.
презентация [968,0 K], добавлен 13.11.2014The origin of the Sumerians and their appearance in southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Their way of life and contribution to the history. The Sumerians culture, language and contribution to the history.
презентация [252,4 K], добавлен 15.11.2014