Development of general secondary education in nakhchivan during the independence period: problems, perspectives

Method of development of education in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, detailed information about the stages of creation of educational institutions in Azerbaijan. The path of development of secondary education in Nakhichevan during the Soviet period.

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Development of general secondary education in nakhchivan during the independence period: problems, perspectives

Shahla Akhmadli,

PhD Student at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Nakhchivan State University (Nakhchivan, Azerbaidzhan)

The article historical development way of education in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, was given detailed information about the stages, creation of educational institutions in Azerbaijan, as well as in Nakhchivan during the Tsarist Russia was discussed the reasons why and problems. The development way of general secondary education in Nakhchivan during the Soviet period was followed briefly and evaluated based on available base sources. They also analyzed the education reforms carried out in Nakhchivan during the years of independence, improving the material and technical base of schools, the implementation of State programs, the sources of important achievements, and the statistics. It was noted that, during the years of independence Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic the educational policy of the country has been successfully implemented, reconstruction of the new requirements level secondary educational institutions, providing new technologies, enriching the human potential, educating young people in the national spirit, education has always been in the spotlight, meeting modern standards;development of secondary general education continued with increasing line. As a result, today almost all secondary schools in the Autonomous Republic have been substantially reconstructed, the material and technical base strengthened, the computer technology provided, and the high level of education is being provided through the use of modern teaching methods. It was noted that in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, as a result of the direct attention and care of the Speaker of the Supreme Assembly, secondary schools are experiencing dynamic development in both quantitative and qualitative fields. This, in turn, is an important factor in ensuring the future of our country in the spirit ofpatriotic upbringing of teenagers, and young people, education in national spirit and education in accordance with modern requirements.

Key words: Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, independence, State Program, education, technology, improvement.


доктрант кафедри педагогіки та психології Нахічеванського державного університету (Нахічевань, Азербайджан)


У статті про спосіб історичного розвитку освіти в Нахічеванській Автономній Республіці надана детальна інформація про етапи створення навчальних закладів в Азербайджані, а також у Нахічевані під час царської Росії, їхні причини й проблеми. Шлях розвитку загальної середньої освіти в Нахічевані в радянський період коротко простежений та оцінений на основі наявних базових джерел. За їхньою допомогою також проаналізовано реформи освіти, проведені в Нахічевані за роки незалежності, покращення матеріально-технічної бази шкіл, виконання державних програм, джерела важливих досягнень і статистики. Зазначено, що за роки незалежності Нахічеванської Автономної Республіки успішно впроваджувалася освітня політика країни, реконструкція загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів нового рівня, забезпечення новими технологіями, збагачення людського потенціалу, виховання молоді в національному дусі. Освіта завжди була в центрі уваги, відповідала сучасним стандартам, розвиток середньої загальної освіти продовжувався зі зростанням. Як наслідок, натепер майже всі середні школи в Автономній Республіці були суттєво реконструйовані, зміцнилася матеріально-технічна база, забезпечена комп'ютерними технологіями, підтримується високий рівень освіти завдяки використанню сучасних методів навчання. Зазначено, що в Нахічеванській Автономній Республіці внаслідок безпосередньої уваги й турботи спікера Верховної Асамблеї середні школи відчувають динамічний розвиток як у кількісному, так і в якісному напрямках. Це своєю чергою є важливим фактором забезпечення майбутнього нашої країни в дусі патріотичного виховання підлітків і молоді відповідно до сучасних вимог.

Ключові слова: Нахічеванська Автономна Республіка, незалежність, Державна програма, освіта, технології, удосконалення.


Note that Tsarist Russia began to open its first public schools here after the occupation of Northern Azerbaijan. As researcher H. Ahmadov wrote, in the “20-ies of the nineteenth century there was the first project occurred to open an educational institution in the Transcaucasia, including Azerbaijan in the name of an accident school” (Ahmadov, 2007). The first school charter also was intended the opening of an accident school in Nakhchivan and Ordubad. However, the failure to open a school in Nakhchivan was explained by the fact that “there were no local people capable of teaching”. Of course, this was just an excuse. It is no coincidence that just a few years later, a new charter was adopted in 1835, and in 1837 an accident school was also established in Nakhchivan along with Shamakhi. Up to twenty children were initially involved for the first time in this school. I.Kangarli wrote in his studies: “In 1873, 1367 pupils were enrolled in the schools of Nakhchivan and Ordubad districts, of which 698 were Azerbaijani” (Kangarli, 1991). nakhchivan autonomous republic independence

The reforms of the 1960s and 70s of the 19th century did not go beyond education. New types of schools have been established in the education system. In 1879 the Nakhchivan accident school turned up a city school. Over time, the network of primary rural schools has also expanded. According to the information of 1904, 29 primary public schools were operating in Nakhchivan accident (Tagiyev, 1993).


Since gaining its independence in Azerbaijan, the education system has become a strategic area with particular attention and care. Significant state programs, important projects have been developed and implemented to further improve education in the country. As a result of the work done, it is encouraging that the percentage of people who read and write in modern Azerbaijan, including the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, is 100%. As a result of the effective use of innovative opportunities in education, new technologies are enhanced, interactive, open lessons are being established between museums and secondary schools operating in the Autonomous Republic. According to the order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, exemplary lessons are being organized at secondary schools for academic staff working in the universities of the Autonomous Republic. As well as calendar holidays, the organization of specialized lessons on important historical days, national, significant dates, work to strengthen patriotic education is also in the focus of attention in Nakhchivan.

170 school-readiness groups were established in the general secondary schools of the Autonomous Republic, where 2861 children were involved. During this period, efforts were also made to involve children with disabilities in education, the distance involved in the education of 24 children of disabled and blind children studying in primary school for 8 children were provided with school supplies.

It should be noted that as a result of work carried out in the direction of implementation “State Program on Education and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2016-2020”, Nakhchivan last period, 59 children with disabilities in preschool institutions, 16 children were involved in preschool preparation groups operating in secondary schools. Also, 20 preschool children with speech defects were trained in the defectology department of the Nakhchivan Regional Information Center for Physical Disabilities, as well as 8 children with disabilities were involved in the Nakhchivan City Babies House and Family Support Center. It should be noted that 88 children with disabilities were enrolled in the first classes of secondary schools at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. In general, about 1 000 children with disabilities are enrolled in secondary schools in the Autonomous Republic, and 8 children are enrolled in secondary schools in a special elementary school for the vision is limited (Azerbaijan Teacher, 2013).

It is worth noting that measures aimed at involving children with disabilities in out-of-school facilities were also in the spotlight. At the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, 26 children with disabilities were involved in 1st grade music schools. At present, 123 children of relevant categories are studying in music schools of the Autonomous Republic. During the year, 48 children were involved in chess schools, 163 in out-of-school associations, 144 children in relevant services at the Nakhchivan Regional Information Center for Physical Disabilities, and 70 children in sports groups. In addition, a database of 125 disabled children with special talents was created. 90 children from disadvantaged and low- income families were holidays are organized at the Aghbulaq Recreation Center during the relevant period. It should be noted that, according to the State Program, activities on education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities are continuing.

Each school year, vacancies of schools located in the territory of the Autonomous Republic will be determined and announced as a result ofj oint activities of education departments and employment centers of cities and regions in order to accommodate young staff in educational institutions. Vacancies accounting were recorded in separate educational institutions of the Autonomous Republic. Since education is one of the priority directions of the state's policy, “Education is the future of the nation”, this area has come a long way in recent years. The educational strategy of the great leader Heydar Aliyev continues successfully and confidently in the Autonomous Republic. Every year new school buildings are put into operation, the material and technical base is strengthened, information and communication technologies are provided at the highest level. The educational facilities are protected as a temple, the education of children who are our future and working conditions are being created for teachers. Nowadays, modern architecture school buildings in the most remote mountain and border villages are no different from urban schools due to their structure and logistics. In recent years, more than 200 educational institutions have been built or renovated in the Autonomous Republic, the material and technical base of all educational institutions is strengthened, schools are equipped with the most modern information and communication technologies. It should be noted that 623 electronic boards have been installed in secondary schools, 3 725 sets of computers have been provided to educational institutions and their access to the Internet has been ensured.

Approach new pedagogical thinking to the content of education, the use of subject curricula and educational standards, the broader allocation of information communication technologies, the organization of interactive communication with museums for the study of national and spiritual heritage, the teaching of exemplary lessons with scholars, implementation of distant education, the creative use of international experience has contributed to the success of education.

Formation of modern material and technical base opens wide opportunities for the use of advanced methods in education. Execution of the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan on June 20, 2014 “On additional measures to organize electronic education in educational institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan” is already it gives results. As a result of the activities carried out in this direction, the interaction between museums and educational institutions is interactive relationships are organized in the course of teaching subjects related to the history and culture of Azerbaijan. Let's say that a school student studying in Nursu village of Shahbuz district has the opportunity to learn more about museums in Ordubad, taking advantage of opportunities offered by distant education. Students of Ordubad's educational institutions also visit the house museum in Nursu village of M. Araz and strengthen their knowledge about the national poet. This also has a positive effect on students' patriotic upbringing.

It should be noted that since the measures taken cover all regions of the Autonomous Republic equally, both quantitative and qualitative changes are reflected in the results of admission to universities. For example, all graduates of secondary schools in Gumushul, Havush, Dervishes of Sharur district, Kotam, Gilanchay of Ordubad district, Shurud, Teyvaz of Culfa district, Badamly and Mahmudoba of Shahbuz districts when all graduates of rural secondary schools earn a name of student this is the biggest success of education in Nakhchivan.

Successful military school named after Heydar Aliyev operating in Nakhchivan was established by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 13, 1998 as a branch of the Military School named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski. 199 graduates of the Heydar Aliyev Military High School have been admitted to various higher military schools of the country. Recall that in 1998, when a military-oriented high school was established in Nakhchivan, only 56 students started activities (Nakhchivan, 1996). Note that, on October 13, 1999, national leader Heydar Aliyev, who attended the opening of the branch and its new educational building, said: “I appreciate those who dedicate themselves to this profession. I hope the Nakhchivan branch will be expanded soon. It is possible to recruit more than 100, perhaps 200 or more young people here, to have more officers” - (Nakhchivan, 1996: 101). This idea, expressed with great hope for the future of the military high school, soon became a reality. The branch was doubled by an order of President Ilham Aliyev, the Supreme Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces, dated February 27, 2004, and the Military Lyceum named after Heydar Aliyev was established on its basis. Today, about a thousand graduates of the military high school continue to serve as professional officers in the Armed Forces.

The development of certain areas of agriculture, industry and services, ICT in the Autonomous Republic increases the demand for qualified personnel five times. In this regard, the activity of a new type of educational institution - physics and mathematics- oriented high school in Sharur city, created to reveal talents and abilities of students in technical subjects by the decree of the Speaker of the Parliament dated April 14, 2015, is also considered for the near and distant future. In the Autonomous Republic, kept in focus to the use of e-learning, the formation of a virtual learning environment in educational institutions, and the enhancement of the transparency and effectiveness of education. To this end, the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has issued an Order dated June 20, 2014 “On Additional Measures for the Organization of Electronic Education in Educational Institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan”. According to the decree, in the process of teaching subjects related to the history and culture of Azerbaijan, the establishment of interactive links between museums and educational institutions plays an important role in enhancing students' knowledge and interest in our national heritage. According to the order of the Speaker of the Supreme Assembly “On the establishment of relations between scientific, higher and secondary special educational institutions and secondary schools of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” dated March 14 in 2015 exemplary lessons are organized once a month at the schools of the Autonomous Republic with the participation of the teaching staff (Hajiyev, 2005). Since 1984, vocational schools have also been providing secondary education in the Autonomous Republic. Construction or reconstruction of new school buildings in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, improvement of their technical and human resources, improvement of material and technical base of educational institutions on information and communication technologies, provision of computers, electronic boards and other necessary technological equipment, provision of free textbooks and significant work has been done to improve the functioning of school libraries.


The education of Nakhchivan, the history of education in Nakhchivan has a very ancient history and it has had an honorable path. Even in the early 20th century, prominent Nakhchivan intellectuals often spoke in the media regarding the training of teachers personnel. In their writings, they cited the preparation of teachers who could teach in their native language as the main requirement of the period. It should be noted that during the years of independence, secondary schools developed rapidly in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The network of comprehensive schools has been significantly expanded. The teaching personnel increased both quantitatively and qualitatively. All of this for the growth of our youth in a national spirit and education that meets modern requirements.


1. Ahmadov H. M. From the history of 170-year-old Nakhchivan city school. Azerbaijan Teacher. April 12, 2007.

2. Aliyev H. Introduction Speech of the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the meeting dedicated to the establishment of the Nakhchivan branch of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan National Academy, Nakhchivan Branch. Completion Ismail Hajiyev. Baku : Nurlan, 2005. 156 p.

3. Kangarli I. Training, selection and placement of personnel in Nakhchivan AR (1981-1990). Author's dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Baku, 1991. 24 p.

4. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 1991-2001. Nakhchivan, 2001. 91 p. Baku, 1996. 196 p.

5. Tagiyev A. M. School history in Azerbaijan. Baku : Maarif, 1993. 114 p.

6. The Concept of Development “Azerbaijan 2020: Looking into the Future” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 29, 2012). Azerbaijan Teacher. January 20, 2013


1. Aliyev H. Introduction Speech of the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the meeting dedicated to the establishment of the Nakhchivan branch of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan National Academy, Nakhchivan Branch. Completion Ismail Hajiyev. Baku: Nurlan, 2005,156 p. (in Azerbaiani)

2. Aliyev H. Our independence is eternal. Speeches, statements. Baku: Azerneshr, 1997, p. 588-597. (in Azerbaiani)

3. Kangarli I. Training, selection and placement of personnel in Nakhchivan AR (1981-1990). Author's dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Baku, 1991, 24 p. (in Azerbaiani)

4. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 1991-2001. Nakhchivan 2001, 91 p. Baku, 1996, 196 p. (in Azerbaiani)

5. Tagiyev A. M. School history in Azerbaijan. Baku: Maarif, 1993, 114 p. (in Azerbaiani)

6. The Concept of Development “Azerbaijan 2020: Looking into the Future” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 29, 2012). “Azerbaijan Teacher” newspaper. January 20, 2013 (in Azerbaiani)

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