Morphological, syntactic and cognitive-discourse aspects of English terminological thesaurus "Infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body"

Description of the researched thesaurus nomination. ITS morphological features, as syntactic and cognitive-discursive features. Synonymous relationships of terms, metaphorization, transition of commonly used lexical units into terminological vocabulary.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 20.02.2023
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Bukovinian state medical university

Morphological, syntactic and cognitive-discourse aspects of English terminological thesaurus «Infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body»

Galina Lapa

Albina Semysiuk

Olexandr Rak


Галина Лапа, Альбина Семисюк, Александр Рак. Морфологические, синтаксические и когнитивно-дискурсивные аспекты английского терминологического тезауруса «Инфекционные заболевания наружных покровов тела человека». Цель статьи - описать номинации тезауруса «Инфекционные заболевания наружных покровов тела человека» как часть медицинского дискурса, определить их характерные признаки, а именно: морфологические, синтаксические и когнитивнодискурсивные особенности для углубленного изучения профессионального языка и терминологической лексики этой области медицины. В исследовании использованы следующие научные методы и приемы: описательный, статистический, метод анализа, морфологического и синтаксического моделирования, структурно-семантический анализ терминов. Актуальность научного исследования заключается в необходимости интегрированного изучения языковых явлений в профессиональной литературе, анализа взаимодействия их структурных, семантических и когнитивно-дискурсивных аспектов. Выводы. Синонимические отношения терминов, метафоризация, заимствования, переход общеупотребительных лексических единиц в терминологическую лексику свидетельствуют о высоком уровне систематичности терминов, необходимых для унификации, стандартизации профессиональной терминологии, и являются основой лексикографической кодификации.

Ключевые слова: дискурсивная модель, конгнитивный аспект, профессиональная терминология, терминологическая компетенция, английский медицинский дискурс «Инфекционные заболевания наружных покровов тела человека».


Морфологічні, синтаксичні та когнітивно-дискурсивні аспекти англійського термінологічного тезаурусу «Інфекційні захворювання зовнішніх покривів тіла людини»

Галина Лапа, Альбіна Семисюк, Олександр РАК Буковинський державний медичний університет

У статті розглядаються морфологічні, синтаксичні та когштивно-дискурсивні аспекти англійського термінологічного тезаурусу «Інфекційні захворювання зовнішніх покривів тіла людини», аналізується відкритий характер його моделі, підкреслюється можливість введення додаткових дискриптів щодо деталізації семантичних та когнітивних властивостей вже існуючих фахових термінологічних одиниць з метою дослідження типологічного та лексикографічного опису фахової мови, що функціонує у англійському дискурсі «Інфектологія».

Мета статті - описати номінації тезаурусу «Інфекційні захворювання зовнішніх покривів тіла людини» як частину медичного дискурсу, визначити їхні характерні ознаки, а саме: морфологічні, синтаксичні та когнітивно-дискурсивні особливості для поглибленого вивчення професійної мови та термінологічної лексики цієї галузі медицини.

У дослідженні використано такі наукові методи та прийоми: описовий, статистичний, метод аналізу, морфологічного та синтаксичного моделювання, структурно-семантичний аналіз термінів тощо.

Актуальність наукової розвідки полягає у потребі сучасних лінгвістичних досліджень щодо інтегрованого вивчення мовних явищ у професійній літературі, у необхідності з'ясування взаємодії їх структурних, семантичних та когнітивно-дискурсивних аспектів. Інтерес досліджуваного дискурсу пов'язаний з питанням функціонування професійної мови, інтерактивних процесів у науці тощо.

Висновок. Синонімічні відношення термінів, метафоризація, запозичення, перехід загальновживаних лексичних одиниць у термінологічну лексику засвідчують високий рівень систематичності термінів, необхідних для уніфікації, стандартизації професійної термінології, та є основою лексикографічної кодифікації.

Ключові слова: дискурсивна модель, конгнітивний аспект, фахова термінологія, термінологічна компетенція, англійський медичний дискурс «Інфекційні захворювання зовнішніх покривів тіла людини».

Main part

morphological vocabulary metaphorization syntactic

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific tasks. Professional vocabulary as an element of the terminological system, if the latter is understood as an ordered totality of terminological units that correctly explain the system of concepts and present the professional sphere of human knowledge or activity, is characterized by interconnected linguistic elements and constitutes a structurally organized entirety, which is under study in cognitive-discourse aspect of learning English professional language of medicine in the part - Infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body.

Purpose of the article - description of the English terminology «infectology» - infectious diseases, definition of its characteristics and features in the format of morphological, syntactic and cognitive-discoursive aspects of its thesaurus in order to pick out the professional language of the concept «Infectious diseases of the human body» as a part of the medical discourse for determining it as a system of terminological vocabulary in this field of medicine, that is a higher degree of lexical units organization, distinguishing by accuracy of semantic boundaries.

The relevance lies in the direction of modern linguistic studies on the integrated study of linguistic phenomena in the professional literature, in the interaction of their structural, semantic and cognitive discoursive aspects. The interest of the discourse under study is connected with the question of the professional language functioning in relation with the provision of interactive processes in the adjacent sphere, optimization of structural and semantic methods of organization of professional tests.

The novelty of the article is that the system of English terms for infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body as a structurally organized whole in morphological, semantic and cognitive discourses is therefore studied and described, we study the features and peculiarities of their components; it is substantiated that there are conceptual connections between terms, and each element is dependent on the word place, function and semantics.

Methods. Integrated use of the linguistic description methods, quantitative, corps - analysis of information volume and determination of dominant morphological and syntactic models, structural and semantic analysis of terms, definition of cognitive value, descriptive.

In connection with the professional vocabulary determination of the above-mentioned concept as a part of medical discourse, we will define the studied terminology as a system of terms in the field of infectious diseases, which is characterized by a sufficient degree of terminological vocabulary and precise semantic boundaries.

Epidemiological situation concening the occurrence, spreading, prevention and treatment of the new and registration of the returned highly contagious infectious diseases are of great medical and social threat due to the danger, lack of the effective treatment. This became especially relevant with COVID-19 apparition, which led to pandemia. Eurointegration processes in the fight against infectious diseases have necessitated the linguistic study of the indicated professional languages, where functioning terms, branch vocabulary accumulate the meaning of concepts and reproduce the essence of the speech basis of this conceptual apparatus. The studied terminology has a conceptual nature, as its composition is constantly enriched at the expence of the adjacent medical concepts.

The analysis of the latest research and publications that initiated the solution to the problem. English professional discourse under study is characterized by the openness of its model, the possibility of introduction of additional descriptors and paticularization of the already functioning lexical units to become an effective means of communication1 in the solving of the society questions under conditions of the infectious diseases presence in the following aspects: legislative sphere, business documentation, exchange of experience in treatment, vaccination, charity, humanitarian aid, exchange of specialists and preventive medicine.

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the structural and semantic parameters of English lexical professional units of the studied discourse, we have found that this discourse is natural and consists of a totality of clearly defined blocks that represent the unity of the language activity and its result: skin, derma, abscess, subcutaneous, exanthematous disease, virus, allergic dermatitis, cutaneous tuberculosis, dermatomucosis, ulcus - ulcera.

Dominant morphological and syntactic models were identified, their structures made possible to see substantial relationships between the parameters of these structures and available varieties Sikora I. “Contemporary approach to terminological competence, management and terminology teaching on the basis of courses for translators offered by Polish higher education institutions”, Languages for Special Purposes in a Multilingual, Transcultural World, Ed. By G. Budin, V. Lusicky, Vienna: University of Vienna, 2014. P. 500-508 [in English]. Gimer N.O. Termin yak osnova fakhovoi movy [Term as a basis of professional language], Lviv, 2008, P. 12-17 [in Ukrainian]..

Morphemes, words, abridgements, ellipses, abbreviations (different types), complexes, built according to different models, are specific features of the English sublanguage infectology in the part of infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body. In this situation, we share the opinion of Kogan I. N Kogan I. N. “Movna norma i termin” [Linguistic norm and term], Doslidzhennia leksikologii, gramatyky ukrainskoyu movoyu [Research of lexi-cology, grammar in Ukrainian language, Dnipropetrovsk: Lithograph, 2010, Vol. 9, P. 27 [in Ukrainian].. that semantic means of terminological vocabulary formation is more often based on metaphorical meaning transfer, as well as knowledge foresight of one object by means of comparison with the other, that is one of the means of presenting knowledge in linguistic form - skin contagion, the transition of commonly used words in terms of similarity of forms, size, locations, functions, etc. - pruritus-infantilis, erysipelas, erythematous erysipelas, rubella-German measles, rubeola scarlatinous, Eilers-danlos disease - dermatolysis, dermaallergose, itching dermatose, dermatomycosis - cutaneous mycosis, furuncle, impetigo, lechen, subcutaneous infection, i.c. - intracutaneous, S.D. - skin dose. Semantic transformation of the commonly used vocabulary, the format of its adaptation for the use as new units of nomination of a new special zone of professional language, in our case infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body are a source of replenishment of this industry language Mishchenko A.L. Lingvistyka fakhovykh mov ta suchasna model naukovo-tekhnichnogo perekladu (na prykladi nimetskomovnoii fakhovoii komunikatsii): monografiya [Linguistics of professional languages and a modern model of scientific and technical translation (on the example of German-language professional communication): monograph], V.: New book, 2013, P. 38-40 [in Ukrainian]..

Word-building means of forming the terminological vocabulary of the studied corps create the following: - prefixes a- / ad-, de', in-, non-, re-, un-, under-, tele- They modify the lexical meanings of the units, pointing to the features; suffixes er / or indicate the semantic features of the term; transfer of meaning in nominations: living beings to the name of inanimate that is explained by the tendency to an increase of the concept cognitive loading; conversion models, as a means of forming new terminological units in terminological system under study, are a construction of nouns - verbs and verbs - nouns.

According to the formal structure, terminological units are divided into - single-word (monolexems, complex composites) - multilexem terminological combinations: adjective + noun, abridgements, abbreviations (initial), complex, fixed models, borrowings from other professional languages, internationalisms.

The formation of terminological units is realized according to the following productive models: noun + noun, abbreviation + noun, morphological means, prefixes and suffixes borrowed from Latin, eponymous formations, toponyms - all this depends on the class of nominative units on morphological level Yenikeeva S.M. (1999). Formuvannia ta funktsionuvannia novykh slovotvorchykh elementiv angliiskoyu movoyu [Formation and functioning of new word-forming elements in English], Avtoref. na zdobut. nauk. stup. kand. filol. nauk., Zaporizhzhia, 1999, 20 p. [in Ukrainian]..

In foreshortening of cognitive - discoursive aspects of term formation, we define the terminological competence of the terms that function and in the English discourse, which we study as the ability to reflect, understand and name special knowledge about the studied professional language.

This problem is always the subject of discussion of linguists because professional discourse dynamically requires new competency approaches in terms of professional nomination and creation of the branch dictionaries for intercommunication of professionals. As a basis concerning understanding the abovementioned methodologies, we take the work of L. Hoffaman, which presents his cognitive-discoursive aspects of term formation, where the postulate that the basic standards for describing the structure of concepts of activity (verbally mediated activity in a particular subject area) is taken into consideration, since professional activity is a hierarchy of its types and is manifested through the variation of all means of term formation by means of which a diverse description of terminological representations is possible, in our case infectious diseases of human skin coverings Hoffmann L. Kommunikationsmittel Fachspiache: Eine Einfuhring [Means of communication of technical language: an introduction], Tubingen:

Narr, 1985, URL: [in German]. 55.

The basis for the English professional discourse of infectious diseases of the human skin are internal language resources, as the thesaurus of terminological units to some extent goes beyond the national language. Foreign morphological elements are a valuable source, because the language, which also borrows them, accepts into its established system of term formations and correctly responds to the real needs of professional activity of society, which contributes to the enrichment of this profession, namely to invent and record their own language equivalents to international nomenclature as to the names of the pathogens of infectious diseases of the skin of the human body in the sense of codification. The conducted linguistic analysis allows us to conclude that in the studied discourse there are various synonymous relations that contribute to the lexicosemantic organization of nominative units of this terminology as a holistic system, the presence of several nominative units to denote one concept indicates the dynamics of this language. We also recorded the phenomenon of antonymy, polysemy and homonymy, which emphasize the degree of professionalism of the selected terminological units.

Nomination (process and result) is a linguistic modeling of reality through internalization in thinking, verbalization of concepts in accordance with the system-structural and onomasiological organization of a particular language. Naming processes must meet the needs of communication, in particular in the field of science, because the scientist can freely possess scientific discourse, direct and correct research only in the presence of a unified, standardized system of terms.

There are two tendencies in the nomination of terms:

1. Name and installation of new more modern accurate information, as most terms are concretized and clarified their content, have a specialization with a high level of professionalism.

2. Savings of language resources: extensive use of borrowings, internationalisms for easy operation in scientific and professional discourses. Classification of professional vocabulary by semantic connections: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, in addition, we find logical contextual thematic - semantic fields, which are a combination of two - and more special lexical units by their semantics, which is based on the concept of «lexically coded» which reflects the connection between the concepts and semantic relations of the professional language for convenient operation in scientific and professional discourses. Examples of these trends are the terms of the studied discourse, which are characterized by a wide range of motivation and semantic transparency. The meaning of the term is conveyed here by means of standard values of constituent terminoelements, forming multicomponent terminological units, for example by means of frequency prefixes, suffixes, Latin terminoelements, where there is a system of economical placement of professional information, which occurs by means of abbreviations of initial reductions, blending models that result in values of professional vocabulary, such as telenursing - online medical services, care for patients outside the medical institution online, in self-isolation, or increased contagiousness of infectious diseases, this indicates the universality of the cognitive scheme and the preservation of the scientific concept. Telehealth start-up and resource guide The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Patient Engagement Playbook: References, URL: https:// it. Gov / sites / default / files / playbook / pdf. “Literature” [in English]. 56.

Conclusions. The linguistic analysis allowed to confirm that the English thesaurus of the concept «Infectious diseases of the outer coverings of the human body», as a guest of the sublanguage «Infectology» in morphological, syntactic and cognitively debatable aspects is a holistic terminology, the presence of various, according to the formation model, professional nominative units is evidence of constant development of this discourse in order to become an effective means of intercommunication for professionals.

Prospects for further research: linguistic analysis of the English professional language «Infectology» guest «Kovid-19» in the field of social medical dimensions in the cognitive - discoursive aspect with the object of fulfilment of lexicographic and codification vocabulary as material for compiling the branch dictionary of «Infectology».

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