The role and influence of "Pedagogical society in Lviv" on the consolidation of Galician society in the second half of the XIX century

The contemporary condition as well as a development of historiography of an issue, the history of educational and trade union movement are analyzed, the theory of development of pedagogy of the nineteenth century is researched, the names of the founders.

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The role and influence of «Pedagogical society in Lviv» on the consolidation of Galician society in the second half of the XIX century

Berest Ihor Romanovych

Doctor of historical sciences, professor of department of informative, library and archived matter of the Ukrainian academy of printing, Lviv,

Berest Roman Yaroslavovych

Doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the department of directing and choreography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv


Education occupies an extremely important place in the system of any civilized society. In the ХІХ century in many developed European states it acquired exceptional importance and played a leading role in state policy and social relations. Eastern Galicia was no exception.

The achievements of the revolution of 1848 were of decisive importance for the introduction of democratic transformations in the state. In the conditions of evolutionary changes, similar to the professional associations of private employees, workers of many enterprises and branches of the economy, their professional associations in the Galician lands in the ХІХ century were also created by educators, while receiving certain subsidies and assistance from the state.

In the second half of the ХІХ century state programs of social reforms have gained special importance. A notable milestone for the monarchy, Galician society in particular, was the constitution of 1867, as well as a number of state patents and laws on the conditions for the creation of societies, unions, public associations and the basic principles of their activities, etc.

We consider the «Pedagogical Society in Lviv» («Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne we Lwowie») to be the first effective association of educators in Galicia. On the basis of the methods of scientific and pedagogical research, the principle of historicism, system analysis, structural functionalism and empirical methods of pedagogical research, the article analyzes the activities of the first labour organization of the pedagogical direction «Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne we Lwowie» in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, which became not only a local unifying body, but also a scientific and professional association of educators of the region. The contemporary condition as well as a development of historiography of an issue, the history of educational and trade union movement are analyzed, the theory of development of pedagogy of the nineteenth century is researched, the names of the founders of the Society have been established, the environment of educators of the last quarter of the nineteenth century were involved insolving process of the common problems for all segments of the population, as a result, a new movement was introduced in order to implement an affordable education to all those who desired, as well as the material and moral support of their own employees. It is demonstrated the interest and assistance of the reginal authorities in the development of education, science and culture.

Kewords: education, trade union, society, educators, protection.


Роль та вплив «педагогічного товариства у Львові» на консолідацію галицького суспільства другої половини ХІХ століття

Берест Ігор Романович доктор історичних наук, професор кафедри інформаційної, бібліотечної та архівної справи, Українська академія друкарства, 19, м. Львів

Берест Роман Ярославович доктор історичних наук, професор кафедри режисури та хореографії, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів

Освіта займає надзвичайно важливе місце в системі будь-якого цивілізованого суспільства. У ХІХ ст. в багатьох розвинутих європейських державах вона набула виняткового значення та відігравала провідну роль у державній політиці і соціальних відносинах. Не була винятком й Східна Галичина.

Вирішальне значення для запровадження демократичних перетворень в державі отримали здобутки революції 1848 р. В умовах еволюційних змін, подібно до професійних товариств приватних службовців, робітників багатьох підприємств та галузей господарства, свої професійні об'єднання на галицьких землях у ХІХ ст. також створили освітяни, при цьому отримавши певні дотації та сприяння з боку держави.

У другій половині ХІХ ст. набули особливого значення державні програми суспільних реформ. Помітною віхою для монархії, галицького суспільства зокрема, стала конституція 1867 р., а також низка державних патентів та законів про умови створення товариств, спілок, громадських об'єднань та основні засади їх діяльності тощо.

Першим дієвим об'єднанням освітян на землях Галичини вважаємо «Педагогічне товариство у Львові» («Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne we Lwowrn»). На основі методів науково-педагогічного дослідження, принципу історизму, системного аналізу, структурного функціоналізму та емпіричних методів педагогічного дослідження у статті проаналізовано діяльність першої робітничої організації педагогічного спрямування «Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne we Lwowm» в останній чверті ХІХ століття, яке стало не тільки місцевим об'єднувальним органом, але й науковим та професійним об'єднанням педагогів краю. Показано сучасний стан та розвиток історіографії проблематики, досліджено історію освітянського та профспілкового руху, проаналізовано теорії розвитку педагогіки ХІХ ст., названо прізвища та імена засновників Товариства доведено, що головною подією у середовищі педагогів останньої чверті ХІХ ст. стали спільні проблеми для всіх прошарків населення, в результаті чого, було започатковано новий рух щодо запровадження доступної освіти всім бажаючим, а також матеріального і морального захисту власних працівників. Також показано зацікавленість та сприяння влади краю у розвиток освіти, науки та культури.

Ключові слова: освіта, профспілка, товариство, педагоги, захист.

Formulation of the problem

Reforms of the first Austrian rulers - the representatives of the enlightened absolutism in Galician lands predicted the rise of cultural and educational level of the local population. However, at the end of the nineteenth century the new Austrian authorities turned down the implementation of reforms and returned to the old order.

The achievements of the revolution of 1848 were decisive for the implementation of democratic transformations in the state. The most crucial ones turned out to be an elimination of feudal remnants (in politics, economy, religion, social system, military affairs, legal proceedings, etc.) , an emergence of new type enterprises as well as equal opportunities for all citizens of the state in obtaining education, which initiated the conditions and prospects for the further development of society.

In the second half of the nineteenth century the state programs of social reforms became especially important. Primarily, the constitutions of 1867, as well as a number of state patents including the laws on the regulations concerning establishment of societies, unions, public associations and basic principles of their functions, etc., turned into a decisive milestone for the Austro-Hungarian empire as well as for Galician society in particular.

The objective of the research is to consider thoroughly the situation in Eastern Galicia, relying on new sources, to display the history of the creation of the first professional organization of educators who were monitoring the condition of education in the province, developed the most modem at that time educational programs, popularized the sustainment of members by the organization.

The task is based on the study of documents that will help to find out the historical significance of the development of educational movement in Galicia during the second half of the nineteenth century.

In modem Ukrainian scholarly literature, there is no information regarding the professional societies of educators in Eastern Galicia, due to a certain gap in the study of the history of pedagogy. Although we have information about research of other societies and organizations [1-4]. Therefore, in our research, we rely mainly on Polish sources and literature.

Presenting main material

The first effective association of educators in the Galicia lands is «Pedagogical Society in Lviv» («Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne we Lwowie»), which in modern Polish historiography is called not only a local unifying body but also a scientific and professional association of educators of the region [19, p.43], A «Pedagogical Society in Lviv» is said to be created owing to the state policy of the Austria in the realm of education. Since the end of the 18th century, in a field of education they insisted on a need to conduct teaching in the state language, that was, in German. Without any doubt, that fact arose dissatisfaction among the local population, as far as, Eastern Galicia, in the middle of the nineteenth century was inhabited mainly by Ukrainians and Poles. Those lands were considered by the Austrian government as a remote region, the organization of educational institutions and their work was prioritised on the way of assimilation of inhabitants. Hence, they introduced the teaching in a strange language that was an incomprehensible one to the Galicians [9, p.l].

Appointment of the emperor's governor in Galicia, Polish Count Agenor Golukhovsky, an active fighter for teaching in Polish and Ukrainian in local schools , moreover for restricting German language at schools of all levels, significantly and positively impacted the consolidation of the local educators [5, c.629], A. Holukhovsky is considered by majority of researchers to be an initiator of establishment on July 22,1867, in Lviv, of the «Regional School Board» - the supreme supervisory and executive educational authority in the region [17, p.53-55]. He had elaborated the law «On Languages for Secondary and Public Schools in Galicia» adopted by the Parliament on August 28,1867, which officially approved the teaching in Ukrainian and other national languages at schools [21, p.55-56].

In the context of reforms along with the implementation of progressive radical social transformations that were carried out by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in the 1960's, the «Regional School Council» [8, p. 140] commenced its work on January 23, 1868, entailing the creation of «Pedagogical Society» (since 1906 - «Polish Pedagogical Society») in Lviv. Its main office was located in Lviv on Fridrikh Street, 10 (now L. Martovych), and the operation range extended to all settlements of Galicia. pedagogical society galician historiography

The first statute of the Pedagogical Society declared, the educators considered their mission as an active work aimed at the effective evolution of the educational sphere, the assistance in accoplishment of the school reforms in Galicia, the provision of material and moral mutual assistance to the members of the organization [18, p.l], which is observed to coincide with the social mission of the trade unions.

According to the registration data, during the period of 1868/1869, the Pedagogical Society consisted of 1,500 people, in the following three years there were 2200, 2400 and 2500 members respectively [11, p.409]. The archival documents testify that the idea of founding a «Pedagogical Society» in Lviv was born in the environment of the local Galician intelligentsia.

The proposal of the editor of the magazine «School», professor of Lviv Polytechnic Dr. Karl Mashkovsky was taken into account while establishing the society. He believed that it should not have expected the creation of local cells, but immediately start the organization of the central one. In the society K. Mashkovsky suggested admitting not only professional individuals involved in school affairs, but also those who by their work were ready to prove their professional suitability for organizing and carrying out qualitative work of the educational society [7, p.4].

At the beginning of 1868, Karl Mashkovsky announced the convening of a congress of teachers of Galicia, on which it was planned to discuss the most essencial issues of the situation as well as the further development of education.At the first meeting of the congress of teachers of Galicia, which took place on February 24,1868, 280 people took part, who were delegated from parishes, schools, gymnasiums, and higher educational institutions from various regions of Galicia [13, p.215].

By the way, the parishes delegated clergymen who were initiators of the parish schools.The chairing at the congress was entrusted to the famous Lviv educator Antony Maletsky, who at that time was a professor of Polish literature at Lviv University, and also a member of the leadership of the «National School Board» [15, p.379].

Among delegates, the representatives of Lviv educational institutions dominated. However, a significant proportion of the teachers were from the district schools of Ukraine and Poland represented by so-called public schools. In Galicia, they originate from the reforms of Empress Maria-Teresa and her son Joseph II of 1775/1783. Often, under the notion of «folk school» is understood the multi-level educational institutions: primary, parish, trivial, normal, main, etc. Due to the status of the school, studying process lasted from one to seven years there, on the other hand it largely depended on the number of students. Polish public schools were called «Szkola ludowa», German - «Volksschule», which in Ukrainian means «folk school». Ukrainian schools remained the public schools [6, c. 1703].

The most considerablet reorganization of public education in the Galicia lands began in the 1950's and 1960's. under the influence of socio-political and educational reforms carried out by the Austrian authorities, as well as through the activities of national cultural and educational organizations established at that time.

Besides teachers, the black and white clergy (monks, priests, clerks) represented interests of parish schools at the congresses. Similteneously, the theme of the speeches of delegates was marked by the variegatedness, which sometimes was only tangentially related to the educational and other problems of education.

The congress took a constructive decision concerning the creation of «Pedagogical Society» in Lviv at the second session on February 25, 1868. The idea of creating a coordinating center for educators in Galicia was supported by all the participants of the congress. Additionally, the charter of the organization of educators was discussed and approved, as well as the categories of its members (ordinary, advisory and honorary) were established, the conditions of entry and exit, the organizational structure of construction, as well as duties and rights [18, p.2] were determined.

The primary condition for membering in the society was an employment in the educational realm. Moreover, a candidate had to express his desire to become a member of the organization in writing, then to pay 3 fl. of an introductory admission and 6 fl. of an annual contribution.

A certain example of the multinational nature of the society is a membership of a Ukrainian, a professor of the Ukrainian Academic Gymnasium in Lviv, Isidor Sharanevich in the main board of educators of Galicia . There are a lot of facts that the professor Isidor Sharanevich advocated the legal rights of the Ukrainians. Eventually, the fact that the epitaph with the Ukrainian-language inscription on the burial plate of his grave located at the Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv, in the complicated Polish- Ukrainian relations period, under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian empire (1901 p.) proves that he remained an Ukrainian until the last breath of his life.

Besides, the creation of the «Pedagogical Society» at the second session of the first general congress of educators in Galicia, on February 25, 1868, under the chairing of Dr. Anthony Maletsky, many other important issues were discussed. The status of wandering teachers was recognized and approved, classes on physical training were induced at schools, additionally the principles of voluntary donations and contributions were agreed upon, etc. [14, p.278].

In accordance with the statute, the «Pedagogical Society» not only teachers, but those who were interested in the state of affairs in public education, school activities, education of young people, sought to effectively influence the development of school, educational and educational processes could join it. Therefore, among the members of the organization were not only teachers and clergymen, but also government officials of different levels, private entrepreneurs, doctors, pharmacists, journalists, lawyers, judges, etc.

The teaching staff was mostly composed of public teachers who represented primary and secondary schools in Galicia. Together with the teachers of higher schools (mainly Lviv University and Lviv Polytechnic) they comprised the basis of the pedagogical society.

A spectrum of issues which were raised by the «Pedagogical Society» at the beginning of its activity, were of household nature: repair of school premises, supply of schools with fuel, etc. However, it should be admitted that among the fundamental tasks of the just established organisation was the improvement of the living along with working conditions of the public teachers, the gradual rise of the prestige of pedagogical work, the search for resources and opportunities in order to sustain the talented students from the poor Galician families, etc. [18, p.1-3].

The implementation of the public school education, taking into account national problems, had become a priority in the work the board of the «Pedagogical Society»; subsequently, the echo of that fact went beyond the boundaries of the Austro- Hungarian Empire. Confirmation of the international recognition of the organization of educators was a gratitude letter from Belgium, which stated that the society was thoroughly observed in Europe and rejoiceed in its achievements. Also, as a sign of friendship, Belgian colleagues sent financial aid to the widow of a member of the organisation in the amount of 8 fl. 80 cents [10, p.509].

The proposal to create separate representative organizations from the environment of higher education and higher education schools was not overlooked: small groups specializing in a specific narrow profile, for instance, history, economics, mathematics, geography, native and foreign languages, and etc.

On daily basis, the board of the «Pedagogical Society» was particularly emphasising on a necessity to implement the state reform of the public school education in Galicia. Perhaps it was through the creation of opportunities for social support of its employees to increase a number of educational offices in different, focusing on the poor regions of the area.

A primary task of the board members was the foundation of new educational institutions of primary and secondary education. Some of them, especially in the suburban areas of Lviv, occured as a result of direct care of members of the society.

Owing to the influence of the protection of deputies of the Galician Sejm, it was possible to achieve the adoption of the law, and later to open the Teacher Seminars and Women's Schools [9, p.2-5]. So, in 1869, the city of Tarnow opened a 5-year-old secondary female school, in Rzeszow - a female gymnasium, in 1870 - a 3-year high school of women was opened in Stanislaviv.

The leadership of the highest women's school in Stanislav was entrusted with Professor Bodinsky. Supervisory functions from «Pedagogical Comrade» were performed by Mr. Svirskaya. Teachers at the mentioned educational institution from Lviv directed professors Zatseya, Frankivsk, Bodinsky, Sanotsky, Lomnitsky, Panusevich, Kerikarto, and Dorozhevsky and Cards teachers [12, p.703].

In the high school of women taught religion, Polish, German, Ukrainian, French, arithmetic, general history, Polish history, geography, drawing, calligraphy and labour training. Training continued on working days from 8 to 13 hours. Students' tuition fee was 30 ft. per month and 1 fl. entrance admission [12, p.703].

The organization of educators paid a lot of attention to publishing activities. Its purpose was to provide schools with new textbooks, notebooks, promotion of effective teaching methods, raising the general knowledge and skills of teachers, popularization of various scientific disciplines, involvement of young people in reading books, introduction of simplified forms of training for the senior categories of the population, etc.

Thus, in a special requirement of the leadership of the society for the year of 1877, addressed to the district education departments, it contained the information concerning the need for distribution of the pedagogical principles of education in Galicia, the provision of accessible, high-quality, methodical textbooks to schools and the need for constant dissemination of information to schoolchildren in schools in Galicia as well as to an educated citizen and a teacher in particular [20, p.88].

Publishing activities, other than written and current contributions, formed the main income of the organisation. During the years 1868/1908, the society published its own funds and sold 114 items of various publications intended for young people, 56 for teachers and educators, 47 school textbooks, 38 scientific publications, and 19 publications of popular science. In addition, songs, maps, materials for schooling, collections of laws and regulations, as well as a large number of different types of school textbooks [9, p.70] were released.

It should be emphasized that the problems of school secondary education with the advent of the «Pedagogical Society» emerged from the marginal field of the Galician community having often become a reason for discussions, including the pages of the Polish periodical publication of the society - the newspaper «School» («Szkola») - a printed body of the educational institutions.

The periodical was founded long before the creation of the «Pedagogical Society» by the Lviv bookbinder and public figure in Galicia Karl Wilde. In the years 1869/1870, he published a separate supplement to the periodical, which contained various materials related to school affairs. In December 1870, he handed his magazine for nothing to the board of the «Pedagogical Society», subsequently consequently it became its printed body [16, p.50].

The periodical was headed by the following editors regarding years: Karl Mashkovsky (1868), Bronislav Traskovsky (1869/1870), Paulin Svencytsky

(1870/1871), Sigismund Samolevich (1873/1875), Lukyan Tatomyr (1876/1882), Boleslav Baranovsky (1882/1885), Ludovich Dzedzitsky (1885), Romuald Starkel (1886/1888), Mecislav Baranovsky (1888/1895), Metsislav Varmsky (1896/1897), ShczynaParasevich (1898/1900), Karl Falkiewicz (1900), Louis Teika (1902) [22, p.43].

The «Pedagogical Society» at the beginning of its activity contributed to the unification of the dispersed Polish and Ukrainian teachers in the counties as well as influenced the decision of the vital educational issues by state structures. The inner development of the education community was not only accompanied by a gradual quantitative increase, but also by the complex processes of differentiation of its members, which most visibly was observed in a frame of cultural, educational, professional and inter-ethnic levels.

The organization of educators developed steadily until 1884, at that time the first partition entailed the issue of creating a separate «Association of Teachers of Higher Education» with a central administration in Lviv [16, p.48-49] was updated.

Basically, the reasons of split and diverse discussions in the society intensified in the interpretation of the principles along with application of different methods and methodological approaches to teaching different age groups of students, of the unequal social status of teachers, for example, teachers of primary village schools and professors of Lviv Polytechnic or University, who took over the leadership of the community was strengthening a distinction.

Together with average individuals, but also many well-known people among a number of the former initiators, organizers, representatives of the governing body of the «Pedagogical Society», constituated the society of employees of higher schools of Galicia.They were Sigismund Samolevich, Juzef Soletsky, Bronislav Traskovsky and many others. Thus, the «Society of Teachers of Higher Schools» since 1884 became an independent structure in the field of organization of higher education in the lands of Galicia. Its activity will be discussed below.

The highest leadership of the «Pedagogical Society» was the general meeting of members (from 1903 - the general meeting of delegates). At the general meeting the educators collectively discussed and approved the strategic directions of the education development.

Usually there were annual meetings, convened in July for 2-3 days at the edge of the new academic year. In some cases, the board of directors of the organisation were able to assemble a general intersession meeting. In majority, Lviv was elected as avenue(1868,1869,1871,1873,1886,1894,1898 and 1902). The general meeting of the society also took place in Krakow (1869, 1881, 1900); Przemysl (1874, 1885, 1901); Stanislaviv (1875, 1887, 1897) [15,p.380],

The first chairman of the «Pedagogical Society» in Lviv became the professor of Roman law of Lviv University Yosafat Zelonatsky. He managed the company only for one year.

Subsequently, leadership of his successors Karl Mashkovsky (1869) and Felix Streletsky (1870/1872 biennium), those days, professors of the Lviv Technical Academy (later - Lviv Polytechnic), were not admitted as long-term and successful.

It seems that the longest ruling period of the association of educators in Galicia was observed by Sigismund Savchynsky (from 1873 to 1891). At the time of his election as head of the «Pedagogical Society», he was the director of the Teaching Seminary in Lviv. He was also elected a deputy of the Galician Sejm, a member of the Austrian Parliament, a member of the National Pedagogical Council. During the chairing of S. Savchinsky the split of the community induced a resign of educators, teachers of higher schools from the society.

The chairman of the pedagogical society during 1892/1896 was Yuri Czartoryskiy, a descendant of the famous princely family of the Polish magnates Czartoryski.

For a brief period (1897), the society of educators was headed by economist Stanislav Shchepanovsky, who, besides pedagogy, was fascinated by journalism. He was also one of the founders and active devotees of the development of the oil industry in Galicia [16, p.51 ].

Among the leaders of the «Pedagogical Society» in Lviv, the activity of a professional lawyer, Godzmir Malakhovsky is noticeably distinguished in the functioning of the community. Initially he worked as a judge, then - a lawyer, and at the turn of the century - became the president of Lviv [16, p.39-53].

All in all, each chairman of the organisation was assissted by a deputy - vice chairman. Since 1901, two vice chairmen were decided to be elected. From the beginning of the establishment of the Pedagogical Society, the deputies were: Stanislav Sobieski (1868), Felix Streletsky (1869/1870), Theophil Gerstman (1871/1891), Ludovich Dzedzitsky (1892), Karl Raver (1893), Y. Fanfara (1895/1896, 1899,1900/1901), Tomas Turner (1897/1898), Jan Soletsky (1901/1906), Josef Safran (1902/1903) Stanislav Golmbinsky (1904), Jan Ligging (1906/1907).


To sum up, it is worth noting that on the basis of specific historical sources the paper contains theoretical generalization including scientific solution of an essential issue concerning the establishment and first steps of the Pedagogical Society in Lviv, which turned up to be the first professional association of educators in Ukraine. The community contributed a significant impact in the development of education as well as science in Galicia.The society's routine was regulated by the statute. The purpose of the establishment and function of the organization was primarily concentrated on socio-economic, cultural and educational goals. The statute was approved by the relevant state authorities. Moreover, the society supervised a movement record of both the educated and non-educated residents in the region, held meetings with teachers, endeavored to raise wages and other issues of civil society and trade unions, having demonstrated the features of a professional organization that were not inherent to any contemporary community of those period.


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15. Przenioslo M. Polskie Towarzystwo pedagogiczne we Lwowie (materialy z Lwowskiego Arhiwum Historycznego). Galicja. Studia i materialy: czasopismo instytutu historii uniwersytetu rzeszowskiego. №1. 2015. S.378-396.

16. Przenioslo M. Towarzystwo pedagogiczne we Lwowie w latach 1868-1906 (wybrane zagadnienia). Studia z Historii Spoleczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX wieku. Tom 13. Lфdz: Wyd. Uniwersytetu Lфdzkiego. 2014. S. 47-59.

17. Statut organizacyjny tycz^sy siз ustanowienia Rady szkolnej krajowej w Krфlestwie Galicyi i Lodomeryi z Wielkiem Ksiзstwem Krakowskiem. Szkola. Pismo poswiзcone sprawom szkol ludowych i srednich tudziez seminaryцw nauczycielskich. №1. Styczen 1868. S.53-55.

18. Statut Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego. Na mocy pozwolenia Wysokiego c.k. Namiestnictwa z dnia 14. Kwietnia 1868 r. Nr. 22.836. Lwow: z drukarni K. Pillera, 1868. 8 s.

19. Terlecki R. Oswiata doroslych i popularyzacja nauki w Galicji w okresie autonomii. Wroclaw. Warszawa. Krakow. Gdansk. Lфdz: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1990. 259 s.

20. Towarzystwo pedagogiczne na wystawie krajowej. Szkola. Czasopismo poswiзcone sprawom szkцl nizszych. №9. 3 marca 1877. S.88.

21. Ustawa o Jзnzyku wykladowym w szkфlach ludowych i srednich Krolestwa Galicyi i Lodomeryi z Wielkiem Ksiзstwem Krakowskiem. Szkola. Pismo poswiзcone sprawom szkцl ludowych i srednich tudziez seminaryцw nauczycielskich. №1. Styczen 1868. S.55-56

22. Zwi^zek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego: zarys dziejфw 1905-1985 / pod red. Boleslawa Grzesia; oprac. Franciszek Filipowicz [i in.]. Warszawa: Inst. Wydaw. Zw. Zawodowych, 1986. 679 s.

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