Teaching Paleography at Lviv University during Soviet Period: Contribution to Development of Special (Auxiliary) Historical Disciplines in Ukraine in the Second Half of the 1940s - the First Half of the 1980s
Analysis of the teaching experience of those employees of Lviv University who conducted classes in paleography and related disciplines in Soviet times. Research of the need for professional training of researchers of the history of the Middle Ages.
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Дата добавления | 28.03.2023 |
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Teaching Paleography at Lviv University during Soviet Period: Contribution to Development of Special (Auxiliary) Historical Disciplines in Ukraine in the Second Half of the 1940s - the First Half of the 1980s
Oleksandr Tseluiko
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)
The purpose of the study is review and analysis of the body of work of those lectures of Lviv University who in the Soviet era taught Paleography and related disciplines.
Scientific novelty: for the first time in domestic historiography, the process of teaching Paleographic courses in the Soviet era at Lviv University is analyzed, and their filling and content, information on some unpublished educational publications on special (auxiliary) historical disciplines are provided.
Conclusions: the practice of teaching Paleographic courses at Lviv University has had a long tradition, and from the last third of the 19th century was of a stable nature. They were added to the educational programs because of the need for professional training of researchers of the history of the Middle Ages and early modern times and the employees of archival and museum institutions.
Until 1939, most Paleographic courses were taught by Polish scholars, and the object of their close attention was Latin Paleography. Separate courses in Cyrillic Paleography, which could be attended by students of Lviv University, were given at that time by Ukrainians M. Hrushevskyi and I. Svientsitskyi.
After the beginning of the Sovietization of this higher educational institution, the teaching of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines and, in particular, Paleography, was stopped for a while, and was resumed only in the second half of the 1940s. A number of Ukrainian researchers played a decisive role in that (Ye. Yatskevych, I. Starchuk, Ya. Kis), who finished secondary schools and graduated from higher educational institutions before 1939 or, under the supervision of Polish and Ukrainian professors in the first years of its Sovietization.
Until the middle of the 1980s, Paleography, both Latin and Cyrillic, was taught according to the scheme traditional for previous times, in which the main attention was paid to the formation of practical skills in reading ancient writing, and the theoretical part was shortened to brief information on its history and brachygraphy. Over time, Ya. Kis enhanced the content of the course with information about other special (auxiliary) historical disciplines, first of all, Diplomatics. Due to the absence of Ukrainian Paleography textbooks, Lviv University lecturers tried to prepare a number of their own publications. However, only one of them appeared in print, and the rest remained in drafts.
Keywords: Lviv University, special (auxiliary) historical disciplines, Paleography, Yaroslav Kis
Викладання палеографії у Львівському університеті у РАДЯНСЬКИЙ ПЕРІОД: ПРИЧИНОК ДО РОЗВИТКУ спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін в Україні у другій половині 1940-х - першій половині 1980-х рр.
Олександр Целуйко
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка (Львів, Україна)
Метою дослідження є огляд та аналіз викладацького доробку тих працівників Львівського університету, котрі у радянський час провадили заняття з палеографії та суміжних з нею дисциплін.
Наукова новизна: вперше у вітчизняній історіографії проаналізовано процес викладання у радянський час у Львівському університеті палеографічних курсів, їхній зміст і наповнення, подано відомості про низку неопублікованих навчальних видань зі спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін. paleography lviv university historical discipline
Висновки: практика викладання палеографічних курсів у Львівському університеті має довгу традицію, а з останньої третини ХІХ ст. носила сталий характер. У навчальних програмах вони з'явилися у зв'язку із потребою фахової підготовки дослідників історії середньовіччя та ранньомодерного часу, співробітників архівних і музейних установ.
Викладання більшості палеографічних курсів до 1939 р. забезпечувалося польськими вченими, а об'єктом їхньої пильної уваги була латинська палеографія. Окремі курси з кириличної палеографії, що їх могли відвідувати студенти Львівського університету, провадилися у той час українцями М. Грушевським та І. Свєнціцьким.
Зпочатком радянізації цього вищого навчального закладу викладання спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін і, зокрема, палеографії, на деякий час було перервано та відновилося лише у другій половині 1940-х рр. Вирішальна роль у цьому належала низці українських дослідників (Є. Яцкевич, І. Старчук, Я. Кісь), котрі завершили своє навчання у середніх та вищих школах ще до 1939 р. або, під керівництвом польських та українських професорів, у перші роки його радянізації.
Виклади палеографії, як латинської, так і кириличної, до середини 1980-х рр. проходили за традиційною для попередніх часів схемою, у котрій головний наголос ставився на формуванні практичних навичок читання давнього письма, а теоретична частина зводилася до коротких відомостей з його історії та брахиграфії. З часом Я. Кісь розширив наповнення курсу відомостями про інші спеціальні (допоміжні) історичні дисципліни, насамперед, дипломатики. За відсутності українських палеографічних посібників, викладачі Львівського університету спробували підготувати низку власних видань. Однак, друком з'явилося лише одне із них, а решта залишилися у проектах.
Ключові слова:Львівський університет, спеціальні (допоміжні) історичні дисципліни, палеографія, Ярослав Кісь
For a long time, in fact - until the middle of the 20th century, the history of the development of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines in Ukraine remained outside the attention of domestic scholars, and any special study in this field hardly could be found. This issue was brought up only fragmentarily in the works of foreign, as a rule, Polish scholars. For example, at the end of the 1930s, the body of work of a number of
Polish scholars from Lviv was reviewed by the professor of the Jagiellonian University, Wtadystaw Semkowicz Semkowicz W. Rozwoj nauk pomocniczych historii w latach 1886-1936. Lwow, 1937. 33 s.. However, the studies of Ukrainian scholars, for obvious reasons, did not come under his attention. The situation changed only at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s when general interest in special (auxiliary) historical disciplines was growing up in Ukraine. Just at that time, Yaroslav Kis conducted a small research on the history of mentioned disciplines teaching at Lviv University, including the Soviet period (actually, in the second half of the 1940s - 1950s) Кісь Я. До історії розвитку допоміжних історичних дисциплін у Львівському університеті // Науково-інформаційний бюлетень Архівного управління (далі - НІБ АУ). 1963. № 4. С. 37-40.. Over the next two decades, a number of other studies appeared, the authors of which, some to a greater, and some to a lesser extent, also touched upon the question of the development of certain special (auxiliary) historical disciplines in Ukraine. First of all, we should mention Vitalii Havrylenko's innovative national historiography monograph on Ukrainian Sphragistics Гавриленко В. Українська сфрагістика: питання предмета та історіографії. Київ: Наукова думка, 1977. 167 с., a section in the book about Ukrainian cursive writing by Vira Panashenko Панашенко В. Палеографія українського скоропису другої половини XVII ст.: (на матеріалах Лівобережної України). Київ: Наукова думка, 1974. С. 11-20., and a number of other publications See for example: Ісаєвич Я. Д.І. Зубрицький і його діяльність в галузі спеціальних історичних дисциплін // НІБ АУ. 1963. № 1. С. 48-57; Крип'якевич І. Історична картографія в Західній Україні (до 1939 р.) // Історичні джерела та їх використання. Вип. 1. Київ: Наукова думка, 1964. С. 263-267..
The new wave of interest in special (auxiliary) historical disciplines and the history of their teaching in Ukraine should be dated to the time of the restoration of independence, the restart of the work of the old ones (the Shevchenko Scientific Society), and the establishing of new scientific centers, for which the mentioned disciplines became the focus of interest. In recent decades, several studies have appeared, containing reviews of the history and historiography of certain special (auxiliary) historical disciplines. Among them let's recall the monographs by Valentyna Bezdrabko (Documentation and its History), Valerii Tomazov (History of Genealogy), papers by Mykola Ilkiv-Svydnytskyi (History of Latin Writing Study in Ukraine), Oleksandr Tseluiko (Paleographic and Genealogical Research Conducted by Denys Zubrytskyi, Genealogical Interests of Galician Ukrainians of the 19th century), Roman Shust (History of Numismatics and Numismatic Collecting in Lviv), and others.
However, despite significant progress in this field, it is worth noting that there are still some issues that need further study. This, in particular, concerns the history of teaching the specified disciplines to students of higher educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR in the post-war period. Here, we mainly have to deal with short current event summaries of certain departments or biographical essays of those professors and associate professors who taught such courses (special (auxiliary) historical disciplines) See for example: Бездрабко В. А.О. Введенський: дореволюційний історик-ерудит і радянський професор // Український історичний журнал. 2012. № 3. С. 153-182.. Instead, the studies could be interesting, where the object of attention could be the tradition and practice of teaching just the disciplines of the studied complex themselves. It is about defining the aims of separate training courses that were taught during one or another period, as well as those practical tasks that they solved during the training of experts in the history of the Middle Ages, future archivists, or museum workers. Accordingly, the introduction of information about the structure and nature of such courses in Ukrainian higher education institutions into scientific circulation will not only expand our knowledge of the history of historical science development or, more particularly, the development of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines in Ukraine, but will also help to understand better how researchers community was forming, what baggage of knowledge the graduates gained from the universities or pedagogical institutes, how it contributed to their further scientific activity, etc.
Such a broader objective can be accomplished by careful analysis of the work of certain educational institutions. We focused our attention on Lviv University, which has a long-standing tradition of teaching special (auxiliary) historical disciplines and among whose graduates there are many well-known Ukrainian and Polish researchers in this field. The development and teaching of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines at Lviv University have already been the object of interest of certain domestic and foreign scholars. Their work in this field was recently analyzed by R. Shust and O. Tseluiko in one of the sections of the collective monograph Шуст Р., Целуйко О. Допоміжні / спеціальні історичні дисципліни у Львівському університеті:
історіографія питання та перспективи подальшого дослідження // Історія та історики у Львівському університеті: традиції та сучасність (До 75-ліття створення історичного
факультету): колективна монографія. Ред. Л. Зашкільняк та П. Сєрженґи. Львів: ПАІС, 2015. С. 141-153., which gives us the opportunity not to analyze corresponding publications in detail.
We should only add that after the publication of the mentioned monograph, several other studies on this issue appeared in print, in particular, M. Ilkiv-Svydnytskyi and Volodymyr Kachmar wrote about the educational and scientific work of Austrian professors of the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th century Ilkiv-Swydnycki M., Kaczmar W. Pierwszy katedry (1784-1805) // Historia w Uniwersytecie Lwowskim. Badania i nauczanie (do 1939 roku) / red. J. Maternicki, J. Pisulinska i L. Zaszkilniak. Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016. S. 51-64; Ilkiv-Swydnycki M. W Liceum Lwowskim (1805-1817) // Historia w Uniwersytecie Lwowskim... S. 65-73; Ilkiv-Swydnycki M., Kaczmar W. Po ponownym erygowaniu Uniwersytetu (1817-1848) // Historia w Uniwersytecie Lwowskim. S. 75-86; Ільків-Свидницький М. Ґотфрід Уліх і його студії з допоміжних історичних наук у Львівському університеті (1784-1794) // Записки НТШ. Праці комісії спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін. Т. 268. Львів, 2015. С. 443-456., and R. Shust and Roman Lavretskyi analyzed the teaching of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines in the interwar period tawrecki R., Szust R. Nauki pomocnicze historii 1918-1939 // Historia w Uniwersytecie Lwowskim. Badania i nauczanie (do 1939 roku). S. 383-396.. However, the majority of studies deal with the activities of Lviv University during the so-called Austrian and Polish periods.
On the other hand, we know much less about the development of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines at this university in recent 'Soviet' times. This issue is rather shortly mentioned in the above-mentioned paper by Ya. Kis. The teaching and scientific activity of Ya. Kis himself, including his work with the mentioned disciplines, was studied by Vitalii Yaremchuk Яремчук В. Призабуті постаті української історіографії ХХ століття. Біоісторіографічні нариси. Острог: Національний університет «Острозька Академія», 2002. С. 98-161..
Another publication by R. Shust and O. Tseluiko, in which schematically and briefly the history of teaching special (auxiliary) historical disciplines at the mentioned university in the Soviet period was analyzed, dated to the first decade of the 21st century Шуст Р., Целуйко О. Допоміжні / спеціальні історичні дисципліни у Львівському університеті імені Івана Франка (1939-2008) // Наукові зошити історичного факультету Львівського університету. Вип. 10. Львів, 2009. С. 188-198.. The objects of O. Tseluiko's interest were the unsuccessful attempt to establish a separate department of auxiliary historical disciplines at Lviv University in 1939-1940, the activities of the University museum/special study room for auxiliary historical sciences in the second half of the 20th century, the content of educational courses of Sphragistics, Numismatics, and Heraldry, which were taught to students in the 1950s by Ivan-Yulian Shpytkovskyi (1880-1969), one of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi's followers Целуйко О. Чи була кафедра допоміжних історичних дисциплін (наук) у Львівському університеті у 1939-1941 роках? // Записки Наукового товариства імені Шевченка. Т. CCLXXI (Праці Комісії спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін). Львів, 2018. С. 792-807; Целуйко О. Іван-Юліан Шпитковський та його курс лекцій зі сфрагістики // Спеціальні історичні дисципліни: питання теорії та методики. Вип. 29-30. Київ, 2019. С. 101-128; Целуйко О. До історії створення і діяльности Музею / кабінету допоміжних історичних дисциплін у Львівському університеті // Наукові зошити історичного факультету Львівського університету. Вип. 17. Львів, 2016. С. 213-250..
On the other hand, the History of Paleography, teaching at Lviv University during the Soviet era, was practically ignored by scholars, if we do not take into account the brief ascertaining information on this issue in some of cited studies. All of the aforementioned determine the purpose of our study - a review and analysis of the work results of those employees of Lviv University who during Soviet times taught Paleography and related disciplines. To do this, it is necessary to accomplish a number of objectives, in particular, to find and submit biographical information about some scientific and pedagogical staff of the University representatives, to find out the list of Paleographic courses that they taught, to analyze scientific and methodological research works prepared and planned for publication as well as relevant training documentation.
Teaching Paleography at Lviv University has long traditions. When, in 1784, the Austrian authorities restored the work of a higher educational institution in the city, the first Department of Auxiliary Historical Disciplines was established in it at the Faculty of Philosophy. It was headed by Professor Gottfried Uhlich (1743-1794). Since then and during the next seventy years, the Basics of Paleography were taught by
G. Uhlich and his successors to students of the first two years of study in the course of another special (auxiliary) historical discipline - Diplomatics. We can analyze the filling and content of that course and the amount of information on Paleography in it from the textbook prepared by G. Uhlich and the educational publications of German Professors Johann Christoph Gatterer and Hans Gruber, which were chosen at the time as basic for students training. From those books and lectures, young people got specific information on the history of Latin writing and the theoretical basis of Paleography A more detailed analysis of the educational literature used at that time in the presentation of paleography, see: Ільків-Свидницький М. «Історіографія ерудитів» та її вплив на палеографічні студії у Львівському університеті (1784-1848 рр.) // Історія та історики у Львівському університеті: традиції та сучасність. С. 82-90.. Considering the scholastic character of the education at that time - it was narrowed to the professor's lectures and his subsequent verification of the degree of assimilation of the material by the students, it is not known whether practical classes (exercises) on reading ancient texts were conducted with the students.
The situation with the teaching of some special (auxiliary) historical disciplines, including Paleography, at Lviv University was radically improved in the last third of the 19th century. That was facilitated by a number of circumstances, in particular, the shifting of the main attention to the teaching of the mentioned disciplines in the training course of historians, instead of the students of all majors, as it was before During the resumption of the activities of Lviv University in 1784, it had four faculties: philosophy, theology, law and medicine. All student youth first studied for two years at the Faculty of Philosophy, and only then continued their studies at three others. That is, the Faculty of Philosophy for a long time (in fact, until the middle of the 19th century) prepared lawyers, physicians, and theologians for further education. Accordingly, some of them could studied courses in special (auxiliary) historical disciplines., the need to take into account the practical needs associated with the intensification of archeographic activities in the city, the professionalization of the skills of employees in state and public archives and libraries, etc.
At Lviv University, Professor Franciszek Ksawery Liske (1838-1891) played a leading role in enhancing the importance of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines in the training of historians Biographical data about him, see: Knot A. Liske Franciszek Ksawery // Polsli Siownik Biograficzny. T. XVII. Wrociaw-Warszawa-Krakow, 1972. S. 462-465; Julkowska V. Ksawery Liske (1838-1891) // Ziota ksi^ga historiografii lwowskiej XIX i XX wieku. Pod red. Jerzy Maternickiego, przy wspoipracy Leonida Zaszkilniaka. Rzeszow, 2007. S. 181-200.. He used to get his university education in several European universities (first in Wroclaw, and later in Berlin) and defended his doctoral thesis in Leipzig. At those higher educational institutions, the young man got acquainted with the research apparatus and work methods of German scholars and editors of specialized journals, which allows us to see him as a kind of mediator between German (broader - Western) and Polish historiographies16Julkowska V. Ksawery Liske i jego dziaiania na rzecz profesjonalizacji badan historycznych na Uniwersytecie Lwowskim // Історія та історики у Львівському університеті: традиції та сучасність... С. 222.. Let us also point out that in the mentioned institutions, K. Liske got a good knowledge of certain special (auxiliary) historical disciplines, primarily Paleography and Diplomatics.
At Lviv University, K. Liske began teaching Paleography in the 1871/1872 academic year and continued either separately or in combination with Diplomatics from that time on Akademische Behцrden an der k.k. Universatдt zu Lemberg, sammt der Ordnung der Vorlesungen an derselben im Winter- Semester des Studien-Jahres 1871-2. Lemberg, N. d. S. 24.. The effectiveness of classes was ensured by introducing the newest contemporary methodological techniques, which consisted in the presentation of analytical studies of the source material and independent working with texts by students under the guidance of the tutor Julkowska V. Ksawery Liske i jego dziaiania. С. 228.. Appropriate materials for such classes were widely provided by the Regional Archives of Grodsky and Zemsky Acts in Lviv, headed by K. Liske. It is more difficult to ascertain the amount of theoretical material that students learned while doing those practical tasks. It is only known that the course began with a brief introduction, in which K. Liske familiarized the students with the theoretical basis of the 'art of reading' ancient acts, their structure and peculiar features, and the criteria for determining their plausibility. The aforementioned Diplomatics and Paleography classes served as a certain preparatory stage for those who sought to further study the basics of scientific work in K. Liske's seminar.
The practice of teaching theoretical courses of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines and giving Paleographic and Diplomatics practical tasks at Lviv University was continued by other Polish historians: during the Austrian era - Professors Tadeusz Wojciechowski (1838-1919), Stanistaw Zakrzewski (1873-1936), Associate Professor Wtadystaw Semkowicz (1878-1949), during the interwar period, the Heads of the Department of History of Middle Ages, Professors Jan Ptasnik (1876-1930) and Teofil Emil Modelski (1881-1967), Associate Professor Karol Maleczynski (1897-1968). Without dwelling on the list of Paleography courses in detail, we should only note that their titles were quite general (for example, 'Latin Paleography', 'Polish-Latin Paleography', 'Latin and Polish Paleography', 'Medieval Latin Paleography'), and therefore, they give only an approximate idea of the set of those practices of reading ancient writings that the students had under the guidance of their lecturers. However, sometimes the latter specified in more detail the writings of which time period or territory would be the subject of study. Thus, Prof. S. Zakszewski taught courses titled 'Writing Skills in Poland from the 10th to the 14th century', 'Polish Paleography in the 14th and 15th centuries', and 'Paleographic Exercises from the 14th to the 16th century.'
The above-mentioned Paleographic courses formed the skills of reading Latin writing, documents, or handwritten artifacts originating from Polish lands, dated mainly to the Middle Ages, although sometimes to more recent times - the 16th century. In addition, we should note that at Lviv University, a number of Paleographic courses were sporadically taught to students studying Classical Philology. It was about courses in Roman Epigraphy by Prof. Bronistaw Ignacy Kruczkiewicz and Paleography of Romanesque Written Artifacts by Prof. Edward Por^bowicz, Greek Paleography by Ryszard Gansiniec and Jerzy Manteuffel, etc.
Over time, courses in Cyrillic Paleography were established. Professor Mykhailo Hrushevskyi (1866-1934) was the first to introduce classes (exercises) of Cyrillic, or more precisely, Ukrainian Cyrillic Paleography for students specialized in history at Lviv University. As known, the department headed by him since 1894 was the alternative Department of World History, however, with the Ukrainian language of teaching, and the courses offered by the Professor were associated with the History of Ukraine. M. Hrushevskyi quite briefly - only during two semesters of 1905/1906 - established Paleography courses for his students, the title of the first of which sounded like 'Paleography Ukrainian-Rus', the second - 'Ukrainian-Rus Paleography of the 17th- 18th centuries.' Skiad Uniwersytetu i program wykiadцw w zimowem pцiroczu 1905/1906 C.K. Uniwersytet imienia Cesarza Franciszka I we Lwowie. Lwцw, 1905. S. 58; Skiad Uniwersytetu i program wykiadцw w pцiroczu letnem 1905/1906 C.K. Uniwersytet imienia Cesarza Franciszka I we Lwowie. Lwцw, 1906. S. 59.
The amount of time for the specified courses was the minimum possible - only one hour per week; they took place on Thursdays, from 10 a.m. We can assume that the named courses were of a practical nature, being de facto exercises for the formation of reading skills for texts written in semi-uncial or cursive writing. The need for M. Hrushevskyi to establish courses in Ukrainian Cyrillic Paleography for his students was an obvious and extremely necessary matter, at least because of the archeographic projects that the scholar implemented during the Lviv period of his activity, while the documents selected by him or other employees of the Archaeological Commission of Shevchenko Scientific Society during their research work in Lviv itself or beyond, could serve as educational materials for students. However, we can estimate the content of those courses/exercises by M. Hrushevskyi only indirectly.
The next time, classes of Cyrillic Paleography appeared in the curricula of Lviv University already in the interwar period. When in 1934, the famous Ukrainian museologist and scholar Ilarion Svientsitskyi (1876-1956) returned to work there, he introduced practical classes of Cyrillic Paleography for students on a more or less regular basis as part of Slavic Studies, mostly it was 1 hour per week Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie. Spis wykladow na rok akad. 1934/35. Lwow, 1934. S. 54; Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie. Spis wykladow na rok akad. 1935/36. Lwow, 1935. S. 57; Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie. Spis wykladow w roku akademickim 1937/38. Lwow, 1937.
S. 61.. Allegedly, the aim of those courses was to prepare students to work with acts and other handwritten materials before studying the history of the Slavic peoples of the late Middle Ages and early modern times, or for possible work in museums and archives, including the National Museum headed by a scholar.
As we can see, until the end of the 1930s, Lviv University had a rather stable tradition of teaching theoretical and practical courses on Paleography. That was facilitated by the presence of appropriate scientific and pedagogical staff trained both at that educational institution and at leading European universities or professional schools. A corresponding basis was also created for teaching Paleography and other special (auxiliary) historical disciplines.
Thus, in 1920, the Institute of Auxiliary Historical Sciences began its work at the University. It was established to perform a double task - to conduct scientific research in the field of those disciplines and to help junior students in the formation of certain practical skills and abilities. The supervision of the Institute was entrusted to the Heads of the Department of History of Middle Ages, Ya. Ptasnik and, after him, T. Modelskyi, and it was in that Institute that some of the Paleography classes, which were mandatory for students, took place. Formally, the classes were taught by the Heads of the Institute, but quite often they were taught by assistants, in particular such experts in special (auxiliary) historical disciplines as tucja Charewiczowa and Marian Haisig.
After the establishment of the Bilshovyk regime in Halychyna in the fall of 1939 and the beginning of the Sovietization of higher education, the situation with the teaching of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines at Lviv University changed radically. An attempt to establish a separate Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences in it in December 1939 - February 1940 ended in failure, and the Institute of the same name soon ceased to operate More about it: Целуйко О. Чи була кафедра допоміжних історичних дисциплін (наук) у Львівському університеті у 1939-1941 роках? // Записки Наукового товариства імені Шевченка.
T. CCLXXI (Праці Комісії спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін). Львів, 2018. С. 792-807.. The teaching of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines after the transition to unified Soviet curricula was narrowed to two mandatory courses of Source Studies and Historiography, and attempts to convince the new leadership of the need to study other sciences of the complex, at least when training future medievalists, ran into misunderstandings. Not for nothing, that Ukrainian historian Oleksandr Dombrovskyi, a witness to those times and events, later pointed out that the new leadership «considered such disciplines as Diplomatics, Heraldry, etc., to be the “remnants of bourgeois science”» Домбровський О. До історії Львівського університету в 1939-1941 рр. (спогад у 20-ті роковини) // Київ. 1960. № 2. С. 31-36..
The situation with the teaching of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines at Lviv University was not significantly improved in the first post-war years as well due to a number of circumstances. It was again about the lack of a proper place for those disciplines in the Soviet curricula, as well as great changes in the teaching staff took place: some Polish scholars left Lviv during the German occupation and in 1944-1946, and Ukrainian scholars of the older generation were suspended from work at the University during the ideological campaigns of the second half of the 1940s.
Under such conditions, it was necessary to look for both new specialists and a place for those disciplines in the Soviet education system - the well-known Prof.
I. Krypiakevych taught the basics of Paleography and Diplomatics to his post-graduate students at the time For more information about I. Krypiakevych's work with graduate students and the place of special (auxiliary) historical sciences in their training, see: Целуйко О. Чужі свої? Аспіранти Івана Крип'якевича у Львівському університеті: спроба просопографічного портрету // Наукові зошити історичного факультету Львівського університету. Вип. 20. Львів, 2020. С. 321-349.. The fact that some senior and junior scholars involved in the work at Lviv University graduated from those old, 'non-Soviet' universities or gymnasiums, and were proficient in classical and new foreign languages, also helped. After some time, the hours when it would be possible to teach those disciplines were found - it was about courses that were taught to students within the context of certain departmental specializations.
In 1945, Yevhen Yatskevych (1899-1961) became a lecturer at the Faculty of History at Lviv University. Born in Stryi, in 1923-1927 he studied at the Faculty of Humanities at Lviv University, where, according to his words, he studied Ukrainian-Polish Relations in the Middle Ages and Paleography The Archive of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Archive IFNUL). Found Р-119. List 1. File 1673. P. 3.. After that, he taught at state gymnasiums, seminaries and lyceums in Drohobych, Dubno, Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Kovel and Krotoszyn (Poznan region). He repatriated to Lviv in 1945, getting a job at the University in October of the same year as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of History of Southern and Western Slavs and an adjunct lecturer. From the fall of 1946, he received a permanent status on the staff as a lecturer at the Department of History of Ukraine, and a few months later - at the Department of History of Middle Ages (in both cases - part-time). Until he quit in the summer of 1948, he combined his work at the University with work as the Head of the Department of History of Ukraine of the 14th - 17th centuries at Lviv State Historical Museum The Lviv Historical Museum (LHM). Found Р-2591. List 1. File 5. P. 27, 115; File 11а. P. 4back..
The first course he was assigned to teach at the University was Source Studies. However, besides it, Ye. Yatskevych taught Paleography for several years. The order, appointing Ye. Yatskevych as a lecturer of 'Source Studies and Paleography', was of October 1945 Archive IFNUL. Found Р-119. List 6. File 7. P. 209., but he taught the Basics of Paleography at the Faculty of History during the next two academic years (1946/1947 and 1947/1948). The course was intended for full-time students in the fourth year of study in the amount of time of 30 hours The State Archive of Lviv Region (SALR). Found Р-119. List 17. File 31. P. 6, 27-28; File 60. P. 1back.. Just about that time, Ye. Yatskevych allegedly prepared either a reference-album Ibid. File 60. P. 3. or a textbook on Old Rus Paleography Ibid. File 2. P. 23., but no more detailed information about those planned publications has been preserved. It is known neither about the theoretical content of Ye. Yatskevych's course, nor about how the classes were conducted and the reading of which writings he taught. We can only assume that it was about both Cyrillic and Latin Paleography. In favor of that spoke: the place of work - the Department of History of Middle Ages, the experience of his own studies at Lviv University in the 1920s, and finally, the interest in Latin Paleography he retained during the following years (this fact will be analyzed later).
After Ye. Yatskevych quit that job, the teaching of Paleographic courses at the Faculty of History was resumed in a year. In 1949/1950, the well-known Ukrainian archaeologist Ivan Starchuk (1894-1950) taught classes on the discipline of 'Latin Epigraphy' to a small group (only four third-year students) Ibid. File 150. P. 10-16; File 151. P. 2back; File 152. P. 2.. He also was a graduate of Lviv University (he studied in 1925-1930), worked as a junior, and later as a senior assistant and adjunct lecturer at the Department of Classical Archeology of that educational institution, gradually becoming an experienced archaeologist and antiquity expert. At the time of the first Sovietization, I. Starchuk was an Associate Professor at the Department of Archeology (part-timer, since his main place of work at that time, was Lviv Branch of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR), holding that position (the department at that time was already named the Department of History of Ancient World and Archeology) in the post-war period For more information about I. Starchuk, see: Гринюка Б. Викладацька діяльність Івана Старчука (1921-1950) // Вісник Інституту археології. 2013. № 8. С. 114-130.. Taking into account the practice of I. Starchuk's educational work (he, in particular, taught several courses in the history of Greek colonies in Ukraine), and his scientific interests, we can assume that the mentioned course in Epigraphy was associated with the artifacts from Ukrainian territories, however, to confirm or deny this at the moment is not possible.
In the same academic year 1949/1950, the teaching of Paleography was also resumed. After Ye. Yatskevych quit, the teaching of Paleography was entrusted to the lecturer of the Department of History of Middle Ages, a well-known future historian of ancient Lviv, an expert in a number of special (auxiliary) historical disciplines, Ya. Kis (1918-1986). A native of Halychyna, he got his secondary education at Rohatyn private gymnasium and continued it at Lviv Theological Academy (1937-1939), which in the studied period was gradually transformed into a separate Ukrainian university. Obviously, it was in those educational institutions that Ya. Kis gained the knowledge of classical and modern foreign languages he needed in the future and was engrossed in painstaking source work. During 1939-1941 and 1945-1948, he studied at the Faculty of History of Lviv University, where among his lectures were famous Polish and Ukrainian professors.
After graduating from the University, Ya. Kis was appointed to the position of senior laboratory assistant and part-time lecturer at the Department of History of Middle Ages. Starting from the fall of 1949 and until the last days of his life, Yaroslav Kis was, what is called, a full-time lecturer of Paleography for students of the entire Faculty of History and, especially, for those of them who specialized at the Department of History of Ancient World and Middle Ages (the mentioned department appeared after the merger of its two predecessors in 1949), and later, from 1957, the Department of History of Ukrainian SSR, to which Ya. Kis was then transferred. In 1949/1950, just for the students of the departmental specialization, the first of such courses ('Latin
Paleography', 34 hours) was established, and it was repeated several times during the following years SALR. Found P-119. List 17. File 150. P. 8; File 152. P. 2..
In the future, Ya. Kis taught Ukrainian, Rus, East Slavic, and Slavic Paleography. We are talking about courses that were provided by the curricula of certain departmental specializations for students of the Faculty of History. In 1951-1952, Ya. Kis additionally prepared and taught a course in Diplomatics for second- and third-year students, a course that was given in one form or another, either as a separate discipline or, for example, in combination with Paleography These are, in particular, courses such as 'Slavic Paleography and Diplomatics' or 'Russian Paleography and Diplomatics' (SALR. Found P-119. List 17. File 218. P. 49)., and was taught by the scholar throughout the whole first half of the 1950s Ibid. File 197. P. 21; File 220. P. 15; File 265. P. 2; File 286. P. 20..
We can assume with caution what the mentioned Paleography courses looked like and how they were taught. From the preserved materials and memoirs of those who studied under Ya. Kis, it is known that along with the theoretical part (lectures) there was also a practical part, where the students were reading texts chosen by the lecturer. So, in particular, it was in the course of Latin Paleography. We know the content of two classes that were visited by lecturers of the Department of History of Ancient World and Middle Ages, and which were later discussed at its meeting in December 1952.
In the first of those classes, students, together with the lecturer, read photocopies of texts from the 'Renaissance era' (i.e., humanistic writing) and familiarized themselves with the contemporary systems of abbreviations, while in the second - with punctuation and numbering in the Latin writing of the so-called 'feudal period'. Both classes were practically oriented and were some kind of preparation for further work with written sources. The lecturer not only told about the history of the use of Latin and Arabic ('Indo-Arabic') numbers, but also focused on the methods of presenting dates and metrological peculiarities of Latin-language medieval texts Ibid. Cnp. 218. P. 35-38..
It is more difficult to reproduce the theoretical and practical content of other classes of that course. Certain mentions of them can be found in some educational documents from the early 1950s, in particular, in the so-called records of the lecturer's monthly work. They included the date, form, number of hours, and theme of the class session. Information about the work of Ya. Kis for the 1952/1953 academic year tells about several courses in the History of Ancient Writing, including the course in Latin Paleography, which he taught in parallel for students of the second, third, and fourth years of study Archive IFNUL. Found P-119. List 17. File 74. P. 14-14back, 21-21back, 26-26back etc.. At that time, there were eight class sessions (16 hours) in Latin Paleography. The lectures covered the history of the development of writing, writing materials, Brachygraphy, and numerical notation systems; practical ones were devoted to reading samples of Latin writing of the Middle Ages, including Carolingian minuscule, Gothic, and humanistic writing.
We should note that Ya. Kis taught the course in Latin Paleography up to and including the 1957/1958 academic year. In the future, after his transfer to the Department of History of Ukrainian SSR, that discipline disappeared from the curricula, although some pieces of information in Latin Paleography could be found in the courses of Ya. Kis from that time on. That was evidenced by the textbook prepared by the scholar. In point of fact, in that book, there was not any information about the latest successes of European historiography, but it contained material about the achievements of scholars of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century (see the subsection 'Basic Textbooks on Latin Paleography') Кісь Я. Палеографія. Навчальний посібник. Львів, 1975. С. 15-16..
After all, one of the reasons for Ya. Kis's rejection of a separate course in Latin Paleography was that, unlike their predecessors, Soviet students knew Latin extremely poorly, and therefore the reading of the corresponding texts was sometimes purely mechanical in nature, without a deeper understanding of their inner meaning. As noted by the commission examining the work of the Department of History of Ancient World and Middle Ages at that time, Ya. Kis had to explain to the students what the documents they were learning to read were about SALR. Found Р-119. List 17. File 308. P. 13..
At the same time, the scholar began teaching a number of courses in Cyrillic Paleography, which were built according to the same scheme as the previous one. Thematic plan of the course in Rus Paleography in the 1952/1953 academic year included lectures on the history of Paleography, information on writing materials, scribe tools, and writing techniques Ibid. File 218. P. 44-45., followed by practical classes on reading texts written in uncial, semi-uncial, or cursive writing.
In the future, with the acquisition of more practical experience, the theoretical content of Ya. Kis's courses on Paleography expanded. In 1961-1966, he prepared a rather large (28 hours of lectures and 24 hours of practical classes) universal course in 'Paleography and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines' for third-year evening-time training students, but it is difficult to assume its content due to the lack of corresponding materials. A certain clue here is given again by the textbook on Paleography, prepared by Ya. Kis, published in 1975. Its careful study proves that the first section (it was titled 'Paleography among Other Auxiliary Historical Disciplines') contained information not only about the science of ancient writing but also about the aims and tasks of a number of other mentioned historical disciplines, the basics of the classification of written sources, etc Кісь Я. Палеографія. Навчальний посібник... С. 4-7.. It is not for nothing that Ya. Kis liked to include information on Diplomatics into his courses in Paleography and Source Studies; the latter, as we will see later, he planned to present in the section devoted to the History of Ancient Writing in an unpublished textbook devoted to Auxiliary Historical Disciplines in the 1980s.
We should also note that starting from the second half of the 1960s, when the course in Paleography became mandatory for all students at the Faculty of History, and until the Professor's death in 1986, it (that course) continued to be taught according to the traditional scheme of combining theoretical and practical parts. Those Paleography classes formed elementary skills of reading ancient Cyrillic texts, which, after all, was their main task, but they hardly gave the opportunity to train experts for whom Paleographic studies would become the primary subject of scientific interest. The most notable Lviv paleographers of the 1950s - 1980s (Pelageia Fostyk (Zakharchyshyn), Eduard Ruzhytskyi, Nataliia Tsarova) were not students of Ya. Kis: although the first got her university diploma in 1945, she began her studies there in the interwar period; the other two were graduates of the Department of Classical Philology, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Lviv University.
In the post-war period, lectures in Paleography for students studying Slavic Studies were given by I. Svientsitskyi at the Faculty of Philology. We mentioned earlier that the scholar began teaching that course at Lviv University in the 1930s. We have noted several mentions of such a discipline in the post-war period: in the 1948/1949 academic year to Slavic Philology students of the fourth year of study, in 1951/1952 year, as a special course, to the philologists of the Department of Ukrainian Language, the fourth year of study, and in 1955/1956 year, as a special course to Slavic Philology students of the third year of study SALR. Found Р-119. List 20. File 57. P. 3back.; File 123. P. 9; File 189. P. 3.. According to the memoirs of his student at the time, and later the well-known Ukrainian literary critic Nonna Kopystianska (19242013), classes in Paleography were held on the premises of the former National Museum (that time called the Museum of Ukrainian Art), and the artifacts, with the help of which the students studied that discipline, were ancient handwritten books from the funds of that institution According to the memoirs of N. Kopystianska, I. Svientsitskyi took the test in this subject in the Museum Garden, see: Копистянська Н. Професор Іларіон Семенович Свєнціцький: трохи спогадів і безмежна вдячність // Іларіон Свєнціцький: Біобібліографічний покажчик, уклад. Л. Панів, наук. ред. та авт. передм. д-р філол. наук, проф. Лідія Коць-Григорчук, редкол. В. Кметь (голова) та ін. Львів: Вид. центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2008. С. 584.. The place for training was not chosen by chance because of the availability of appropriate funds and the state of health of I. Svientsitskyi.
We have already mentioned that at the end of the 1940s, I. Starchuk prepared a course in Latin Epigraphy for students of the Faculty of History. Unfortunately, after his death in 1950, that discipline was not included in the courses taught at that Faculty for a long time, and only thirty years later, in the 1977/1978 academic year, Ihor Lisovyi, Associate Professor at the Department of History of Ancient World and Middle Ages, started teaching Epigraphy again. A graduate of the Department of Classical Philology at Lviv University (1961-1966), he worked for some time at Zaporizhzhia Medical Institute, and from 1973 - at the above-mentioned Department of the Faculty of History at Lviv University, where he taught a number of courses in the History of Antiquity.
His interest in Epigraphy was not accidental. He used to be one of the co-authors of the collection 'Graffiti of Antique Chersonesus', which was published in 1978 under the editorship of Ella Solomonyk, whose student was I. Lisovyi Бандровський О. Вивчення історії стародавнього світу у Львівському університеті // Археологічні дослідження Львівського університету. Вип. 8. Львів, 2005. С. 118. However, another teacher of I. Lisovyi was the famous antique specialist, a specialist in Greek epigraphy Solomon Lurie (1890-1964)., and the first publication on the specified issue ('Epigraphic Data on Military Affairs of Tauric Chersonese') was prepared by him as early as 1970 ОнищукЯ. Лісовий Ігор Адрійович // Історичний факультет Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка (1940-2000). Ювілейна книга, упоряд. Олексій Вінниченко і Олександр Целуйко. Львів, 2000. С. 126.. Therefore, it is not surprising that he taught a special course titled 'Epigraphy: Archaeological Written Finds. Their Language and Deciphering' to Students of the departmental specialization Archive IFNUL. Found Р-119. List 17. File «Reports on the scientific work of the Faculty of History in the 1977-1978 academic year». P. [2]..
In the 1980s, I. Lisovyi focused his attention on the study of historiographical works devoted to the ancient history of several Eastern European states, but he did not leave Epigraphy aside either. Information on it and some other special (auxiliary) historical disciplines was included by I. Lisovyi in the reference book devoted to the history and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome, published in 1988 Лісовий І. Античний світ у термінах, іменах і назвах. Довідник з історії та культури Стародавньої Греції і Риму. Львів: Видавництво при Львівському державному університеті видавничого об'єднання «Вища школа», 1988.. However, the definitions of certain special (auxiliary) historical disciplines, given in that book, introduced additional confusion and evidenced the author's lack of understanding of their place in the system of historical knowledge. Thus, according to I. Lisovyi, Epigraphy - is a special (!) historical discipline that studies inscriptions on solid materials; Numismatics - is an auxiliary (!) historical discipline that studies the history of minting coins, their value, types, and circulation; Paleography - is a historical discipline (!) that studies the history of writing, reveals and examines the regularities of its graphic forms; and Papyrology - is an auxiliary historical and philological (!) discipline whose tasks are the reading, interpretation, and publication of Greek-Latin papyri Ibid. С. 77, 136, 143, 144.. Such confusion could have been avoided by clearly showing the difference that the author saw between, for example, special and auxiliary historical disciplines, which was not done.
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