Biographical materials of mathematicians and natural scientists in "Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics" (1886-1917): meaningful and content analysis
The results of a study of features of biographical and prosopographic materials about famous mathematicians, physicists and natural scientists, published in one of the most authoritative journals, which was published in Kyiv and Odesa during 1886-1917.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.04.2023 |
Размер файла | 1,5 M |
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2. Ahrens W. (1913). Iosif Lyudvig Lagranzh [Joseph Ludwig Lagrange]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 583-584, 204-214 [in Russian],
3. Alekseev P. (1886). Aleksandr Mihajlovich Butlerov (nekrolog) [Alexander Mikhailovych Butlerov (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 2, 39-42 [in Russian],
4. Anonymous. (1912). O zhizni i deyatel'nosti Anri Puankare. Izvlechenie iz otveta F. Massona, Direktora Francuzskoj Akademii, na rech' Anri Puankare, proiznesennuyu v zasedanii 28 yanvarya 1909 g. [On the life and work of Henri Poincare (1912). Extract from the answer of F. Masson, Director of the French Academy, to the speech of Henri Poincare, delivered at the meeting on January 28, 1909]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 566, 33-45 [in Russian], Atteslander, P. (2003). Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Berlin: Verlag Walter de Gruyter [in German].
5. Avenarius M. (1887). Professor Dr. Gustav-Robert Kirhgof (nekrolog) [Professor Dr. Gustav-Robert Kirchhoff (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 28, 73-74 [in Russian].
6. Avenarius M. (1888). P.Yu.E. Klauzius (nekrolog) [P.Yu.E. Clausius (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 53, 97-98 [in Russian],
7. Bondarenko I. (1893). N.I. Lobachevskij [N.I. Lobachevsky]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 173, 97-103 [in Russian],
8. Bruno G. (1912). Trudy Ya.G. Vant-Goffa [Proceedings of J.H. Vant Hoff]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 557-558, 150-167 [in Russian],
9. Dahiya S.A. (1956). “Zhurnal elementarnoj matematiki” [“Journal of Elementary Mathematics”]. Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovaniya - Historical and mathematical research, 9, 537-612 [in Russian],
10. De-Metz G.G. (1891). Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1891). Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 128, 157-165, 129, 184-194 [in Russian],
11. Frьh W. (2003). Inhaltsanalyse: Theorie und Praxis, Berlin: UTB GmbH [in German]. Helmholtz, H. (1906). Zhizn' i trudy Genriha Gerca [The Life and Works of Heinrich Hertz]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 410, 25-35 [in Russian],
12. Henckel F.V. (1911). Georg Darvin i ego tvoreniya [George Darwin and his creations]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 546, 137-150 [in Russian].
13. I.R. (1891). Edisonomaniya [Edisonomania]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 121, 11-17 [in Russian],
14. Izvlechenie iz adresa (1912). Izvlechenie iz adresa, prochitannogo professorom G.G. Darvinym pri vruchenii Anri Puankare zolotoj medali Korolevskogo Astronomicheskogo Obshchestva v Londone 9-go fevralya 1900 goda [Extract from the address (1912). Extract from the address read by Professor G.H. Darwin at the presentation of the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society to Henri Poincare in London on February 9, 1900]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 566, 62-64 [in Russian],
15. Izvlechenie iz otcheta (1912). Izvlechenie iz otcheta, predstavlennogo G. Radosom Vengerskoj Akademii Nauk po povodu prisuzhdeniya premii imeni Bol'e [Extract from the report (1912). Extract from the report presented by G. Rados to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the award of the Bollie Prize]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 566, 57-62 [in Russian],
16. Kagan V.F. (1915). Pamyati Nikolaya Alekseevicha Umova [In memory of Nikolai Alekseevych Umov]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 628-629, 75-99 [in Russian],
17. Krasnova E., Drozdovskij A. (2015). Osip Yakovlevich Pergament, Odesskij biograficheskij spravochnik “Oni ostavili sled v istorii Odessy” [Osip Yakovlevich Pergament, Odessa biographical guide “They left a mark in the history of Odessa”]. [in Russian].
18. Letnik A.G. (1908). Bekkerel' (nekrolog) [Becquerel (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 474, 401-403 [in Russian],
19. Melikov P.G. (1901). Harakteristika deyatel'nosti Berthelot [Description of the activities of Berthelot]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 309, 201-206 [in Russian],
20. Menshutkin B.N. (1905). M.V. Lomonosov: pervyj russkij fizik i himik [M.V. Lomonosov: the first Russian physicist and chemist]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 385, 8-12, 386, 25-32, 387, 57-68 [in Russian],
21. Okhremenko D.V. (1973). Razvitie matematicheskoj kul 'tury v Rossii XIX veka i rol ' “Zhurnala elementarnoj matematiki” i “Vestnika opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki” v usovershenstvovanii nauchno-pedagogicheskoj kul'tury uchitelej matematiki Rossii XIX-XX vekov [The development of mathematical culture in Russia in the 19th century and the role of the Journal of Elementary Mathematics and the Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics in improving the scientific and pedagogical culture of mathematics teachers in Russia in the 19th-20th centuries], Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Moscow [in Russian],
22. Pavlidis V.D. (2013). Obshcheobrazovatel'nye reformy i matematicheskoe obrazovanie v srednej shkole Rossii v nachale XX veka [General Educational Reforms and Mathematical Education in Russian Secondary School at the Beginning of the 20th Century]. Istoriko-pedagogicheskij zhurnal - Historical and Pedagogical Journal, 4, 97-107 [in Russian],
23. Pavlidis V.D. (2016). Srednee matematicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii v XIX - nachale XX veka [Secondary mathematical education in Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries]. Istoriya i pedagogika estestvoznaniya - History and Pedagogy of Natural Sciences, 4, 46-54 [in Russian],
24. Pergament O. (1891). K stoletnej godovshchine dnya rozhdeniya Mihaila Faradeya [To the centenary of the birthday of Michael Faraday]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 124, 69-78, 125, 92-98 [in Russian],
25. Pergament O. (1892). Galileo Galilej, ego zhizn' i nauchnaya deyatel'nost' (Kritiko-biograficheskij ocherk) [Galileo Galilei, his life and scientific activity (critical biographical essay)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 153, 177-184, 154, 197-- 204, 155, 217--222, 156, 248--254 [in Russian],
26. Poincare H. (1912). Vzaimootnosheniya mezhdu materiej i efirom [The relationship between matter and ether]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 566, 46--57 [in Russian],
27. Pokrovsky P. (1897). Karl Vejershtrass [Karl Weierstrass]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 255, 62--66 [in Russian],
28. Redakciya [Editorial] (1896). Otto fon-Gerike [Otto von Guericke]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 6, 119--124, 9, 191--195 [in Russian],
29. Redakciya [Editorial] (1901a). Pamyati Sharlya Ermita [In memory of Charles Hermite]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 296, 175--179 [in Russian],
30. Redakciya [Editorial] (1901b). Pamyati M.V. Ostrogradskogo [In memory of M. V. Ostrogradskyi]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 305, 97--101 [in Russian],
31. Redakciya [Editorial] (1904). Gerbert Spenser [Herbert Spencer]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 361, 1--3 [in Russian],
32. Redakciya [Editorial] (1906). Dmitrij Ivanovich Mendeleev (nekrolog) [Dmitry Ivanovych Mendeleev (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 430, 209 [in Russian],
33. Redakciya [Editorial] (1907). Lord Kel'vin (Vill'yam Tomson) [Lord Kelvin (William Thomson)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 452-453, 145--149 [in Russian],
34. Redakciya [Editorial] (1913). E.K. Shpachinskij (nekrolog) [E.K. Shpachinskyi (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 577, 3--8 [in Russian],
35. Redakciya [Editorial] (1915). Rol' Lavuaz'e v istorii himii [The role of Lavoisier in the history of Chemistry]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 647-648, 225-- 230 [in Russian],
36. Redakciya [Editorial] (1916a). Rihard Dedekind. Kratkij obzor nauchnoj deyatel'nosti [Richard Dedekind. Brief review of scientific activity]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 661, 1--3 [in Russian],
37. Redakciya [Editorial] (1916b). Gaston Darbu (nekrolog) [Gaston Darboux (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 669-670, 194 [in Russian],
38. Rikun I. (2015). Ivan Vladislavovich Sleshinskij. Odesskij biograficheskij spravochnik “Oni ostavili sled v istorii Odessy” [Ivan Vladislavovich Sleshinsky. Odessa biographical guide “They left a mark in the history of Odessa”]. [in Russian].
39. Savchuk V.S. (1994). Pryrodnycho-naukovi tovarystva Pivdnia Rosiiskoi imperii: druha polovyna XIX - pochatok XX st. [Natural-science partnerships of the South of the Russian Empire: the other half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century]. Dnipropetrovsk: Vydavnytstvo DSU [in Ukrainian].
40. Schultz-Euler (1907). Leonard Ejler. K 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Leonhard Euler. To the 200th anniversary of the birth]. Vestnikopytnojfiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 440-441, 196-207 [in Russian].
41. Shatunovskyi Ya. (1913). Genrih Veber [Heinrich Weber]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 585, 233-238 [in Russian].
42. Shpachinskyi E.K. (1890). Ven'yamin Franklin [Benjamin Franklin]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 101, 87-95 [in Russian].
43. Shpachinskyi E.K. (1895). Mihail Petrovich Avenarius (nekrolog) [Mikhail Petrovich Avenarius (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 219, 49-55 [in Russian].
44. Sintsov D. (1903). K prazdnovaniyu stoletiya dnya rozhdeniya M.V. Ostrogradskogo [To the celebration of the centenary of the birth of M.V. Ostrogradskyi]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 338, 34-37 [in Russian].
45. Sleshinsky I. (1897). Nekrolog Vejershtrassa [Obituary of Weierstrass]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 255, 59-62 [in Russian].
46. Sleshinsky I. (1903). Zhizn' i trudy N. Abelya [Life and works of N. Abel]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 344, 169-176, 345, 193-205 [in Russian].
47. Srebryanskyi V. (1901). Pamyati Tiho Brage [In memory of Tycho Brahe]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 307, 159-163 [in Russian].
48. Tanatar S. (1901). Termohimicheskie raboty Bertlo [Thermochemical work of Berthelot]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 310, 225-231 [in Russian].
49. Ternovaya N.A. (2012). Istoriya shkol 'nogo matematicheskogo obrazovaniya v Rossii i za rubezhom: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [History of school mathematical education in Russia and abroad: teaching aid]. Saratov: Chernyshevsky Saratov State University [in Russian].
50. Timchenko I. (1901). Shark Ermit [Charles Hermite]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 293, 97-102 [in Russian].
51. Tochydlovskyi I.Ya. (1906). Pamyati Fedora Nikiforovicha Shvedova [In memory of Fyodor Nikiforovych Shvedov]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 411, 49-53, 413, 97-103 [in Russian],
52. Vasiliev A. (1894). P.L. Chebyshev (nekrolog) [Chebyshev (obituary)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 203, 241-243 [in Russian],
53. Vasiliev, A., Suvorov, F. (1893). N. I. Lobachevskij [N. I. Lobachevsky]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 159, 45-47 [in Russian].
54. Volodkevych N. (1891). Petr Petrovych Alekseev (6 fevralya 1891) [Peter Petrovych Alekseev (February 6, 1891)]. Vestnik opytnoj fiziki i elementarnoj matematiki - Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics, 112, 61-66 [in Russian],
55. Zhivotivska D.M. (2015). Informatsiino-vydavnycha diialnist matematychnoho viddilennia Novorosiiskoho tovarystva pryrodoznavtsiv [Informational and educational activities of the mathematical partnership of the Novorossiysk Association of Naturalists]. Molodyi vchenyi - Young Scientist, 2(17), 16-19 [in Ukrainian].
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