Forgotten stories of women: intergenerational transmission of trauma of Holodomor and Holocaust survivors’ offspring

The transgenerational impact of the Holodomor genocides of 1932-1933, the Holocaust of 1939-1944 on the second and third generations of women - descendants of the genocides in Ukraine and Israel. Cross-cultural clinical, educational aspects of this study.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 15.04.2023
Размер файла 25,9 K

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This study has also identified specific themes in the Ukrainian and Israeli samples. In particular, the Ukrainian women reported the importance of remembering and commemorating Holodomor victims as a way of coping with family trauma. In their opinion, commemoration expresses gratitude and positive feeling towards their places of safety. This is in line with previous studies, pointing out that remembering the victims of genocide provides space for great respect for the survival of the older generation and strengthens faith and friendship in Holodomor survivor offspring (Bifulco et al., 2020). Several questions relating to the coping strategy of avoidance still remain to be answered, in particular, freer narrating styles in daughters' interviews in comparison with their mothers. A reasonable approach to tackle this issue could be, on the one hand, to consider the possibility of mothers' re-traumatization and the negative impact on their wellbeing, and, on the other hand, the importance of transgenerational transmission of family narratives for developing family identity and resilience.

The results of this study show that Israeli mothers have adopted the asceticism inherited from Holocaust survivors. Recent research connects Jewish women's asceticism with eating and body disorders derived from the ultra-orthodox Jewish religious environment (Gordon, 2011). However, our research has also shown that ascetic traditions are not transmitted in mother-daughter relations. This may be explained by the fact that asceticism is rather more related to Holocaust survivors limited access to food and then modeling preoccupation with food by the second generation than to a religious environment.


holodomor genocides holocaust women

Our research indicates the intergenerational transmission of trauma and genocide narratives in mother-daughter relationships. Thematic analysis revealed the centrality of themes of “emotions and feelings, experienced during the Holodomor and Holocaust”, “attitudes toward food and starvation”, “sense of loss and death”, “transgenerational transmission of trauma in family narratives”, and “ethnic identity” in the traumatic narratives among the second and third generations of survivors of the Holodomor and the Holocaust. Further, the emerging evidence from this study show that the intergenerational transmission of genocide trauma involves multiple and intense emotions, including pain and suffering, anger, fear and disgust. The long-term consequences of these intense emotions are evident in the various patterns of insecure attachment manifested by the second and third generations of survivors of the Holodomor and the Holocaust.

The findings of this research shed light on the similarities and differences between the traumatic narratives constructed by the offspring of the second and the third generations. The daughters express more preparedness for sharing traumatic experience, their narratives are longer and more detailed; and their relations with their own children were affected by more secure attachment styles. As a response to the collective trauma, mothers tended to distance themselves from intimacy with their daughters and avoided the detailing of the traumatic narratives.

These findings can contribute in several ways to our understanding of women's transgenerational family narratives and may provide support for the therapeutic use of family stories for strengthening the sense of family identity and enhance resilience. In particular, the women of the third generation are those who could benefit from strengthening the sense of identity and wellbeing among genocide survivors' offspring. The women of the third generation also show higher preparedness for creating comprehensive family narratives and have higher motivation to pass them on to the younger generations.

The study also shed light on the consequences of intergenerational transmission of psychotrauma on both aspects of distress and wellbeing of the subsequent generation and pointed to several relevant risk and protective factors. More specifically, the study focused on the impact of transgenerational family narratives on offspring's intensity of emotions and feelings, on their lifestyle, attitudes toward food, type of attachment, and sense of identity in mother-daughter relations. Thus, the findings of this research bear important implications for future practice that will implement the narrative co-creation of family narratives with survivors of massive trauma and their offspring. The benefits of this co-creation for the healing process from traumatic experiences require further study and evidenced based research. Lately, the focus on ways traumatic family narratives are integrated in motherdaughter relations can expand our theoretical formulations of the intergenerational patterns of transmission of trauma and can provide insights to understanding the mechanisms by which these messages are passed on and internalized.

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