Information and criminal cases of polish law enforcement agencies against the Ukrainians during the period of Carpathian Ukraine as a statistical source

In the scientific article, the author analyzed the time of illegal crossing of the Polish-Czechoslovak border by Ukrainians, the forms of participation of volunteers in the life of Carpathian Ukraine, and the number of people killed in confrontations.

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Information and criminal cases of polish law enforcement agencies against the Ukrainians during the period of Carpathian Ukraine as a statistical source

Sergii Adamowych

PhD hab. (History), Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Vasyl StefanykPrecarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko Street, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


The Purpose of the Study. On the basis of materials of the State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk region and memoirs the author of the article systematized the data on place of birth, age, educational level, profession, marital status, religion, membership in public and party organizations, repression of the Polish criminal justice system against the Ukrainians who made efforts to help Carpathian Ukraine in 1938 - 1939. In addition, the author focuses on the analysis of the time of the Polish-Czechoslovak border illegal crossing by the Ukrainians, the ways ofparticipation of volunteers in the life of Carpathian Ukraine and the number of deaths in the confrontation. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, verification, objectivity, as well as the use of general science (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical and genetic, historical and typological, historical and systemic) methods. The scientific novelty consists in the following issue: based on the Polish police reports, the personal data of 634 Ukrainians who tried to help Carpathian Ukraine have been analyzed. This analysis resulted in formation of an average socio-political portrait of a Ukrainian who responded to the call to help the newly created Ukrainian State in Transcarpathia. The Conclusions. As a result of the national educational mission of the Greek Catholic Church, the formation of national consciousness by the public organizations ("Prosvita" Society, Plast, "Ridna Shkola" Society, etc.), and owing to a significant organizational support of the Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists (every 10th volunteer was a member of the organization), the Ukrainian youth participated in helping Carpathian Ukraine actively. The analyzed data of the Polish police show that all the regions of Poland inhabited by the Ukrainians responded equally to the call to help Carpathian Ukraine, more than 80% of the volunteers were young unmarried people. People with different education diplomas crossed the Polish-Czechoslovak border to participate in the development of the Ukrainian State, but 40% of them had gymnasium diplomas and about 20% studied at universities. In professional aspect, the volunteers reflected the socio-economic life of Galicia and therefore more than 30% of them were agricultural workers. The Ukrainians were the most active in crossing the border illegally and were detained by the Polish border guards and police in November of1938, and they mostly replenished the ranks of the newly formed Carpathian Sich. The Polish law enforcement system arrested, imprisoned the Ukrainians, and used various forms of extrajudicial punishment.

Key words: Carpathian Ukraine, Galicians, Polish law enforcement agencies, Carpathian Sich, Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists, criminal cases.


Мета дослідження. Автор у статті на основі матеріалів Державного архіву Івано-Франківської області та мемуарних праць систематизував дані про місце народження, вік, освітній рівень, фах, сімейний стан, віросповідання, приналежність до громадських та партійних організацій, репресії польської кримінально-правової системи щодо українців, які доклали зусиль до допомоги Карпатській Україні в 1938 - 1939 рр. Крім того, у статті проаналізовано час нелегального перетину польсько-чехословацького кордону українцями, форми участі добровольців у житті Карпатської України та чисельність загиблих у протистояннях. Методологія дослідження спирається на принципи історизму, системності, верифікації, об'єктивності, а також на використання загальнонаукових (аналіз, синтез, узагальнення) і спеціально-історичних (історико-генетичний, історико-типологічний, історико-системний) методів. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що на основі польських поліційних донесень проаналізовано персональні дані 634 українців, які намагалися допомогти Карпатській Україні. Це дало змогу сформувати усереднений соціально-політичний портрет українця, що відгукнувся на заклик допомогти новостворюваній Українській державі на Закарпатті. Висновки. У результаті національно-виховної місії Греко-Католицької Церкви, формування національної свідомості громадськими організаціями (товариство "Просвіта", Пласт, товариство "Рідна школа" тощо), а також завдяки значній організаційній підтримці Організації українських націоналістів (кожен 10 доброволець був членом організації) українська молодь активно долучилася до допомоги Карпатській Україні. Проаналізовані дані польської поліції свідчать, що на заклик допомогти Карпатській Україні рівною мірою відгукнулися усі заселені українцями регіони тогочасної Польщі, більше 80 % добровольців становили молоді неодружені особи. Польсько-чехословацький кордон для участі в розбудові Української держави переходили люди з різною освітою, але 40 % з них були охоплені гімназійною освітою і майже 20 % навчалися у вишах. У професійному плані добровольці відображали зріз соціально-економічного життя Галичини і тому серед них було більше 30 % сільськогосподарських робітників. Найактивніше кордон українці нелегально перетинали і затримувалися польськими прикордонниками та поліцією в листопаді 1938р., в основному поповнюючи лави новостворюваної Карпатської Січі. Польська правоохоронна система арештовувала, ув'язнювала добровольців і застосовувала до них різні форми позасудової розправи.

Ключові слова: Карпатська Україна, галичани, польські правоохоронні органи, Карпатська Січ, Організація Українських націоналістів, кримінальні справи. killed confrontations carpathian

The Problem Statement. In 1938 - 1939, Carpathian Ukraine aroused the interest of the world's states in the Ukrainians, who were under difficult conditions of occupation by the USSR, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. According to S. Ramis-Pol from the national point of view, Czechoslovakia, as a centralized state, had a problem from the very beginning that the peripheral territories were unstable and demonstrated tendencies which differed from the centre of the state (Rychhk, 2021, p. 436). In turn, the Ukrainians believed that the Ukrainian State would finally be created and they were ready to help it. And if for the Czechs the beginning of World War II was associated with a stable narrative of a victim (Svanckova Slabakova, 2019, p. 662), for the Ukrainians, Carpathian Ukraine was the beginning of another phase of the heroic struggle for independence.

The Ukrainians from the Polish-occupied lands also responded the most actively to support the Ukrainian autonomy in the Carpathians. They responded to the creation of Carpathian Ukraine with numerous demonstrations, statements and appeals of political parties, the Ukrainians raised funds to help young autonomy, crossed the Polish-Czechoslovak border en masse to join the development of autonomy, intensified anti-Polish movement in various forms.

At the same time, as V. Ilnytskyi notes in his article, opening of access to archival institutions of Ukraine and scientific interest in studying the issues which were previously presented unilaterally give the opportunity to expand the study of history significantly (Ilnytskyi, 2018, p. 94). In particular, the archival materials of the Polish law enforcement agencies give us the opportunity to form a collective image of a Ukrainian who tried to help Carpathian Ukraine.

The Analysis of Recent Research and Publications. Nowadays, in Ukrainian historiography there is a significant amount of scientific studies that elucidates the role of the Ukrainians from the Polish-occupied lands in the creation of Carpathian Ukraine. In the works of M. Vehesh, O. Bohiv, B. Halaiko, V. Zadorozhnyi, P. Mirchuk, O. Pahiria, M. Posivnych, V. Khudanych it is highlighted in what forms and ways the Galicians responded to the creation of Carpathian Ukraine, however, there are only approximate estimates of the number of Galicians who tried to cross the Polish-Czechoslovak border to support the Ukrainian autonomy in Transcarpathia. As for the total number of illegal immigrants to Transcarpathia at that time, P. Stercho, P. Sardachuk, M. Shvahuliak wrote about several hundreds of people, O. Bohiv, M. Vehesh, V. Zadorozhnyi wrote about the figure of 700 - 900 people, B. Halaiko believes that there were probably no more than half a thousand (Halaiko, 1999, p. 54; Bohiv & Zadorozhnyi, 1999, p. 61). According to the Polish researchers, only in October of 1938, 2 000 people crossed the border from Poland to Transcarpathia (Pahiria & Posivnych, 2009, p. 66).

The Purpose of the Article. Due to the lack of information about all Galicians and Lemkos who helped Carpathian Ukraine, it is unlikely that the memory of each of them will be memorialized. However, criminal cases against the Ukrainians who crossed the Polish- Czechoslovak border, police information, information about people involved in the history of Carpathian Ukraine, deposited in the State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk region, memoirs and scientific publications give the opportunity to make correct generalizations and historical reconstructions, and to recreate a "collective portrait" of a Galician, who contributed to the development of the Ukrainian State in Transcarpathia in 1938 - 1939.

The Main Material Statement. In early autumn of 1938, on the Ukrainian territories occupied by Poland active agitation was launched in support of the border crossing to Carpathian Ukraine. This agitation was launched despite the fact that the Polish Army played a very important role in the south-eastern voivodships of the Second Polish Republic (Franz, 2020, p. 71).

After the calls of the Ukrainian organizations that "Ukraine emerged on the territory of Czechoslovakia and young people are needed there to serve in the Ukrainian army" (State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk region, f. 226, d. 1, с. 678, p. 1) the Ukrainians of Galicia and Lemko region "put on better clothes" (SA IFR, f. 226, d. 1, с. 760, p. 1) and crossed the border to help Transcarpathian Ukraine, even tried to take some weapons and ammunition with them (SA IFR, f. 90, d. 1, с. 217, p. 13).

Before starting the analysis of archival materials of the Polish law enforcement agencies, which contain information about the Galicians, we will outline the source base. The author analyzed 106 archival files of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Archive (Fund 68 "Stanislaviv Voivodeship

Department of the State Police", Fund 69 "Stanislaviv County State Police Department", Fund 72 "Tlumach County State Police Department", Fund 78 "Sniatyn County State Police Department", Fund 86 "Horodenka Commissariat of Border Guard", Fund 90 "Kolomyia District Court", Fund 226 "Prosecutor's Office of Stanislaviv District Court", Fund 228 "Sianotska Branch of Prosecutor's Office of Yaslivskyi District Court", Fund 230 "Stanislaviv District Court"), which contain materials of criminal cases opened against the Galicians, lists of the Galicians suspected of crossing the Polish-Czechoslovak border with brief biographical data, information on the activities of the Ukrainians from Poland in favour of Carpathian Ukraine.

Mainly, in the Polish law enforcement information lists of the Ukrainians who crossed the Czechoslovak-Polish border in 1938 - 1939, and criminal cases against them there was contained information on age, place of birth and residence, parents, religion, education, profession, political orientation, civic activity, and membership in illegal organizations. Separately, in the documents there were periodically described the appearances and special features of the suspect, there were mentioned the circumstances of detention at the border, the purpose of crossing the border and further procedural actions of law enforcement officers.

Let us start the analysis with the regional origin of 634 volunteers of Carpathian Ukraine identified by the author, who were mostly natives of the Ukrainian lands, which belonged to Poland and brief data on them are collected in the monograph "To Help Carpathian Ukraine" (Adamovych, 2020, pp. 150-229).

In his memoirs, M. Koznarsky left us a vivid description of the Ukrainians who arrived from Poland: "Some of them are from Boikivshchyna, the others - from Nadprutianska Hutsulshchyna, Pidhiria, Podillia, the others - from Bukovyna and Yugoslavia. There are many Volynians, but there was the majority from Lemkivshchyna: more than 15 young men came from Vyslok Velykyi, 7 - from Vyslok Horishniy, 23 - from Komancha, 15 - from Oslavytsia, 3 - from Bosk, 4 - from Radozhyts, 5 - from Yavirnyk, 5 - from Dovzhytsia, several people from Surovychni Poliany, Dushatyn, Smilnyk, Pryluk, Turinske, Polonna, Uliuch, Prybyshev, Repedi, Sianichka. Only Dmytro Boivka from Yavirnyk led 36 guys to cross the border" (Hirniak, 1979, p. 41).

A whole group of boys and girls went from one village to Transcarpathia (5 people from the village of Berezhky, 4 from the village of Berehy Horishni (nowadays, the part of Litovyshsci Gmina of Bieszczady County, the Republic of Poland) (SA IFR, f. 228, d. 1, с. 100, p. 14). In January of 1939, 40 people from the village of Poliany Surovychni in Jasliska Gmina of Krosnia County were detained during an illegal crossing of the Polish-Czechoslovak border (SA IFR, f. 86, d. 1, с. 120, p. 6). According to I. Liubchyk's calculations, about 270 Lemkos tried to cross the border from Lisky, Sianotsky and partly Krosno counties (Liubchyk, 2020, p. 38).

According to data available, 66.4% (421 people) of all volunteers who helped Carpathian Ukraine were from Eastern Galicia, and 26.81% (170 people) were natives of the Ukrainian lands which belong to Poland nowadays. On the other hand, the representation from Volyn was insignificant 0.95% (6 people), one representative was recorded from Naddniprianshchyna, Bukovyna and Russia. It was not possible to identify the place of birth of 34 people (5.36%), although we know about the majority of them that they were from Galicia (it is unclear whether from the eastern or western part). The data obtained in the regional context illustrate the high level of national consciousness among the inhabitants of the so-called Zakerzonnia in 1938 - 1939 debunking myths popularized by some political circles in Poland and Slovakia about the national separateness of the Lemko ethnographic group of the Ukrainian nation (Table 1).

Table 1

Regional Origin of Volunteers

Name of the Region



Eastern Galicia


66.4 %

Ukrainian lands of the so-called Zakerzonnia


26.81 %



0.95 %



0.16 %



0.16 %

Foreigners living in Galicia


0.16 %

No data available


5.36 %

The results of the analysis of age data of the registered Galician volunteers are predictable. Among the 553 volunteers whose age is known, the majority was young people aged 18-34 - 84.81% (469 people). In this age group, the percentage of twenty-five-year-olds (8.68%) and twenty-four-year-olds (9.40%), as well as twenty-year-olds (8.50%) was significant (Table 2). This activity of young Ukrainians is explained by their lack of family ties and the tendency among young people to radicalism and perfectionism.

In the second largest age category there were middle-aged men (35 - 60 years old) - 8.13% (45 people). Among people over 60, the Polish authorities registered only 2 people (0.36%) who helped Carpathian Ukraine. There were 37 teenagers among supporters of Carpathian Ukraine (4.88%) (Table 2). Among those who crossed the border successfully, the youngest was probably thirteen-year-old Mykhailo Shchur, who died in battle with the Germans in the spring of 1942 near Korostyshiv (Hirniak, 1979, p. 78). Lubomyr Poliuha, one of R. Shukhevych's bodyguards during the UPA resistance, recalled that his teenage friends tried to cross the Polish-Czechoslovak border, "because they wanted to become adults sooner, to fulfill the duty of a Ukrainian, to fight for high ideals" (Poliuha, 2003, p 25).

Table 2

Age Data of Volunteers

Year of Birth






60 and older


0.36 %



0.18 %



0.18 %

35 - 60 years old


8.13 %



0.18 %



0.36 %



0.18 %



0.18 %



0.18 %



0.18 %



0.36 %



0.18 %



0.54 %



0.36 %



0.36 %






0.90 %



1.45 %



0.72 %



0.54 %



1.45 %

18-34 years old


84.81 %



1.08 %



1.80 %



1.80 %



3.80 %



2.89 %



3.07 %



5.60 %



7.23 %



7.59 %



8.68 %



9.40 %



5.97 %



3.07 %



5.24 %



5.24 %



8.50 %



3.80 %

Below the age of 18


4.88 %



5.24 %



0.90 %



0.18 %



0.18 %



0.18 %

Probably, due to the predominance of young people among supporters of Carpathian Ukraine and less dependence of single people on the need to support their families, out of 338 people - 270 (79.88%) were single and only 68 had families (20.12%) (Table 3).

Table 3

Marital Status of Volunteers

Marital Status





20.12 %



79.88 %

The analysis of the religious views of Galician volunteers is also envisaged, as it was the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church that prevented the Ukrainians in Galicia from being Polishized. According to the Polish law enforcement agencies, 97.53% of 405 people (395 people) were Greek Catholics (Table 4).

Table 4

Religious Views of Volunteers

Religious Views



Greek Catholics


97.53 %



1.23 %

Roman Catholics


0.74 %



0.49 %

In historiography, it is believed that the majority of those who crossed the Polish- Czechoslovak border "obtained only primary education certificates, although there were those who went to gymnasiums, and studied at seminaries, academies and universities" (Halaiko, 1999, p. 54). However, the available statistics data illustrate a high level of education of the Galicians who tried to help Carpathian Ukraine.

It should be noted that among 119 people about whom we have information on their education, only 3 were illiterate (2.52%). 9 people (7.56%) went to primary school of the first level, 5 people (4.2%) went to primary school of the 2nd level, 4 people (3.36%) received full primary education according to the standards of the Polish state (Table 5).

13 people went to vocational schools (6.84%). Among them 4 people went to trade schools and 4 studied at theological seminaries, 3 - agricultural school and 1 person studied at teacher's seminary. However, the largest number of Galician volunteers had gymnasium education (47 people - 39.5%), where they were probably brought up in a national patriotic spirit. Concerning 6 people (5.04%) we have only information on their gymnasium education, a three-year gymnasium was finished by 9 people (7.56%), a five-year gymnasium - by 6 people (5.04%). Instead, as many as 18 people (15.13%) completed 8 years of study at the gymnasium and could enter higher education institutions. Among volunteers the percentage of students - 23 people (19.33%) and people with higher education - 15 (12.60%) was significant (Table 5).

Table 5

Educational Level of Volunteers

Educational Level






2 classes of comprehensive school


3 classes of comprehensive school


4 classes of comprehensive school


5 classes of comprehensive school


6 classes of comprehensive school


7 classes of comprehensive school


2 classes of vocational school


trade school


theological seminary


agricultural school


teacher's seminary


available information on studying at gymnasium


2 classes of gymnasium


3 classes of gymnasium




4 classes of gymnasium


5 classes of gymnasium


6 classes of gymnasium


7 classes of gymnasium


8 classes of gymnasium


Unfinished higher education + a student


Higher education


The professions range of volunteers was wide. Among those who helped Carpathian Ukraine were people who achieved success in various fields. Thus, Osyp Novytskyi, a native of Vovchynets village of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, was a well-known football player and a football coach. From 1930 to 1934 he played for the team "Ukraine" in Lviv and was the coach of the football team "Breakthrough" in Stanislaviv. In 1934 - 1935 he played for "The Rus" Sports Club in Uzhhorod, in 1935 - 1936, in Przemysl he worked in the editorial office of the sports publication "The Zmah" and coached "The Sian" football team. On November 23, 1938, he crossed the border illegally, came to Carpathian Ukraine, and joined the Carpathian Sich. He served in Khust police, at the same time under the pseudonym Osyp Khustetsky he was a correspondent for Lviv magazine "The New Time". After the conquest of Carpathian Ukraine by Hungary, Osyp Novytskyi moved to Hamburg, Germany (SA IFR, f. 226, d. 1, с. 791, pp. 12, 14, 16).

High personal qualities of people who crossed the border are evidenced by the Polish characteristics. Thus, the Polish police wrote the following words about Roman Martynets, a native of Bohorodchany: "brave and capable of performing the tasks assigned to him, even those that were associated with danger of losing his freedom and even his life" (SA IFR, f. 69, d. 1, с. 1050, p. 1).

Bohdan Veselovsky, a popular Ukrainian singer, composer, and accordionist of the legendary "Yabtsia-Jazz" musical ensemble in Galicia in the 1930s of the XXth century became a soldier of the Carpathian Sich (Petrosaniak, 2015, pp. 86-89).

In the Polish police reports, on 328 Galicians we have information concerning their specialty, the largest number is recorded - 118 (35.98%), those were employees, which is explained by the probable lack of exact information on the insurgents in the Polish police. 103 people are recorded in the documents as agricultural workers (31.40%), which generally reflects agrarian orientation of Eastern Galicia economy at that time in general. Instead, the ratio of volunteer professions reflects the diversity of occupations of the region's residents and is the evidence that the ideas of the Ukrainian independence were supported by all segments of the Ukrainian society (Table 6). It should be noted that in order to help the Ukrainians of Transcarpathia, 6 people evaded military service or deserted from the Polish army.

Under conditions of absence of a national state, education of nationally-conscious Ukrainians was taken over by public organizations. In this regard, the Polish law enforcement agencies in criminal cases recorded the affiliation of volunteers to the "Prosvita" Society (25 people), Plast (22 people), "Native School" educational society (5 people), "Luh" Fire Society (4 people), "Sokil" Society (4 people), "Prut" Gymnastics and Sports Society (2 people), "Renaissance" Anti-Alcohol Society (2 people), "Village Farmer" Society (1 person) (Adamovych, 2020, pp. 150-229).

Table 6

Professions of Volunteers





agricultural worker




forest worker, forester








teacher, scientist






stonemason, construction worker


private official


electrician, technician




bookseller, printer






musician, composer




jurist, lawyer




editor, administrator of the magazine










bank employee




Among the first migrants, there were many OUN members. At the end of September of 1938, they began to cross the Polish-Czechoslovak border illegally. In particular, at that time several active members of the OUN Regional Executive, led by Ye. Vretsiona, R. Shukhevych and Z. Kossak, crossed the border illegally (Bohiv & Zadorozhnyi, 1999, p. 51).

According to archival documents, we were able to identify 87 OUN members (13.72% of the number of people identified). Thus, every tenth person persecuted by the Polish authorities for helping Carpathian Ukraine was a member of the OUN. The information of the Polish police also contains data on 4 members of the right-wing radical Front of National Unity, which also posed a threat to the Polish state (Adamovych, 2020, pp. 150-229). Probably, among the patriots who tried to help Carpathian Ukraine were members of other Ukrainian parties, but those parties were legal and did not arouse interest of the Polish law enforcement officers.

Data from criminal proceedings opened against the Ukrainians by the Polish law enforcement agencies suggest that the Poles detained and arrested at least 239 Ukrainians during the attempt to cross the Polish-Czechoslovak border illegally, for providing assistance in crossing the border or for campaigning in favour of Carpathian Ukraine. It is also worth noting that the Polish law enforcement system punished women being accused of sympathy for the Carpathian Sich (there is information about 5 punishments). It is known that 42 of those arrested were imprisoned on the basis of a court decision for helping Carpathian Ukraine, 3 people were deprived of citizenship (Adamovych, 2020, pp. 150-229). This number certainly does not reflect the full picture of repression, because after the fall of Carpathian Ukraine we do not analyze centralized data of the Polish police on Galician volunteers. It should be noted that 38 Galicians from Carpathian Ukraine were also imprisoned in Bereza- Kartuska concentration camp and the category "the Carpathian Sich" prisoners was formed. According to the Polish police operation "Iron Mask", they were completely isolated from the outside world and other prisoners, so that no one would learn about the criminal shootings of the Galicians by the Poles on the mountain passes (Ilin & Mazur, 2019, pp. 436-437). This form of extrajudicial killings is an undoubtful evidence of the undemocratic nature of the political regime of that period of time and the anti-Ukrainian orientation of the Polish state policy.

The information analyzed gives reasonable grounds to state that the Ukrainians were the most active in crossing the border illegally and were detained by the Polish border guards and police in November of 1938 (65 arrests and 86 successful illegal border crossings). This is explained by the euphoria over the hope for the formation of the Ukrainian State in the Carpathians, which prevailed in the Ukrainian society. At the same time, a small number of the Ukrainians were detained by the Poles in January of 1939 (33 cases) and February of 1939 (32 cases) and a high number of successful border crossings (45 in January of 1939 and 57 in February of 1939) may be the evidence of the fact that the Ukrainians managed to establish safe illegal border crossings. In general, the collected statistics data show that the Polish law enforcement officers and border guards, despite extraordinary measures taken, were able to detain only every second Ukrainian who helped Carpathian Ukraine (Tables 7 and 8).

Table 7

Period of Detention of the Ukrainians for Helping Carpathian Ukraine by the Polish Law Enforcement Agencies

Period of Detention


October of 1938


November of 1938


December of 1938


January of 1939


February of 1939


March of 1939


April of 1939


Table 8

Time of Illegal Crossing of the Polish-Czechoslovak Border by the Ukrainians

Time of Illegal Crossing


October of 1938


November of 1938


December of 1938


January of 1939


February of 1939


March of 1939


The data collected by us show that the majority of Galicians after crossing the Polish- Czechoslovak border became the members of the Carpathian Sich (125 people), in its artistic group "Flying Tribune" and in the Women's Sich. At the same time, there were Galicians among employees, medical staff and the police (Adamovych, 2020, pp. 150-229).

The issue of the total amount of victims of the Galicians during the defense of Carpathian Ukraine on March 14 - 18, 1939 remains studied incompletely. It is known that many Ukrainians from Galicia and Lemkos' territoty took part in the battles with the Hungarians. Clashes took place in many parts of Carpathian Ukraine, but no one could stop the general advance of the Hungarian occupation army (Nemece, 2018, p. 1005).

Simultaniously with the fighting against the Hungarians, a confrontation broke out in the rear of Carpathian Ukraine between retreating Czechoslovak troops, border guards and gendarmes, and units of the Carpathian Sich for weapons, ammunition, and uniforms (Pahiria, 2019, p. 138). From the analyzed information materials we have biographical data on 3 Galicians who died in battles with the Czechoslovak troops, 2 Galicians - with the Polish soldiers and saboteurs and 26 Galicians who died in confrontation with the Hungarian military, saboteurs and in extrajudicial killings. We have also identified 16 Galicians who were imprisoned in the Hungarian concentration camps, including Voriuloposh concentration camp (Adamovych, 2020, pp. 150-229).

The Conclusions

Among the Ukrainians, who inhabited the territory of Poland and decided to help Carpathian Ukraine, there were farmers, as well as the Ukrainian intellectuals, party and military figures. In 1938 - 1939 volunteers, 80% of whom were young people, were brought up by the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, public organizations "Prosvita", "Plast", "Luh", etc., legal political parties and the illegal OUN. At the same time, the joint participation of the Galicians, the Ukrainians from Zakerzonnia, the Volynians together with the inhabitants of the Carpathians in the defense of the Ukrainian State in Transcarpathia clearly destroyed the myths, spead by the Polish and Hungarian official circles about the differences between the inhabitants of Transcarpathia and Lemkos region from other Ukrainians. During the crossings of the Czechoslovak-Polish border, the Ukrainians broke the colonial chains and joined the formation of the Carpathian Sich. Instead, the Polish law enforcement system arrested, imprisoned volunteers, and used extrajudicial killings (including detention in Bereza Kartuska concentration camp). It should be noted that violence against Carpathian Ukrainian activists was carried out later as well. Thus, in the middle of 1945, "the Smersh" bodies in Transcarpathian region compiled lists of anti-Soviet counterrevolutionary elements, which included the surnames of 38 members of the Carpathian Sich and 262 police officers of Carpathian Ukraine (Vehesh & Vidnianskyi, 2018, p. 201).

The data revealed by the author about the Ukrainians from Poland who tried to help Carpathian Ukraine will be supplemented undoubtedly and the objective of further research will be to form a complete database of such people and to collect biographical data about them.

Acknowledgement. I express sincere gratitude to all members of the editorial board for consultations provided during the preparation of the article for publishing.

Funding. The author did not receive any financial support for the research, authorship and / or publication of this article.Bibliography

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