Loev campaign of ukrainian army in 1649: debating points and open questions
The essence of B. Khmelnitsky's strategic plan, regarding the place of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the campaign against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Sending the punitive Hetman S. Krichevsky to the Lithuanian theater of military operations.
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Loev campaign of ukrainian army in 1649: debating points and open questions
Valerii Stepankov
Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. hab. in History), Professor, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University (Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilskyi),
One of the significant events of Ukraine's struggle for independence during the first period of the National Revolution (1648 - June 1652) was Loev campaign of its troops, which despite the defeat and hetman S.M. Krychevsky's death nevertheless prevented the Lithuanians invasion. Though for the first time in historiography V. Lypynskyi proved convincingly in his monographic study the falsity of neglecting its role in the Ukrainian-Polish military-political confrontation in the summer of 1649, as well as the works of subsequent scholars (including modern ones) did. But up to now Lithuanian theater of hostilities has been considered traditionally as an event with a minor effect. However this is far from the case! For example although it was not decisive in 1649 and 1651, it is by no means possible to interpret as something insignificant. It is firstly. Secondly, except for confessions ("confession") of captured Ukrainian soldiers and rebels, the lack of Ukrainian origin sources (no one letter, universal, report, diary, message or the story of the battle participant have been saved) is still a major obstacle for the reconstruction by the researchers of more or less a complete picture of the Ukrainian army's Loev campaign. They only managed to reproduce the most important events in very general / contour features and even then through the prism of information material from Lithuanian and Polish sources. Instead, its course with the Lithuanian units' participation is depicted scrupulously thanks to the efforts of Polish authors. However in general due to the schematic presentation of the Ukrainian command strategic plan, the steps taken for its implementation, the factors that significantly changed the course of the battle and determined its results, the overall panorama of the event looks somewhat simplified, devoid of internal dynamics and drama and in some ways with the spraying of popularity while imaging the infallibility of the Lithuanian polny hetman J. Radziwill decisions and actions. In order to outline the ways to correct shortcomings and fill scientific gaps the author's research focus is on identifying a number of actual problems of the Ukrainian army's Loev campaign. Having analyzed heritage and discovered source base, the author considers those actual problems need rethinking, finding new ways to solve them, further discussions or even starting their study. They included the following ones: to clarify the essence ofB. Khmelnytsky's strategic plan, developed in May-June, regarding the place and role of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) in the forthcoming campaign against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; to find out the time and place of the Acting Hetman S. Krychevsky departure to the Lithuanian theater of hostilities and the route of its promotion; to specify the number of soldiers who took part in the battle on both sides; to find out the essence of S. Krychevsky's activity since his appearance in Chernobyl (about July, 8) till the capture ofKholmech (July, 29); to determine the nature of his relations with colonel S. Pobodailo, who defended the crossing of the Dnieper opposite Loev; to coverage the action plan of the latter, the reasons for their passivity and inconsistency with the attack of the Acting Hetman on the Lithuanian camp in the morning of July, 31, etc. The author is aware that hoping for their full clarification will be a fiction until the sources which had been created by Ukrainians, the participants of the campaign are found. Nevertheless, the painstaking work of researchers in archives and manuscripts departments of scientific libraries in Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania and other countries will undoubtedly enrich the existing source base as a whole and contribute, albeit slightly, to enrich knowledge in the study of this problem.
Keywords: Loev, campaign, historiography, problem, sources, Acting Hetman, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, B. Khmelnytsky, S.M. Krychevsky, J. Radzivill,
S. Pobodailo.
доктор історичних наук, професор, Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка (Україна, Кам'янець-Подільський), khmelnitsky strategic plan krichevsky
Однією зі значущих подій боротьби України за незалежність під час першого періоду Національної революції (1648 - червень 1652 рр.), стала Лоєвська кампанія її війська, що хоча завершилася поразкою і смертю наказного гетьмана С. М. Кричевського, все ж запобігла вторгненню литовців. На жаль, незважаючи на монографічне дослідження В. Липин- ського, котрий уперше в історіографії переконливо довів хибність нехтування її ролі в українсько-річпосполитському мілітарно-політичному протистоянні влітку 1649 р., а також доробок наступних науковців (включаючи й сучасних), й нині традиційно литовський театр воєнних дій вбачається побічним. Однак, це далеко не так! Наприклад, у 1649 і 1651 рр. він, хоча й не був визначальним, все ж аж ніяк не можна трактувати його якимось маловажним. Це - по-перше.
По-друге, відсутність джерел українського походження (не збереглося жодного листа, універсалу, донесення, щоденника, повідомлення чи розповіді учасника битви), за винятком зізнань ("конфесат") полонених українських вояків і повстанців, продовжує залишатися головною перешкодою для реконструкції дослідниками більш-менш повної картини лоєвської кампанії українського війська. Спромоглися тільки на відтворення в дуже загальних/контурних рисах головніших подій і то через призму інформаційного матеріалу литовських і польських джерел.
Натомість її перебіг з боку литовських підрозділів, дякуючи зусиллям польських авторів, зображено скрупульозно. Проте в цілому, внаслідок схематичного показу стратегічного задуму українського командування, вжитих кроків для його реалізації, чинників, які суттєво змінили перебіг битви й визначили її результати, загальна панорама події виглядає дещо спрощеною, позбавленою внутрішньої динаміки й драматизму, а в чомусь і з напилюванням лубочності у зображенні непогрішності ухвал і дій литовського польного гетьмана Я. Радзивілла.
Щоб по можливості окреслити шляхи до виправлення огріхів й заповнення наукових лакун, автор метою дослідження обрав виокремлення, на основі аналізу історіографічної спадщини й виявленої джерельної бази, низки актуальних проблем лоєвської кампанії українського війська, що потребують переосмислення, пошуку нових шляхів їх розв'язання, подальших дискусій, а то і взагалі започаткування свого вивчення.
До них включили наступні: вияснення сутності стратегічного плану Б. Хмельницького, розробленого у травні-червні, стосовно місця і ролі Великого князівства Литовського (ВКЛ) у майбутній кампанії супроти Речі Посполитої; з'ясування часу і місця відправлення наказного гетьмана С. Кричевського на литовський театр воєнних дій та маршруту його просування; уточнення чисельності вояків з обох сторін, що взяли участь у битві; з'ясування змісту діяльності С. Кричевського від часу появи у Чорнобилі (бл. 8 липня) до захоплення Холмеча (29 липня); визначення характеру його відносин з полковником С. Пободайлом, котрий захищав переправу через Дніпро навпроти Лоєва; висвітлення плану дій останнього, причин їх пасивності й неузгодженості з атакою наказного гетьмана литовського табору у першій половині дня 31 липня тощо. Автор свідомий того, що сподіватися на їх прояснення у повній мірі - це завдання зі сфери фантастики до часу віднайдення джерел, витворених українцями - учасниками кампанії. І все ж копітка праця дослідників в архівосховищах і рукописних відділах наукових бібліотек України, Польщі, Білорусі, Литви й інших країн безсумнівно, збагачуватиме існуючу джерельну базу в цілому й сприятиме, нехай по крихті, збагаченню знань у вивченні даної проблеми.
Ключові слова: Лоєв, кампанія, історіографія, проблема, джерела, наказний гетьман, литовці, українці, Б. Хмельницький, С. М. Кричевський,
At first glance we have reason to assert that the preconditions, course and consequences of the campaign are quite well covered. In Ukrainian historiography V. Lypynskyi launched its thorough research. In the monograph which he devoted to elucidation of the Ukrainian gentry role in the struggle for independence in the middle of 17th century, he chose its display as the central plot through the prism of the participation in it the head of the Ukrainian army Acting Hetman S. M. Krychevsky.
The author for the first time, attracting many sources to scientific circulation, reconstructed his operations before and during the battle on July, 31 and convincingly proved its considerable importance in the summer campaign in 1649 It was he who developed his own Ukrainian concept of interpretation of this event, the core positions of which became dominant in the works of researchers (with the exception of M. Hrushevskyi, 1995: 184). At the same time the lack in some cases of critical analysis of sources' information, as well as the idealization of both S.M. Krychevsky and Chernihiv (Zadniprianskyi) colonel S. Pobodailo actions did not allow him to notice either the existence of a whole complex of discussion or unresolved partially or even fully investigated issues, nor the miscalculation of Ukrainian units heads (Lypynskyi, 1980: 341-544). In a short monograph by O. Pereiaslavskyi (1935), written under the strong influence of the theoretical principles of V. Lypynskyi, these aspects of Loev campaign (Pereiaslavskyi, 1935) are also silently bypassed. Unfortunately, up to now, it has no longer become the subject of a monographic study for Ukrainian authors who were limited to either writing individual articles (Mytsyk, 2009: 150-158; Stepankov, 2009: 257-258), or touched on it brief coverage in works devoted to clarifying other problems (Gavryliuk, 2019: 158165; Hrushevskyi, 1995: 182-185; Krypiakevych, Hnatovych & Stefaniv, 1992: 574-578; Mytsyk, 2009: 148-149, 202-204; Smolii, Stepankov, 2009: 232, 239-241; Stepankov, 1998: 185-192; Storozhenko, 1996: 218222). Although V. Stepankov and I. Storozhenko drew attention to some miscalculations of M. S. Krychevsky and S. Pobodailo, but they also bypassed the problems that needed their coverage (Stepankov, 1998: 189; Storozhenko, 1996: 220-221).
In Polish historiography E. Kotiubaj began studying the battle in the middle of the 19th century. He submitted its course exclusively through the prism of Lithuanians' actions (Kotiubaj, 2016: 103-107). Many new things have been introduced in the development of the Polish concept of interpreting the events by the works of Y. Komuda (Komuda, 2002: 115-129), M. Nagielski (Nagielski, 2012: 371-388), V. A. Serczyk (Serczyk, 1999: 221228), H. Wisner (Wisner, 2000: 117-123) and others. Undoubtedly the most important work in it is the monograph of W. Biernacki "Khmelnytsky
Uprising. Military Actions in Lithuania in 1648-1649", which is almost central to the coverage of Loev campaign. His successful attempt for the first time in historiography (both Polish and Ukrainian), considering the sequence of phases of its development, to show the actions in each of both sides deserves every approval. In principle it was objectively certainly not without sympathy for the actions of J. Radzywill and Lithuanian army. However, he did not touch on the circle of discussion and attention-focus aspects of the problem either (Biernacki, 2006: 137-229).
Therefore, the proposed topic of the article is noted for relevance. The purpose of its research is to outline the main issues that remain (mainly due to the lack of sources) unexplained. In our opinion the article may contribute to the orientation of their study by scientists, as a result they will be lucky to clarify a number of statements and fill the existing lacuna in the created picture of the prerequisites and the course of the battle. Thus, one of the important problems awaiting a solution is the clarification of the place and role of Lithuanian theater hostilities in the implementation of B. Khmelnytsky strategic plans developed in April-May 1649. And they have already provided, unlike in 1648, defeat of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the creation of an independent Ukrainian / Rus state (Hrushevskyi, 1997: 1493-1494; Smolii, Stepankov, 2009: 219, 225-226, 231; Smoliy, Stepankov, 2009 a: 106-107, 247-249). According to one of the sources, he sought to achieve the creation of the "single Principality of Rus" (Michalowski, 1864: 397). In this regard, the question arises: if the hetman in the upcoming campaign assigned to the Cossack units, which together with detachments of local insurgents, since April had fought against Lithuanians for control over the Ukrainian-Lithuanian border (ЛННБ. ВР, ф. 5, спр. 225/11: 229-230; Dzherela z istorii, 2012: 213-214, 240-245; Biernacki, 2006: 110-111; Michalowski, 1864: 387) the role of the "shield" for Ukraine from the invasion of the enemy or the "sword" for conducting an offensive operation to defeat the troops of the GDL? In historiography the first thought traditionally prevails which by the way is based on the analysis of information of captured Cossacks and insurgents. However, the data from J. Radziwill's "Office Diary" suggest that in early June the hetman sent Acting Hetman I. Golota to Lithuanian front and ordered to defeat the enemy army in cooperation with the colonels who were on the border, to create an army from the local population, to occupy Vilno and, "having crossed Lithuania, to join Khmelnytsky over the Vistula" (AGAD, zespol 354, dz. VI, sygn. 36, p. 27, 74, 106; sygn. Pudlo 36 i 37/1: 2, 42-44).
Therefore, J. Komuda and Y. Mytsyk expressed their views on the existence of B. Khmelnytsky's plans to defeat the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Komuda, 2002: 118-119; Mytsyk, 2009: 160-163). Therefore there is a need for special research of this topic.
No less important remains the need to clarify a number of issues related to the appointment of hetman S. M. Krychevsky as Kyiv colonel and the head of the corps sent to Chernobyl area; the corps number, the task received, as well as the time and place of the campaign, the route of promotion, etc. In historiography it is almost generally accepted the provisions that in the spring S. M. Krychevsky was Kyiv colonel. He went on a campaign from Starokostiantyniv in late June - early in July with ten thousand cavalry of Kyiv regiment, having chosen shorter route through dense forests and swamps of Volyn and Kyiv Polissia. However, not all of this looks so unambiguous. Firstly, it was not possible to identify sources that would certify the fact S.M. Krychevsky was Kyiv colonel in spring and early in summer: they state the embrace of this position by S. Beletsky, G. Gandzha and Pushko (Dzherela z istorii, 2012: 261, 265; Mytsyk, 2018: 134). However, M. Hrushevskyi also drew attention to the doubtful information (by the way, the only one among the sources) of G. Kunakov, Moscow messenger to Warsaw, about the mentioned victory of S.M. Krychevsky (Vossoedinenie Ukrainy, 1953: 300; Hrushevskyi, 1995: 182, 184). And indeed either this battle or the victory in it of the Acting Hetman did not exist at all!
Undoubtedly, the impetus for his sending to Lithuanian theater of hostilities was the information received by B. Khmelnytsky about the defeat of I. Holota near Zahallia (Zhagallia) at night on June, 17. If the messengers rushed to him with reports of a tragedy that day, even having traveled a distance of about 350-400 km in 8 days, they could appear at his camp on June, 23. At that time he could not be either under Pyliavtsi or near Starokostiantyniv, but most likely he was somewhere between Stary Pykov and Khmilnyk. Therefore he sent obviously the next day from the outskirts of Khmilnyk S. M. Krychevsky led not by 10 thousands of riders from Kyiv regiment (this is fantastic data because none of Cossack regiment could count so many cavalrymen), and about 4-6 thousand corps, formed of experienced soldiers from different regiments with an order to attack J. Radziwill's troops, W. Biernacki submits a probable number of Ukrainian soldiers in 5 thousand people (Biernacki, 2006: 222). Moreover most of them were not actually riders but "Ukrainian dragoons" - "horse infantry" according to the proper observation of I. Storozhenko (Storozhenko, 1996: 222).
We doubt that the Acting Hetman had an urgent need to move in an unexplored way through "Polissia dense forests and swamps", where it was impossible to get food for soldiers and forage for horses. Therefore most likely he went on the traditional road to Berdychiv and Zhytomyr, and from there holding the right bank of the Teteriv river, through Ko- rostyshiv, Radomyshl to Hornostaypole located 35 km to the south of Chernobyl. We also do not exclude his possible route from Zhytomyr directly to the north through Korosten to Ovruch. From there he went to the east of Chernobyl (about 100 km) having joined the local regiment. S. Lypynskyi without referring to the source claimed that S. M. Krychevsky got to Chernobyl approx. July, 8 (Lypynskyi, 1980: 387). And this date has become a textbook for Ukrainian and Polish scientists. And for some reason, no one paid attention to its further blatant discrepancy in the chronology of his contacts with B. Khmelnytsky, who had begun the siege of Poles in Zbarazh since July, 10. Thus the author rightly notices that the Acting Hetman, having studied the situation, realized that it is extremely risky to attack the enemy with available forces, so he sent a letter asking for help. But it took time to establish this fact at least in a few days, and therefore he could send it no earlier than July, 11-12. Contrary to this he gives probable information from one of the sources that Ukrainian hetman answered him on July, 14 (Lypynskyi, 1980: 387-389). However under no circumstances they could simply bring the letter to the addressee in 3-4 days. The version offered by us solves this contradiction. Having gone on the road on June, 24 S. M. Krychevsky could get to Chernobyl in 9-10 days (July 2-3), and on July, 5-6 send the mentioned letter to the hetman and receive a response from him somewhere on July, 21 with the promise to send tatars to help and the order to advance "courageously" so that "G.D. Lithuanian [Lithuania] would not rejoice, as well as the Crown", and he surrounded Poles (in Zbarazh) that "they will not fly out like a bird" and "after this fourth time Poland will be made an end and lachy will be demolished" (Lypynskyi, 1980: 584).
Due to the lack of sources, we know almost nothing about the activities of the Acting Hetman from July, 8 to July, 23 (the beginning of the advance against Lithuanians) with the exception of joining Ovruch, Chernobyl regiments as well as the regiment of I. Holota (Brahynsky (?)) his corps and sending universals to the local people in order to "rebel against Polish-
Lithuanian Commonwealth" (Lypynskyi, 1980: 391; Biernacki, 2006: 160, 237). It is necessary to search them in the archives of Belarus, Lithuania and Poland. For the same reason the nature of his relationship with colonel S. Pobodailo, who had been appointed an Acting Hetman by B. Khmel- nytsky before and ordered to defend Loev crossing over the Dnieper, remains a mystery. Therefore from the first half of June he began to send local colonels (in particular Chernobyl) orders to go "to him for the defense of crossings..." (Mytsyk, 2009: 202-203; Mytsyk, 2018: 130, 135-140; Biernacki, 2006: 144-145). It is unknown whether he had to subordinate to S. M. Krychevsky or not? I. Storozhenko had already drawn attention to a certain inconsistency of actions between them (Storozhenko, 1996: 221). The problem of assessing the measures taken by S. Pobodailo to strengthen the crossing in Loev area is out of the historians' focus. It was found out that during the battle of Zahal he held Loev, an important strategic point for defending Ukraine from Lithuanian invasion. And instead of fortifying the castle, the town and its environs to protect the crossing and the fortified convoy located on the left bank of the Dnieper near the mouth of the Sozh river and the defensive positions built on its right side, he ordered to burn the castle and settlements having learned about I. Golota defeat in late June (Lypynskyi, 1980: 393; Mytsyk, 2009: 202-203; Biernacki, 2006: 144-145, 150). We consider this step of the Acting Hetman to be a big mistake, because after conquering Loev J. Radziwill was able not only to fire at Ukrainian positions with cannons (Mytsyk, 2018: 135), but he also got a profitable springboard for the advance in Ukraine. Finding new sources will allow either to confirm this opinion or to refute it. The number of Ukrainian troops on the eve of the battle also requires its clarification since the discrepancy in numbers is huge. It has already been pointed out in historiography (Gawryliuk, 2019: 160-161). The most plausible is the version of W. Biernacki who submitted it in 12.5 thousand soldiers (Biernacki, 2006: 160). The number of Lithuanian army was obviously about 6 thousands of soldiers excluding servants and carriage servants (Biernacki, 2006: 155; Gawryliuk, 2019: 161; Komuda, 2002: 120), and with them, in our opinion, it was 12-13 thousands of persons. Further study of this issue can make certain adjustments to these figures.
The range of issues related to the coordination of actions in the future battle of S. M. Krychevsky and S. Pobodailo and the passivity of the latter during its first phase, which became one of the main reasons for the defeat of Ukrainians, remains very important but not clarified.
And finally, it is worth finding out the following: on August, 1 the units of Ukrainian army in an organized manner left the camp at night and by S. Krychevsky's order left him on the battlefield or fled abandoning the Acting Hetman to the mercy of fate.
The study of these problems will certainly provide a more complete and objective picture of Ukrainian army's Loev campaign than it exists today.
ЛННБ - Львівська національна наукова бібліотека ім. Стефаника. Відділ рукописів [Vasyl Stefanyk National Library of Ukraine in Lviv].
AGAD - Arhiwum Gfowny Akt Dawnych w Warszawie [The Central Archive of Ancient Documents in Warsaw].
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