Resettlement movement among the German population of the southern regions of the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s
The goal is to reveal an unexplored problem - the process of resettlement of the landless and landless German population from the Polish and forest-steppe regions of the USSR to the free lands of the southern districts of the republic during the 1920s.
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Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 11.05.2023 |
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Resettlement movement among the German population of the southern regions of the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s
Olesia Rozovyk
PhD (History), Associate Professor, lecturer of Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and History of Medicine of Bohomolets National Medical University, 13 Tarasa Shevchenka boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine
The aim of the research is to elucidate poorly analyzed issue - the process of relocation of the German landless and smallholders from the Polissian andforest-steppe districts of the Ukrainian SSR to the free lands of the southern region of the Republic during the 1920s. The author used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, system, method of generalization and the historical, historical and systemic methods to study this problem. The scientific novelty of the article is that, based on archival sources, the little-studied problem of resettlement of the German population in the southern regions of the Republic during the 1920s has been analyzed. The research is based on the documents from the Central State Archives of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine. The following conclusions have been made: at the beginning of the 1920s, in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian SSR, in the Polissia zone and the forest-steppe of the Republic the "agrarian overpopulation" arose. There were several reasons for this phenomenon, and one of the main ones is the sharp increase in the population in these traditionally agricultural zones of Ukraine. Already in the first half of the 1920s, 68 000 German peasants (12.8 thousand yards) appeared in landless villages of Volhynia, Podillia, and partly in Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. Altogether 110 thousand people needed to improve their agricultural situation and resettlement to the free lands of the southern part of republic, or the AllUnion Resettlement Land Fund (free lands in all Soviet Union). During the first half of the 1920s, 30 700 Germans and in the second half of the 1920s - at the beginning of the 1930s - 30 800 Germans moved to the southern regions of the Republic. It should be noted that the desirable condition for resettlement was the creation of collectivized resettlementfarms. For settlers in the south of the republic not only enough land and pastures for productive farming and livestock was provided, as well as allocated state financial assistance for housing, purchase of agricultural inventory, the purchase of domestic animals, etc. But process of repression against German national minority was staged by the Soviet authorities during the 1930s - the 1940s. It led to the destruction of national settlements and death of representatives of the German nationality. resettlement regions landless
Key words: agrarian overpopulation, landless peasants, resettlement, German population, Ukrainian SSR.
кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри філософії, біоетики та історії медицини Національного медичного університету імені О.О. Богомольця, бульвар Тараса Шевченка, 13, м. Київ, Україна
Мета дослідження - розкрити невивчену проблему - процес переселення безземельного та малоземельного німецького населення з поліських і лісостепових районів УСРР на вільні землі південних округ республіки протягом 1920-х років. Автор використовував загальнонаукові методи аналізу, синтезу, систему, узагальнення та історичний, історико- системний методи дослідження цієї проблеми. Наукова новизна статті полягає у тому, що на основі архівних джерел досліджувалася маловивчена проблема переселення німецького населення у південні регіони республіки протягом 1920-х рр. Дослідження ґрунтується на аналізі документів Центрального державного архіву вищих органів влади та управління України. Зроблено такі висновки: на початку 1920-х рр. в аграрному секторі УРСР, в поліській зоні та лісостепу республіки виникло "аграрне перенаселення". Причин цього явища було кілька, і одна з головних - різке збільшення чисельності населення в цих традиційно сільськогосподарських зонах України. Уже в першій половині 1920-хрр. 68 000 німецьких селян (12.8 тис. дворів) з'явилися в безземельних селах Волині, Поділля та частково в Київській та Чернігівській областях. Загалом 100 тис. осіб німецької національності потребували поліпшення сільськогосподарського становища та переселення до вільних земель півдня республіки або на землі Всесоюзного переселенського фонду. Протягом першої половини 1920-х рр. до південних округ республіки переселилося 30 700 німців, а протягом другої половини 1920 - на початку 1930-х - 30 800 німців. Доцільно зазначити, що умовою для переселення було створення колективізованих переселенських господарств. Для переселенців на півдні республіки Народним комісаріатом земельних справ УСРР та місцевими радами було забезпечено не лише достатньо землі та пасовищ для продуктивного землеробства і худоби, а також виділено державну фінансову допомогу на житло, придбання сільськогосподарського інвентарю, домашніх тварин тощо. Проте радянська влада проти представників німецької національності влаштувала репресії, що тривали протягом наступних двох десятиліть. Це призвело до зникнення національних населених пунктів, фізичного винищення представників німецької національності.
Ключові слова: аграрне перенаселення, безземельні, малоземельні селяни, переселення, німецьке населення, УСРР.
The Problem Statement. At the beginning of the 1920s, the problem of agrarian overpopulation arose in the environment of national minorities of the Republic. At that time, the Ukrainian SSR was home to representatives of 54 nations from the past, both from the nations and peoples of the Russian Empire and from abroad. From the total population of 5 million people, 3.3 million lived in rural areas, from which 359 671 were the Germans (Central State Archive of the Supreme Bodies of Power and Management of Ukraine, f. 413, d.1, c. 10, p. 89). In the first half of the 1920s, there were 68 000 landless German peasants in the Ukrainian SSR. Such situation arose as a result of the repressive policy of the tsarist government and the policy of bolshevik's military communism. Later, the improvement of the economic situation and allotment of land required 110 000 Germans who were living in the northern regions of the Republic. The ways of solving the agrarian crisis by the Soviet government and the problem of giving the German national minority land allotments in the southern regions of the Ukrainian SSR are issues of modern historiography which are little studied.
The Analysis of Sources and Recent Researches. The settlement of different ethnic groups in the south of Ukraine (the Ukrainian SSR) at the beginning of the 1920s is analyzed in the work of O. Danylchenko. The author showed the movement in the Ukrainian lands of the Germans, the Greeks, the Bulgarians, the Poles, the Moldovans and representatives from other nationalities, starting from the end of the XVIIIth century till the beginning of the 1920s. It reveals the process of forming a compact residence on the territory of Ukraine.
Describes the socio-economic and cultural way of life. However, this work as a whole is cognitively popular. But despite this, it is written on the basis of archival sources and has a scientific value (Danylchenko, 1993). In his research B. Chyrko notes about the economic crisis and problems of land management that arose among the German population of Ukraine during the new economic policy (NEP). The author of the monograph also reveals the facts of pressure on the German colonies during the course of collectivization, the forced relocation of the Germans to different regions of the USSR (Chyrko, 2015). The repressions of the Russian and Soviet governments against the German population are discussed in the publications of such researchers as O. Kadol (Kadol, 2019), O. Rozovyk (Rozovyk, 2020), G. Shmelev (Shmelev, 1991), L. Dianasheva, and M. Egamberdiyev (Dianasheva, Egamberdiyev, 2014). The situation with land supply in the German colonies, the creation of national German districts and the policy of collectivization in the national districts are covered in the articles by V Serhiychyk (Serhiychyk, 2006), M. Panchuk, O. Kovalchuk, B. Chyrko (Panchuk, Kovalchuk & Chyrko, 2006), M. Kozyreva (Kozyreva, 2006), Yu. Kotlyar (Kotlyar, 2006) and M. Shytyuk (Shytyuk, 2006) in the collective monograph "Nimetski poselentsi v Ukraini: istoriya ta sohodennya". A collection of documents from the state archives of Ukraine "Nimtsi v Ukraini. 20-30ti rr. XX st." (Yakovleva, Chyrko & Pyshko, 1994) that cover the socio-economic, political and cultural situation of representatives of the German nationality who lived in the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s and 1930s deserves special attention as well. The factual material that most fully illustrates the resettlement processes in the mentioned region, is contained in the Central State Archive of the Supreme Bodies of Power and Management of Ukraine (CSA SBPMU) and State Archive of Zaporizhzhya Region (SAZR).
The Purpose of the Research. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the process of resettlement of the German landless and smallholders from Polissia and forest-steppe regions of the Ukrainian SSR to the free lands in the south of the Republic during the 1920s.
The Results of the Research. At the beginning of the 1920s, along with the Ukrainian population resettlement issue, the leadership of the Ukrainian SSR solved the problems of the national minorities resettlement both on the territory of the Republic and in the AllUnion Colonization Fund. This issue, together with the government, was handled by the All-Ukrainian Migration Commission, the National Committee of the National Minorities at the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee (VUCVK), the district land administrations (OZU) and the National Minority Migrant Commissions established by them (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, c. 20, p. 19).
During the years of 1922 - 1923, at the behest of the government, the national minorities living in rural areas were registered in the Republic, the level of providing their farms with land, agricultural stock, families - foodstuffs, etc., was revealed. On the basis of these data, the Council of People's Commissars (RNK) adopted a Decree "On Measures Taken by the Government of the Ukrainian SSR to Assist the Resettlement of Certain Nationalities Living in the Territory of the Republic during the period of 1924 - 1925" in the spring of 1924. It identified measures to provide material assistance to the national minorities for their resettlement in Ukraine and the Union Colonization Fund, allocated land for the establishment of new farms and outlined the number of yards needed to be relocated first. The level of landing of a particular farm and the number of family members who were in these families were primarily taken into account. Also areas were identified where landless or smallholder peasantry from national minorities had moved (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, c. 147, pp. 155-156).
An active migrant movement in the 1920s and at the beginning of the 1930s was among the German national minority.
At the beginning of the XXth century 400 000 Germans lived in Ukraine. During World War I, the tsarist government pursued a policy of deportation against the German population of the Russian Empire, as a result of which the Germans lost the right to their land ownership. About 80 000 of them left Ukraine and those who remained lived mainly in the southern provinces of the Republic. There they lived in 854 colonies and 133 farms (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, c. 130, p. 168). In 1918, the German population began to air into Ukraine in connection with the policies of the Ukrainian governments. However, in 1919, the German settlements suffered the devastating effects of the pogroms. With the consolidation of the bolsheviks in power and their policies of military communism, the German farms lost much of their land holdings and were deprived of food. As a result, the Holodomor of 1921 - 1922 covered 50 - 80% of the German population in southern Ukraine. The German farms were taxed several times higher than the surrounding non-German farms. It is worth noting that the so-called zamozhnyky (wealthy landowners) were deprived of the right to vote during local elections. Another factor that increased the dissatisfaction of the German population with the Soviet policy were anti-religious campaigns. As a result of this difficult situation, the Germans began to leave Ukraine en masse. Thus, during the period from 1922 till 1924, 8000 Germans left the USSR and another 20000 applied to leave (Yakovleva, Chyrko & Pyshko, 1994, pp. 7, 32, 38, 58, 129, 132). Therefore, the Soviet government began to take a more prudent approach to the organization of land use, began to return the right to vote to certain categories of the German families. VUCVK conducted a study of the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the German population, and in September of 1923 the People's Commissariat of the USSR issued a resolution granting the right to lease land to mennonite farms on preferential terms. The area of the plot per farm could be up to 32 acres of land. In addition, in 1925 the process of formation of the German national districts began. This should take into account the specifics of the German colonies and remove the possibility of interethnic conflicts (Serhiychyk, 2006, p. 51; Kozyreva, 2006, pp. 328-329).
At the beginning of the 1920s many of the peasants among the Germans who lived in the north-western districts of the Ukrainian SSR were as landless or smallholder as the local indigenous population. 321 000 Germans (70 000 farms) lived in the countryside. Taking into account the natural increase, their numbers grew to 363 000 people by the mid-1920s (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, c. 147, p. 155). Already in the first half of the 1920s, 68 000 German peasants (12 800 yards) appeared in the villages of Volyn, Podillia, partly Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. In general improvement of agrarian status and resettlement to the vacant lands of the south of the Republic, or to the All-Union Resettlement Land Fund was needed for 110 thousand people (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d.1, c. 52, p. 3).
In addition, the land holdings of the German colonists of the southern provinces of the Republic gradually decreased due to population growth. Therefore, the leadership of the USSR had a twofold task: on the one hand, to relocate landless and smallholder German peasants from Polissia and forest-steppe provinces to the south of the Republic, and on the other - to allocate land to those families that were already on the verge of smallholding in the German colonies of the southern provinces. In 1917, 1924 and 1926, the land supply of the German families in Zaporizhzhia region was as follows:
Land supply to the German families living among the Ukrainian and other population of Zaporizhzhia district
Land supply to 1917 |
Ave-rege land supply |
Land supply in 1924 p. |
Ave-rege land supply |
Land supply in 1926 p. |
Averege land supply |
yards |
people |
the amount of land in desiatyna (1 tenth is 1.09 hectares) |
per yard / per person |
yards |
people |
the amount of land in desiatyna |
per yard / per person |
yards |
people |
the amount oflandin desiatyna |
per yard / per person |
Khortytsky district |
248 |
1998 |
5493 |
22,1/2,7 |
263 |
1550 |
2602 |
9,8/ 1,6 |
263 |
1764 |
3634 |
13,8/ 2 |
Sofiyivsky district |
299 |
2157 |
10888 |
36,4/ 5 |
292 |
2191 |
6176 |
21,2/ 2,8 |
423 |
2274 |
5223 |
12,3 / 2,2 |
Pokrovsky district |
266 |
1742 |
8768 |
32,9/ 5 |
297 |
1812 |
5453 |
18,3 / 3 |
309 |
1836 |
5453 |
17,6/ 2,9 |
Huliai-Pilsky district |
411 |
4801 |
15262 |
37/3,1 |
763 |
3677 |
11364 |
14,8/ 3 |
1898 |
5249 |
14744 |
7,7/ 2,8 |
Novo- Mykolayivsky district |
538 |
3196 |
20242 |
37,6/ 6,3 |
726 |
3823 |
14378 |
19,8/ 3,7 |
904 |
4795 |
17339 |
19,1 / 3,6 |
Zaporizky district |
80 |
693 |
6436 |
80,4/ 9,2 |
105 |
733 |
2947 |
28/4 |
152 |
750 |
3059 |
20/4 |
Land supply of the German settlements of Zaporizhzhia district
Sofiyivskyi district |
27 |
165 |
1670 |
61,8/ 10 |
42 |
267 |
748 |
17,8/ 2,8 |
56 |
335 |
1018 |
18/3 |
Pokrovsky district |
10 |
61 |
1000 |
100/ 16,3 |
18 |
103 |
263 |
14,6/ 2,5 |
17 |
102 |
684 |
40,2/ 6,7 |
Huliai-Pilsky district |
30 |
253 |
1422 |
47,4/ 5,6 |
72 |
447 |
1170 |
16,25 / 2,6 |
72 |
471 |
1259 |
17,4/ 2,6 |
Zherebetsky district |
83 |
549 |
5267 |
63 / 9,6 |
133 |
748 |
1803 |
13,5 / 2,4 |
133 |
796 |
1803 |
13,5 / 2,2 |
Polohsky district |
69 |
404 |
2720 |
39,4/ 6,7 |
70 |
433 |
1550 |
22/ 3,5 |
70 |
431 |
1550 |
22 / 3,6 |
Tables are compiled from the following sources: SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, c. 18, p. 85-87.
Thus, in comparison with 1917, in the mid-1920s the wealth of each German court in agricultural lands decreased as follows: in Zaporizhzhia region - 4.6 times, Novo- Mykolaivsky - 2, Polohsky - 1.7, Sofiyevsky - 3.5, Pokrovsky - 6.8, Huliai-Pilsky - 3, Zherebetsky - 4.6 times, etc.
There were also many German families in the county who were completely landless. In 1926, there were 321 such families, which is 1266 people. According to the areas of residence they were distributed as follows:
Landless German Population of Zaporizhzhia region, 1926 (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, c. 18, p. 85-87)
Name of districts |
Number of landless households |
Number of people |
Zaporizky |
10 |
33 |
Khortytsky |
163 |
577 |
Vasylovsky |
9 |
53 |
Polohovsky |
2 |
9 |
Toliukovsky |
1 |
4 |
Sofiyevsky |
12 |
61 |
Novo-Mykolayivsky |
60 |
241 |
Pokrovsky |
2 |
14 |
Zherebetsky |
28 |
129 |
Huliai-Pilsky |
33 |
145 |
For example, the German colonists of Novo-Rozovka settlement, numbering 62 families (232 persons), almost all of them were landless, made a living by a coterelling. There were 127 such people in the village of Huliai-Pole, of whom only 2 had plots of land measuring 2.2 and
4.3 hectares, which they rented from a local population. The rental fee, on average, was half the yield. On average, each such family in the district numbered 5 people. Often the German population of the district also rented housing and premises. This, along with the payment of taxes, created an additional financial burden on the German families. For several years, since 1924, the German colonists asked the local authorities to provide them with agricultural land. Despite the payment of land-based organizational services, these families remained landless for a long time (SAZR, f.R-576, d. 1, c. 18, pp. 28-29, 36-37, 62). In Khortytsky district, the colony of Ternovataya was destroyed by the revolutionary events of 1917 - 1921. Therefore, this population (65 people) was forced to use the land temporarily granted to them by the District Executive Committee (RVK) from the colonization fund (114.4 hectares). Newly established German settlements in Novo-Mykolaiv region during the period of 1923 - 1924 were also smallholders. For example, the settlements of Neilibenthal and Leninfeld were provided with
2.3 hectars per person an average. There was another problem in Huliai-Pole district - here, during the pre-revolutionary times, the German population was displaced among the Jewish colonists. Therefore, in 1926, such German families began to request their resettlement to the German colonies (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, c. 18, p. 87b).
Taking into account the agrarian situation among the German peasantry and in many of their colonies, in June of 1924 the VUCVK adopted a Decree on the resettlement of 5.7 thousand families (30781 persons) of landless Germans from the northern lands and forest-steppe areas of the Republic into the south, providing each family with 16 desiatyns (17.4 hectares) of land (CSA SbPMU, f. 27, d. 4, с. 1141, p. 12). In 1925, following the above- mentioned decision, the People's Commissar of Land Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR allocated 48.7 thousand desiatyns (53.08 thousand hectares) of arable land to the German immigrants in the south from the Republican Migration Fund and 3.6 thousand desiatyns (3.9 thousand hectares) from a local funds, excluding territories intended for grazing of horses, cows, sheep. All together, it made up 52.3 thousand desiatyns (57 thousand hectares) of lands (see the table below). At the same time, the government ordered the resettlements commissions of Podillia, Volhynia and Kyiv region to relocate to these lands predetermined amount of population (30781 people) within three years (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 77, p. 104; с. 167, p. 3).
The number plots of land allocated to the German resettlements in the southern regions of the Ukrainian SSR (CSA SBPMU, f. 27, d. 7, с. 1176, p. 236)
Name of regions |
The amount of land, allocated to the German settlers, in desiatyns |
Zinovyevska |
163 |
Pershotravneva |
109 |
Odeska |
10424 |
Mykolayivska |
15754 |
Kryvorizka |
4000 |
Melitopolska |
4291 |
Mariupolska |
2536 |
Zaporizka |
4682 |
Khersonska |
6019 |
Dnipropetrovska |
398 |
Artemivska |
835 |
Luhanska |
2725 |
In 1927, the VUTSVK approved a 10-year plan for the resettlement of landless and smallholders Ukrainians into the republican and All-Union colonial funds. As for the German population, in terms of their resettlement within the Republic, the number remained at 30.8 thousand people and it was planned to relocate 12970 families (67439 persons) to the All-Union Colonization Fund (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 52, p. 3).
The approved programme for the resettlement of the German population to the south of the Republic was implemented in stages by the All-Ukrainian Resettlement Committee. At its disposal, the district resettlement commissions of Polisia and the forest-steppe zones of Ukraine made regular lists of the German peasants for resettlement. Landless and then families with little plots of land were first and foremost enrolled. There were several hundred in each district (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 139, p. 16). Of these, 1250 families (6250 people) were relocated from the northern constituencies to the south of the Republic during 1927 (See the table below).
The dynamics of the Germans resettlement from the northern regions of the Ukrainian SSR (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 347, p. 1)
Name of departure district |
Number of families, who moved to the southern regions |
Number of people |
Korostensky |
300 |
1500 |
Volynsky |
300 |
1500 |
Shepetivsky |
50 |
250 |
Konotopsky |
100 |
500 |
Another districts |
500 |
2500 |
Total |
1250 |
6250 |
During the following years 1928 - 1929, 2305 families (11850 people) moved to the south of the Ukrainian SSR, and during the period of 1930 - 2540 families (12700 people). At the beginning of the 1930s, 30800 people moved here from the northern and forest-steppe districts of the Republic. Of these, there were 19604 landless people and 5617 people with little plots of land (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 167, p. 3).
The settlers in the south of the Republic were provided with sufficient land and pastures for productive farming and livestock farming and with state financial assistance for housing, the purchase of agricultural implements, the purchase of pets and more. This assistance per displaced family amounted to approximately 900 rubles, excluding assistance from local foundations and NGOs. Construction materials were provided on preferential terms. To estimate the amount of aid, it should be noted that at that time the breeding cow cost 80 rubles, 100 kg. of wheat flour - 16 rubles, a small new residential building 12 x 9 m. - 420 - 450 rubles, etc. (CSA SBPMU, f. 27, d. 5, с. 6652, p. 50). Funds were also allocated for the construction of administrative premises, medical centers, cultural and educational establishments, and household spheres in the villages. Particularly large funds were earmarked for the creation of water supply systems, artificial reservoirs, planting of protective forest strips in the villages, laying roads to villages, carrying out radio and electrification of settlements after the construction of DniproHES in 1932 (CSA SBPMU, f. 27, d. 5, с. 362, p. 85).
During the second half of the 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s, the German settlers built 30 new villages in the southern districts of the Ukrainian SSR, 70 to 80 yards in each settlement, created dozens of farms, settled the German population in existing villages, settlements and hamlets (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 167, p. 3).
Along with the resettlement of the German peasants from the northern regions of the Ukrainian SSR in the south, the problem of increasing arable land in those southern German farms that were already on the verge of landlessness was solved. In 1925, a census of those farms that had land holdings of less than 16 desiatyns (17.4 hect.) was conducted in 1925 in order to find out the real agricultural security of the German peasantry of the southern districts of the Republic. Their statistics is illustrated in the table below (CSA SBPMU, f. 27, d. 8, с. 804, p. 301).
The number of the German farms with land holdings of less than 16 desiatyns (17.4 hect.)
Name of regions |
Number of the German villages which were surveyed |
Number of yards |
The total amount of land in the desiatyns |
The average number of desiatyns of land per farm |
It is necessary to allocate to the norm 16 desiatyns |
Katerynoslav |
12 |
898 |
10 871 |
12.0 |
1 432 |
Melitopol |
101 |
1 024 |
11 869 |
16.4 |
3 008 |
Kryvyi Rih |
51 |
2 615 |
36 940 |
14.1 |
3 634 |
Zaporizhzhia |
52 |
6 719 |
84 805 |
13.9 |
4 735 |
Pavlohrad |
22 |
837 |
12 672 |
15.2 |
1 183 |
Total |
238 |
21 280 |
263 979 |
14.5 |
13 997 |
This census-register showed that the German peasants of the southern colonies to bring their land holdings to the norm in 16 desiatyns it was necessary to allocate additional 14 thousand desiatyns (15.2 thousand hectares) of arable land. In order to resolve this issue, the VUCVK in July of 1926 adopted a Decree "About Land Management of the German Colonies". The document instructed the People's Commissar of Land Affairs of the Ukrainian
SSR, local authorities and resettlement commissions to find local land resources and provide them to the German peasants. At the same time, it was emphasized that the local authorities must create all the necessary socio-economic conditions for the German peasants not to leave their inhabited villages and farms, not to migrate to other parts of the Ukrainian SSR, but to live and work in their villages and farms (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 97, p. 96).
This order was gradually fulfilled and the German peasants were given additional land. However, in some districts of Odesa and Kherson regions, not all farms were found and allocated the necessary land. Therefore, for example, in Odesa district, 295 families were moved from the district to the district and 200 families - in Kherson region. A few dozen families were relocated to other southern districts of the Republic (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, с. 17, p. 244).
On March 1, 1926, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs issued a special instruction, which provided, with the help of special land commissions, a tract of land from the state fund for the benefit of the German colonies of Zaporizhzhia district. However, in the majority of these settlements, the number of land tithes per farm exceeded the county standard. And in the colonies Shyroka and Tyrsanka allotments for each yard were 14.5 - 15 desiatyns. But the Land Commission decided to consolidate the amount of land they were currently using and not increase the size of allotments for the German colonies of Khortytsky, Novo-Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Pokrovsky, Polohsky, Huliai-Pilsky, Zherebetsky and Sofiyivsky districts (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, с. 18, p. 88).
The colonies of Kantserovka of Khortytsia district decided to provide 21% more land than the settlement, which amounted to 283 desiatyns of land. For Khortytsia colony of Khortytsia district it was allocated 10%, which made 210 desiatyns of land. This was due to the fact that the average land supply of these settlements was more than 2 desiatyns (2.2 hect.) per person, which was considered the acceptable minimum, as well as additional earnings of the population in factories. It was added by 10% of the land, amounting to 201 desiatyns land for colony Vodiana in the same district, for colony Nova Khortytsia - 18.5% (413 desiatyns), Pavlovka and Novoslobidka - 21% (450 and 157 desiatyns respectively) (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, c. 18, pp. 88b-89). For the population of the destroyed colony of Ternovata of Khortytsia district, (13 yards, 65 people) were allocated 15 desiatyns per yard, which was 195 desiatyns in general. For the colonists of Listovka and Serhiyivka of Novo- Mykolaiv district - 20% (206 and 240 desiatyns respectively), Marianslav in the same district - 21% (35 desiatyns), Kamianka and Mirovka - 15% for each (75 and 132 desiatyns), Verbov and Romanivka - 20% (64 and 105 desiatyns), Waldorf, Heinrichstal, Leninfeld, Neilibenthal - 21% each (33, 30, 40 and 39 desiatyns in accordance). For the Katerinfeld, Dudnikovo, Yehorovka, Rosenheim colonies - 21% each, which amounted to 49, 151, 80 and 22 desiatyns of land respectively (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, с. 18, p. 89b).
Also, on March 15, 1927, the People's Commissariat of Land Affairs (NKZS) approved the Decree, and on March 1, 1927, issued an order granting land to the German landless farms under existing rules. Thus, for the population of 54 farms (230 people) of Novo-Mykolaiv district 464 desiatyns of land were allocated in the same region. It was allocated 254 desiatyns for 26 farms (133 people) of Zherebetsky district in Novo-Mykolaiv district, for 14 farms (68 persons) - 129 desiatyns in Novo-Mykolaiv district, for 28 farms (125 people) of Huliai- Pole district - 253 desiatyns in the Novo-Mykolaiv district. At the same time, at the request of the National Bureau, the district's land administration contributed to the allocation of 240 desiatyns of land in Novo-Mykolaiv district for 18 families (81 people) of the German Mennonites (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, с. 39, pp. 31, 32, 92. 190).
However, the process of empowering the German colonists with additional land was sometimes conflicting. Thus, the population of the Rosenfeld colony in the Sofievsky district could not receive allotments for a long time due to the fact that they were claimed by the population of the Russian neighboring village (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, с. 18, p. 128).
In 1927, the problem of resettlement of the local population was also solved in connection with the flooding of part of the settlements after the construction of the DniproHES, including the historic settlement of Kichkas with a large proportion of the Germans. However, the state provided a small cash payment - 1 rubles per hectare for land management at new settlements and a loan was provided (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, с. 39, p. 94).
To support the logistical base of the resettlement farms and land irrigation, the Drought Fund allocated 1900 rubles loans for the transfer of buildings, 20000 rubles - for household equipment and 2000 rubles - for irrigation of land. Loan for an individual farm was as follows: for the transfer of buildings without horses household received 150 rubles, with 1 horse - 140 rubles, with 2 oxen - 125 rubles, with 2 horses - 110 rubles. To provide the logistics base, each farm was allocated from 80 to 150 rubles by the same criteria. For the population that left the village of Kichkas due to the construction of the DniproGES each farm was provided with 200 rubles, which amounted to 3000 rubles for 15 yards. Also 2000 rubles were allocated for the construction of wells in the settlements (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, с. 39, p. 95).
The distribution of credits for the resettlement farms of Zaporizhzhia district was as follows:
Polohovsky district:
1. The settlement Shyroke received 3580 rubles for the transfer of buildings, 5690 rubles - for agricultural implements and equipment.
2. The settlement of Zaporizhzhia - 4258 rubles and 2840 rubles in accordance.
3. Settlement of Kremenchuh - 6048 rubles and 6480 rubles in accordance.
Orikhiv district:
1. The settlement Shyroke - 2144 rubles. and 6120 rubles in accordance.
2. Settlement of Tersa - 1280 rubles for household equipment.
3. Settlement Barvinok - 590 rubles for household equipment (SAZR, f. R-576, d. 1, c. 39, p. 95).
It should be noted that a desirable condition for resettlement was the creation of collective farms. In the first half of the 1920s, various forms of collective agricultural production emerged in the German colonies of the south of the Ukrainian SSR. They had combined more than 23% of the population. In 1928, there were only 10 German collective farms in the Ukrainian SSR, and 65 in 1929. As a result of economic pressure on single farms, the number of collective farms increased dramatically in 1930, including the German's - 119 collective farms were created (Chyrko, 2015, p. 101). Dispossessed families were deported to the north-eastern regions of the USSR in the autumn of 1929, during the attack on the so-called kurkuls and the beginning of forced collectivization. Also at that time, part of the mennonites of southern Ukraine tried to leave the country but were returned forcibly. The following year, the Central Committee of the bolsheviks of Ukraine set up special agitation groups to persuade the German population to remain in place and support collectivization (Kozyreva, 2006, p. 330; Shytyuk, 2006, p. 355).
The deployment of continuous collectivization in the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR (the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of January 5, 1930 "On Rates of
Collectivization and Measures of State aid to the Collective Farm System") did not bypass the German rural population. However, coercive methods and the creation of "paper's" collective farms led to peasant uprisings. In particular, the uprising in the Friedrich-Engels National Area is known. Due to the repressive actions of the authorities and the suppression of population resistance, the percentage of land socialization in the German settlements was one of the highest, accounting for 77% of farms and 81% of arable land. In 1931, almost every German village or large farm had some form of collective management. There were 156 large collective farms and state farms (radhosps) and hundreds of different agricultural cooperatives among them (CSA SBPMU, f. 413, d. 1, c. 17, pp. 252, 260; с. 552, p. 8).
These economic changes in the countryside halted the planned resettlement of the German peasants to the south of the Republic. Beginning in the 1930s, they moved to this region no longer en masse, but single families, and settled there to work in agricultural cooperatives, collective farms and state farms. Remuneration in cash equivalent to employees who were employed on a permanent basis: mechanics, technical staff of livestock farms, agronomists, accountants and other workers amounted to 80 - 120 rubles per month. It was a pretty big salary at that time. But workers without special education earned from 30 to 40 rubles per month. Wages were also paid for products (CSA SBPMU, f. 318, d. 1, c. 263, pp. 63, 68).
However, artificially arranged in the USSR, including the Ukrainian SSR, the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 led to numerous casualties. According to various sources, 4.5 million people died of starvation and exhaustion, from which about 29000 were the Germans. This high death toll greatly undermined the Republic's agriculture and the economic activities of many displaced families. In addition, the offensive on national areas began since 1930. In 1930 Khortytsia national district was liquidated. In 1932, 5 oblasts were formed in Ukraine and the national German districts became part of them. All German regions of southern Ukraine had been disbanded by 1939 (Kozyreva, 2006, p. 330). Also, during the 1930s, repressions against members of national minorities, including the Germans, who were declared as hostile to the Soviet government, unfolded. The process of forcible eviction of the German population to various regions of the USSR began (Chyrko, 2015; Kadol, 2019; Rozovyk, 2020; Dinasheva & Egamberdiyev, 2014; Smelev, 1991).
The Conclusions
Thus, at the beginning of the 1930s, the government programme for the resettlement of the German landless and smallholders from the northern and forest-steppe regions and districts of the Ukrainian SSR to the south of the Republic was implemented. Estimates from various sources show that nearly 50000 German landless and owners of small plots of land changed their place of residence. The vast majority of them settled at new lands, but some, as representatives of other national minorities, settled in cities and worked in various sectors of the economy and socio-cultural sphere. Also, process of repression against the German national minority started at the same time. It led to the destruction of national settlements, mass deportations and death of representatives of the German nationality during the 1930s.
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