Eastern Podillya in the second half of november - beginning of december 1918: the regional dimension of the Anti-Hetman uprising
The overthrow of the hetmanate and the establishment of the authority of the Directorate of the Ukrainian People's Republic in Podilla. The role of members of the Central Rada, the intelligentsia, and the military in the establishment of republican power.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 44,2 K |
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Vinnytsia cooperative institute (Ukraine)
Vinnytsia MyKhailo Kotsiubinskyi state pedagogical university
Eastern Podillya in the second half of november - beginning of december 1918: the regional dimension of the Anti-Hetman uprising
L.V. Kravchuk, PhD Philology, Ass. Professor,
O.M. Kravchuk, PhD History, Ass. Professor
The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the overthrow of the hetman's authorities and the beginning of the institutions of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the eastern part of the Podilska province in the second half of November - beginning of December 1918.
The methodological basis of the research consists of research principles of historicism, scientificity, objectivity, general scientific methods: (historical and logical) and special historical methods (narrative and problem-chronological).
The scientific novelty of the article is determined primarily by the formulation of the research topic and the complex use of various sources and special works on the problem, which allowed the authors to objectively approach the analysis of the overthrow of the Hetmanate and the establishment of the UPR Directory in eastern Podillya.
Conclusions. At the end of November - beginning of December 1918 in the eastern part of the Podillia province was the overthrow of the Ukrainian State administration and the establishment of power of the Ukrainian People's Republic. The Hetmanate's mistakes in domestic and foreign policy, the lack of a sufficient social base, and the weakness of the security forces made the Ukrainian government vulnerable to radical action. The leading role in overthrowing the Hetman and establishing republican power belonged to former members of the Central Council, nationally conscious Ukrainian intelligentsia and cooperators united in local branches of the Ukrainian National Union, patriotic oriented military and the majority of the population - the peasantry.
Eastern Podillya became one of the first Ukraine's regions where the power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic was established. It was important for its approval to eliminate the attempt of the russian white guards to gain a foothold in some counties of Podillya. Eventually, when Vinnytsia was chosen as the temporary seat of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the eastern part of Podillya became an important springboard in establishing a new Ukrainian republican government throughout the country.
Key words: Ukrainian National Union, Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, anti-Hetman uprising, eastern Podillya, Vinnytsia.
Східне Поділля у другій половині листопада - на початку грудня 1918 р.: регіональний вимір протигетьманського повстання
Л. Кравчук, к. філол. н., доцент, Вінницький кооперативний інститут
О. Кравчук, к.і.н., доцент, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, (Україна)
Мета статті - висвітлити особливості повалення гетьманських органів влади та початок діяльності інституцій Української Народної Республіки у східній частині Подільської губернії у другій половині листопада - на початку грудня 1918 р.
Методологічна основа дослідження складається із науково-дослідницьких принципів історизму, науковості, об'єктивності, загальних наукових методів: (історичного і логічного) та спеціальних історичних методів (наративного та проблемно-хронологічного).
Наукову новизну статті визначають насамперед постановка теми дослідження та комплексне використанням різних видів джерел, спеціальних праць з проблеми, що дозволило авторам об'єктивно підійти до аналізу процесу повалення гетьманату і утвердження влади Директорії УНР на східному Поділлі.
Висновки. Наприкінці листопада - на початку грудня 1918 р. у східній частині Подільської губернії відбулося повалення адміністрації Української Держави та встановлення влади Української Народної Республіки. Помилки у внутрішній та зовнішній політиці, відсутність достатньої соціальної бази та слабкість силових структур робили владу гетьманату вразливою перед радикальними діями. Провідна роль у поваленні гетьманської та встановленні республіканської влади належала колишнім членам Центральної Ради, національно свідомій українській інтелігенції та кооператорам, об'єднаним у місцеві філії Українського Національного Союзу, патріотично налаштованим військовим і найбільшій частині населення - селянству. Східне Поділля стало одним з перших регіонів України, де було встановлено владу Директорії УНР. Важливим для її утвердження стало усунення спроби російських білогвардійців закріпитися в окремих повітах Поділля. Зрештою, коли Вінницю обрали місцем тимчасового осідку Директорії УНР, східні терени Поділля стали важливим плацдармом у встановленні нової української республіканської влади у межах всієї країни.
Ключові слова: Український національний союз, Директорія Української Народної Республіки, протигетьманське повстання, східне Поділля, Вінниця.
Relevance of research
Ukrainian revolutionary state-building processes of the beginning of the modern era remain an important area of study of domestic scientists. Among the study of their regional features are important events in eastern Podillya, including during the overthrow of the Hetman regime of P. Skoropadsky and the restoration of state structures of the Ukrainian People's Republic under the leadership of the Directory.
The relevance of the topic is determined by the importance of this page in the history of the region in the assertion of the power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic in Ukraine as a whole. Also, the importance of researching the problem is exacerbated by the insufficient level of its study in the scientists' works.
Ukrainian revolutionary state-building processes of the beginning of the modern era remain an important area of domestic scientists' study. Along with significant achievements in relevant research, many events at the regional level that are important for the development of contemporary Ukrainian political history remain insufficiently covered. In particular this applies to the events of the second half - early December 1918 in the eastern Podilska province, which not only played the role of one of the regional centers of the anti-Hetman uprising, but also had national significance because Vinnytsia was elected by the Directory of the UPR.
Analysis of sources and recent research. Despite the coverage of its individual aspects in works of a generalizing nature [Hunchak 1993; Pyrih 2011; Tynchenko 2007, 2009], as well as publications on the history of Podillya and some of its regions in particular [Antonyshyn 2012; Zavalniuk 2007; Kalytko 2013; Lecar 2009, 2013; Lozovyi 2003; Malyhin 2001; Rejent 2017; Recrut 2020], the deployment of the anti-Hetman uprising [Boyko 2009; Kravchuk 2013, 2021; Panasyuk 2010; Ratushnyak 2014, 2018], coverage of the activities of local public and political figures [Davydiuk 2017; Zavalniuk 2005, 2009; 2016; Kravchuk 2016; Levchuk 2019; Maliuta 2008; Melnychuk 2015; Recrut 2006 and others], this topic was not specifically studied. Its relevance is also determined by the need to further use the information potential of relatively recently introduced into scientific circulation sources [Getman P. P. Skoropadskiy 2014; Podil's'kyj guberns'kyj starosta 2016; Vlasnoruchni pokazy 2017; Dyrektorija UNR u Vinnytsi u grudni 1918 r. 2020].
The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the overthrow of the hetman's authorities and the beginning of the UPR institutions in the eastern part of the Podilska province in the second half of November - at the beginning of December 1918.
Presenting ideas of research
In the territorial dimension the study covers the eastern counties of Podilska province (Baltic, Bratslav, Vinnytsia, Haisyn, Lityn, Mogyliv and Olgopil), the vast majority of which now form the Vinnytsia region. In most of them the overthrow of the Hetmanate took place through an organized demonstration of patriotic soldiers, insurgents. They were coordinated by the actions of local branches members of the Ukrainian National Union. The importance of the eastern part of Podillya in the development of the anti-Hetman uprising is also explained by the location of one of the largest towns in the region - Vinnytsia - the center of one of the counties of the province. With a population of 60,000 in 1918 [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №57. 24 iyulya. S. 1]. Vinnytsia was dominated by Kamianets-Podilskyi, the administrative center of the province. Many administrative institutions of Podillya were transferred to Vinnytsia in connection with the World War: the provincial zemstvo, which was here until the beginning of May 1918, the food administration, the military-food committee, etc. The town already became the seat of the provincial commandant and the headquarters of the 2nd Podilsky corps during the Ukrainian People's Republic. There were 13 educational institutions, 10 hotels, 5 banks, the plant «Molot» and the factory «Yastreb» in Vinnytsia [Grygorchuk 1994: 30; Dyrektorija UNR u Vinnytsi u grudni 1918 r. 2020: s. 4].
The authoritarian regime of the Ukrainian State of Hetman P. Skoropadsky was a conservative stage of the revolution. The domestic and foreign policies of the Hetmanate were contradictory. Restoration of landownership by force, inability to overcome food difficulties in towns and prevent the requisitioning of German and Austro-Hungarian troops, the introduction of a grain monopoly, repression of pro-socialist activists, etc. All this led to the formation of political opposition - Ukrainian National Union (UNU) headed by V. Vynnychenko.
In Podillya the two main centers of the UNU operated in Kamianets-Podilskyi and Vinnytsia. Branches of the Ukrainian National Union in eastern Podillya were also located in Haisyn, Yampol, Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Tulchyn, Bratslav and Nemyriv [Kravchuk 2013: 342-343; DAViO. F. D-187. Op. 1. F. 3. Ark. 364]. In Kamianets-Podilskyi the UNU branch was headed by the Ukrainian Social Democrat V. Zlotchansky [Ratushniak 2014: 257; Maliuta 2008: 424], in Vinnytsia by a member of the Ukrainian Party of Socialists-Revolutionaries, the doctor O. Bazilevych. The same party included other members of the presidium - a lecturer at the Vinnytsia Teachers' Training Institute and the provincial commissioner for public education Yu. Shchyrytsia [Maliuta 2008: 166]; Chairman of the board of Podilsky union bank P. Vidybida [Recrut 2006: 367]; the member of the board of the Podilsky union bank, one of the leaders of the Podilsky peasants' union V. Machushenko; the Chairman of the board of Vinnytsia union of consumer societies P. Zhuravel [Yatsenko 2010: 80; Recrut 2006: 384; DAViO. F. D-255. Op. 1. F. 124. Ark. 248]. It should be noted that P. Vidybida and V. Machushenko were members of the former Central Rada. P. Vidybida and P. Zhuravel and V. Machushenko represented a local cooperative, which was an influential economic institution and united about 600,000 people in its network [Zhyttja Podillja. 1919. №35. 30 sichnja].
On November 13, 1918 at a secret meeting of the UNU in Kyiv, it was decided to start an uprising, because P. Skoropadsky's refused to convene the Ukrainian National Congress. A temporary body was elected to lead it - the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic headed by V. Vynnychenko. The anti-Hetman sentiments of Ukrainian patriots were strengthened by P. Skoropadsky's declaration on November 14, 1918 of the Federation of Ukraine with non-bolshevik Russia. The appeal of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic of November 15, 1918 to fight against the Hetman's power began to spread actively in Ukraine after the first significant successes of the insurgents: the transition to the Directory of the UPR of the Separate detachment of Sich riflemen in Bila Tserkva and the overthrow of Skoropadsky in this city and Fastiv on November 17, victory over the Hetman's units near the Motovylivka railway station on November 18 [TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 1216. Op. 1. F. 76. Ark. 352]. After that, units of the Hetman's army began to side with the insurgents, in particular, the 6,000 2nd Podilsky corps [Getman P. P. Skoropadskiy. 2014: 109] under the command of general P. Yeroshevych, which P. Skoropadsky called the main unpleasant news of those days [Skoropads'kyj 1995: 310], and the Minister of Justice of Ukraine V. Rainbot considered «the most fatal for the Hetmanship». In his opinion the choice of Podillya and Volhynia as the bases of the uprising was well thought out. It was there that the landless peasantry was particularly dissatisfied with the Hetman's power [Getman P. P. Skoropadskiy 2014: 87, 109].
In historiography, the idea of the spontaneous spread of the uprising is widespread. This is true of the bulk of its participants - the peasantry. But in order to successfully fight against the regime of P. Skoropadsky, the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic sent its representatives to the regions with the task, first of all, to gain the support of military units. One of them arrived in Zhmerynka, where, in particular, was a recently mobilized group of 350 officers. Sergeant I. Yurchenko, who was a member of the group, recalled the event: «A man came to Zhmerynka from Kyiv at night, came to us in kazarma and called to stand by Petliura, disarm the Hetman's armored vehicles at Zhmerynka station and march on the siege of Kyiv» [Melnychuk 2015: 232].
S. Synyavsky was sent to Vinnytsia, he was an ensign of the army of the Russian Empire, student of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, relative of the presidium member of Vinnytsia branch of the UNU P. Vidybida [DAViO. F. R-6023. Op. 4. F. 19049. Ark. 4-5, 8, 16]. As a student representative, he was in Bila Tserkva at a meeting of leaders of the anti-Hetman uprising, where one of its military leaders O. Osetsky instructed him to move to the Directory of the UPR of the 2nd Podilsky corps. It consisted of 3 and 4 infantry divisions with centers in Vinnytsia and Zhmerynka. The 3rd division included regiments: the 3rd (in Proskurov), the 7th (in Kamianets-Podilskyi) and the 9th (in Vinnytsia). The 4th division united the 10th Lipovets regiment (in Haisyn), the 11th Uman regiment (in Zhmerynka), and the 12th Bratslav regiment (in Tulchyn) [Tynchenko 2009: 238-245].
In Vinnytsia relations between the Hetman's administration and the Ukrainian public became conflictual. The administration was preparing for the arrest of opponents of the Hetman's power with the beginning of the uprising [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №152. 20 noyabrya. S. 2].
S. Synyavsky managed to find the support of officers of the guard units and a number of people from the higher command staff within one day [DAViO. F. R-6023. Op. 4. F. 19049. Ark. 2021]. At 2 a.m. on November 19, the Ukrainian military, which supported the Directory of the UPR, together with members of the Vinnytsia branch of the UNU, students of the Vinnytsia Teachers' Institute, began arresting the last support of the Hetmanate - volunteer-officers who expressed a desire to serve in the Russian facilities in the town, as well as representatives of the administration, in particular, the county elder P. Gusakov [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №152. 20 noyabrya. C. 2; TsDIAK Ukrainy. F. 419. Op. 1. F. 7355. Ark. 29]. Corps officers who did not support the Directory of the UPR were also arrested, including commanders of the 3rd division K. Bork and the 9th regiment A. Petrovsky [Tynchenko 2007: 57]. Instead of that the commander of the 2nd corps P. Yeroshevich supported the anti-Hetman uprising. In a telegram to corps units, departments of the Ukrainian National Union and self-government bodies, he stated that the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic had subordinated to him all military and civilian power in Podillya. He ordered to maintain system and calm on the ground, to carry out his orders [TsDIAK Ukrainy. F. 419. Op. 1. F. 7355. Ark. 39].
Certain units of the German army in these events remained neutral and stationed in Vinnytsia from November 6, 1918.
In Podillia province Vinnytsia became the first county town in which the power of the UPR Directory was proclaimed [Ratushniak 2014: 259]. The appeal of the UNU branch to the population of Vinnytsia, published on the morning of November 19, reported on the abolition of the Hetmanate and the transfer of power in Ukraine to the Directory of the UPR. There was a call for «peace and peaceful work» and a warning that any obstacles «to the new local government» would be punished «according to the laws of martial law» [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №152. 20 noyabrya. S. 2]. In fact, the branch of the Ukrainian National Union in Vinnytsia became a regional office of the new Ukrainian republican government [Panasyuk 2010: 85]. The branch of the Ukrainian People's Republic concentrated the management of actions on the ground, reproduced and sent to all places orders of the UPR Directory, made orders on the organization of peasants, troops, etc. [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №153. 21 noyabrya. S. 2].
The overthrow of the Hetmanate in Vinnytsia was of great military and political significance for the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic. One of the leading employees of the insurgent headquarters V. Kedrovsky underlined that the support of the 2nd corps provided the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic with relative peace on the Zhmerynka-Fastiv railway section. Otherwise V. Kedrovsky noted, «strong cadres of the 2nd Hetman corps and several military planes could also be active in the fight against the Directory's troops», joining forces with the unit of Volyn provincial elder's D. Andro, which actively fought against Ukrainian republican government [Kedrovs'kyj 1929: Ch. 159. 10 lypnja. 2].
Given this, as well as the transition of P. Yeroshevich to the Directory of the UPR, the provincial head S. Kysel'ov, deprived of telegraph communication with Kyiv, which was carried out through Vinnytsia, handed over the affairs in Kamianets-Podilskyi to the representative of the Directory - G. Stepura [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №152. 20 noyabrya. S. 2; Golos podolskoy tserkvi. 1918. №32. 4 grudnya. S. 2]. In order №1 from November 19, 1918, G. Stepura proposed the immediate resumption of the work of the town and county self-governments of democratic composition, that is, the zemstvos elected on the basis of the law of the Provisional Government of Russia of May 1, 1917 [DAViO. F. D-230. Op. 4. F. 4. Ark. 110-111]. In Kamianets-Podilskyi, the transfer of power took place under pressure from the UNU branch, without the active participation of the military [Ratushniak 2014: 258]. However, activists of the Vinnytsia branch of the Ukrainian National Union did not agree with the proclamation of G. Stepura as the head of the Podillya administration, and on November 21, with the support of P. Yeroshevych, appointed Ye. Boguslavsky commissioner of the Podillya province. G. Stepura held the position of first deputy commissioner [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №154. 22 noyabrya. C. 2; TsDIAK Ukrainy. F. 419. Op. 1. F. 7355. Ark. 17].
On November 19, 1918, the Vinnytsia branch of the UNU informed mayor A. Fanstil, a member of the Menshevik faction of the local branch of the Russian social-democratic workers party, that he was taking over all power in the province on behalf of the new Ukrainian republican government new leaders. In a statement, the UNU branch reiterated the Directory's order to temporarily seize administrative power by former Central Council commissioners (reinstatement of commissioners was another reorganization of local administrations) and where they did not exist by zemstvo representatives on the restoration of self-government disbanded by the Hetman's government on the inadmissibility of Jewish pogroms, looting of civilians and military units. At the end of the message the population was urged to keep calm and order as the key to the success of the «people's cause» [Zavalniuk 2007: 138]. hetmanate directory republican intelligentsia military
The head of the zemstvo district commissioner J. Lozynsky refused the offer of the head of the UNU branch to temporarily take the post of Vinnytsia district commissioner due to his health condition and «due to the uncertainty of the current government» [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №152. 20 noyabrya. C. 2]. Ivan Petrovich Ryzhiy, a cooperator, a zemstvo worker, and a member of the former Central Council, became the head of the county [Maliuta 2008: 636]. He set a course to restore the activities of self-government bodies, ordered their restoration at the level of parishes. I. Ryzhiy considered it necessary to convene a parliament, to solve the agrarian question by transferring the landlord's land to individual peasant ownership [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №152. 20 noyabrya. C. 2].
Law enforcement agencies in Vinnytsia and the county were headed by students of the Vinnytsia Teachers' Training Institute Bily and Tustanovsky, and in Brailov and Kalynivka - former police chiefs - A. Chubenko and J. Glukhovsky [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №154. 22 noyabrya. C. 2]. Soon the State Guard was renamed the Republican Guard [DAViO. F. D-255. Op. 1. F. 124. Ark. 240; F. R- 384. Op. 2. F. 9. Ark. 7]. Ye. Boguslavsky later noted the difficult conditions of the law enforcement body's activity: «Hetman's guards roamed the province - «varta»; there were atrocities, the fight against them was very difficult» [Vlasnoruchni pokazy 2017: 197].
In general military units of the Podilsky corps, with the exception of some commanders, supported the uprising of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic. In particular, the 9th Vinnytsia regiment, the 10th Lipovets regiment, the 11th Uman regiment, and the 12th Bratslav regiment joined it in the eastern part of the Podilsky Province [Tynchenko 2009: 238-245]. But in some parts of the eastern Podillya there were clashes between supporters of the new government and the Hetmans, in particular, in Zhmerynka, where the dual power was established. The UPR commissioner S. Kachur, who was a member of the former Central Council [Koval' 2015: 306], was active there. The head of the Hetman's garrison general Boldarev served there and had declared neutrality. Under the command of the general were an infantry regiment, an artillery division and a cavalry unit. Neutrality was also declared by German troops [DAViO. F. R-6023. Op. 4. F. 4975. Ark. 18-19 zv.]. Subsequent events in Zhmerynka showed that the uprising against the Hetman united political forces of different directions, which later began a struggle for power. The positions of the bolsheviks were influential [DAViO. F. P-138. Op. 6. F. 71. Ark. 88]. On December 6, 1918, the 1st Zhmerynka republican regiment, local station workers, and residents of the surrounding villages, led by representatives of the Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionaries (fighters) and bolsheviks, directly disarmed the German echelons and the Hetman's garrison [DAViO. F. P-138. Op. 2. F. 18. Ark. 3; F. R-6023. Op. 4. F. 4975. Ark. 17-19 zv.].
In the Haisyn county, the anti-Hetman uprising was started by a member of the Ukrainian Party of Socialists-Revolutionaries A. Volynets on behalf of the UNU, handed over by engineer T. Mushenko, who arrived from Kyiv. In the village of Rakhnivka A. Volynets formed a detachment of local peasants, with whom he captured Haisyn on November 20, 1918. Soldiers of the local Lypovets regiment did not resist. The day before, on November 19, 1918, the regiment commander M. Khlystov received the above-mentioned order from P. Yeroshevych, who announced the regiment [Koval' 2002: 20]. After that the county elder I. Senokosov and some chiefs of the local State Guard left the town. On November 24, 1918, M. Khlystov received a telegram from colonel P. Pushchin, a representative of the Russian white guard southern army, demanding that he obey general A. Denikin, form detachments loyal to the Entente, and arrest county commissioner O. Pavlovsky. However, the attempt to do so on the night of November 25, 1918, was unsuccessful. Local representatives of the Ukrainian People's Republic left the town. But on November 27, 1918 A. Volynets restored the power of the Ukrainian People's Republic in Haisyn [TsDIAK Ukrainy. F. 419. Op. 1. F. 7355. Ark. 50 zv.-51 zv.].
The uprising in Olgopil County was organized by members of the UPSR P. Kutsyak (Sava Chaly), Y. Onufriets, Bolshevik T. Boyko. On November 22, 1918 M. Stratienko was appointed county commissioner, who held this position during the Central Rada. On November 24 he arrived in Bershad where an uprising broke out in the county. He was supported by local members of the «Bund» party, Jewish youth organized into a self-defense detachment led by M. Dobrovensky. On November 27 an attempt to restore Hetman power in Bershad failed. The uprising in the county spread rapidly. On November 28, Olgopil was almost surrounded. County elder A. Titarenko and other representatives of the administration left for Balta. A detachment of the State Guard and officers totaling up to 80 people remained in the town, and a few days later, after clashes with insurgents, they retreated in the direction of the county town of Kamyanka. Olgopil was occupied in early December 1918 by a detachment sent from Haisyn, led by Stupak and the insurgent peasants, and soon the district commissioner P. Kutsyak arrived in the town and took over this position instead of M. Stratienko [TsDIAK Ukrainy. F. 419. Op. 1. F. 7355. Ark. 36-36 zv.; Recrut 2020: 230].
The first attempt to establish the authority of the Directory in Lityn county on November 19 was unsuccessful [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №157. 26 noyabrya. C. 2]. Persons sent from Vinnytsia to announce the transfer of power to the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic in Lityn, county elder O. Lipkin arrested [Kravchuk 2016: 172]. Only on November 27, units of the UPR army arrived in Lityn from Vinnytsia and occupied the town without a fight [Respublikansjki visty. 1918. Ch. 1. 29 lystopada. S. 2]. We assume that they were commanded by Ya. Galchevsky, who formed a separate Lityn hut [Maliuta 2008: 355]. A company of the 9th Vinnytsia regiment under the command of Yu. Momot also took part in the disarmament of Hetman structures in Lityn [DAViO. F. R-425. Op. 2. F. 7. Ark. 1,6]. On November 22, V. Lipkan, the former head of the county zemstvo council, was appointed county commissioner.
In the early 20s of November the Hetman's government was overthrown in Bratslav [Malyhin 2001: 9]. A. Volynets' units took part in this [Koval' 2015: 201]. Probably, I. Gadzikivsky, the head of the Bratslav County Volunteer Squad, and later ataman Khmara, joined the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic [Zavalniuk 2005: 37]. S. Mosevych was the former head of the county zemstvo council [Slovo Podolii. 1918. №160. 29 noyabrya. C. 1]. He took over the position of Bratslav county commissioner. The overthrow of the Hetman's structures in the county was facilitated by the transition of the 12th Bratslav regiment, whose patriotic officers were in close contact with the head of the local branch of the UNU, V. Moroz. Units of the regiment were involved in the fight against opponents of the UPR near Tulchin [Shljakhtychenko 1965: 58-59].
At the beginning of the uprising of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the local branch of the Ukrainian National Union, apparently with the support of the Zaporizhzhya Kosh, located in Mogilev county on November 20, 1918 «made a bloodless coup. The local headman voluntarily resigned and all power passed into Ukrainian hands...» [Lugovsky 2004: 16; Sayn-Wittgenshtein 1986: 242; Zhyttja Podillja. 1918. №11. 28 grudnja. S. 4]. On November 21, 1918 county commissioner V. Junkevych proposed to the Town Duma to resume its session [DAViO. F. D-37. Op. 1. F. 3. Ark. 17]. Political prisoners were released. However, on November 24, 1918 due to the small military forces of the UNU branch, «the guards, Russian officers and Polish legionnaires, having understood each other, soon reoccupied the town, arrested the Ukrainian authorities and prominent members of the national union ... » [Zhyttja Podillja. 1918. №11. 28 grudnja. S. 4]. The coup was organized by colonel P. Pushchin, the head of the recruitment bureau for the white guard southern army [TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 1793. Op. 1. F. 77. Ark. 94]. Elder L. Rafalsky formally handed over his power to him [Sayn-Wittgenshtein 1986: 249-250]. To restore the power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, a member of the former Central Counsil, a member of the Ukrainian Socialist Revolutionary Party, J. Mayewski was appointed from Zhmerynka. He was appointed ataman of the Republican troops of the Mohyliv region [Levchuk 2019: 60; DAViO. F. D-37. Op. 1. F. 3. Ark. 523, 529]. The local bolsheviks concluded an agreement with him on joint actions against the Hetmans and occupiers [Zhyttja Podillja. 1918. №11. 28 grudnja. S. 4]. On November 30, 1918, the rebels entered Mohyliv [Respublikansjki visty. 1918. Ch. 3. 1 grudnja. S. 4]. They were supported by Galician Ukrainians from the Austro-Hungarian army [T-ch T 1921: 24] and the head of the city State Guard M. Zhuravlyov-Zhuravsky [Zhyttja Podillja. 1919. №16. 4 sichnja. S. 2]. H. Sinkiv was an acting head of the Mohyliv-Podilsky Food Administration and a member of the Central Council. He became acting commissioner of the Ukrainian People's Republic [Dnister. 1918. Ch. 2. 7 grudnja. S. 3; TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 1792. Op. 1. F. 47. Ark. 1; DAViO. F. D-37. Op. 1. F. 3. Ark. 523, 529].
The struggle between the supporters of the Hetman and the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic also took place in Yampil county. At the beginning of the uprising in Yampil was proclaimed the power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic. P. Malovanyi was appointed county commissioner. He was a representative of the local UNU and a member of the UPSR [Zavalniuk 2009, 27, 134]. However, the power remained with the Hetmans, who arrested local activists [Respublikansjki visty. 1918. Ch. 3. 1 grudnja. S. 3]. «Everything Ukrainian, including the librarians of Prosvita, fell into prison», said I. Dniprovskyi, a clerk at the local land commission [Gorbatjuk 2018, 303]. By order of the above-mentioned colonel P. Pushchin, on November 27 V. Schumacher took over the duties of the Yampil county elder [TsDAVO Ukrainy. F. 1793. Op. 1. F. 7. Ark. 70]. In Tomashpol on November 28, 1918, the Yampil county Peasants' Congress elected the chairman of the congress, the head of the Union of consumer societies I. Boishten, as the temporary county commissioner. The congress called for an uprising against the Hetman, announced mobilization for the «people's army» and announced the formation of a detachment to capture Yampil [DAViO. F. D-255. Op. 1. F. 124. Ark. 327 zv.]. The main anti-Hetman force was the peasantry, under the pressure of which the Hetman's government «fled down the Dniester» [Respublikans'ki visty. 1918. Ch. 5. 4 grudnja. S. 3]. After the establishment of the UPR power in Yampil, P. Malovany became the county commissioner again [Zavalniuk 2009: 114].
With the beginning of the uprising of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic in the Baltic County, the forces of the State Guard and voluntary detachments managed to retain the power of the Hetman for some time [Antonyshyn 2012: 103]. As in other counties the anti-Hetman insurgents were led by various political forces: a supporter of the UPR - a former teacher, ataman S. Zabolotny [Fesyk 1992: 12] and pro-bolshevik I. Dyachyshyn [Shevchuk 1959: 83]. The uprising intensified due to the actions of the county elder I. Bordyuzhevych, who sent several times to the village. Moshnyagy and neighboring villages detachments of guards to disarm the peasants, using guns. Outraged peasants launched an offensive on the Baltic. The county elder left for Ananyiv, and from there to Odessa [TsDIAK Ukrainy. F. 419. Op. 1. F. 7355. Ark. 3 zv.]. On November 28 the rebels occupied Balta [Lekar 2009: 119]. County commissar of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic O. Sikorsky restored public order with the help of the military court-martial [Lekar 2013: 133].
Developments in Podillya greatly contributed to the overthrow of the Hetman regime in Ukraine. Commander of the 2nd corps P. Yeroshevych sent 6 infantry battalions with machine-gun teams and 16 guns to the Ukrainian Republican Army [Podil's'kyj guberns'kyj starosta Sergij Kysel'ov (1877-1937) u dokumentakh epokhy 2016: 240]. The corps' armed, property, and food resources were used to form new insurgent units [Oliinyk 2007: 29]. In pursuance of the order of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic on mobilization of November 25, ataman A. Volynets sent two battalions of soldiers to Kyiv to join the republican army [Dnister. 1918. Ch. 2. 7 grudnja. S. 1; Koval' 2002: 2021, 134]. Subsequently, the mobilization carried out by Ya. Galchevsky in Vinnytsia provided the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic with 15,000 soldiers [Rejent 2017: 153].
In order to form and maintain the republican army, chief of staff of the Directory O. Osetsky on November 30, 1918 ordered the UPR commissioners to requisition half of the cash in financial institutions, 75% of which - to send to the Directory, and the rest - to leave for mobilization [DAViO. F. D-172. Op. 1. t. 2. F. 299. Ark. 340 zv.]. On the basis of this order on the inhabitants of Mohyliv- Podilskyi on December 1, 1918, an apportionment of 2 million rubles was imposed [DAViO. F. D-37. Op. 1. F. 3. Ark. 490-491 zv.]. I. Dniprovsky from Yampil mentioned that after the overthrow of the Hetmanate «Immediately the county treasury sent all its metal and paper cash to Vinnytsia, the center of the uprising. ... » [Gorbatjuk 2018, 303]. Ye. Boguslavsky testified that he provided the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic with up to 7 million rubles, «from the Hetman's grain supplies» [Vlasnoruchni pokazy 2017: 203].
The threat of an attack by German troops on Fastiv, which housed the headquarters of the republican army and members of the Directory of the UPR, led to the relocation of the anti-Hetman uprising to Vinnytsia on the night of December 3-4, which became the temporary capital of the restored Ukrainian People's Republic [Respublikans'ki visty. 1918. Ch. 6. 6 grudnja. S. 3-4; Kedrovs'kyj 1929, Ch. 161. 12 lypnja. S. 2, Ch. 162. 13 lypnja. S. 2; Lysyi 1993: 40]. After that, party and public figures began to gather in the town. Under the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, on December 5, 1918 the Provisional Council of Heads of State Affairs began to function as advisory body on all matters of state and administrative life [Vynnychenko 1990: 192-193]. It consisted of 11 departments, which were entrusted with the functions of ministries [DAViO. F. D-172. Op. 1. t. 2. F. 299. Ark. 342]. Podolsk activists were appointed to a number of positions. Thus, the Department of Education was headed by Yu. Shchyrytsia [DAViO. F. D-54. Op. 1. F. 86. Ark. 27], court cases - the head of the Podilsk zemstvo - V. Prykhodko [Zhyttja Podillja. 1918. №5. 21 grudnja. S. 1], finance - P. Vidybida [Maliuta 2008: 308-309], assistant to the head of the department of public health became O. Bazilevych [Respublikans'ki visty. 1918. Ch. 12. 13 grudnja. S. 1]. Among other administrative structures were the Central information bureau, the office of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, and the Main commission of inquiry [Vistnyk Ukrajins'koji Narodn'oji Respubliky. 1918. Ch. 3. 21 grudnja. S. 4].
The Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic was in Vinnytsia until December 19. Measures were taken here, which contributed to the successful development of the anti-Hetman uprising and the restoration of the republican form of government in Ukraine. On December 14, 1918 P. Skoropadsky signed a resignation from power and soon secretly left Ukraine.
Thus, in late November - early December 1918 in the eastern part of the Podilska province was the overthrow of the administration of the Ukrainian State and the establishment of the Directory of the UPR. The leading role in this belonged to former members of the Central Council, nationally conscious Ukrainian intelligentsia and cooperators united in local branches of the UNU, patriotic military and the majority of the population - the peasantry. Eastern Podillya became one of the first regions of Ukraine where the power of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic was established. It was important for its approval to eliminate the attempt of the russian white guards to gain a foothold in some counties of Podillya. Eventually, when Vinnytsia was chosen as the temporary seat of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the eastern part of Podillya became an important springboard in establishing a new Ukrainian republican government throughout the country.
Gratitude. We express our sincere gratitude to the library staff for their assistance in preparing the article, as well as to the members of the editorial board of the journal for the advice provided during the preparation of the article for publication.
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реферат [24,8 K], добавлен 17.10.2013Struggle of African people with the European. The struggle between Samory and France. Phases of armed struggle. War against France. Battle with three french detachments. Annexing of Bunyoro. Liberation War under the leadership of Bushehi had two phases.
презентация [282,7 K], добавлен 16.02.2012The totalitarian regime of control by the Soviet Union: destruction of the moral code of society, changing the mindset of people. The destruction of people during the Great Terror of Stalin's regime. The concept of "blind ideology" and "national fear."
реферат [17,5 K], добавлен 09.05.2013Участие Румынии в I Мировой войне на стороне Антанты. Денонсация Бухарестского договора, возобновление войны с Германией. Возрождение идеи "Великой Румынии" в 1918 г. Закон о выборах, принятие новой конституции. Образование коммунистической партии.
реферат [35,7 K], добавлен 17.02.2011Форма правления и государственное устройство Великобритании. Роль парламента в формировании ближневосточной политики Великобритании в 1918-1920 гг. Причины спада экономики. Военно-политическое господство страны. Экономическая политика У. Черчилля.
реферат [28,1 K], добавлен 12.01.2011Создание в декабре 1918 года Коммунистической партии Германии. Принятие конституции Веймарской республики, ставшей наиболее демократической в Европе того времени. Первые симптомы надвигающейся экономической катастрофы. Начало военных действий в Европе.
реферат [25,7 K], добавлен 25.01.2010Революционный процесс в Молдавии и развитие национально-освободительного движения. Образование "Сфатул Цэрий" и провозглашение Молдавской Демократической Республики. Борьба за власть на рубеже 1917-1918 гг. Интервенция румынских войск в Бессарабию.
контрольная работа [31,6 K], добавлен 05.04.2013- Поход М.Г. Дроздовского с Румынского фронта на помощь Добровольческой армии Корнилова весной 1918 г.
Обстановка на Румынском фронте к началу 1918 г., бригады добровольцев. Деятельность М.Г. Дроздовского, формирование отряда, взаимоотношения с украинскими войсками; командирские качества М.Г. Дроздовского. Вступление в донские земли, результаты похода.
курсовая работа [11,0 M], добавлен 04.06.2011 Погляди українських дослідників на проблему взаємовідносин держав Антанти та України на межі 1917-1918 років. Актуальність і дискусійність цього питання. Необхідність залучення зарубіжних джерел для остаточного його вирішення.
статья [18,4 K], добавлен 15.07.2007Політично-державницькі прагнення українців як найважливіший консолідуючий чинник громадянського суспільства в Україні. Осередки київських козаків - одні з перших вільнокозачих підрозділів, які здійснювали антибільшовицькі заклики у 1917-1918 роках.
статья [14,3 K], добавлен 14.08.2017Революционные события в России и положение дел на Восточном фронте. Влияние войны на внутреннее положение России и Германии в 1917 г. Заключение и ратификация Брестского мирного договора. Развитие советско-германских отношений в марте–августе 1918 г.
дипломная работа [65,3 K], добавлен 19.04.2010