Modern scientific approaches to historical, historical and legal methodology: coincidences and parallels

Identification of features of the methodology of historical science, the science of the history of state and law, increasing the level of effectiveness of scientific Studios. Problems of modern historical and methodology and possible ways to solve them.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 28.05.2023
Размер файла 31,2 K

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23. Ogneviuk, V. & Andryeyeva, S. (2021). Borys Hrinchenko's Views: the Ukrainian National Revolution in the Middle of the XVIIth Century in the Coverage of the Intellectual. Skhidnoievropeiskyi istorychnyi visnyk - East European Historical Bulletin, 21, 68-77. Doi: 058X.21.246917/ [in English]

24. Shemshuchenko, Yu. S. (Ed). (2006). Porivnialne pravoznavstvo u systemi yurydychnykh nauk: Problemy metodolohii [Comparative jurisprudence in the system of legal sciences: Problems of methodology]. Kyiv: Yurydychna dumka. 256 p. [in Ukrainian]

25. Shevchenko, O. M. (2003). Istorychnyi metod piznannia prava (do metodolohii piznannia) [Historical method of knowledge of law (to the methodology of knowledge)]. Kyiv: YurinkomInter. [in Ukrainian]

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