Stylistic aspect of the UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022)

Stylistic analysis of expressive means and techniques in B. Johnson's address to the nation regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The prime minister's use of language units, epithets and metaphors when expressing support for the Ukrainian people.

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Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Stylistic aspect of the UK prime minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022)

Humeniuk Natalia Hryhorivna,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the English Language

and Communication Department


Purpose. The following work deals with the research of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) as language arsenal to realize pragma-communicative purposes of the given discourse.

Methods. The given investigation is fulfilled with the help of several methods: method of simple calculation, discourse analysis method, method of stylistic analysis, pure sampling and comparative method.

Results. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine 24.02.2022) is defined in given work as the political, ideological, argumentative and declarative discourse, as the politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of goodness. It is stated that given message as the politico-ideological manifesto contains its mission, strategic and tactic purposes, which is given in a declarative form as a virtual monologue resembling actual communication with silent addressee. It is pointed out that Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) contains direct address to the people of the UK, Russia and Ukraine and indirect address to the allies with the purposes to express support and to give the real help to the Ukrainian people in their struggle for their independence and territory sovereignty, to condemn the Russian aggression and to stop war, to cease the European dependence on Russia, to defend the UK community and the whole democratic world from the barbarism, violence and tyranny of the Russian Federation as empire of evil. It is proved that the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson uses a system of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices in his address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022): polysyndeton, asyndeton, anticlimax, inversion, categorial transposition, epithets, metaphors, oxymoron, detachments, parenthetic sentences, parallel constructions of the anaphoric type, intensifiers, the Superlative degree of Adjectives, the modal verbs.

Conclusions. It is stated that a system of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) is used to influence feelings and emotions of addressee, to provoke addressee's attention to the problems of the message, to fulfill pragma-communicative purposes of the given discourse by putting language units in strong position of perceiving information or by creating their unusual forms.

Key words: stylistic devices, expressive means, discourse, politico-ideological manifesto, pragma-communicative purpose.


Стилістичний аспект звернення прем'єр-міністра Сполученого Королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії до України (24.02.2022)

Гуменюк Наталя Григорівна,

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри англійської мови та комунікації Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка

Мета. Робота присвячена дослідженню виразних засобів і стилістичних прийомів у зверненні Прем'єр-міністра Сполученого Королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації щодо російського вторгнення в Україну (24.02.2022) як мовного арсеналу реалізації прагма-комунікативних цілей цього дискурсу.

Методи. Дослідження виконане з використанням певних методів: методу простого підрахунку даних, методу дискурсного аналізу, методу стилістичного аналізу, методу суцільної вибірки та порівняльного методу.

Результати. Звернення Прем'єр-міністра Сполученого Королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації щодо російського вторгнення в Україну (24.02.2022) визначене в роботі як політичний, ідеологічний, аргументний та декларативний дискурс, як політико-ідеологічний маніфест прихильників і захисників вільного, демократичного світу з його цінностями добра. Зазначається, що це повідомлення як політико-ідеологічний маніфест містить перелік своєї місії, стратегічні й тактичні цілі, а також подане в декларативній формі як віртуальний монолог, що нагадує реальне спілкування з мовчазним адресатом. Зазначається, що звернення Бориса Джонсона до нації щодо російського вторгнення в Україну (24.02.2022) містить пряме звернення до спільноти Сполученого Королівства, Росії та України і непряме звернення до союзників із метою висловити підтримку та надати реальну допомогу українському народу в його боротьбі за незалежність і територіальний суверенітет, засудити російську агресію та припинити війну в Україні, а також зупинити залежність Європи від Росії, захистити спільноту Сполученого Королівства й увесь демократичний світ від варварства, насильства та тиранії Російської Федерації як імперії зла. Доведено, що Прем'єр-міністр Сполученого Королівства Борис Джонсон у своєму зверненні до нації щодо російського вторгнення в Україну (24.02.2022) використовує систему виразних засобів і стилістичних прийомів: полісиндетон, асиндетон, спад напруження, інверсію, категоріальну транспозицію, епітети, метафори, оксюморон, вставні слова, вставні речення, паралельні конструкції анафоричного типу, інтенсифікатори, вищий ступінь порівняння прикметників, модальні дієслова.

Висновки. Зазначено, що система виразних засобів і стилістичних прийомів у зверненні Прем'єр-міністра Сполученого Королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації щодо російського вторгнення в Україну використовується для впливу на почуття й емоції адресата з метою викликати його увагу до проблем повідомлення, для виконання прагма-комунікативних цілей цього дискурсу завдяки розташуванню мовних одиниць у межах сильної позиції сприйняття інформації або через створення їх незвичної форми.

Ключові слова: стилістичні прийоми, виразні засоби, дискурс, політико-ідеологічний маніфест, прагма-комунікативна ціль.


The given article is devoted to the problems of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices usage within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine 24.02.2022) to provoke addressee's attention to given information, to realize pragma-communicative purposes of the given discourse. language epithet metaphor johnson ukrain

The given work is based and fulfilled on the principles and approaches of the theory and practice of Stylistics (Barnett, 2017; Burke, 2017; Coupland, 2018; Epstein, 2013; Freeman, 2018; Harding, 2017; Iche, Sorlin, 2022; Peer, 2020; Short, 1996; Short, Leech, 2007; Wales, 2011) and makes its contribution by continuing a series of research findings dealing with the usage of the interrelated Expressive means and Stylistic devices within the different types of discourse for the realization of their pragma-communicative purposes (Гуменюк, 2014; Гуменюк, 2016; Гуменюк, 2017a; Гуменюк, 2017b; Humeniuk, 2020a; Humeniuk, 2020c; Humeniuk, 2021), as well as continuing to investigate the usage of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices by the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Humeniuk, 2019; Humeniuk, 2020b). Taken into consideration, these facts make the following work acute and topical.

1. Politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, the first day of Russian aggression. This message was broadcasted by radio, TV, internet and press.

In the given work the UK Prime Minister's address to the nation is defined as a socio-communicative event in the UK, when Prime Minister informs the inhabitants of the UK on the important, crucial and urgent problems of the nation and proposes the ways of their solving. The UK Prime Minister's address to the nation is given in a form of monologue, being a form of virtual communication and resembling actual communication in a form of dialogue with silent addressee.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine contains direct address of the UK Prime Minister to the people of the UK, the people of Ukraine, Russian people and indirect address to the allies. It is considered to be the political, ideological, argumentative and declarative discourse with the problems of neighboring countries, which were transformed into a sphere of nation importance, and is defined as the politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of goodness, with its mission, strategic and tactic purposes, with its system of arguments and declarative form of presentation.

As the politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine contains the two main ideas:

1) to fight and destroy the empire of evil - the Russian Federation:

Our mission is clear. Diplomatically, politically, economically - and eventually, militarily - this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in_ failure (Johnson, 2022).

2) to help the Ukraine to restore sovereignty and independence:

We will work with them - _ for however long it takes - to ensure that the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is restored (Johnson, 2022).

2. Stylistic arsenal to achieve the purposes of communication

In order to convey the ideas of defending the free, democratic world and of helping the Ukrainian people to restore their sovereignty and defend their independence to the inhabitants of the UK, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson uses a system of Expressive means and Stylistic devices to provoke addressee's attention to the following ideas, to appeal to the feelings and emotions of addressee, to demonstrate the given information as of great importance for addressee.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous Tenses to show the urgent and emergent nature of the Russian aggression for the UK community and for the whole world as a kind of danger (1, 2, 3), to show the first immediate steps and the leading role of the UK at the early hours of Russian aggression to help the Ukrainian people to defend their country, as well as it contains Future Tense (5, 6) to propose the real steps to solve the problems of stopping the war, stopping destroying, ruining the sovereign and independent state of Ukraine by the barbaric Russia and to make safe the UK:

1. President Putin of Russia has unleashed war in our European continent. He has attacked a friendly country without any provocation and without any credible excuse (Johnson, 2022).

2. Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population (Johnson, 2022).

3. Ukraine is a country that for decades has enjoyed freedom and democracy and the right to choose its own destiny (Johnson, 2022).

4. Other allies have now done the same and we will do what more we can in the days ahead (Johnson, 2022).

5. Today in concert with our allies we will agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy (Johnson, 2022).

6. We will of course do everything to keep our country safe (Johnson, 2022).

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains verbs can and must to demonstrate possibilities and actual necessary steps and measures to defend the free, democratic world of violence, tyranny and destruction from the Russian Federation:

1. And to that end we must also collectively cease the dependence on Russian oil and gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics (Johnson, 2022).

2. We - and the world - cannot allow that freedom just to be snuffed out (Johnson, 2022).

The UK Prime Minister's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains a great number of epithets of the adverbial (1, 2) and adjectival type (3, 4, 5) to make the given message emotional, to influence the feelings of the UK inhabitants, to convey the feelings of outrage for the Russian aggression, feelings of support to the Ukrainian people in their struggle for sovereignty and independence, and thus to determine the role of the UK in the given war conflict: to be on the side of Ukraine, to be for Ukraine, to stand with Ukraine, and to act in opposite way as for Russia: to be against Russian aggression, to be against war, to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

1. ...and all our warnings have proved tragically accuraty (Johnson, 2022).

2. And this is not in the infamous phrase some faraway country of which we know little (Johnson, 2022).

3. He has attacked a friendly country without any provocation and without any credible excuse (Johnson, 2022).

4. A vast invasion is underway by land by sea and by air (Johnson, 2022).

The usage of the intensifiers too, entirely, so within the UK Prime Minister's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, makes it possible to stress some ideas, to intensify the quality of the described objects. So, the usage of the intensifier entirely stresses the idea of hard bombing of the Ukrainian innocent population by Russian armed forces, which is forbidden according the international law practice, according to the war rules, according to the human values not to use force, weapons for people without armament:

Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population (Johnson, 2022).

The usage of the Superlative degree of Adjectives fulfills the same function as intensifiers within Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, - to show the highest rank of quality of the described object:

....because our worst fears have now come true and all our warnings have proved tragically accuraty (Johnson, 2022).

The Superlative degree of Adjective “bad” in the form of worst is used to demonstrate the warnings and predictions about the war of Russia against Ukraine, which became tragically true.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains metaphors to provoke imagination of the UK inhabitants by transpiring the qualities of some objects to the other objects:

1. Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population (Johnson, 2022).

2. And so I say to the people of Russia, whose president has ~ just authorised a tidal wave of violence against a_ fellow Slavic people (Johnson, 2022).

3. And if the months ahead are grim, and the _ flame of freedom burns low I know that it will blaze bright again in Ukraine (Johnson, 2022).

4. because this act of wanton and reckless aggression is an attack not ~ just on Ukraine. It is an attack on democracy and ^ freedom in East Europe and around the world (Johnson, 2022).

So, using metaphor, hard bombing of the Ukrainian innocent population by the Russian armed forces with the innumerable missiles and bombs (1) receives the features of strong raining, pouring. Metaphor tidal wave of violence (2), used for the leader of the Russian Federation Putin, makes it possible to demonstrate him as a tyrant. Within the third example, using metaphor, the freedom of Ukraine receives the features of the flame (3), which may be low and bright, low at these days of the Russian invasion and bright at the time of victory over these evil forces of the Russian

Federation. The fourth example contains the conceptual metaphor, when the Russian aggression receives the features of attack not only on Ukraine, but on democracy of the whole world.

Thus, usage of metaphors within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, makes it possible to influence the imaginary of the UK inhabitants by adding new and fresh vision of the commonly known features of the well-known objects.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains oxymoron:

And this is not in the infamous phrase some faraway country of which we know little (Johnson, 2022).

The usage of the oxymoron of the type “Not + negative Adj.” with double negation has totally positive meaning. The meaning of phrase “this is not in the infamous phrase ” has the meaning “this is in the famous phrase”, and Ukraine is not faraway country for the UK community, but the well known country for the UK, the country of the free, democratic world, the country, which struggles for its independence and sovereignty.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, is characterized by the usage of the categorial transposition, when the noun “people”, normally belonging to the Plural category, but used with the article of Singular category “a” within the word combination a free, sovereign independent European people, makes it possible to demonstrate the European nations, the European countries as a unity, as one folk, as one free, sovereign, independent nation with common value and right to choose their own future:

This crisis is about the right of a _ free, sovereign independent European people to choose their own future (Johnson, 2022).

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains detachments to give some additional information of the described phenomena, to give the details of the described items:

1. We - and the world - cannot allow that freedom just to be snuffed out. We cannot and will not just look away (Johnson, 2022).

2. Diplomatically, politically, economically - and eventually, militarily - this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure (Johnson, 2022).

Parenthetic sentences are used with the same purpose as detachments within Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, - to give the details of the described events, to give some additional information about them:

We will work with them - _ for however long it takes - to ensure that the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is restored (Johnson, 2022).

The additional information “for however long it takes” stresses the idea of the UK and their allies help to Ukraine up to its total territorial and sovereign restoring.

The usage of asyndeton within the UK Prime Minister address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, makes the given informative part of message very stressed and tensed by quickening the tempo of speech without conjunctions between the enumerated parts:

We have Ukrainian_friends in this country; neighbours, co-workers (Johnson, 2022).

The tension of the informative part of the described above sentence with asyndeton is increased by the usage of anticlimax within the enumerated items of the given sentence, where the first element “friends” has the strongest position and the last element “co-workers” has the lowest position of perceiving information.

Thus, by quickening the tempo of speech and stressing the elements of the enumeration, Borys Johnson successfully conveys the idea to the inhabitants of the UK that Ukraine is a friendly country starting from co-workers to neighbours and to friends.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, is characterized by the usage of polysyndeton with the repeated preposition by to slow down the tempo of speech with the purpose to make stress on the enumerated items and, thus, to provoke addressee's attention for them. So, the usage of polysyndeton within the UK Prime Minister address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, makes it possible to demonstrate the Russian Federation aggression of Ukraine as vast invasion everywhere - by land, by sea and by air- as act of vast aggression, violence and destruction:

A vast invasion is underway: by land, by sea and by air (Johnson, 2022).

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, contains parallel constructions of the anaphoric type to stress some ideas by putting and repeating the relevant information at the initially stressed position of the sentence:

1. We are with you. We are praying for you and your families and we_ are on your side (Johnson, 2022).

2. We - and the world - cannot allow that freedom just to be snuffed out. We cannot and will not just look away (Johnson, 2022).

3. We will of course do everything to keep our country safe. We are joined in our outrage by friends and allies around the world. We will work with them - for however long it takes - to ensure that the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is restored (Johnson, 2022).

The given examples with the anaphoric parallel constructions with the repeated element we are used to stress some ideas within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022: to stress the role of the UK community for Ukrainians at the time of the Russian invasion (1), to underline the role of the UK with allies to help Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence (2), to point out the strong desire and readiness of the UK community to go ahead with the Ukrainian people, with the democratic world up to the victory over the empire of evil - the Russian Federation (3).

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, is characterized by the usage of inversions:

1. Shortly after 4 o ' clock this morning I spoke to president Zelenskyy of Ukraine to offer the continued support of the UK (Johnson, 2022).

2. Today in concert with our allies we will agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy (Johnson, 2022).

3. Diplomatically, politically, economically - and eventually, militarily - this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure (Johnson, 2022).

4. And to that end we must also collectively cease the dependence on Russian oil and gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics (Johnson, 2022).

Inversion, or making the unusual word order of the sentence, has the potential to provoke addressee's attention to the given information with something unusual. The variants of inversion within Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022 are of the type with the adverbial modifier at the beginning of the sentence, which are used to stress some ideas: to underline the period of the earliest hours of the UK help for Ukraine at the time of the Russian invasion (1); to point out the mutual efforts of the UK and allies to help the Ukrainian people to restore their sovereignty, to defend their country from Russian aggression (2); to stress the idea of destroying the empire of evil - the Russian Federation - by using all the possible means, diplomatically, politically, economically, militarily (3); to underline the idea of the European dependence cease of Russian oil, gas and politics (4).

The usage of the shortest sentence of four words on the background of sentences with more elements makes the given one full of values:

Our mission is clear (Johnson, 2022).

The four-words sentence sounds very categorically, strong, without hesitation, underlining the mission of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world to destroy the empire of evil - the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Expressive means and Stylistic devices of the given message are used to realize pragma- communicative purposes of the following discourse with emphasis on the factor of addressee, addressor, as well as factor of the communicative situation.


Summing up the material, we can state that the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24-th of February, 2022, as the politico- ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of goodness contains a system of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices: epithets, metaphors, oxymoron, detachments, parenthetic sentences, parallel constructions of the anaphoric type, polysyndeton, asyndeton, anticlimax, inversion, categorial transposition, intensifiers, the Superlative degree of Adjectives, the modal verbs with the purpose to influence feelings and emotions of addressee, to provoke addressee's attention to the problems of the message, to fulfill its pragma-communicative purposes by putting them in strong position of perceiving information or by creating their unusual form.

It is perspective to investigate the realization of the tactics within the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24.02.2022) as well as to investigate pragma-communicative peculiarities and the usage of the Stylistic devices and Expressive means within the other discourses of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the period of the Russian aggression of Ukraine, 2022.


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10. Harding J.R. Similes, Puns and Counterfactuals in Literary Narrative. New York : Routledge, 2017. 172 p.

11. Humeniuk N.H. Stylistic aspect of the Boris Johnsons' ideological discourse of his first speech as a Prime Minister, 07.24.19. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка Серія «Філологічні науки (мовознавство)». 2019. № 12. С. 39-42.

12. Humeniuk N.H. Stylistic aspect of the Jeremy Corbyn realization of the discrediting opponents tactics within the UK Prime Minister Question Time discourse, 09.04.19. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук. 2020. Вип. 30. Т 2. С. 136-142.

13. Humeniuk N.H. Stylistic aspect of the Boris Johnsons realization of the discrediting opponent tactics within the UK Prime Minister Question Time discourse (09.04.2019). Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія «Філологія. Соціальні комунікації». 2020. Т. 31(70). № 2. Ч. 2. С. 73-79.

14. Humeniuk N.H. Stylistic aspect of the Queen Elizabeth II coronavirus discourse, 04.05.20. Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія «Філологія. Соціальні комунікації». 2020. Т. 31(70). № 4. Ч. 2. С. 52-55.

15. Humeniuk N.H. Stylistic Aspect of the Queen Elizabeth II Christmas 2020 Message, 12.25.2020. Закарпатські філологічні студії. 2021. Вип. 16. С. 70-74.

16. Iche V., Sorlin S. The Rhetoric of Literary Communication. From Classical English Novels to Contemporary Digital Fiction. New York : Routledge, 2022. 244 p.

17. Short M.H., Leech G.N. Style in Fiction. Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. 2nd ed. New York : Routledge, 2007. 424 p.

18. Peer W. Stylistics and Psychology. Investigations of Foregrounding. London : Routledge, 2020. 224 p.

19. Short M. Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose. London : Routledge, 1996. 416 p.

20. Wales K. Dictionary of Stylistics. London ; New York : Routledge, 2011. 496 p.

21. Johnson B. Prime Minister's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine: 24 February 2022. URL: (date of access: 15.07.2022).


1. Humeniuk, N.H. (2014). Politychnyi dyskurs B. Obamy: syntaksychno-stylistychnyi aspekt (na materiali zvernennia do natsii z pytannia Syrii, vid 10.09.12) [Political discourse of B. Obama: syntactic and stylistic aspect (on the material of the address to the nation on the of Syria, dated 09.10.12)]. Materialy I Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Movyprofesiinoi komunikatsii: linhvokulturnyi, kohnityvno- dyskursyvnyi, perekladoznavchyi ta metodychnyi aspekty” [Materials of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Languages of Professional Communication: Linguistic-Cultural, Cognitive-Discursive, Translational and Methodological Aspects”] (Kyiv, April 1, 2014). Kyiv: Kafedra, pp. 37-39 [in Ukrainian].

2. Humeniuk, N.H. (2016). Anhlomovnyi dyskurs P. Poroshenka: syntaksychno-stylistychnyi aspekt (na materiali zvernennia do Konhresu SShA vid 23.12.15 r.) [P. Poroshenko's English-language discourse: syntactic and stylistic aspect (on the material of the address to the US Congress dated 12.23.15)]. Materialy III Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Movyprofesiinoi komunikatsii: linhvokulturnyi, kohnityvno-dyskursyvnyi, perekladoznavchyi ta metodychnyi aspekty” [Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Languages of Professional Communication: Linguistic-Cultural, Cognitive-Discursive, Translational and Methodical Aspects”] (Kyiv, April 21, 2016). Kyiv: Kafedra, pp. 35-37 [in Ukrainian].

3. Humeniuk, N.H. (2017a). Peredvyborchyi dyskurs Khilori Klinton: syntaksychno-stylistychnyi aspekt (na materiali vystupu v Reno, Nevada, vid 25.08.16 r.) [Hillary Clinton's pre-election speech: syntactic and stylistic aspect (on the material of the speech in Reno, Nevada, dated 25.08.16)]. Naukovi zapysky Nizhynskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Mykoly Hoholia. Seriia “Filolohichni nauky” - Scientific notes of Mykola GogolNizhyn State University. Series “PhilologicalSciences”, vol. 1, pp. 84-89 [in Ukrainian].

4. Humeniuk, N.H. (2017b). Inavhuratsiinyi dyskurs D. Trampa: syntaksychno-stylistychnyi aspekt (na materiali vystupu vid 20.01.17 r.) [Inaugural speech of D. Trump: syntactic and stylistic aspect (on the material of the speech from 01.20.17)]. Naukovyi zbirnykKhersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia “Linhvistyka” - Scientific collection of Kherson State University. Series “Linguistics”, iss. 30, pp. 45-49 [in Ukrainian].

5. Barnett, S. (2017). Rhetorical Realism: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Ontology of Things. New York: Routledge, 242 p. [in English].

6. Burke, M. (2017). Stylistics. London; New York: Routledge, 346 p. [in English].

7. Coupland, N. (2018). Styles of Discourse. London: Routledge, 334 p. [in English].

8. Epstein, E.L. (2013). Language and Style. London: Routledge, 104 p. [in English].

9. Freeman, D. (2018). Essays in Modern Stylistics. New York: Routledge, 426 p. [in English].

10. Harding, J.R. (2017). Similes, Puns and Counterfactuals in Literary Narrative. New York: Routledge, 172 p. [in English].

11. Humeniuk, N.H. (2019). Stylistic aspect of the Boris Johnsons' ideological discourse of his first speech as a Prime Minister, 07.24.19. Naukovyi visnyk Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka Seriia “Filolohichni nauky (movoznavstvo)” - Scientific bulletin of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University Series “Philologicalsciences (linguistics)”, no. 12, pp. 39-42 [in English].

12. Humeniuk, N.H. (2020a). Stylistic aspect of the Jeremy Corbyn realization of the discrediting opponents tactics within the UK Prime Minister Question Time discourse, 09.04.19. Aktualni pytannia humanitarnykh nauk- Current s of humanitarian sciences, iss. 30, vol. 2, pp. 136-142 [in English].

13. Humeniuk, N.H. (2020b). Stylistic aspect of the Boris Johnsons realization of the discrediting opponent tactics within the UK Prime Minister Question Time discourse (09.04.2019). Vcheni zapysky Tavriiskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.I. Vernadskoho. Seriia “Filolohiia. Sotsialni komunikatsii” - Scientific Notes of the Taurida V.I. Vernadsky National University. Series “Philology. Social communications”, vol. 31(70), no. 2, part 2, pp. 73-79 [in English].

14. Humeniuk, N.H. (2020c). Stylistic aspect of the Queen Elizabeth II coronavirus discourse, 04.05.20. Vcheni zapysky Tavriiskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni VI. Vernadskoho. Seriia “Filolohiia. Sotsialni kommikatsii” - Scientific Notes of the Taurida VI. Vernadsky National University. Series “Philology. Social communications”, vol. 31(70), no. 4, part 2, pp. 52-55 [in English].

15. Humeniuk, N.H. (2021). Stylistic Aspect of the Queen Elizabeth II Christmas 2020 Message, 12.25.2020. Zakarpatskifilolohichni studii - Transcarpathian Philological Studies, iss. 16, pp. 70-74 [in English].

16. Iche, V, Sorlin, S. (2022). The Rhetoric of Literary Communication. From Classical English Novels to Contemporary Digital Fiction. New York: Routledge, 244 p. [in English].

17. Short, M.H., Leech, G.N. (2007). Style in Fiction. Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 424 p. [in English].

18. Peer, W. (2020). Stylistics and Psychology. Investigations of Foregrounding. London: Routledge, 224 p. [in English].

19. Short, M. (1996). Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose. London: Routledge, 416 p. [in English].

20. Wales, K. (2011). Dictionary of Stylistics. London; New York: Routledge, 496 p. [in English].

21. Johnson, B. (2022). Prime Minister's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine: 24 February 2022. Retrieved from: the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-24-february-2022 [in English].

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