The role of writers in the formation and development of Ukrainian children's periodicals in Transcarpatia in the 1920s-1930s XX century
The purpose and task of the research is to find out the role and contribution of Ukrainian literati (poets, writers and editors) in the formation and development of children's periodicals of Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the ХХ th century.
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Дата добавления | 26.07.2023 |
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The role of writers in the formation and development of Ukrainian children's periodicals in Transcarpatia in the 1920s-1930s XX century
Oksana Lemak,
Applicant of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences, Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)
The raised problem is actualized by the scientific interest and practical significance of the study of the historical experience of the development of children's periodicals in Ukraine. Its interesting original page is the process of creation and development of children's magazines in Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s. ХХ th century
The purpose and task of the research is to find out the role and contribution of Ukrainian literati (poets, writers, editors) in the formation and development of children's periodicals of Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the ХХ th century. The following methods were used in the preparation of the study: heuristic-search; analysis and synthesis; content analysis and discourse analysis; biographical.
The results of the research consist in clarifying the role and contribution of Ukrainian writers and teachers (Agustyn Voloshyn, Oleksandr Markush, Ivan Pankevich, Pavlo Kukuruza, etc.) in the founding and development of the children's magazines "Wreath for Podkarpatskyi Children" and "Pchilka". Their role in publishing the youth magazine "Nash nadny kray" is shown. Emphasis is placed on highlighting the organizational and methodological experience of the Pchilka magazine editorial office in organizing school holidays in honor of Ukrainian writers, school libraries and reading rooms, exhibitions, reading circles (clubs). The forms and methods of establishing feedback from the "Bee" editorial office with readers are shown, which is manifested in the introduction of special sections, the publication of their poems and stories on the magazine's page, etc.
The conclusions state that famous Ukrainian writers and poets of Transcarpathia and emigrants from Galicia and Trans- Dnipro Ukraine were prominent initiators and organizers of the process of founding and developing children's periodicals in Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the XX century. As professional writers and editors and, in the vast majority, professional teachers, they ensured that children's magazines not only presented the best achievements of children's poetry and prose to the reader, but also became important effective organizational and methodical centers for the formation and development of interest in the artistic word, aesthetic tastes, reading culture. The experience of the editors of children's magazines in stimulating the creative activity of schoolchildren, establishing feedback with the reader, developing methods for arranging school libraries, exhibitions, organizing group work, etc., has not lost its relevance.
Keywords: children's periodicals, Ukrainian writers, Transcarpathia, "Vinochok" magazine, "Pchilka" magazine, "Our native land" magazine.
Оксана Лемак,
здобувачка третього (освітньо-наукового) рівня вищої освіти доктор філософії спеціальності 011 Освітні, педагогічні науки, Мукачівський державний університет (м. Мукачево, Україна)
Порушена проблема актуалізується науковим інтересом і практичною значущість вивчення історичного досвіду розвитку дитячої періодики України. її цікаву самобутню сторінку становить процес створення дитячих часописів на Закарпатті у 20-30-рр. ХХ ст. Мета і завдання дослідження полягають у з'ясуванні ролі та внеску українських літераторів (письменників, редакторів) у формування та розвитку дитячих періодичних видань на Закарпатті у 20-30-х рр. ХХ ст.
У процесі підготовки дослідження використано такі методи: евристично-пошуковий; аналізу і синтезу; контент- аналіз і дискурс-аналіз; біографічний.
Результати дослідження полягають у з'ясуванні внеску українських літераторів і педагогів (Августин Волошин, Олександр Маркуш, Іван Панькевич, Павло Кукуруза та ін.) у заснування та розвиток дитячих часописів «Віночок для підкарпатських діточок» та «Пчілка». Показано роль у їхньому виданні молодіжного часопису «Наш рідний край». Акцентовано на висвітленні організаційно-методичного досвіду редакції журналу «Пчілка» щодо влаштування шкільних свят на честь українських письменників, шкільних бібліотек і читалень, виставок, читацьких гуртків (клубів). Показано форми і методи налагодження редакції «Пчілки» зворотного зв'язку з читачами, що виявлялося в запровадженні спеціальних рубрик, публікації віршів та оповідань читачів на сторінка журналу тощо.
У висновках зазначено, що відомі українські письменники Закарпаття та емігранти з Галичини і Наддніпрянської України виступили чільними ініціаторами та організаторами процесу заснування і розвитку дитячих періодичних видань на Закарпатті у 20-30-х рр. ХХ ст. Будучи фаховими літераторами і редакторами та здебільшого професійними педагогами, вони піклувалися про те, щоб дитячі часописи не лише презентували читачеві найкращі здобутки дитячої поезії та прози, а й стали важливими дієвими організаційно-методичними осередками формування і розвитку інтересу до художнього слова, естетичних смаків, читацької культури. Не втратив актуальності досвід редакцій дитячих часописів щодо стимулювання творчої активності школярів, налагодження зворотного зв'язку із читачем, розробки методики з улаштування шкільних бібліотек, виставок, організації гурткової роботи тощо.
Ключові слова: дитяча періодика, українські літератори, Закарпаття, часопис «Віночок», часопис «Пчілка», часопис «Наш рідний край».
writer ukrainian periodical transcarpatia
The problem formulation. Children's periodicals are an important means of forming and socializing a child, therefore they should be designed for a specific age category and fulfill a set of target instructions of a cognitive, educational, and artistic nature. Ukrainian children's periodicals have gone through a complicated and long path of historical development. Its interesting original page is the development of children's magazines in Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the ХХ^ century, when the region was part of Czechoslovakia. At that time, with the efforts of a small circle of writers and teachers with the support of the general public, for the first time in the history of the region, children's magazines began to be published in the Ukrainian literary language with admixtures of local dialect.
The study of this historical experience is relevant and practically significant for the development of the theory and practice of modern pedagogical science. Children's periodicals of Transcarpathia of the interwar period present original and little-known artistic works of Ukrainian poets and writers and interesting methods and means of influencing and communicating with young readers, which under modern conditions can be used in educational and educational work with children of preschool and junior school age.
Analysis of recent research and publications. In Ukrainian pedagogical science and other fields of knowledge, considerable experience has been accumulated in studying the theory and practice of the development of national children's periodicals. This problem was comprehensively understood in the works of N. Vernyhora, E. Ogar, O. Orlyk, R. Stadniychuk, and others. Various aspects of the methodology of studying the children's press are highlighted in the studios of T. Davydenko, O. Nagornaya, O. Prokopchuk and others. The development of children's periodicals in different regions of Ukraine was studied by A. Zhivotko, Yu. Stadnytska, T. Starchenko, N. Yablonovska, and other scientists. Certain aspects of the publication of children's magazines are raised in works on the development of Ukrainian periodicals in Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the ХХ^ century. (Y. Bidzilya, M. Vegesh, V. Gabor, I. Dobosh, M. Kukhta, I. Likhtei, L. Khodanych, etc.).
However, in the aspect defined by us, the raised problem was practically not considered. This determines the scientific expediency and practical significance of its subject study.
The purpose and task of the research is to clarify the role and contribution of Ukrainian writers (poets, writers, editors, critics) in the formation and development of children's periodicals in Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the ХХ^ century.
During the preparation of the study, the following methods were used: heuristic-search (for the systematization and analysis of scientific sources on the problem in question); analysis and synthesis (for the breakdown and division of processes and phenomena of the formation and formation of children's periodicals in the region and the combination of disparate data to display the object of research as a certain whole); content analysis, discourse analysis (to study certain aspects of the studied phenomena from the standpoint of scientific discourse)" biographical (to express the creative path of writers as pedagogical personalities).
The first Ukrainian periodical for children of preschool and primary school age in Podkarpatska Rus (the official name of Transcarpathia during its stay as part of Czechoslovakia in 1919-1938) was the magazine "Vinochok dlya Podkarpatskih ditochok" (not "Pchilka" as is often claimed in the literature ). There is also confusion in the coverage of the historical development of "Vinochka". It follows from authoritative publications that at first, from February 20, 1920 to September 1923, it was published twice a week in Uzhhorod as an organ of the School Department of Civil Administration, and from September 1924 to 1938 as a supplement to the Tyachiv magazine "Our Native Land » (Literary encyclopedia, 2007. Vol. 1. p. 187).
The change in the status of "Vinochka" was connected with the fact that after the death of the first editor of Ya. Rozvody in October 1920, after taking over his duties, Ivan Pankevich (an emigrant from Galicia, a well-known Ukrainian linguist, publisher, teacher, public figure, moved in Transcarpathia in 1919), due to the burden of scientific and pedagogical work, could not ensure the systematic publication of the journal. In order to save the popular project among children and adults, in September 1924 Oleksandr Markush, a well-known writer, teacher, editor, author of about 20 textbooks, took up this matter. Therefore, especially after the merger in 1927 of "Vinochka" with the magazine "Nash nadny krai" he managed to attract the best creative forces of Subcarpathian Rus to cooperation.
The second, most well-known children's magazine in Zakarpattia during the researched period, "Bdzhilka" began to be published in the 1922-23 school year as a supplement for school youth to the magazine "Pidkarpatske pcholyarstvo". After his publication was transferred to "Prosvita" in 1924, Augustyn Voloshyn, the most famous public figure and teacher of Transcarpathia in the first half of the ХХ^ century, who also distinguished himself as a writer and playwright and editor and publisher of many periodicals, took over the functions of editor-in-chief. Pavlo Kukuruza, an emigrant from Dnipro Ukraine, a well-known publisher, editor and teacher, became the administrator of "Viochka". Thus, the magazine turned into an "illustrated monthly for youth, families and people". Against this background, the main goal of "Bdzhilka" crystallized: to introduce the child to the nature and cultural traditions of the native land and the folklore and literary heritage of Ukrainian and other peoples (Voloshyn, 1927).
In the context of the investigated problem, we note such a unique phenomenon in the history of the development of youth periodicals not only in Transcarpathia, but also in the whole of Ukraine in the ХХШ century. as a private magazine "Our native land". It was published by the efforts of the writer-pedagogue O. Markush and the editorial board of his pen and educational colleagues who worked in a private house in Tyachiv.
The first issue of the magazine, printed on October 1, 1922, at a local private printing house, cost customers 2,500 Czech crowns. Although all issues of the magazine were sent free of charge to Ukrainian schools in Rakhiv, Sevlyush, Tyachiv, Khust districts, the local teachers, together with students and parents, constantly donated money to this cause. According to researchers' calculations, during the 17 years of its existence, until 1939, 174 issues of the magazine appeared, which contained more than 500 fairy tales and 300 ethnographic notes, 250 legends and tales and many other interesting materials. With such dedicated work, writer-pedagogue and publisher O. Markush gained recognition and authority among the general public of the region (Savchuk, 2016).
The publication of the magazine "Our native land" had a positive effect on the development of "Wreath" and "Bdzhilka" These magazines had a common circle of authors and readership. Their success and popularity among children, youth and the cultural community of Subcarpathian Rus was due to Yuriy Borshosh-Kumyatsky, Andriy Voron, Vasyl Grenji-Donskyi, Mariyka Pidhiryantsa, Yuriy Stanynets, Marusa Tysyanska, and other poets and novelists of the region, who in the columns of the mentioned magazines mostly presented their original works of art for the first time.
The popularity and scale of influence of periodicals for children and young people is evidenced by their mass circulations and other activity indicators. In the second half of the 20s of the XX century. the circulation of each issue of the magazine "Our Native Land" reached 2,000, and the magazine "Pchilka" in the early 1930s - up to 5,000 copies. During its 11 years of existence, until 1934, its total circulation was 300,000 copies, and the Pchilka New Library published 86 books, mainly for preschool and elementary school children (Voloshyn, 1937).
Subsidies from school authorities did not cover all the financial needs of these magazines, so their editors constantly appealed to the public for financial assistance. It is for this reason that numerous plans to increase the volume of circulations remained unrealized, although public requests for the printed word of this kind were constantly growing.
It is important to note the responsible civic position of Ukrainian writers regarding support and assistance to children's periodicals. They did not take royalties for the works printed on their pages, because they considered this matter to be their national duty. The same applies to the performance of the functions of editors, which were carried out on a public basis. Moreover, at the beginning of the publication and in difficult times, the editors of the magazines "Our native land" and "Pchilka" O. Markush and A. Voloshyn published them at their own expense.
Ukrainian writers saw in periodicals not only an opportunity to present their creative work, but also an effective organizational and methodical factor in the formation of children and young people's permanent interest in good writing, artistic and aesthetic tastes, reading culture.
In the implementation of these tasks, the editorial office of "Bdzhilka" has accumulated productive experience. In one of his columns, the well-known teacher, editor and historian of the Ukrainian press, Arkady Zhivotko, presented original methodological developments in the organization of children's public and school libraries and reading rooms. They have not lost their practical significance, so they need objective consideration.
According to A. Zhivotka, children should take "the most active part" in the organization of holidays, "freely getting acquainted with the literature and public life of their people."
In this way, they "satisfy their aesthetic needs..., develop a sense of community." To accommodate such events, he developed a number of "demonstration" scenarios for holidays in honor of T. Shevchenko, as well as O. Dukhnovych and other Transcarpathian writers. They had the following components: "Introduction"; "Declamation"; "Music (violin, piano)"; "Abstract"; "Living image"; "Singing (solo or choir)"; "Choir" and others. The children themselves had to furnish the halls for holding such events. For this, drawings and other props related to the life of the writer and his works were prepared (Zhyvotko, 1927b).
The methodical development of student exhibitions, which, according to A. Zhivotka, should be held at school twice a year for several days, is also interesting and relevant. They can have the following sections: "manual labor"; "painting"; "journeys (excursions)"; "work in the garden, in the garden"; "children's holidays"; "reading books". During the preparation of the exposition "reading books", children individually or in groups compile catalogs, make diagrams and cartograms. On this basis, two departments and their "sub-departments" (informative blocks) are formed: 1. "Book collection: a) the number of books in individual thematic subdivisions, b) how many books have been read in a certain period, c) a comparative table of reading books by thematic subdivisions, d) copies of library books; 2. "Publishing house: a) magazines, b) how many children participated in the work of the book collection as employees, c) creativity and work of employees in fields (poems, short stories, memories, etc.), d) samples of magazines," etc. Arrangements of other sections of the exhibition were to be carried out by members of the respective interest groups (Zhyvotko, 1927a).
Under modern conditions of complete "computerization" of the educational process and the growing trend of "separating the student from the book", the method of organizing children's libraries developed by the editors of "Pchilka" is being updated. On the basis of "small groups" a circle (club) is created, which elects a librarian and a library committee. Therefore, the work is carried out in "steps" together with the teacher and "all the children" (class, group, etc.): a list of books that must be purchased by purchase, subscription, order is drawn up; the sequence of their reading is determined; a joint discussion of what has been read is carried out; events for the development of reading culture, etc. are held. In order to successfully conduct work, students must learn the basics of library work, in particular, the rules of cataloging literature by section: "I Tales; II. Stories from history and works of art (by headings)...; V. Biographies of writers and public figures; VI. Children's theater (plays, advice, etc.)...; X. Children's periodicals" etc. (Children's library of Pcholki, 1927).
An important feature of such methodological developments is a clear focus on the development of self-governance of the student body. In fact, they did not talk about the teacher, the educator, therefore their "external" participation was reduced primarily to the awakening of initiative, encouragement to work, unobtrusive correction of the process of self-activity.
The effectiveness of this organizational and methodical work is evidenced by the correspondence of students and teachers to the editorial office of "Bees". For example, in the rubric "Reading room "Bdzhilka" there was a constant exchange of opinions about ways to develop student libraries and reading rooms.
In one of the posts, some "B. Z." (probably the teacher of the city primary school) tells about the work experience of school reading rooms, which he studied during the "scientific trip to the Czech Republic", B. Z., 1927). and large plans of activities of the "Bdzhilka" reading room created with her (Mila "Pcholko", 1927).
In continuation of this topic, let's note the accumulated experience of the editors of "Pchilka" in establishing feedback with readers. Materials from the sections of the magazine "Young Collaborators' Corner", "Plastovy Kutok", etc. contain informative messages from students, teachers and parents (by the way, they had typical titles such as "Tsylya from Maramoros"; My letter to "The"Bdzhilka", etc.) about the content and nature of extracurricular work on arranging meetings with local writers, festive events honoring famous writers of Transcarpathia, etc.
The initiative to identify school youth capable of literary creativity was successfully implemented. In the pages of "Bees" we find original samples of the pen of novice poets, such as, for example, Mariyko Vursta's poem "Morning", which clearly imitates the poetic melody of Lesya Ukrainka; Ivan Kedyuvych, a 4th-grade student of the municipal school in Perechyn, "I was mowing rye on the mountain", which interprets folk economic poetics in artistic words.
The editors of the magazine "Wreath for Subcarpathian Children" led by O. Markush established a meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship with the young reader. In a series of appeals and methodological instructions, she encouraged students of gymnasiums and urban schools to collect folklore monuments in their places of residence. After appropriate processing and systematization, the best materials of the collection work were printed on the pages of the magazine. By the way, scientists noticed among such contributors the names of future famous figures - writer Y. Stanynets, editor and publisher S. Rosokha, and others.
So, well-known Ukrainian writers and poets of Transcarpathia and emigrants from Galicia and Trans-Dnipro Ukraine were prominent initiators and organizers of the process of founding and developing children's periodicals in Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the XXth century. As professional writers and editors and, in the vast majority, professional teachers, they ensured that children's magazines not only presented the best achievements of children's poetry and prose to the reader, but also became important effective organizational and methodical centers for the formation and development of interest in the artistic word, aesthetic tastes, reading culture. The experience of the editors of children's magazines in stimulating the creative activity of schoolchildren, establishing feedback with the reader, developing methods for organizing school libraries, exhibitions, organizing group work, etc., has not lost its relevance.
Prospects for further research can be seen in the analysis of poetic and prose works of writers from different regions of Ukraine, which were published on the pages of children's periodicals of Transcarpathia in the 20s and 30s of the XXth century.
B. Z. (1927). "Pcholka". reading room. Pcholka, 7, 158-159.
Voloshyn, А. (1927). On behalf of the "Pcholka". editorial office. Pcholka, 1-2, 3, 51-52.
Voloshyn, А. (1937). Foundation and development of Prosvita TV. From the essay delivered at the All-Educational Congress in Uzhhorod on 17. Kh.
1937. Children's library of Pcholka. (1927). Bee Part, 7, 105-112.
Zhivotko, A. (1927a). Pcholka exhibitions, 8, 206-208.
Zhivotko, A. (1927b). Children's holidays. Pcholka, 5-6, 137-138.
Literary encyclopedia. (2007). In 2 volumes. T 1. Author's comp. Yu. I. Kovaliv. Kyiv: Akademiya Center.
Dear "Pcholka!" (1927). Pcholka, 7, 158-159.
Savchuk, M. (2016). Famous writer, teacher Oleksandr Markush in Tyachiv Oblast, Druzhba. March 5.
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