The Humnytsky Family of Gozdava Coat of Arms in Sanok Land in the 15-16 centuries
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the history and genealogy of the noble family of Humnytsky in the 15-16 c, who belonged to the social and political elite of the Sanok land in the specified period, was thoroughly researched.
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Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
The Humnytsky Family of Gozdava Coat of Arms in Sanok Land
in the 15-16 centuries
Yaroslav Lyseyko
Ihor Smutok
The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the history and genealogy of the noble family of Humnytsky in the 15-16 centuries on the basis of the study of the material of the Sanok Borough and District courts.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the history and genealogy of the noble family of Humnytsky in the 15-16 centuries, who belonged to the social and political elite of the Sanok land in the specified period, was thoroughly researched. gumnytsky genealogy political elite
Conclusions. The history of the Humnytsky family has not yet been thoroughly researched, despite the fact that the family belonged to the social elite of the Sanok land. On the basis of the study of the records of the Sanok Borough and District courts, it was possible to research and reconstruct the history of five generations of the Humnytsky family, who lived in the Sanok land in the 15-16 centuries. The composition of the property complex of the family and its evolution was investigated. The biographies of the representatives of the family were studied.
The most powerful impulse to the material and socio-political well-being of the family was laid by Heorhiy Matviiovych Humnytsky. In addition to the fact that during his life he held the prestigious positions of the Przemysl chamberlain and the Sanok castellan, Heorhiy multiplied the property complex, which included two dozen settlements at the end of his life.
In subsequent generations, the Humnytsky family gradually grew and already in the last quarter of the 16 century had several families, which led to the fragmentation of the ancestral property complex. The position of the family was strengthened by successful marriages, as well as holding district positions. During the 15-16 centuries there were the Sanok castellan, a judge, a deputy district judge and a wojski (twice), a Przemysl chamberlain among the representatives of the Humnytsky clan.
Keywords: Sanok land, nobility, Humnytsky
Родина Гумницьких гербу Гоздава у Сяноцькій землі в XV-XVI ст.
Ярослав Лисейко1, Ігор Смуток2
1 Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)
2 Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка
(Дрогобич, Україна)
Мета статті: на підставі дослідження актового матеріалу сяноцьких гродського та земського судів реконструювати історію та генеалогію шляхетського роду Гумницьких у XV-XVI століттях.
Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що вперше ґрунтовно досліджено історію та генеалогію шляхетського роду Гумницьких в XV-XVI ст., котрі належали до суспільно- політичної еліти Сяноцької землі в зазначений період.
Висновки. Історія роду Гумницьких до сьогодні не дочекалася ґрунтовного дослідження попри те, що родина належала до суспільної еліти Сяноцької землі. На підставі вивчення актового матеріалу сяноцьких гродського та земського судів вдалося дослідити і реконструювати історію п'яти поколінь роду Гумницьких, які проживали в Сяноцькій землі у XV-XVI ст. Досліджено склад майнового комплексу родини та його еволюцію. Вивчено життєписи представників роду.
Найпотужніший імпульс до матеріального і суспільно-політичного благополуччя родини заклав Георгій Матвійович Гумницький. Окрім того, що за життя він посідав престижні уряди перемишльського підкоморія і сяноцького каштеляна, Георгій примножив майновий комплекс, який на схилку його життя налічував два десятки поселень.
У наступних поколіннях родина Гумницьких поступово розросталася і вже в останній чверті XVI століття налічувала кілька сімейств, що призвело до дроблення родового майнового комплексу. Позиції родини посилювали вдалі шлюби, а також посідання земських урядів: впродовж XV-XVI ст. серед представників роду Гумницьких були сяноцькі каштелян, суддя, підсудок і войський (двічі), перемишльський підкоморій.
Ключові слова: Сяноцька земля, шляхта, Гумницькі
The family of the Humnytsky of the Gozdava coat of arms belonged to the original noble families of the Sanok land. The historical origins of this family date back to the second half of the XIV century. From the 1430s, the village of Humnyska in the current Berezow County of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in Poland became the seat of the family. The Humnytsky belonged to the regional elite, where wealth was combined with social and political activity of individual representatives of the family. However, if we compare the Humnytsky with their closest relatives the Bal clan, little attention is paid to them in historiography.
Information about the family can be found in the books of heraldry of Bartosz Paprocki, Kasper Nesetsky, Adam Bonetsky and Severyn Urusky. In particular, B. Paprocki mentioned the representative of the third generation of the Humnytsky,
Stanislav and his sons Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa polskiego. Krakow, 1858. S. 295.. From the same generation, the genealogy of the Humnytsky is described by Kasper Nesetsky. In the reference, he made a mistake, attributing the position of Sanok judge to Stanislav Rafalovich Humnytsky, although his grandson was the one who became the judge. There are also inaccuracies in the family ties described by Nesetsky Niesiecki K. Herbarz polski. Lipsk, 1839. T. 4. S. 395-396.. The most detailed information about the Humnytsky family was prepared by Adam Bonetsky, who, among other things, used materials from the Sanok borough and district acts. However, the information given by Bonetsky is often scattered and sporadic, individual persons are not tied to the genealogical tree, and several significant errors were made in the genealogy itself, which we will pay attention to below Boniecki A. Herbarz polski. Wiadomosci historyczno-genealogiczne o rodach szlacheckich. Warszawa, 1905. T. 8. S. 7-12.. In his book of heraldry, Severyn Urusky also provided detailed information about the Humnytsky clan. However, following Bonetsky, he mistakenly attributed the descendants of Jan Stanislavovych Humnytsky to his uncle Jan Rafalovych Humnytsky, and also wrongly indicated the children of Heorhiy Stanislavovych Humnytsky as the descendants of Heorhiy Rafalovych UruskiS. Rodzina. Herbarz szlachty polskiej. Warszawa, 1908. T. 5. S. 233..
In the interwar period, the beginnings of the Humnytsky genealogy were studied by Przemyslaw Dombkowski. The chronological framework of his research covered the XV century, as the scientist relied on the published volumes of the Sanok borough and district acts Dqbkowski P. Szkice z zycia szlachty sanockiej w XV stuleciu. Lwow, 1923. S. 1-5.. Among modern researchers, the Polish researcher Lukasz Baida provided some information about the Humnytsky family in his book about the nobility of the Sanok land of the XVIII century Bajda L. Sziachta w Bieszczadach i na Pogorzu w czasy saskie i stanisiawowskie. Krosno, 2017. S. 279.. There is still no comprehensive study of the genealogy of the Humnytsky clan, its economic and socio-political activities neither in Ukrainian nor in Polish historiography, despite the fact that the family occupied a significant place in the land of Sanok.
The prehistory of the Humnytsky family dates back to 1361, when king Casimir III granted the villages of Boishcha, Radoshichi, Yurivtsi, Sorogiv, Dydnia and Temeshiv to the brothers Petro and Pavlo from Hungary Матеріали до історії суспільно-політичних і економічних відносин Західньої України / Вид. М. Грушевський. Львів, 1906. Ч. 1. C. 1-2.. Petro became the protoplast of the Bal and Humnytsky clans, while the Dedensky and Yurkovytsky families got their start from Pavlo's sons.
The founder of the family branch of the Humnytsky was Petro Vengrin's grandson - Heorhiy Matviyovych (1428 - tabout 1473) In parentheses here and below are the last known mentions of the person in historical sources.. After the death of his father Matviy, in 1435, Heorhiy inherited the villages of Humnyska, Andrushkivtsi and Volytsia, after which he settled in Humnyska, from where the surname Humnytsky came Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie z czasow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z archiwum tak zwanego bernardynskiego we Lwowie (AGZ) / wyd. A. Prochaska. T. 11. Lwow, 1886. S. 93-94, 103.. Presumably at the same time, he inherited the village of Vyslik Velykiy. In the act of division of the inheritance of Matviy of Zboiska this village is not mentioned - perhaps it was founded or re-settled on the site of an earlier settlement FastnachtA. Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej w 1340-1650. Wroclaw, 1962. S. 137; FastnachtA. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny ziemi sanockiej w sredniowieczu. Krakow, 2002. Cz. 3. S. 226..
Heorhiy Humnytsky was educated at the University of Krakow BonieckiA. Herbarz polski... S. 7., later became an active public figure, as well as a skillful host. He began his career as a Przemysl chamberlain (1459-1462) Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego XIV-XVIII wieku (ziemia halicka, lwowska, przemyska, sanocka). Spisy / Oprac. K. Przybos. Wroclaw, 1987. S. 220., and later, from 1463 to 1473, he held the position of the castellan of Sanok Ibid. S. 262.. Thanks to skillful management, Heorhiy significantly expanded his father's inheritance. Despite the fact that some of the inherited villages were sold, Heorhiy Humnytsky founded or purchased a number of other settlements to replace them. The property complex was formed as follows: in 1436, he bought out the solectwo in Humnyska while Humnyska itself was the place of his settlement throughout Heorhiy's life AGZ. T. 11. S. 103..
In 1437, Heorhiy Humnytsky bought the neighboring village of Hirky from Mykolay of Kozlovychi Ibid. S. 121.. Along with it, since 1461, the village of Volya Horetska (also called Sirkova Volya, which was probably founded by Heorhiy, is mentioned FastnachtA. Slownik historyczno-geograficzny... Cz. 3. S. 230; FastnachtA. Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej... S. 88..
In 1438, Heorhiy Humnytsky sold the remote village of Vyslik Velykiy to Petro Smolytsky. However, taking advantage of the right of proximity to the estate, the settlement was bought out by Heorhiy's brother Petro Matviyovych AGZ. T. 11. S. 136, 139, 144; Fastnacht A. Slownik historyczno-geograficzny ziemi sanockiej w sredniowieczu. Brzozow, 1991. Cz. 1. S. 156..
The history of the redemption of the villages of Konske and Vitryliv was quite long AGZ. T. 16. Lwow, 1894. S. 12, 79, 142, 193, 196-197, 202, 289, 316, 338.. Mal Antoshevych, Levko Dzatkovich, as well as Dukhna, daughter of Antosh and Uda, daughter of Hrynia, sold half of these villages to Heorhiy Matviyovych in 1440 AGZ. T. 11. S. 164.. In the same year, Heorhiy resold the purchased shares for 300 groschens to Mykolay Khrapkov, pledging to release him from the claims of Dzatka's sons - Petro and Hanko AGZ. T. 11. S. 173, 175, 183, 202; Fastnacht A. Slownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 1. S. 156.. Mykolay Khrapko owned Vitryliv and Konske until his death. In 1468 his nephew Yakiv of Rudolovytsi sold the inherited estate to Heorhiy Humnytsky AGZ. T. 16. S. 50-51, 94..
Around 1447, Heorhiy Matviyovych acquired the village of Lypa from the Kmit- Sobensky clan. This settlement adhered to the Vlach law and was a large village, which was divided into Velyka Lypa and Mala Lypa. Administratively Lypa for some time belonged to the Sanok Land, but already in the XVI-XVII centuries it was part of the Przemysl Land. The same applied to neighbouring Malyava, which was also owned by Heorhiy Fastnacht A. Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej. S. 27.. Other estates of the Kmit-Sobensky clan near Lypa - the villages of Berezka and Sivchyna were for a long time in the possession of Heorhiy Humnytsky and his sons with mortgage rights, but were not bought into hereditary land ownership Fastnacht A. Slownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 1. S. 56..
In 1449, Heorhiy Humnytsky purchased the town of Bircha from the Przemysl bishop Athanasius and his cousin Jacob AGZ. T. 16. S. 12; Fastnacht A. Slownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 1. S. 156.. Unlike most of Heorhiy's estates, which were located in the Sanok region, Bircha administratively belonged to the Przemysl region from the very beginning, although it was close to the border with the Sanok land.
Andrushkivtsi, which he inherited from his father, Heorhiy Humnytsky sold to the Sanok nobleman Leonard Pobedensky in 1458 AGZ. T. 11. S. 429, 442.. Such a transaction was logical given the remoteness of the village from the main property complex of Heorhiy. At the same time, Andrushkivtsi were in the immediate vicinity of the Pobedensky estate.
In 1464, the town of Novybrid with suburbs was mentioned as part of the property complex of Heorhiy Humnytsky. This estate is not found in other documents with this name, so it was not possible to identify which settlement it was Ibid. T. 16. S. 12.. Also in 1464, the villages of Rudavka, Bryzhava, Leshchava, located near the town of Bircha, were mentioned as part of the property complex of Heorhiy Humnytsky Ibid. S. 12.. Apparently, somewhere at that time, these villages were founded.
The village of Volytsia was mentioned among the possessions of Heorhiy Humnytsky in 1464 Ibidem.. This settlement also could not be identified with certainty. Volytsia really existed in Sanok Land, but was owned by the Zboisky clan and the Humnytsky had nothing to do with it. Probably, the deed note from 1464 refers to some newly founded village of Volya by Heorhiy Humnytsky next to the older settlement. Adam Fastnacht, a researcher of sedimentation processes in the Sanok Land, assumed that Volytsia could be Volya Korzhenetska, or New Village, known since 1494 Fastnacht A. Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej... S. 97..
The villages of Sohoriv Horishnii and Sohoriv Dolishnii, which in 1473 were the latest acquisitions of Heorhiy Humnytsky, he bought from Mykolay Yurovsky AGZ. T. 16. S. 120, 122.. However, due to the claims of Yurovsky's relatives, the purchase of both villages was finally completed only in 1496 by Heorhiy's son Rafal Humnytsky Fastnacht A. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny... Cz. 3. S. 147..
In addition to the mentioned estates, Heorhiy Humnytsky managed to hold more than a dozen other different villages in the Sanok Land as collateral for a short period of time. Property transactions show that he belonged to the economic and social elite of the region. The circle of contractors of Heorhiy Humnytsky repeatedly included such influential power-holders as Henryk Kamianetsky, Petro, Yan, Andriy and Stanislav Kmit from Sobien AGZ. T. 16. S. 22, 42, 101..
During his life, Heorhiy Humnytsky was married twice, the first time to Anna, the daughter of the Lublin castellan Jan Shchekotsky. The marriage took place in 1441, when he recorded a dowry of 400 groschens in the village of Humnyska Ibid. T. 11. S. 174; UruskiS. Rodzina... S. 233.. The second wife of Heorhiy Matviyovych was Beata Yaroslavska, a representative of one of the powerful families of the Ruthenian Voivodeship. She was the sister of Yan, Spitko and Rafal Yaroslavsky. In 1464, Heorhiy received for her a rich dowry of 1,400 hryvnias, which he wrote down on half of all his possessions AGZ. T. 16. S. 12.. The very next year, in 1465, Beata gave him a third of her estates, inherited from her father and mother Ibid. S. 26.. She died before 1479 Ibid. S. 142.. Heorhiy Humnytsky died around 1473. Since then, he is no longer mentioned in the sources, and in 1474 the position of the Sanok castellan was taken by Henryk Kamianetsky Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego... S. 262..
Heorhiy Humnytsky had three sons - Jan (tbetween 1480-1481), Yakiv (taround 1498) and Rafal (t1511), as well as two daughters - Yadviga and Barbara FastnachtA. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny... Cz. 1. S. 158.. The daughters became nuns under the names Regina and Ephrosyne. They received 20 zlotys of annual maintenance from their father AGZ. T. 16. S. 95..
In 1485, the sons of Heorhiy Humnytsky divided the estate. The elder Yakiv received Hirky, Volya Goretska, Berezka, Lypa, Stara Bircha and Bircha with mills and suburbs, as well as Korinets, Nove Selo, Sivchyna and Malyava. The younger Rafal received Humnyska, Vitryliv, Konske, Leshchava, Bryzhava, Rudavka and Sorogiv. The forests around Bircha and the villages were shared by the brothers, and the residents of the town and villages were allowed to cut trees there. Newly founded villages, or those that were in the process of settlement, also remained in the joint ownership of both brothers. It follows from the deed of partition that Yakiv was the son of Heorhiy and Anna Shchekotska, and Rafal was the son of Beata Yaroslavska Ibid. S. 193..
The contract shows that by the end of the XV century, the Humnytsky estate had expanded even more. The settlements of Korinets and Nove Selo, founded near Bircha, are mentioned here Fastnacht A. Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej... S. 27..
The position of the sons of Heorhiy Humnytsky was strengthened by successful marriages - Yakiv married Anna Herburt around 1478. For her he received 300 hryvnias of dowry. He wrote his wife 600 zlotys on the estates of Hirky, Konske, Vitryliv and Volya Horetska AGZ. T. 16. S. 141.. Yakiv's younger brother, Rafal Humnytsky, married Barbara, the daughter of the Lviv castellan and crown hetman Shchesny of Panyov, to whom he wrote 3,500 zlotys from his estate Ibid. S. 202, 253-254..
After the division of the estate, the settlement of Yakiv Humnytsky became the village of Hirky, so in documents he is often referred to as Yakiv from Hirky Fastnacht A. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 3. S. 231.. His sons Jan and Matvii settled in the town of Bircha in the Przemysl Land, starting the Birecki family. Yakiv Humnytsky died in 1498 during the Polish-Moldavian War of 1497-1499 AGZ. T. 16. S. 288.. In the unsuccessful military campaign for the Polish Crown, the nobility from the Ruthenian Voivodeship took part, many of whom died in the battle near Kozmin in 1497 Балух О. Польсько-молдавська війна 1497-1499 рр. // Наукові зошити історичного факультету Львівського університету. Збірник наукових праць. Вип. 9. Львів, 2008. С. 62.. Since Yakiv Humnytsky did not return from the campaign, already in 1499 his wife Anna of Herburts married the landless nobleman Martyn Stanishovsky. At the same time, she submitted a document to the city of Sanok, according to which, in the event of the return of her first husband Yakiv from the Moldovan campaign, Martyn should come under the protection of the Sanok starosta AGZ. T. 16. S. 291.. After that, Anna's relationship with her first husband's relatives deteriorated. Rafal Humnytsky made an armed raid on her court in Hirky in 1499 Fastnacht A. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 1. S. 128..
Jan, the second son of Heorhiy Humnytsky, chose a spiritual career. He became the Przemysl dean, and later the Krakow cantor (1467) and the administrator of the Przemysl diocese Ibid. S. 157; UruskiS. Rodzina. S. 233.. Despite his spiritual path, Jan Humnytsky was quite active in the family's estate affairs FastnachtA. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny... Cz. 1. S. 158.. He died prematurely between 1480 and 1481, as he is no longer mentioned either in further economic affairs or during the division of the estate, but is directly named as the deceased in 1486 AGZ. T. 16. S. 200..
The youngest of the brothers, Rafal Humnytsky took part in social and political life and tried to expand the family estates. During 1496-1511, Rafal Humnytsky was the burgrave of Krakow, whose competence included the guardianship of the royal castle at Wawel. He belonged to the close circle of the courtiers of Jan Olbracht, Oleksandr Jagelonchyk and Sigismund I. Rafal's presence among the Sanok nobility was manifested in his occupation of the position of the Sanok wojski in 1510-1511 Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego... S. 301; Fastnacht A. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 1. S. 158.. In addition, in the first decade of the XVI century he appears from time to time as an assessor of the local district court The Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv (CSHAUL). Fund 16. List 1. Ref. III. P. 207, 213, 232.. Rafal Humnytsky maintained relations with a number of powerful people - Stanislav Penyzhko, Mykolai Kamianetsky AGZ. T. 16. S. 209, 219, 222, 235., Yan Tarnovsky Ibid. S. 270..
The main property acquisition of Rafal Humnytsky was the purchase of the villages of Yurivtsi, Popeliv, shares of Horishny and Dolishny Sorogiv, Rachkova and Dembna. He bought these estates for 4 thousand zlotys from the brothers Petro, Mykolay and Shchesny Yurovsky in 1486. They were distant relatives of Rafal on his father's side, and the redemption of their estates, in particular the villages of Gorishny and Dolishny Sorogiv, was started by Heorhiy Humnytsky Ibid. S. 202..
Rafal Humnytsky died in 1511 CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 8. P. 570.. Severyn Urusky noted in his book of heraldry that he died in a campaign in Bukovyna UruskiS. Rodzina. S. 233.. In 1518, his widow Barbara from Panyov was mentioned as the wife of Stanislav Penyzhko Fastnacht A. Siownik historyczno-geograficzny. Cz. 1. S. 161..
In the next generation, the family was continued by Rafal Humnytsky's children - Ioan (1511-1564), Stanislav (1511 - tto 1542), Heorhiy (1511 - tabout 1564), Francisk (1546), daughters Anna and Feliciana. Feliciana mentioned in 1545 as the wife of Sanok nobleman Stanislav Dedensky Boniecki A. Herbarz polski. S. 8.. Rafal's second daughter, Anna Humnytska married Sebastian Pakoshovsky. In 1546, he issued a receipt to his wife's brothers for payment of 500 zlotys dowry CSHAUL. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 62-64.. Francisk Humnytsky is mentioned in this document, but he does not appear in other known documents Ibid. File 7. P. 62-64.. By 1550 Anna and her husband Sebastian Pakoshovsky died, and their uncles Ioan and Heorhiy Humnytsky became the guardians of their daughter Ibid. File 16. P. 164-165..
There is much more information in the documents related to Rafal's sons - Stanislav, loan and Heorhiy Humnytsky. They began to appear in sources independently after the death of their father in 1511 Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 8. P. 570.. The brothers, unlike their father, did not hold district positions. Nevertheless, they often appear as counterparties in numerous business transactions in the Sanok documents. Also, the sons of Rafal Humnytsky are repeatedly found among the assessors of the local district court. For a long time, the brothers managed the inherited estate together. Among the property deals concluded in the 1520s and 1530s, records of the Humnytsky pledging lands in their estates predominate. The object of the pledge were peasants in Leshchava and Konske. John Krzeszowski, Martyn Morawski, Mikolay Bal, Dobrohost Pelka, Jadwiga Jablonska, Ioann Khlopytsky, and the substarost of Sanok Mykola Dobrodzelsky are mentioned among the counterparties Ibid. File 9, P. 448, 580-581, 622, 710, 750-752, 753-756, 864-866; Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 13. P. 788-790, 839, 1066, 1152-1153..
In 1531, the sons of Rafal Humnytsky divided the estate, assigning Stanislav, Ioan and Heorhiy joint and individual shares within the family property complex. After the division, each continued to have a share in almost every village that once belonged to Rafal Humnytsky. However, there were a few exceptions. Bryzhava and 20 peasants in Konske were assigned to Stanislav Humnytsky, Ioan received Leshchava, and Heorhiy - Vitryliv and a share in Konske Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 4. P. 250-251..
After the division of the estate, Ioan Rafalovych Humnytsky acted as the owner of Leshchava and a part of Yurivtsi until the early 1560 CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 15. P. 1066, 1116; File 4. P. 84-85; File 18. P. 12, 30; File 17. P. 60; File 19.
P. 6.. In 1554, for 1000 zlotys lent to Martin Stadnitsky, he pledged half of the town of Zmyhorod with the villages of Lysa Hura, Toky, Volytsia and half of the mountain villages of Myscova, Olkhovets, Polyany, Krampna, Sviatkova, Posnynya, Grab near the eastern borders of the Krakow Voivodeship, near the border with the Sanok Land Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 17. P. 21-23.. Together with his brother Heorhiy in the 1540s, Ioan Humnytsky is regularly documented among the assessors of the Sanok district court Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 3, 13, 19, 40.. One of the latest references to Ioan dates back to 1564, where he is mentioned with his nephews, the sons of the late Stanislav Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 19. P. 672-673.. Most likely, Ioan Rafalovych left no descendants.
Heorhiy Rafalovych Humnytsky inherited Vitryliv, part of Yurivtsi and Humnyska Ibid. File 15. P. 1080, 1116; File 16. P. 329-330.. Since he appears in documents in the 1540s and early 1560s alongside his nephew of the same name, Heorhiy Stanislavovych, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish which of the two Heorhies is being referred to. For example, in 1562-1564 Heorhiy Humnytsky appears as the owner of shares in Sorogiv and Humnyska and it is not clear whether it is Heorhiy Rafalovych or Heorhiy Stanislavovych Ibid. File 19. P. 138, 667.. The wife of Heorhiy Rafalovych was Anna from Rykhlych (mentioned in 1537-1559). In 1537, he received a dowry of 1,000 zlotys for her and recorded this amount on his estates UruskiS. Rodzina... S. 233; CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 13. P. 1089-1091; File 18. P. 53, 214-215.. Adam Bonetsky and Severyn Urusky mistakenly attributed the sons of Stanislav, Valentyn, Andriy and Rafal to Heorhiy Rafalovych. In fact, according to the act books, the mentioned persons were the sons of
Heorhiy's nephew, whose name was Heorhiy Stanislavovych Humnytsky. Bartosz Paprocki claims the same in his book of heraldry UruskiS. Rodzina. S. 233; BonieckiA. Herbarz polski... S. 8; Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa... S. 295.. Heorhiy Humnytsky died around 1564. Apparently, he left no descendants, because after his death, the estate was divided between his brother Ioan and his nephews Heorhiy, Stanislav and Ioan Stanislavovych. Humnyska together with the fields and the mill went to Ioan Rafalovych. Heorhiy, Stanislav, and Ioan Stanislavovych inherited the Vitryliv and a share in Konske CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 19. P. 672-673..
The eldest of Rafal Humnytsky's offspring was his son Stanislav. Bartosz Paprocki in his book of heraldry calls Stanislav Humnytsky a judge from Sanok, but in reality this position was held by his grandson Stanislav Ioanovych Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa. S. 295.. It was Stanislav Rafalovych's descendants who continued the Humnytsky clan in the Sanok Land. He married Zofia from Rzeszow, a representative of the wealthy and influential Rzeszow family CSHAUL. Fund 16. List 1. File 4. P. 180; Fund 15. List 1. File 15. P. 1044-1046; File 16. P. 213.. Stanislav died quite early, before 1542, so his brother Heorhiy Humnytsky took care of his children Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 16. P. 213; File 15. P. 34-35.. The sons of Stanislav were Heorhiy (1542 - t1568/1571), Stanislav (1542 - t1577/1579), Ioan (1542 - t1571/1574) and Petro (1556) Humnytsky. They begin to be mentioned independently in documents since 1542, when they resolved a dispute with their neighbor Ioan Dedensky regarding an attack on their peasants Ibid. File 15. P. 34-35.. Later, the brothers tried to divide the ancestral property with uncles Ioan and Heorhiy. The villages of Humnyska, Yurivtsi, Sorogiv, Popeli and Rachkova were the subjects of the division Ibid. File 16. P. 215-217, 254-255, 329-330..
Now let's talk in more detail about each of Stanislav Humnytsky's sons:
Petro Stanislavovych Humnytsky is mentioned in the studied sources only once, on December 21, 1556, in the act of establishing the boundaries between the village of Humnytsky Rudavka and the estates of the heirs of the late Petro Kmita. At that time, Rudavka was jointly owned by all the sons of Stanislav Rafalovych and their uncle Ioan Ibid. File 17. P. 511-512..
Ioan Stanislavovych Humnytsky (1542 - t1571/1574) was the owner of the village of Bryzhavy, where his yard was probably located Ibid. File 19. P. 675-676; Fund 15. List 1. File 18. P. 97-98, 179-180.. In addition, he owned Vitryliv, Hirky, and Volya Horetska. In 1568, Ioan Humnytsky pledged half of the last two villages together with the filvark in Hirky to Jan Tarnovsky Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 227-228..
Ioan Stanislavovych did not hold a district position. Instead, only from time to time, together with his brothers Heorhiy and Stanislav, he is mentioned among the assessors of the Sanok district court Ibid. P. 105.. For a long time, the sources simultaneously mention Ioan Stanislavovych and his uncle Ioan Rafalovych Humnytsky, which is why in many cases it is difficult to understand who exactly we are dealing with. That is why Adam Bonetsky and Severyn Urusky mistakenly attributed the offspring of Ioan Stanislavovych to Ioan Rafalovych. During his life, Ioan Humnytsky was married twice. He married his first wife, Kateryna, daughter of Martyn Khodorostavsky, before 1559 Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 18. P. 171-172.. Sons Wojciech (15751609) and Stanislav (1575) were born in this marriage Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa. S. 295; Niesiecki K. Herbarz polski. S. 395; Boniecki A. Herbarz polski. S. 8..
The second wife of loan Humnytsky was Anna, the daughter of the castellan of Sanok Zbigniew Sinnenski. He received a dowry of 4 thousand zlotys for her in 1564 CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 19. P. 672-673, 675-676.. The Humnytsky's had been doing business with Zbigniew Sinnenski, an influential nobleman, for a long time. Ioan and Heorhiy Humnytsky made a number of property transactions with him in 1554. Ioan's marriage to Anna Sinnenska only strengthened the relationship between the two families Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 17. P. 19-21.. In 1564, Zbigniew Sinnenski borrowed 1,000 zlotys from his son-in-law and gave him the villages of Dudyntsi and Markivtsi as a pledge Ibid. File 19. P. 676-677.. Such agreements were concluded with Zbigniew's son, Ioan Sinnenski, a Sanok pantler, in 1568 Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 179-180..
In his second marriage with Anna Sinnenska, Ioan Humnytsky became the father of Symon (1574-1629), Martyn (1574-1575), Andriy (1574-1601), Heorhiy (1574-1660) and Zofia Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa... S. 295; Niesiecki K. Herbarz polski... S. 395; BonieckiA. Herbarz polski...
S. 8.. Before 1574, Ioan Humnytsky died. Since his children were not yet of legal age, their uncle Stanislav Stanislavovych Humnytsky became the guardian of the older sons - Wojciech and Stanislav CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 446.. The children from the second marriage were taken care of by Ioan Sinnenski, the Sanok chamberlain, and Mykolay Sinnenski, the Sanok pantler, probably the brothers of Anna, the widow of Ioan Humnytsky Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 341-343.. In 1574, the estate of Ioan Humnytsky was divided between Anna Sinnenska, her sons Symon, Martyn, Andriy, Heorhiy, and Ioan's son from his first marriage, Stanislav Ibid. P. 474-475.. Anna Sinenska received the village of Vitryliv, which in 1578 she leased to Jan Kobylyansky Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 366-377..
The third of the brothers, Heorhiy Stanislavovych Humnytsky, was taken care of by his uncles Heorhiy and Ioan in 1546. At the same time, he was mentioned as the owner of a share in the village of Konske Ibid. File 15. P. 571-578.. He also owned shares in the villages of Yurivtsy, Humnyska, Dolishnyi Sorogiv, Rachkova Vola, and Rudavka Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 16. P. 216, 341-342, 412-413; File 46. P. 377.. These estates were sometimes pledged or leased. In 1551 Heorhiye Humnicki pledged Dolishny Sorogiv to Waciaw Pobedenski for 70 zi Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 16. P. 412-413.. In 1568, he leased the village of Konske to Ioan Pelvetsky Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 148.. In the same year, Heorhiy pledged 5 peasants to Stanislav Zhabokrytsky in Konske Ibid. P. 248-250. for 180 zlotys, and pledged 6 peasants in Humnyska to the judge Stanislav Charnotsky of Sanok for a debt of 200 zlotys Ibid. P. 228-230.. Heorhiy Stanislavovych was married twice. His first wife was Elzhbeta from Zimnaya Voda, and his second wife was Marta, daughter of Ioan and Constantia Velopolski Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa. S. 295; CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 19. P. 672-673.. According to information provided by Adam Bonetsky, Elzhbeta from Zimnaya Voda was the founder of the church in the village of Navaria near Lviv Boniecki A. Herbarz polski. S. 9.. Heorhiy Humnytsky married Marta Velopolska in 1554. At the same time, according to some divisions of inheritances from relatives, she acquired shares in the villages of Temeshev and Kreminna, which were given to the Dedensky family, as well as part of Yablonytsa, which was the property of Ioan Velopolsky CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 17. P. 4-5, 8.. Heorhiy Stanislavovich Humnytsky died between 1568 and 1571 Ibid. File 25. P. 79.. From his second marriage, he had four sons: Stanislav, Rafal, Valentin and Andriy, as well as daughters Anna, Zofia, Elzhbeta, Szczesna. Sons begin to appear in documents from 1576-1577 Ibid. File 46. P. 70.. In 1577, they registered a part of the villages of Sorogiv, Rachkova and Grabovnychka as a lifetime possession to their mother, Marta Velopolska Ibid. P. 290.. As for the latter, it was most likely the village of Grabovka, which was founded by the Humnytsky closer to the middle of the XVI century FastnachtA. Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej... S. 88.. In addition, in 1579 Marta Velopolska was named the owner of the village of Humnyska CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 638-639..
Stanislav Stanislavovych Humnytsky was the owner of a small part of the villages of Sorogiv (probably Horishnii and Dolishnii), Yurivtsi and Humnyska Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 19. P. 646; File 18. P. 241, 311; File 46. P. 213, 243-244.. Apparently, the same Stanislav owned part of Rachkova Ibid. File 25. P. 79.. Just like his brothers, he appears in various business deals, sometimes acting as a creditor, sometimes as a debtor. In 1566 Stanislav Humnytsky lent Adam Semuszowski 700 zlotys, for which he received his village Semushova Ibid. File 29. P. 37.. Instead, in 1568, he borrowed 680 zlotys from his neighbor Heorhiy Pobedensky, pledging his estates in Yurivtsi and Sorogov to him Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 207-212.. These estates continued to be in the possession of the Pobedensky family in 1571 Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 25. P. 6, 35.. In 1568 Stanislav Stanislavovich mortgaged 5 peasants in Rachkova Volya to Kateryna, daughter of Ioan Pakoshovsky for 110 zlotys Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 238-240.. The last property deals of Stanislav Humnytsky were concluded with relatives: in 1577, he mortgaged the village of Horishnii Sorogiv to his nephews Stanislav, Rafal, Valentyn, and Andriy for 1,300 zlotys Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 297-299.. While the nephews were minors, he was their guardian Ibid. File 46. P. 446.. Stanislav Humnytsky's participation in the public life of the Sanok Land was manifested only in his work as an assessor of the local district court Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 291, 377..
According to Bartos Paprocki, Stanislav Stanislavovych Humnytsky had two wives. The first of them was the daughter of the Belz castellan Jan Herburt. The second wife came from the Chasha family and was the widow of a certain Khodorovsky. From the second marriage, there were sons Matviy and Jan (Adam Bonetsky mentions both of them according to the judgments of the Lublin tribunal of 1583-1584), as well as daughters Elzhbeta and Zofia PaprockiB. Herby rycerstwa... S. 295; BonieckiA. Herbarz polski... S. 8.. In the Sanok court books, it was possible to find a mention in 1579 only about Stanislav's wife named Barbara, but it does not say what kind of family she was from CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 627.. Approximately between 1577 and 1579, Stanislav Stanislavovych Humnytsky died Ibid. P. 627..
Next, we will tell you about two branches of the Humnytsky lan, which belonged to the fifth generation of the family - these were the children of loan and Heorhiy Stanislavovych Humnytsky.
Descendants of loan Stanislavovych Humnytsky
Stanislav Humnytsky, loan's eldest son, was mentioned after the death of his father in the act of division of the estate in 1574. After that, he separated from his brothers and stepmother Anna Sinnenska and managed the land separately Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 474-475.. Together with his brother Wojciech, Stanislav Ioanovych owned the village of Leshchava Ibid. P. 405-409.. In 1578, they leased this estate with a filvark to Albert Gozhechkovsky Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 447, 449, 509, 717-718.. In 1600, Stanislav Humnytsky received a part of the village of Rozputtya from Andriy Zarshinsky Ibid. File 139. P. 395. as well as the village of Lypy, which was then owned by Kryshtof Hlova Ibid. File 139. P. 457-458.. In 1601, Stanislav Humnytsky received the temporary possession of the peasants in Bartkivka near Dynovo from Jan Stadnytsky Ibid. P. 1092..
At the same time with Stanislav lived his cousin Stanislav Heorhiyovych, but it is more likely that it was Stanislav Ioanovych who became the Sanok district judge. In this status he was first mentioned in 1600 and remained so until his death in 1605 Ibid. P. 395; Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego... S. 287.. Stanislav Humnytsky married Elzhbeta from Mlodatychy CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 143. P. 681.. His sons were Kasper, Peter and Vacla Ibid. File 64. P. 1161.. Wojciech Ioanovych Humnytsky began to appear after the death of his father, starting in 1575 Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 344.. He was a well-known figure in the social and political life of Sanok Land. Wojciech was repeatedly elected tax collector (1599, 1601, 1612) Niesiecki K. Herbarz polski... S. 396; CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 139-140, 806-807; File 143. P. 473.. From 1597 to 1601, he held the position of the Sanok deputy district judge Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego. S. 281; CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 707, 1100.. Finally, Wojciech Humnytsky reached the position of Sanok district judge, which he received after the death of his brother from 1605 to 1614 Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego. S. 287. CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 1100; UruskiS. Rodzina. S. 234.. The high social status of Wojciech Humnytsky was confirmed by his marriage to a representative of the Stadnitsky family from Zmygrud (1-162 3)135.
Daughter of Ioan Stanislavovych from his second marriage to Anna Sinnenska, Zofia Humnytska married Bartholomew Biretsky Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa. S. 295; Niesiecki K Herbarz polski. S. 395; BonieckiA. Herbarz polski.
S. 8.. The Biretsky and Humnytsky came from a common ancestor, in addition, Ioan Humnytsky maintained business relations with
Biretsky. In 1568 he lent Albert Biretsky 1,600 zlotys as collateral for the village of Malova CSHAUL. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 134-140..
Andriy Humnytsky, Ioan's son from the second marriage, was first mentioned during the division of the family estate in 1574 Ibid. P. 474-475.. In 1599, he was recorded as the owner of Konske Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 16-17.. However, in 1599-1601, Andriy gave this village to the ownership of Lishchynsky Ibid. P. 54, 636-637, 964-965..
Symon Ioanovych Humnytsky was also first mentioned in the division of the estate of his late father in 1574 Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 474-475.. In 1599-1629 he was a Sanok wojski Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego... S. 302; CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 150. P. 2265-2266.. Symon Humnytsky enjoyed authority among the local nobility. On March 20, 1596, on behalf of the nobility of the Sanok Land, he protested against the candidacy of the ambassador to the Sejm, who was elected without the consent of the Sanok nobility AGZ. T. 20. Lwow, 1909. S. 99. Symon Ioanovych inherited Bryzhava CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 143. P. 761-762. and Leshchava Ibid. File 64. P. 1161.. He strengthened his property position with mortgaged estates. Symon Humnytsky received the village of Zahirya and Humnyska, owned by Stanislav Tarnavsky in 1601 Ibid. File 139. P. 771-772, 1204-1205.. From the point of view of marital relations the marriage of Symon Humnytsky with Yadviga, the daughter of Przemysl wojski Alexander Krasitsky, looks particularly successful BonieckiA. Herbarz polski... S. 9.. The children of Symon and Jadwiga Humnytsky were daughter Elzhbeta Ibid. S. 9. and son Jan (1632 - t1663) Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego. S. 283..
We have much less information about the two sons of Ioan Humnytsky from the second marriage - Heorhiy and Martyn. Both were mentioned as participants of the division of the family estate in 1574 CSHAUL. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 474-475.. Heorhiy Humnytsky is present in later acts of Sanok, participating in economic transactions together with his brother Symon in 1600 Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 575..
Descendants of Heorhiy Stanislavovych Humnytsky
Rafal Heorhiyovych Humnytsky was mentioned together with his brother Stanislav after the death of his father in 1576 as one of the heirs of the village of Humnyska Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 465; Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 125-127, 243-244, 637-638.. In 1599, together with his brother Andriy, he gave this village to Stanislav Tarnavsky Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 20, 53-54.. At that time, Rafal was already married to Yadviga from Tursko. For Yadviga, who became a widow after the death of her first husband, Bernard Chepelovsky, it was the second marriage Ibid. P. 135-136..
Around 1601, Rafal received the position of the Sanok deputy district judge and held it until 1614. His cousin Wojciech Humnytsky was the deputy district judge before him Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego. S. 281..
According to the information from the Sanok court records, Wojciech was the deputy district judge in 1601 and probably at that time managed to transfer this position to his relative CSHAUL. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 707, 1100.. Subsequently, Rafal was promoted, serving as a district judge of Sanok in 1617-1620 Urz^dnicy wojewodztwa ruskiego... S. 287; UruskiS. Rodzina... S. 233..
Rafal's brother, Stanislav Heorhiyovych Humnytsky, is mentioned in documents after his father's death, starting from 15 7 5 CSHAUL. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 314.. Together with his brother Rafal, he was the heir to part of the village of Humnyska Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 46. P. 213; Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 465.. The third of the sons of Heorhiy Stanislavovych, Andriy Humnytsky was mentioned in the Sanok acts, starting from 1578 Ibid. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 490.. Together with his brother Rafal, he was mentioned in 1599 Ibid. Fund 15. List 1. File 139. P. 53-54..
Bartosz Paprocki in his book of heraldry mentions the daughters of Heorhiy Stanislavovych Humnytsky from his second marriage with Marta Velopolska - Anna, Zofia, Elzhbeta and Szczesna Paprocki B. Herby rycerstwa... S. 295. Zofia married Stanislav Tarnavsky, a Sanok standard- bearer, who received 2000 zlotys of dowry for her in 1581 CSHAUL. Fund 16. List 1. File 7. P. 572.. Later, the family connection between the Tarnavsky and the Humnytsky contributed to the conclusion of property agreements between Stanislav Tarnavsky and his wife's brothers.
Thus, the history of the Humnytsky family dates back to the time when Galicia came under the rule of Casimir III, after which the new ruler began to form a network of fortifications here and a layer of loyal knights-vassals. The Humnytsky descended from Peter Vengryn, who, together with his brother Pavlo, in 1361 received from Casimir III the territories in the Carpathians, within the boundaries of the Sanok Land. The ancestral home of Heorhiy Matviyovych, grandson of Petro Vengryn, was the village of Humnyska, from which he took his surname. Until the end of the XVI century, four generations of descendants of Heorhiy Humnytsky lived in the Sanok Land. According to their property status and social and political influence, the Humnytsky belonged to the wealthy nobility. The basis of the family's material and socio-political well-being was laid by Heorhiy Matviyovych Humnytsky. In addition to the fact that during his lifetime he held the positions of Przemysl chamberlain and Sanok castellan, Heorhiy multiplied the estates, which numbered two dozen settlements. In the following generations, the Humnytsky family gradually grew and already in the last quarter of the XVI century had at least 12 adult male members, which led to the fragmentation of the family estate. However, at this time, the Humnytsky continued to enjoy authority among the nobility of the Ruthenian Voivodeship, which is well illustrated by the range of their marriages. The family's position was also strengthened by district positions. During the XV-XVI centuries among the representatives of the Humnytsky family there were the castellan of Sanok, the judge, the deputy district judge, wojski (twice), the Przemysl chamberlain.
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реферат [24,6 K], добавлен 20.10.2014The period from 1799 to 1815 is often referred to as the "Napoleonic Wars". These years and the two following decades became one of the most difficult episodes of the British history. Great Britain after Waterloo. The Reform Bill. The Poor Law of 1834.
реферат [21,2 K], добавлен 23.10.2002History is Philosophy teaching by examples. Renaissance, French Revolution and the First World War are important events in the development of the world history. French Revolution is freedom of speech. The First World War is show of the chemical weapons.
реферат [21,6 K], добавлен 14.12.2011The main characteristic features of Ancient and Medieval history of Ireland. The main events, dates and influential people of Early history of Ireland. The history of Christianity development. The great Norman and Viking invasions and achievements.
курсовая работа [34,6 K], добавлен 10.04.2013The most important centers of the Belarusian national revival. Development of public libraries in Byelorussia. Value Hlebtsevicha as a great researcher of library science, his contribution to development of network of free libraries in Byelorussia.
статья [8,2 K], добавлен 14.10.2009The dynamics of the Cold War. The War and post-war period. The Eastern Bloc, Berlin Blockade and airlift. NATO beginnings and Radio Free Europe. Crisis and escalation: Khrushchev, Eisenhower and destalinization. Warsaw Pact and Hungarian Revolution.
реферат [81,7 K], добавлен 25.03.2012The clandestine tradition in Australian historiography. Russell Ward's Concise History of Australia. Abolishing the Catholics, Macintyre's selection of sources. Macintyre's historical method, abolishes Langism. Fundamental flaws in Macintyre's account.
реферат [170,7 K], добавлен 24.06.2010Features of the socio-political situation of the Kazakh people after the October Revolution of 1917. The creation of KazASSR in 1920, its internal structure of the state system, main stages of development and the economic and industrial achievements.
презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 01.03.2016The first photographs of Joseph Niepce in 1827, which are made with a camera obscura. The Birth of modern photography. Negative to positive process. History and evolution of the camera. Color photographs, technological boundary, modern functions.
презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 12.04.2012History of Royal dynasties. The early Plantagenets (Angeving kings): Henry II, Richard I Coeur de Lion, John Lackland. The last Plantagenets: Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, Edward III, Richard II.
курсовая работа [26,6 K], добавлен 17.04.2003The origin of the Sumerians and their appearance in southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Their way of life and contribution to the history. The Sumerians culture, language and contribution to the history.
презентация [252,4 K], добавлен 15.11.2014