The old believers’ “schism” in the don cossack host region in the early XX century according to the clergy records of the don and Novocherkassk diocese

Determining the Old Believers' concords existing in the region, as well as their numbers. Was found out that in the territory of the Don Host Region there lived representatives of both concords: those who recognized the hierarchy and those who did not.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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55. Ovsiannikov E., sviashch. Prichiny shirokogo rasprostraneniia staroobriadcheskogo raskola na Donu [Reasons for the Wide Spread of the Old Believer Schism in the Don]. Donskie eparkhial'nye vedomosti [Don Diocesan Gazette], 1902, no. 29, рр. 652-657; no. 30, рр. 666-671; no. 31, рр. 697-700; no. 32, рр. 714717, 779-783; no. 33, рр. 735-741; no. 35, рр. 794-800; no. 36, рр. 831-837.

56. Pervaia vseobshchaia perepis Rossiiskoi imperii 1897 g. Oblast voiska Donskogo [The First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897. The Region ofthe Don Army]. Saint Petersburg, 1905. 255 р.

57. Pokrovskii N.N., Ageeva E.A. Beglopopovtsy [Runners]. Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia [Orthodox Encyclopedia]. Moscow, 2002, iss. 4, рр. 416-424.

58. Pomorskoe soglasie [Pomorian Consent]. Khristianstvo: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar: v 3 t. [Christianity. Encyclopedic Dictionary in 3 volumes]. Moscow, Bolshaia Rossiiskaia entsiklopediia, 1995, vol. 2, рр. 365-366.

59. Prugavin A.S. Staroobriadchestvo vo vtoroi polovine XIX veka. Ocherki iz noveishei istorii raskola [Old Believers in the Second Half of the 19th Century. Essays on the Recent History of the Schism]. Moscow, Otd. tip. t-va I.D. Sytina, 1904. 281 р.

60. Redkina O.Iu. Starovery Nizhnei Volgi i Dona v kontse XIX - ХХ veke [Old Believers of the Lower Volga and Don in the Late 19th - Early 20th]. Rossiiskaia istoriia [Russian History], 2012, no. 4, рр. 15-27.

61. Redkina O.Iu. Staroe russkoe sektantstvo na Nizhnei Volge i Donu v XVIII-XX vv. [Old Russian Sectarianism on the Lower Volga and Don in the 18th - 20th Centuries]. Geoekonomicheskie i etnokul 'turnye osobennosti khoziaistvennogo razvitiia Prikaspiia i Priazovia v XVIII-XX vv. [Geoeconomic and Ethnocultural Features of the Economic Development of the Caspian and Azov Regions in the 18th - 20th Centuries]. Volgograd, Izd-vo VolGU, 1999, рр. 117-131.

62. Sen D.V. Staroobriadchestvo na Donu v kontse XVII veka. K 325-letiiu kazni liderov donskikh staroobriadtsev v Moskve [Old Believers on the Don at the End of the 17th Century. To the 325th Anniversary of the Execution of the Leaders of the Don Old Believers in Moscow]. Donskoi vremennik. Rostov-on-Don, 2012, iss. 21, рр. 111-114.

63. Snesarev N. Donskaia eparkhiia i desiatiletnee upravlenie eiu arkhiepiskopa Platona [Don Diocese and Ten-Year Administration of it by Archbishop Platon]. Odessa, Tipografiia Shtaba Odesskogo Voennogo Okruga, 1880, iss. 2. 238 р.

64. Snesarev N.P. Svedeniia o zhizni i deiatelnosti Vysokopreosviashchennogo Platona [Information About the Life and Work of His Eminence Platon]. Donskie eparkhialnye vedomosti [Don Diocesan Gazette], 1877, iss. 13, рр. 401-407.

65. Sobranie postanovlenii po chasti raskola. Postanovleniia Ministerstva vnutrennikh del [Collection of Resolutions on the Part of the Split. Ministries of the Interior]. London, Trubner & Co, 1863, iss. 1, VI, 264. 16 p.

66. Staroobriadchestvo [Old Believers]. Khristianstvo: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar: v 3 t. [Christianity. Encyclopedic Dictionary in 3 volumes]. Moscow, Bolshaia Rossiiskaia entsiklopediia, 1995, vol. 2, p. 629.

67. Subbotin N.I. Istoriia tak nazyvaemogo Avstriiskogo ili Belokrinitskogo sviashchenstva [The History of the So-Called Austrian or Billa Krynytsia Priesthood]. Moscow, Tip. G. Lissnera i A. Geshelia, 1899, iss. 2. 388 p.

68. Subbotin N.I. O sushchnosti i znachenii raskola v Rossii [On the Essence and Significance of the Split in Russia]. Saint Petersburg, Sinod. tip., 1892. 47 p.

69. Chizhevskii I., prot. Tserkovnoe pis'movodstvo. Sobranie pravil, postanovlenii i form k pravil 'nomu vedeniiu onago [Church Writing. A Collection of Rules, Regulations and Forms for Its Correct Administration]. Khar'kov, Tipolitografiia Okruzhnogo shtaba, 1881. 391 p.

70. Iukhimenko E.M., Maltsev A.I., Ageeva E.A. Bespopovtsy. Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia [Orthodox Encyclopedia]. Moscow, 2002, iss. 4, pp. 702-724.


Table 1. The strength of the Old Believers of an unspecified concord in the DCHR in 1908-1916

Okrug (District)

Blagochinie (a group of parishes)

Number of People

Cherkassk Okrug

Aksaiaya Blagochinie

1681 [7, sht. 18 rev., 61 rev., 209 rev.l

Aleksandrovsk-Grushevskiy Blagochinie

825 [9, sht. 20 rev. 21, 31 rev., 83 rev., 94 rev.,

108 rev., 115 rev., 181 rev., 187 rev., 195 rev.,

202 rev., 209 rev., 223 rev.; 11, sht. 16 rev.;

10, sht. 122 rev.]

Kagalnitskaya Blagochinie

636 [18, sht. 43, 71, 124, 139, 204]

Novocherkassk Blagochinie

86 [29, sht. 25 rev., 80 rev., 130 rev.]



Taganrog Okrug

Amvrosievskaya Blagochinie

95 [10, sht. 16, 115, 213; 28, sht. 16 rev., 27 rev.,

51 rev., 71 rev., 91 rev., 97 rev., 105 rev., 109 rev.;

36, sht. 68]

Kirsanovskaya Blagochinie

9 [21, sht. 81 rev., 100 rev.]

Novonikolaevskaya Blagochinie

37 [27, sht. 110, 163, 400]

Rovenetskaya Blagochinie

26 [36, sht. 80, 280]

Makeevka Blagochinie

71 [23, sht. 101 rev., 124 rev., 134 rev., 144 rev., 156 rev.]



Donetsk Okrug

Bogdano-Kiyvska Blagochinie

56 [14, sht. 104 rev.]

Degtevskaya Blagochinie

1538 [16, sht. 6 rev., 18 rev., 74 rev., 113 rev.,

137 rev., 205 rev.]

Kazanskaya Blagochinie

232 [19, sht. 142 rev., 180-181]

Kamianska Blagochinie

7215 [20, sht. 21, 91 rev., 249 rev., 255 rev., 261 rev., 269 rev.]

Milyutinskaya Blagochinie

1324 [24, sht. 68, 156, 238]

Mityakinskaya Blagochinie

17 [25, sht. 21, 61]

Tarasivska Blagochinie

54 [39, sht. 10 rev., 25 rev., 100 rev.]


10 436

First Don Okrug

Konstantinovskaya Blagochinie

4938 [22, sht. 86 rev., 136 rev., 152 rev., 170 rev.,

190 rev., 198 rev., 207 rev., 214 rev.]

Razdorskskaya Blagochinie

zero [35, sht. 13-203]

Semikarakorskaya Blagochinie

583 [38, sht. 123 rev.]

Tsimlyanskaya Blagochinie

all agreements taken into account



Salsk Okrug

Salsk Blagochinie

4410 [37, sht. 110, 144, 151]



Second Don Okrug

Kachalinskaya Blagochinie

82 [21, sht. 44, 263]

Nizhniy Chir Blagochinie

10 140 [26, sht. rev.-79, 93 rev., 140 rev.-141,

150 rev., 151, 157 rev., 167 rev., 175 rev., 185 rev.,

209 rev.]

Oblivskaya Blagochinie

1023 [31, sht. 25, 67, 109, 177]

Potemkinskskaya Blagochinie

578 [32, sht.19, 43, 57]

Chernyshevskaya Blagochinie

679 [44, sht. 65, 101,272]


12 502

Khoper Okrug

Pravotorovskaya Blagochinie

zero [33]

Preobrazhenskaya Blagochinie

zero [34, sht. 15-237]

Uryupinskaya Blagochinie

zero [40, sht. 23-241]

Filonovskaya Blagochinie

zero [42, sht. 24-215]

Zotovskaya Blagochinie

31 [17, sht. 78 rev., 128 rev., 198 rev.]





Berezovskaya Blagochinie

3233 [13, sht. 5 rev., 57 rev., 63 rev., 101 rev.;

12, sht. 6 rev., 16 rev.]

Glazunovskaya Blagochinie

all agreements taken into account

Ust-Medveditskaya Blagochinie

3 [41, sht. 101]




In Total:

39 602

Table 2. The strength of the Old Believers of the Austrian (Belaya Krinitsa) concord in the DCHR in 1908-1916


Blagochinie (a group of parishes)

Number of People

Cherkassk Okrug

Aksaiaya Blagochinie

1434 [7, sht. 29 rev., 75 rev., 95 rev., 106 rev.,

120 rev.; 8, sht. 170 rev., 197 rev., 219 rev.,

234 rev., 243 rev., 249 rev., 265 rev., 274 rev.]

Aleksandrovsk-Grushevskiy Blagochinie

24 [9, sht. 43 rev., 51 rev., 170 rev.]

Kagalnitskaya Blagochinie

968 [18, sht. 11, 105, 174]


12 [30, sht. 61]

Novocherkassk Blagochinie




Taganrog Okrug

Amvrosievskaya Blagochinie


Kirsanovskaya Blagochinie


Novonikolaevskaya Blagochinie

155 [27, sht. 98, 163, 257, 314, 333]

Rovenetskaya Blagochinie

4 [36, sht. 46]

Makeevka Blagochinie




Donetsk Okrug

Bogdano-Kievskaya Blagochinie

59 [14, sht. 104 rev., 128 rev.]

Degtevskaya Blagochinie


Kazanskaya Blagochinie


Kamienskaya Blagochinie

4 [19, sht. 283 rev.]

Milyutinskaya Blagochinie

587 [24, sht. 39]

Mityakinskaya Blagochinie

25 [25, sht. 92]

Tarasovskaya Blagochinie




First Don Okrug

Konstantinovskaya Blagochinie

587 [22, sht.39]

Razdorskskaya Blagochinie

zero [35, sht. 13-203]

Semikarakorskaya Blagochinie

2120 [38, sht. 18 rev., 28 rev., 35 rev., 43 rev.,

131 rev.]

Tsimlyanskaya Blagochinie

3913 [43, sht. 14 rev., 147 rev., 159 rev., 233 rev., 240 rev.]



Salsk Okrug | Salsk Blagochinie

603 [37, sht. 82, 167, 224, 237, 254, 278]



Second Don Okrug

Kachalinskaya Blagochinie

5308 [21, sht. 26, 315]

Nizhniy Chir Blagochinie

8228 [26, sht. 6 rev., 20 rev., 28 rev., 54 rev., 55,

56, 175 rev., 201 rev., 202-202 rev., 217 rev.,

227 rev., 240 rev.]

Oblivskaya Blagochinie

2383 [31, sht. 37, 89, 131, 141, 153]

Potemkinskskaya Blagochinie

2351 [32, sht. 89, 106, 165, 196]

Chernyshevskaya Blagochinie

1161 [44, sht. 55 rev., 175, 187, 197, 249, 251]


19 431

Hoper Okrug

Pravotorovskaya Blagochinie

zero [33]

Preobrazhenskaya Blagochinie

zero [34, sht. 15-237]

Uryupinskaya Blagochinie

zero [40, sht. 23-241]

Filonovskaya Blagochinie


Zotovskaya Blagochinie

zero [42, sht. 24-215]





Berezovskaya Blagochinie


Glazunovskaya Blagochinie

3450 [15, sht. 22, 49 rev., 99, 112, 200, 233, 296, 320, 335]

Ust-Medveditskaya Blagochinie

1382 [41, sht. 56, 74, 77, 101, 116, 140, 167, 187]



In Total:

34 777

Таблица 3. Численность старообрядцев беспоповцев Области войска. 1908-1916 гг. Table 3. The strength of the Bespopovtsy in the DCHR in 1908-1916



Number of People

Aksaiaya Blagochinie

868 [7, sht. 29 rev., 61 rev., 75 rev., 95 rev, 8, sht. 156 rev.]

Aleksandrovsk-Grushevskiy Blagochinie

10 [9, sht. 63 rev.]

Cherkassk Okrug

Kagalnitskaya Blagochinie

18 [18, sht. 105]



Novocherkassk Blagochinie

868 [7, sht. 29 rev., 61 rev., 75 rev., 95 rev.;

8, sht. 156 rev.]



Amvrosievskaya Blagochinie

5 [10, sht. 41а]

Kirsanovskaya Blagochinie


Taganrog Okrug

Novonikolaevskaya Blagochinie

45 [27, sht. 227 rev., 344, 369; 28, sht. 34 rev.]

Rovenetskaya Blagochinie

16 [36, sht. 22, 148]

Makeevka Blagochinie




Bogdano-Kievskaya Blagochinie

69 [14, sht. 128 rev.]

Degtevskaya Blagochinie


Kazanskaya Blagochinie


Donetsk Okrug

Kamienskaya Blagochinie


Milyutinskaya Blagochinie

219 [24, sht. 39]

Mityakinskaya Blagochinie


Tarasovskaya Blagochinie




Konstantinovskaya Blagochinie


Razdorskskaya Blagochinie


First Don Okrug

Semikarakorskaya Blagochinie

2887 [38, sht. 35 rev., 43 rev., 70 rev., 78 rev.,

191 rev., 206 rev.]

T simlyanskaya Blagochinie

512 [43, sht. 159 rev., 147 rev., 233 rev.]



Salsk Okrug

Salsk Blagochinie

28 [37, sht. 167, 254]



Kachalinskaya Blagochinie

331 [21, sht. 9, 315]

Second Don Okrug

Nizhniy Chir Blagochinie

4141 [26, sht. 20 rev., 28 rev., 54 rev., 55, 56,

194, 201 rev., 202-202 rev., 217 rev.

Oblivskaya Blagochinie

755 [31, sht. 37, 89, 131, 141, 153, 167]

Potemkinskskaya Blagochinie

390 [32, sht. 106, 165, 196, 197]

Chernyshevskaya Blagochinie

4682 [44, sht. 251]


10 299

Pravotorovskaya Blagochinie


Preobrazhenskaya Blagochinie


Khoper Okrug

Uryupinskaya Blagochinie


Filonovskaya Blagochinie


Zotovskaya Blagochinie






Berezovskaya Blagochinie


Glazunovskaya Blagochinie

368 [15, sht. 22, 99, 112, 158, 233, 320]

Ust-Medveditskaya Blagochinie

454 [41, sht. 77, 140, 187]



In Total:

15 798

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