Historical parallels of patriotism of border guards in the history of World War II and modern border guards
Highlighting the peculiarities of the interpretation of patriotism during the Second World War and in our time. The role of the experience of previous generations of Ukrainians and contemporaries in the patriotic education of military personnel.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 47,1 K |
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National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi
Historical parallels of patriotism of border guards in the history of World War II and modern border guards
Miroshnichenko Valentyna Ivanivna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Head of the department of psychology,
pedagogy and socio-economic disciplines
patriotic education world war
The article features the interpretation peculiarities of patriotism during the World War II, and in our time, the main sources of that time and modern patriotism have been compared. The author focuses attention on the role of border soldiers in approaching victory over fascism and on the role of modern border guards in protecting the independence, sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine.
Patriotism is determined by a set of moral principles based on the attitude to the native land, language, history and culture, which motivates to serve in the name of the people, the power of one's state, its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and the defense of the homeland with weapons in hand.
The author draws attention to the great role of the experience of previous generations of Ukrainians and our contemporaries in the patriotic education of military personnel. Courageous soldiers-patriots of different generations deserve comprehensive respect. In the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, we, the descendants of glorious heroes, should not forget that without the memory of our historical past, honoring the feat of our ancestors, today there would be no modern heroes - patriots, ready to give their lives for the unity of our Ukraine, the integrity of its borders, motivated to a feat in its modern sense.
The article provides examples of heroic actions of modern border guards, both in 2014 at the beginning of Russian aggression, and during the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine in 2022. The author notes that the courage of Ukrainian soldiers has no historical boundaries and is the basis for patriotic education of youth. The courage and heroism of our comrades during the combat mission is an example of selfless service to the Motherland, the Ukrainian people, patriotism, stability in the name of peace in our country, in the name of preserving the integrity of Ukraine.
The heroic feat of soldiers and officers in green caps is the national pride of the Ukrainian people. The courage and heroism of the border guards during the Second World War is known from history, and we observe the self-sacrifice and exploits of modern border soldiers every day. The author draws attention to the fact that historical memory is the basis of the connection of generations, patriotic education of contemporaries.
Keywords: patriotism, patriotic education, Ukrainian people, border guards, heroes, border guards.
Мірошніченко Валентина Іванівна доктор педагогічних наук, професор, начальник (завідувач) кафедри психології, педагогіки та соціально-економічних дисциплін, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький
Історичні паралелі патріотизму прикордонників в історії Другої світової війни та сучасних охоронців кордону
У статті висвітлено особливості трактування патріотизму періоду Другої світової війни та в наш час, порівняно основні джерела тогочасного та сучасного патріотизму. Автор акцентує увагу на ролі воїнів-прикордонників у наближенні перемоги над фашизмом та на ролі сучасних прикордонників у захисті незалежності, суверенітету та цілісності України.
Патріотизм визначається сукупністю моральних принципів, заснованих на ставленні до рідної землі, мови, історії та культури, які мотивують до служіння в ім'я народу, могутності своєї держави, її територіальної цілісності та суверенітету, захисту вітчизни зі зброєю в руках.
Автор звертає увагу на велику роль досвіду попередніх поколінь українців та наших сучасників у патріотичному вихованні військовослужбовців. Мужні воїни-патріоти різних поколінь заслуговують на всебічну пошану. В умовах воєнного стану в Україні ми, нащадки славних героїв, не варто забувати, що без пам'яті нашого історичного минулого, вшанування подвигу пращурів не було б сьогодні сучасних героїв - патріотів, готових віддати власне життя за єдність нашої України, цілісність її кордонів, вмотивованих до подвигу в його сучасному розумінні.
У статті наводяться приклади героїчних вчинків сучасних охоронців кордонів, як у 2014 році на початку російської агресії, так і під час повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну в 2022 році. Автор зазначає, що мужність українських воїнів не має історичних меж і є основою для патріотичного виховання молоді.
Мужність та героїзм наших побратимів під час виконання бойового завдання є прикладом самовідданого служіння Батьківщині, Українському народові, патріотизму, стійкості в ім'я миру в нашій державі, в ім'я збереження цілісності України.
Героїчний подвиг солдатів і офіцерів у зелених кашкетах є національною гордістю українського народу. Про відвагу та героїзм охоронців кордону у роки Другої світової війни відомо з історії, а самопожертву та подвиги сучасних воїнів-прикордонників ми спостерігаємо кожного дня. Автор звертає увагу, що історична пам'ять є основою зв'язку поколінь, патріотичного виховання сучасників.
Ключові слова: патріотизм, патріотичне виховання, український народ, прикордонники, герої, охоронці кордонів.
Formulation of problem
The results of retrospective analysis of patriotic upbringing in Ukraine show that the theory of patriotic upbringing has undergone complex development from conception of Ukrainian national identity, culture, their continuous elimination in times of state destruction, Soviet ruling and communist ideology to Ukrainian independence, to opposing Russian aggression in the East of our country. The sources of patriotic upbringing lie in peculiarities of society evolution in different historical periods. The concept «patriotism» gained different definitions depending on historical period. But always when the Ukrainians had to take up arms to protect their state it acquired common meaning.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
The problem of forming and development of patriotism is studied in the works of O. Datsenko, A. Naumenko, V. Dziuba, O. Zharovska, V. Gerasymchuk, Y. Krasylnyk, O. Maksiutov, T. Malaniuk, H. Shevchenko. However, they did not consider the retrospective analysis of the term «patriotism» in context of its comparison with the events of the WWII and present-day situation. This stipulates the topicality of our research.
Purpose of the article
The purpose of the article is to conducting historical parallels between the patriotism of border guards in the history of World War II and modern border guards.
Presentation of the main material of the study
There is opinion that patriotism is a constituent of national, ethical and cultural upbringing which is an integral part of forming individual believes and ideology. Patriotism defines virtues of a person and entails a readiness to make sacrifices for the nation, its defense and welfare. Patriotism strengthens such traits as sense of duty and responsibility for the people and the state, intolerance to injustice [1-3].
In psychological and educational works the term «patriotism» has an ambiguous meaning. It is used to define love to nation and traditions, native land, country, native language and culture. It is manifested in feeling proud for national achievements in science, technology and culture. It implies respect of national symbols and laws. The term «patriotism» is broad and cannot be limited just to the feeling of responsibility to the Motherland [4, p. 31]. Educationists V. Harniychuk [5], V. Koval [6], V. Miroshnichenko [7] consider patriotism as a feeling or virtue,
M. Kachur [8], P. Onyshchuk [9] believe that it is a trait of character. Every generation has its own lesson at school of patriotism.
Special attention in history of pedagogics is focused to the theory and practice of patriotic upbringing during WWII and nowadays as in such time it acquires a special meaning, a patriot is a person who is ready to sacrifice life for defense of the native country.
To attack the Soviet Union the Nazi Germany deployed at our borders numerous forces - 190 divisions, more than 4000 tanks, 1980 airplanes, 47200 guns and mortars - the army of 5.5 million people. Beginning this war the Nazi government hoped to finish it quickly. Neither Hitler nor his generals could foresee courage, heroism and patriotism of our army and the people who were defending the native land.
The reasons for being not prepared to fight Russian aggression in 2014 were underestimation and ineffective counteraction to subversive operations of Russian Secret Services and propaganda (especially in the Crimea and in the East), relatively weakened eastern borders, demilitarization of border agency (lack of weapons, armored vehicles and appropriate specialists), lack of concrete plans on covering borders in time of crisis. But aggression was deterred due to courage, heroism, patriotism of present-day generation.
The longest period of WWII was on territory of Ukraine. «Our Motherland, mother Ukraine! Bless the weapons of your sons; take our blood, our wounds and gratitude that we were born in such time when we can be glorified through our fight for your freedom, for the Slavs, for the humanity», emphasized a patriot of Ukraine O. Dovzhenko in his cinematic novella «Ukraine on fire» [10, p. 475]. Their words are urgent nowadays.
Our border guards faced an extremely difficult task, both now and then. The newspaper «Pravda» wrote on June 24, 1941: «The Soviet border guards fought as lions, they took the first unexpected blow of the vile enemy. Immortal glory covered... border guard warriors. They fought hand to hand, and only over the dead bodies the enemy could move an inch forward» [10]. Due to the courage and heroism shown in the first battles against the Nazi invaders 826 border guards were awarded orders and medals, 9 of them received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War more than 82000 (52%) of the cadre border guards joined the units of the Red Army. Overall 72% of the personnel of the pre-war strength of the border troops took part in the battles against the invaders.
The warfare across the sectors of the western border showed that superior enemy forces could encircle and destroy the border posts, but were unable to force the warriors to lay down arms and surrender. On the first day of the war fighters of the Kagul border guard detachment proved their heroism. The crossing of the Prut River at the site of the 5th border post faced a devastating fire, and the border guards continuously threw the enemy into the water. Only the next day the soldiers retreated to a second line of defense. From there, three men - Konstyantynov, Myhalkov, Buzytskiv made a bold sortie and blew up a railway bridge, for which they were awarded the title of a Hero of the Soviet Union.
The border guards under the command of Lieutenant V. Usov for ten hours were defending the border post, having destroyed a battalion of enemy soldiers. For this V. Usov was awarded the title of a Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. The fighters of Volodymyr-Volyn Border Guard Detachment bravely fought with enemy. Especially courageous proved to be border guards of the border posts commanded by Lt. A.K. Chumovytskyi, A.K. Neyezzhalyi, Lieutenant E.K. Utkin, F. Kuzmin. The border post of Lieutenant A.V. Lopatin near the village Skomorokhy deterred enemy for eleven days. Only three of the 60 survived, but the enemy also suffered heavy losses. Almost all the border posts were waging unequal battles face to face with the enemy, engaging its forces. And none of them left its border sector without an order.
«Since the beginning of warfare the border units began conducting sabotage and intelligence operations behind the enemy lines. This work was especially strengthened due to front stabilization and organization of the partisan movement» [11, p. 163-165]. Border guards bravely performed the tasks entrusted to them.
The fighters of the 94th border guard detachment proved their heroism defending the territory of Ukraine. They were killed at the station of Popelnya, Zhytomyr region. The warriors of the 92th Border Regiment under Captain G.V. Chernykch heroically defended Kyiv. Soldiers of the 23rd Border Regiment took an active part in the heroic Odessa garrison. The border guard Manuilov - a scout, was particularly distinguished. The Army newspaper wrote about him: «Every operation, every sortie - a vivid example of courage, which belongs only to the individuals utterly committed to their country, their people» [11, p. 205]. Border guards showed themselves as excellent gunners and tank crews, sailors and pilots, snipers and signal men. Border guard regiments took part in the battles for Budapest and Vienna, in the liberation of Warsaw and Prague. Having joined the fight in the first days of the war, they finished it in defeated Berlin.
«On the 8th of May, 1945 the border guards were securing the premises of the military engineering academy in the Berlin suburbs Karlhorst, where the act of capitulation was signed» [11, p. 165]. About 20,000 of border guards were awarded with orders and medals for significant contribution to the victory, about 200 of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. «50 border units were awarded with orders for successful accomplishing of combat missions, 32 had been granted honorary names» [11, p. 166]. The courage and dedication of the border guards in the Great Patriotic War became their significant contribution to the victory over fascism.
However, the national policy in the Soviet Union was chauvinistic, and was directed towards russification... the Russian people was viewed as the elder brother. The combat valor of Ukrainians in the Soviet sources was deliberately ignored.
The more time separates us from the events of the World War II, the more significant becomes for contemporaries the immortal heroic deed of the generation that defeated fascism and saved humanity from slavery.
In the novel «Farewell» written just after the World War II, A. Smirnov was thinking about traditions, continuity of generations, «What will it be on the earth, in the world, when twenty, thirty, forty years after the victory the participants of this war, soldiers and partisans die one after another... because of the age, wounds and diseases? What will happen to the people's memory? Who will keep the memory of eyewitnesses and participants of the War? The new generations will come into life. Will they keep the people's memory of those days, which are, obviously, incomparable in history? Will the memory fade? Become deaf and blind? This just cannot happen!»
Today we, the Ukrainian people know that Alexander Smirnov's fears were in vain. Memory is not faded. It lives. And even more than that. A new generation has courageously faced the enemy that encroach on the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. As if back in 1941, border guards took the first attack of the enemy, however, the threat came from the other, unexpected side - not from the West, but from the East.
Our country and all of us are going through difficult times. Every day in difficult combat conditions, under bullets and «Grad» system rockets of terrorists and foreign mercenaries by the cost of their lives the border guards prevent the artificial separation of the country, demonstrating the best features of the motherland defenders. Carrying out their duty of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, border guards with their heroism, courage and bravery wrote a glorious page in the history of Ukraine. We bow our heads to the patriots that to the end fulfilled their military duty, to their last breath remained faithful to the sacred obligation of the military oath and gave the most precious - their lives - for Ukraine.
From the very beginning of the Russian aggression, the border guards heroically accepted the first blow. So, on July 2014, positions of the joint detachment of Ukrainian border guards near the village Zelenopillya in Luhansk region first came under massive bombardment of the Russian MLRS «Grad». On this day seven border guards were killed, 5 more were injured defending the territorial integrity of the country in eastern Ukraine. Among the killed Heroes near Zelenopillya, who with the cost of their lives defended the sacred and inviolable territory of Ukraine, were Major-general Ihor Momot, Major Ihor Petriv, Sergeant Anatoly Lutsko, Sergeants Vasily Polyakov and Pavlo Lazarenko, Junior Sergeants Wilhelm Shtoltsel and Dmitry Syrbu.
On August 2014, during an artillery and mortar attack on the area of Border Guard Division "Stanychno-Luhanske" Sergeant Viacheslav Akutin and Sergiy Andrienko courageously and decisively repulsed the fire attack, continuously monitored the situation and airspace. During the bombardment, which lasted for about two hours, sparing their lives selflessly they shielded their comrades and saved their lives, however were fatally wounded themselves.
In August 2014 the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and border guards who were surrounded in the area of Dolzhanskyi, Dyakovo and Chervonopartyzansk, after a 22-day heroic defense of the state border, under constant massive shelling by the terrorists, they fought out in the area of Savur-Mohyla and Amvrosiivka. The breakthrough lasted for three days. During the breakthrough in a "Dovzhanskyi pocket" was killed 21-year-old Junior Sergeant Mykola Antypov. Remembering a hero border guard, his commander said: "Mykola is an example of a true brave Ukrainian man. In the battle with the insidious enemy, he gave the most precious - his live - for the freedom and independence of his native Ukraine, for our future. His heroic death will be forever in our memory, will serve as an example of courage and patriotism for the next generations ...."
Since the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the border guards have steadfastly and courageously performed their duties. During the clashes and shelling more than many border guards were killed. More than soldiers suffered wounds, and many were captured or are considered missed in action.
One of them is Yuriy Yurczyk. He was the commander of the "Soledar" detachment. In December 2022, he went to one of the most difficult areas of hostilities. His unit was tasked with occupying positions in the central part of Soledar. The enemy there was knocked out, but the positions that had to be occupied turned out to be completely destroyed. Therefore, in order to preserve personnel, Colonel Yurczyk decided to occupy other positions located not far from the broken ones.
On the morning of January 8, massive, continuous artillery shelling began. It lasted for four hours. The occupiers tried to break through again. The border guards, together with their comrades from other structures of the Defense Forces, were in positions in shelters. During the shelling, one of the enemy mines hit one of these shelters. At that moment, a group of border guards led by Yuriy Yurczyk went to help. Despite heavy fire and the risk to his own life, the colonel evacuated two servicemen from under enemy fire and provided them with first aid. While providing aid to the comrades, another enemy shell exploded not far from Yuriy. Being in an extremely difficult condition, bleeding, the colonel did not leave the battlefield. Unfortunately, the injuries received turned out to be extremely severe and incompatible with life.
There are many such stories. The courage and heroism of our comrades during the combat mission is an example of selfless service to the Motherland, the Ukrainian people, patriotism, stability in the name of peace in our country, in the name of preserving the integrity of Ukraine.
So, now the boundaries of patriotism have expanded. Today patriotism involves the ability to defend the sovereignty and integrity of the state, to serve for the benefit of the Ukrainian people. Recent studies of the patriotism cover the realities of social life in independent Ukraine. That is why today there is a new interpretation of patriotism. Patriotism, in our opinion is a set of moral principles that characterize the relationship of a man to his land, language, history and culture and mobilize him to serve in the name of the people, power of the state, its territorial integrity and sovereignty, readiness with weapons in hand to defend a peaceful sky over their land. These attitudes are displayed in a complex of social emotions, attitudes, beliefs, ways of action and behavior that is commonly called a love for the Motherland.
Today Ukrainian people have the right to speak about Ukrainian patriotism, which is a form of implementation of the higher national interest and to determine their own patriots.
So, using the experience and achievements of one's own people is invaluable to the very people, including the organization and providing the patriotic education of servicemen. People who by the cost of their lives and health in a fierce battle with the enemy fought for the good life for us certainly require our utmost respect. In terms of building in Ukraine of a new democratic society, we, the descendants of the glorious heroic ethnicity of our nation, must know that without the memory of our heroic historical past, honoring ancestors' feats there would not be modern day heroes - patriots, ready to give their lives for the unity of our Ukraine, the integrity of its borders, motivated for the heroic deeds as we understand them today.
The heroic deed of officers and soldiers in green berets is the national pride of the Ukrainian people. We know from history about the feats and sacrifice of the border guards during the World War II, and the heroism and courage of the defenders of our Motherland we contemplate every day. This strong connection of generations shows our strength, invincibility, and great happy future of Ukraine. The interconnection and interdependence of these categories is the prospect of the problem further research.
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реферат [20,3 K], добавлен 15.01.2011Studying the main aspects of historical development of the British Parliament, its role in the governing of the country in the course of history. The Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot. The functions of the British Parliament in the modern state management system.
курсовая работа [70,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2014The Historical Background of Cold War. The Historical Context. Causes and Interpretations. The Cold War Chronology. The War Years. The Truman Doctrine. The Marshall Plan. The Role of Cold War in American History and Diplomacy.
дипломная работа [53,5 K], добавлен 24.05.2003Great Britain: General Facts. The History of Great Britain. Culture of Great Britain. The British Education. The Modern British Economy. The Modern British Industry. The Modern British Army. The Two Lessons. "Customs and Traditions of Great Britain".
курсовая работа [38,0 K], добавлен 03.12.2002The Spanish Empire as one of the largest empires in world history and the first of global extent. Seaborne trade. Broken Spain and England's relations. The main reasons of war. Some main facts about the Spanish Armada. The first colony of England.
творческая работа [8,9 M], добавлен 13.01.2016The attitude to veterans. Education of moral and Patriotic feelings in children of preschool age. Let's keep the memory, for veterans, for the future generation. Attitude of my generation to the veterans and the fact that they have done for us.
презентация [9,8 M], добавлен 19.09.2013The first photographs of Joseph Niepce in 1827, which are made with a camera obscura. The Birth of modern photography. Negative to positive process. History and evolution of the camera. Color photographs, technological boundary, modern functions.
презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 12.04.2012The clandestine tradition in Australian historiography. Russell Ward's Concise History of Australia. Abolishing the Catholics, Macintyre's selection of sources. Macintyre's historical method, abolishes Langism. Fundamental flaws in Macintyre's account.
реферат [170,7 K], добавлен 24.06.2010The Arab Spring - a wave of demonstrations and coups that began in the Arab world December, 2010. Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen; civil wars in Libya and Syria; fall of the regime; mass protests in Algeria. The main slogan of the demonstrators.
презентация [3,0 M], добавлен 17.11.2014Practical aspects of U.S. security policy from the point of view of their reflection in the "Grand strategy", as well as military-political and military-political doctrines. The hierarchy of strategic documents defining the policy of safety and defense.
статья [26,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2017History of world's most famous ghost towns, causes havoc:: Kolmanskop (Namibia), Prypiat (Ukraine), San Zhi (Taiwan), Craco (Italy), Oradour-Sur-Glane (France), Gunkanjima (Japan), Kowloon Walled City (China), Famagusta (Cyprus), Agdam (Azerbaijan).
презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 29.11.2013Travel on the most well-known sights of London: Tower Bridge, The Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey. History of their creation. The Tower of London is one of the world’s most famous buildings.
презентация [1,9 M], добавлен 04.02.2011History Semipalatinsk Medical University. The cost of training, specialty and duration of education. Internship and research activities. Student life. Residency - a form of obtaining an in-depth postgraduate medical education in clinical specialties.
презентация [509,2 K], добавлен 11.04.2015Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting and turbulent times in English History. Major historical events which occurred during the period from 1066-1485. Kings of the medieval England. The Wars of The Roses. The study of culture of the Middle Ages.
реферат [23,0 K], добавлен 18.12.2010Aims, tasks, pre-conditions, participants of American war for independence. Basic commander-in-chiefs and leaders of this war. Historical chronology of military operations. Consequences and war results for the United States of America and Great Britain.
презентация [4,8 M], добавлен 16.02.2013The origin of the Sumerians and their appearance in southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Their way of life and contribution to the history. The Sumerians culture, language and contribution to the history.
презентация [252,4 K], добавлен 15.11.2014