Pottery items found from the antique and early centuries monuments of North-Eastern Azerbaijan

Identification and analysis of monuments of material culture of North-Eastern Azerbaijan. Research of artifacts of antiquity and early centuries of Caucasian Albania. Studing the shape and size of pottery found during the excavations of burial grounds.

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Institute of Archeology and Anthropology

of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

Pottery items found from the antique and early centuries monuments of North-Eastern Azerbaijan

Tarana Babaeva, Scientific worker

Baku, Azerbaijan


The north-eastern region of Azerbaijan was a part of the Albanian state in the ancient and early medieval period. The favorable geographical conditions of the region have created conditions for the population to settle in the area since ancient times. It is no coincidence that the northeastern region is rich in material cultural monuments. Also, the location of the region in an important strategic position has led to the intersection of different cultures here. As a result of archaeological excavations in the studied region, monuments of material culture belonging to different peoples have been encountered. For this reason, the scientific-historical significance of the study of the grave monuments of the northeastern region is very important. Thus, in addition to the fact that Caucasian Albania has a single geographical area, the proof of the factors that indicate the settlement of various tribes and associations in its borders is of historical and political importance. It is possible to assume that the ethnic wealth in the northeastern region has historical roots from ancient times. A large number of samples of material and culture were found in hundreds of grave monuments explored in the northeastern region of Azerbaijan. In the course of archaeological excavations carried out in the region in recent years, rich archaeological sites belonging to Caucasian Albania have been explored. Clay, jug and stone box graves are the main types of burials in the studied region. The discovered pottery is presumably associated with both the funeral rite and everyday life. Among the archaeological materials found there are clay vessels used in everyday life, of various purposes, shapes, sizes and patterns. The smoothness and roughness of these potteries determined whether they were made on a potter's wheel or by hand. The grave goods found in the north-eastern region of Azerbaijan are distinguished by their originality. Key words: grave, ceramics, jug, dish, cup, pottery, zoomorphic, Antique period.


Гончарні вироби, знайдені з пам'ятків античності та ранніх століть Північно-східного Азербайджану

Тарана Бабаєва,

науковий співробітник Інституту археології, етнографії та антропології Національної академії наук Азербайджану (Баку, Азербайджан)

Північно-східний район Азербайджану входив до складу албанської держави в стародавній і ранньосередньовічний період. Сприятливі географічні умови краю створили умови для розселення населення на території з давніх часів. Не випадково північно-східний регіон багатий на матеріальні пам'ятки культури.

Крім того, розташування регіону у важливому стратегічному місці призвело до перетину тут різних культур. У результаті археологічних розкопок у досліджуваному регіоні виявлені пам'ятки матеріальної культури різних народів.

З цієї причини науково-історичне значення дослідження могильних пам'яток північно-східного регіону є дуже важливим. Таким чином, крім того факту, що Кавказька Албанія має єдину географічну область, доказ факторів, які вказують на розселення в її межах різних племен і об'єднань, має історичне та політичне значення.

Можна припустити, що етнічне багатство північно-східного регіону має історичне коріння з глибокої давнини. У сотнях могильних пам'яток, досліджених на північному сході Азербайджану, виявлено велику кількість зразків матеріалу та культури. В ході археологічних розкопок, проведених в регіоні в останні роки, були досліджені багаті археологічні пам'ятки, що належать Кавказькій Албанії.

Основними типами поховань досліджуваного регіону є глиняні, глекові та кам'яні ящикові могили. Виявлена кераміка, імовірно, пов'язана як з поховальним обрядом, так і з побутом.

Серед знайдених археологічних матеріалів є глиняні посудини, які використовувалися в побуті, різного призначення, форми, розміру та малюнка. Гладкість і шорсткість цих гончарних виробів визначали, виготовлені вони на гончарному крузі чи вручну. Знайдені в північно-східному районі Азербайджану могильні речі відрізняються оригінальністю.

Ключові слова: могила, кераміка, глечик, блюдо, чашка, кераміка, зооморфний, Античний період.


A great number of material and culture samples have been found in hundreds of grave monuments explored in the north-eastern region of Azerbaijan. During the archaeological excavations carried out in the region in recent years, rich archaeological monuments belonging to Caucasian Albania were investigated. Among the material culture samples found in the grave monuments studied in the region, pottery is distinguished for its particular richness. The discovered pottery items are assumed to be related to both the burial custom and everyday life. Among the archaeological materials found, there are clay vessels used in everyday life, with different purposes, shapes, various sizes and patterns. The smoothness and coarseness of these potteries determined whether they were made on the potter's wheel or by hand.

Grave goods discovered in the north-eastern region of Azerbaijan are distinguished by their particularity. This difference is distinguished not only by the discovered pottery itself, but also by its placement in the graves. The pottery samples found in the graves gives us reason to create an idea about the socioeconomic, cultural and religious situation of the time. Moreover, these products make it possible to observe Azerbaijan's relations with neighboring countries. Thus, pottery found in graves in the region is more similar to pottery samples found in South Dagestan. And this gives grounds to say that the region had had close economic and trade relations with its northern neighbors at the time.


Pottery found from the grave monuments of the region mainly includes pitchers, jugs, tankards, and fluted jugs, plates, round-mouthed, small-handled pails, tea cups and jug-like vessels. The afore-mentioned pottery items are of different shapes and sizes and are decorated with patterns and colors. These pottery vessels are sometimes distinguished by having handles and without handles, as well as for different types of rims (Rzayev, 1976, pp. 12-13).

Earthen, jar and stone box graves are the main burial types of the explored region. Although the types of burials are different, the grave equipment is almost the same. Pottery, which is the majority of the grave equipment, was found mostly on the head side of the skeleton, and partially between the legs (Goshgarly, 2012, pp. 22-23). Remains of animal bones were mostly found in pottery revealed on the side of the skeleton's head (Goshgarly, 2012, p. 23). This gives reason to say that the placing of those vessels in the grave is related to religious beliefs.

Pitchers are the majority among the pottery vessels found in graves discovered during archaeological excavations in the north-eastern region of Azerbaijan.

These pitchers are of different sizes and shapes. The most interesting thing is that the jugs found in different archaeological monuments differ from each other in terms of shape. For example: the jugs discovered from the archaeological site of Khujbala, Guba region, mainly have a trefoil mouth and symmetrical shape, their surfaces are smoothed and decorated with incised patterns. Sometimes the body of the jar is covered with shallow vertical cannelures. Some pitchers have a globular body and a handle. The pitchers found in the monument are black, sometimes red. A thin-walled pitcher with a flat seat and oval-shaped body was also found from the Khujbala monument. Its surface is covered with shallow, vertical cannelures. Horizontal notches are drawn on the upper part of the pitcher. The trefoil jug with filter in the mouth has a round molding on each side. The surface of the handle is covered with thin and poorly expressed wavy lines. There is an incised swastika on the top of the handle, and a six-pointed star on the bottom. Most likely, this is the potter's mark (Khalilov, 2009, pp. 26-27).

Jugs found in Late Antique monuments are mostly hand-made and have no patterns. Such a jug found in one of the graves in Khirman tepe is of pink color. It has a pear-shaped body and a semicircular handle, one above the other. (Khalilov. Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, p. 109). Such jugs are identical to those found in Mingachevir (Gaziyev, 1949, p. 6) and Khinisli archaeological sites (Khalilov, 1961, p. 3). It should also be noted that the distribution area of such jugs is not limited to the Caucasian Albania. Taking into account some local features, this type of jugs are also found in similar archaeological sites of Georgia, Armenia and the North Caucasus, especially Dagestan (Khalilov, 1985, p. 44).

One of the types of jugs discovered during archaeological excavations in the north-eastern region of Azerbaijan is pottery items with filters on the mouth. A red fired pitcher and a small jug with a filter on the mouth were discovered from the 3rd-7th centuries' Gursan-pel grave monument (Khalilov, 2009, p. 26). A pale pink colored single-handled jug with a filter on the mouth was found in the 4th-7th centuries' graves in the Qukhuroba settlement. These jugs differ from the ones in Qursan-pel in that they are decorated with artificial molded buttons. The bodies of the jugs found in both monuments are globular.

The ceramics found in Qukhuroba were mainly represented by pitchers, usually fired in pink color, often ornamented with furrows and incised concentric lines. The pitchers are single-handled, and many have a filter with modeled buttons. Jugs and pots with single handle or without handle are rarely found. The pots are distinguished for their coarse preparation than jugs. The equipment revealed from the graves is identical to finds from ruined graves and ceramic samples from the prospect- hole in the settlement, and also has analogues in the synchronous monuments of the studied area of Dagestan and Sarmatian tribes. All this gives ground to date the graveyard to the 4th-7th centuries, that is, to consider it synchronous with the Qukhuroba settlement (Khalilov, Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, pp. 86-88).

Jugs with a filter on the mouth are mostly pink, but sometimes red ones were also encountered. Besides, sometimes there is a handle connecting the edge of the mouth with the shoulders of the jug in the part of their mouth on the opposite side of the filter. There are also the ones with a convex button on each side of the filter. The upper part of the bodies of this type of vessels is decorated with three rows of wavy and straight incised lines, which were probably made with a trident potter's tool. The seat of the pots is flat. The pot is handmade without the use of a potter's wheel. Such flat jugs were discovered in the Enikh monument dated to the early Medieval Ages, located in Guba district. Another earthen pot with a filter on the mouth found here is of red clay. Both jugs have a fluted filter and a handle linking the mouth and shoulders of the vessel on the opposite side of the filter. A button is molded on both sides of the filter. In one of the jugs, two such buttons were molded on the throat of the vessel, below the filter. The shoulders of this jug are decorated with a single row of short slanting incised lines. The second jug is more richly decorated. Its shoulders are entirely covered with wavy, horizontal and vertical incised lines. Both jugs have a flat seat. The indicated materials allow attributing them and the mentioned graveyard to the 3rd-7th centuries (Khalilov, 1965, pp. 175-179). Jugs of this type were also found in Mingechevir and Shamakhy sites.

There are also medium and small ones among the jugs found in the territory of Guba district. A medium-sized jug was found in two graves opened in the Shoran-pel archaeological site. These are black jugs with a round mouth and a small handle (Khalilov, 2009, p. 45; Halilov, Orudzhev, 1977, p. 498). The jugs found in the Hajialibeyli graves were made of red clay and had a small narrow neck. All of these jugs were found at the head side of the skeletons and were empty (Orujov, 1978, p. 918).

Pitchers with fluted mouths made with high artistic taste and craftsmanship were also discovered in the region. Such jugs were fired in a pinkish color; some were covered with whitish engobe and decorated with reddish circles, animal silhouettes and other images. They are all handmade from well-kneaded clay. These types of vessels were found mostly in the archaeological monument of Rustov (Khalilov, Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, p. 53; Halilov, Orudzhev, Aliev, 1975, pp. 27-30).

Jugs and cups are in majority among the pottery discovered in grave monuments. These cups and jugs have a cannelure pattern, in light and dark red colors are of medium and small sizes. A six-pointed star is depicted under the seat of an earthenware jug with a fluted pattern, which was discovered near the skeleton lying straightly on its back in the Khujbala archaeological monument in Guba district. Judging by this description the jug can be attributed to the 4th-7th centuries (Khalilov, 2009, p. 26). In the Shoran-pel monument, located in the northern part of Chetgun village, Gusar district, a black clay pot with a round mouth and a small handle was found above the head of the skeleton (Orujov, 1977, pp. 18-19).

Another interesting find was discovered in stone box graves in Qursan-pel. A not-so-large red jug and a fluted jug were found here (Khalilov, 2009, p. 45). Jugs with fluted mouth have been found in almost all grave monuments of Caucasian Albania. Since they were first discovered in Yaloylu tepe earthen graves, they are sometimes called Yaloylu tepe type vessels (Ismailzadeh, 1956, 10, p. 8). azerbaijan caucasian artifact pottery antiquity

The types of jugs found in the graves are vertically placed ones with vertical handles and round mouths. These jugs, which were found in large numbers from the Hajialibeyli monument, have no ornaments, and their handles are round or rectangular in crosssection, with rounded edges. A slightly flattened round-shaped mehtere (water jar) with handles on the sides was encountered: this type is well known from the jar graves of Mingechevir, graveyards around Chukhuryurd (Pakhomov, pp. 1-2).

Jugs with flutes were widespread in the second half of the 1st millennium BC, and at early AD, they were replaced by multifold-shaped vessels. The jugs found in Hajialibeyli monument are of this kind as well. The narrow-necked jugs discovered here are with fourfoil mouths and vertical handles on the sides. They are very close to vessels found in jar graves and also dating back to the early AD (Pakhomov, pp. 1-2).

Some jugs have ornaments in the form of hoops, dots or triangles on them. They are in the form of molded stripes and decorations. The fact that handles of the jug are not attached to the body in a simple way, but is connected by means of a handle shaft that enters the hole opened on the side of the bowl's body, draws attention. Examples of such pottery can be found in many parts of Azerbaijan (Mingechevir, Galagah, Chukhuryurd, etc.) (Pakhomov, p. 2).

Among the beakers, there are those with a single handle, elongated bodies, and flat seats. The beakers found in the Janakhir monument in the region are of this type a2s well. They are of red, light red and grey colors. In some jugs a small clay button is attached to both sides of the flutes. Their height reaches from 15.5 cm to 22 cm. One of the beakers has 4 stamped buttons on top. A wavy line passes through the throat. Such beakers have been found from the monuments of the Albanian period - Khinisli, Mingechevir, Yaloylu tepe, Mereze, etc. (Khalilov, Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, p. 112). They are also found among the materials of the monuments of that period in Dagestan MSSR. Most of of beakers of this shape are attributed chronologically to the same period - 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD. The material culture samples of the early Middle Ages also include jugs of this type (Khalilov, Orujov, Aliyev, 1975, pp. 475-476).

Among the fluted jugs, the sample found in the graves near Hil village of Gusar district is also valuable. So, the jug is black in color, the body is ball-shaped, concave on both sides, and the round seat is flat. The height of the jug is 17 cm. It has a low cylindrical throat. On the opposite side of the flute is a handle, one end attached to the shoulder of the jug, and the other to the edge of the rim. The jug made of well-kneaded clay with fine-grained sand admixture was thrown in the wheel and was neatly shaped. After the vessel dried, a thin solution made of pure clay was applied on it and polished to a shine. The part of the jug's neck that connects to the shoulder is decorated with sunken parallel lines and a row of slanting notches (Khalilov, Orujov, 1977, pp. 79-87). This kind of jug shape is identical to those found in the monuments of Transcaucasia and Dagestan belonging to the mid and second half of the 1st millennium BC (Khalilov, Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, p. 214). Samples and similar forms of such jugs are known from the late Bronze and early Iron Age monuments of Nagorno- Karabakh (Kushnareva, 1957, p. 170-172), the Small kurgan of the 8th-7th centuries BC explored in the Mill plain (lessen, 1965, pp. 23-27), the ancient cemetery near Gazakhbeyli village of Gazakh district (Khalilov, 1958, p. 32), the Saritepe settlement near Gazakh town (Khalilov, 1960, p. 71), a stone box grave in Gedabey district, studied by A.A. Ivanovski even before the revolution (Ivanovsky, 1961, p. 27) and dozens of other contemporary monuments.

Among the examples of ceramics known from Yaloylu tepe monuments (Ismailzadeh, 1965, p. 8), jar graves (Gaziyev, 1958, p. 14) and other contemporary monuments there are a lot of jugs, similar to those found in Hil. But they are of light color. Closer analogues of the afore-said jugs are known from the monuments studied in the territory of Dagestan, and they are typical of the Iron Age monuments of southern Dagestan. Examples of such jugs are known from Khabaa, Sharakun, Mugergan and other monuments (Davudov 1974, pp. 179-180) and are among the main ceramic forms of the Mugergan archaeological culture identified in the territory of Dagestan. This culture is attributed to the 10th-3rd centuries BC. The closeness of the Mugergan culture with the Khojaly-Gedabey culture and its formation as a result of the mixing of some Transcaucasian tribes with the tribes that lived in Dagestan and their mutual cultural influence has been substantiated (Davudov, 1973, p. 62).

Among the types of jugs discovered from the northeastern region there are also with a circular mouth. In most cases, the mouth of the jugs found from ancient monuments is round. They are long-necked, dark and light red in color. Jugs of the same shape are also known from the jar graves of Mingechevir (Khalilov, 2009, p. 108).

Among the pottery, bowls and plates differ for their many-colouredness and variety. This type of pottery is of light pink color, red clayey, fired and handmade. A certain group of such vessels is made up of similarshaped, truncated cone-shaped bowls. The edges of the bowls are folded inward and arranged by wide stamped lines. Some of them have a vertical handle. Their seats are flat (Khalilov, Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, p. 78). Sometimes the edges of the mouth of the bowls are arranged by double incised lines. (Khalilov, Goshgarly, Arazova, 1990, p. 214).

Fig. 1. Ceramics (1 - Khujbala; 2- Sirt-Chichi; 3 - Rustov; 4 - Sandiktepe; 5 - Altiagac; 6 - Canakhir; 7 - Enikh; 8 - Hil)

Pottery material found in the grave monuments of Rustov II is notable for the richness of various shaped vessels. Thin-walled vessels of pale pink color, high and with wide necks attract attention. Their surface is well polished. The vessels have two molded horse head handles on the shoulder. Other pottery vessels are also distinguished by their good workmanship and symmetry of form. (Khalilov, 1985, p. 135-136; Halilov, 1965, p. 53). Samples found from the graves near Rustov have analogs among the materials of monuments belonging to the intersection of two eras and the early centuries AD in the territory of coastal Dagestan and Azerbaijan (Khalilov, Orujov, Aliyev, 1975, pp. 475-476).

VI Sandiktepe and Janakhir necropolises have found a cup with a furrowed mouth and a single- handled cup with a three-family “necklace” on its neck. The mouth and neck of these glasses are cylindrical, and the body is balloon-shaped. It should be noted that a similar example of a bowl with high walls, a round body, and a folded inward mouth is known from the Temyasovo monument belonging to the late Sarmatian culture. Also, on the handles of the cups found in Sandigtepe, horse head figures are made in both natural and compact form. Such examples were also found in mound No 25 included in the Razrushayemiy-2 grave monument belonging to the last Sarmatian culture located in the lower reaches of the Sulak River in Rustov, Darbend, Northern Dagestan (Khaliliov, 2011, pp. 207-213). An analogue of an earthenware pot with a bowllike body and a single-petal mouth without a handle was recorded in the Nargizgaya monument (Guliyev, Khalili, 2010, pp. 193-198).

Several clay vessels with corollas with plums were found in the Altyagach necropolis, which has been studied in recent years. According to the results of the study, samples of pottery and other burial implements found reflect elements of Sarmatian, local Albanian and South Dagestani cultures (Goshgarly, 2011, pp. 271-275; Goshgarly, 2012, pp. 216-223).


The pottery samples found in the graves reflect the level of development of pottery art during the antique and early centuries. The manner in which pottery was made tastefully and the patterns drawn on it show the development of art and culture in the region during the antique and early centuries.

Thus, the pottery found in the graves, like other material-cultural samples, gives us grounds to suppose the equality of socio-economic state among the local population, the essence of farm life and lifestyle, the closeness of ideological views and the existence of all spiritual life.


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