Innovative changes in the socio-economic development of Eastern Halychyna at the turns of the XIX-XX centuries (the Hredli barons management experience)
Analysis of the reasons for Baron Gradley's investment in the economy of the underdeveloped region of Eastern Galicia. Industrial relations between entrepreneurs and workers. Experience of entrepreneurs in the development of resort and tourist business.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 50,8 K |
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Размещено на
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Department Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Innovative changes in the socio-economic development of Eastern Halychyna at the turns of the XIX-XX centuries (the Hredli barons management experience)
Nataiia Bozhko
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Associate Professor
at the Department of Ukrainian Studies
Olha Tsubova
Lecturer at the Foreign Languages
The purpose of scientific research is to highlight the management activities of the family of businessmen Baron Hredli in one of the regions of Eastern Halychyna (Skole region), which contributed to the positive dynamics of the development of this region at the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century.
The methodological basis of the research was analytical and historical-comparative methods, which made it possible to analyze and compare the socio-economic situation in the Skole region (Lviv Oblast) before, during, and after the activities of Hredli entrepreneurs.
The article collects information about the activities of one of the prominent families of businessmen of Hungarian-Jewish origin, well-known in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Hredli brothers were the founders of the Transylvanian Forest Industrial Company lumber corporation and later of the Groedel Brothers Company, Ltd shipping company, which transported wood and lumber around the world. The successful business and authority of the Hredli brothers at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries demonstrated the end of the feudalism era and the birth of a capitalist society in the empire. The small Galician town Skole (Lviv Oblast) becomes the company's business center.
An analysis of the reasons for the Hredli barons' investment in the economy of the underdeveloped region of Eastern Halychyna was carried out. In particular, attention was paid to the development of the logging industry. In the study, new productive relations between entrepreneurs and workers were analyzed. The article presents how business interests forced business owners to take into account the needs of employees and invest funds in the development of the socio-cultural infrastructure of Halychyna. Special attention is paid to the experience of entrepreneurs in developing the region's resort and tourism business. Thus, programs were developed for forest conservation, the development of fish farms, and the laying of narrow-gauge railways in the Carpathian region, which impeded the development and functioning of the Skole region's first recreation and health centers. Innovative changes in the region's economy carried out by Hredli entrepreneurs had a positive effect on the region's development.
Key words: Prykarpattia, investments, entrepreneurship, infrastructure, tourist and health centers.
Наталія Божко, кандидат історичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри українознавства Львівського національного медичного університету імені Данила Галицького (Львів, Україна)
Ольга Цубова, викладач кафедри іноземних мов Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)
Інноваційні зміни в соціально-економічному розвитку Східної Галичини на зламі XIX-ХХ століть (досвід господарювання баронів Гредлі)
baron gradley eastern galicia
Метою наукової розвідки є висвітлення підприємницької діяльності родини бізнесменів баронів Гредлі в одному з регіонів Східної Галичини (Сколівщини), що сприяло позитивній динаміці розвитку цього краю наприкінці XIX - поч. XX ст.
Методологічної основою дослідження були методи аналітичний та історико-порівняльний, які дали можливість проаналізувати та порівняти соціально-економічне становище у Сколівському районі (Львівська обл.) до, під час і після діяльності підприємців Гредлі.
У статті зібрано інформацію про діяльність одного з визначних родів бізнесменів угорсько-єврейського походження, добре знаного в Австро-Угорській імперії. Брати Гредлі були засновниками деревообробної корпорації «Трансільванська лісова індустріальна компанія», а згодом судноплавної компанії “Groedel Brothers Company Ltd”, що транспортувала ліс і лісоматеріали по усьому світу. Успішний бізнес і авторитет братів Гредлі, наприкінці XIX - початку ХХ століть, демонстрував завершення епохи феодалізму та народження капіталістичного суспільства в імперії. Бізнесовим центром компанії стає маленьке галицьке містечко Сколе (Львівська обл.).
Проведено аналіз причин інвестування баронів Гредлі в економіку мало розвинутого регіону Східної Галичини. Зокрема, звернено увагу на розвиток лісозаготівельної галузі. У досліджені проаналізовано нові виробничі відносини між підприємцями і робітниками. У статті йдеться про те, як бізнес-інтереси змушували власників підприємств враховувати потреби найманих працівників та інвестувати кошти у розвиток соціо-культурної інфраструктури Галичини. Особливу увагу приділено досвіду підприємців у розбудові курортно-туристичного бізнесу краю. Так, були розроблені програми по лісозбереженню, розвитку рибних господарств, прокладанню вузькоколійок у карпатському регіоні, що дало поштовх до розвитку та функціонуванню перших рекреаційно-оздоровчих центрів Сколівщини. Здійснені підприємцями Гредлі інноваційні зміни в економіці регіону позитивно вплинули на розвиток краю.
Ключові слова: Прикарпаття, інвестиції, підприємництво, інфраструктура, туристично-оздоровчі центри.
Formulation of the problem
The development of the tourism industry is an essential driving force for the modern development of the country's economy. Today, this direction is considered a priority in the economy of many European countries, especially those with a rich and exciting history. The tourism industry supports and preserves the region's natural resources and contributes to the development of social infrastructure and employment of the local population, which positively affects the region's overall development.
Lviv Oblast has sufficient natural resources for the successful development of the tourism industry. The primary tourist resources of the region include the diversity of the natural landscape, as well as historical and socio-cultural heritage, which can attract tourists and stimulate them to travel.
The purpose of the article is an attempt to restore information about the famous entrepreneurs and benefactors of Galicia at the end of the 19th - the first half of the 20th centuries, the Hredli barons. Their entrepreneurial activity was closely connected with the transformation of one of the most depressed mountain regions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Skole region, into a well-known not only industrial but also a resort and tourist center. In our opinion, the presented information makes it possible to better reconstruct the modernization processes in the western Ukrainian lands, to better understand the peculiarities of social and cultural development at the turn of the century, and also to participate in the preservation of the historical local lore of the region, as one of the components of the successful development of the tourism industry today.
Research analysis proves that information about the charitable activities of aristocratic families of the Lviv region can be found in the works of L. Voytovych (Voytovych, 2005: 234-256), M. Grabar (Grabar, 2014: 121-126), M. Senkiv (Senkiv, 2007: 242-256) and regional studies of Y. Chernobai (Chernobai, 2015: 3-14), Y. Biryulyov (Biryulyov, 1998: 392), N. Bozhko (Bozhko, 2021: 18-23).
Scientific and scientific-journalistic reports with increasing frequency about entrepreneurs who did not belong to the famous aristocratic families of Europe but, thanks to their entrepreneurial flair, managed to become recognizable figures not only in the history of some areas of Ukraine but also to contribute to the modernization processes in Halychyna, which changed its history at the turn of the century (Taras, 2017: 875-895; Chudiyovych, 2018: 42-59).
One can find information about the history of the formation and development of the tourist business in Prykarpattia in the works of V. Klapchuk, R. Masyk, L. Bezruchko, L. Lysyk, and others.
Presenting main material
In the nineteenth century, the Skole region was one of the most deprived regions of Eastern Galicia, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Habsburg monarchy, implementing specific socio-economic reforms, was not pressured to invest in these lands. The basis of the region's economy continued to be landlordism and handicraft manufactories with backward technology and semi-feudal production relations. The region, located in the foothills of the Carpathians, was characterized by a scarcity of agricultural land, a large percentage of landless peasants, and a lack of opportunities to find work in a low-income mountainous area.
For a long time, the lands of the Skole region were owned by representatives of the famous aristocratic family of Counts Potocki, who received income from the region but did not contribute to its development. In the middle of the XIX century, after the abolition of serfdom, Stanislav Potocki sold these lands to Count Eugene Kinsky, who first began to develop a woodworking business at the industrial level. Later, after the count died in 1886, Skole lands became the property of well-known businessmen from Hungary - Herman Hedwig Bernard and Albert Hredli (Istoriya mist i sil Ukrayins'koyi RSR.L'vivs'ka oblast',1968: 692).
The Hredli brothers were modern entrepreneurs. They began to apply the achievements of up-to-date technology for the success of their own business and moved from manufacturing to machine production. The baron-brothers were the first in Halychyna to start commercial felling of the Carpathian forest. Only in Halychyna, their possessions amounted to more than 60 thousand hectares (around Skole - 36 thousand hectares (Lviv Oblast)), villages Vygoda, Veldizh - 33 thousand hectares (today village Shevchenko Ivano- Frankivsk Oblast (Taras, 2017: 884). At the end of the 19th century, for the first time in the Carpathians, Hredli's businessmen used a rational, economically sound management system.
The new owners introduced a new forest management system. The Carpathian lands were divided into nine forestries: Skole, Grebeniv, Tukhlya, Lybohora, Rozhanka, Oporets, Korostiv, Butyvlya, and Huta. They were led by professionally trained foresters who were invited from Saxony or Hungary. The administration was located in Demna (village of Skole). Four principles were taken as the basis of rational management: forest protection, safekeeping, reforestation, and forest exploitation (Chudiyovych, 2018: 45). The problem was not only professional deforestation but its transportation from the mountains and renewal of forest cover. Entrepreneurs used the expert advice of A. Schwappach, a well-known scientist at the time and professor at the Forestry Academy in Eberswald, Germany. After a thorough study of Skole forest conditions, the scientist decided to carry out the overall felling of certain areas. Subsequently, these areas were planted with three-year seedlings. In order to solve the problem of timber transportation, the owners took into account that “new felling areas were located in remote places, the most rational means of timber transporting from them were narrow-gauge railways, which began to operate in parallel with the network of wide-gauge railways in the late XIX century” (Pustynnikova, 2006: 7). The Hredli brothers decide to start building narrow-gauge railways to remove timber from the mountains. To do this, they purchased modern narrow-gauge locomotives from German companies KrauB & Comp. At the same time, they improved the logging process on the tributaries of the Opir River, where ten locks were built to alloy beech logs from the mountains to the valleys. All gateways were connected by telephone, which contributed to the effective management of the rafting. The needs of electricity supply were provided by a hydroelectric power plant built in the Sviatoslav tract on the Oryava River, a tributary of the Opir River. In 1892, the length of railway tracks was 13.6 km. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was more than 70 km, which contributed to the possibility of transporting up to 70-80 thousand cubic meters of wood per year (Palats Hredliv na L'vivshchyni, 2021).
The entrepreneurial activity of the counts provided an opportunity to employ local workers in a region that has always suffered from unemployment. The construction of railways, power plants, sawmills, roads, and wood and stone industries gave profit to the owners. It contributed to developing the region's economic and socio-cultural infrastructure of the Skole region. It is confirmed by the researcher of the region V. Taras, noting: “... during the production, Hredli built the communal and social sphere simultaneously. Their company employed more than a thousand workers. Fourteen five-apartment buildings with all sanitary facilities and outbuildings were built for the employees along the river. Six four-apartment cottages were built separately for the administration. Workers used their bricks, which were produced at a brick factory. A water supply system was built to provide clean spring water to wells near each building. In winter, workers received free firewood for heating” (Taras. 2017: 886-887). In support of the Hredli brothers' corporate interests, they invested heavily in the development of Skole. Namely, the construction and adjustment of hospitals and clinics, baths, primary schools, etc.
At the end of the XIX century, the Hredli brothers managed to become owners of the Transylvanian Forest Industry Company. This woodworking corporation united timber companies in many European countries. The primary consumers of Carpathian forests at that time were Germany (20 thousand cubic meters), Austria (10 thousand cubic meters), and Hungary (3 thousand cubic meters). 70% of products were exported to the Netherlands, France, Britain, USA, Japan, and Argentina from the sawmills of baron in Skole. (Chudiyovych. 2018: 44).
In the early twentieth century, the Hredli family built and registered a shipping company in the UK to transport timber worldwide. Possessing vast estates in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Polish center of the company barons Hredli chose Eastern Galicia. The palace in Demna near Skole became the residence of Hredli. The owners called it - “the State of Hredli”.
The former owner of the Skole lands, Count E. Kinsky, built the palace in Demna. Hredli rebuilt it to give more refined and classic shapes. This palace was never a family “nest” of entrepreneurs but was used as an official residence and a place for business meetings to confirm the owners' status. Each palace room was decorated with luxurious furniture from their workshops and paintings by famous European artists. The palace housed a collection of rare hunting trophies hunted in Skole Beskids. For the needs of noble and influential guests, the owners offered comfortable conditions of palace rooms and salons and an extensive library, a greenhouse with exotic plants, garage with the latest brands of cars. The palace often hosted concerts and theater performances by famous artists from European capitals. The adornment of the palace was a designed park with the unique landscape of Prykarpattia (Outer Subcarpathia).
Many influential guests came to Skole to take part in the hunt. The counts owned six arranged hunting grounds. Good conditions for hunting and the rest of the visitors were created in each of them. At the end of the 19th century, many hunters from all over Europe visited the Carpathian hunting grounds. The trophies won in the Skole Beskids were proudly exhibited at the Vienna Hunting Exhibitions in 1890-1910.
Entrepreneurs should have paid attention to the development of the fishing industry. The farm center became the village Grebeniv, which united five fishing grounds. In the clean mountain rivers of the Carpathians trout, thinlip mullet, synodontis, and crayfish were grown. It was a very successful investment, as fishery products were later sold in local markets and sent to other cities of the then-empire (Bezruchko. 2017: 37). Every year, the counts' fishery released into the Opir River 100,000 trout juvenile fish and other valuable fish species, which contributed to the seeding of the Carpathian rivers.
The Hredli's family forests were not only hunting grounds. Since 1900, the first protected forest reserves in the Skole region have appeared. Talented entrepreneurs saw the prospects of investing in wellness tourism development. Skole region has long been famous for its picturesque terrain, temperate climate and healing springs. However, by the end of the XIX century, region resort opportunities were not used due to unsatisfactory condition of roads, low level of the service sector development, lack of water supply, sewerage and electricity (Klapchuk, 2018: 61). At the end of the XIX century, with the opening of oil and gas fields in Prykarpattia, the development of railway connections with European capitals, the formation of a more affluent middle class, investing in the development of recreational and wellness complexes in the region was already a justified investment.
Barons Hredli were the first to develop the region's infrastructure to grow the tourism business. Entrepreneurs hosted representatives of famous aristocratic families of Europe and business companions in their palace. Moreover, from the beginning of the 20th century, wealthy vacationers came to Skole and the surrounding villages more and more often for health rehabilitation.
Particular attention was paid to Grebeniv village. It lies south of Skole and has long been famous for its healing iron-iodine and bromine-salt springs. The Zelemyanka resort complex, which belonged to the Shmater brothers, developed there, thanks to the construction of a narrow-gauge railway by the Hredli company. In 1906 they opened the Shmaterivka sanatorium. In 1912 it treated about 200 holidaymakers. Until recently, the abandoned and unattractive village was favorably distinguished by sound cottages, landscaped forests, convenient trails for terrain, equipped beaches, and more. Over 2,500 people rested here during the season (Shvahulyak-Shostak, 2006).
The Hredli brothers managed to obtain one of the first licenses in Europe to transport tourists on narrow-gauge railways to the picturesque places of the Skole region (Bezruchko. 2017: 36). Therefore, vacationers had the opportunity to travel by small train to the neighboring village of Korchyn, and later the route Skole - Korostiv (41 km). In the same area, a narrow-gauge route was laid from Demni to the Tysovets village (length of 18.5 km), which transported travelers to the highest mountain of the Skole Beskids - Parashka (1270 m) and was very popular among tourists.
In the 1930s, due to the well-developed infrastructure in Skole, boarding houses, holiday villas, a cinema, well-kept beaches on the Opir River, a ski jump, a hockey field, an ice rink and the first toboggan run in the Carpathians already functioned. Indis summer, this resort was visited by more than 1,500 people. Before the Second World War (1937), the resorts of the Skole region (already part of Poland) were included in the list of mountain settlements that deserve protection as a recreational area (Masyk, 2019: 445).
Thus, at the end of XIX - during the first third of the XX century, the construction and development of health resorts were observed in Galicia. At that time, more than 20 large and 30 small climatic and balneological resorts were included in the list of the best health centers in Eastern Europe. The local population and tourists from other regions of the country were rehabilitated here.
The activities of barons Hredli in the Skole region were interrupted twice. The first time was during the First World War. During 1914-1918 the enterprises of the counts were burned by the Russian army, the railways were dismantled and destroyed, forest reserves suffered significant losses, and valuable species of deer and roe deer were extinct. However, in the 20s of the twentieth century, entrepreneurs managed to rebuild and restore their businesses, restore the palace and establish a business in the Polish state. During the 20-the 30s of the twentieth century, local tourism also successfully recovered, increasing the owners' profits. At the time, Skole Beskids became one of the most popular resorts in Poland.
World War II destroyed Hredli's residence. In the autumn of 1939, Hredli's property was confiscated and nationalized by the Soviet authorities. The Soviet authorities forcibly deported about two hundred Gredliv engineers, craftsmen, and skilled workers to Siberia for logging. The owners themselves managed to leave for Vienna in time. Military action has damaged the region. Roads and narrow gauge railways, and industrial enterprises were destroyed; residential buildings and a hospital were burned.
During the Soviet period, the economy of the Skole region existed thanks to the development of local gas fields, the operation of unprofitable (subsidized) collective farms in the mountainous area, and deforestation. Skole turns into a small settlement, where several thousand people lived and small industrial enterprises worked. In Soviet times, Skole and Skole region did not reach the pre-war level in terms of the number of inhabitants and the degree of economic development. Skole resort was never revived.
Only in 1997, in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On making changes to the list of settlements classified as resorts”, the resort status of the city of Skole, the town Hrebeniv, the town Verkhne Synevydne and the village of Korchyn was restored (Pro vnesennya zmin do pereliku naselenykh punktiv, vidnesenykh do kurortnykh, 1997, № 1391). In 1999, the forests planted during the time of the old owners, the Hredli barons, received the state status of the Skolivski Beskydy National Natural Park (Pro vnesennya zmin do pereliku naselenykh punktiv, vidnesenykh do kurortnykh, 1997, № 1391). Over the past decades, 89 recreation facilities, about 300 agro-villages, 5 cable-chair roads, 30 ski lifts, and 35 ski trails have appeared in the region (Lysyk, 2012: 83). The transport infrastructure of the region has changed for the better. Nowadays, Skole region continues to amaze with its rich natural resources and historical and cultural monuments. Among them is inheritance that were left by famous entrepreneurs the Hredli barons. Its revival and rational use, in our opinion, will provide an opportunity to expand and improve local tourism in the region, which will inevitably manifest itself in improving the welfare and sociocultural standard of living of the population.
Without denying the fact of economic exploitation of natural and human resources of Western Ukrainian territories carried out by the Hredli barons, it is worth paying attention to the innovative changes in the socio-economic sphere of Skole region at the end of the XIX century. 20th century:
Firstly, the controlled industrial deforestation took place in the region (not the chaotic destruction of the Carpathian forests). Planned, scientifically based afforestation was carried out, which contributed to the preservation and today's existence of the naturenational park “Skolivski-Beskydy”;
Secondly, the period of entrepreneurial activity of the Hredli barons in the Skole region coincides with the period of modernization and development of the economy of this region. During the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XXth century, industrial production, railway connections, power stations, telephone communication appear in the region;
Thirdly, the economic activity of the Hredli brothers contributed to the development of health resort centers in the mountainous regions of Prykarpattia, which made it possible to develop the economic and socio-cultural infrastructure of the Skole region;
Fourthly, it is worthwhile for the Skole territorial community to work on repurposing the restored palace of the Hredli into a tourist location, where travelers would have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history, art, and culture of the region;
Fifthly, the development of modern recreation ute to the visit of the region by tourists not only from infrastructure and local lore advertising will contrib-Ukraine but also from other neighboring countries.
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