The rests of fortification of Uch-Bash Hillfort in the South-Western Crimea

Research of the Uch-Bash hillfort of the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age on the northern coast of the Black Sea. Identification of the remains of fortification, the system and stages of their construction, reasons and time of settlement fortification.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 19.11.2023
Размер файла 4,1 M

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43. Savelya, O.Ya., Kravchenko, E.A., Lysenko, R.V. & Shevchenko, D.A. (2009). Raskopki poseleniya Uch- Bash (2009). Sevastopol, 2009 [Excavations of the Uch-Bash settlement (2009). Sevastopol, 2009]. The Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archeology, NAS of Ukraine, File 2009/2а [in Russian].

44. Sharafutdinova, E.S. (1973). Zakliuchitelnyi etap pozdnego bronzovogo veka na Nizhnem Donu (pamiatniki kobiakovskoi kultury) [The final stage of the Late Bronze Age on the Lower Don (sites of the Kobyakovo culture)]. Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 2, 3-26 [in Russian].

45. Sharafutdinova, E.S. (1980). Pamiatniki predskifskogo vremeni na Nizhnem Donu (kobiakovskaia kultura) [Sites of the pre-Scythian time on the Lower Don (Kobyakovo culture)]. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, B1-11. Moskva: Nauka [in Russian].

46. Sherrat, А. (1997). Ekonomy and society in prehistoric Europe: changing perspectives. Princeton [in English].

47. Shramko, B.A. (1987). Belskoe gorodishche skifskoi epokhi (gorod Gelon) [The Hilfort of Belsk of the Scythian time (the town of Gelon)]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Russian].

48. Strzheletskii, S.F. (1952). Otchet o raskopkakh rannetavrskogo poseleniia Uch-Bash X-VIIIvv. do n.e. Sevastopol, 1952 g. [Report on the excavations of the early Taurian settlement of Uch-Bash of the 10th - 8th centuries BC, Sebastopol, 1952]. The Scientific Archive of the National Reserve "Khersones Tavriiskyi”, File 680/І-Ш [in Russian].

49. Strzheletskii, S.F. (1952). Chernovoi material [Drafts]. The Scientific Archive of the National Reserve "Khersones Tavriiskyi”, File 1321 [in Russian].

50. Terenozhkin, A.I. (1961). Predskifskii period na Dneprovskom Pravoberezhe [Pre-Scythian period on the Dnieper Right Bank]. Kyiv: Izdatelstvo Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR [in Russian].

51. Terenozhkin, A.I. (1976). Kimmeriitsy [Cimmerians]. Kiev: Naukova dumka [in Russian].

52. Vitruvii (1936). Desiat knig ob arkhitekture [Ten books about architecture]. Moskva: Izdatelstvo Vsesoiuznoi Akademii arkhitektury [in Russian].

53. Wiedemann, L. & Gobel, H.G. (1942). Wir Kampften auf der Krim: 1941/1942, Kertsch-Sewastopol. Luftflotte 4, [Germany] [in German].

54. Zanoci, A. (2015). Typology and evolution of gates and access into early hallstattian fortresses in Tisa-Dniester space. Tyragetia, IX[XXIV], 1, 7-27 [in English].

Fig. 2. Uch-Bash hillfort, view from the Inkerman. Photo by E. Kravchenko, 2012

Fig. 3. Rests of fortification, excavated by S. Strzheletskiy in 1952-1954 (Strzheletskiy, 1952. Otchet...)

Fig. 4. Plan of Uch-Bash by Strzheletskiy with fortified line (a), topographic plan of Uch- Bash (b) with morden excavation (2006-2013) (1 - excavated areas, 3 - line of preserved archaeological complexis to the South of destruction) and squares, excavated by Strzheletskiy (2 - squares with excavations 1952-1953, 4 - fortified line with defense site in the center)

Fig. 5. Plan of fortification area with rests of walls: outer wall (І), inner wall (ІІ), transverse wall (ІІІ) (2006-2013 excavations)

Fig. 6. Distruction of the defensive walls: outer wall (a), transverse wall (b), inner wall (c) (2006-2013 excavations)

Fig. 7. Plan of ditch with enter bridge (a) reconstruction (b), 1 - pіts in the bridge: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 5a-6a, 7-8, 9-10 - sections and profiles (2006-2013 excavations)

Fig. 8. Rests of bridge: place of bridge and ditch (a), rests of bridge (b), section of ditch filling (c) (2006-2013 excavations)

Fig. 9. Settlements in the upper reaches of estuaries, bays, etc. with natural protection, fortified settlements and hillforts of the Final Bronze Age in the Northern Black Sea region: 1 - Uch Bash, 2 - Dykyi Sad, 3 - Vovkivka, 4 - Kartal, 5 - Lysychnyky, 6 - Gorodnytsia, 7 - Fedorivka, 8 - Safianove, 9 - Babadag, 10 - Tudorove, 11 - Bolgrad.

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