Face of the child as an icon of the victims of dehumanization and bestiality. At the root of pedagogical concern for the fate of the child and the endangered identity of children in a situation of wartime aggression and confrontation of ethno-cultural dif

Images of children and childhood in the context of aggression and war. Ukrainian children of war who are migrants. Introduction of the "National Day of Ukrainian Children of the War". Creation of a virtual network of research on children of war.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
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Дата добавления 25.11.2023
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The Face of the Child appears here as an icon in which the truth about the existence of a particular victim - a victim who has an appearance, who has a specific name, who has specific years of life `from- to' - has been written down, and at the same time, in a way, the face of victims who are unknown (unnamed) by name has been restored, because the honour due to their dignity and humanity has been paid, because their dignity and humanity must not be destroyed and must not be annulled in the name of any ideas.

No (happy) ending - postulates

If a National Day of Polish Children of War was established in Poland in 2023 (as a state holiday “in tribute to the Polish Children of War”, celebr ated on 10 September each year), there should also be an initiative in Ukraine leading to the establishment of a “National Day of Ukrainian Children of War”. This could be a joint Ukrainian-Polish proposal from academics, especially educators, as a starting point for the adoption of such a law, referring to the National Day of Polish War Children established in Poland. This is so that the fate of the chil dren of war can be reliably researched and known, so that the memory of the fate of the children of war can be preserved with due respect and reverence.

The second postulate includes the creation of a “Virtual Centre for Documentation and Research on Children of War” as a “space” for interdisciplinary and systematic scientific debate and information exchange in cooperation between Polish, Ukrainian and other countries' academic centres, organising cyclical scientific seminars also in connection with the National Day of Polish Children of War, seminars with both theoretical and practical orientation (e.g. on education and readaptation of children of war).


children of war virtual network of research

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