Peculiarities of the life and activities of Ukrainian teachers in the 1950s and 1960s.
Influence of cultural, social, political changes on the educational process of 50-60s XX. The role of order of Ministry of Education USSR "On the state of ideological and political education of schoolchildren of the USSR" on educational work teachers.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.03.2024 |
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Peculiarities of the life and activities of Ukrainian teachers in the 1950s and 1960s.
Vitenko Zakhar Romanovych Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Vinnytsia Cooperative Institute,
Petrenko Volodymyr Ivanovich Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Vinnytsia Cooperative Institute,
he study of Soviet everyday life is one of the topical areas of study by scientists. After all, in the 50s and 60s of the XX century. significant cultural and socio-political changes are taking place, which have significantly affected the educational process in Ukraine. After Stalin's death and the debunking of the «personality cult», a period of reforms began, numerous changes took place in the cultural sphere. They had a special influence on the work of the comprehensive school. The Law «On Strengthening the Connection of School with Life and the Further Development of the Public Education System in the USSR» especially had an impact on the daily life of teachers. Many new tasks were assigned to the field of education, because education is an important component of both economic and socio-political development of the country.
The education system was one of the most important spheres for the Soviet leadership, because thanks to it, it was possible to form a new personality in the spirit of communist ideas. Accordingly, the personality of a cultural worker for education seekers should have been a model of the ideological existence of Soviet dogmas. Accordingly, the personal life of educators was always under the watchful eye of the Bolshevik regime. The appearance of the teachers was clearly defined, the free time was clearly defined, during which the teachers had to engage in self-education or spread communist ideas among the population in such forms as "Leninist Saturdays", the collective collection of waste paper, the institute of «shefstva».
The article clarifies how the order of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR "On the state of ideological and political education of students of the schools of the Ukrainian SSR" influenced the educational work in educational institutions, which was carried out in combination and contained ideological content. Since then, propaganda education has been carried out jointly by various state structures, namely: party, trade union, Komsomol and pioneer.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the influence of the Bolshevik totalitarian regime on the peculiarities of the life and activities of teachers in Ukraine in the 50s and 60s of the XX century.
Key words: teachers, socialist experiment, everyday life, system of political education, living conditions, ideological and political education, educational and educational process, intelligentsia, ideological reform, teacher's days, self-education, working conditions, Saturday school, teacher's homes.
educational school teachers
Вітенко Захар Романович кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри права, Вінницький кооперативний інститут,
Петренко Володимир Іванович кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри права, Вінницький кооперативний інститут,
Дослідження радянської повсякденності є одним із актуальних напрямів дослідження вчених. Адже в 50-60-х роках ХХ ст. відбуваються значні культурні та соціально-політичні зміни, які суттєво вплинули на освітній процес в Україні. Після смерті Сталіна та розвінчання «культу особи» почався період реформ, відбулися численні зміни в культурній сфері. Особливий вплив вони мали на роботу загальноосвітньої школи. Особливо вплинув на повсякденне життя вчителів Закон «Про зміцнення зв'язку школи з життям і дальший розвиток системи народної освіти в СРСР». Багато нових завдань було покладено на освітню сферу, адже освіта є важливою складовою як економічного, так і соціально-політичного розвитку країни.
Система освіти була однією з найважливіших сфер для радянського керівництва, адже завдяки їй можна було сформувати нову особистість у дусі комуністичних ідей. Відповідно, особистість працівника культури для здобувачів освіти мала бути взірцем ідеологічного існування радянських догм. Відповідно, особисте життя просвітян завжди було під пильним оком більшовицького режиму. Був чітко визначений зовнішній вигляд вчителів, чітко визначено вільний час, протягом якого вчителі мали займатися самоосвітою або поширювати серед населення комуністичні ідеї у таких формах, як «ленінські суботники», колективний збір макулатури, тощо. інститут «шефства».
У статті з'ясовується, як наказ Міністерства освіти УРСР «Про стан ідейно-політичного виховання учнів шкіл УРСР» вплинув на виховну роботу в навчальних закладах, яка проводилася комплексно і містила ідейний зміст. Відтоді агітаційно-пропагандистське виховання спільно проводили різні державні структури, а саме: партійні, профспілкові, комсомольські та піонерські.
Мета статті - розкрити вплив більшовицького тоталітарного режиму на особливості життя та діяльності вчителів України 50-60-х років ХХ ст.
Ключові слова: вчителі, соціалістичний експеримент, побут, система політичної освіти, побутові умови, ідейно-політичне виховання, навчально-виховний процес, інтелігенція, ідеологічна реформа, учительські дні, самоосвіта, умови праці, суботня школа, учительські будинки.
Formulation of the problem
The system of political education that functioned in the USSR is evidence of how important the leaders of the state considered constant ideological work with the population. The purpose of the functioning of such a system was the formation in society of a certain worldview and ideological indoctrination for the maintenance and selfreproduction of a state-political system based on totalitarian approaches, the absence of competitive principles, free elections, and the subordination of individual interests to the interests of the state.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the influence of the Bolshevik totalitarian regime on the peculiarities of the life and activities of teachers in Ukraine in the 50s and 60s of the XX century.
Presenting main material
In the middle of 1958, the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR issued the order "On the state of ideological and political education of students of the schools of the Ukrainian SSR" No. 62 dated May 20, 1958, which proves the significant influence of party decisions on educational work in schools, which tried to conduct comprehensively, therefore education was saturated with the ideological content that imbued everything: both the teaching of the basics of science and the organization of the learning process. Ideological political education was carried out by the combined efforts of party, trade union, Komsomol and pioneer organizations together with the parent's asset [1, c. 18-27 ].
So, for example, the high school program included: mandatory study of social disciplines from ideologically correct positions in the general curriculum according to a single approved program, as well as active promotion of communist ideology through the activities of pioneer and Komsomol organizations. It was the activity of these organizations that was the main element of civic education at that time, laying the foundations for the formation of a certain type of political culture of citizens.
The role of out-of-school elements of socialization and education was great, so for students it was mandatory to participate in the so-called Lenin's communist Saturdays and some other actions, such as, for example, collective collection of waste paper or scrap metal. Elements of military- patriotic education were actively introduced in middle and high schools, in particular through participation in military-patriotic games. Elements of patriotic education were also implemented through the institute of "chiefdom" since practically every class of high school had to have its "chiefdoms" from among industrial enterprises, collective farms and state farms, military units.
The curriculum of each school provided for mandatory political information for students, this process was managed by teachers, which can also be attributed to the elements of political education of the population at the level of student youth. The preparation of students for political information included familiarizing students with the events of domestic and foreign political life, through the materials of the Soviet mass media [2, c. 103-106].
The period of the second half of the 1950s and 1960s. was characterized by increasing ideological pressure on the intelligentsia. Teachers found themselves under the careful control of the Soviet leadership, because the upbringing of the young generation in the spirit of communist ideals and the formation of public opinion depended to a large extent on the ideological direction and public activity. Departments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine were formed at schools, which were subordinated to regional, city, and district party departments. Party control was carried out over the educational and educational process in schools, communist education of teachers, increasing their level of loyalty to the party, increasing party organizations at schools [3,].
The social status of teachers of secondary schools of the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 50s - the first half of the 60s of the 20th century. mainly depended on the policy of the state authorities. In 1958, the Verkhovna Rada of the USSR adopted the law "On strengthening the connection between school and life and on the further development of the public education system in the USSR" and in the following year the corresponding law in the Ukrainian SSR, according to which secondary education was to be based not only on a close connection the connection of education with production, but also on students' assimilation of the principles of communist ideology. The responsible role for the communist education of students belonged to the teachers, who, with the support of the Komsomol and pioneer organizations, had to ensure the education of the young generation in the spirit of communist consciousness and morality. The political and ideological system in society paid considerable attention to teachers who had to live and work under constant ideological pressure.
It all started with the training of young specialists in pedagogical higher educational institutions. Analysis of curricula indicates attempts to prepare specialists with a rather insignificant level of general culture, moreover, detached from national roots. The study of language and literature, history and cultural heritage of Ukraine was removed from the curricula.
To successfully solve the issue of restructuring the public education system at the end of the 50 s of the 20th century. the ideological armament of the teaching staff was of great importance. Under such circumstances, the party leadership at the district, city, and regional levels organized temporary and permanent institutions of political education. Educators improved their professional qualifications mainly in the universities of Marxism-Leninism, which were the main form of the higher echelon of the system of enlightenment of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In addition to them, lectures and seminars on political topics were held in schools with little frequency, and groups worked in teachers' homes and village clubs to provide educators with political education [4,].
Through seminars and lectures, the history and decisions of the congresses of the Communist Party, its program, were explained in detail to the teachers. In addition, teachers were taught philosophy, political economy, and the basics of communist education. Raising the ideological and political level of teachers was carried out through theoretical seminars, conferences, conversations and political information, which numbered more than a thousand. Work with teachers was carried out in all regions of the Ukrainian SSR. On average, each school had from two to five political circles, seminars or lectures.
З особистих причин та регіональних особливостей не всі вчителі забезпечувались політичною освітою через семінари, лекції та гуртки. З цих причин значного поширення набуває політична самоосвіта вчителів. По республіці понад 50% учителів самостійно вивчали ідеологію партії та підвищували свій ідейно-політичний рівень. Займатися самоосвітою вчителям доводилося у вільний від роботи час. Педагоги були змушені знаходити час для вивчення праць К. Маркса, Ф. Енгельса, В. Леніна, програми КПРС, матеріалів з'їздів 114 КПРС та КПУ, рішень партії та уряду та конспектування їх основних положень [3, с. 172].
Self-education of teachers was constantly monitored. The school administration, party and trade union organizations to check the political knowledge of the teachers regularly arranged for them conversations, evenings of political information, checked notes and reported to the district committees of the Communist Party. Self-education and ideologization of teachers through lectures and seminars was a forced phenomenon and did not arouse much enthusiasm among the majority of teachers. For these reasons, teachers tried to avoid tests, visiting groups and lectures. Such teachers were immediately monitored.
Party regional committees organized lectures for all teachers, including those engaged in self-education, at which they explained unclear provisions and debatable issues.
Atheist propaganda also played an important role in the mass-political work of teachers. During the studied period, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine adopted a series of resolutions "On the shortcomings of scientific-atheistic propaganda and measures to improve it", "On the state and measures to improve the scientific-atheistic education of workers in the Ukrainian SSR", which obliged local party and Soviet bodies to strengthen the fight against religious feelings in society [4, c. 140]. As a result, employees of state institutions, including teachers, joined the antireligious propaganda among the population. Anti-religious propaganda, as well as political, was provided by systematic lectures of atheistic content. For this, special lectures and schools of atheists were created, where, in addition to employees of enterprises and organizations, religious people were also invited. Thus, in 1960, more than 13,000 such lecture halls worked in the Ukrainian SSR.
Especially in rural areas, individual work with believers was widespread. Since the rural area had a fairly significant number of them, an agitator was assigned to each religious resident. Teachers individually and avoiding radical methods tried to explain natural and social phenomena from a scientific point of view and convinced villagers not to attend religious rites and sacraments, proved that information from the Bible is contradictory. Such work among the population was quite widespread and was considered the most effective by the party leadership [6, c. 82].
The activities of the teacher's houses were supposed to contribute to raising the ideological and political level of teachers. They organized series of lectures, thematic evenings, evenings of exchange of experiences, systematically opened exhibitions dedicated to the party and its decisions.
Another method of ideological and political influence on educators was the systematic holding of teacher's days. Depending on the activity of trade union committees, teacher's days were held from 3 to 9 times a year. They not only discussed the methodological aspects of the professional activity of teachers, but also gave lectures on political topics and arranged amateur artistic concerts.
The party leadership attached special importance to the lecture work among the peasants. Special lectures were created at village councils and clubs, in which teachers organized lectures, question-and-answer evenings, and held discussions on political, scientific, technical, and historical topics according to the schedule.
In addition to conducting lectures in rural lecture halls, teachers were also tasked with organizing performances directly at the workplaces of collective farm workers. Each teacher was assigned a team of a certain brigade or farm, for which, according to the plan, the teacher had to read a report on average once or twice a week while working in the field. According to the respondents, after each lecture, the teacher made a report indicating the duration of the lecture and the number of listeners, and submitted it to the district committee of the party [7, c. 115].
In contrast to lecture work, the campaigning activity of educators consisted in explaining to the population the main decisions of the plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR, events of international and domestic politics, etc. Of all the types of mass political work carried out by teachers among the population, it was the campaigning activity that involved the most teachers.
Community work was an obligatory element of the everyday life of teachers in the USSR. This work was assigned by state and party bodies, city and village administrations. Teachers worked as agitators and members of commissions during the elections. Campaign work was carried out thanks to conversations with voters on the topics of "Regulations on Elections", the provisions of the USSR Constitution and the reports of senior party officials. Teachers often helped other agitators in their work by advising them [5, c. 115].
The system of political education of teachers in the Ukrainian SSR as of the beginning of the 60s of the XX century. had regional features. In the central, eastern and southern regions, more than 80% of teachers participated in Marxist-Leninist universities, party schools, circles and seminars. In the western regions, this indicator was lower and amounted to 50% on average. This situation is explained by the historical features of this region, 115 since its inclusion in the Ukrainian SSR began only after the end of the Second World War. In a rather short period, the communist ideology did not have time to gain a foothold among the population, especially since the population did not submit to forced communistization. Special opposition to the policy of the Soviet leadership came from the Western intelligentsia, which included teachers. Local teachers resisted not only forced political education, but also the polytechnicization of the educational process.
The fact that up to 90% of teachers in most regions participated in political education circles and seminars does not explain their significant interest in political education. Since the attendance of lectures, seminars, and groups was fixed, and teachers could get in trouble for persistent nonattendance, teachers' attendance at these events was formal. Thus, educators attended these events only at the request of the party leadership [10].
Cycles of lectures, thematic evenings, evenings of sharing experiences were systematically held in the teacher's homes, which became widely distributed during this period. In addition, exhibitions of party congresses and their decisions were constantly held at teachers' homes to raise their ideological and political level. For example, in the Kharkiv teacher's house in the mid-50s of the 20th century. more than 150 lectures on socio-political and party topics were delivered. Evenings of meetings with well-known social and political figures and mandatory viewing of documentaries and popular science films were organized for the political orientation of teachers. Among the films popular at the time, a significant place was occupied by "Countries of People's Democracy on the Road to Socialism", "300-year Unification of Ukraine with Russia" and "On the Homeland".
On the part of trade union organizations of the regions, work was systematically carried out on the organization of recreation for teachers: holding Teacher's Days, lectures, reports, evening meetings, cult trips to cinemas. It became especially large-scale during the summer and winter vacations, when many teachers went on assignments to rest homes, sanatoriums, and on tourist trips. Taking into account the natural circumstances and the decisions of the regional leadership, teachers' rest had regional characteristics. Teachers were given tickets to student sports and health camps of Lviv higher educational institutions, to Crimea, Odesa, Transcarpathia, Truskavets.
So, summarizing all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that the Bolshevik totalitarian regime assigned a special role to the education system, to the point where it was possible to carry out ideological work among the population with the help of teachers. It was the teachers who acted as a connecting link between the country's leadership and ordinary citizens. And it was they who were entrusted with the task not only of conveying the main state decisions to the general public, but also of imposing the dogmas of communist ideology on society.
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статья [8,2 K], добавлен 14.10.2009The history of Russian-American relations and treaties. Rise of the British Colonies against the economic oppression of the British as the start of diplomatic relations between Russia and the USA. The collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War.
контрольная работа [14,1 K], добавлен 07.05.2011The world political and economic situation on the beginning of the twentieth century. The formation of the alliances between the European states as one of the most important causes of World War One. Nationalism and it's place in the world conflict.
статья [12,6 K], добавлен 13.03.2014European heritage and civil government and the foundation of colonial America. Revolution, confederation and the federal Constitution, The foundation of Hamilton’s vision on the treasury. Utility and the prime end of all law. Ancient and modern virtues.
книга [905,1 K], добавлен 26.06.2008John Kennedy as the President of USA. His parents: Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald and Joseph Patrick Kennedy. Education in Harvard university in 1936-1940 years. His serving in the US Navy. Electing Kennedy the President of USA in November 1960 year.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 28.07.2012A. Nikitin as the russian traveler, writer. Peculiarities of the russian traveler trips. An abundance of factual material Nikitin as a valuable source of information about India at that time. Characteristics of records "Journey beyond three seas".
презентация [671,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2013Russia Empire in the XX century entered into a complex economic and political environment. Consequences of defeat of autocracy in war with Japan. Reasons of growing revolutionary motion in Grodno. Events of revolution of a 1905 year in Byelorussia.
реферат [9,4 K], добавлен 14.10.2009Bourgeoisie and proletariat as two massive flows in France, which prepare and made revolution. French Revolution as an impact on the appearing the entire political events in the European countries. Democratic actions in Switzerland after revolution.
доклад [10,7 K], добавлен 14.04.2010The attitude to veterans. Education of moral and Patriotic feelings in children of preschool age. Let's keep the memory, for veterans, for the future generation. Attitude of my generation to the veterans and the fact that they have done for us.
презентация [9,8 M], добавлен 19.09.2013Biography of Barack Hussein Obama II action (20 January 2009) 44th President of the United States of America, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. Childhood, education, early career of the president. The election campaign and acting as president-elect.
презентация [968,0 K], добавлен 13.11.2014